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This penguin lost his waifu , say nice things to him

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Thread replies: 509
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This penguin lost his waifu , say nice things to him
Did they remove her or something?
That's fucking sad
He wasn't eating because he kept giving his food to his waifu
Is this just a publicity stunt by the zoo? Just shoot a couple of pics when we just so happens to be by the cut-out and claim that he's in love with it and always around it?
I thought animals were attracted to pheromones and shit, not physical attraction.
They put the old penguins over that side of the fence at night. They do this to stop them falling into the pool. This photo was taken days ago and he has since been right back next to her. They even did a live broadcast on Niconico where they laid out a floor mat for him to lay on by her.

This is false.
I was mistaken he was just straight up not eating
No they always move the old penguins back there at end of the day. Otherwise they might fall in the water and drown at night.
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I have read that what you see the penguin doing in this photo is typical penguin courtship behaviour its called an ecstatic display and unpaired males often do it towards females they are interested in to say they are available.
That's also false. As confirmed by the zoo itself. If you have read that somewhere you are reading an incorrect report based on speculation by random Japanese people on twitter. False news.
It's an interesting case study on how 2D destroys society.
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It's just like those beetles trying to mate with beer bottles because they got the right color and texture.

I guess Hululu chan's design is accurate enough.

requesting ntr shoop
Penguin Otaku
Grape-kun is one of us.
He learned that truth lies in moe.
He is quite clearly obsessed with the 2D cut out and probably even trying to court it but he isn't literally starving himself to death over it.

Grape's ultimate fate.
I want more studies into animals preference between cute 2d and 3dpd. Can 2d overcome the barrier of instincts?
Why the fuck are people calling an old man -kun?
>20 years old
>old man
60 something in human years

he is quite old my man
And he is still looking for a partner?
No wonder he chose the 2D waifu
He's tiny.
-kun isn't strictly for young boys although thats the most common usage. I think its just because penguins are cute and diminutive.

For you
grape-kun is old actually , but that doents matter , many people of 20 or more years watch anime too , nothing to feel shame

>many people of 20 or more years watch anime too
What did he mean by this
Dunno, the bulk of the Kemono Friends fanbase is over 20. In Japan the most common age range is 30s.
Penguin behavior is weird.
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Punished "Venom" Grape

A penguin robbed of his soul mate.
I want to steal his waifu, she's too cute for him
wait, the lonely penguin is a girl?
No. It's an old man in penguin years.
so its like me...forever alone, then i found a waifu.
No justice
No peace
>then i found a waifu.
Who is it? This is important
Why doesn't he just hang out with a real penguin? Won't his parents be disappointed?
fuck off shes mine faggot, im not going to let some anon rub one out to her with me knowing.
Prosecute the Police!
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I doubt she's worth rubbing one out to Anon.

>8 blows a second

trying to lul me into posting her pics eh? it aint gonna work on me
Fucked up
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Not really, I already have one, and I only rub one out to her.
What the fuck kind of quote is that?
I just have to rub one for every anime girl then, I'll get your waifu eventually
>the penguin wasn't giving his food to his waifu and getting starved because of that
What a fucking normalpenguin pleb
its someone you lest expect anon, god be with you.
Retard spotted.
He's actually trying to drown himself because he realized how shit 3D is

That penguin deserves a medal
One lonely old guy who wasn't going to breed anymore hangs out with 2D imaginary love interests?
Oh, the lamentations, how society is irreparably injured.
Can't you give me at least a hint? Otherwise I will prob die from dehydration
kill yourself pedophile
>I t ' s l i k e t h i s
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We already have a Kemono Boss.
>A m I d o i n g i t r i g h t ?
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If only /can/ was still alive.
Is she the "teasing" girl? Why would you have her as a waifu, awful taste 0/10
>do mating dance
>cut out doesn't respond because it's a cut out
>Grape-kun commits sudoku
Press f to pay respects
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Have you fulfilled your nightly role as being a moron?
Good, now time for bed, you have gradeschool in the morning.
Everything going around on the internet about the penguin being in love is from the visitors.
The official stance of the zoo is that the penguin seems to in fact be interested in the cutout, which they said on the start of the third day of the collab where they saw the same penguin(purple band) staring at the cutout again at the start of the day.
This is at least the 10th idiot I've met on /a/ today.
How /a/ has fallen.
sure, shes a qt3.14
Truly one of us.
i wonder how much stress the zoo keepers/owners are with this false rumour floating around
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He's still with his waifu today.

They took away the mat though.
the starving himself bit came from when he missed feeding time literally once

3d females really are disgusting, even penguin ones.

>trusting 3DPD

Even a goddamn penguin knows that 2D is superior.
I read that the penguin thought the waifu was a human and was waiting for to be fed by it
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I heard that Grape kun is old and has a disease? What was it called again?
That's the prevailing theory, but like with all animals, we don't really know what's going on in his head unless he either starts attacking or trying to fuck the cutout.
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It's a fever you and I even have it's called "Love"
any pics with the mat?
Has Grape-kun had a mate before?

Is he just waiting for Hululu to respond like a regular female penguin?

What will happen if the zookeepers give them a round, egg-shaped rock?
please don't torture grape-kun, he is already suffering for not making Hululu watch him back
on one hand, that sounds really cruel
on the other hand I want to see if he'll try to incubate it if they get a convincing rock
They should give him an egg to hatch, like they do with gay penguins.
Tobuzoo livestream
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>It's raining
>Zoo is low on traffic
>"Hey zookeep intern, take this camera and livestream as you walk around"
>"This is the most attention and money we've made in years"
>"Just do it"
Oh no he's streaming from an iPhone
>"Here we have Mai-chan the hippo"
>"All right, Mai-chan..."
>"The wind is strong"
>"She's about 3 tonnes right now"
Oh no he's making his way to the penguin exhibit
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There's a Hippo cutout too, but that one is as unpopular with the real Hippos as the character is with the fans
A fucking domesticated dog
Oh no Emu cage time

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>The alpaca has been replaced by two parrots

worst bait and switch ever
>he's in the corner and isn't moving
Did she reject him?
depression is a hell of a thing anon..
Maybe he finally got tired of the cutout.

Then again it's raining, maybe it's his only chance to stand and cry without anyone noticing
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preaching to the choir anon
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h-he's no cry anon, he just got a little dirt in his eyes so he using the rain to help him get it out.
holy shit this is hilariously autistic

thats why i like it so much
That's the risk you took embarking on this journey, anon. Be a man and face your fate head-on.
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Now you ruined it for me, and you're probably right.
>Now you ruined it for me, and you're probably right.
It makes no sense that Grape-kun was the only penguin to think this though. So more likely he sees something none of the others did.
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I imagine it like this, just with pengis instead of monkeys.
Hururu pleases old penguins for fish confirmed
Even penguins like sluts and it's still sociably accepted.

Give up on your pure waifus and christmas cakes
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#freegrape #freegucci #freelexplorer #penguinlivesmatter #justiceforgrape #hashtag
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Grape ojii-san has been doing it for 1week now. Even the other pengins laugh at him
gucci been free for a minute now, shitposter salamander
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It seems like he stopped seeing his waifu when he learned she wasn't going to give him food.
I guess 3DPD transcends humanity.
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I like this one for the latex bodysuit
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Grape is the Madarame of Pengi Prison
Why would he fall in love with the most retarded penugin?
poor bird
Grape-kun won't fall for this, he will love 2D forever and escape that fate.
Does anyone know the tag on pixiv for this?
I'll give you a start:
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Thanks, found it.
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>Not even penguins are safe from the power of chad
This is extremely eye opening and is really making my brain matter work.
>women are shitty in every species
really makes you think...
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This is true love and nobody will tell them anything different.
What a true gentleman though, giving his own food to his waifu in place of his own.
I bet it gives them more renown so it's good
Grape-kun won't let inferior penguins get between him and his waifu.
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Haha what a LOSER. Probably couldn't handle REAL PENGUIN WOMYN.
Just wait for that bitch cunt to sue him and ask for child maintenance.
Damn penguins jealous of Grape-kun because he's got a better waifu than them.
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/h/ doujins when?
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Mother nature truly is a fickle and forgetful bitch.
It's the only one he has access to.
Inferior 2D is still better than 3D
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Why do penguins have such hard lives?
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Looks like I have to watch Kemono Friends now.
Make sure to complain about the animation and CG to the threads after the first 5 minutes and to keep on asking "why is this so popular" after every episode.
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>not watching it two months ago

What the hell were you watching to miss a show blowing up
never forget
This. They need to breed Grape-kun because he's clearly the only penguin that's got good taste.
Why does he want to go to the mountains? Webm cuts off there without telling us.
>implying that Grape-kun would ever touch a disgusting 3D female penguin
The penguin's sense of direction broke, so he thinks the way back to the ocean is in the opposite direction.

They're not smart enough to understand that all that awaits them there is death.

You shouldn't have to ask why if you're here.
He's tired of everyday penguin life and wants to end it all.
Joke's on him. The "loser" already passed down his genes.
He hears the call of the old gods, slumbering deep within Antarctica's ice...
Insanity, also they occasionally commit sudoku.
Some animals just can't take the real world.

You think NEETs are new? No, we're just the monks of our time.

This Penguin has no bible, no anime; he only has the mountains, and only they can offer him refuge from his reality.
This! Grape-kun will live for his waifu and die for his waifu while keeping his body for her only.
the Gods are calling him to Paradise
Lovecraftian Friends?
3D is always PD.
There was a swan in Germany who fell in love with a swanlooking pedalboat.
spoiler: Kaban-chan is a human
I hope they don't take that thing down any time soon. He'll be crushed.

But if they leave it up, he'll probably die by it eventually.

RIP, Grape Oji-San
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Social status.
It's CG. Kyoanifags wouldn't like it anyway.
Never heard it in any context for an old man. Not even for the old village idiot and drunkard.
>It actually has a story; Kyoanifags wouldn't like it anyway
How can an abomination of a species like penguins even exist? They're like a sack of shit that can walk around and has a beak.
>shit on penguins
I bet you think panda are useful.
He's a little Penguin.

Presumably they called him Grape-Kun when he arrived/hatched and kept doing it, because he's still cute.
Counts for nothing if the home wrecker is in a position to and decides to kill his kids to get them out of his own kids' way. I don't know about penguins, but nature's often cold like that.
Penguins are the biggest goddamn meme on this planet. They're just walking globs of fat and meat that reproduce quickly and serve as a food source for many animals.
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「グレープ君」isn't a name /a/ just made up. Penguins can be penguin-kun because of their lower social status, dumbass-kun.
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Yeah, they taste like rotten, oily fish. But still much better than cats.
You just answered your own question.
So, successful animal = meme, fascinating.
How are you still alive? You're even more useless than penguins.
God loves memes, obviously.

Haven't you read the Selfish Gene?
Hey, as least unlike you they do reproduce
Organisms seek to reproduce.
Memes spread quickly.
Ergo, animals want to be memetic.
Humans are the biggest memes on the planet.
We are memes that make memes, the same way Kemono Friends has memes that make memes.
Ergo, we are so successful as a memetic animal that our memetic creations have their own memetic creations.
Unlike penguins I can set my own value. I am what I think I am.

No thats pandas. Too stupid to fuck, fake pregnancys and are generally just an enormous drain despite the tourism they bring in.

Pandas are big fat hairy leeches.
Your own value means nothing to NatSel, the one true God.
So say if I think I am a cute anime girl, I can cut my dick off?
>I am what I think I am.
Okay, pros and cons of anon and a penguin, we can mark "potential for self delusion" as an anon con. What else?
You're just Trans-Dimensioned and Transsexual.

Just take the little pills your doctor gives you, and whine on Tumblr.
They get cucked and fall for 2D so I don't see how they have anything above humans in that regard.
"Penguins are cute" can be put in pros for penguins. On the other hand, "tries to convince strangers on a chinese cartoon forum that he is woth more than an animal" can be put in the anon con section.
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>that filename
You bamboozled me right, anon
Oh, that was just the first file in another folder that I accidentally clicked on when I was mashing past it.
This does sounds like some NTR plot.
>sounds like some NTR plot
That's because it literally is.
A 20 years old little penguin, that's basically more than 60 years old in human terms.
"he flips out"

I just remembered a vid about a new alpha monkey went and killed the children of the previous alpha so he can mate with their mothers.
Yeah, and he comes up to a Nip's Shins.

He's a cute little birdo, no one's going to care if they call him -kun
>They're like a sack of shit that can walk around and has a beak.
That's like, 2/3 you anon.
The old penguin has poor eyesight and recognizes a human silhouette. It's been kept in captivity all its life and recognizes a human silhouette means food handouts. It's waiting for the cutout to feed it, unable to understand that it isn't a real zoo person with a bucket of fish for him.
>Implying I can awkwardly waddle

"in humans terms" is just a meme measure. That penguin is still 20yo.
>3d females of any species
They live to 20 in the wild
25-30 at average in captivity
"in human terms" means, relative to its total lifespan in a way humans can understand. The bird is very old. It's approaching the end of its lifespan. It's lived to the point where the performance of its body has already been steadily degrading for many years. It likely has little eyesight or hearing left and in the wild would also likely lack the ability to catch enough prey to keep itself fed at this point

Senescence is not a meme, anon, it's just easier to understand relative ages when put in human terms.
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Because it was there
Godspeed little penguin
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He heard about what antics go on in the next colony over and wanted to see for himself.
Can someone else comfirm that I really just watched a walrus raping a penguin?
>Sea Lion just raping the shit out of that penguin
>All his pals are too much of a bunch of pussies to do anything about it

Fucking pathetic. Those penguins should be ashamed for being so weak and cowardly.
It's a Sea Lion (Walruses have tusks and tons more whiskers around their snouts).

But yes, it is indeed using that penguin as a living fleshlight. Fucking fucked up honestly.
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If I can understand dragons ages, I'm sure as fuck I can understand penguin ages, this "in human terms" bullshit is just lazy thinking for lazy people that can't bother to learn about other species
So in human terms a 600 year old dragon is like 60 years old right?
>this "in human terms" bullshit is just lazy thinking for lazy people that can't bother to learn about other species
Exactly, so it's perfect for most discussions.
>lazy thinking for lazy people that can't bother to learn about other species
>posts dragons
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>he doesn't believe in dragons
But is there actual penetration or is it just humping it?
>those bite wounds
Penguins can be pretty aggressive when it comes to fighting NTR
tags: bald fat old man; NTR; drugs; submission; rape; public sex
He found himself in possession of the One Ring and began his great journey to dispose of it
Hang in there Grape-kun.
This penguin has traveled 80km towards the mountains. God speed little fella.
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That penguin has good taste in waifu material.
That pose is magical
a penguin's life is suffering
He's afraid?
Hululu bestiality doujins when
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Can someone post a version which is not cropped?
Yandex worked for me.
>Penguins are the biggest goddamn meme on this planet

Pigeons would like a word with you.
Dodos are objectively the memeist birds.
>They're just walking globs of fat and meat that reproduce quickly and serve as a fuel for boats

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Penguins really hurts my feel. First was that Penguin who just went straight to the mountains and now this...

are penguins /ourguys/?
>japanese pronounce penguin as pengin
>americans prnounce penguin as penquen
Holy fuck way to out yourself of all people
Pandas aren't too stupid to fuck, they're just not normies fucking people they don't even love
I know people with lisps that pronounce it pengin

>British pronounce it pengwing
Well, that was unexpected
Prepare to sawn-off'd, buddy
This is cute af.
Hope Grape-kun is happy.
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2017; The Year We Make Friends.png
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1000 hours in ms paint
i feel bad for grape kun though. I mean they will take Hululu away once the promotion ends.
Finally. I thought I was the only one that thought this way
>not recognizing the artist
Without this "meme measure" we wouldn't be able to tell how old the penguin is.
you mean to tell me you haven't fapped to this girls giant eyebrows before?
>shes got no time for LOSERS

You a special kind of retard, aren't you
Thread theme

Considering the massive publicity plus the fact that it's just laminated cardboard, I could see them leaving it.
Man, I loved that show. Comfy as fuck.
I don't get it, why does that Penguin like Hululu so much? He should like other Penguins. This is wrong.
>t. disgusting 3d female penguin
Go back to /cgl/, filthy fujo.
Nice /a/ you got here.
Tough luck bud, it is protected /a/ heritage
This is true.

This is false.
How did the other animals react to the cutouts? Are there any news yet?
The hippo sharted all over it. Like a true american hero.
tapir keeps trying to eat its cutout
everything else was chill
Grape-kun really is lazy
Poor zookeeper. This is most of /a/ screaming to their mom asking for more hotpocket while they continue fapping to their waifu.
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It really just doesn't give a shit anymore. Run to the mountains, you magnificent bastard, they're calling for you.
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>grape-kun will die in you lifetime
So will Wakamoto and Jackie Chan.

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Truly a symbol of /a/.
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3DPD not even once
He can hear the call of the elder things and wants to get himself an albino qt waifu.
Exactly what they said, retard.
Quick rundown on this bird? Why's his name grape? Will his love ever reach his waifu?
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>tfw he becomes the cuck
Fuck man I wanted him to win
Look under his left wing.
When will they ever learn?
It was a lose/lose situation regardless of the outcome. Even if he did "win" the fight, his prize is an unloyal mate.
Purple wingband. Yes, 2D love is direct and pure. And yes, retards still call him -kun despite knowing that he's an elderly penguin who could die of old age any year now.
In the animal kingdom there's no such thing as a 'loyal' mate. That behaviour is a product of a complex social structure that even humans don't seem particularly good at.
Rocks mate for life, checkmate atheists.
It's possible that put some kind of scent onto the cardboard.
>Black vultures stay together as it is more beneficial for their young to be taken care of by both parents. They take turns incubating the eggs, and then supplying their fledglings with food. Black vultures will also attack other vultures that are participating in extra pair copulation, this is an attempt to increase monogamy and decrease promiscuous behavior.

"Loyalty" might be too big a word because they do it out of convenience, but there are monogamous animals out there.
But if humans evolved from rocks, why are there still rocks? checkmate athetists.
I've read that penguins tend to be loyal to one another and they breed with the same partner, even after a long time of separation they seek out each other. That one must have been a huge bitch.
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>You will never ever get together with your waifu
Dolphins rape everything they can so I wouldn't be surprised if other sea mammals do the same.
>not an old man
man fuck that hoe 2D is truly better
Shit. You got me. You win this time, godless atheist.
Aren't dolphins the only creatures beside humans who feel pleasure during sex?
>In the animal kingdom there's no such thing as a 'loyal' mate
I guess that's your mom right there.
I think they just actively seek out sex for pleasure, and not just for procreation, unlike many other animals. It's not that they're the only ones who feel pleasure.
Many species will tend towards monogamy for practical reasons, but a female will usually tend to favour whatever suitor expresses the best array of selected traits. Monogamous mating pairs remain stable simply due to the lack of the of a better suitor to compete. Unpaired males tend to favour unpaired females because there's less competition. Once again a practical thing. Trade-ups like that are uncommon simply because there's no good reason to fight off a paired male just to raise his kids for him, but it's not like the female is going to say no to a better-selected mate.

Disloyalty likes that helps keep physical strength as an explicitly selected trait. Strong birds not only live longer and eat more, but are also favoured for mating, and thus propagate those genes.
Considering there is a video of a sea lion raping a penguin and also a walrus masturbating in a zoo, I have to question whether that's even true. I also thought pigs were known to be promiscuous.
Dolphins also get high as fuck for fun. Truly advanced animals


>All the memes about American nature documentaries were true
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Not like this man. Not like this.
>tfw no anime about cute cockatiel-tans
It's alright, he's in a better place now. If we're lucky, we'll also go soon.

The full documentary even said the camera crew tried to save him, but the scientists told them he would refuse their help and just keep marching to his death. Even if they put him in the colony with the other penguins, he would just instantly take off for the mountains again.

There was not way to save him from his frozen fate.
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oh fuck
20 yo penguin is a elderly .
means he's a faceless fat dude in human form .
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He just protects her, he doesn't try to fuck her. Also Grape-kun isn't even overweight.

I miss those birbs.
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This is deep.
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He's going to waifu heaven.
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Its anime dude.
I have tears in my eyes.
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At least he'll die with a pleasant dream.
>But he will be in heaven with his waifu
Best ending
To me it would be interesting to force-feed him or something, so he can keep on marching and we see what his destination is.
Maybe he goes to the entrance to the hollow earth.
Its his choice. It will be painful, it will be hard, be he knows what's waiting for him on the other side. He just needs to do it.
The sad truth is that he doesn't realize what's waiting for him. His senses are failing him.
That suicide behaviour isn't due to sensory failure. When removed from the path, they actively seek it back out and find it again. They know where they're going.

It's actual suicide behaviour. The penguin is knowingly running off to die alone. Why is anyone's guess, but it's not as simple as nearsightedness or a confused sense of direction.
>A single penguin living in a fucking zoo
Give penguins a way to play galges and then call me back when their reproduction rates start going down massively.
What do you think he's seeing? I've read that penguins have a fairly good sight, but I wonder what can he see in that cutout that is much larger than him.
Plenty of people here with thicc and giantess fetishes
Birds can see more colours than we can, he can appreciate his waifu's looks more than you can possibly imagine.
>grape-kun is older than most people that browse /a/
hahahah stupid birb
Reminder that adelie penguins rape corpses, chicks and their females prostitute themselves.
Artificial insemination.
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He sees a cute ningenmimi.
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>nibbling on her ear
I guess she likes her ears nibbled.
Wouldn't the ink make it feel nauseous? Didn't they think of all this before placing those cardboard cutouts?
Maybe they did, and found out that ink won't make it nauseous.
what we see and what Grape-kun sees
you forgot vore
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That's Gen and a Gentoo Penguin, anon.
*blocks your path*
>Order: Pilosa
Order of pillow animals.
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*blocks your path*
It should be more like this as cute as a still relatively young, or at least stylishly dressed old man is.
A grandpa figure like Hassan here, but instead of having killing in common it's the idol aspect. Grape goes to all her concerts to cheer her on with her friends.
what about those chimps that use sex to solve all their disputes
>watching webm while this plays

It fit surprisingly well. What is at the mountains.
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To find that secret underground nazi base of course
are we respecting that they managed to solve a Sudoku?
Birds have pretty well developed frontal cortices, so they display some of the same intellectual behaviors as mammals.

Pengis live horrible little lives, but they keep living, because dying is a hassle
What if Grape-kun dies soon? How would you react?
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looks like serval is running low on energy

dont worry i gotchu
that's not laziness, that's suicidal behavior
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I would wish him happiness in the afterlife with his waifu
>Humboldt penguin populations were first devastated by the mining of guano deposits — in which the species prefers to nest — for fertilizer
>Be Hululu
>Build nest out of literal shit
Stop being dramatic.
nah, that's still too slow
it's pronounced exactly how it's spelled in english
It's not suicidal. He's just smart enough to know that food will come to him in the zoo.

>Put animatronics in cutout, to respond, and give him an egg to hatch

Good end
Why does he climb the mountain?
Because he's in love.
#freegrape #freestratos
Because he's a fucking pengin, not a store owner.
Here's a better question, why are you using nip honorifics when you're typing in English?

>inb4weeb defense force takes over

I fucking swear, this board has gone to shit. You weebs would feel right at home in just about any anime forum as it stands right now. The whole board would.
That one with the panda girl always turn my dick diamond.
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Dude, do you want Humboldts to remodel the fauna and increase the temperature by shitting all over the place like Emperor Penguin did to melt the ice a little?
>I came to this board to discuss how good the dub for Cowboy Bebop and Miyazaki films are
Kindly fuck off, then, newfag.
How does it feel knowing everyone has used your waifu's asshole?
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Don't forget this.
One day, Grape-Kun will die in front of her

And Hululu with come from heaven and carry him to the land of Friends where they will be together forever

It will be Tanoshi
>MAL tier posting is now the norm while proper English is on the other hand newfaggotry

As expected of neo-/a/.
>all of /a/'s woes and cancer come from people using japanese honorifics
Again, fuck off, newfag.
>I'm going to refute the argument by implying something completely different; my confidence alone will be enough to prove myself right

Literally kill yourself, neo-/a/ scum.
>she chooses the homewrecker
>the husband loses the mother of his children
>she's got no time for losers

This makes me so angry. I'm glad Grape-kun won'[t have to deal with garbage 3DPD bitches like that.
Also the artist forgot his purple band
You're not impressing anyone, here's your (you).
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Why are you so mad, anon-kun?
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He is literally piplup from pokemon. He waifus dawn like a goddess and wants to mate with her.
>ntr turned vanilla
They're called bonobos, and I'm pretty sure they do. Of course, my only citation is Shin Sekai Yori.
As disgusting as those scavengers might seem, I keep finding reasons to like them.
fucking whore
That's kinda hot.
They do. They're also a bunch of fags who don't use tools.

I hate Bonobo memeing
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Ducks are fucking evil man.
The cutouts are made of resilient polypropylene and meant to withstand UV light/cold/rain/snow/temperature swings for months outdoors.
The most damage an animal can do to it beyond flat-out breaking one in half (probably only the biggest animals can do this) is roughing up the edges.
because of this thread i spend my day watching videos about penguins and discover that they do prostitution for rocks, wanna mate with robots, wanna go to the mountains and have their own waifus. Thanks...i guess
They're not that different from us.
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camera man should have jumped in together they could have taken him
We're not so different after all.
Love this video, was happy to see it get relisted. No idea why it got taken down in the first place.

Can that one penguin hear the call of Cthulhu?
Same I put it on hold because exams but I gotta watch it now to make sure Grape-kun fell in love with a good girl
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Does Grape-kun have penguin dreams of Hululu? Does he imagine them swimming together, catching fish and cuddling together for warmth? Making cute penguin noises? Is this penguin going to make me fucking cry?
Very few animals have any brain activity during sleep that would resemble what we describe as dreams. Dogs do, but not any bird I've ever heard of.
Ostriches experience REM sleep, at least. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0EnDTs-1M14
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Dreams are a product of longer term memory. You find with some more evolved birds (parrots, corvids) and mammal species (cats, dogs, Elephants) that they need to dream to defragment memories to ensure proper function of memory.

Stopping the dreaming process can cause damage to the long term cognitive functions.

Animals without long term memories do not dream.

Sleep is fascinating.
Birds dream too.
Even lab rats dream.
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I feel like there needs to be a scientific study on grape-kun's behavior. There has to be a logical reason behind this backed by proven science, it's a really intriguing subject, I need to know grape-kun's motives
What's long term memory, because memory dates back to the earliest bilaterians
Using the scientific method I've concluded that Grape-kun is aware that 3D is PD and has chosen the superior 2D.
>Animals without long term memories do not dream.
>Animals don't have any place to escape, reality is their nightmare
Lucky bastard. When's my turn?
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There is one that visits the guy that saved here in Brazil.

Every year the little fucker comes to play with the old man.

Truly the pratrician of animals.

The old man is cuter than the penguin.
I bet he is actually in love with the penguin in Hululu's hair and not with the whole Hululu.
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>I'd go with you if I knew how

Fuck, man.
Yeah, a pretty simple guy with a kind heart.

Yeah... the guy is kind old and he may not have any relatives left, really fucks the feels.
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>he's going to die sometime, possibly soon
>din din will never be able to know or understand why he never saw his friend again
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If there's one thing that penguins understand, it's death.

"Where is that nice man that would rub me and feed me fish?"

>tfw the little guy travels 8000 km every year just to see the grampa
It goes all the way from Chile to Brazil?
I don't know for sure, I heard that the distance in total is 8000 km.
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Japari Live

You're a sick bastard
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Because someone said he could.
Beautiful, just beautiful.

Go to your dreams little fucker!
their body is made for the water
>animal that spends most of it's life in the water is clumsy on land
True, you greasefully roll around in your movility scooter.
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Nah, more like a 6 year old.

Pic kinda related
What happened between panel 3 and panel 4?
That looks more like an elf than a dragon.
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Oboete... nai?
She's 15 you rtard
but, it is a dragon, she is just in her humanoid-form
google Fire Emblem Awakening if you don't trust me
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>swim all that distance while avoiding dangers like seals, sharks, etcs
Is Hunboruto Penguin best peng?
>He should like other Penguins. This is wrong.
Please leave /a/.

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Grape-kun will be okay, when he dies he'll be with his waifu forever.
dumb bird be dumb
Wouldn't it be cosmic if after the promo, he loses the will to live and as he draws his final moments, they bring in a girl dressed up as his penguin waifu to hold him as he dies.
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That would be very good for him, dying while imagining his waifu holding him.
Those actual penguin heights?
>even animals are becoming waifufags
This is fucked up
>>even animals are becoming waifufags
>This is fucked up
In real life, only something like 10% of any animal population actually manage to have children.

What happens to the 90%? They die alone.

Animals need waifus more badly than humans do.
Because he can. Tou should learn a thing or two from it.
Fucking cosplayfags will never be as perfect as his waifu.
Grape-kun will be able to tell the difference anyway with a fake and his waifu.
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>work in a zoo
>right now is duck mating season
>constantly hearing the sounds of rape
Speaking of duck, it's like their penis have a brain of their own too, weird fucking creature man
So do the vaginas, they've got many pathways within their hole to combat the whirly penis
I never understood the reasoning as to why a species would evolve to make it more difficult to procreate.
All the ones that were easy to procreate with probably got raped to death.
This is the greatest love story ever told.
Dumb bird
>I thought animals were attracted to pheromones and shit, not physical attraction.
Different animals are attracted to different things. Penguins, like most birds, are relatively bad at smell and taste but have very good eyesight, so it makes sense for them to care more for physical appearance than scent.
Surprised no other penguins have good taste then if they just got good eyesight.
is there a ketai version of this scenario?
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Jesus fuck man. Never knew penguins could be so brutal
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But why can't he just fly there?
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Penguins don't fly anon.
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>see pic related
They fly through water.
>this level of mental gymnastics
I'll buy him a gun, teach those zoo keepers the meaning of pure love
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Dying penguins.webm
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Penguins used to fly. But this looks painful and dumb.
If they could fly anon do you really think they would still be inside the zoo and Grape-kun wouldn't of flew off with his waifu?
This is falling with style.
someone should OC draw a female penguin typing this.
They are albatrosses, and they are fine.
Nature is hardcore as fuck.
Maybe they are also flying to find their waifu.
Grape-kun is gonna have a rude awaking when they take down the exhibit in July.
The deluded penguin represents those who are crying over nyaa's demise.
Can they not them keep it in?

>Wake up and find your waifu goddess not there

I would head for the mountains too
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We all know what's going to happen after July.
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can he explain why Penguindrum was so bad?
Sup, guys what is the deal with this penguin meme? I finished the anime yesterday and it was good and all but I'm new to this grape-klun thing.
Can anyone give me a summary or whatever?
A japanese zoo have a exhibit that display a girl in or outside of the correspond animal pen for PR i guess, this penguin or Grape-kun suddenly attach to his waifu so much that he don't even eat, they then have to walled him.
Oh god what the hell
how/when did /a/ get to know this? I'm sure the thread was funny as fuck.
>laughing at someone's misery is funny
Laughing at misery is basically comedy bud
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He's going to aim for climbing the highest thing in the exhibit to jump

April 22 is when the collab event started.
The fact that you don't even know this makes you too new to be on this here imageboard.
fucking whore
Apparantly even penguins can drown.
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>we live in an age where we relate to and sympathize with fucking penguins
What a time to be alive
Grape-kun is no laughing matter anon-kun he just wants to be with his waifu and enjoy rest of his days together.
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Iori is perfect!
What? How does this stale meme have any relevance to that video? Did you get lost on your way to /tv/?
>dorobo neko

do you need more hints?
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Iori needs an adult!
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Iori penguin.
I am an adult.
>he needs fullwidth to non-green
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Grape-kun is really seen by the panel EVERY FUCKIN' DAY.
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What does the PPP of Hululu stand for?
Too soon.
Thread posts: 509
Thread images: 118

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