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Thread replies: 512
Thread images: 124

Need more JK
I hope she's not a virgin
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But this JC is the cutest girl of the season.
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There's some really fucking disgusting abstract kind of cancer going on in these threads.
It's oreimo all over again.
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Dancing Sagiri is good for my heart.
Fuck off back to your third world slums
Chinkmoot really needs to ban all Canadians.
can we all agree that eromanga-sensei's ending is the best in the season so far?
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She's a lovely JC.
Is she going to be part of the harem fighting for mc's affections, before he officially settles for the little sister?
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wait until elf shows her true colours, she's a fucking sales stalker fag
I actually thought this show would be a bit on the obscure side with comfy threads. How wrong I was.
Thanks friend
But does it really counts if she doesn't even go to school?
Oh shit
I wish /spa/ came back for another day. /sp/ loves OreImo so I'd love to see what they think about this show.
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But Sagiri is perfect no matter her age.
literally every single character in this show is good
>OreImo's author
I have no idea how did you even think that. I avoided the threads like the plague for two whole weeks because I assumed they'd be more or less like this.
Why? It was a foregone conclusion they would be shit.

But I was expecting best girl shitflinging, not whatever the hell this is.
I don't know if good is the word I would use, but the author clearly knows too much.
Arigatou, anon-kun!
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Yes, it's perfect.
What's the issue?
I want to cum inside elf
Ochinchin DAISUKI!
I don't remember oreimo ever being as bad as this. Mostly just waifufags and kirinoposting.
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oreimo threads were pure shit, what are you talking about
>you will never sawatte sagiri soko ni
Are you serious?
Your pic shows that the auhtor is completely ignorant about current kids.
No way, I'm at least getting cute Sagiri pictures out of these threads.
It was really bad during season 1.
Anon just reply with greentext or reaction image. Stop with 'Fuck off AAK' posting
Based on what I've read of the books, the only reasonable thing for Izumi to do with her is lay her down, put her ankles on his shoulders, and rail the shit out of her.

Any other interaction with her is pretty much a waste of time.
I honestly prefer this is waifu wars just because it's different.
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Best, cutest JC.
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I can fucking guarantee that once episode 3 airs faggots will latch on to elf-chan like leeches
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Your JC imouto throwing tantrum. What do?
I watched the first episode and wasn't very impressed, does it get better?
Yeah, but that part with Megumi is just plain ignorance.
Kids that age don't seem to think that phones go on the same internet as computers.

They spend all their time in apps.
I just started reading the manga, and can confirm, I've already jumped ship.
The Elf boat sailed past me when I lernt she's a hack writer. Never stepping in that ship.
give her tempuries in exchange for 20 GGP. That means if she wants tempuries again she has to straighten her act and refill her GGP.
Understanding what happened is actually pretty simple. Someone picked the show up because they found out it was related to Oreimo after having never used /a/, then they saw people using a term they weren't familiar with. Since lurking and doing your own research are things nobody does nowadays, he decided to ask what it was about, and since he's a bitter current-internet faggot he assumed it was a new meme. After getting horribly exposed for how new he is, he decided to go into full anal pain mode, shitposting endlessly against anyone who uses that term and calling them crossboarders in a desperate attempt to fit in.
Meanwhile, everyone looks at him and can't stop laughing.
I'm still loyal to Sagiri, but Elf is also a total cute.
newfags do you even interwebz?

JK=just kidding
JC=just chillin
JS=just saying
Tough luck I already claimed her while the plebs were all over the meme Dick girl.
JK, JC and JS are all correlated for obvious reasons. You can't just backpedal like this.
>they weren't familiar with
You guys have really been shooting for the stars with this revisionist history stuff.
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How can anyone hate Megumi? She's perfect.
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>decide to watch some NHK livestream as I've learnt a lot of vocabulary over eight years of watching anime and could probably understand most of the dialogue
>realize that I don't know what NHK means but it seems to be on the screen a lot
>it's clearly not a Japanese word as there are no vowels
>why can't they use proper words if they're so fucking Japanese
>get mad, throw keyboard through computer screen

And that's how I dropped Love Live during the first episode's commercial break
This show feels like somebody adapted /a/ into an anime.
I see a mini Horo.
wait until episode 3 airs, she's going to be /a/ personified
Crush her womb via mating press. That should calm her down.
Girls trying to get me to leave my room and go to school revive some of my old traumas. My mind was in sync with Sagiri's during the whole episode.
But you somehow missed how much that term picked up on usage since a decent amount of time ago, so you have proven that you're unfamiliar with it. Everything you've said about 3D and /jp/ hails from a single post, made by someone who couldn't capitalize his words.
>/a/ poster thinks he knows what normal is
You're a retard. Do you think kids their age spend 10+ hours a day on the computer like you?
You never watched welcome to the NHK?
But there's no traps
It's been getting spammed in New Game and art club threads for a while here, and everyone knows what it means. That doesn't change it's origins of use here.
No, but they spend a lot of time staring at their phones. They need internet all the time, so the girl of her age sure wouldn't say "you don't need interent if you have friends"
When a trap is done right, you won't know it's a trap at all
Silly, phones are phones, the Internet is what losers with no life use.

Basically what >>156044215 said.
JD - Sit over there
JK - Sit. Over. There.
JC - Why don't you take a seat over there?

moeshit is moeshit
That's what they want you to think
Oh come on, it's not cancer because it's moe.
So America went full America and started using the Hansen meme for adults too?
Underrated post
more like NOW YOU GOOD END.png
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moeshit is cancer
Get the fuck out and kill yourself.
They're perfectly aware about the fact that in order to use phone apps they need internet, they're not as retarded as you think.
That part was just writer not knowing that it's not 00s anymore.
into the garbage she goes
I think it was when dickgirl was talking to him while calling sagiri
Tell her to draw me some good porn of a character I like
im gonna marry this LN and make her heavy with a baby!
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>top fucking kek
Go back to your containment board


at least they don't fucking fall head over heals over moeshit
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Oh ok found it thanks
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You're even worse than the poster below you
No, that's why bullying exists, to get rid of faggots.
Maybe if you're already blind
I know the threads are shitpost central right now, but there's no need to say things like this.
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Tsukasa has got to be cursed. The guy comes up with the most adorable and fuckable shit but also the most cancerous shit. Not even 2ch threads are safe, my god.
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I can't take the bullying, going to rewatch Sagiri dancing you guys are meanies
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wait....is this all just an entitled amerifag?
holy shit it all makes sense now.
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please don't remind me, 2ch is still raging over megumi dick and MUH PURITY
The massive influx of newfags thanks to /pol/ hasn't helped at all.
someone got banned
Nice pic grandpa, but technology evolves every year
Okay Novelfags, juts meed o know, do we get some good romance or at least a kiss later?

That is al, loved the first 2 eps, but I need to know to no expect stuff I won't get
It's like this entire episode was written just to fuck with them.
What was the last show with this level of shitposting that didnt get a s2?
volume 1 the MC confesses to sagiri
oreimo sensei is the biggest trash this season
preach it
He does it on purpose. Probably schemes that shit with other authors known for deliberately taking the piss out of his fanbases, like Kamachi. If the shitposting potential he generates wasn't on purpose he'd have broken down like Yomi.
NHK is to Japan as the CBC is to Canada or the BBC to the UK. I don't know what the American equivalent would be, PBS?

The last channel to go.
moe is justice
Dear god I can only imagine, neither 2ch, 2chan or 4chan ever recovered fully from the Kannagi incident
I hate streaming as much as anybody else, but the guy who made this image is clearly mad and stupid. Somebody should make a new one.
When did you start browsing 4chan if I may ask
the waifu wars will start soon

elf eps up next
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>we can't stop fapping because a 12 years old girl talked about how much she loves dicks
>Japs can't stop raging about that
But I thought that dick caused unity.
MSG are the best. Prove me wrong, no wait you can't.
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What? They're literally just laughing their assess off, the same as we are.
>an ln author writes characters who write lns
So many newfags fall for the bait this stale
You have no Idea how much the japanese value purity.

The entire lovelive porn actress misunderstanding shitstorm is proof of that
They're still watching and no books were burnt, so it's officially moved to meme status.
Moe is KINO
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If it helps make you feel better, it wasn't based off himself.
after i watched the second ep i went to bed and had an awful dream about megumi insisting i call her megumin and i was like no you're not megumin but then she took her wig off and had black hair and turned into konosuba megumin and we went on a date and ate ice cream, and then i woke up
Anime otaku are laughing about this. Idol otaku are the crazy ones. If it's not "I'm actually a slut teehee" style NTR or something absolutely fucking retarded like Seiren, no one actually gets mad.
Why do the threads have to be so shit, can't we talk about the cameos, LNfags spoilers and all the usual stuff?
The mayority of people, yes when the episode aired
But like in our turf, they also have deicated shitposters and people taking everything too seriously raging about it
Enough to cause people to copy them in meme ways causing a bigger shitstorm
I fucking warned you all, but no one listened. It should have been deleted the moment the storm front fags started pouring in.
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You're all fucking retarded, no one gets mad in Japan. There's a reason it's popular right now.
God, this thread is full of dumb newshits.
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JC tummy
Sagiri is for ___
Megumi is for ___
Elf is for ___
>You're all fucking retarded, no one gets mad in Japan


Nips started ripping shit soon after
Loving sex
Rape sex
Kinky Sex
You first
You mean most generic girl of the season
Fuckoff leaf
Did you even read the posts above?
>Sagiri is for taking care of her
>Megumi is for casual sex
>Elf is for blowjobs in exchange of favors
How's that relevant to this show? It's a completely different case
>Nips started ripping shit soon after
You mean, than one pic that always gets posted? Emi's solo career is doing just fine.
She loves him too but she's too shy and ends up causing one huge misunderstanding where he thinks she turned him down. This goes on for a bunch of volumes, with the other girls trying to get to his dick.
i think u mean 'kill your selves'
ego death, man
Megumi likes dicks!!!
Those are the kind of people that buy thousand copies of the same CD for a chance of shaking her hand, it's a different kind of crazy.
Why are you all so mean to Elf?
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>Ok they're not actually mad
>But there were a couple shitposters trying to force it
Ok, and how did your original post on the topic reflect that?
I hate stalker fags with every fiber of my being
maybe love lab
>promotes her a lot in the OP
>basically becomes irrelevant

However, I wouldn't count out Fushimi for coming out with some bullshit with her character
I'm ok with this, I kinda want Megumin to have a chance
Half-joking JC!
It's not stalking, it's Deep Love.
There is no crime you could commit that would be unjustified towards an elf. The harlot should change her name and file her ears if she wishes to be seen as anything more than subhuman.
What did I miss this time?
Stalker didn't invent "it sells that means it good", you know? It's one of the most popular opinions everywhere.
That kind of stalking is cool, I meant sales stalkers.
Hospitable JC
cant deny that they got furious even though it was a misunderstanding.
Deep Sales Love.
Megumi gets molested by Sagiri in volume 2.
Calling someone's sister a slut in front of him is going too far.
Perverted JC!
Do it for her
Bullying JC
They got a president into office making the site high profile?

Everytime the place is mentioned in the news, the board takes a dip in quality and takes a while to recover.
Except it got pretty bad since the majority of 4chan user are phoneposters now.
Lurking for 2 years before posting
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Lewd JC!
Telling someone to cancel their internet should be punishable by death.
is her cunny hospitable?
Rape with Sagiri!
She's just a kind of dumb annoying hack writer. Being a cum dump is about the only thing she seems good for.
Man I really, really want Megumin doujins
then again I never got more than 2 good Kanako doujins with Oreimo
Cheeky JC
You should really stop being so mean to my wife
Close-up JC
But rape is an act of kindness and compassion towards elves.
Megumi really is best. I want to show her my penis.
>Denying a man one of his biggest joys in life
Does he get to touch her used panties again in the novels?
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W-What's happening here
This is the kind of art that transcends humanity itself.
Surprised JC
JC butt
>JC posting
Can we kill this meme before it spreads please?
sagiri is pulling down her panties
Not my Elf, sorry.
Sagiri is removing her panties to offer her virginity to Masamune to give him inspiration for a new LN series and give her accompanying reference photos
JC smile
they aren't even hiding how much of a bait this shit is anymore
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Is this ore no imouto S3?
only if we keep 174 cm meme instead
Sayonara JC
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Hot damn
God no, the thread will turn into blogging shit
Is she going along with it?
>A bunch of manlet spics and SEAs are spamming JC to avoid getting made fun of for being midgets
Makes sense.
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Holy fucking shit

>Most of her fanart always with dick
I want a JC wife!
Fuck off already.
What a great sister.
episode 2 made ero manga sensei sky rocket, jesus christ
what the fuck is this nonsense
>those tits
Why? She is such a cute little JC

The city of SnK
All of her fanart is mostly sluttish.
Holyshit that gap
If this guy stops I might force it for him, it's much better than the usual content in these threads.
Out of all the things, the megumi dick meme made ero manga sensei more popular than SnK season 2.

fucking great.
Megumi is made for the dick

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sweaty sagiri.webm
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I hope she'll get many doujins. But I'd fear they'll just gonna be content with Sagiri shit and a bit of Elf
Literally Kanako
Why does Sagiri like MC again?
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That one is already scanned.
he's got a big dick
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>get home
>check out the ero blog your friend talked about earlier today
>it's your 12 yo little sister
>she takes pictures of her ass to post lewd shit online
>she's live streaming herself stripping right now

what do you do?
I wonder how many of those tweets are おちんちんwwwww
I-Is she ok?
shamefully fap and blow a massive load then feel huge regret

this is from experience

Close up on the picture she takes?
Wear mask and pound her while everyone watching
Put on a mask and break inside her room for some roleplay
oh..my poor nutbladder
>All of it are dicks

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Least post something cute, not dicks
It's funny she loves dicks and she's a dick herself

Third one lost my immersion
Joke's on you, she's loving dicks in your pic.
Author knew this was going to happen.

All acording to Keikaku.
South America != America
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Dick jokes were funny in middle school, and they're still funny now.
RIP kemono friends memes. about time.
Sigh, Megumi is all talk. Her real experience with dicks is actually Tomoko-tier.
Fuckoff leaf
how soon? Asking for a friend
Can't wait for the disappointment and ass pain
This is my fetish
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Just kill yourself.
I wanna strip Megumi and show her my dick while she tries hard to stay calm but is secretly panicking!
Is megumi still a virgin?
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I knew those screencaps would be useful eventually.
If I was Megumi I would've suspected Masamune killed his sister. He's pretty suspicious.
I was afraid it would never be useful again after Konosuba finished airing. But now it's more useful than ever.
This series is chock full of pure girls. At this point it wouldn't surprise me if his editor ends up being a kissless virgin. Having an honest-to-god enjo kousai slut would mix things up a bit.
>all these retarded EOPs thinking this pic means something worthwhile
>she's literally banging on the floor for help and all megumi can think of is dick
Stop using spoiler tags like surprise box retards
Hello snk
Hello dumb EOP
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If that was the only good indicator I might've agreed with you but since everything is looking great for this show, no.
Is this series worth watching? Is it even. Lose to as good as Oreimo was and be honest.
Sluts are good for memes and fanart but they don't sale BDs.
>one very big bar
Certainly it's very important.
close to as good**
Watch it and decide by yourself you little shit
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It's from the same author.
now i know what JC and JK is
thanks /a/
It's a reskinned OreImo where the sister isn't a bitch. The downside is that she also isn't blood related.
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>tfw netorare
Again, just kill yourself.
Yes, because only /a/ thinks that sales are the most important thing, right?
I dropped it but picked it back up for the memes and shitposts
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Wait until she actually barges out of her room because some side chick is about to win.
>where the sister isn't a bitch
Good enough for me. Don't really care whether they're blood related or not.
Good to see she has priorities.
Her next appearance, after the visit to Elf I think.
This is a crime
seriously whats with fucking nips shoehorning this NTR cuckold shit into EVERY single anime with romance
The hair color looks good on her, but it makes her mother look like a granny.
I need some NHK treatment on that Loli. How can they be so ok with her being a Hikki? No psychologist? No hallucinations? No suicidal chat group? No PTSD over her dead parents. Twice? Or how her sentiments for her brother could be a reaction to losing her mother so she grabs the last bit of family she has left?

They grabbed a great setting full with character development possibilities and went with the easy cgdct path.
Fushimi just learnt from OreImo that having parents be characters in an incest story just makes it more unnecessarily complicated to deal with, so he brutally killed them off at the start instead of taking the "They're travelling around the world" route.
This shit is written by Oreimo's author, I don't know what you were expecting.
Who's the guardian that was mentioned, by the way?
Yeah but he could use that to also give the sister a reason for wanting to be with her brother. It doesn't need to be the only reason, just the fuel.

Kirino had her lousy trauma with Manami being the catalyst.

This would work even better.
Something, something aunt. Comes once a month to see how they are doing.

She probably doesn't care since she's left the girl to become a hikikomori instead of looking for help.
>some faceless 40y/o animated this
Some faceless 20yo turned it into a webm.
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Well, looks like the past was the focus of the latest volume. I just don't know enough moon to read it.
>it's revealed that they're actually related
It should be illegal to have cute NBR imoutos. It's like the parents are asking for their children to fuck
>Short-haired Sagiri
Nobody will ever explain it if nobody ever asks so as long as you lurk you'll continue to be confused, especially considering google brings up literally nothing.
Yeah and that's why we need to use more newfag friendly terms like loli.
I use both terms interchangeably multiple times in the same thread, sometimes I use both in the same post, and I've seen people doing that too. If you can't make a simple association you might as well never learn it.
If you don't already know you probably don't belong here, and if your intuition and search powers are so weak that lurking doesn't get you up to speed you definitely don't belong here.
That's what lurking properly is about. Even if nobody ever outright explains what something is, you can pick up on their meaning by seeing what people post and how they react to different things, with the rest of it coming from your own research. Finding out how to search for things is part of research too.
CGDCT? Really? How is this shit anywhere close to being CGDCT? People don't even understand the words they use on here nowadays.
Am I the only one who thought she was going to ask him whether he's had sex before? The backlash would've been a lot funnier.
Newfags doesn't even know the difference between NEET and Hikki
Sagiri would set the entire house on fire and burn it all to the ground.
I thought this was a kiss. Chinchin-chan is disgustingly lewd.
I loved the parents in Oreimo. Gendad was great.
>2017 Spring Anime official number of followers (increase in period) Current - 1 day ago [April 18, 2017 12:23:03]
Fuck you.
Subversion of the NBR genre
Fushimi Tsukasa is truly a man ahead of its time
Elf is the best girl
Elf is a hack
What does Megumin's breath smell like?
>Elf is the perfect and loving potential wife
>still goes with the underage NBR shit

I can't understand for the life of me how he can even choose Sagiri
Her piss tastes better?
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At least she did win something.
The would've won if they met 3 or 4 years earlier trophy?
>not blood related

So the whole forbidden love aspect is just fucking out the window. -50 points.
Something girls her age love very much.
Their parents are even dead and they've been in love with each other since volume 1. The whole thing is set for them to spend the whole day fucking like rabbits and I've no idea how is Tsukasa stretching this out for almost 10 volumes already.
So it's basically a shit version of NGNL.
>TrySail ED
What a masterpiece
I wouldn't go that far. Some parts are fun, it's not as bad NGNL.
>how he can even choose Sagiri
They suffered the same type of trauma and share a special connection in their work. Elf never had a real chance in the first place
>implying NGNL is bad

Don't tell me you've let people brainwash you into thinking that as well. You do realize they only hate it because it's popular.
not really. Some do thing they are on a different internet, because their internet looks different through apps in comparison to the browser view.
Wow, IRCfags really hammered in the NGNL is reddit meme all those years ago. I wonder what happened to Siztra, he's probably a mod now judging by how shit /a/ got over the years.
I sell street hentai for a living which might sound weird but I average about $300 a day so fucking sue me but my Eromanga sensei ad is doing really well and people seem to like the show a lot although I haven't seen it myself.
Literally what the fuck did I just read?
Skinning kirino, what a wonderful thought.

Basically look alike art that's slightly different and keeps you from getting sued
So is this the most popular show on /a/? I'm seeing daily threads constantly.
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Is this show a new low of garbage?
Not as garbage idolshit
what the fuck
do you sell hentai on the street
what does that have to do with this anime
No, it's pretty great. The last garbage that aired was Kemono Friends.
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1 - dbz super
2 - eromanga
3 - boruto
>a new low
Nah, not low enough.
I want to rape the elf.
Please no. Just rape the dick girl instead
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imouto cheer.webm
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Idolfags are a minority bunch of autistic faggots and not indicative of anything. Fuck off.
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r e m i n d e r
Schrodinger's panties
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Holy shit, the power gap is insane.
Stop making up retarded excuses to defend the obvious shitty writing. They know internet is a universal term and they need it in order to use phones or computers.
I feel like after ten years of anime I have finally grown up. I realize bookstore girl is best girl but I know she won't win. That is okay. I will watch it for the hijinks and that's okay.
>twitter followers gained
into the trash it goes
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Wow, someone is still salty. To the point that they'd call Eromanga a "pretty great" anime, even.
source: your ass
Sagiri is stronger than a titan.
She is 174m after all
>KFfag things anything he says matters at all
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flat is justice.png
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Shingeki no Sagiri
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>followers gained
WOW, really fits my narrative
Not him, but looking at 2ch there's a lot of "yeah I'm getting the BDs" posts.
I just hope the BDs have lewd extras.
Yeah, because 2ch is a good indicator of BD maket, right? Go look BDs and LNs amazon ranking, they're nothing special.
Don't you get it anon look at those fucking bars everyone else got blown the btfo out
Those are all indicators of the serie's popularity, if you want to ignore 2chan and Twitter, well there's the popularity of Sagiri on pixiv as well.
But believe what you want.
I'd rather believe ranking of the actual product instead of how many people talk about it on social media
And again, 2ch doesn't mean shit

Here's the their last year AOTY list.
1. Hibike! Euphonium 2 (447pt)
2. Konosuba (433pt)
3. Re:Zero (340pt)
4. Boku Dake ga Inai Machi / ERASED (282pt)
5. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable (253pt)
6. Keijo!!!!!!!! (238pt)
7. Flying Witch (215pt)
8. Scorching Ping Pong Girls (209pt)
9. Mob Psycho 100 (181pt)
10. Yuri!!! on Ice (154pt)
10. NEW GAME! (154pt)
12. Kuromukuro (138pt)
13. Active Raid - s1 & s2 (128pt)
14. This Art Club Has a Problem! (114pt)
15. Saiki Kusuo no Psi-nan (112pt)
15. Flip Flappers (112pt)

FliFla, Keijo and Ping Pong didn't even sell 1k BDs
>Yeah, because 2ch is a good indicator of BD maket, right?
Yes? Who the fuck do you think is shelling out $300 for late night cartoons?
We are still on the second episode anon, there's not a "product" yet. Those anons were poiting out indicator of the serie's popularity, they don't have a time machine to see how popular it will be in the future.
>I've never actually been on the site, but I read some shitty blog about a totally legit poll they had
Thanks for teaching me, senpai.
Let me put it this way, right now, at this moment, before the BDs are even out to give you the sales information, the series is popular on 2chan, Twitter and Pixiv in particular.

This might change, this might not, we don't know yet.
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>Far less than 1000 votes from a site as big as 2ch
That's about as accurate as the AOTY polls here.
What happens if you pull your ochinchin out and Megumin laughs at it?
You suicide
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>being this butthurt over popularity trends
Shut her mouth with my ochinchin
oyari ashito has been posting sketches on twitter.

Oh man.
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Oh boy. I hope he likes the show enough to make a doujin, full color.
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Here's another chart to really make you think.
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It's great isn't it? Such a cute and delicate 12 years old will be deflowered by her onii-chan in the next volume of the novel.
Based on what?
Well it's only a matter of time untill the IS rules the entire world, degenerates like you are removed then.
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#total of followers on official accounts - new anime only, so SnK and others aren't listed
Do your worst nromalfag, my love for cute 2d imoutos will never be defeated.
So Eroimo has the bulk of the normalfag audience?

Actually, what kind of a normalfag would follow this on twitter?
I thought Islam allowed paedophilia.
It has the bulk of the audience (for now), don't know which kind.
Do you wash you sister's underwear?
otaku in Japan use twitter as well, I follow many of my favorite loli artists there, like >>156058159>>156058215
I would clean it with my tongue.
No, I just steal them.
Reminder sagari is a slut that masturbate to her brother masturbating to her panties
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Twitter is a big otaku platform for nips. Most of their fanartists migrated there after some drama so it's become like the principle platform for the industry and its fans.
Lucky bastard.
>washing your sister's underwear
>not wearing your sister underwear
Step it up.
It's a regular boy meets girl story. I dunno why the author insist on the brother-sister angle when Sagiri can be anything else.
Because a young man and woman cohabitating isn't normal in Japan unless they're siblings or in a sexual relationship. NBR adoption was the least contrived way to circumvent that.
>young man and woman cohabitating isn't normal in Japan
No wonder they have low birth rates.
hopefully 2020 will solve it.
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Can someone tell me if this is something that is already resolved? If they stretch this obvious misunderstanding over the whole show, I'd rather just drop it now.
Yes it was, it made me want to punch Masamune and Sagiri in the face though, godamn cliche misunderstanding.
Well technically speaking it's not really normal anywhere, but they have particular associations because of some of their older cultural practices.
Don't even fucking joke like that.
>older cultural practices
Like what?
The only correct answer is rape
Are you telling me Masamune thought Sagiri likes anyone else? Why would you pull that off in two thousand fucking seventeen? Fucking hack author.
It used to be a thing in sone medieval-era japanese villages for men to just go into the rooms of women at night and rape them as a way of selecting a bride. In general their culture had a lot of "if you're a man, then you'll force yourself on her" sort of ideas, and the assumption was both that if he could he would, and if she put herself in a position where he could, she was doing so on purpose.

These are of course long dead practices, but the bias still lingers. Generally, if two people of the opposite sex who aren't siblings live together, the assumption is that they will fool around, and with the awareness of that assumption, if they still choose to live together willingly, then they probably full intend to fool around. Lots and lots of japanese stories play up the sexual tension of cohabitation because of this, finding contrived was for a male and female character to live together 'platonically' with that context in mind.
Yes, and it gets worse since he interrupts her trying to hint that it's him multiple multiple times and she's too autistic to just say anything direct.
Nah, they're both fucking idiots. He interrupted her a couple of times but when he didn't she kept whispering shit he couldn't hear.
As much as this sucks, it gave way to other characters to show up and strenghten the siblings feelings for each other.
>Other characters
But they pale in comparison to Sagiri. Especially that fucking obnoxious elf. Did the japs actually think she's funny?
>then they probably full intend to fool around
If I showed this post to my roommate, would she kick me out?
I know this would lead to blogging. Stop.
Never mind him.
Then why go with NBR sibling?
It's the same as stranger girl that you know well.
Siblinghood is a social construct. It doesn't need a blood relation to function as a pretense for two people living together platonically. Outside of incest porn, a NBR sibling is no different from a blood-related one.
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Actually, a lot of incest happens without being reported because it happens with both partners approval.
Especially in sex segregated or sexually repressed communities.
>NBR sibling is no different from a blood-related one.
Would a cousin make a difference?
If so at what degree of consanguinity would a platonic relationship become romantic one?
Of course they all pale in comparison, if they didn't it would look really bad for the MC to keep rejecting them.
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How can Sagiri be cute when she's been defiled?
But what is there to even report if it's not part of abuse and is consensual?

Cousins won't really be different unless their like a second or third cousin then no one would really mind.
I think how close you're related doesn't play too big a role in how the relationship progresses if your aiming to go further.
She's a cock hungry slut
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This show must have the best animation of any anime currently airing
What the fuck do these acronyms means?

>inb4 lurk more
I'm not a piece of trash who watches pseudo-incest cartoons
It was nothing special. It will get worse anyway, especially since this is A-1 we're talking about.
I had to look it up too, it's weeb acronyms for junior high, freshman, sophomore, etc.

>technically, "JC" actually refers to junior-high-school girls. JS is "Joshi Shougakusei" or "grade-school girl", "JC" is "Joshi Chuugakusei" or "middle-school girl" and "JK" is "Joshikousei" or "High-school girl"

JS: Juicy Soles
JC: Juicy Cunny
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Thanks brother, before our posts get deleted.

Anyways, slut JC is trash and I don't understand how you fuckers can be so in love with a literal cumdump
>still loving the town slut
It's like you fuckers want all sorts of diseases. Sagiri is true perfection
Sasuga A-1

Truly the best studio
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EroSensei 02 dance.webm
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Time for your pills gramp
Would you an oni Sagiri?
I'm a loveless neet and a sucker for JC antics
lurk for 2 years before posting
I'm insanely impressed with how trashy this series gets. I expected the dicks thing to be the low point, but it just keeps getting worse and worse and worse.
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Wow what the fuck Megumi is such a cock hungry slut im totally dropping this
t.Animeonly idiots
more like
>Wow what the fuck Megumi is such a cock hungry slut im totally picking this up
Wiith the force of a thousand suns.
Absolutely nothing, it's a shitposting meme which has cropped up around this anime.
KYS ima sugu
So why didn't Kyosuke 2.0 fucked Sagiri in mating press position in the first 5 minutes?
You cant rape the willing
He wants her, but is in self denial, believing he needs to be "family" for her instead of a couple, even though they love each other.
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>belly presenting forward (submissive gesture)
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>JC posting
this meme must die
Nah, I love JCs.
Fuck off to reddit
What is she apologising for?
>What the fuck do these acronyms means?
Good job, that's exactly the reaction these posters are baiting for. Now that they've found another clueless retard replying to their posts they can feel special.
Every cute girl should apologize with their belly.
>Hurr I need to post memewords or I won't belong with my friends on /a/
Irony is, you're the reddit dweller.
Nice argument, idiot
He wants to, but it's a bad idea to fuck your sister unless she clearly consented first. Trust me.
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Read the thread, or this thread >>156019861, there has been enough argument about it already.

I don't care if you are still angry about J*s terms or whatever and how much you want to keep derailing this thread. If you are so uncomfortable with it, you are free to leave.
Sagiri is clearly wet for his cock already.
Are those floating shits?
I'm not angry. I know it will fade out, like every forced memery I've seen in here in the last 12 years. I'm aware how kids tend to adhere to new words to look smart.
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She has 8 novel volumes of thirst, I wonder if the anime will even be able to cover anything significant.
>I want to fuck you, but I can't read into 15 trillion obvious hints you've been dropping so I'm happy to just be your brother
>I want you to fuck me, but my crippling autism won't let me clear up the misunderstanding, so I'll read into the situation whatever is convenient for the plot and assume that what you really want is me as a sister
I think they're just too dumb to legally consent to anything.
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Or wait until they adapted the forest scene which is Elf's best scene
Thankfully I'm already devoted to Emily since the beginning
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Every woman is wet for the cock.

What does JC mean?
cock jockey
It's a typo of JK, meaning "just kidding".
Yeah, they're retarded, but you can't just work with assumptions when you're going to fuck your sister. If you just happen to be wrong it'll cause a much bigger problem than just making a move on a random girl and failing.
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It means she's 1.74m tall.
This, man. It will be awkward since you live together and all.
With a random thot, you can just avoid her for the rest of your lives.
/jp/ term for middle schoolers or was it younger? I can't remember cause it is some crossboard shitters spamming it in these threads trying to make it catch on.
Is there a scene where Sagiri beats her up in the novel?
I don't keep track of dumb acronyms.
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How is this allowed? I'm seriously about to strangle a JC up in here.
dumb newfag
Too bad both Sagiri and Masamune are so dense.
They're on wikipedia for fucks sake.

Anyways at this rate it's probably going so you won't need to know it desu senpai.
The series has to keep going somehow until Fushimi thinks up his new siblings love story.
If it ever happens, I hope he keeps the loli heroine and make it actual incest next time.
I came here to just call you retarded
Forced meme
I swear, if this show ever gets a bingo the "What is a JC?" should be in the free spot.
Am I allowed to report AAK or whatever he's called on sight? Can you even report someone for being a retarded newfag?
Cousin marriage isn't terribly uncommon in Japan.
>a NBR sibling is no different from a blood-related one.
You're a fucking moron.
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>Outside of incest porn, a NBR sibling is no different from a blood-related one.
>DNA is a social construct
How do you even manage to breathe?
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