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Little Witch Academia

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Thread replies: 532
Thread images: 118

This is the friendship that will take down Diana.
Why is Diana so shit? She ruined LWA.
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I want to take down Diana if you know what I mean
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Yay! Handsome ikemen.
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I don't agree but I respect your opinion
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Sucy and Contstanze's friendship will take down Diana
I wouldn't be surprised if Diana's only real rival is Suzy. Suzy is sleeper OP.
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Should I fucking start sniffing gasoline to make myself dumber? I wanna be this happy.
Lotte must be volunteering to help with the special ed kids, which is why she's paired up with Akko.
She's such a kind person, offering to help others who have trouble helping themselves.
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Someone should color her hair blonde and her eyes pale blue
Every thread until you fall in love with this smile.
You'd ruin her.
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Not posting the superior pic
But I already have.

t. Mudblood plebian
Diana looks specially uninterested there. As if she truly couldn't care any less.
She thinks boys are gross.
who is that?
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>she sees your dick.png
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I love her smile, but also her frowns, laughs and smugfaces. There's not a single thing about Diana that I don't love.
How can Amanda befriend someone with so much disrespect for potatoes?
Hermione from Harry Potter.
>hey Hannah
>you know how people sometimes slip ipecac into people's food as a joke
>you should make me drink ipecac sometime

>j-just as a prank, though
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Just smoke weed.
Louise with a different hair color and actual skill.
Of course, you would eat her poop too.
>Hey Hannah, want to practice kissing later? For Andrew of course, haha.
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Lotterally who?
She'll betray her potatoes if it means defeating the British girl.
I won't forgive her for not giving Akko the credit for releasing the butterflies in Ep 2
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She's not interested in you, she only likes her Twilight husbando
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O-of course! if it'd make her happy.
>Not black
Expect a letter from Rowling suing you.
>People actually like Lotte

What for?
>no devoutly catholic polish witch
>catholic witch
isn't that an oxymoron?
Did you not see her episode? Plus, she cares more for Akko and tolerates her more. That's enough as is.
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School Shooting
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Polan mine now.
Only if their magic comes from a heretical idol.
If it's granted to them by the grace of god, it's perfectly okay.
Aren't they just clerics then?
Barbara eats pussy ironically, she just wants to see how gay and stupid that looks like.
Cute, harmless, attentive, a degree on nursing special needs kids.
>This is the friendship that will take down Diana.
Diana studies and practices hard to gain magical ability to become the best student in the school.

Akko can't be bothered to stay awake during class and never does her damn homework.

Want to know how take Diana down in the school rankings? STUDY AND PRACTICE,

How far are you all willing to take this? These are getting creepier than even.
Fuck that
>school rankings
I was thinking more like pulling her hair and spreading rumors.
Why are there so many Diana fans?
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Digits have confirmed that Lotte is a nice and lovely girl!
Or give her a lobotomy.
Anything to push their /u/ delusion
No, she's just looking for an excuse to eat rug. Like every person who gets "tricked" into doing gay shit.
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Just finished Parade movie, Constanze was amazing as always
She appeals to /pol/-, /int/- and entry level waifufags
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What if Akko practices to believe really hard in herself?
>My first quints
Doushio, Kimochi, etc.
It's so nice of her to take care of Akko.
Shut up you dianafag scum.
>you will never take care of a post-lobotomy Diana
>you will never help her dress up in nice, formal clothes for the events her family drags her into
>you will never be at her side everyone she's out, wiping away her drool and keeping her safe
>you will never try to make the events as enjoyable as her shrunken mind is able to feel
>you will never help her eat at fancy dinners, putting food into her mouth and he long her to chew
>you will never see her deadened eyes stare upon the colorful balls and fancy parties that mesmerize what little thoughts she has left
Don't try me, motherfucker.
She always looks like that. The burden of guilt weighs heavily on her.
I'd be happy if there were fewer scenes of Akko sleeping/ignoring class and a montage of her practicing flying booms for more than 5 seconds before giving up.
>Can't stand idiots normally
>Akko is easily my favourite witch
Riddle me this, /a/
You're adopted.
GreatBen was Diana
She's stupid but maybe you admire her spirit and how hard she works for her friends?
You were a retard all along.
She's not an idiot, she has a condition.
What is this supposed to prove?
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Do you think we'll ever see Sucy use her philippino bamboo curse beetles that she keeps at the foot of her bed?
Post witch feet
Diana should have been the main character. She may be a Sue, but she's still a lot more tolerable than that moron Akko.
Akko is cute!
I never understood that bullying fetish that many of you idiots have, but I kinda get it now thanks to Akko.
So will Akko make a change and actually try to become a witch or will the season end with her having to repeat the first year?
That you're blind, apparently
How would you like Diana to die?
She's funny and expressive.
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I hate Diana but this is getting weird.
Fading away into magical sparkles while Akko declares her eternal love for her. Cue big bang and galaxies and trippy shit while "Don't lose your way" plays.

Amanda > Sucy > Akko > Jasminka > Constanze > Lotte > The sock under my bed > Diana
0/10, the sock under your bed is way better than Lotte
Akko is too high but otherwise this is objectively correct
Peacefully at age 107 in bed surrounded by her (my) children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.
Throw in a POWER GAP between Sucy and Akko
Akko should be in the same place as alphabetical order
Now this is more like it, you still have Lotte way too low, criminally low.
Burn in hell.
Like Yoda so that she can become a magic ghost and continue to be better than Akko in death just as she was in life.
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Every witch is precious and deserving of love, remember that
This show really should've just focused Sucy's hunt for a poison strong enough to kill her whore mother and collecting mushrooms as an outlet for her sexual frustration caused by said whore mother making her detest men.
cavendish/manbavaran clan war when?
Good thing akko aint a witch.
She doesn't detest men, she's just saving herself for a fun guy.
Hey guys, I heard there's a spire around here where witches congregate. Can any of you tell me where it is? I'm asking for some friends.
I wouldn't call a guaranteed genocide a war anon. Why respect witches when their potions can do anything they can.
Heh good one anon
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I had a dream last night that I was Akko.

The class got stuck during a field trip and had to wait in a bar. I drank all of the tequila and vomited on Diana.
Could there be more than one Sorcerers stone?
Or are the Leylines enough of a magic provider?
I really hope future episodes show Diana be bad at something/actually fail. We got a bit of that in the second episode, but other than that she's been a total Mary Sue.

>Best at magic by far
>At the top of the school Scholastically
>Can break rules and boss around other students because ???
>Apparently knows a language no one else in the school knows, not even the teachers, with the further implication that no one has known it for centuries
>Can apparently fly as fast as a broom that is noted for being able to outspeed a jet
Attaining lichdom, spending her undeath mocking Akko's incompetence.
If you have a dream that you're retarded, then does your brain think its retarded and start functioning worse until you wake up?
>Can apparently fly as fast as a broom that is noted for being able to outspeed a jet

This one is just funny cartoon logic, I wouldn't put that as a knock against Diana. Trigger was trying to be silly.
No, I've had a dream where I died and became a ghost and didn't wake up dead
This doesn't really answer my question but okay.
It'll be a meta joke like she doesn't speak Japanese or something.
By the time the Manbavarans are done with them, the whole of Britain would be a toxic wasteland. It wouldn't be a war, it would be an execution.
>Can break rules and boss around other students because ???

She's the Lisa Simpson of the school. She's the student they present to investors to show that not everyone in the school is retarded. She's allowed to do whatever she wants.

Someone mentioned that the fact she does this might be part of her flaw, though. That she's smart but doesn't really know how to interact with people socially so most of her friends aren't really even friends.
hol up, where the white witches at?
That's just how nobles interact with peasants.
I prefer to believe that Diana's dad is a tyrant and forced her to be as educated as he thinks is right for a Cavendish. Hence the dragon language fluency. But she can't say "my dad whipped me until I was fluent enough" so she acts like a mary-sue that knows everything easily.
How so?
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>hire voice actor
>give them no dialogue
I've known a lot of people with whore mothers. The ones that don't become exactly like their mom end up despising her, become really sexually repressed and hate men because the only men in their lives were the ones their mom kept bringing home.

Nice pun, though.
>h-hey Hannah
>you should take a knife, cut my belly open, and fondle my intestines sometime...
>b-but in front of Akko as a prank, so we can scare her!
I'm waiting for the episode where she gives some massive speech about something or other. That or where it turns out she's a really good singer.
Well, statement from Trigger themselves that Diana is "caged" by her family, it's probably not so far from the truth.
in german songs
That sounds super hot.
She gasped once.
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You got me.
>implying the one she isn't saving herself for is Mommy herself
She also voiced the ginger african.
Knock it off.
She still gets a double cheque.
Isn't i implied that her mom can get a futa dick with her weird Pinoy magic?
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New episode when?
>your face when Sucymom's final design ends up being a short little Filipino lady.
Hannah Barbara ryona doujin when?
Do you think she's tripping on shrooms every day? Her plan for the parade was to just get everyone high.
>yfw Sucy stayed at Luna Nova to escape Duterte's drug purge
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Quite possibly.

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>Pinoy Trump throws a tantrum and thousands of innocent people dies
Sucy would've be ok though, I'm pretty sure she could fend off some shitty cops whose only gear is .32 revolvers and a worn out wooden club.
If she's an Aswang as people have speculated, she doesn't even need magic to grow one.
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Rewatching the Enchanted Parade, she does gasp and grunt quietly every once a while. I can only catch the sounds with headphones, on my speakers they're pretty much inaudible.
What the fuck, what?
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So now they are introducing boys into the show huh? can't say i dislike it, after all i've been asking for this since the first LWA
Aswang are monsters from philippino folklore said to be skilled shapes hitters and powerful sorcerers possessed of a quiet and reclusive demeanor, along with Droopy bloodshot eyes.

On the official LWA site it says that Sucy is half human, so considering how the concept art for both her and her mom have them both changing shape an Aswang seems like the most probable thing for one of her parents to be.
Why does the most innocent show this season attract the filthiest degenerates?
>Sucy is half human

It doesn't say this at all, it just says she's from southeast asia.
Hi, welcome to /a/.
Back into the washing machine with you.
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>So now

You must be one of those people with attention problems. Andrew has always been shown in the opening ever since the beginning.
>fried chicken wand
okay i'll give it you
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I missed the previous thread - has anyone commented on how the Count of Hanbridge is blatantly Colin Firth as he appears in Kingsman?
>Implying Duterte isn't a hero
Imagine if your country was a poor little postcolonial shithole famous only as a playground for rich western degenerates. You wake up in the morning and step outside to see your childhood friend addicted to meth and hanging on the arm of some arrogant foreigner so she can buy drugs. If that wouldn't make you want to go postal, you have no testicles.
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I'm pretty happy with it too. I generally don't watch anime with an all female cast and this one has been an exception but I'm looking forward to Andrew an the introduction of wizards (hopefully).
from what I heard the half human thing was from some other official material, and not the website

but since almost none of us can read moon, i don't think there's any way for us to verify whatever information gets spread around here
Yeah, what other proof do you need?
This image makes me think they're tied to a stake
Trigger being influenced by Western culture? How absurd.
Fuck wizards, bring out the warlocks. I wanna see some serious dark magic.
Is this their most britboo show yet?
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>tfw thousands of middle aged fat ugly british men go to SEA to get short little brown skinned wives and have sex with trannys

it's really messed up
Go to bed Rodrigo.
Fuck, that movie was beyond awful.
Japanese people said the same.
Did everyone speak in Japanese or English?

Did you see subtitles in you dream?

I'm curious, all my few anime dreams have been from dubbed anime I think.

Did the dream characters speak "japanese" and you can understand it and reply back but it wasnt actually japanese but dream gibberish?
I'm not him but the only anime dream I remember having was a few weeks ago and apparently it was an original production. It was dubbed.
What the hell does Diana even want from Akko anyway?
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Why doesnt Dianas family help the school? Are they poor?
I wish I had interesting dreams like that. All I ever have are nightmares either involving my computer being broken or having a virus or me being late for or missing a Smash 4 tournament.

I guess I know what my biggest fears are.
Diana just being there is enough help as it is.
the succ
To stop making her consider transferring to a real university.
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Tiefling Warlock would also be really cool.
To act like a normal person. You know, like Lotte or Sucy
Lotte is a fucking weirdo.
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What if Amanda is a bastard child of Andrews dad?
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Gotta appreciate Trigger for all the background witches here.

So how can Andrew be related to Ursula if he is just a boy about our MC's age? I've stalked 2ch but apparently they don't discuss much about him.
>you will never see Sucy lustfully come onto her mother in front of Akko and Lotte
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Y-yeah, Sucy is the only normal girl out of those 3.
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They scared off the spoiler poster that went to the pre-screenings.
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Can't wait to see it this Sunday. Reaction are all positive and seems like there will be character development for Akko.

About time, really.
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>So how can Andrew be related to Ursula if he is just a boy about our MC's age?
Are you fucking retarded or what
Where's that edit?
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Which witch do you think loves Jesus the most?
She needs to eat more than just mushrooms.
it was dubbed, unfortunately

also, Mr. T was in the dream too.
The next Hanna/Barbera. That's the look of a soulless husk of a human body only Jay can save.
>Being Irish in 1014+1003 AD
>Not loving Jesus almost as potatoes
you can't have one without the other
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if you are going to post a planeswalker, at least post one that is actually skilled on magic.
Why do good artists have to have the shittiest fetishes?
Meh, I´d still fuck her.
After buying her a whole bunch of burgers.
Damn, why does every secondary look all devoid of color and life?
6/10. This is how you do it

Sucy=Amanda>Lotte>Akko>Jasminka>Constanze>>>>My every morning huge shit>Diana
I just posted the first result of "Tiefling Warlock". I don't do that magic the gathering stuff. I assumed it was just a D&D pic.
>tfw it took me 20 seconds to realise that's akko's shoes and not a black futa cock
how come there are no Canadian witches?
You're just as retarded as her.
No shitposting irl policy, And trigger don't know enough about leafs
He looks early 20s, if anything
there's no magic in Canada, only Hockey, shitposting, and poutine
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Do not bully Constanze.

She doesn't speak English well, and is insecure about her accent.
I want to lose weight and get fit with Jasminka!
All three things equally nasty.
What a waste
Because Luna Nova does not offer special education courses
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>Tfw her regiment involves annexing countries
How the fuck did Akko get in?
Don't ruin Jasminka okay please thank you.
Yakuza money
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Will we ever get a cute


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Realistically speaking, how would these to react to having been cast as bullies in a Chinese cartoon? Would they appreciate the sentiment or scoff at what they could see as a poor man's attempt to pay homage to better stuff?
Diversity quota.
Affirmative Action
Constance is the future of the witches, her magiteck will save them o any financial problem they have.
For the last time printing money is illegal and sends inflation through the roof Constanze.
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Until her ego gets too big and she starts building giant pointless impractical weapons that waste valuable materials that could have gone into maintaining a bulk of effective armored weaponry.
Most of the teachers are oldwomans, her Father probably have to spend some time convice them to let her daughter go to school.
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They should just send her off to central africa or the middle east as a mercenary.
they are not "printing" they are creating money uusing magic.
Please go read until you understand economics.

Unless you mean providing magic services to the public for money.
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>arming a RPG out of nowhere

I fell in love.
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What happened here?
they could mass produce Constance stuff and sell it, they will probably get some good money from there, and Akko basically wants to create a industry of entretaiment with magic.
Cultural enrichment.
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Seriously, she is the best, I hope she gets more screentime.
>she is the best
Yeah at being a terrible shot
In one of her more severe fits of autism one night, Akko forgot about putting on her pyjamas and confused Dianas bed with her own.
Then why is Diana also naked?
Such shit taste
There's no evidence that she is
Is she? The bedsheet is in the way.
She isn't Akko just fucked up her room in her confusion
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>take down Diana
There are two pairs of skirts and hats laid on the bed.
Is this the official power level list?

1.- Diana
2.- Sucy
3.- Constance
4.- manda
5.- Lotte
6,7,8. Jasminka, Hannah, Barbara.
9. Akko
>that disappointed squint after missing

Be still, my heart.
sounds about right.
That doesn´t prove that Diana has no pyjamas on.
Administration is so shit, they just thought they lost her record when she dropped in out of nowhere so they made a new record for her.
>being a dianafag
How fucking embarassing
Fun fact - it's possible to put a new set of clothes on after having taken the old set off.
Is this the dragon ball thread?
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>Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night, I can feel my welder... and my solderer... even my hammer. The gears I've lost... the circuits I've lost... won't stop hurting... It's like they're all still there. You feel it, too, don't you? I'm gonna make them give back our technology.
Diana doesn't seem the type to throw her clothes on the bed in such an untidy fashion, though.
>denying her ability
Pretty childish.
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>You will never have cute little Constanze propped up on your shoulder, and show off the big strong man that you are
could Saitama beat up Diana?
>That furby
Fucking westaboos
Well maybe Akko found them and threw them around, because she´s, well, a little bit weird
who will steal sucy's first kiss and will they ever find the body?
I don't trust her not to have poisonous anti-rape lipstick.
probably one of the girls after being drugged by Sucy's shrooms.
>still no doujin of Sucy tricking Akko into drinking a futa potion
probably barbera, but just as a prank
a harmless little joke to make sucy feel gay as she swirls her tongue around her mouth and moans into her
But there is one. She even immoblized Akko by sucking her new futa dick so she could ease Lotte into it and even dipped into it herself so she could rail Lotte from behind while a dazed Akko took care of the front.
Akko will kiss Sucy on the cheek
You're fucking with me, right?
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hehe ebin
The Horst-Wessel-Lied?
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I think Sucy wouldn´t be mad at someone for kissing her, just surprised.
Surprised that anyone would be able to think about her that way.
Afterwards she would realize that she too is a being with the need to give and receive love.
Slowly but surely she will open her heart to the idea of romance.

I think that Lotte would kiss her
Where's the gif version of that?
I'm not. It's the only LWA doujin that seems to exist and is scanned. It's a rather brief one
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He may be the next Ferdinand Marco, but there's been like 5 fucking Republics now. Might as well go for 6 and kill some degenerates while at it.
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Amanda Fisting Akko.webm
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Sucy instagibbed the Minotaur that Diana couldn't even phase.

Also, Jasminka's monstrous strength should put her above Amanda.
There's not enough of these
Isn't her only feat of strength shown just her carrying Constanze? But Constanze probably doesn't weigh much.
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Different canon.
Diana is unstoppable now.
She was also pumping water like it was iron
She turned that water pump into a fountain
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I can't sarcasm. Or did you not know?
Without preparation time:
1. Constanze
2. Diana and Sucy (Sucy is kind of a wildcard)
3. manda
5. Lotte
I just thought about baymax
>Leaf riding a broom
Is Sucy a cannibal?
Did she eat the meat of children back at home in traditional witch style?
Yeah but she's only half human so it's only half as bad.
Would they ride curling brushes?
They can't afford them after weedman
Miracle of the universe
Suzy is sleeper OP. They'll have a Suzy episode that makes Diana question her own superiority.
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When did everything went so wrong with Akko? When little she used to be so cute. Now she is an hyperactive slacker who gets bad grades, causes problems to her friends and is as dumb as a rock. No wonder her parents send her to Luna Nova, she probably was a pain in the ass to live with
She eats nothing but poison mushrooms.
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No, but she likes mushroom pizza
As she got older the fact that she had some kind if condition became more and more apparent.

Imagine what her parents felt once she was diagnosed, the anguish they must have felt once they found out that their beloved little girl would never be able to live a normal, healthy life.
>causes problems to her friends

Like helping her friend sneak out to go to her nerd convention?
>Like helping her friend sneak out to go to her nerd convention?
she had to sneak out because of her in the first place.
Literally no personality
Like stealing a Tart and countless of other things
>translating Torte "Tart"

Fucking Asenshi
Seriously, Akko is a message to all those friendless people in the world. You can still make friends even if you are a retard
I don't blame her, then. Those things are godlike.
Man, Sucy is a cute one
I really enjoy the >ywn posts, they are easily the most creative and amusin thing here and the single reason I keep coming back to these threads.

Thank you for writing and posting these, from the sweet romantic ones to the absurd, I really enjoy them.
>Torte reform
>This entire time we all thought the school was buying overpriced tarts but in truth Akko is a glutton who ate a mini cake
How did they fuck up this bad?
Looks like a generic oyaji, tbqh, f@m
What's wrong with it, as long as they aren't fucking kids, who cares?
Have you seen single white women in their 40's, all ugly inside and out.
>pedos find this arousing
Find out more at >>>/trv/
Conz is a good Bavarian Catholic.
Someone isn't thinking thin.

The list will be edited as the episodes are aired. If they reveal something (that is not Akko deus ex machina), then you can argue about why certain character shoud beat the other and shit like that. Constance passed from 2nd to 3rd place because Sucy is pretty relevant and doesnt suffer that much from being out of range of the power stone as Constance.

Cons of not having magic:
No broom (lower mobility).

No magic ammo for her magic shotgun/rocket launcher.

Sucy has more chances even with no mibility if she has a good arm and once Constnce loses his Tech-Broom, she will be exposed to Sucy's potions.
Constance can build bots, but they are insta killed with acid potions
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Look how happy she is about her favorite meal
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>causes problems to her friends

This is partly true, but I'll be honest and say right now that I'm not buying Lotte and Sucy are role models either. Ever since the 2nd OVA. Amanda, Jasna and Constanze are pretty much the second group of troublemakers.

Well, Lotte is the most well behaved of the three, to be fair, though.
>Make a witch school
>Don't make the catholic inquisition the disciplinary commitee
such a missed opportunity
Nope, the official list is still the one >>153292805
posted since it makes more sense (for now)
Why does everyone at this international school speak Japanese?
Which witch would like pineapple on/Hawaiian pizza?
Pedos like soft little lolis man, not skellies.
Bongland hates Papists tho.
Jasminka's probably Russian Orthodox.
Lotte is a case of good kid but bad friends
Because this is a Japanese cartoon.
Yeah and they'd fly by saying "hurry, hard!"
Because this is the timeline where Shinto magic won WW2 and japons is lingua franca.
She's the Double D of the group.
Every witch with good taste.
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Diana. Pineapple on pizza is God-tier so the best girl must have the best taste.
I want to knock up Amanda while the other witches watch.
They are speaking English, they really need to dub Akko with a retarded fob asian accent to show how truly inept she is in the Netflix version.
if its hawaiain wouldn it also have spam?
>finally learns to fly her broom
>flies really slow all the time and doesn't stay in her lane
>they are both cgeating, manipilative, greedy, and ambitious
>Lotte=Double D
>they are both intelligent, compassionate, and kind of weak willed
>they're both very kind hearted, passionate, engrossed in fantasy, and most of all very very dim
basic tier for banal neckbeards
I still cant see why Amanda is at 4th place. She's pretty average like Jasminka, Hanna and Barbara.

Is it only because she's a thief?
What kind of bastard puts spam on his pizza?
Chinks & Polynesians
Well, she's the leader of the other group (at least it looks like she is). That's something considering Constance can wreck her at any moment.
because she's American
tiny sucy is cutest sucy
just try and prove me wrong
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You guys are alright, don't go to Luna nova tomorrow.
Akko. She'd make them order half Hawaiian, only eat 1 slice and not split the bill or even help with the tip.
>rips Lotte's song in half, goes full dindu nuffin' mode
>goes out of her way to chimp out at and unfriend the calm, collected Sucy

Must have some American in her, can't be a full Jap.
She has the best body.

>Akko, Sucy and (partly) Lotte
>Amanda, Jasminka, Constanze
>All troublemakers

I love that all of them have certain potential to create trouble. And I like that Diana works well as a foil for almost all of them. However, it's obvious that Diana will eventually be in thw wrong, as episode 2 already demostrated she's not perfect as the shitposters like to force.
Only if catholic devil is too.
Same as Diana, but she's on top cause of her stupid plot armor, not cause of her body.
She's just legit retarded.
That's why she reminds you of Americans so much.
She's actually ethnic korean.
Diana cant beat her pole dance.
you mean akko
No, Diana is non-descript generic.
Only Amanda is ever canonically shown busty hipped developed.
Amanda should have seducing dance spell
If Sucy is half Aswang like people keep saying, then does that mean that she could shapeshift?
Arent most british girk boring and with no grace?

So.. shes on 4th place not because of her power level but her ability to dance?
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I'm thinking it'd be more like Silent Bob's speeches.
Yes, most brits are island slags, but I'm sure Diana probably is far more Norman French in heritage if we're to go with a noble family line.
>girls are heterosexual
what does that mean?
In one of the Tattun/Producer Q&A threads, they said it just hadn't come up while developing the series, and they would have to research Canada to do such a character well.
They please old men for money
Diana does it for free though.
>So.. shes on 4th place not because of her power level but her ability to dance?

Yes, in older threads a few said it was because of her pole dance and her being agile and shit like that
>a fucking leaf
Why they are same as burgers but with Hortons instead.
Only thing a canuk ever says is how they are not Americans.
Triggered island niggers, seriously.
Don't you have a mosque to attend?
It's her patrician duty.
>being agile and shit
Not enough to beat One-girl army Constance or Deadly cloud Sucy. Not enough to deserve a 4th place.
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Are you the guy who was convinced LWA is set in France or Italy despite all the signs it's in Glastonbury (Brightonbury in the TV show) in the south of England?

Stop the presses, we've known this since 2013
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>posting 200 year old shit
Why not revel in the triumph of Falklands where a nuclear power beat up a 3rd world tin pot dictatorship over another island no one cares about?
Akko don't shove that carrot up your butt!
What's up doc?
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>Continentals getting mad

Nothing new.

Technically the leyline is just an entrance, Luna Nova exists in a different space than England.
bring back Studio Pablo
Technically, that is something that has never been stated.

If that was the case, how did they escape in the truck to go to the Nightfall convention?

If that was the case, how did they simply fly away from the academy to chase after the dragons?
This desu. Sick and fucking tired of you teenagers ruining our comfy board.
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Nice thread

Go away, Akko
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what are /pol/ posters such cancer? what do they see in this show to be attached to it like fucking leeches?
Bad cartoon writing, just like ep.5
i wanna straighten that posture
>If that was the case, how did they escape in the truck to go to the Nightfall convention?

The truck drove into the Leyline, in case you forgot.

>If that was the case, how did they simply fly away from the academy to chase after the dragons?
The dragon ruins are near Luna Nova.
It's because they love TRIGGERs
Beware the eternal anglo.
Is that the first problem you notice?

wtf are you talking bout? did peruvians have planes to begin with?
We own you?
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Remember to report crossboarders on sight, guys.
Do it for the little witches
I wish Diana had been at Hogwarts so she could completely btfo Hermionie and Harry.
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>off topic /pol/ shit is still up

reminder to report faggots like them
Where's the Corean witch?
>Are you the guy who was convinced LWA is set in France or Italy despite all the signs it's in Glastonbury (Brightonbury in the TV show) in the south of England?

Technically the French-speaking Normans were the nobility in England during the Middle Ages. That's why English words for prepared meats are all French (poultry, mutton, beef) but the words for livestock are all Germanic (chicken, cow, pig, sheep). It's because the serfs raised the meat and the nobles ate it. So Diana's family was most likely nobility that far back.
The same place where the Chinese witch is, burning in hell
Well at least there's no kevin, even as a kid I thought Kevin was a douche. He'd probably be the first kid on the block to wind up in prison in 10 years
Thatcher defended your dictator as much as she could. She put her hands on fire and she burned. I think britain already paid you.
it's the ONLY "problem" i noticed
What does that have to do with the question?

LWA isn't set in the middle ages. None of this makes Diana French, none of it makes LWA set in France.
wouldn't Avery be Kevin?
dont forget power level discussions.
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>defending the cancer
The comment you were replying to. Diana comes from an old family and she's British. So it makes sense that her family would have been Norman French descended.
He just means everything beautiful, refined and civilized in Britain came from Norman French, Danish, German Saxons, and ancient Romans.
Native brits are literal island savages, snow niggers.
Until she starts growing paranoid over why she hasn't had to shout at Amanda and Akko's groups for a day, No.
I wonder if I also have a B and C faggot?
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Commies don't believe in hell.
If you extrapolate that reasoning to its natural conclusion, everything beautiful, refined and civilized in the world came from Africa.

It's not worth arguing about or attempting to deny the British ownership of their British things.
Of course they don't all they have to do is look around to confirm it.
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>Little Witch Academia thread
>The current topic is XX Century history

And for some reason I'm enjoying it.
Thank you based janitors.

Now let's get back to talking about which Witch is the cutest.
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Describe these witches
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Ave Diana! Morituri te salutant!
>best body
>not Akko
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>not the pre-cambrian seas 400 million years ago
No, that would be the fertile cresent in Iraq, Ancient Egypt and classical Greece.
There is nothing worthy of note in Sub-Saharan Africa, unless you think mud buildings abd exporting slaves equates to beauty.
The basic

Argentina is Germany's second home since most of the reich escaped and settled there.

Chile and Peru hates each other because of a war they had long time ago. Peru lost (mostly because they had a problem with corruption since long time ago inside their ranks, Bolivia running away and stopping their alliance and Chile being superior in technology and shit).

I only respect Miguel Grau for having the balls to fight till the end vs 8 Chilean armored ships.
let's talk about how diana brutally shot akko in the back and felt no remorse
>Constanze smiling.
This is a good image.
Slut, whale, slut, slut, TURBOSLUT, slut, slut
Why dodn't they do some more fun magic like summoming demons or raising undead?
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They love eachother platonically
Its constanza, btw
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Against God.
They are all good Christians, except for Akko, who is heathen muggle 'tard.
That isn't the name of one of the witches
Why is she so perfect?

Really. Why?

Why can Diana have ONE FLAW
Is it wrong if I ask here for someone to make a good looking LWA power level list with drawing and shit?

I mean, people asked for drawings and people delivered.
I suck at drawing that bad I need to ask strangers to do me a favor.
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>power level list
>for LWA
Why? Whats the point?
Realistically speaking, which girl probably smells the worst?
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Describe said list, what do you want drawn?
Sucy probably smells like blood, rot, or something similarly vile.
Diana. She uses too much perfume.
Akko, her obsession with chariot drowned out everything else so she never learned about feminine hygiene and her roomates then have to have an akward conversation of that with her.
Prolly Sucy, cause potions or Conz cause German.
>Against God.

Summoming demons and forcing them to do stuff for you with piwer of prayer is fine with Christ.

Remember, demons are irredeemably evil, it is okay to enslave them.
I doubt Amanda bathes
To bait fish with all.
All characters in that order

1.- Diana
2.- Sucy
3.- Constance
4.- manda
5.- Lotte
6,7,8. Jasminka, Hannah, Barbara.
9. Akko

Bonus points if they pose of something like that.
Doesn't wear her influences on her sleeves. But this isn't really a flaw so never mind.
>this is what Papists actually belive
Worse than Islam, truly Antichrist.
probably the fat one
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You just want to fap to Diana being Nr.1 on your stupid list.
Pure autism.
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>Remember, demons are irredeemably evil, it is okay to enslave them.
cant I marry them instead?
It's just a list, you can make a stupid chart in mspaint, what do want drawn?
Which professional wrestlers do the Little Witches like?
How many episodes before Diana gets taken down a peg?
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>There are people in this thread, In this world that fap to the little witches

What the fuck is ya'll's problem, none of them look sexually attractive at all

But you can use them as sex slaves. If you have the seal of solomon, they have to take it in the ass without complains.
Never, Akko will save the world in the end, but Diana will get the credit, just like Mr. Satan.
>implying this has ever stop weebos

lurk more please.
They look like 8 year olds tho, it's what we usually fap to.
I second this.
Only Diana and Akko are fap-worthy
/co/ pls, I've seen your garbage shows, far worse.
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How lewd
as long as they both take her down in a sexy diana sandwich, with diana trying to desperately escape but failing, then i'm all for it
You get decieved by televangelist preaching prosperity gospel and then you go to hell, while I enjoy blowjobs from demon in this life and then I got to heaven.
I usually imagine them with giant dicks first.
>With a no grumpy face

She looks lovely.
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It´s not our fault, Trigger wanted it this way.
Just look at this concept art.
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> came to fap
pls, stop
No one cares y/u/o fag
Sucy is just using akko's naiveté to experiment her shrooms on
>Akko is a big wwe fan but thinks it's real.
>Hannah and Barbara find out and mercilessly tease her for it
i care though. want to have gay sex, anon?
Yeah, but she seduces her in order to do so.
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Hime stare.jpg
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>No fapping to a shy and embarrased Lotte
>no having a sweet and passionated Hand holding sex with Lotte

That's drawn by an animator but that doesn't make it concept art.
LWA is mostly wholesome family friendly entertainment but a few of these witches are sensual as fuck
Amanda in particular is a semen demon
>Akko then proceeds to put one of them in a Shining Wizard then a Tomestoner and finishing with a Boston Crab before someone breaks it up
>didn't draw the navel
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generic tomboy.
Only good as a sperm-toilet
Lotte doesn't do it for me.
I prefer Diana and Akko having sex with eachother.
>implying she hasn't watched the PSA's saying not to try wrestling moves at home

She will just be like her favorite wrestler and rise above hate.
i need a shot of all the leg spreads please
>But you can use them as sex slaves.
but i want lovey dovey stuff...
Lets be honest, is there anybody that makes a bad sperm-toilet?
Seems like an easy job.
Look like Diana made Akko drink some magical potion. And then she allowed her to sleep with her after Akko passed out.
why not
The Normans weren't really French although they did settle in part of today's France. To understand Anon's reference, look up 1066.
Cool guys don't look at the explosion.
Cool girls enjoy every moment of it.
You get one
Amanda? More like slut, am I right?
Sucy is. Even more than any other demale character in any ecchi manga/anime. For some reason she make my dick adamantium.
Lotte would be terrible at it, too much choking, too whimpering crying for her momma not sexy moaning.
Nothing sexy about that freak.
Oh boy, now I want to protect Lotte
They spoke French, they were decendents for Norse (viking) invaders who ruled Normandy, they were culturally French by then, of course France the nation was still ~500 years away.
>"H-Hey Hannah..."
>"I've told you already. My mum says we can't talk anymore."
I want to protect her by covering her with semen all over her beady eyes.
>Beautiful hair
>Bedroom eye(s)
>Husky voice
>Hips perfect for breeding
More like nasally. She does have the best eyes though.
They picked up the local language but they didn't magically become Gauls.
I want to rape her so bad, I want to brutalize her, leave her a shivering bloody mess so bad she'd take months in intensive care just to recover and years physical therapy just to walk again.
her theme song should be super beast by rob zombie
Who is Akko's favorite wrestler?

Past or present?
When did they become magically British?
Iron Sheik.
Because Akko thinks he looks and acts funny.
Shagging English sheep.
Macho man!

the only answer I can give is john cena
cause thats the only one I know
and I only know because when I asked for a girls number she gave me a fake one that just leads to a recording of his themesong.
She's stupid so someone basic and popular, who's the current flavor these days??
>asking for digits
>not fb stalking and jerking off to their mother or kid sister instead
Fucking normies, reee~
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i hope subs come out fast this sunday
Roman Reigns.

She owns a Roman Empire t-shirt and doesn't understand why everyone boos him.

Here's an edition AND a girl everyone can agree on.
Kill yourself.
you dun goofed value blvd
Eiher they don't because it's their fucking money or they aren't that rich. Or they do but they aren't wealthy enough to singlehandedly keep Luna Nova afloat.
French =/= Gauls
Gauls are ancestors of the french people, but the French are a mix of Gauls, Romans and Franks.
And yes, living for 150 years in a place kind of end up making you a local, especially if you pick up the local language since language is kind of the basis of a culture.
So yeah, England was conquered by a french duke and a bunch of french dudes. But they quickly became english as well, so it doesn't matter in the long run aside from some aspects of english culture.
So her other thing is pretty obviously magic but isn't that just a normal RPG?
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I think Akko because out of all the girls she's the most likely to forget to put on deodorant or perfume or anything in the morning. Plus her hyper activeness probably makes her pretty sweaty.

>Lotte wears a local, homemade perfume that smells like herbs and some citrus.
>Sucy has an earthy, almost pine-ish scent with a faint trace of body odor.
>Amanda probably uses guy shampoo and body wash so she smells like a respectably well groomed dude.
>Constanze uses plain perfume without much consideration for if it suits her. You can smell motor oil, and if she just finished building something, a bit of ozone.
>Jasminka smells sweet, like a bakery.
>Diana permeates expensive perfume.
>Hannah and Barbera use cheap off-brand versions of Diana's.
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We have porn of Nichijou, one of the least sexual animes to ever be made. Have you never read the old rules of the internet?
Thread posts: 532
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