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Daz3d General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 429
Thread images: 79

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Vicky 8 needs those sheckles edition
prior thread >>565590
Lazy pastebin update: never
post all your lewds here
Good work anon, the first time I haven't had to remake the thread.
Couple of Qs
1. How the flying fuck does rigidity maps work? I must be doing something wrong cause I thought rigidity maps meant making rigid clothing like armor without worrying about it distorting in the chest. Good luck using hoops in your clothing too..

2.Everyone seems to make amazing textures. Is this from scans or are they painted? And either way, how do they do it?

3. Has anyone tried animating in cycles or 3dmax? Iray takes too long for me so I'm hoping there are alternatives.
1. never heard of them.
2. not sure, maybe a combo of both?
3. The biggest hurtle for me is rigging them again once in blender/etc. Also re-assigning all the damn texture maps and adjusting. Also constant out of memory errors in cycles.
1. dunno
2. gotta do what you gotta do, y'know?
3. nah
Iray make take long for you but it takes even longer setting up scenes form daz in blender or 3ds.

Just use iray
Always fun to see people give up on learning 3d to play with dolls.

Have funn!
Jokes on you, my goal in the first place was to play with dolls!
Ditto, dressup is fun.
I was never interested in learning 3d doe

you guys stink tho. Why not leave us alone and go to /toy/?
The only one stinkin' up the place is you, buster!
if im a buster, then you're a sinker. cause you stink!
I post in both :D
Look buddy, I'm an arch student and I'm perfectly competent at the stuff I do, I can already charge $400 min. a project on any freelance site any day of the week

This is just a hobby I do for fun, I'm not gonna spend an additional hundreds of hours to learn a meme program like blender to make even lower quality wank material

But go ahead and tell us how much $$$$$$ you raking in with that invaluavle 3d design/animation degree
i gotta pull out my old laptop and copy all my downloads to my new computer but first a question

when i take the male body (it was version 3 of something, i don't remember but i know it was like the standard/popular one) and blow out the body sliders to make a ginormous ol meat man, i'd end up with vertices sticking out from under the armpits. I assume they didn't account for people making dudes with the level of girth i'm after, so the mesh gets distorted in funky ways there. Is there any way to fix it in DAZ or do I need to get comfy with other programs, too?
Not sure what you mean senpai. Distortion when exporting or something?
Nah, even before that. When you make the shoulders/shoulder width really big, points start sticking out of the armpits.
show me your sliders. Sounds like you are scaling the base chest section or something rather than a morph group.
I gotta reinstall shit first, but I will
Uh. How do I install shit? I have the body/head/expression morphs and Shape Shift all downloaded from the pastebin, but I don't remember how to use any of it.

Wasn't there something about disconnecting from the internet or disabling some internet settings in DAZ? I did all this once and I swear I read all about it then.
You can literally use the installer to work offline, or you can manually drag/drop in to your daz library. Daz has no content authentication on it.
What happened with the Daz running out of money? Last was some guy from Daz came on here and tried de-escalating the rumors but it peeked my interest and want to know more.
They cornered the virtual doll market because the competition is worthless, now they are not trying anymore and just raking in the cash
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If those files are zipped and named properly, use the install manager via dropping them in C:\Users\Public\Documents\DAZ 3D\InstallManager\Downloads

If the zip you downloaded doesn't follow the common naming convention accepted by the install manager, dump it into a separate library folder. (you will then have to add that library manually to your content browser)

I like keeping content from different sites in different folders. My libraries include the default daz library "My DAZ 3D Library", Renderosity, Renderotica, and Freebies.
You will need to add the libraries under either DAZ Studio Formats or Poser Formats (or both) under the Content Library tab.

attached are common folder names in content you would find in a library. This is generally what your root libraries should look like.

There was never anything behind those rumors.
Ranking in cash? Sure they bring in a lot of money but with Jim Fucking over Daz/morph/other their money dried up. The only reason they didn't fold is because of the new figure that is just a old figure rerelease under a different name and people bought it. Fucking Daz
As a former employee who was laid-off I would say the rumors are right on some and wrong on others.
when anon said "political bullshit" I don't assume SJW shenanigans but more like "new management instituted shitty incentive plan to distract employees from losing their benefits."

But as usual I won't ask you to say anything that would identify you.
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Anyone have any skin shader tips for octane?
Thank you
I thought rigidity maps are the ones that stop distortion whenever you fuck around with slides. Like stopping the armor piece you have from just caving in the center because you made the boobs swing out a bit more. Turns out it's not.

I hear that FBX is a decent format to export but I'm chewing my way through guides cause no one actually explains if fbx contains rigging etc.
FBX does contain rigging. DAZ just uses a non standard armature. So it's fucking retarded to work with. There is a few kind of easy to follow guides on converting a daz armature to a maya one.
i got a tip for the reflection on your sofa

its too fuckin strong
Yea there auto materials. Not worried about them. I mean my skin looks really nice when I render the model solo.. but when I compose the whole scene. SSS etc is gone. lol
This thread is very active today
i actually looked quite hard for such guides but i couldnt find any that show how to keep the bones for face or [spoiler]pussy[/spoiler]
You have to export to blendshapes for them. They don't use bones. They're called morphs in daz.
> they're called morph targets everywhere that isn't fucking Blender
you're welcome

yeh i use maya not blender so, morph targets then? thankyou

in general terms, is there a tut somewhere that anyone knows of that goes over the differences with bones and morph targets?
>2.Everyone seems to make amazing textures. Is this from scans or are they painted? And either way, how do they do it?

Probably substance. All the PAs I know use substance designer and substance painter.
Question: Is there a way to export any generation of genesis or even the older models from either DAZ Studio or Poser with JCMs intact and already set up such that they are automatically activated as the appropriate joints move?
Like>>569648 said, the expressions are not possible unless you bring the morphs over. Either that or figure out bones for it I suppose.

Substance? Ahhh shit. It's UI is so fucking confusing to me. Guess I gotta learn it eventually.
>the differences with bones and morph targets
Morph targets are deforms for the purpose of making characters look different and consist of mesh deltas for a specific part or parts. Bones handle movement and employ application specific rigging tech –which can include corrective morph targets as well as weight mapping.

Expressions are where the two often overlap but that's a matter of convenience for figure developers. Remember that the video game approach of fully boning a head for expressions is relatively recent and DAZ/Poser adopted the idea from them, not the other way around.
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still no growing up for g8?
and where the fuck is michael 8?
Just get this: >>569367
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>happy merchant Daz model

I'm surprised this is still rare while there are countless mspaint examples
IT SAYS WHERE RIGHT IN THE PICTURE, GEEZ. (you'll have to buy it, tho)
it's because fuck hand posing
>(you'll have to buy it, tho)
hahahah good joke anon
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Lmao. You're probably spot on with that one.
It's a small community. The last thing you want is to post a render with a recognizable product whose vendor doesn't recall selling it to you.

Yes, that actually happens.
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Does anyone of you actually sell poser/daz mods, skins, shapes, etc?

Do we have any content creators on /3/?
Is it still possible to make some stuff, upload it and be able to buy new things with the money you made there or did the well run dry because of masses of newcomers?
>upload it and be able to buy new things with the money you made there
Both DAZ and Renderosity are more than happy to let you redeem your earnings as store credit.
There is ALWAYS something to make. Wether it be new slutwear or a prop.
I made a nazi arm band once. Need to buckle down and practice more.
>Do we have any content creators on /3/?

Anyone who doesnt use daz is a content creator. Otherwise, you're just playing with toys doing nothing
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I want the daz pos(t)ers to go back where they belong.
Whats that new face powerpose option or w/e with G8/v8? I cant find any documentation.

Yes. I've made stuff for sale, and I'm making a new thing for g8f right now.

>did the well run dry because of masses of newcomers?

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> a broader user base means less sales
The door swings both ways.
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i've never been so turned on in my life

thank you /3/
No offense, but it'd be better for the whole world if you just fucking killed yourself.
nsfw D-former tutorial here: >>/aco/1521501
This is a morph set that got approved to sell for ten burger bucks, on discount.
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Probably will make some decent money too since its the first and only titmorph on renderosity for g8v8
I wish there were a way to tell 2D brush content vendors to get a fucking life
What program do mod authors use to create hairs and shit?
>mod authors use to create hairs

you must be 18+ to post on 4chan
don't try to use words you heard your older sister say like you know what they mean

Seriously though, what program is used to make hairs?
The same programs that are used to model everything else, are you this retarded?
That's like saying everyone uses photoshop to create textures. There are specialized programs like substance designer/painter that optimize the texture development process, though. I'm pretty sure that there are programs for making hair meshes in the same way, or at the very least, plugins.
> I think it has to be this way so therefore it is
Millennials, everyone.

No. There is no Marvelous Designer for hair. You are making strip planes and deforming them.

But clearly your imagination knows more than the tutorials I've read so maybe you should answer the question yourself.

> optimize the texture development process
You make a small metallic looking texture then stretch it the fuck out and put a layer underneath with a single diffuse color then set the metallic layer to multiply. Specularity is the shader's job.

The next time you get an urge to decide something must be a particular way slam your hand in a door until the instinct stops recurring.
Keeping a positive attitude is the best catalyst for change, anon! Things will get better in life, you'll see. But I get that you have to vent too, and I'm just a faceless anon on the internet. Who knows what's got you down, but after the rain, comes sunshine! Remember that.
>a set of curved alpha-mapped planes with a simple to create texture sounds like WORK
Draw a curved path coming out of a head template and extrude it into a plane. Rinse and repeat. Most content vendors can shit out a hair object and a set of maps in an afternoon. Also,
>That's like saying
Analogy is a rhetorical demonstrative device, not a method of proof.
New to daz here.
Can anyone link me to a comparison between all the different characters sets? (Genesis,Victoria,Michael,etc)?
Needs updating but they have just jumped from Genesis 3 (victoria 7, michael 7, etc.) to Genesis 8 (victoria 8)
Safer to just ignore "generation 4" and start with genesis things. If you absolutely need to use some victoria 4 clothes or something, there are shapes for Genesis to convert or autofit.
> PAYING for a figure?!? Figures not made for DS?!?
when we need your opinion we'll ask
Anon, I never said anything about paid.
Does anyone know what g8 female feet look like?
The exact same as gen 3!
so its kinda shit then
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Gen8 Feet.jpg
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I'm torn between my autistic insistence on good anatomical design in figures and my unending joy at seeing footfaggots BTFO

I'm sorry Lord, the autism won out
There are beautiful feet morphs though, so thats not even a problem
this thread is so cringy that it hurts

Why am I not surprised a DAZ user would find this attractive.
because they are beautiful :)
actually, I think I used that shitty word for the first time and it really fits...
Then wtf are you doing in this thread? Do you just go out of your way to subject yourself to stuff you don't like?
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guys I am trying to use "D3D Perfect Tan Line DS - V4/A4/G4" but after selecting my V4.2 launching the script and selecting the 2 tan lines for top/bottom I want and accepting, it doesn't seem to work, it just appears as in the pic.

does anyone know know what might be the problem?
No helpful but just use a more modern figure.
they are by chungdan, who i assume is asian.
His shoes are great but his idea of what constitutes attractive ffet is as nauseating as chinese foot binding.
Aww shit, I can finally play out my fanfics where Gru cucks mr Incredible
I'm not doing much, it's just always on the front page of 3/ and it does not even belong there..

hahaa this actually looks kinda cool, if someone uses custom textures on this it'll, slightly stylized ones, it'll look realy cool.
where does it belong then
inb4 trash, secondlife forums, deviantart or whatever meme.
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Anyone know how to get rid of the white specs coming off the mesh lights? 13k samples and still there. lol Octane render btw.
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Direct light version.
Use a more modern figure. And just draw it onto the diffuse map.
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Why is it that you can't use a HDRI map as background AND lighting at the same time while having the light levels just right?

When I do this:
>background is perfect
>actual models are underexposed
*cranking up exposure*
>background is completely overblown
>models are perfectly lit

I know I could use a separate light source as "sun" but why isn't it just simply possible to level out background exposure and model exposure? Or even simpler, handling the intensity levels for same HDRI map separately for lighting and background?
>tfw you have a very niche autismo taste (busty nerd neko grills doing office stuff in lingerie) and this software makes you completely independent of any pornsite or artist
>tfw you became completely fap fodder self-sustaining
Same problem here.
I guess in DazStudio the HDRI maps really are just meant as ambient lighting help and you're supposed to do the light setup using actual light sources but I think it's a fucking shame.

In many cases using a HDRI map would be completely sufficient as lighting. When you turn the dome invisible you can see that the lighting with a map would be completely sufficient but when you turn the dome back to visible it ruins it.
I also tried making a fake dome with the same map applied but of course it just blocks all light from coming into the scene, the floor isn't working anymore of course and overall it's a pain anyways.
Ralf Sesseler didn't die for you retards
My studio 4.8 refuses to play its role with iray. When I have g3f genitalia by 3feetwolf in the scene, iray render hangs up before the first frame, eating all available memory, 5-6 GB. Anyone encountered this issue or know how to fix it? Google wasn't very helpful.
Get more memory
I've got 24GB and that's barely enough
I kind of miss playing second life. I wish it had all the neat 3d integration stuff back when I was a dumb kid playing it. You used to have to use just prims to make stuff.

I'd like to get back into it but it's a massive timesink and I feel like all the fandoms and faggotry would make me livid now that I'm older.
Check the subD. It might be turned up to ridiculous levels. Drop it to 1 or 2.
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New to DAZ and pretty much just want to make base meshes for ZBrush with it. Anyone know what I need to get to make a body that looks like this?
You don't make base meshes in DAZ. DAZ is for making shitty renders with other peoples work.
why are you n/3/rds the most butthurt fuckers on 4chan?

hiding these threads is easy as fuck and good for your flimsy ego
speaking of other peoples work, where is yours?

You don't actually need to buy anything if you just want to export base meshes. Just get the free download from DAZ and you're good to go.

this is why people look down on DAZ users
what hair is the red hair
No, we look down on you because you only know about products from pirate sites.

And for anyone wondering about the other one
Why is this software so scuffed?

I mean it has great potential since it's easy to pick up, and you can create nice looking models by just clicking pre-made shit to your model, also makes pretty high quality renders with ease. But it lacks in everything else. The animating tools are the worst I've ever seen, most of the options are very limited and shit like that. It feels more like a game about making characters than actual 3D program. It's fun to fiddle with, but there's not much to learn other than getting your renders look better.
Renderosity isnt a pirate site you dumbshit, its an alternate to the daz store.

you can make a very nice render with very little effort or skill, if you are brand new to the idea of rendering and 3d modelling totally, it would takem aybe 3-5 hours of reading and practising to get something it would tkae someone months of practise to get equal quality of by modeling/texturing themselves in another program

its jealousy
>fags so new they think you have to explain "buy content from other place"
u spastic lol
Anyone know of a decent direct lighting skin material for octane?
You can put your own work into Daz to render with iray. Makes for decent quality.

Oh... almost forgot to call you a butthurt jelly faggot.
Is there a way to use the DAZ Install Manager to install Daz files that I got from daz3dfree.com? I can install them but DAZ locks all the models if I don't sign in to verify the files.

I'm having issues just dragging and dropping the files manually. I think I'm doing it right but when I first started there was a way to see them in the shaping window but I rearranged some files and now I can't get that to work anymore. Am I supposed to be changing all the features in the parameters menu or is that wrong?

I don't know what the fuck I'm doing.
You do know that Daz has zero piracy protection, right? The only time IM makes you sign in is if you want to download your stuff from the daz store itself or if there's an update that needs to be installed.

I use install manager all the fucking time for pirated shit and have never once run in to a problem.
I wish I had copied the message.

You don't need to sign in after you install the products in DIM?
Some of the newer models do have protection lol
You can install offline

Even V8 models haven't fucked me
I know that Honey g3f model has protect.
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> Honey g3f
What is your fucking problem and why haven't you deleted yourself already
Because it's the internet and I don't give a fuck.
god damn 3D was created so people could express themselves not specifically to make losers rich on Patreon by shitting out futa and tranny renders
> No dick
> recognizably female

Still the best thing in this thread so far
Are you trying to be Gif Author? You're doing it wrong.
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Anyone know any 'artists' 3dx or otherwise that do really good renders of hot dark black chicks?

The light brown is a bit of a copout.

I'm mostly asking for reference material, as I have been unable to get black skin to render well, even the pricey ones from the daz store dont look that great desu
Naww, are you butthurt because you can't make money online because your renders suck?
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Where do you get the daz3d coupons from? Or any other shop discount tips? (I already know about warez).
I don't believe they are available outside of DAZ3D. The only ocupons i've seen are from being part of the plat club.
What environment?
Also try another water shader for the pool outside.
>you can't make money online because your renders suck
ok, you know me
One of the few things DAZ does competently is manage premiums. Their coupon codes state explicitly that they are only usable by intended recipients and their database WILL check this when you try to use someone else's.
That thing looks like hot dogshit
He meant this one. Also, it's cracked.
So we know the geometry for Gen 8 is the same as Gen 3, but are there any improvements made to the rigging at all?
Nice trips, they say there is much more in the face but I haven't tested it.
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honestly this is fun as shit
He's a big guy
> uniform tone/specular
Have any of these fuckers ever seen a black person naked before
lol ashy.
I envy them if they haven't.
The same variance in skin color is there on you and me, it's just harder to see. You're going to learn more about how skin varies by region in terms of tone and specularity from de cullud folks than from your sister.
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Need some bed deformers. That's a stiff matress as is.
Yea I know lol. Just trying to get skin to render properly.

Hey cuntface. I use Daz to render content I create myself. So go shut your cock portal you pretentious blender shit.
[picture missing]
What are anons doing for HDRI resources.
Everything I find on jewgle is either shit or crashes daz.
Go to the Russian sites and download a good set
> floating on the bed
> clothing floating

Seems there's no gravity.
> cock portal

I've gotta use that one.
Get some niggers wth 20" cocks in there.
How about you get dead you fucking faggot.
Why does Daz suck so much?
Because you're not good enough.
because you're mom is a donkey
Because sometimes parameters will inexplicably disappear when I restart a scene and it's SHITTING ME OFF
C'mon man, black goes with everything.
They better have realistic glossiness too!
Fuck that.
Her feet aren't touching the floor but they are pointed up. Also, do you realise the mattress is sticking out the end of the bed, right? And sim the dress to drape onto her legs, dresses don't float.
I'm just messing around with the lighting.
Lighting looks not bad. Try a night time shot with a key light, and flick the surfaces on the bulbs in the lights behind her to emissives. Might look cool too.
Any suggestions on simming in Daz?
Can we get some more works in progress? I like seeing it all, from any skill level.

Virtual World Dynamics. Google it.
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Here's a character i was working on...slapped on some hair and a preset pose for a quick render.
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>i was working on
In what way did you "work" on this
Adjusting sliders to create a particular looking female that fits a type of character i want to use. Hows that faggot?
It's hard to shill for sheckels when you attack your critics. It was a valid argument, but don't expect patreon bucks from me due to your offensive nature.
So what's so cool about Gen8 that Genesis 3 can't do?
It's got one of them A-poses instead of one of them T-poses
What fig senpai?
A valid argument? You made no argument. You baited with sarcasm about "working" on a daz model. If you don't like daz stuff...why are you in the daz thread? 3D elitists can fuck right off...not everybody wants to reinvent the wheel.
>responding to those guys.
We've done a good job of ignoring them in previous threads, we can do it here too.
I spent all points on strength and centaur template, skill in archery is for nerds.
Nothing to write home about. I mean, is there really any reason I should purchase this shit or even steal it?
What are you going to do? Ask every person you meet on Paterson if they are the anon that hurt your feelings that one time before you donate?
How does the relation between Genesis and Michael/Victoria? I see everywhere that they're their own figures, so they're not based on the Genesis models?

I wanted to use this pack that seems to need Michael/Victoria and I can't make it work for shit. Tried to install it in my custom Daz library and can't find it at all in my content in Daz.
They where their own models up to and including v4 and m4. Genesis started the practice of using one mesh(now2) for all daz3ds character's.

As far as that pack is concerned from the numbering convention alone I would assume you would need m4 and v4 for it. Also, custom library locations aren't auto detected by daz. you will have to point to it.
Michael 4 and victoria 4 are their own separate models iirc. Michael and victoria 5/6/7/8 are based on genesis 1/2/3/8.
>Also, custom library locations aren't auto detected by daz.

I never had any problem about this until now though, and I did set up the custom location in the preferences. I guess I'll try to download an install v4 and m4 then.

There are no similar anatomy for Genesis 3 right? Or at least the rigged skeleton.

> genesis 8

Why did they go from genesis 3 to 8 anyway? So confusing.
get off your fucking phone you faggot
>I guess I'll try to download an install v4 and m4 then.

>Why did they go from genesis 3 to 8 anyway? So confusing.

Because they were stupid enough to retain the names Victoria and Michael even though post Generation 4 they aren't the base figures any longer, only characters for the base figures.

Since they couldn't go backwards with the V/M numbering, they chose to go forwards with the Genesis numbering the way Windows went from 8 to 10.
>Adjusting sliders to create a particular looking female that fits a type of character i want to use. Hows that faggot?
So did I. I just have more experience doing it, and an actual disgust with the interchangeable plastic whores most ero game developers crank out.

>What fig senpai?
If you can't tell, then I did my job right. ;^B
Ahahahah not the anon you're responding to but if this >>571027 is an indication of your work then you're in absolutely no position to speak all holier-than-thou hahahaha
withering retort, Reddit
Learn to make something halfway decent before you think you're worthy to start shitting on other people.
Need some help

I'm not sure what the setting is thats causing the pink colouring to bounce so much on the carpet.

I made a quick pink wall paint and carpet in substance, that carpet should be white. The only lighting in the scene is from the emmisives on the ceiling.

I know its got to be something so simple, but I just can't figure out why its bouncing so strong onto the floor.
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room test.png
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Need some help

I'm not sure what the setting is thats causing the pink colouring to bounce so much on the carpet.

I made a quick pink wall paint and carpet in substance, that carpet should be white. The only lighting in the scene is from the emmisives on the ceiling.

I know its got to be something so simple, but I just can't figure out why its bouncing so strong onto the floor.
Might not be the lighting at all. What's the material settings in daz?
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room test 2.png
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changed the walls to be lighter and it seemed to make a bit of diference but, i still dont see why the pink would bounce around so much
im using the daz iray uber shader which is basically pbr setup
how the fuck does light bounce hahahahahaha do you think the world is made out of trampolines?? hahahahahaaha what a FUCKING RETARD
I see that people have made characters based on Yenn and Trish from Witcher, is there a character based on Geralt? Can't find one named after him.
Do you really ask why a pink wall would reflect pink colored light?
Yeah the names are a bit different though.
>Gwenbleiz HD and Beard for Michael 7
im more concerned with why the wall, even if i change colour, reflects onto carpet

im interested in knowing what i need to change to stop that from happening
>im interested in knowing what i need to change to stop that from happening

Change the laws of physics

I would think he shouldn't expect patreon shekels from you because you don't have any.
> why does light bouncing carry color with it
You must be 18+ to post on 4chan
>Ahahahah hahahaha

You need to spread this love wider on /3/, Tyler the Masturbator
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>all those fags not knowing a thing about focal lengths
>doing "portraits" with wide angle equivalents
>using tele for everything
What does the thing where hair comes out of has anything to do with rendering?
Why is there such a high degree of shitposting in this thread?

I get why the non-DAZ 3d people dislike it('muh dollies') but even the DAZ users are shitposting everyone.

What happened?
Shit like Daz Studio and TK17 attracts the dregs of humanity.
Nonexistent barrier to entry thanks to DS's Burger King economic model and Iray's promises of becoming rich on Patreon rendering futanari porn.

Show me on Victoria 4 where the bad Daz user touched you.
You know that's basically just a script of something people figured out how to do weeks ago, right?
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But I'm fucking lazy
It honestly takes about the same amount of time though.
It's been available since day 1... At sharecg... for free. Don't pay for this shit.
> professional photographers will never write the chapters on cameras or lights
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Woot now I get to learn to use redshift. This is going to be fun.
Most of the posters that would have legit questions and answers seemed to have moved on to the lewd thread. All that is left here are fresh newbs a, few people wandering in from a few weeks ago to see the disaster this topic is and move on and of course the denizens of 3.
They shit on everyone and everything simply because they are pissed about the fact they will never make money at this. Oh sure. One in 1000 will. But that is it. It's actually kinda sad. And very understandable. And extremely fascinating when you read the other threads here. Shitposting is all 3 has left.

tl;dr: Chris Creek, one of the 3 original founders of DAZ (later fired by the new management) who formed his own content store was contacted by DAZ who wanted exclusives on selling his recent animal models (housecat, morphable large cat, horse).
His only demand was that DAZ continue to sell both the Poser and DS versions of each; DAZ in return gets exclusive sales of the products and nowhere on DAZ's store is "HiveWire3D" referenced because God forbid someone see "HiveWire3D" and google it finding their store (the vendor is only to be known as HW3D).
I'm starting to think Renderosity is the only company consistently turning a profit at this point.
>simply because they are pissed about the fact they will never make money at this
What a garbage fucking motivation to pick up Poser or DAZ.
If you need money it's in modeling for studios or becoming an actual content vendor, not competing with other cockroaches to render porn with the same exact program and resources everyone else has access to.
BE, mind control/transformation, torture/snuff, superheroine rape, alien/tentacle violation, underage, interracial, futanari… the dominant fetish changes over time but the shit tier content and its inevitable economic implosion from being reposted outside a paywall never does.
I never implied people use daz/poser to make money but I oh so obviously hit the nail right on the head for you to assume that was what I was saying. This is a hobby, for all of us. Deal with it.
>They shit on everyone and everything simply because they are pissed about the fact they will never make money at this.
Is that what it is? I've been coming here for a while and I've wondered what's actually behind the comments written by some of the more resentful anons.

There's just this bitter, virginal, angsty anger present in this thread where if you ask even the humblest question, two or three people will always jump down your throat and try to shit on you like you're a retard for trying to learn something new. I just figured it was some form of overcompensation for not doing anything productive or creative with their lives. I mean, you hardly even ever see renders posted here at all. The "denizens" of this thread need to seriously calm down, and stop alienating the few people who even come here in the first place by acting like bitter, virginal faggots.
>This is a hobby, for all of us. Deal with it.
We couldn't agree more. Apologies for coming across otherwise.
Ehh the most butthurt posts in this thread reek of tilted /3/ nerds mad about amateurs enjoyin their dolls while they're living on noodles in a 60 ft aprtment and then false flaging to start shit, everyone moved to the lewd threqd by now

Really this whole board is permeated with a thick miasma of butthurt, not even /ic/ threads about the business and job opportunities are this ass fractuted

You can use my cock portal. Nudge-nudge wink-wink.

There's a program called Wrinkle which is something like $15. You can export your figure posed then export the clothes posed. It runs a sim on the clothing. You can then import the clothing model back into the scene, apply textures and you're good to go.
New /3/ Lewd thread. All software welcome.


Fucking hell! Retarded mods deleted the thread before I could upload more stuff. Assholes.


New /3/ Lewd thread.
When /3/ opened, it was openly hostile to anyone who wanted to talk about how to put the least effort into 3D. As soon as that got tolerated around here, the "WHERE CAN I GET CRACK FOR MAYA" faggots were followed by "HOW DO I BECOME RICH IN 2 WEEKS" shitheads and they haven't left since.
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>There's a program called Wrinkle which is something like $15
$30, and it would be overpriced at $10. Look at the promotional picture the developer chose to sell the product. These are puckers, not wrinkles, and they make the fabric look like deflated punch balloons.

I must of have got it on sale. I'm pretty sure I only paid $10.

The nice part is it will work with multiple gravity zones. So in a T-pose you can set each arm with it's own gravity pulling the fabric towards the hands and the torso with a gravity pulling the cloth towards the ground.

The reason it looks puckered there is because the mesh he's simulating on is too low poly.

I played around with it for awhile. It was okay if you used a high poly mesh and good if you were using it on posed figures wearing cloth made in MD (so you could get proper drapes if you don't have MD yourself).

Overall I still prefer just sculpting my cloth with 3D coat.
Thanks for correcting me on these points. I'll stick with what I have at present though.
>tfw you can only shoot sideways because you're so fucking massive you've lost the range of motion needed to point the bow forward

kinda hot desu

It's a morph converter, not the pose converter.
Ah, sorry. Didn't notice.

you might need zbrush
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I can't get transfer utility to work properly at all, any idea what I'm doing wrong?
What is it that you're trying to do?
Well, yes isn't it obvious? Set the outfit as rigged accessory. Isn't that how you do it?
What figure are you using and what figure did the outfit belong to originally?
Figure is a morphed Fem genesis 3, outfit is just a normal 3d model I made.
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How can I get this level of realistic detail in Daz? Feels like there's a displacement map to emphasize the muscles, bones, veins, etc...
Those people are made of oiled leather. The man is having a stroke.
> The best way to make a character sexy is to exaggerate their metacarpal and metatarsal bones like someone in their early fifties
We know the morphs exist you fucking jackholes, you don't have to abuse them
That imhotep foot morph strikes again.
jesus christ did you take the hagravens face out of skyrims mesh file and slap makeup on it?!
>one of the 3 original founders of DAZ (later fired by the new management)
How did he even manage to be a founder without having a share in the company?
> realistic

This picture makes me feel ill.
>How did he even manage to be a founder without having a share in the company?
The company was suffering in 2011 and they brought in investment from an Israeli 3D company which appears to have come at the cost of whatever shares Dan, Chris and Steve Kondris had.

Anagord's relatively new to the scene and is feeling her feet regarding how stylized her characters should be. Looking at her more recent output I think she's getting the picture that scary trannies don't sell as well as she'd expected, even to total fucking degenerates like us.
These are probably HD morphs for the muscles and bones. Iray's faster with HD morphs than with displacement maps.

Most of what you're seeing here are high-contrast diffuse maps at work (i.e. future skin cancer victims). I don't care for artdude41's choice of smoky lighting but I understand why he's using it.
Wow, those are almost as bad as that one guy that makes those anus lipped dolls.
Thanks. Where would I find those morphs? I just need them to use as bump maps so my daz models don't look like fake plastic dolls.
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I'm pretty sure the hand/foot (metacarpal/metatarsal) are part of Genesis 3's basic morph set. Musculature and veins are sold separately (at DAZ).

>that one guy that makes those anus lipped dolls
You're either referring to GifArtist's horsecock granny trannies (V4) or Anagord's G3F characters from a year ago (pic related). To Anagord's credit she doesn't aim for this kind of thing any longer.
I meant Aeon Soul's monstrosity.
They like to use this figure on most of their items too.
ok thanks.
What hair and skin Tex is that?????
dunno the skin tex
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>I meant Aeon Soul's monstrosity.
Vendors who favor "signature" manikins for their clothing/hair products somehow have the worst fucking taste in character design as if this would make us more likely to purchase their work.
So Daz's brilliant idea is to let Studio languish woefully outdated and behind the curve and focus on Morph thinking they're going to make more money from video game developers.

So they think they can take on Autodesk and Adobe who have free rigged character generators (and Makehuman for people who want retarded looking characters) with Thier paid Morph app which is just Genesis figures rigged to be slightly more compatible with game engines.

Do they really think this is going to be their big money maker?

God I hope the company ends up being bought by someone competent.
No, DAZ's brilliant plan is to pretend Morph3D doesn't exist then let it die of starvation like all of their software that isn't Studio or Carrara.

As far as continuing to develop Studio is concerned, they have their userbase by the balls since they discourage vendors from selling new Poser-only compatible content and vendors are just as easily herded and milked. Their product costs nothing and comes with a renderer guaranteed to shit out good looking renders without the user knowing dick about materials or lighting.

They've taken Microsoft's approach that even if most people are pirating the content, it's cementing their lead over Poser. And they're following their own policy of ignoring feature requests from users which dates back to its introduction. So long as every piece of clothing out there autofits a figure they reckon they've done their job even if animation is terrible and dynamics are functionally nonexistent.

You are a customer of content designed never to leave one posing/rendering application and they know it. And as long as Iray continues to be easier to get results from than Superfly they'll keep pulling the strings even if the core application's weaker.
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Meanwhile, in the new section of daz Galleries.
> that fabric weave distortion and absence of displacement
> neither cuffs nor collars on a sweater
> earpieces not adjusted for ears or vice versa
> man not being dragged away by police
It's not a clothing item, it's literally a second skin.

I will so fucking laugh if Poser poison pills them. They'll be fucked completely and will have no one to blame but themselves.
>I will so fucking laugh if Poser poison pills them. They'll be fucked completely

People are sheep. If Poser goes open source or free it still won't use Genesis 3 or 8 without ridiculous amounts of conversion, and even if there were an Iray to Superfly mat/light converter you're still hoping that Cycles can render at speeds comparable to a renderer written by a GPU vendor.

DAZ is the idiot's delight. Minimal investment of time or money and guaranteed content development no matter how shit it is.

That would explain why Daz won't import FBX or DAE with rigging intact. They claim it's just a bug that they don't know how to fix but the truth would be they simply don't want Daz users getting their content from other programs.
Nobody in this thread seems to understand what a poison pill is.
in finance it refers to making your company undesirable to takeover efforts
Yeah, was Daz trying to take over Smith Micro?
No, someone decided that this was the appropriate term for SM burning and salting their product in the misguided belief it would turn all the newfags into Poser users overnight despite the issues I mentioned above.
>why Daz won't import FBX or DAE with rigging intact

I take it you don't own Poser Pro, it's not stupendous at this either when it comes to rigged characters.

And then there's Blender which STILL can't import FBX in ASCII format.
In that situation it'd be 'predatory pricing'
I don't think you're going to find a lot of econ majors on /3/ considering the average age here seems to be 16 and the most common question is "how to I get rich in the shortest possible time"
>how to I get rich in the shortest possible time
Go to a rich neighborhood and jump in front of a BMW.
multiple times, preferably so the catalog's signal to noise ratio might improve
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death before dishonor.jpg
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Smithmicro wants to unsaddle themselves from Poser because when you measure the maintenance needed to maintain the market to the profit point Poser is seriously under performing. Smithmicro is hoping they can find someone to buy the software from them and they can focus their resources on their 2D software which is much easier to maintain and is more profitable than Poser. The company has been hemorrhaging money and their stock has been tumbling drastically. There's also a fucking hate-on at Smithmicro for Daz and if they can't find a buyer to take Poser off their hands they're considering making it open source specifically because it will fuck Daz over big time as well as free up resources in the company so they can concentrate on their more profitable software.

Since January 2011 they've been in a free fall and they're pretty desperate and Poser just isn't looking like a winner for them.

Junior's hate for Thornton is well known, but then again half the staff at Daz hat Thornton as well.
>their 2D software
by which you mean Celsys' software

>Junior's hate for Thornton
I'm guessing Junior is the head honcho at SM and Thornton is his counterpart at DAZ
>their stock has been tumbling drastically
It's been in a holding pattern since 2012 according to your graph.

>their more profitable software
They license all of their 2D software from a company that still owns it and could decide tomorrow to cut off the US market or go with another company.

SM's portfolio is plagued by their own idiocy and mismanagement then they decide its the acquisitions' fault.

I'll say it again: open-sourcing Poser would have some short term benefits for the software but overtaking DS without competitive content or import capability…
Holding, but holding in the shitter. Coincident that 2012 is when Daz made Daz Studio free.
>2012 is when Daz made Daz Studio free
DS was free from its inception. There was BRIEFLY a paid Pro version but that ended long before 2012.
Don't forget the fingers clipping through the shoulder.
The irony is Daz gave Smithmicro everything the needed to make Poser fully compatible with Daz content but they told Daz to go fuck themselves because they were pissed off at them for splitting the market and they were hoping they'd quickly go out of business.
Is this the true power of Daz Studio?
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No, but this is!
I'm impressed with these generals hitting bump limits so quickly. We are nearly there yet again.

Now accepting new OP images!
>has worked on this for months
>still no porn to show
You know proper general behavior is waiting until like page 9 to make a new thread, no reason to make new threads if we are not even near the image limit and this thread will still be alive a month from now
This one was created by another anon and longer than I had usually waited with prior threads. So it's progress.
Either way, plenty of time for OP image submissions or suggestions.
No offense but let people who lived this history tell it.
At the time you're discussing, DS used a proprietary, encrypted format (.daz) which DAZ openly stated they'd enforce DMCA against any developer who reverse engineered it.
What they offered SM was a license to the format but it would not permit SM to document it. Poser's product manager Steve Cooper posted a statement that Poser would not support closed formats and to this day it still doesn't.
To put this in context, DAZ themselves took this bait with the dynamic cloth engine they licensed several years ago: they weren't permitted to document or even reverse engineer it and the result is they got screwed with only one vendor able to make dynamic clothing content (Optitex).
Also if SM had taken the bait they would have constantly been playing catch-up every time the spec changed and STILL been in the position of competing with freeware, effectively marketing DS for DAZ themselves.
I'm using DAZ to service my own means and I don't have any new renders to show because I'm using them for a top-secret project I'm working on. Sorry, don't expect any porn from me.
In the end DAZ blinked first and not only retired .daz but adopted one of the most widely used text-based open data formats (JSON which made sense for an application whose native scripting language is JavaScript). They even picked the same bzip compression Poser uses. Had SM agreed to license their formats, imagine the shitstorm DRM would have brought.
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There any third party breast shapes for V8 yet?
Or is the only option converting G3 breast morphs?
>because I'm using them for a top-secret project I'm working on
>character sprite
So, "ero game made in Ren'Py / RPGmaker / Unity for nutaku" then.

You'd have to be an incredible sucker to buy any G8F morph kit instead of just converting G3F morphs.
Where did you get the idea I was creating character sprites? Did you just completely make that up? And no, it's not video game related.
Current morph converter I'm using has some shoulder problems. Waiting for another version.
>Where did you get the idea I was creating character sprites? Did you just completely make that up?
Sprites are also usually alpha'd PNGs. Apologies.

>And no, it's not video game related.
Most people wouldn't be that secretive about porno comics, which is pretty much what's left once you factor out ero games and visual novels (animation even less likely). However, I'm pretty stupid so feel free to contradict me here.

FWIW DAZ has always put impossible upper bounds on eyeSlant and most people should stick to being subtle with it. The one time I've actually seen substantially slanted eyes was on a Hopi working the counter at McDonalds in Arizona, and I don't look at any less Jap porn than you do.
This, also when I start bending and posing the figure there's some really weird anomalies in the limbs

Doesn't Daz's prohibition against developing their own dynamics system expire in 2018?
the window panes are white so it's obviously the material/reflectivity of the carpet that's your problem.
Either late 2017 or 2018, yes. What they end up adopting is anyone's guess considering DAZ is putting just about as much love and care into Studio as SM is putting into Poser right now.

Hasn't Daz been saying there's a big surprise in store for Studio at the end of 2017.
yeah, G8M
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she's really let herself go
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Can anyone recommend some V4 clothing packs?
Found a rather large lewd posepack on zonegfx.
Is there a way to stop this piece of s...oftware from resetting figure scale when applying a pose? I have a hair with a braid that has 25 bones in it. Lock icons in posing tab don't do shit. Ctrl+doubleclick on pose file and disabling 'scale' checkboxes doesn't do shit either.
>Can anyone recommend some V4 clothing packs?
Outside of some bundles made by vendors, clothing and hair generally aren't posted as packs on the sites I visit; geometry compresses fine but textures don't. Expressions, poses, hands, morphs, cameras etc. compress really well and are far more likely to be packed. Even when Kat was a thing, clothing tended to be individual torrents and CGPeers is depressing.

If you have the patience to scour multiple sites like zonegfx, you can amass a large collection on your own piece by piece but as someone who did exactly this the time investment's not worth it. Buy shit and vendors will make more of it, even for V4 in $CURRENT_YEAR.

I'm going to assume you use Poser and not DAZ Studio because people who worry about figure-specific conforming clothing items aren't DS users.

3 pointers for following V4 clothing vendors:
1. Look for the ones who do undress morphs because they're working harder than anyone.
2. If you don't have Pro, S4 and Morphs++ support in clothing items are key unless you want all your characters to have the same height and body type. DAZ had an annoying habit of selling Morphs++ support separately as "for Unimesh." If you don't have Morphs++ and Stephanie 4, correct that.
3. The most talented clothing modelers are frequently the least interested in making good textures for their products, and you will most likely need a third party texture pack for them.
4. When you graduate to using dynamic clothing items, look for the ones rigged to have open/close movements where applicable.
Easy, lock the scaling.
Very informative, thanks. Guess I'm hitting my own dick with a hammer by using V4 in Daz. I have a few items that are dynamic and don't work in Daz. Guess it's time to learn Poser.
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my new waifu.png
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What sliders?
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A mix of:
Blaire for G3F
Teen Josie 7
Growing up

Skin: P3D Angel HD for G3F
>Guess it's time to learn Poser
Different learning curve but worth it. Worth it more if you have Pro.
It would also help to know what type of clothing you are looking for. Like dresses, gowns, slutwear or period clothing as examples.

Many vendors stick with one type of clothing.

Unfortunately the realism of many V4 items is low since they were hand modeled rather than created in an app like marvelous designer.
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No matter what the hair is always metal gear solid 2 graphics

Yu.... yu... you don tell a dishney prinshesh whe... whe... when she's ha enuh... enough ta... ta drink. A dishney prinshesh ta... ta.. tells YOU when she.... she's ha enough ta drink...


Look at My Hair is the only decent hair system for Daz Studio.
>modern daz3d
>developing anything
Let's hope they get someone competent to do it for them
Fuck off autist
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Handsome girl!
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Buy genesis 8 goy!!
We may have our next General OP image.
Use it as you like!
those are remarkably accurate payyot, kuzine
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I stole them from GTA V!
>I stole them from GTA V!

Orthodox Jews
> GTA V: Southern California
> not Liberty City: Manhattan

I believe you but it's funny
GTA IV also had a couple hasidic jew meshes, but they're much lower poly, as you'd expect.
Now this, I can get behind.
You are showing some progress since the first swolegirl you made a few threads ago. Keep up the good work.
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Thanks. Like I've said before, I don't post very often because I'm working on this other project that I want to keep secretive for the time being, but I'm definitely getting an affinity for the tools!

Here's one of my character designs for the project to give you an idea of what I've been doing. (Story name, character name, and my real name censored)
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That's a big girl.
There's a big Orthodox Jewish community in Los Angeles. They live near the New Beverly Theater.
guess that makes sense, thanks
How come literally no one knows how to make optimized hair meshes? A hair mesh shouldn't have to be 300 fucking MB...
>A hair mesh shouldn't have to be 300 fucking MB...
OOT, right? It's not the geometry, it's their concept of acceptable texture size. This is probably why they've started moving towards procedural shaders which is what the field should have been doing years ago.
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Is there a way to manually brush/erase weight paints a la Outfit Studio?

Basically, the collar of this jacket rests closely to the shoulders, and when I rig it, the shoulder weights spill over onto the edges of the collar, leading to these abberations in pic related.

If I can't fix this problem by adjusting the bone weights directly I'm just going to cut the collar out in blender and rig it separately.

But if I could erase the shoulder weights from the collar I could fix this much more cleanly. Is that viable or is there some other fix?
That's a great coat.
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It's B.J.s outfit from Wolfenstein: TNO.

I can upload it here if you want it, right after I get this collar situation figured out.
or you could upload it first and let someone else figure it out
You could just pull it from one of the XPS models.
I want to learn how to fix this. Having somebody else just do it for me wouldn't do me any favors.
Marry me, neither of us belong here
>You could just pull it from one of the XPS models.
Instructions unclear, ordered this
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Yippie-ki yay!
I could if I had an idea where to find them.
Not a tranny. I'm not into futa shit. I just like big girls.
Her face is fucked up.
What are you talking about, you imbecile?
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original character do not steal.png
3MB, 2000x1800px
good job dude
>acceptable texture size
Are you telling me there are texture formats other than 4k png?
Reread the sentence that came after the one you fixated on.
Hair is a material. Almost all its characteristics can be procedurally generated with the possible exception of alpha maps for the tips. Manually creating a stretched out brushed metal texture in Photoshop, dropping an adjustment layer on top to tint it and exporting a fuckhuge PNG file made sense in 2003, but so did burning speculars into the diffuse map. At this point, the only genuinely necessary map is the alpha map to define the contours of the plane tips.
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Anywhere I can find old ass files that appear to have disappeared? Trying to track down a Raven Collar made by Lilflame that was posted on RDNA but that site appears to be down.

They can't even fix their FBX/DAE import/export system. I doubt they have the talent necessary to add dynamics.

MCasual has more talent than anyone writing code at Daz. They should hire him and give him free range to work on whatever he wants as long as it improves Daz Studio or fixes bugs.
RDNA got bought out by DAZ but DAZ had to negotiate with the vendors to have content transferred and not everything did. She's a vendor at both DAZ and Rendo so you might contact her.
Your alternative is to hunt down all the warez sites only to discover ancient links to extinct filehosts, then eventually hit the one warez site that stuffed it inside a 4.7Gb archive that may or may not be split across several files.
Save yourself the trouble and contact LF via sitemail and beg nicely to pay her whatever it used to cost there if she'll sells it to you directly. She really ought to just put it back up on sale somewhere.

>They should hire him
There's a difference between coding a few utilities in JavaScript and fixing C++.
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Cool cat with a scattergat!
Oh and here's a monotone one I just did!
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Not too dissimilar!
She's gonna need a bigger gun.
What's generally better, T-pose or A-pose?
>how long is a piece of string?
I'm 90% sure that's an utterly retarded utterance you just made. People who have worked with modelling and rigging are sure to have a preference for one or the other.

You know, I bet you're the same faggot who keeps making passive-aggressive comments every _single_ time someone asks a question in this thread. What's the matter, doofus, you mad because you can't get a job in the industry and you can feel your skillset wasting away as you chow down on the fifth packet of ramen noodles that day? Why don't you just about stop being a little faggot and get your shitty life in check before you come here and make a gay post, you stupid idiot. Not projecting, either, I just know all about what kind of person you are, you sack of shit. Don't ever come here again with a fucking chump attitude like that.
I can't seem to install around 30 items due to extraction error.
I have re-downloaded the files several times and confirmed folder permissions allow writing.

log details:
Installing product : Simple Fabric Iray Shaders
Could not extract file : D:/Daz Studio Libraries/My DAZ 3D Library/Runtime/Support/DAZ_3D_22524_Simple_Fabric_Iray_Shaders.dsa
Product installation failed : Simple Fabric Iray Shaders
Running Daz install manager as admin appears to have fixed it.
Her face is actually hideous. What the fuck is wrong with you?
What do you dislike about it?
That was a lot of words I didn't read.

Not him but if you're going to stylize this heavily consider working from a toon base instead of the default human design and use a less photorealistic skin texture. You took a female and gave her every masculine feature you could think of short of a broken nose and cauliflower ears (probably because you can't do either with sliders).

I don't begrudge you your love of musclegirls who look like they just left Mother Russia, but there's a need for balance here and right now her eyes hate each other so much they're trying to shrink into the nearest ear.

Take every head slider and halve its value, then show a render. Yes, other character designers do the same thing.
I think its the same anon from a few threads ago that was importing from Zbrush?
The complainer? who cares

That musclegirl certainly wasn't sculpted in Zbrush.
File: SierraFuentes_Bike01.jpg (1MB, 2000x1800px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 2000x1800px
My waifu is so feminine, you can almost tell she's a woman!
I take it back. Quarter the values.
I don't use sliders for the faces. It's all Zbrush'd. And her face is exactly how I want it.
come out to your parents not us
File: MILFThicc.png (2MB, 1140x1800px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1140x1800px
A little variety is the spice of life!
What did my eyes ever do to you?
Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy lmao
> Call me Caitlyn
Look, muscle girls who don't look like men, amazing
File: Thicc.png (3MB, 2000x1800px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 2000x1800px
Look at that, I can create heavily stylized muscle babes, too! Amazing.

You seem to be under the impression that I don't know what I'm doing!
I like my girls like I like my niggers, with tiny craniums
Why would you like niggers?
Why wouldn't you you bigot
For the same reason I don't like shit in my front yard.
You hate niggers because you hate hindus?
Anyone wanna make a new thread?
The lighting, the textures, the clothing, the morphs.. You have no idea what you're doing.
Maybe you could provide a reference, some form of personal work perhaps, showing me how it's done?
File: bidge.png (1MB, 1106x2840px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 1106x2840px
Not him but sure, why not because I'm not creating a hyper exaggerated form to deflect criticism
Are.. Are you fucking serious?

What in the fuck is that?
I forgot, this is 4chan. This is something called "a woman." You were confused and upset by the absence of the penis you're used to seeing on them in drawings and CG renderings posted on this site.
No offense but that creature you posted is wicked gayer than just about anything I've posted.
File: ae2.png (23KB, 500x294px) Image search: [Google]
23KB, 500x294px
I'm serious. I don't know how you can look at that thing and not feel horrified. And I'm not saying that half-jokingly, as if there was some sort of unrealized value to it that's just gonna take some persuading before gets acknowledged. I mean that thing is literally hideous in every single facet and I question your sanity.
>I'm serious
I give you props for taking the time to make that, even though I don't know what point you're trying to make.
it's a sunday evening and you're wasting time falseflagging for (You)s instead of developing content. No, you da actual MVP of taking the time, Anon.

…you aren't seriously using that slider twiddle in a project, are you?
First off, I have no life. Second, every waking moment of my day does not need to be spent developing content. And if you must know, I'm waiting on a render right now that's gonna take about four hours. I'm also gonna go to sleep in a second.

Third, I've already composed two more fun images over the past two days but I'm waiting until the new thread to post them.

Fourth, there are no sliders involved. It's all Zbrush'd. Except the vascularity, those are sliders.

Fifth, god damn the community is lame in this thread. Nobody even posts shit yet everyone's a critic. Bitter, virginal angst all around. God forbid you have fun for a second of the day, right? Jesus Christ. You people are all incredibly impersonal, it's amazing.
>I'm waiting on a render right now that's gonna take about four hours
Another "fun" stiffly posed can-headed tranny? Oh boy we can't possibly wait.

>Fifth, god damn the community is lame in this thread. Nobody even posts shit yet everyone's a critic.

>I'm serious. I don't know how you can look at that thing and not feel horrified. And I'm not saying that half-jokingly, as if there was some sort of unrealized value to it that's just gonna take some persuading before gets acknowledged. I mean that thing is literally hideous in every single facet and I question your sanity.

I post whatever I feel like posting because most contributors on /3/ are in no position to critique it and offer the same meaningless bullshit like above, occasionally sprinkled with buzzwords I'm supposed to be upset by.

What you're posting is the kind of character who only appears in paywall porn, where grotesque exaggeration is not only expected but required. If you used Zbrush to make that physique then I guess you spent time well learning Zbrush, considering that kind of She-Freak stuff is already available for Genesis figures.

No one here has a life. The board is mostly Pajeets begging for shortcuts to doing everything and /v/ refugees who want to start platform wars. I post a few renders and sale announcements from time to time.
Well, whatever. You keep doing you, and I'll keep doing me, how's that. No need for any more animosity.
fair enough
You'd recognize my stuff, better not.
New thread!

Any suggestions on the best program/way to make just simple modern hair for daz, or tutorials to follow? I don't want something crazy realistic, I'm from archvis I'm just trying to make a couple of characters I can use and pose for renders but the hairs are just so crazy detailed.

They don't have to look even good up close, most shots will be from 5m+ away at least.

Character modeling is just a whole new thing for me so I'm not sure where to start just to learn how to do some quick hair plus texturing it.
>most shots will be from 5m+ away at least
Low poly hair or clay hair (solid objects without transmapping like those that shipped with Poser in 2000). Google can help you better than I here.
Thread posts: 429
Thread images: 79

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