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I was outside trying to catch a glimpse of the eclipse when something

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I was outside trying to catch a glimpse of the eclipse when something thin and white went streaking through the woods behind my house. It scared the shit out of my chickens and me. Can someone explain what it was? It was so fast I couldn't really see it to well, but it was low to the ground and long and thin. Mountain lions aren't a thing here, neither are bears or wolves, but we have fox, rabbits, deer, turkeys, and cyotes, but I only ever hear them at night. Pic telated, its the denser part of the forest where that asshat disappeared into.
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>can someone explain what it was
Your imagination
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One of my chickens
I know I saw it faggot, If not me my chickens did, they won't come out of their pen/run.
a snake
Mabe it was an albino animal of some sort?
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They have come
Cute chicken, and I can't really say without knowing the general area my man
Rural nothern Minnesota
Idk what it was, but when I went outside today I saw a large amount of frogs at the entrance to my woods (little guys normally only come out at night). So it could have been some sort of nocturnal creature.
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For the chickens to freak like they did it have to say something fox like, possibly an albino

21 aoû 2017, 14 h 45
Partial Solar Eclipse, in Gaspé
Begins: lun 21 aoû 2017, 13 h 38
Maximum: lun 21 aoû 2017, 14 h 45 0,51 Magnitude
Ends: lun 21 aoû 2017, 15 h 48
Duration: 2 hours, 10 minutes

Whats that say?
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lmao whut.jpg
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nice bait
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sounds like a walker to me
It was a dickfur
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