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I'm fucking done with this podcast. They are everything

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I'm fucking done with this podcast.

They are everything that's wrong with today's society. Not only do they buy into fake news and spout their retarded leftist opinions on a show that is supposed to be about paranormal, but one of them is literally part of fake news msm and has nerve to cry about people taking issue with his stupid beliefs.
Well, good on you for being able to recognize bullshit agenda pushing where it's not relevant and refusing to support it, then.
Guess what? I don't care. The newest episode is fucking hilarious and the podcast still saves my daily commute. Maybe you should go back to a certain board, bro.

>inb4 t. Marcus, Ben, Henry
>t. Marcus, Ben, Henry
Pretty much everything I watched or listened to went full retard after Trump won the election. Had to drop a lot of stuff.
This thread again. Fuck off pasta.
I still listen to every episode and love it, but I fucking cringe every time any of them mention politics. The way they misrepresented the case for pizzagate and categorically dismissed it really made them lose some cred for me

that, and the facebook group is a circlejerk SJW dumpster fire
If I listen to your dumb podcast will you stop spamming /x/ with it?
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>The way they misrepresented the case for pizzagate and categorically dismissed it really made them lose some cred for me
It's your fault for not presenting it in a more palatable way. "Hurr Clintin durr Podesta" isn't really going to convince anyone, even if it's true. When it comes to informing the public, we need more hard, cold facts, not 4D chess symbolism and attempts at deciphering emails. That's why I'm more interested in those anons trying to track down physical locations of the child trafficking networks, like pic related.
I've just given up on it. Between them constantly making the same jokes about different nations then being a bunch of screaming lefties on other stuff, it's just not tolerable any more.

It's a shame, because they used to be my go-to podcast for long runs, drives, etc.
Its called mysterious universe bro seriously
Kill yourself conservative scum. Get used to being the enemy of every single worthwhile artist in every genre of entertainment. You are disgusting. You are fucking delusional. Everyone who makes good music, movies, TV shows, podcasts, comics, etc.etc. is completely opposed to every pathetic and abhorrent belief you subscribe to. Because you are a fucking backwards thinking idiot, and your kind is repulsive to anyone with a brain.
>made fun of retards a few times
>wahh fake news, retarded leftist
Do you wonder why people make fun of your viewpoints?
I do t care about their politics, but I cannot stand Marcus parks.
He's been extra bitchy lately too, someone called in to prank them on their live stream and he was visibly livid.
I live how he reminds us every episode how they're all "DIY" and how he does all the work himself, though us research assistants and idiots from their Facebook group helping them. He is a piece of shit.
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Been listening to Astonishing Legends. Consistent shows lately on The Jersey Devil, Mothman, and currently The Hopkinsville Goblin (timely right now). Pretty informative, and no cancer.

What I really wish I had was an opportunity to listen to something live. I've never really had a moment alone lately and I only know started sorting through old Coast to Coast episodes. This Sunday's episode is about UFOs, and I will just happen to finally be alone, so I may tune in to the beginning.
Fuck off with your POS commie podcast.
basically this. I definitely don't take them seriously anymore, but then again, why should anyone take their podcast seriously to begin with? They tell the stories of their paranormal topics, are usually good for an overview, what more do you want for free?
Round Table of Gentlemen is the superior CCR podcast
This is like my second time ever on /x/ do people here listen to this? Been listening for like 4 years I always really enjoyed it, though I definitely think it's gone downhill in the last year or so. Whether that's due to them fucking exploding in popularity or just talking about politics more idk
He's mentally ill be nice to him
>t. professional TV "star"
>us research assistants
There are no podcasts of worth that discuss paranormal topics. Ill listen to Paranormies as it is on the other end of the spectrum and is somewhat of an antidote to the stifling cancer of permiating PC culture but its so unprofessionally done it sometimes irks me. Johnny monoxide is always audiably drunk and the hosts have a bad habit of talking over each other/cutting each other off and leading each other off topic onto tangental bullshit or to spout stupid meme shit. Episode quality varies too with them often discussing topics they are woefully undereducated (or misinformed) on. The crowley episode was a good example of this. Its better than that leftist shit though.
I just found a podcast that I love. It's Madlogic Mysteries. They're just getting started and are only up to episode 4 or 5, but they get better every week. New episodes once a week and a discussion board on their site (also just getting started from the look of it) that could really turn into something cool.
go back to /pol/ faggot
hi alt left
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Last Podcast is fucking shit
Just stick to Mysterious Universe mate.
Good stuff
Even though this is an ironic post, you'll be gassed when the time comes.
>ha! Corporate owned media hates you, so you're wrong!!
Christ, TV makes people so ducking self righteous.

Here's a story- I am an artist & I have done some work in film & television. I've spoken to some producers at MTV and FX and you know what they both said? "We're looking to make more subversive content." Yeah. They're part of Viacom and Fox... what exactly do they want me to subvert?

This shit should be obvious to everyone.
Fucking autocorrect
I fucking hate how they split everything into multiple parts.
The Anneliese Michel exorcism was split into 3 parts and the last 2 were about literally whos talking on the mic for over a fucking hour about autism and OCD.
Fuck that noise. The first part was interesting and really the only relevant part.
Make fun of the shit members of the paranormal community all day. Equally boost the good stuff tho. Check out where did the road go and radio misterioso guys. If this and c2c is dollar tree steaks then they are filet mignon. This shit's weirder than we can comprehend.
Gotta get dem sweet patreon bucks.
By splitting that into 3 parts they basically got paid 2.7k USD, since those 3 episodes covered all of July.
>Check out where did the road go
I dropped that when every new show was just some guys complaining to each other about people believing in the paranormal.
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Literally this. Far right pantshitters have no place in paranormal research. If ghosts and aliens are real, the last fucking thing they care about is bullshit like white supremacy, Jesus, and capitalism.

I'm so damn glad Donald Fuckface eviscerated the American right with his gross stupidity. We'll finally have decent healthcare and a functional urban economy in ten years after the regressive assholes are put away for good.
>leftist opinions
they're centrists at best. Just because they aren't shouting "HAIL HITLER FUCK JEWS NIGGERS REE" doesn't mean they're leftists you shit
Like Venezuela, right? Socialism worked great for them! Riots are bitchin to score some sweet new shit.
It was the complete and total reversal of opinions that cause me to back off. In the second Jean Benet episode Henry talks about having direct knowledge of secret underground child sex rings that contain powerful members of society. Fast forward two tv shows later and Kissell climbing up the DNC ladder they deny anything and everything having to do with said subject. I am aware that these two individuals careers would be destroyed to talk about it. I can always listen to something else so I dropped.
>He's mentally ill be nice to him
Is he? That'd make sense, as I've always suspected everyone around him seems nervous. You can tell the edgy comedians at CCR rip on each other way harder than Marcus. If you watch the live streams on adult swim, he's incredible creepy on camera, and as usual, laughs after every single fucking joke or screams into the microphone.
It really bothers me no one else on the network gets paid, and despite Marcus reminding us (almost weekly) how hard he works, he has a legion of unpaid people assisting him while using every lazy podcast trick in the book. He picks a subject either with a new Netflix documentary about it, or an extensive Wikipedia entry, then reads them verbatim, then splits the episode up over the month so they only have to record once then collect their money.
And on that subject, they STILL ask for more patrons despite having income from merch, adds, live shows, and their stream on adult swim. Marcus is one of those people that needs praise for doing bare minimum of work, and cannot take a joke, which is weird for a comedy podcast.
In the recent episode Henry says "I tip my fedora to you sir" to Marcus and he flipps the fuck out.
I do not like that guy, and don't think most of the talent does either. Marcus is a comedy hole, an unfunny try-hard exploiting his friends for profit. And he still has the gall to complain about his dumb life constantly.
Ben, Henry and the rest of the crew though are wonderful, very funny people.
Looking for some podcast suggestions.
Been listening to expanded perspectives but they seem to be getting more sponsor heavy handed and barely last an hour.
Been loving mysterious universe and have blown through the free content they have.
I'm so desperate for some more material I'm debating on joining plus, but if I'm not going to be able to connect to a lot of new stuff I haven't already heard then why bother?

Any suggestions for longer podcasts like the two I've mentioned?
It always surprises me that no-one mentions Beyond the Darkness.

They have a podcast every weekday. They have a good mix of skeptical and woo woo guests. And they make sure they steer well clear of the politics.

I never see them get a mention here and they're by far one of the highest quality paranormal podcasts. The main guy even guest hosts Coast2Coast on occasion.

Ah, I used to listen to them as well.
Used to be Darkness Radio.
Guess I lost them on the name change.
What do you expect listening to retarded commie filth?
All commies must hang.
>gets mad because someone doesn't share his retarded 4chan political views

I remember when 4chan wasn't filled with sensitive faggots who can only handle people who agree with them.
Do the world a favour and kill yourself
looking forward to those shirts, the designs are looking badass
Mate, your fat ass wouldn't even be able to string up a squirrel let alone a soldier of the proletariat.
Even more obnoxious than the ones OP complains about. I tried to listen to one of their episodes and I must say every second was wasted.
It's ridiculous really. The only place subversion can go is against the standing establishment norm.
>Soldier of the proletariat

Bourgeoisie larper more like.
I don't know, the Mothman one definitely needed to be split up, for example. Sometimes there's a lot to talk about.

Agreed. I tried listening to them and it only took a few minutes for one of them to unironically say nigger. Might as well be /pol: the show.
Yeah, they used to be alright, but now it's just a murder meme podcast.

Fuckin' normies.
bye richard spencer
wow, triggered.
It must suck being a Trump supporter, a majority of entertainers have a brain so of course they won't preach your agenda.
and you must really like these guys, otherwise it wouldn't upset you so much.
Nobody gets triggered as hard as /pol/ and the_donald
It's a sight to behold really
gonna need sauce on that pic senpai
>have to pay for entire episodes, the free ones are largely shit on purpose

Nah, I'm good
Red Ice used to have some decent paranormal stuff but they seem to have gone down a purely political path now. Im fairly right leaning myself but i'd agree politics has no place in paranormal research, left or right. The fact that everything is becoming politicised is one of the most cancerous aspects of the modern age, infecting and ruining everything I used to enjoy. I dont want politics in my entertainment, my vidya or my paranormal podcasts etc but the creeping rot seems to infect & ruin everything.
The only thing I have left free from political cancer is tabletop wargaming.
Buffoon. It's a fucking buzzword not a conspiracy, grow up.
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I long for the days where folk used to "agree to disagree" on politics and most used to keep their opinions to themselves & it was considered rude to inject politics into any non related subject. Now almost every fucker wears their political affiliation like some badge or moronic fashion statement and seeks to inject it into everything else. I blame social media. It was never this bad before. I remember the 90s and no one gave a fuck about politics back then. Things were not polarized like they are now. Its sad and I hope this horrid trend comes to an end.
Lol what the fuck is wrong with you op
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>t. William Shatner

What exactly do you visit /b/ for, anyway and how much of an annoying cunt was Takei on set?

>Is he? That'd make sense

Yeah he talks about his pre-medication delusions in a couple episodes (something about thinking people on the train were watching him all the time). I'm pretty sure he said he's bipolar and something else I don't remember.
not to sound too paranoid, but my read on them from the beginning was that they are stooges/plants. They consistently misspeak/mispronounce words then correct themselves in a way that makes me think they're reading from a script. Also explains their fake funniness/spontaneity

I don't like their politics but I'm mentally stable enough to move on and continue to enjoy the show, considering their political comments are 0.0001% of their content.
Cool ill give them a listen.
The free show alone is better than most other podcasts though.
Painfully unfunny show where edgelords laugh about serial killers and dismemberment and shit, but piss and whine about Trump and conservatives when no one gives a shit. Pretty sure they've even mentioned goobergate before.
>Haha Dahmer just cut him up and put him in the fridge. Like in pieces. Pretty funny man, what a scamp!
>And oh by the way, did you hear what that fascist orange dictator said on Twitter today?
If anyone has a better paranormal podcast, please let me know
>inb4 paranormies
No, it's shit
Ahhh refreshing to hear someone that doesn't have to focus on politics in every single aspect of their lives
Hey you crazy obsessed dipshits stop making these shitty LPOTL threads all the fucking time. They have a normiebook group. Take your dramatic trash over there.
I've heard him mention he's on medication, but I know he drinks so that means he's not on medication.
It's one of my business I suppose, but observing his erratic behavior and then having the fanbase defend and enable his instability is interesting.
He should be committed desu,
>Paranormies is shit

No helping you
>I've heard him mention he's on medication, but I know he drinks so that means he's not on medication.

lol oh right no one ever in history has done both
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