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Should I make a tulpa? I really want a companion and I feel like

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Should I make a tulpa? I really want a companion and I feel like it's a reliable option, but I'm worried of the potential consequences.
Yes, you should. But don't make a tulpa just to have sex with. I suggest you make a tulpa who is at a young age and raise this tulpa with your tender love and affection.
>But don't make a tulpa just to have sex with

What if I plan on fostering a loving relationship full of understanding and communication with [spoiler] Marie from Splatoon [/spoiler] that may also include a sexual factor?
Just be careful. Don't make her just for sex. That's what I'm trying to tell you.
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Try making real friends instead
Then you are a very sad person.
Go ahead, OP! I love seeing these kind of threads. Best of luck.
why?, im not op btw
Op here, wanting your squid waifu to come to life because you're legitimately lonely rather than to just have a fuck buddy is pretty pathetic.
not everyone has the same opportunities like you anon, that is life
What's that supposed to mean?
take a look around of what you have, you think everyone was born with the same as you?
It means society is a failure and doesn't give a shit about ensuring the semantic needs of anyone else.
Of course not but what does that have to do with me wanting a squid girl tulpa
then blackpill me
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You don't make a tulpa, because you have a low % of actually splitting your speaking part of your brain apart, unless you're already crazy and you could waste years of your life doing nothing.

Instead you daydream about your squid kids until all your time is spent daydreaming then you won't even care about a having a tulpa, because it's literally the same thing, after a while tulpas will then begin to then come out of thin air.

>bluepill: tulpas are imaginary friends that people pretend are real
>redpill: tulpas are sapient conscious thoughtform entities that are essentially artificial ghosts
>blackpill: you're actually a tulpa pretending to be you
Go make real friends. Hell I'll be your friend. Names bob, Nice to meet you.
Not OP, but I'm curious, why not?
I like the bluepill/redpill/blackpill format.
Have you ever heard of people losing their tulpa?
I used to have a friend that watched over me then one night I had a weird feeling of being lonely and he's been gone since.
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Woah I haven't heard of a tulpa! Red pill me hard doc
sapient conscious thoughtform entities that are essentially artificial ghosts

How does that not describe everyone?
>sapient conscious thoughtform entities that are essentially artificial ghosts

How does that not already describe an essential structure of consciousness? Could you tell an AI from a human?
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>Should I make an imaginary friend?
>Marie from Splatoon.
Holy shit I love autism.
a tulpa destroyed my life so no
tulpas are actually demons
People lose their tulpas all the time.
Usually, they let the tulpa go on purpose.
It is also common that if it's only a proto-tulpa, it will one day just kinda vanish.

Really, it's easier to lose a tulpa than keep a tulpa. Losing it just requires saying goodbye, or sometimes just forcing them out. Keeping it requires committing to a lifelong relationship.

I've had a tulpa for 5 years, but that's very uncommon. Normally, people decide after a year or two to quietly disperse theirs because they're bored or feel too chained up by it. Which is sad, but it's their head. I believe entirely in their right to do that.

They're an extra consciousness you can hang out with. They're useful for tons of things. If you're into /x/ stuff like meditation, unlocking the secrets of the universe, whatever, they make great "spirit guides" because they can lead you through things from an outside perspective. Otherwise, they're just good friends you can bounce ideas and thoughts off, keep yourself occupied with conversation, etc.

They're entirely a psychological phenomenon. Sort of similar to lucid dreaming in that they're something any person can definitely do, but they usually don't because it's hard.
those are not actual tulpas then, because a tulpa by definition has a physical presence.
do it, but be sure y'know how to get rid of it before you do.
and have a firm visualisation of how you want it to appear.
You're too old to have an imaginary friend, or too young to be here, maybe even both.
It all sounds cool and shit but everytime someone creates a tulpa it goes wrong. Also, I believe it isn't very good for you mental health.
Exactly. That's how you know tulpas are legit. They are just partitions of your own consciousness given their own personality, desires, memories, etc.
As in physical touch imposition?
I do that, but most people with tulpas don't even have an interest in doing it.

If you mean actual proper physical presence, as in a spoopy ghost, then... no, that's not a real thing. You should clearly go post about it on a board for people who believe in the metaphysical.

It's going to go wrong if you're already mentally ill. Your tulpa will just be a reflection of what's happening inside your head somewhere. If you're fucked up, your tulpa will be fucked up. If you self-hate, your tulpa will hate you. Otherwise, there's no chance of anything bad happening.
This is why people think it can be harmful to mental health - all the horror stories are from people who already have poor mental health.
How do I create one then? What if it goes wrong, is there a turn back?
tulpa.info aggregates tulpa guides in their guides tab, so if you don't like one guide there you can just try another, which is great.

Tulpas eat attention. If they don't get attention, they behave exactly how you would if you stopped eating - they get weaker and weaker and eventually die. It's incredibly easy to kill a tulpa, as I said, the hard part is keeping it alive.

Will it maybe feel emotionally uncomfortable to ignore them as they slowly fade away? Yeah. But it's your head. Luckily, I've never had to do this, but I have unintentionally let mine starve a little during early parts of his life, and it really wasn't pleasant.

It will take longer to get rid of it the longer you've had it. If you've had a tulpa for years, they might slowly fade away over months. But it does work.
come hither my child, and witness the autism: >>>/trash/10745292
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Basically "tulpas" is autists self deluding into imaginary friends.
Lame AF, I wanted to make a cute tulpa waifu but then read the guides, it's all hokum
Also when some autist says he has "sex" with is tulpa, it essentially means he touches beenor whiel fantasizing, like any regular jackoff
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Yeah, at least make it Pearl.

I have experience with a joint venture making a collection of entities that have attained independence (their existence no longer depends on the existence of me or the other person involved, as confirmed by both of us involved, separately) I wouldn't exactly call them a tulpa per se, but they share traits with many non-physical entities, tulpa included.

When you create an entity like that, you are splitting your brain's processing power to create+house such an entity. This means that until stable, their existence is wavering. This probably both confusing and frightening for the "tulpa". so, it is best you carry your entity with you as much as possible.

Make sure they have a purpose, demonstrate compassion towards them. They will not harm you as they know it will harm them. with enough effort, they gain sentience and independence, and then have no reason to harm you unless they particularly dislike you or they have massive incentive (reference titanomachy) It is best to look at these sort of entities as children, which isn't too weird, if you look at it in the sense it IS a branching off of your mental energy. a "brain child".
Having one for sex is a bad idea. I'm sure you are aware the stigma of incest lies in birth defects, but with entities, "incest" crosses a few wires so to speak and muddles the process, making it more complicated than need be. you cannot create a sentience as a toy to later be discarded. Well, you CAN. but it isn't exactly a nice thing to do.

Having one to quell loneliness is also bad.

Also worth bearing in mind they will have conscious access to more of your mind than you do. so they will have access to everything you consciously know and more.

You can garner much psychological understanding from it all, but it is a quite a task. Be smart, be kind, learn lots.
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