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Trump, 9/11, Manhattan and my Father

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I posted this in /pol but maybe someone can help me here.

Hi. I'm a long time lurker. Forgive me. I tried to use a proxy, for what will be obvious reasons, but I know nothing about them. I don't know if I did it right.

Anyway. My dad died recently. He was a small/middle timer in real estate in NY. I was going through some of his things and found letters that seemed to indicate that Trumps company knew that something would happen on 9/11. Not anything directly stating it, but in an exchange with my fathers company 2 letters regarding a "boom" in flexible office space market would be occurring in late Sept.

The letters were in his office and I saw them when I was helping to pick up his personal items. His business partner has them.

I don't know what to do or think. Help?
Preserve the original documents as evidence.

Send copies to Senator Bernie Sanders and Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller. Only trust Sanders with the original documents, and only then trust anyone but yourself if you absolutely must. Send copies to anyone else involved in a class action lawsuit against Trump.

Here is a short list.

Russia planned and executed 9-11, to incite America against the Muslims and Jews. DJT might have known something, given his business dealings in Russia.
Don't send it to this cuck. Leak it elsewhere.
Sanders is deepstate and there will be repercussions if you give him that information.
What if Trump is behind Russia and not the other way around?
I don't have them, since they were company property and they are in the possession of my fathers business partner. Do you know how I might be able to get them? At the time I didn't think to make copies.

I think there might be more info at his old office too, but like I said, I don't know how to access them at this point. I fucked up so bad not getting them when I had the chance.
Well, the letters got to bugging me the next day. I keep thinking that maybe, and this is crazy, but well, Trump nearly owns Manhattan. He stood to gain. I can't speculate on involvement, as I didn't see anything in the too letters I did see that suggested that. However, being tipped off is enough isn't it? Proof of it not being a surprise?
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>only trust Sanders
Guys I'm not trying to politicize this. I'm trying to figure out how to get copies and search the rest of the documents in the office.
>Only trust Sanders with the original documents
>an independent and not part of the two parties
>hurr durr some alt-shitters said he was a commie right guys?

Was there a major lead release into the water supply recently?
Don't leak it. It might not be admissible at trial if you do so.

If you don't trust Sanders, then try Angus King.

Sanders can leave the Democratic party, and he will most likely use the leverage from these documents to fix the DNC.

What repercussions do you mean?

Because he is a democrat and independent, so he can go against the party line if they try to sell out the evidence. What if the documents involve the Democratic party of New York.

He has to send it to Robert Mueller, but then the senate could destroy the original copies.

An independent-ish, anti-trump senator is the safest bet for the dox.

You could make a humble request for them. It is good that you did not steal them. I would seek to have Senator Schumer write a warrant to be enforced by the special prosecutor.

The senators from Vermont, Leahy and Sanders, would be the best team for writing that subpoena and holding the evidence impartially.

Can you ask the old company again?

Tell them that there might be damage to your family honor if you are not able to retrieve certain documents.

Is the company a law firm?
The company is a real estate company.

I don't know dad's partner at all really, but I could ask. I will try that first.
>some alt-shitters said he was a commie right
The man himself admits he's commie.
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Why would anyone trust some sneaky Jew politician accused of defrauding banks with classified intelligence?

Fuck off.
This is not the first rumor I have heard, so the documents are probably evidence.

Tell Sanders, Schumer, Leahy, and Mueller, preferably in that order.

What you have described is enough to write a subpoena against Trump.
What else have you heard. I have never heard of this before.

Who classified the document?

Why do accusations matter without trial?


Ask if you can see them again in case you need to defend your family's reputation; also ask for copies if they do not let you keep the originals.
There is a video of Donald Trump talking on cable news about the explosions and collapse before the event happened.
Ok, I will try my best to persuade him to give me access.
Are you going to post them or just make dumb shit up?
I explained above. I'm not making anything up.
Try not to mention the Trump thing, just tell him that you would like to keep a better record of his business history in order to fulfill his last will and testament.

Ask if you can make photocopies of all the letters.
The youtube rumor is that Donald knew about the building 7 conspiracy before the suspicious explosions occurred.
>replying to posts addressing your other name
You don't even care enough to pretend, Toby?
Also, wax about how you loved your Dad, and might want to follow in his footsteps someday. Don't hold back the grief of mourning. Let his partner reminisce.
Believe what you will.
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Israel, Mossad and George Bush, Pentagon, CIA, British M16 with the coverup help of the FBI under Mueller carried out the 9/11 Ops and much more. That evidence is already in existance. Comey also had it and his job was to continue the coverup.Obama knew all the details and so did his corrupt team. Bernie Sanders is part of the Khazarian Zionist Jewish Mafia. So good luck with any of them opening anyof this up. Oh, Kissinger is making the rounds threatening lives if any of this disclosure and years and years of criminal cabal crimes against humanity. Why do you think everyone is blackmailed.
I really hated my name change after adoption.

I write under this name because of how much I like to be called 'Tob', 'Toby', or 'Tobias'. The insult TB is even mildly comforting.
The Russian diaspora ties everyone together in that accusation, maybe minus Mueller.

Occam's razor shreds your argument.

Bernie Sanders is not genealogically Ashekenazi- he's actually closer to the Kurdish side of Judaism.

FYI, Khazaria is in southern Russia.
Can you please keep repeating his name in this thread?

Donald Trump plead guilty to fraud, so I do not understand why you would call the independent Senator from Vermont a con artist by comparison.
it's just cheap misdirection. Bring up anyone even vaguely left whenever the obvious crimes of the right are called out

>inb4 what about Hillary/Pelosi/Sanders/etc/etc
Jesus Christ. You guys are fucking pathetic. Get out more
So Russians are new jews?
I know the trope is disingenuous, but still I fight.

The people whom you hate are the Russians, and they tricked you into calling them the Jews.

The real Jews of the old testament are the people in the Yazidi/Kurdish diaspora. The word 'yazidi' consonantal root is the closest modern ethnonym to the transliteration of 'jew' from hebrew.
>The people whom you hate are the Russians, and they tricked you into calling them the Jews.
Are you talking about Ashkenazi or actual Russians (Slavs)?
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Good luck.
>this design
Is this 2006 again?
Send them to Alex Jones, he can be trusted 150%
The Ashekenazi predate the Rus who predate the Slavs, so I don't think you have a factual view.

The Ashekenazi came from North Persia, the Rus came from central asia, and the Slavs came from the black sea, all at different historical periods when different parts of eastern Europe were thawing.
So who are Russians anyway?
The western half of the Khanate, who rebelled during the uprising of Naimi and the Hurufis.

That's where you get the crypto-shiism in Russian orthodoxy.
>Shiite Christians
Just when I thought I've seen the bottom.
Reminder that the jew who owns the WTC took a special insurance covering terrorist attacks a few months before it happened.
nigger what?
quit talking about shit you don't know
I'm Russian, how come no one ever told me we are actually muslims now? Also, how does communism fit in your insane ravings?
Russians didn't trick anyone, its the jews
they hate Russia more than anything

They did that every year. The WTC had already been the target of a terrorist attack in the 1990s, why wouldn't they have special insurance covering such things?
All I heard is that Trump insists it was a controlled demolition from the way the towers came down. he was laughed at and ridiculed. Turns out he was right and the Criminal Cabal got away with 450 Billion in gold they had removed just before from the safes.
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Anon, I'm your father!
Yes, give the original copies to a Jew. Nice anon.
Talk to me when you have read up on zoroastrianism and nestorianism in central asia.

Ask a question if you feel confused, otherwise you are stupidly being a racist nagger.

Communism was orchestrated in the same country as this side of shi'ite sufism.

Plenty of people converted back and forth during the expansion of the Russian empire.

Are you gonna claim that swaths of eastern and southern Russia were not muslim, anyway?

The new part is their conversion away from shiism.

No, Jewish people hate the Nazi party more than the Nashi party.

The Russian federation wanted payback over the war they lost in Afghanistan, and were fighting in Chechnya. You aren't portraying a better geopolitical angle by claiming it was the Jews.

Russia gained a foothold back in Afghanistan by making the United States fight the Taliban.

The Brooklyn jewry is predominantly Russian.

He knew something, because he made that statement before the event occurred.
ya ibliss
>Shitposting like this
Too unbelievable.
>Communism was orchestrated
By Germans in WWI.
>in the same country as this side of shi'ite sufism.
>By Germans in WWI.
Followed by Georgians, followed by Azeris who could work with China simultaneously.

Azerbaijan has kept the same government even after the fall of the Soviet Union.
Every thread like this has an obvious shill posting with a name ready to explain it all. Probably a faggot from the NSA.
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So Germany is the source of Shi'ite sufism? Looks like another wall is waiting to be built.
No, the jews hated the historocally very anti semite Russian empire more than anything. It was always the goal of zionists to overthrow and genocide them. Which they did with their Bolshevik party. 50+ mil dead before WW2 at the hands of the jew. There is no such thing as a Russian jew, language does not determine ethmicity.
Ethnic Russians have always been, and will always be the good guys.
long live the czar
Azerbaijan was one of the first soviet republics set up. Germany had nothing to do with it.


You are not speaking in a temporal context. The Jews do not gain as much as the Russians, because the Russians turned around their war in Afghanistan. The bolsheviks are tatar, not semitic. There are definitely Russian Jews, based on geography. Ethnic Russians are the remnants of the Golden Horde, but the hurufis lead them to rebel; after hints of the new world spice trade started up in the earlier part of the previous millennium.

>long live the czar
That plan did not work out so well for you, last time.
>Communism was orchestrated in the same country as this side of shi'ite sufism.
Literally you. Communism was orchestrated by Germans, which means Germans are behind Shia according to you.
>That plan did not work out so well for you, last time.
Which one was the plan: to overthrow czar or to keep him?
>Ethnic Russians are the remnants of the Golden Horde
Explain almost complete lack of Turkic ancestry in all DNA studies on ethnic Russians.
Ethnic Russians are remnants of Viking raiders who build Novgorod and Kiev and the slav and finn tribes who now had a place to go to. The Mongol advance north into the Russian wood (which their horseback armies never been in since they couldn't fit among the frozen marshes and all the trees, and only ever influenced the Kievan Rus politically only being able to collect tribute from a couple city states) happened centuries after the Russian ethnicity had been established. Your rusophobia and kikery has ulterior motives, and you're not fooling anyone.
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September 11 was an alternative to a fission detonation, if you believe the time travel theory.

The reason things like this happen is because if the anchor point that allowed two otherwise different timelines to coincide enough to send information apparently backwards in time required the kind of system that the U.S. would be in, in the event of a nuclear strike by supposed terrorists, then even if the direct event itself is prevented--the nucelar strike--the conditions which coincidentally mirror the anchor point still are caused by the information that was sent backwards. It simply manifests in a new way.

Time travel; you can shuffle the deck, but you can't change the cards.
No, Communism was orchestrated from central Asia, like the shiism of 500 years prior.

>Which one was the plan: to overthrow czar or to keep him?

That part where the aristocracy runs around shooting each other and then gets executed because there is not sufficient loot to fund their war against the ottoman empire.

>Explain almost complete lack of Turkic ancestry in all DNA studies on ethnic Russians.

The word 'Turkic' is an anachronism that was recently synthesized. Tatar is the common name, instead.

No one was crossing the Baltic during the little ice age, and the Sami were totally nomadic until the potato was imported in the early industrial era. The word slav post-dates the Kievan Rus by the same time period.

The mongols were the tatars up until that point, mostly sibi. They have trees and frozen marshes in the rest of Siberia, otherwise there would be no lumber industry in modern Russia. The Rus identity is based on the mongol spice trade over the step. Once paprikash became cheaper than carrot seed, the cossacks/kazakhs rebelled.

Your story is a fairy tale that ignore climatology.
Trust Bernie Sanders...!?
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Yes, leak the documents to the NAMBLA loving, deep-state boot licking kike.

The numbers are less than the Trump fraud settlement, or Trump's holdings in bankruptcy.

Do you have a better legal strategy?

Can you offer constructive criticism, or are you just obstructionist?
Falseflagging /pol/tard detected.
Trump fraud or you mean the various real estate firms other than just the Trumps.. nice misinfo.
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You are literally making shit up, all wrong about everything. Cossack is not an ethnicity, has nothing to do with Kazahstan, is not a term that was around at the peak of the dark ages during the Viking raids. Slavic tribes do not post date the Kievan Rus, that is absurd. Tatars are Tatar just like the Greeks are Greek and neither one of them is a people of the wood nor do they have anything to do with Rus identity. We know this because it's a historocal fact, comfirmed throughout Scandanevia and central Europe. Exactly who the Slavs, the Finns, the Balts, the Norse are, and when they all stopped being pagan and accepted Christianity. Mongol advance on Europe didn't happen for centuries after all that, and helped turn the Rus into an empire by having them leave the woods for the very first time and conquer the steppe.
We including you know all this, because its history 101.
We also know you're lying and spreading disinfo while shilling for the dems
I mean you guys are pure evil and know very well that the truth is working against you, so you have to lie, because you're a despicable scumbag
We know 9/11 was a controlled demolition satanic ritual preformed by the banker families, soros, clintons, bushes, and everyone else you're protecting
why not blame Russia for it for the sake of planting a seed of doubt while further obscuring the actual perpetrators
you devious shit, we know what you're about, you'll get what's coming
>Communism was orchestrated from central Asia
>marx and engles were central asians
>lenin was unleashes from exile onto the russian empire (the jews most hated enemy) from central asia
stfu kike, we have the facts (((you))) are the enemy of the people
Retard alert i cant believe we breathe the same air
Dale gribble everbody
pocket sand yourself
Speculation that there would be a real estate boom in September is hardly concrete evidence. There could be any number of reasons they predicted it. Sorry man, I don't think this is important.
Also, I am not sure how the towers being destroyed would create an immediate real estate boom, maybe down the line, but I dont have any real insight into that.
Well, if he had an office in the building they had to notify him so he could evacuate his personal just as almost everyone did that day and to make sure he had an insurance that covered for that kind of accidents.
>You are literally making shit up, all wrong about everything.

Viking Russians are a fairy-tale, because of the little ice age.

>Cossack is not an ethnicity, has nothing to do with Kazahstan

It is the same word in their alphabet.

>is not a term that was around at the peak of the dark ages during the Viking raids.

Wrong, it goes back to the 700's.

>Slavic tribes do not post date the Kievan Rus

They do, because the word slavic is a 700 year anachronism in this case.

>Tatars are Tatar

They are the only language group in Eurasia that goes back to the 400s. Everyone there is related to them, from the Germany all the way out to Afghanistan.

>Greeks are Greek

No, those people were from the levant and mesopotamia. Phoenicia is in Lebanon, and most of the Illiad happened in modern Turkey. The greek language tree is incorrectly rooted, because it includes a dialect of kurdish that is older than the word 'graic'.

>a people of the wood

Do you see what I mean about fairy tales?

>anything to do with Rus identity

That inference is actually based on a fairy tale.

>We know this because it's a historocal fact, comfirmed throughout Scandanevia and central Europe.

You are talking about fiction which is incorrectly assumed to have taken place in an area that was glaciated.

>Exactly who the Slavs, the Finns, the Balts, the Norse are

The pechenegs, the sami, the ashekenazi, and the normans. You really have to be temporal when you try to discover a historical fact.

>Mongol advance on Europe didn't happen for centuries

When I mentioned the golden horde, we were talking about scythians, huns, and mongols: all of those people came from the same place.

>helped turn the Rus into an empire by having them leave the woods for the very first time and conquer the steppe.

From the perspective of non-Russians, that statement is an admission of guilt which means that the Rus were the unruly shock troops of the mongols.

> history 101.

Fairy tales.
>stfu kike, we have the facts (((you))) are the enemy of the peopl
Trotsky and Stalin were the main rules of the USSR.

>Retard alert i cant believe we breathe the same air

At least I accept that mammalian resperation requires oxygen.

If you want to write an insult instead of a counterpoint, you can, this is only 4chan.

Insurance pays out for buildings that don't sell.

>We also know you're lying and spreading disinfo while shilling for the dems

I am recommending an independent senator whilst citing linguistics and years.

> mean you guys are pure evil

I am not insulting you when I argue.

>and know very well that the truth is working against you

Psychological projection

>so you have to lie
fairy tales

> because you're a despicable scumbag

I don't need to insult you because I know I'm right. You are insulting me as a form of psychological projection because you're insecure that your argument is weak.

>We know 9/11 was a controlled demolition satanic ritual

Which, according to you, coincidentally improved all of Russia's geopolitical prospects in the middle east- and paradoxically started in Afghanistan.

> banker families, soros, clintons, bushes, and everyone else you're protecting

I am actually recommending that the evidence be kept from those people who may have also been in the know, alongside Trump.

>why not blame Russia for it for the sake of planting a seed of doubt

I cast doubts all over your creation myth; do you see what I mean about psychological projection?

>while further obscuring the actual perpetrators

Look no further than the people who gained the most from oil expenditures in the American budget and anti-American sentiment in Afghanistan. Those two items are worth trillions of dollars, alone.

>you devious shit, we know what you're about, you'll get what's coming

Insults and threats. You lost.

As a direct descendant of St.Nicholas; I fear nothing when telling the truth.
Lol Israel did 9/11 buddy
Please expand on these statements, I am intrigued
He is a conspiracy fag.
Kozak and Kazah is not the same word
The Vikings were the very first to erect towns in what is now Russia
>admission of guilt
in an unironic defensive effort, like virtually all the wars they ever fought, Ivan the Terrible marched on Kazan to push back the Mongols. They took Kazan and colonized it, turning themselves into an empire. Guilty of playing defense... to this day.
My observation of your rusophobia, ulterior motives, slanderous disinfo, and genicidal intent is what led me to call you pure evil. That wasn't an insult, especially since you're proud of it.
Trotsky and Lenin were the main rulers of the USSR who were vehementely anti everything Russian just like you
go back to redit if you cant handle insults
I didn't lose by stating absolute facts, you cannot debate facts, this isn't an argument. You're just lying about everything trying to stir up anti Russian sentiment
you've failed. People here won't listen to your condenscending, obvously dem shilling nonsense
>my creation myth
now that right there is some fairy tale shit, I never mentioned my spiritual beliefs. Only historical facts from many different sources, times, and languages, rendering them (unlike you) completely unbiased.
hey cnn,nibbling on your last straws what
Pretty much he is saying that there was supposed to be a nuclear event on 9/11 or shortly after, but information from the future was sent to the past to prevent it and the time line diverged. But even though the major event didn't occur (the nuclear strike) all the events leading up to that point still need to be played out, because they are fixed points in time.
>Kozak and Kazah is not the same

No, read Iaroslav Lebedynsky, Histoire des Cosaques Ed Terre Noire, p38.

>The Vikings were the very first to erect towns i

The people who already lived there were nomadic.

>Ivan the Terrible marched on Kazan to push back the Mongols.

They were the rebels, is my original point.

>They took Kazan and colonized it, turning themselves into an empire.

You just wrote that the mongols helped.

>Guilty of playing defense... to this day.

Are you aware that you are contradicting former statements?

>your rusophobia

I am actually praising an innate pluralism in Russian culture- the shi'ite and persian influence.

>ulterior motives

I wish you could be more civil about losing an argument.

>slanderous disinfo

Why is it slander to point out a video where Donald J Trump appears to have advanced knowledge of the September 11th attacks? I think he would have only done so if he was being ignored by the authorities. They did ignore the memo 'UBL determined to attack United States'.

>genicidal intent

I am the guy defending ethnic groups who were recently subject to genocide under the USSR and the Russian Federation.

>is what led me to call you pure evil

Your notion of good apparently excludes altruism.

>wasn't an insult

No, the type of insult is technically aspersion.

>you're proud of it

I am offended, but also mature enough to recognize that it means you cannot think of a counterpoint.

>Trotsky and Lenin were the main rulers of the USSR

They both died, and then Stalin had decades of power. He was a Georgian from the caucasus- a region in western, central asia.

>anti everything Russian

I am appreciating an esoteric part of the culture.

>you cant handle insults

I don't mind, but it goes to show that you would waste characters on words that do not help your argument.

>ow that right there is some fairy tale shit, I never mentioned my spiritual beliefs.

The kurgan hypothesis is now falsified via Jebel Irhoud.
> sources, times, and languages,

I have a citation that contradicts your first point.

You are ignoring an ice age.

You forgot about the tatar language.

>rendering them (unlike you) completely unbiased

The gerund 'rendering' implies that you previously had some bias.
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>can go against the party line
groups subject to genocide under the USSR were the Russians, whom you're clearly trying to belittle
and are very wrong about everything else
your condenscending tone only makes you sound pretentious
quit posting have some dignity

Not a single person knows what to do lmao


Keep that shit to yourself if its even remotely legitimate or even burn it.

Nothing will come of it except maybe u getting killed.

Now its more likely youre a liberal cuck trying to fuck things up so if thats the case kys.

The sounds really stupid.
You know trump has a time machine, don't you?
Well you should have taken a picture on your phone, time stamped it, then posted it here so we know you aren't a roleplaying underage fucking cuck.
>groups subject to genocide under the USSR were the Russians

No, the Ukrainians had holodomor.

>whom you're clearly trying to belittle

I am admonishing the fairy tale and appreciating the reality.

>and are very wrong about everything else

If you merely are able to disparage me, then I still seem correct by comparison.

>your condenscending tone only makes you sound pretentious

I held the incorrect pretense that you were interested in having a civil discussion, initially.

>quit posting have some dignity

I am sorry that you feel ashamed of your heritage.

>Not a single person knows what to do lmao

I am only one man.


Are you trying to shut down a leak?

That makes it seem more real.

>Keep that shit to yourself if its even remotely legitimate or even burn it.

Perjury is a crime.

>Nothing will come of it except maybe u getting killed.

If you have to threaten people to shut down a leak, then it is definitely legitimate.

>Now its more likely youre a liberal cuck trying to fuck things up so if thats the case kys.

I am sticking my neck out for what I think is right. Maybe your female counterparts think that kind of devotion is attractive.


So, you admit the leak is correct?
What is your purpose here? Everyone already knows dude. Your shit isnt anymore smoking gun than anything else. That could be a coincidence. Also if you DID really find something legit instead of larping then you wouldn't be sharing it online "over a proxy" (like that helps u faggot).

conclusion: Youre a larping democrat

I can see that your purpose was to shut down a serious leak.

Why else would there be death threats?
Relax its b8
Why did the Russian troll armies show up to defend their bait, and then retreat in disgrace?

Because they thought they had the best RUSE!

I kid myself.
What do you mean no. 50+ mil dead under jewish commie leadership, including Ukrainians and Belorussians, who do not belong to seperate ethnic groups, just because of a recent tension buildup due to Soros and McCain PMC activity.
No one's trying to have a civil discussion with you, you're being called out for lying through your teeth and labeling factual reality a fairy tale. No one is arguing with you either, facts are undebatable. You got needlessly corrected, since the bullshit you came up with is way too far fetched even for someone unfamiliar with the topic to buy.
Your disinfo campaigne and effort to incite anti Russian sentiment has been a total failure. Try redit, they despise the truth over there
this, not even memeing
The USSR engaged in official policies of Russification during the holodomor and other genocides.

Likely that trump had contacts that tiped him off, after all he is big money.


>Russia did 9/11 of all things
>Bernie Sanders

I bet you watch cnn
The reason why you're getting so much shit for this OP is because of the Trump/alt shills. Release the truth to the public anon, don't be afraid.

They couldn't even do anything with stocks being shorted and an Israeli cell getting tipped off.

Definitely don't give anything to Robert Mueller. He was FBI Director during 9/11 and he did jackshit to help.
someone probably charged the federal government 10,000,000 smackos to build that website in 3 years
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you're going to hell to eat shit and drink piss eternally you sick fuck
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Fuck Bernie
Send them to Trump, im sure he can solve the riddles
Oн имeeт в видy, бoльшeвизм зaмyтили eвpeи, a вoт нacчeт шиизмa мнe тoжe кaжeтcя, чтo этo бpeдятинa.
>Only trust Sanders with the original documents
Oh fuck my sides
Liberal conspiracies are comedy gold.
Eat shit nigger


>I bet you watch cnn

Remember those trillions spent on Afghanistan and oil?

That money is now in the Russian economy, and Putin is a trillionaire.

The fact that we went to Afghanistan at all, where we had previously supported a proxy war against Russia; should stand out as evidence of an intelligent conspiracy.

We later found out that Bin Laden was in Pakistan. The missteps in the War on Terror all crucially benefited Russia.

When they shill so hard, it makes the leaks that much sweeter.

If you want to propose a counterpoint, feel free to do so.

Sure, why not?

The topic problematically contradicts their troll army nationalism.

Repeating his name only gives him power.

Do you not believe that the United States was lured into Afghanistan on false premises? Russian ideology gained back a foothold after we invade Afghanistan.

The Russian economy was built on high oil prices in the 2000's. The oil prices went up because of the US invading middle eastern countries after 9-11.

They made all of the money and you think it is funny.
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Pepe is vital to life.

Pepe expands consciousness.

Pepe is love.

Pepe is life.

This is a Pepe thread.
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>only trust Sanders
you have any idea how much of a fucking loser you are?
Sounds like I might have won.
lol this manufactured thread
If the Russomaniac shills had not have shown up, then this thread would already have ended.
>lol i won
No U

Don't you get it?
This discourse is too retarded, even for /x/ standars, which is painfully low
Try with something a bit less idiotic later
Do you have any counterpoints?
Fuck off faggot.
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I would be happier with those fancy binoculars than a chance to flip the bird.
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just fuck off already you racist shit
we stand united against the evil zionist nwo
>you racist
>we stand against the evil zionist

Can you parse irony?
>zion is a race
if only you were half as smart as you pretend to be, this might've actually been fun
>implying that zionism was not founded as a racial movement.
>faith = race
it is founded by a racist movement (on the outside anyway, but race doesn't really matter now does it? only allegiance to satan or whatever the fuck)
we get it, you're proud to be a scumbag with the worst intentions who sinks to the lowest of the low since honesty, nobility, valour, honor... have no place in your pathetic life
and you're only here to incite cynicism, doubt, hatred, to turn people against one another. Totally oblivious that there are two sides to every coin, and the righteous man is far superior to you at having people listen and follow in his stead.
>he doesn't understand that judaism is an ethnoreligion
Honestly I'm surprised you remember how to breathe
What a way to spitefully admit wrong.

Well, you have to specify the sect to justify that statement. Some are, some aren't.
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>Trump nearly owns Manhattan.
he'd be a trillionnaire not a paltry 10-billionnaire then
This thread is a psy op
This topic was being shilled earlier on /x/ I've seen it.
To anyone sane reading this america has no real government. Get it through your thick skulls nothing will chance. Only the destruction of your nation will change that. All pervasive civil war or full blown international war on your turf. This will destroy the appendages of secret societies belonging to Israel that control your nation and effectively end the wicked corruption that's been your only government for decades.
Removing journalists, politicians, media outlets, henchmen, are low hanging fruit that will not affect the root of your problems and that of the world.


I have only one creed when dealing with muslims and jews, interchangebly talk shit of them in front of the other. They will like you and they will have their arch-nemetic hatred reinvigorated against each other. Secondary, bring up topics of the religious wars and their nationalistic duties, remind them they're foreigners with a fate elsewhere. Make them want to leave on their own and slaughter each other.

War is necessary so get fucking ready
why are /pol/acks so easy to troll
yup...you fked it up...sadly....now all your have are claims people want to believe, but anyone whos not dumb will ask for evidence - which you don't have....

this thread is waste of time by now, better luck next time you find some papers that could change the whole world....oh wait..
Are you threatening Jared Kushner?
Are you implying it would make a difference?
>Are you implying it would make a difference?

It would mean that you agree with me: there is excess corruption in the Trump administration, albeit for different reasons in your belief.
You're part of the problem if you believe a politician will make a difference. You're a typical American: weak minded, dull spirited. You're proud of nothing because you have nothing to be proud of.
A politician can make a difference in court and almost no where else.
>muh trump
you're a fucking american I'm foolish to expect you to be able to think profoundly
I have claimed that Trump is guilty of colluding with Russia to change vote totals in the United States election.
>late september
yeahhh nah.
Well this proves my point.

Shills<Clinton voters<Trump supporters<Realists

If you belong to the latter category we can talk but it looks like I'm wasting time on a shill
>can't tell the nuance between socialism and communism
your reaction to those words is exactly the same as normies' reaction to the word conspiracy. i wonder why that is..
to extrapolate, those are just buzzwords to you guys that creates a brick wall that stops thought from occurring. i mean come on capitalism is literally the tool the economic elite use to implement their agenda and y'all can't even consider for a second that it might be the reason things are so shitty.
>i mean come on
hahah! this is funny if not bait
you're a stereotype did you know that?
please use the other catchprhases:
>it's [current year]!
>you're a white male!
>literally hitler!
Tobias is a Chinese plant. It explains their hatred towards Russia..
And yet you ignore how Clinton cucked the fraud Bernie from winning the DNC vote, so much for fighting the establishment.
No, he's obviously a jew
Chinese are the Jew of Asia.
If your participation is metered by some fear of looking bad, then I seek no discussion with you, either.

Upthread, I was talking about the shared cultural history that makes the CIS possible. If I were to do the same thing for the SCO, then you might have a point.

I am telling OP to give Sanders a secret weapon for next time.

If you insist, you can call me whatever you want. I am mostly secular, but prefer the term 'Yazidi' in reference to my religious leanings.

Those people are the Kaifeng Jews, unless you were implicitly referencing Asia Minor by mistake.
>If your participation is metered by some fear of looking bad, then I seek no discussion with you, either.
Except you pull shit out of your ass you fucking troll shill nigger look at me giving a fuck I'm not a jew so fuck you
>because they are fixed points in time.

I, too, get my world view from Doctor Who
If you want to insult me instead of making a counterpoint, go ahead.

Your side of the argument is lacking that much support.
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>I'm not a Jew, honest

you're probably a woman there is no other case for being this obtuse I'll leave you with that go ahead and have the final word you stopped making sense long ago
Every time someone insults me, they bump thread thread and bring awareness of the issue.
I am almost as cool a that guy.
Jesus ...you folks will happily destroy America just to get your way. So sad
Why do you think that a Constitutional procedure is forbidden?
>prefer the term 'Yazidi'
We know. That's exactly why you hate Christians, especially Russians. Attempting the most vile of deeds, pinning your people's crimes on others in order to divide and conquer the gentiles for an easy sweep and clear, subvert and subjugate. You're a parasite, in full support of the media's brainwashing campaign since before the invention of the remote, the kidnap, torture, rape, and eventual satanic ritual killing and eating of children, wars for profit and human sacrifice, pollution, deforestation and extinction of flora and fauna, and endless other unspeakable crimes. Intelligent enough to understand that there's no redemption from the depths you've sunk to, and that you will never know the simplest emotions familiar only to humans not haunted by their reflections. I do not envy you.
>That's exactly why you hate Christians

No, Jesus was definitely one of the Yazidi.

He's my favorite rabbi!

I am not hating on Russians, either. They are hating themselves.
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