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>be uni student >be working at a psychiatric hospital as

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>be uni student
>be working at a psychiatric hospital as a part time job
>night shifts only
>mostly keeping watch over specific patients
>for example making sure that suicidal patients don't kill themselves during the night
>or schizophrenic patients don't harm anyone during a random freak out
>that kind of stuff
>one night just having to watch one restrained schizophrenic and allagedly aggressive patient
>she's sleeping the whole time, nice
>basically plan to read a book all night, periodically checking her breathing and stuff
>suddenly hear a feint voice
>more like a whisper
>look up from the book, voice stops
>patient is sleeping tight
>no one else in the room
>continue reading
>hear whisper again, still to feint to understand
>this time I can determine it's her, whispering in her sleep
>nothing new to me, weird stuff happens
>whispers something every couple of minutes, get's louder though
>suddenly lets out a scream so high pitched and loud that I jolt upwards like a firework rocket
>instinctevly throw my book at her for whatever reason, only hit the side of the bed though
>screaming stops after the longest 2 seconds of my life
>nurse opens door
>whatthefuck.png ?
>tell her what happened, she checks her vital signs and leaves
>probably some fucked up bad dream
>pick up book and continue reading
>notice she hasn't whispered for a while
>she lies there, perfectly still, head to the side, straight up looking at me with dead eyes
>scares the shit out of me for a second
>ask if she wants anything
>no answer
>realize she doesn't make eye contact
>breathes normaly
>can't really tell if still asleep or awake and mentally knocked out by some medication she might be getting
>get closer to check for vital signs
>screams again - this time she doesn't stop
>whatdo.bmp ?
>nurse comes again
>we booth look at the patient
>suddenly screaming stops again
>ask nurse if patient is getting some weird medication
>nothing unusual, something to help her sleep better
>possibly sleeping through her screaming because of that
>nurse says she's gonna call the doc if patient screams again like this
>because other patients can't sleep if this continues
>sit down to read book, again
>uncomfortable sitting in the general spot the patient seems to be looking at
>take the chair into the other corner of the room
>look up after reading a page or two
>patient staring at me again
>get a very powerful shiver down my spine
>well, she's awake, alright
>ask her if there's something she needs
>no answer, no eyecontact either
>whispering continues
>try to listen closely
>only word I could make out is "they"
>seems to whisper several short senteces that start with "they"
>very hard to understand though
>realize she's not making eye contact cause she might be looking at something behind me
>turn around, there's a window
>see multiple pairs of big glowing eyes
>never been so close to a heartattack in my whole life up to this point
>totally freeze like a statue
>scared as fuck
>realize it's fucking owls in the tree, looking inside
>light gets reflected in their fucking big eyes
>start to calm down, slowly
>suddenly patient screams again
>once again, never been so close to a heartattack in my whole life up to this point
>nurse comes in again
>screaming stops again
>don't tell her about the owls
>owls aren't there anymore, though
>she calls the doc and informs me that the doc isn't going to do anything about it
>night shift is almost over anyway and all but one patient aren't bothered by her screaming
>mostly due to the fact that almost everyone in that hospital station gets some form of sleep medication
>time passes, start to pack my book and stuff together - can go home in a couple of minutes
>looked outside the windows multiple times since, no owls
>no screams either
>as I leave patient whispers again
>this time I understand the sentence:
>"they are hunting"
>whatthefuck.html ?
>am tired and only want to go home, enough shit for one night - leave
>drive home on my scooter and immediatly fall asleep. good sleep, too
>get to work at the same hospital station a couple of nights later
>another nurse there tells me one guy doing the same work as me got attacked by birds last night while on his motorcycle
>crashed into oncoming traffic and died
Got any proof? Pics?
Daayum. Go on
>throw my book at her
kek, anymore spoopy stories?

despite having worked at that hospital for over 3 years, sadly no

the sad reality is, there's not much going on there but usual crazy people

not even scary crazy, just normal crazy - almost all stories I can tell are funny ones

the above one being the only exception
Mental disease are the product of demons haunting and attacking one's mind and soul
that was a good story

mental diseases are exactly that and nothing more
>>"they are hunting"

Yeah, well, mentally ill patient still recognizes big predatory night birds for what they are -big predatory night birds.

Still, i can understand this freaking you out. Would have done me too i think.
Word. I was put in a psych ward in march. It was kinda disturbing and sad, but not really spooky. Some of the schizos were a little spooky because you don't know what to expect from them, but mostly they just act like you'd expect a mentally retarded person to act. Pretty much you just see grown adults acting like stupid children off in their own worlds, or over-medicated patients who act dead inside and sleep all day. The bipolar people were usually sketchier because some of them were just fucking aggressive assholes. Still not really spoopy though, especially since I have prior experience with bipolar people.
Idk, seeing the people in there is honestly really sad, not that scary.
>interns by themselves on watch
>patients being monitored directly in the room
>reading on shift

If you are going to larp at least make it believable.
>implying he said he was an intern
He could have his nursing degree but be going to school for his MD or some shit.
>implying that high-risk patients aren't watched within their room
When I was in a ward this guy tried to run and they thorazined his ass out, after that he was constantly followed by a nurse, even in his room.

About reading on shift, I seen them doing shit like that behind the counter to the office/pharmacy area, but if they are monitoring a sleeping patient it probably would not be an issue.
You're an idiot. Name one thing your Darwinism has cured. One. You can't. Because you're frauds.
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