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Hey. Given I have yet to find beliefs like mine, I have decided

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Hey. Given I have yet to find beliefs like mine, I have decided to try to spread the word. If you are interested, you can contact me in various ways. On skype and kik I'm xerisianx, and my email is gatestules91@gmail. Or feel free to ask in thread.

So, here also is a brief overview of my beliefs:

God as a whole is both everything and nothing. Infinite and part of everything, bring neither male/female, good/evil, etc.

Now these current religions are as shards of the divine. Some will look into that divine essence and see Allah while others may see Shiva or any number of other beings. The prophets who were able to look into the divine could not comprehend the whole of god, as that is far too alien to our minds, so what we do see is a piece of that. An aspect of that god that can manifest in various gods, demons, angels, etc. Both good and evil. And we can learn more about god by studying these spiritual teachings. There are many routes to god and not all are the same. Some may seek god in pleasure, others in asceticism. Some by prayer and submission, others by being strong and dutiful. But the goal is to not merely adhere to one path, but to understand more and more about this true god behind them all. And we do that by attaining knowledge; and not just spiritual knowledge. Secular pursuits and teachings have just as much to teach us about god as anything else.

There is one true god, but even polytheism is a valid way to know that one god, as it is simply acknowledging and understanding that one god from which the others spawned or were understood.
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Yup. Not that uncommon of a belief. A logical conclusion for someone who believes in god but not organized faith

true but nothing special to anyone who studies the mysteries
And what are these "mysteries"? The truth does not have to hide in the dark. And most of these mysteries that get found out later on in history are nothing special.

i don;t understand why /x/ never talks about joseph campbell or carl jung in terms of their outlining of common motifs and archetypes found in religion. as science progresses and answers more questions, traditional religion seems less and less desirable outside of a metaphysical sense of peace coming to terms with mortality. keeping that in mind, it seems to me like humanity living before the time of massive scientific progress and expansion (say 1960's on) would need social institutions like religion in order to structure their reality within a spotlight of self-supposed truth because they lacked the knowledge we do today.

can you expand OP? it's very interesting regardless.
I mean the esoteric sides of the old faiths. People have always known this kind of thing but they've had to hide it due to politics, church authorities etc.
Expand on what? Archetypes? I don't think they are invalid. And there are some similar themes in religion, but then there are others that don't fit the same type. So, it's useful to learn about, but I don't think it's helpful in figuring out the truth. It's more of an easy way to categorize things and see common themes and breaking them down. But I think one would have to study a lot more than that to understand the truth.

And if you wanted me to expand on the religious side, I'd agree. It would be more beneficial for there to be an atheistic world that was good and upstanding than a "pious" and dead world. But that's because god in my view does not care for belief. It is what it is whether or not anyone believes. Some aforementioned shards of god may care, but there would be atheistic ones as well. That's why I don't discard human wisdom or science, or even the words of atheists. It can all be useful and learned from and help make a better world. But in terms of what is more moral or immoral? God won't care. That's more of the aforementioned shards would do, since they are a more singular consciousness as we understand it with goals, ideals, etc. God in my view is just the entire collection of everything and nothing (due to a lot of religions also speaking of a nothingness or void/chaos). So, god is more a force of nature than a personal figure.

I mean expand more on what ever it is you're trying to accomplish with this personal pursuit. What do you mean by "one true god"? What is the point is claiming a "one true god" when so many different cultures and people have so many different conceptions of a "god" or multiple "gods"? It's more appealing to a person to unify the religions under a silver lining of commonality regarding "truth" and a "true god". What difference is what ever you're talking about from other new age spiritual fulfillment stuff?
What are your thoughts on evil? Demons? Do you believe that they use weapons against us? Most will not understand the types of weapons the evil world uses to influence "good" people of God. Do you think that psychics or people the have super natural talents are evil?
>What do you mean by "one true god"?
The god of everything and nothing. Which is pretty broad, but that is also why god is not a personal figure in my faith. A lot of that deals with these kinds of shards.

>What is the point is claiming a "one true god" when so many different cultures and people have so many different conceptions of a "god" or multiple "gods"?

Because it is what I believe to be true. Many people may have different conceptions of god, but that does not mean I believe in them as the sole or only truth. Why would I not pursue what I feel is true?

>It's more appealing to a person to unify the religions under a silver lining of commonality regarding "truth" and a "true god".

1. That is already similar to what I am doing. But my conception of god I see as being beyond those, with those as mere glimpses and fractions of the true divinity.
2. I don't really care what is more appealing. I pursue what I believe is true. My goal isn't to make up bullshit that sounds nice and happy. That is also why I don't talk about an afterlife. I have personal beliefs about that, but I can't say that my beliefs are necessarily true in that regard.

>What difference is what ever you're talking about from other new age spiritual fulfillment stuff?
A lot since I don't buy into new age stuff. I believe there is one true god, just many fractions or shards of said god. And many ways to get there. And most new age people focus on peace and love; I do not. Sure, that is part of god, but god is also much more. And a good warrior, wise man, or even the most fucked up type of person is all equal in that sense. They are indeed part of everything. And in the end, even embracing the "evil" side of god is valid. It may not be good for people, but it is no less divine. A lot of new age stuff hates conflict, while I wouldn't and see it as good sometimes.
let's go to the beach to rust
>What are your thoughts on evil? Demons?
I see evil as just another part of god. Is it bad for us? Clearly. We don't need religion to tell us that. But given god is the god of so much, evil falls under that as much as anything else. Same goes for demons or evil gods. They are shards of that divinity, just evil parts of god. And I believe we should work against that sort of thing, but someone could also follow my faith and be the exact opposite and embrace evil since he worships the same god, just embracing those darker aspects.

>Do you believe that they use weapons against us?
Weapons like what? I believe they influence the world. Maybe even incarnate, but that is about it. But a lot of things can influence the world. And if one has strong will or belief, I don't think they have any real reason to be afraid of them. A demon can't force you to do shit.

>Do you think that psychics or people the have super natural talents are evil?

I don't think there are many of them at all, if any. But if they do exist, I would find them to be a grey area. Same with aliens or artificial intelligence. These would be people with powers most of us don't, and as such, need to be kept track of. Religiously? Then it really doesn't matter. Like I don't think just having powers says anything one way or the other about them.
I honestly have experienced weapons like the radio being used against me to influence negative thoughts. Evil doesn't come from God.
2 Timothy 1:6-8New King James Version (NKJV)

6 Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands. 7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

Leviticus 20:26-27New King James Version (NKJV)

26 And you shall be holy to Me, for I the Lord am holy, and have separated you from the peoples, that you should be Mine.

27 ‘A man or a woman who is a medium, or who has familiar spirits, shall surely be put to death; they shall stone them with stones. Their blood shall be upon them.’”
There is no reason to believe in a god.
>I honestly have experienced weapons like the radio being used against me to influence negative thoughts.

I think that says more about you than evil spirits. Mental illness or being weak.

As for the Biblical stuff, I don't care. Most Christians don't even understand their own faith or its origins. And I read the Bible and found it very lacking in general. So, you're gonna have to try harder if you expect some random verses to change my mind.

I agree. You can be moral or immoral whether there is a god or not. But I do believe and was looking for likeminded people.
I like you and your understanding, it's what I've come to know and feel to be internally true myself.

Everything is a refraction of God the All/Nothing for no-thing can exist outside of God
All kinds of reason, wat u even saying` LOL
Well, I said nothing in the sense of the common cosmic void/darkness/chaos. Pure nothingness. I wasn't using it in that cheesy pun way.
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I respect that your belief in god is spiritually individualized.

What do you feel and experience in your life because of your personal conception of god? What does this so called faith give you in terms of spiritual / intellectual / social (as in your part in society) sections of your existence?


There's equally all kinds of reasons not to believe in god, or a god.
>What do you feel and experience in your life because of your personal conception of god?

Nothing. It isn't like I reached enlightenment or changed my life around. I do the same things I did before, just with a different understanding of god.

>What does this so called faith give you in terms of spiritual / intellectual / social (as in your part in society) sections of your existence?

Nothing as of yet. Spiritually not much, simply because THE god is more of a force of nature. So, most stuff would be based on indirect stuff with said shards of god. Which is useful for me to learn about because I believe humans should become as the gods and try to achieve that apotheosis. But that is more a personal drive and not one I ascribe as a god given mandate. One can be an atheist and get just as much satisfaction from just the awe of the universe. Same would go for intellectual.

As for social, nothing has changed there yet. But that was why I made this thread. If there are likeminded people I'd love to talk to them and make a community of some sort.
Yeah it works tho
Yeah, but it just reminds me of corny church signs. Like I saw one that said 3 nails +1 cross = 4given.
The Mysteries are the Mysteries of the Creator of the whole of the Universe.
You say a lot of words but don't really say anything

>no one cares
And those "mysteries" tend to be a lot of larping. Every time we learn the secrets to these groups both historically and modern it's nothing mindblowing.
What did you want to know? I laid out a basic guideline and answered a few questions. What do you find lacking?
yo it's in the symbolism and language, lmfao
The truth is stranger than fiction. Magic is real and they use it. Rituals are used to help see the true nature of the world. Even mock rituals have power.
And yet all of the people proclaiming to believe or use this magic don't seem any different than normal people and the vast majority of the time it makes no sense at all. If any magic exists at all, it'd be more akin to chaos magic than anything else. Unless there examples of this magic working or something, it seems like they will be just as larpy as all the ones that had their secrets revealed. Ritual and a close knit group can help a community, but if you think people are running around warping reality like it's Harry Potter then give me a break.
They use it to kill people and control whether natural disasters happen all the time. They usually target people that have something to do with the secret societies. The Illuminati isn't even the most powerful society, they do what they do to feed entities. Apparently they're all obligated.
No, it's magik of the consciousness and applying the 7 Hermetic Principles of the Universe. There's a system, it's old as fuck, and it works.

Conscious Creation.
How do they kill people and control natural disasters by larping? What entities do they feed?

If you know about it then it isn't very secretive is it? And surely if it works you can give me an example of it working. This would be some groundbreaking stuff.
I think the magic is secret on how they control the weather and successfully kill people with magic but they feed entities that have something to do with this part of the Universe. They feed them by starting wars where people die and their programming causes people to go on mass shootings for example.
Well it shouldn't be secret, the only ones that want it to remain secret are the establishment elite royalty. They don't want you to have fair playing field because then we might just manifest ourselves out of their enslavement.

The knowledge and wisdom is free to anyone who seeks the truth, although there are programs to disseminate this knowledge base on a world wide basis, it's still growing.

The only ones that want to keep it secret are the ones denying you of your own divine power and ability!
Archons, Archons getting BTFO by emissaries of light right now desu
The magic is secret and yet you know of it. How? And how do you know of any entities it is feeding? And how do mass shootings relate to these entities when mental illness is a far more likely thing? Or a terrorist attack? Or a war? These things all go back to the dawn of time. So what makes you thing some beings with the aid of secret magic did any of it?
None of that sounds like an example of the magic working. It sounds like vague new age shit to me. And given I'm OP, I'm sure not denying any divine power and think people should become like gods. I just don't think we will get there with new age people like you who say vague things and claim magic works while giving zero examples of how it works.
Archons are just another name for 'demons'. Who are the emissaries of light?
The magic rituals are a secret but I know that's what they do because one of them said so themselves.
Why are you responding to yourself? How much are they paying you?
Oh, nvm, I just read that you're OP. Well, OP, how do figure we get the hell out of this reality? Since magic isn't real and ascension through magic or Gnostic knowledge is not how he get out?
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True magik and alchemy
begins with the mind, the merger of the unconscious with the conscious, the dissolution of astral fields.

Take control of your dream world and unconscious, and you may have a direct chance at taking control of your life and influencing your reality. IT's all in the imagination, your will, conscious intent, etc.

First you need to get the unconsciousness and the consciousness to begin communicating, you can do this through studying Sacred Geometry and Jungian Symbolism

You need a base understanding before I can give you practical applications, it takes time and a lot of work to develop, may take life times.
Archons, demons, lower astral entities, reptoids, I don't care what you call them, but they've been a parasite to our race and planet far too long.

The Emissaries of Light are the order of the Galactic/Universal Spiritual Hierarchy.

The cosmic cycle of karma is about to close for this age on earth, and there's a lot of fucking karma to be dished out.

The Universe is under law, there are rules, demons don't get to just break them without consequences.
Which one of this secret kabal of magic using murderers told you this? Do you have any source on that?

>Well, OP, how do figure we get the hell out of this reality?

Dying. But why would you even want to leave this reality? Want shit changed? Man up and work to change it. This whole desire for escapism is pathetic to me. Rather than looking to magic as a greedy means to aid yourself you can grow a pair of balls and work to change it in reality, not larping as a mage. If this reality is so shitty to you, then you should have no issue confronting these problems or taking risks and making sacrifices since it is all terrible to you anyway.

So, new age nonsense. Thanks.
Its unfortunate that youve never met anyone with this belief but using the internet to reach is the right move, you might want to try posting on reddit or quora or even on other forums like sv and lw as im sure it would be easier to find like minded or at legitimately curious individuals. I happen to have held almost exactly the same perspective that your are espousing for years. I conceptualize it slightly more in islamic, buddhist, daoist, jain, and hindu terms as i was raised in a muslim houshold and im a south asian who grew up in america so i have long leaned towards my native culture and learned about Indian and asian religions and philosophies that all blend together to color my worldview. I really dont think that his sort of perspective can be all that rare as my New Age friends( and some psychonaut friends) have all proclaimed similar ideas at one point or another. I think it is most difficult to find people with these ideas until we find the right kind of people. Most people are uninterested in religion, spirituality, and philosophy and so never bother to think about this stuff even if their not dogmatically religious. Try to find people of more philosophical/spiritual bent and im sure youll meet people that see the logic in the ideas youve developed.
Astral entities are just entities that come to your mind. There's no such thing as 'lower Astral'. Reptoids are beings from some other dimension who were created by lesser 'gods', Demons are just divinities and dead 'angels'. Archons is just a name for ruler, which would be the rulers of this aeon, meaning the Gnostics who are in control here by Divine Law and Order. Or demons, it's used interchangeably like there's a connection.
No, not at all, this stems from Ancient Atlantean Hermetic Teachings. The New Age is simply the rebirth of the Golden Era of mankind.

This isn't even new age nonsense, this is basic fundamental human psychology and behaviour, rooted in s
Lets not get caught up in semantics, the dark reptilians may even be from another Universe, a dark Universe devoid of life as we know it. An infection.

The Archons were in control for the past 12,000 years or so, but their time is up as rulers of this sphere.

The demons do not operate on Divine Law and Order, they are in opposition.
Fascinating. Nobody cares.
>Dying. But why would you even want to leave this reality? Want shit changed? Man up and work to change it. This whole desire for escapism is pathetic to me. Rather than looking to magic as a greedy means to aid yourself you can grow a pair of balls and work to change it in reality, not larping as a mage. If this reality is so shitty to you, then you should have no issue confronting these problems or taking risks and making sacrifices since it is all terrible to you anyway.
I didn't even read this, hold on, where do I start. First of all, you can't change Divine Law and Order. Secondly, this material part of the Universe is a prison/place for the dead. You're originally not from here. Don't you want to go back home?
The demons don't do anything but live here and get fed, attacking a false enemy won't get you anywhere.
>this stems from Ancient Atlantean Hermetic Teachings.

Oh, okay. If it came from Atlantis it must be true. You sure swayed me.

You don't know what a wiccan is or believes if you think I'm one of them.

>First of all, you can't change Divine Law and Order.
When someone shows me this divine law and order I'll be sure to follow it. Until then, it sounds like a bunch of nonsense.

>Secondly, this material part of the Universe is a prison/place for the dead. You're originally not from here. Don't you want to go back home?
1. I'm alive. And I don't see life as a prison. Why do you? And, if it so awful, why not work to change it rather than look for an easy way out? This is the plague with new age trash. Life is not a prison or something to run from. That is cowardice and weakness, and even apathy to do anything to improve the world and that doesn't help.

2. I am home. I'm in this world and it is the only home I know of for a fact. That means I want to make it better, not wallow in escapist fantasies and do nothing. Or say "fuck it" and let future generations suffer for my apathy. We may or may not have a place after death, but we certainly have this world. And given this is certain (or as close to certain as we can be), I see every reason to take care of it like our home rather than adopt your attitude and watch it crumble.
They FEED off of us, because they've lost the ability to consciously co-create, so they have to possess us to even be able to >>19107050

The demons are our enemy, they invaded our planet with their battle station Nibriu (which is the moon, btw, the moon is just a holographic projection on the surface of Nibriu.

Fuck them, taking them out.
Free will, they don't have to show you anything. You don't have to believe anything, enjoy your lives here.
>I'm alive. And I don't see life as a prison
You don't have to see it as a prison, but you're dead. I mean actually you're in a constant state of living but as far as the Divine realm goes, you're dead.
>And, if it so awful, why not work to change it rather than look for an easy way out?
It's almost like you're plugging your ears and going 'la-la-la'.
>This is the plague with new age trash
Sure, buddy, this is 'New Age'
>Life is not a prison or something to run from
You can very well think that because you're free to as this is a free will Universe.
>That is cowardice and weakness, and even apathy to do anything to improve the world and that doesn't help
Sure, buddy.

>I am home. I'm in this world and it is the only home I know of for a fact. That means I want to make it better, not wallow in escapist fantasies and do nothing. Or say "fuck it" and let future generations suffer for my apathy
Stop trying to guilt trip me. You can keep fuckin' these people if you want, nigga, it's mo' monkey pussy fo' me.
>And given this is certain (or as close to certain as we can be), I see every reason to take care of it like our home rather than adopt your attitude and watch it crumble.
Good luck with that, infringe on other people's free will. That's fine, you won't get any results but okay.
People are the ones that want the power and money, the demons just provide a service for that opportunity. They are not the enemies, any demon that resides in a person, the person let them in by not rejecting the things of this material Universe.
So, what? What is this divine realm? I don't know what happens after death, but I do know I have a life here. And I do know I can help people. So why should I or anyone else sit around with masturbatory fantasies of escaping this "prison"? That does nothing to make the world better. That does nothing to help anyone. All it does is say "this life is shit, so fuck it and hope for a better after life". And that is cowardice. Does your life suck? Then get off your ass and fix it. Stop waiting for Jesus to save you, for the divine realm to save you through knowledge, or whatever else. It's easy to sit on your ass and hope shit gets better. Maybe the after life is way better or maybe there is nothing. But we have this and we can clearly change things since humanity has come a long way so far. So why totally ignore this life in favor of what may or may not be a pipe dream? Face it, you're either just a coward or don't give a shit about anybody.
>So, what? What is this divine realm?
A realm where the Divine reside.
>And I do know I can help people
What? Fuck these people, pham, they're all here for a reason. Just distractions.
>That does nothing to make the world better.
You can get a billion people together and try to change the world for the better, they'll all die the same as you for infringing on people's free will.
>All it does is say "this life is shit, so fuck it and hope for a better after life
I won't get a better afterlife, I'll come back here and live another life just like you, until I figure out what I did to get sent here or my purpose.
>Stop waiting for Jesus to save you, for the divine realm to save you through knowledge, or whatever else
I'm not waiting for Jesus to save me, the divine realm is not going to help me, I'm the one that will save me and no one else.

I can say that I once saw a stone which was very special because, for me, it is the source of everything known to man, and no-thing can exist outside its influence. How is that different from your "God"?
Personally Im of the opinion that as a species we are all equally worthless, and if there is a God then he probably doesnt care too much about us outside of the fun it was to make us and watch us go at it for a while.
>It's easy to sit on your ass and hope shit gets better
What's so bad about what's going on now? And what's your idea of a 'shit life'? Those two answers will show you where you're in the wrong thinking.
>But we have this and we can clearly change things since humanity has come a long way so far
Sure, they did ALL this, by themselves.
>So why totally ignore this life in favor of what may or may not be a pipe dream? Face it, you're either just a coward or don't give a shit about anybody.
Because the material realm is not my home, pham. You can keep fuckin' these people if you want, nigga, it's mo' monkey pussy fo' me.
there is a dichotomy, learn it or be destroyed
Thats if you believe someone created us.
Nah, I don't think I'll say fuck people and do that. That's anathema to civilized society. And what is with you and this free will thing? Everyone dies. Mutual cooperation for the good of people is infringing on free will? Give me a break. That is absurd. As is the notion that that is why we die. Maybe you think that life is a game, so fuck it all and you just unlimited continues, but some of us actually want to face the reality that we can only be sure of one life, so we better make it a good one. Memento mori gives us even more of a reason to do good. We have come this far from caves and population bottlenecks and you think we have done nothing? Your ennui is some terrible stuff.
You were the one who called this world a prison. Last I checked, a prison isn't a day spa. So, you were the one saying it was bad. And we do still have issues in the world today.

And people did do all this by themselves. Who else did it? Or is this just another sign of your misanthropic worldview where humans are garbage so how could people ever accomplish great things?
>Nah, I don't think I'll say fuck people and do that. That's anathema to civilized society
You're too busy worrying about a Heaven on Earth that you're not going to get. You can die trying if you want, pham, You can use as many respawns as you want, have fun.
>And what is with you and this free will thing? Everyone dies. Mutual cooperation for the good of people is infringing on free will? Give me a break
What is 'the good' to you and why is it so important to your worldview?
>Maybe you think that life is a game, so fuck it all and you just unlimited continues, but some of us actually want to face the reality that we can only be sure of one life, so we better make it a good one. Memento mori gives us even more of a reason to do good. We have come this far from caves and population bottlenecks and you think we have done nothing? Your ennui is some terrible stuff.
So? None of that means anything, You're impressed by small things.
>You were the one who called this world a prison
When did I say it was bad? All I said was it's a prison. Don't get too caught up in the things of this world though, they're only fun for a time.
>And we do still have issues in the world today
>And people did do all this by themselves. Who else did it? Or is this just another sign of your misanthropic worldview where humans are garbage so how could people ever accomplish great things?
No, the knowledge was given to them. Another one impressed by small things. I have a bigger dick than Baphomet :^))))
>You're too busy worrying about a Heaven on Earth that you're not going to get. You can die trying if you want, pham, You can use as many respawns as you want, have fun.

Nobody said to make a heaven on earth, but the goal is to keep improving. The goal isn't to throw your hands up in defeat because it will never be perfect.

>So? None of that means anything, You're impressed by small things.
It means nothing? Yes, being a primitive, weak, and nearly extinct naked ape and going on to become the most powerful species on the planet is such small stuff. You're either trolling or so misanthropic that I don't see why you don't kill yourself if everything in this world bores you and you are this full of ennui and uninspired.

Calling something a prison implies it is bad. Or do you think prisons are fun and good?

And of course the knowledge was given to people. Because coming up with stuff on our own is impossible. But, fuck it, you're trolling at this point. I don't even think the biggest material world hating gnostic is this pathetic in their reasoning or even so egotistical as to say fuck everyone except me.
>Nobody said to make a heaven on earth, but the goal is to keep improving. The goal isn't to throw your hands up in defeat because it will never be perfect
Improving to what? What's so important to you here? I'm not saying don't make people's quality of life better, but you're trying to change the world instead of changing yourself. That's all fine and dandy, pham, but I don't care about making the world softer for people. I don't throw up my hands at anything.
>It means nothing? Yes, being a primitive, weak, and nearly extinct naked ape and going on to become the most powerful species on the planet is such small stuff. You're either trolling or so misanthropic that I don't see why you don't kill yourself if everything in this world bores you and you are this full of ennui and uninspired
You think your version of love is going to improve your world? What are you trying to improve? You're not the most powerful species on this Earth, you're peons. Especially you.
>Calling something a prison implies it is bad. Or do you think prisons are fun and good?
Your conception of a prison says it's bad.
>And of course the knowledge was given to people. Because coming up with stuff on our own is impossible. But, fuck it, you're trolling at this point. I don't even think the biggest material world hating gnostic is this pathetic in their reasoning or even so egotistical as to say fuck everyone except me
Us humans, right? We think we're the hottest shit in the world. Funny how you say I'm egotistical but before you just said 'COMING FROM WHATEVER, WHATEVER THEN BECOMING THE MOST POWERFUL SPECIES ON THIS PLANET..' blah, blah, blah. You can keep fuckin' these people if you want, nigga, it's mo' monkey pussy fo' me.
>Improving to what? What's so important to you here? I'm not saying don't make people's quality of life better, but you're trying to change the world instead of changing yourself. That's all fine and dandy, pham, but I don't care about making the world softer for people. I don't throw up my hands at anything.

A lot is important to me here, because I don't view life as a video game with respawns. And I never implied that I wasn't changing myself as well or making the world softer. Making the world too soft is one of the reasons I talked about hating new age stuff earlier in the thread.

>You think your version of love is going to improve your world? What are you trying to improve? You're not the most powerful species on this Earth, you're peons. Especially you.
I wasn't even talking about love. Not once in this thread from the OP to now did I say anything about love. And what am I trying to improve? Everything. Or do you think we need to go back to living naked on the savannah because improving is wrong and, according to you, impossible since humans can't do anything on our own? And show me a more powerful species. I'll wait.

What conception of a prison is good? You're just talking out of your ass now.

And you are egotistical because you have a flimsy excuse for not giving a shit. And you justify it by saying it's a prison anyway so whatever happens happens. While I stated a fact since no other species on earth has shown up to show us how inferior we are, rather we went from those primitive times, covered the earth, wiped out several species, have art, literature, science, and tons of other accomplishments. I don't see another animal even close to us so far.

But go and talk about monkey pussy some more, because from what you've said you are even less than an animal.

"If our spiritual conscience overcomes our sensuality, we are higher than the angels. If our sensuality overcomes our spiritual conscience, we are lower than the beasts."
This is pretty basic Perennial belief anon. I'm almost impressed you came up with this while clearly reading very little
>A lot is important to me here, because I don't view life as a video game with respawns. And I never implied that I wasn't changing myself as well or making the world softer. Making the world too soft is one of the reasons I talked about hating new age stuff earlier in the thread
Because you're a peon on all fronts, enjoy your lives here.
>I wasn't even talking about love. Not once in this thread from the OP to now did I say anything about love. And what am I trying to improve? Everything. Or do you think we need to go back to living naked on the savannah because improving is wrong and, according to you, impossible since humans can't do anything on our own? And show me a more powerful species.
All the animals on this Earth are winning (aside from most humans), your smarts don't make you powerful. The illusion of your power comes from the fact that you're intelligent and can talk. What's 'Everything'? Be more specific, if you don't even know then you'll improve nothing.
It doesn't fit that very well. Perennials think there is a common source. I don't , since people, these shards, or any number of things could have built these faiths. I just study them, while my main religious idol is that "force of nature" god. I also have a more fixed view of what god is rather than a nondescript deist god. And I don't align with new age types, theosophists and all those people either.
>What conception of a prison is good? You're just talking out of your ass now
This prison that you're in right now is pretty good. You can fuck and get drunk, etc.
>And you are egotistical because you have a flimsy excuse for not giving a shit
Not giving a shit about what? What do you want me to give a shit about? Human suffering? They're gonna suffer regardless of whether I'm here or not.
>While I stated a fact since no other species on earth has shown up to show us how inferior we are, rather we went from those primitive times, covered the earth, wiped out several species... I don't see another animal even close to us so far.
Your battle of strength through wits is not impressive at all.
>have art, literature, science, and tons of other accomplishments
All things The Creator of this Universe gave you to keep you chasing the laser.
Isaiah 45:7
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

The Bible clearly tells us that God creates evil.
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Y'know, if this is the afterlife and I fell here from "dying" in the divine reality, the damned thing is that I know how I died. I still remember the spike in my neck.
A core Tenet of Wicca is that all gods and goddesses are one and the same. Formless, nameless and impossible to define.
Someone else (or you) mentioned this earlier in another thread. Prison for the dead? Where is this coming from? Do you have something else I can read? Is this in some gnostic text? Is earth hades? Is this no longer earth? I was told I was "legally dead" by an entity and I've also noticed much symbolism targeted to bikers implies they are dead. Are people who seek freedom/truth considered dead in the eyes of the Archons? Earth is some kind of afterlife?

please explain
According to the law of One, we are all parts of the one creator trying to experience itself through the illusion of separation, witch is pretty similar to what you are saying. That book series is fascinating and a lot broader than this, although this is the main message (all is one). You might like it. :)
Another similarity in the law of One with what you said is their view on "good and evil" or positive (service to others) and negative (service to self) polarity, which are both valid paths, although one more illusory than the other, wich will have to switch in the end to reach unity. Both are valid because serving others is serving the creator, and the self, but serving the self is also serving the creator, and others (technically I guess?) since all is one. And everyone is an apsect of the creator learning about itself thought free will.
A quote I like is "there are no mistakes in the law of One, though there are surprises".
Ooooooo. Creepy. I'm so spooked.

The pieces of evidence are in things like the Genesis account, that was created to tell us what we are, we're dead but not just spiritually. When you die in the divine realm, you come here and adopt a human soul.

I'd like to first see demonstration that an entity such as God can exist at all before people start ascribing a plethora of characteristics to it. Otherwise conclusions about such a phenomenon are useless armchair philosophy likely driven by cultural influence, emotion, and willful ignorance to what is demonstrably true.
Seems ya don't know much of Wicca then.

Yeah, I don't buy that separation is an illusion. Or anything like that. There can be separation, but still be part of the same thing. Think of a clock. Everything isn't all the same. Separate parts work to make one thing. And I don't really believe god is a creator in the common sense of the word. I don't think god was some being that consciously decided to create mankind or anything else. My god is more similar to Azathoth or a "blind idiot god". Just a force of nature. Not that I think god is Azathoth or that reality is a dream, but it is a similar concept.
I don't think that good/evil are illusory. I think that in terms of THE main god, it is just irrelevant except to understand shards of god or on the human level. Not that there will be some unity, but that it's just how it works. Something on the scale of THE god is just a force of nature rather than one sapient mind, the only intelligible bits are shards and stuff on our level. So, morality doesn't really matter to it. But it does matter to us, and it would matter to those aforementioned shards that aren't operating on that grand of a scale.

And I don't believe that we are aspects of the creator experiencing itself through free will or any other will. As said before, more of a "blind idiot god" and less a personal being.

OP here, just didn't use the tripcode for most of the thread. I agree with you. I can't provide any solid proof that my god exists. But given I view my god as that combination of all and void, it's hard not to see it all over. It also doesn't make me deny science or dislike atheists. I would actually prefer an atheistic but enlightened world over constant religious rivalries and theocratic regimes.
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