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Anybody else having a hard time listening now that Noory spends

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Anybody else having a hard time listening now that Noory spends half of every show shilling for Trump or those fake doctors that sponsor the show? Feels like an infomercial now.
Yeah, it's kind of obnoxious. When George isn't the host, it's better. Literally, all the sit-in hosts have had much more engaging shows. Anyone know any shows like Coast to Coast that aren't shit?

Also, nice double-dubs.
Definitely agree about the other hosts. Used to be disappointed when I saw it wasn't Noory, now if Noory's hosting I only bother to download the half of the show that isn't blatantly paid for. I know a couple of the other hosts have their own shows, I'm thinking of checking them out but I've fell asleep to Coast every night for over a decade so change is hard haha
Also for the record, I'm not even anti-Trump, but if I wanted to hear a political circle jerk, I'd turn on Limbaugh or something, not the show about aliens.
Did you hear the dude who was suggesting that medication and vaccines are stupid and you should just eat kale instead? And it was followed up by a guy who was freaking out that technology is moving forward as it always has.
Yeah and he's on several times a month cause his company sponsors the show.
If this is turning into a coast to coast complaints thread, I'd like to add that open lines are nearly unlistenable because of how fucking dumb every single caller is
Eugh, it's ridiculous.

I know, right? During that recent one about the pyramids, some woman called in to tell everyone that she raised her goldfish from the dead.
>how fucking dumb every single caller

Can't the same be said of every show that takes calls?
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I love trump, but when I listen to coast to coast I don't want to hear about trump. I get it already because I read the news. I guess it can educate trump haters but I wanna hear some spoops when I watch that show.
George Noory sucks
Jimmy Church rocks
Agreed. It was about the spoops, now it's about the shills.
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Noory is no match for Alex Jones in shilling for Trump. Anyone here who says George Noory could beat Alex in a fight is obviously a paid shill for the reptilians.
>you're just mad that Trump won
Hey. Pssst!

You know that theONE feller? Well guess what?

Annie from Alabammie
Juan Cena
Bill the AAA
Thomas in La Jolla
Jeff in Brooklyn

Awesome radio
and you also fucked Art Bell's mother while Art was watching and fapping to his mother's screaming because her ass was ripped in half.
We all know that Art hated his mother who was Drill Sergeant in the Army and she used dildos on Art's ass to make him sing praises to her.
The deeper she pushed her dilldo up Art's ass the deeper lower voice Art was producing and that's why he was sounding like that on the air, all was because his drill sergeant mother fucked him with her dilldo.
Art got great dildo ass penetration voice lessons from his mother Jane Gumaer Bell, a Marine drill instructor.
And latter as a thank you he fucked her in her ass as well.
Lol this is one of the most pathetic but also most entertaining 4chan circle jerks. Even more sad than the banana, but at least it's funnier
I like listening to that guy who has his very famous radio show and was talking about how Art was talking about UFO's and because of those charming stories Art was getting 10 years old hookers in the Philippines,allegedly.
>Even more sad than the banana
what banana?
Although there's something distinctly "new century" about the Art Bell mystique, Art's upbringing was unusually traditional.
The son of a Marine Colonel father and a Drill Sergeant mother, Art developed a taste for news and analysis at an early age; he knew
that current events could have a significant--and immediate--impact on his life; the family could be re- stationed for the slightest geopolitical reason.
Art made a point of staying tuned into world events--in other words, he became a news junkie.
someone make a long repeating clip starting from 0:37sec - 0:41sec and 1:10min - 1:13min
it's hilarious

FalkieLEAKS - Hardcore Falkie, Part 08 - Closet
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