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http://www.businessinsider.com/bloo d-of-san-gennaro-fails-t

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>If you thought 2016 was bad, you might want to gird yourself for an even worse 2017.
>The dried blood of Saint Januarius failed to liquefy in a ceremony in Naples, Italy, on Saturday, according to a report in Italy's La Stampa, heralding disaster for next year.
>Monsignor Vincenzo De Gregorio, the abbot of the chapel, said: "We must not think about disasters and calamities. We are men of faith, and we must continue to pray."
>The ceremony of the blood of Saint Januarius, or San Gennaro, is performed several times a year. The blood is kept in special ampules and liquifies during the ceremony.
>The miracle has been regularly recorded since 1389. San Gennaro was bishop of Naples in the third century and was beheaded in the persecution of early Christians by Roman Emperor Diocletian, who killed about 3,500 Christians.
>If the miracle of liquefaction fails to occur, it can herald disaster for the coming months and years.
>The blood failed to become liquid in 1939, the year in which World War II started, and in 1980, the year of the Irpinia earthquake, according to the Stampa report.

I had a case of premonition. I was somewhere browsing /pol/ on the phone, I was about to leave but then I had this impulse to scroll further down in page 1 to see if there's another happening. There's got to be something I must do. It's not a coincidence, I know I have a dormant gift. My grandmother has it, confirmed multiple times, the most dramatic instance being leaving town without any notification to see her mother off in the last moments of life. This is the first time I use a tripcode, reserved only for follow-ups.
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The year when the Holy Fire fails to materialize will be the last year in the history of mankind.
This is what happened when humans tried to meddle with it: http://www.skarlakidis.gr/en/thema/18--1579-.html
Praise Kek, he has defeated the jew god and stopped his miracles!
"Dear Mr. Skarlakidis,

Thank you for your email dated 31/1/2010. I believe I can be of assistance to your worthy project.

For the last thirty-five years I have been working with Experimental Fracture Mechanics at the Physics of Strength of Materials Laboratory of the National University of Athens and I believe wherever there is no scientific explanation, there is a miracle.

I have no reason to doubt the Munich Library manuscript dated to 1634 which gives an account of the miraculous manner of the rupture of the column as well as what ensued: that the Greek patriarch used this Fire to light his candle. I do not believe it is possible to doubt a miracle and especially where there are related accounts.

By examining the fracture from the photographs, we could conclude that it is a result of combined pressure: a combination of electrical discharge (probably a strong lightning bolt) and a large seismic tremor. The electrical discharge, due to the high momentary temperature, embrittled the material in the column down the length of a narrow area (origin). The surface seismic wave put pressure on the column resulting in torsional oscillation (fatigue). This simultaneous pressure resulted in the fracture beginning at the base of the column and continuing upwards in a zigzag course (as it appears in the photograph the course of the fracture is not linear) along the length of the area made embrittled by the electrical discharge. If the above indeed occurred, in my opinion this simultaneous combined pressure of the column remains inexplicable. Therefore, one could speak only of a miracle.

Dear Mr. Skarlakidis I would like to offer my congratulations on your work and I wholeheartedly wish you great success.


George Α. Papadopoulos
Professor of Mechanics,
Physics of Strength of Materials Laboratory
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens"
jesus christ he's wearing a huge doily.
>The blood failed to become liquid in 1939, the year in which World War II started, and in 1980, the year of the Irpinia earthquake, according to the Stampa report.

You don't know the real Jews.
>The most detailed genetic analysis study of Ashkenazi was published in September 2014 by Shai Carmon and his team at Columbia University. The results of the detailed study show that today's 10 million Ashkenazi Jews descend from a population of only 350 individuals who lived about 600–800 years ago. That population derived from both Europe and the Middle East.[14] There is evidence that the population bottleneck may have allowed deleterious alleles to become more prevalent in the population due to genetic drift.[15] As a result, this group has been particularly intensively studied, so many mutations have been identified as common in Ashkenazis.[16]
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>Priest 1: Father, our anti-degeneracy voodoo was super ineffective!
>Priest 2: I am afraid we will have to do the unthinkable.
>Priest 1: [gasps audibly]
>Priest 2: We must resort to just enforcement of secular laws if we are to restore order in civil society.
The vatican is a house of lies built on a conjurer's tricks. If you allow yourself to be their slave, you are nothing more than a peasant.
I'm an Orthodox and my faith doesn't dictate me to be the Vatican's slave or anyone's slave for that matter. Januarius is a saint of Early Christianity having met his demise in 305 AD.
Said the man after eating at McDonalds and buying his new PS4.
While I do agree there is some corruption going on within, not all are bad and trying to rid of those demons

also as a catholic I don't really let stuff from the Vatican dictate my life, I just think it's interesting that's all
>The slumbering Campi Flegrei volcano under the Italian city of Naples shows signs of reawakening and may be nearing a critical pressure point, according to a new study.
>Italian and French scientists have for the first time identified a threshold beyond which rising magma under the Earth’s surface could trigger the release of fluids and gases at a 10-fold increased rate.
>This would cause the injection of high-temperature steam into surrounding rocks, said Giovanni Chiodini, a researcher at Italy’s National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology in Bologna. “Hydrothermal rocks, if heated, can ultimately lose their mechanical resistance, causing an acceleration towards critical conditions,” he told AFP by email.
>He said it was not possible to say when – or if – the volcano would erupt but “it would be very dangerous” if it did for about 500,000 people living inside and near the caldera – the bowl-like depression created after a volcano blows its top.
>Chiodini said there was an urgent need to obtain a better understanding of Campi Flegrei’s behaviour because of the risk to such a dense urban population.
>Since 2005, Campi Flegrei has been undergoing what scientists call uplift, causing Italian authorities to raise the alert level in 2012 from green to yellow, signalling the need for active scientific monitoring. The pace of ground deformation and low-level seismic activity has recently increased.

Other articles on the topic:
New article:
2011 article:
>It begins with a swarm of 1,000 small earthquakes that ripple under the pavements of Naples. Air-conditioning units fall from the sides of buildings and tiles slip from the walls. Inside the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology’s control centre, a bank of screens indicates that the quakes aren’t being generated by the giant Mount Vesuvius, which looms over the city.
>These quakes are coming from something far bigger, from one of the largest and most dangerous volcanoes in the world: the Campi Flegrei caldera. Vesuvius, which destroyed the Roman city of Pompeii, incinerating and suffocating thousands, is nothing more than a pimple on the back of the sleeping dragon of Campi Flegrei, an active four-mile-wide sunken volcano. A call is quickly put through to Civil Defence and the Italian Ministry of the Interior: the city must be evacuated immediately.
>A short distance away, the ground around the ancient town of Pozzuoli is stretching, swelling, doming. Fumaroles – vents emitting columns of steam rich in CO2 – open up in the broken Tarmac. Four-and-a-half miles below the surface a bolt of magma has escaped the main reservoir and is rising upwards, changing and solidifying. As it reaches groundwater, it’s converted into a sponge-like stone. As the water boils away it feeds critical amounts of gas into the sponge, and the pressure builds until finally it explodes like a malfunctioning boiler.
>Hundreds of billions of cubic feet of volcanic rock blasts up into the atmosphere: an explosion 200 times greater than that of the Icelandic Eyjafjallajökull volcano, which brought chaos to Europe, grounded planes in the UK for a week and is said to have cost the world economy in excess of £3 billion.
>Back on the streets of Naples, it’s too late to run. Bumper-to-bumper traffic comes to a halt as drivers grind on their horns. They watch helplessly as a boiling black cloud of hot gas and rock rolls over the horizon at hurricane speed, suffocating everything in its path. In this area inhabited by millions, built in one of the most dangerous volcanic regions on earth, all life is over.
>The Campi Flegrei caldera is a supervolcano. Although there’s no picture-postcard volcanic cone, hidden beneath the seemingly placid landscape lies a volcano of immense power. While a new eruption here would be more likely to result in the creation of another Vesuvius-like cone, the worst-case scenario could see it obliterating much of life in Europe.
>In this eventuality the Earth’s surface would swell and crack and a series of small eruptions would cause the four-mile-wide caldera floor to collapse into the larger magma reservoir, which would in turn push more magma to the surface.
>The last time the ground gave way like this, 39,000 years ago when the caldera was formed, it created the cliffs that the postcard town of Sorrento stands on now – volcanic deposits over 300ft deep. If the same kind of eruption happened today, this part of Italy could cease to exist, and the ash clouds would blot out the Sun and lower the Earth’s temperature. Life in the UK as we know it would end. We would lose our livestock, crops and three-quarters of our plant species, plunging us into a new dark age of rioting, starvation and perpetual winter.
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His son's new ps4
there are some freakish mutants in saudi arabia from all that direct bloodline inbreeding for 1500 years.
That pic. Remember this?
Got to wonder whether there's the occult involved to prevent more serious genetic defects as would have been expected.
>His son's new ps4

Slavers i tell ya.
Have to consider, has Europe turned so submissive when it comes to refugees and everything because those in the know are expecting it and are counting for international support? It may not happen next year, the blood may fail to liquefy next year and the year after that. No matter, a shadow of death may be looming over the world.
Link to actual study:
More articles:
>If you thought 2016 was bad
I don't because it wasn't. Trump will undo a lot of the harm Obama did, the EU has started to unfuck itself, and the Social Justice movement is dying. The bullshit hit its high water mark and is receding.

The only reason anybody cares about Syria is because it's a proxy conflict between the US and Russia, with the EU trying to stay friendly with both. I don't think The Donald is going to want to play that game, so it should wrap up (one way or another) next year. Then half those refugees can be sent back where they came from.

Also, from what I hear, that blood isn't actually blood, it's some kind of red wax or resin or something. That makes me suspect the Church did this ritual wrong on purpose. I can't speculate on why.
>Also, from what I hear
Not an argument. Did red wax even exist in 1389?
Shut your bitch ass up fuckboi and stop shitting up /x/ with your bullshit threads mong
One of the worst miracles. A kid's science show in Germany once presented instructions to recreate it. I wish I still had my jar, but I dropped it years back.
>Nearly the half-millenium anniversary of the BTFO of the Catholic Church
>people still taking this obsolescent semi-pagan cult seriously
You didn't btfo anyone. Protestantism brought religious wars to Europe sacrificing millions of innocents' lives and by rejecting apostolic succession constitutes nothing more than a return to paganism.

>Luther made an attempt to remove the books of Hebrews, James, Jude and Revelation from the canon (notably, he perceived them to go against certain Protestant doctrines such as sola gratia and sola fide), but this was not generally accepted among his followers. However, these books are ordered last in the German-language Luther Bible to this day.[5]

>The doctrine of sola fide asserts God's pardon for guilty sinners is granted to and received through faith alone, excluding all "works". All mankind, it is asserted, is fallen and sinful, under the curse of God, and incapable of saving itself from God's wrath and curse. But God, on the basis of the life, death, and resurrection of his Son, Jesus Christ alone (solus Christus), grants sinners judicial pardon, or justification, which is received solely through faith. Faith is seen as passive, merely receiving Christ and all his benefits, among which benefits are the active and passive righteousness of Jesus Christ.

How does that reconcile with this?
Yep that sounds like Jesus uh huh sure
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>Man sits on throne and judges sinners to eternal damnation
Honestly who else would it be if not Jesus Christ?
Of course, did my point seriously fail to come across?
Prost doctrine says:
>All mankind, it is asserted, is fallen and sinful, under the curse of God, and incapable of saving itself from God's wrath and curse. But God, on the basis of the life, death, and resurrection of his Son, Jesus Christ alone (solus Christus), grants sinners judicial pardon, or justification, which is received solely through faith.
However Jesus is going to say:
"Come, you whom my Father has blessed, take as your heritage the kingdom prepared for you since the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you made me welcome, lacking clothes and you clothed me, sick and you visited me, in prison and you came to see me."
"In truth I tell you, in so far as you did this to one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did it to me."
You seriously don't see the contradiction?
Jesus forgives everyone.
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>Come, you whom my Father has blessed, take as your heritage the kingdom prepared for you
And pretend you didn't see the rest just like the one who came up with that nonsense doctrine. If Jesus "grants sinners judicial pardon, or justification, which is received solely through faith" then why will He EXPRESS GRATITUDE to those on the right for giving Him food, water, making Him feel welcome, clothing Him and so on?
Cosmic senses. Hyper sanity.
Trick question Jesus doesn't need water he can manifest it from ambient electrons in his brain and hydrate his bloodstream directly
>Thinking that this is a good thing.

Why, are you so ignorant on such things?
Christians: because bonus points!
>I do not believe it is possible to doubt a miracle
>"Professor" of Mechanics
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>first time it happened a world war was caused
okay coincidence I guess, if something else equally bad happens i'll see reason to worry
>next time it happens some shitty random earthquake happens, a disaster that occurs hundreds of times a year world wide

wowwwwww guys buckle up for 2017 the world is going to fucking end
Beeswax didn't exist until the year after, neither did any form of red dye. Are you fucking retarded?
Because his sacrifice is not a license to live your life like a cunt. You cannot deserve your salvation but you still have to try and be the best person you can. What is so hard to understand?
Faith + works. You have to show your faith in God to him through your works. Having faith means living your life in a certain way, and submitting your will to the will of God. It is not just about saying "I believe". Matthew 7:21

Dude red dye ? Try god knows how many thousands of years ago in China.

No, Ochr was know to neo(paleo)lithic peoples. Even before then ? Because historic fopotprint usually comes from a later day than true discovery.
Superstitions, bucko.
Hahahaha good! It's important to note when someone channels and says disaster is coming! The question we should ask is for who exactly? Yes the church's are in trouble, these upcoming years are the years of revolution, of love and the universe, fear not, fear leads to nothing good
>Trump will undo a lot of the harm Obama did
9/11 would have been much worse if the blood hadn't liquified.
The thing is although it was interesting to read about that volcano the following day I had no feelings about it, just as I'd disregard it on an ordinary day. Media was on it because the study has just been published but on http://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms13712 it is specified that it was received on 17 March 2016 and accepted on 27 October 2016. So I think there's something else, got to keep my eyes open.
IKR Obama was the best president ever. He was like... BLACK and shit.
Trump hair it's a wig and his hands are tiny.
Irrelevant. What matters isn't the man, it's what he'll do for (or to) us.
They don't make wigs that look like that.
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My opinion is that have aged blood into a eutectic material that transforms when the earth's magnetic field becomes chaotic enough to melt the heme through magnetocaloric heating. When geomagnetism goes awry, the weather gets worse, as does the carrying capacity of agrarian societies.
>that blood isn't actually blood, it's some kind of red wax or resin or something.

They have done some spectroscopy on the relic and the findings are consistent with hemoglobin. Technically, aged blood can still be termed a 'wax' or 'resin'; because, you mostly are left with the phospholipids from red blood cell walls after the aqueous solvent evaporates from plasm.

>A kid's science show in Germany once presented instructions to recreate it.

You can do experiments with corn starch, too.

As a rule of thumb in archaeology: you tend to find more fake mummies in museums than pyramids.

>Dude red dye ? Try god knows how many thousands of years ago in China.

>No, Ochr was know to neo(paleo)lithic peoples. Even before then ? Because historic fopotprint usually comes from a later day than true discovery.

Blood is quite cheaper than either substitute material if there happens to be an emperor beheading vast numbers of people.

If you want to be a skeptic, then you can argue that the pre-renaissance catholics put someone else's blood in a vial. You still have to hear them out, in order to determine if they are observing a parapsychological or psychological effect.

Magnetocaloric heating would also affect volcanoes, and spin order inversely correlates with eruption events in geological studies on magnetite. Thusly people in early renaissance Naples have some means to predict volcanic eruptions before the advent of chemical physics.

Good job on bringing information about a phenomenon, alongside a scientific paper, to /x/.
>My opinion is that have

*that they have*

Pardon my typo.
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R.i.p. europe
Catholics are not christians, they are demons and anything they are participating in is without merit
If you want to asperse a large group of people based on their religion, please go back to /pol/.
That's very interesting, thank you.

Again, we have to contemplate whether our representatives are such pushovers because they know it's coming and they know they'll be at the mercy of the international community. I wonder what role would Russia play in this scenario.
>I don't have the know-how to explain this phenomenon.
>It must be a miracle.

Fucking faggot/
You're welcome.
>>Also, from what I hear, that blood isn't actually blood, it's some kind of red wax or resin or something. That makes me suspect the Church did this ritual wrong on purpose. I can't speculate on why.
So why every time that this "wax" doesn't melt happens some catastrophy?
Also, can i suggest you to not be that positive on trump? the western civilization died and he can't/won't do nothing about it.


>no 9/11 prediction
>no Katrina prediction
>no variety of terrorism attacks prediction
>no 2011 tsunami prediction

thanks for nothing, bloodguy
>no variety of terrorism attacks prediction
Be careful what you wish for.
>A plane has landed in Malta after it was hijacked, the country's Prime Minister has confirmed.
>The Libyan Afriqiyah Airways A320 plane is believed to have 118 people on board, the Times of Malta reports.
>Joseph Muscat wrote on Twitter that he has been told of a potential hijack situation of an internal Libyan flight diverted to Malta.
>The hijackers told crew they were "pro-Gaddafi" and were willing to let all 111 passengers leave the Airbus A320, but not its seven crew, if their demands were met, the Times of Malta reported.
>but not its seven crew
I don't think any 9/11 or Tsunami can cause hundreds of millions of deaths and huge economical changes
I presume they're being sarcastic. Saint Januarius is the patron saint of Naples. I think it's the understanding that this phenomenon transpires to remind the people that he watches over them and when it doesn't he mourns for them. So most likely it's going to be an event that will deeply affect Italy.

The state of the European Union is of a militarized one, Merkel is going to usher the world into another war, for the some of the same reasons as WW2 I suppose. Forcefully turning nations into members of the EU and planting imposters into their political systems.
Oh please, that "miracle" is nothing but a cheap parlor trick. I'll be my bottom dollar that "The miracle has been regularly recorded since 1389." means "we let people see our trick, but not test it for explainable chemical reactions."
>>The blood failed to become liquid in 1939, the year in which World War II started, and in 1980, the year of the Irpinia earthquake, according to the Stampa report.
So, why didn't it fail to liquefy in the year WWI started?

Why did it fail to liquefy the year of the Irpinia earthquake, which was a 6.9 magnitude and killed just shy of 2,500 people, but not the much deadlier earthquakes (or other natural disasters, for that instance) before or since? Like the 1976 Tangshan earthquake which killed more than half a million, or the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake which killed 280,000, or the 2010 Haiti earthquake which killed 160,000, or any of the other dozens of much worse earthquake?

There's no miracle or prophecy here. It's cheap tricks and fear mongering.
>So, why didn't it fail to liquefy in the year WWI started?
Because Italy was victorious. How about that?

>Why did it fail to liquefy the year of the Irpinia earthquake, which was a 6.9 magnitude and killed just shy of 2,500 people, but not the much deadlier earthquakes (or other natural disasters, for that instance) before or since? Like the 1976 Tangshan earthquake which killed more than half a million, or the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake which killed 280,000, or the 2010 Haiti earthquake which killed 160,000, or any of the other dozens of much worse earthquake?
Again, Saint Januarius is the patron saint of Naples, which fell prey to the Irpinia earthquake.

>Reported for spam. Posting blocks of bible verses isn't discussion.
What a tool, I posted in the context of refuting fallacious dogma as shown by citation since there was a character limit. If removed: http://pastebin.com/QE3q4xER
>Because Italy was victorious. How about that?
>Again, Saint Januarius is the patron saint of Naples, which fell prey to the Irpinia earthquake.
Ok, so it's only going to be something bad for Naples. Big whoop, something bad happens somewhere at least once a year. If this "miracle" is somehow legit (doubtful), the I guess it's just their turn this time around.
>Hundreds of billions of cubic feet of volcanic rock blasts up into the atmosphere: an explosion 200 times greater than that of the Icelandic Eyjafjallajökull volcano, which brought chaos to Europe, grounded planes in the UK for a week and is said to have cost the world economy in excess of £3 billion.
>Back on the streets of Naples, it’s too late to run. Bumper-to-bumper traffic comes to a halt as drivers grind on their horns. They watch helplessly as a boiling black cloud of hot gas and rock rolls over the horizon at hurricane speed, suffocating everything in its path. In this area inhabited by millions, built in one of the most dangerous volcanic regions on earth, all life is over.
>The Campi Flegrei caldera is a supervolcano. Although there’s no picture-postcard volcanic cone, hidden beneath the seemingly placid landscape lies a volcano of immense power. While a new eruption here would be more likely to result in the creation of another Vesuvius-like cone, the worst-case scenario could see it obliterating much of life in Europe.
>In this eventuality the Earth’s surface would swell and crack and a series of small eruptions would cause the four-mile-wide caldera floor to collapse into the larger magma reservoir, which would in turn push more magma to the surface.
>The last time the ground gave way like this, 39,000 years ago when the caldera was formed, it created the cliffs that the postcard town of Sorrento stands on now – volcanic deposits over 300ft deep. If the same kind of eruption happened today, this part of Italy could cease to exist, and the ash clouds would blot out the Sun and lower the Earth’s temperature. Life in the UK as we know it would end. We would lose our livestock, crops and three-quarters of our plant species, plunging us into a new dark age of rioting, starvation and perpetual winter.
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>inn4 nuclear fallout
Perhaps Campi Flegrei eruption could trigger a few Chernobyls? So far so good though, was concerned about something happening today. Merry Christmas.

A Russian military plane has disappeared from radar just minutes after take-off from the Black Sea resort of Sochi.

The defence ministry said its Tu-154 aircraft had 91 people onboard, including service personnel, a military music band and reporters.

The plane disappeared from radar 20 minutes after taking off from Sochi's Adler airport at 05:20 (02:20 GMT).

Unconfirmed reports said it was flying to Syria's Latakia province.

The aircraft went missing as it was manoeuvring over Russia's territorial waters, a source at the emergency ministry was quoted as saying by Russian news agencies.

A search operation was now under way, Russia's state-run Rossiya24 TV channel said.

Most of the passengers on board were members of the Alexandrov Ensemble, the official choir of the Russian Armed Forces, the Russian Defense Ministry said. They were travelling from Moscow to the Russian military base Khmeimim near Latakia, Syria, to take part in Christmas celebration with the troops deployed there.

Crews from Channel One Russia and Zvezda (the official media outlet of the Russian Defense Ministry), were on board as well, a source in the defense ministry told RIA Novosti.

>as a man of science

>i dont know how to explain this so it must be a miracle

jesus h christ

the tu-154 is like a 60 year old airframe and do you think the ruskies are performing proper maintenance on their ancient-ass shit?
So the plane carrying the Polish President Lech Kaczynski suffered the same fate. Still, what were the odds... May they rest in peace.

He did explain it... Circumstances:
>According to written sources, on Holy Saturday of that year, a group of Turkish soldiers forbad the Orthodox entry into the Church of the Resurrection. The crowd of the faithful remained in the church courtyard throughout the entire day, and even after the sun had set.
>The Greek Patriarch Sophronius IV was in the first year of his reign. It was the first time he would perform the most important rite of the year, but the Turks deprived him of his legal right. The patriarch stood in prayer at the left side of the church doorway, near a column. And suddenly, when night had already fallen, the column split and the Holy Fire leapt from its interior.
>The patriarch immediately lit his candle and passed the Holy Fire to the faithful. Within a few minutes the sacred flame had spread to all those present and the courtyard of the church was illuminated. The awestruck Turkish guards then opened the doors of the church and the patriarch along with the rejoicing faithful poured in towards the Holy Sepulchre.
>When a plane disappears off the radar without any distress signal, it is usually to ONE EVENT.
>Catastrophic Depressurization, is the only cause that can plunge a plane down without a pilot or crew having a chance to send a distress signal.
>Aka onboard explosion.
>Hull fragments of the Tu-154 plane operated by the Defense Ministry have been found about 1.5 km off the Black Sea coast
>The first victim's body has been discovered six kilometers from the shore, Russian Defense Ministry spokesperson Igor Konashenkov stated, as cited by RIA Novosti.
Just how?
Live updates: https://www.rt.com/news/371627-russia-military-plane-missing/
Gais Russian plane thing deserves its own thread, this is about the Bloodman, Saint of Naples.
Which may be the catalyst for WW3 foretold by the nonfulfillment.
I think Italy would drop out of NATO before fighting Russia
From http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-38430164
>An audio recording played on Russian media and said to be of the final conversation between air traffic controllers and the plane reveals no sign of any difficulties being faced by the crew.
>Voices remain calm until the plane disappears and the controllers try in vain to re-establish contact.
Pretty much confirmed no accident/human error?
>Russia's transport minister says investigators are looking into all possible reasons why a Russian military plane crashed into the Black Sea with 92 people on board, including the option of a terror attack.
>Earlier, a Russian official had downplayed any suggestion of a terror attack. But on Sunday afternoon, after being asked if investigators are looking into a possible terror attack, minister Maxim Sokolov said an "entire spectrum" of possible reasons is being considered.
There is literally a disaster every single year.
This is such horseshit. They just fudge the dates to fit the narrative. By all accounts World War 2 started in 1937 when Japan attacked China.

Honestly, it would be astounding if we went a single year where there wasn't a single calamity somewhere on Earth.
>miracle happens in spaghettiland
>clearly predicts happenings in spaghettiland
>I don't believe it because it never predicts muh burgerland happenings
I don't know why people fail to comprehend that. It heralds devastation and suffering for the area but I'm more inclined to think it will be part of a global cataclysm. Besides reports about the super-volcano surfacing soon after, time is ripe for a geopolitical one. We've seen things like Brexit, Trump election, situation in Syria stabilizing and all these are reversible.
>I don't know why people fail to comprehend that
Because they are dumb and don't take the time read and analyze the information they have before getting euphoric.
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But catastrophe happens constantly, whether or not the blood liquifies.
So classic bluepill intake symptoms.

>Mass graves with dozens of bodies of civilians subjected to brutal torture have been discovered in Aleppo neighborhoods left by militants, the Russian Defense Ministry said Monday.
>Many of the corpses were found with missing body parts, and most had gunshot wounds to the head, according to a statement by Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Major-General Igor Konashenkov.
>“The completion of a uniquely large-scale humanitarian operation by the Russian Center for Reconciliation in Aleppo will destroy many of the myths that have been fed to the world by Western politicians,” Konashenkov said in a statement. “The results of only an initial survey of Aleppo neighborhoods abandoned by the so-called ‘opposition’ will shock many.”

How many times, he is the patron saint of Naples and failure to liquefy is accompanied by desolation for the city.
“One of the key theories for the crash at the moment is that foreign objects penetrated the engine,”
Well as a nihilist this seems like alright news, i guess
File: Inbox.png (502KB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
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Check this out.
>Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said "it's very clear" that the US-led coalition is supporting terrorist groups in Syria, Islamic State (IS, also known as ISIS/ISIL) among them.
>"They give support to terrorist groups including Daesh (Arabic for IS)," Erdogan said.
>Saying that the US have accused Turkey of supporting IS, speaking at a press conference on Tuesday the Turkish leader blamed the US-led coalition for assisting terrorists themselves.
>Apart from IS, he also mentioned Kurdish People's Protection Units in northern Syria (YPG) and Democratic Union Party (PYD) as groups supported by the coalition.
>"We have confirmed evidence, with pictures, photos and videos," he added.
All this tension is building up to something by the end of the year.

>Israeli police have obtained new documents in a secret probe against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, prompting them to seek a full criminal investigation against the politician on suspicion of bribery and fraud, local media reports.
>Since discovering the files, police have requested from Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit that he allow a full investigation against Netanyahu. Authorities are reportedly convinced that they will be able to open one in the coming days, Channel 2 News reported, according to The Times of Israel.
>The documents were reportedly obtained as part of a secret inquiry against Netanyahu by special police unit Lahav 433, which was launched in June. The probe was given the green light by Police Chief Roni Alsheich, who demanded secrecy and that no details of the investigation be leaked to the media.
>Meanwhile, Mandelblit also reportedly instructed employees in the state prosecutor's office to look into allegations that Netanyahu accepted €1 million ($1.04 million) from Arnaud Mimran, a French businessman currently serving eight years in prison for committing carbon tax fraud. During his trial, Mimran claimed he donated the money to Netanyahu during his 2009 election campaign.
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