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Old thread is here >>18204884 This thread will now officially

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Old thread is here >>18204884

This thread will now officially serve as the church entity investigation. Here will I will catalog and archive all future experiences and post them here according to their respective relevance.

If those who were in the last thread are interested I will share the remainder of the story to the best of my ability but we are already getting close to present day events. Bear with me.
yeah dahg. gotta catch us up
I am really invested in how this is unfolding, catch us up please been following since saturday night and I will be here tomorrow night for as long as I can. Goes with out saying, but don't forget a phone charger, might want to bring a power bank if you have one too just in case.
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Will be lurking.
Since it has been requested.

There were a few noteworthy events which occurred in between the nights I actually spent there alone. Keep in mind my shifts at the church take place during the day and I usually avoided the upstairs so if anything did happen up there, such as something being broken I would not be suspected. Roughly two full days had passed since my last night there alone. I wanted to take a break but despite not being there it didn't feel like I was gaining any strength. Even after putting distance between myself and the church I still felt exhausted everywhere I went, this feeling persists even as I type this now. Most of you reading can probably understand how it feels to be exhausted despite having a day off. Time itself seems to slow when nothing meaningful is happening but I stated before I had a birthday but it was grey and lifeless. I invited no one over and did nothing for the most part and feel this is a product of not being in the church at night. I can emotionally recall the last time I felt something other than a loneliness and it was the moment I got set up for a night of investigation at the church. Everything suddenly seemed to revolve around me being there, it was a dependence that I still recognize and feel.

There were three more times I stayed up there alone and this will cover one of them. I mentioned a dog doll that was downstairs in the old fuse box closet. It unnerved me so much I actually called in housekeeping to remove the puppets/doll and place banquet material inside, I have a picture of the closet I'll post later. I was asked where the puppets should go but didn't have an answer and to be honest I didn't want to know. This would serve to be a regretful decision because the next time I spent there I actually found the location where they had stored the puppets and it was in an old classroom in the hallway(seen in previous pictures). I normally didn't go into these rooms but it became routine to check them before settling in.
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Hit us OP, we're ready whenever you are.
Is this the church story with the renovations and the worker and your dad getting attacked by a practically unfindable black dog,
leading to you (and at one point a hunter friend before he got 2sp00ked and bailed) camping out there getting accosted with all sorts of paranormal shenanigans?
Just wondering why do you refuse to take a picture of the dolls?
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Arin you cunt. How are we supposed to know you're responding to us if you ain't clicked the little number on the top right of the post, signifying a reply and showing a nice red exclamation point in our browser tab?

I actually did check the rooms that night as I always had before and when I noticed the huge pile of puppets in there I almost had a heart attack because I didn't expect anything at all to be in the room, least of all a giant pile of lifeless dolls. Yes, the dog doll was among them but I could only make out the clipped ears in the pile, that was enough to tell me what it was. For a moment I actually contemplated moving them downstairs but it was already dark and at this point I was totally unwilling to go downstairs alone anymore. Thus far there has been a lot of speculation as to what the entity could be. The suggestions were so good I didn't want to continue writing the story out of fear people would change their minds in helping me but on this night something new happened. I was actually amusing myself with cell phone games because it passed the time and permitted me to listen to my surroundings. Keep in mind, I've said it once before but I'll say it again - I was alone.

All three doors were locked, I triple checked this to make sure nothing was going to 'surprise' me. I had actually for a moment lost focus as to why I was there and became immersed in my game when I heard the most disturbing sound, second only to the muddled noises coming from the stairwell. It was a knock. Something knocked on the door upstairs. Oh no, it wasn't a knock on one of the locked doors, no sir. It was a knock that came from the room the puppets were now being housed in. The door to that room is just an old classroom door, it doesn't have a lock on it and I did say I checked it prior, no one was in there. This wasn't any accidental sound either, this was a hard hand to wood knock. My body froze where I sat and it is so easy to call bullshit here but I know this is true because I felt it on my skin, the entire HUGE room I was in became colder, not obscenely cold but enough to make the hair on my arms and neck stand on end.
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(This is the old fuse room where the puppets were and dog doll was found.)

For a moment I actually convinced myself I didn't hear it. I think that if I believed someone was in the room I might have blacked out. Fear is so powerful sometimes and while I'm not a coward this was an overwhelming sense of dread. Something intelligent was in the room, the unlocked room, the room that was maybe forty feet away from me, in the darkness. It was something that knew where I was, what I was doing and most importantly it had to have known doing something like that would have made me afraid for my life. A good hour passed. I know a full hour passed because I didn't move at all, not even once. I just sat there in a blind panic watching the time on my phone. By the time I did actually move I could feel how stiff my bones had become, my knees popped and I believed that was loud enough to completely give away my position. I also only moved to adjust the flood light that had become more important to me than anything else in the world. I angled it to shine slightly on the door where the puppets were kept and that was it.

Another forty five minutes or so passed and in that time I didn't manage to calm down, if anything I only became more erratic and upset because visions of something evil in that room were playing on my nerves. What the fuck am I going to do if it opens the door? Nothing is stopping it, nothing is protecting me. What the actual fuck do I do. My hands are shaking as I type this. I can't fathom it. I didn't understand how any of this worked. What was I doing there. I know it's in there, it knows I'm out here. A thin door and hallway are all that divides me from something evil. The worst physical result of this was that I didn't blink. The rim of my eyes became very stiff and crusty but I was terrified and wouldn't wipe them or risk turning away even for a second.

My hands are tense, it's hard to type. It's like my body is reliving the physical memory of being there. After almost two full hours of physically exhausting my ability to be alert I finally crumpled and went to a very slouched position, to tired to maintain a visible gaze on the door. Up until now, most of what I have told you guys has been difficult to believe if not impossible. I understand the merits of the posts here and how little truth there is to them, all the creepy pasta bullshit, all the role playing, it can be fun to read until something real happens like what I'm about to tell you. If anyone has doubted what I have said so far just stop reading now because there is no way this next segment will hold any water with you. In my slouched position, exhausted I was reading to go to sleep. Sitting stiff for two hours is hard on the body and mind. The fear of what 'could' happen was overwhelming but just when I thought that was all for the 'new event' I was proven wrong. The giant flood light I have with me is a hand held wide lens which can illuminate half a parking lot with a full charge, it's blinding and perfect for what I was doing. It can also be locked so I don't have to hold down the button. I was actually leaning against the wall now, trying to find a position where I could maybe sleep some while keeping an eye on the door and an ear open for noise but I don't know what happened. I remember my leg went out from under me, was sitting indian style. I may have just slipped.

This is what happened, exactly how I remember it. My giant flood light spun around in front of me, facing away from the hall and shinned directly on me. I had it resting there on the ground because it's heavy. I don't need to tell anyone here or explain how terrified I was. The sound of the puppet room door handle was jiggling around. I could hear it. That metal pressing on metal as if someone is trying to open a locked door or checking it for a security patrol.
>Nothing is stopping it, nothing is protecting me.
I assume it knocked because it needs your attention and permission to enter your space, it might seem like an intimidation tactic but I'd say you were relatively safe.

>My giant flood light spun around in front of me, facing away from the hall and shinned directly on me.
>The sound of the puppet room door handle was jiggling around. I could hear it. That metal pressing on metal as if someone is trying to open a locked door or checking it for a security patrol.
Ok, safe might not be the right term but generally the point is it seemed unable to open the door while you were focused on it.

Also I guess there is some secondary thing at work here. Probably what messed with your stuff the first time. I'd throw out the obvious of it being the three kids, but it's strange they'd mess with you instead of the dog. Unless they were always like this even before their fateful end.

This marks the second(known) time that I blacked out. The last sound I remember hearing was the door attempting to be opened and the newest memory I have was waking up 'during' the start of a phone call I had apparently made to my dad at 5:58 am. My dad is asleep during these hours, his phone is off. I looked at the call log. I had attempted to call him 402 times. He is still sick and during this particular event was also sick so even if it was day he wouldn't have picked up. I felt ill, my arm pits were sweaty, my face and hair was matted with sweat and I felt nauseated. Something worthy of note though is my nose was very cold, my forehead was very cold and my right side rib cage was very cold. I actually had a huge bruise on my right side which I can only assume occurred how I slept or maybe bumped into something when I was passed out. I very casually unlocked all the doors, despite being conscious it was very trance like and nonchalant the way I did this. Maybe I didn't care anymore? I'm not sure. When I got out to the parking lot I actually vomited for around an hour by my car. It was a terrible taste and I know for a fact I had only eaten a bunch of fruit prior because the church had a ladies night in the new building and they always eat fruit. I snagged and ate a ton of it but what I was throwing up was rancid and had a sharp tinge to it, brown and black and just a mess of disgusting color. I'm not sure if that is important but what I'm trying to draw for you guys here is I was very sick and ended up taking the next day off from work.

That is all for now.
Try to calm down... if it would like to do something to you, do you think with all the time you've spent there it wouldnt do anything?
I think it is just playing with you and your fears. The more fear the more power it will have.

I have an ukranian friend that told me a story about his brother. I will be very short... his brother been seeing "spirits". They would move stuff and make apparitions. Don't ask me how because i dont remember well, they were some sort of clan that could "astral travel" (i dont remember the exact therm), and they become more powerful feeding from the little brother. The more the brother believed in them, the more powerful they could project. I remember this ukranian friend telling me that police were involved, because they throw things and make full body apparitions.

So basically that, the more you pay attention to it, the more powerful it becomes. And like it is a negative entity, it is feeding from your fear.
Probably it needs that from you, since you are the only one with guts to stay there filled with panic and fear. I am the one that told you that it needs something from you btw, and i think its that. But keep investigating if you please.
Let me see if I understand this, after that whole ordeal of you feeling frightened from being defenseless you want to bring your friend along, but completely unequipped to defend himself?

You might assume with the lamp swivel and your blackouts something unfortunate might happen, but with the lamp swivel and your blackouts happening at all there's nothing really stopping that from happening anyway sans firearm.

Anyway, ask the crematory guy and anyone else you can about the dolls. Might clear up who the second party is here.

My blackouts are one of the reasons I don't want a gun there.
OK so I've been following for days now. I didn't see the end of the last thread though. Dide you post more pics of the building? Please say you have a picture of the dog doll. Also, what did your dad say to you about you calling him 402 times?! That is freaky in of itself! Did you leave voicemails at all during any of those phonecalls?
>I assume it knocked because it needs your attention and permission to enter your space

Are you fucking stupid?

I'm not taking pictures of the doll. I told my dad I had been drinking and to ignore the calls.. I didn't ask about voice mails though, I'll do that. I have a few more pictures but I'll post them when they are relevant to the story and they will be soon.
I just don't know, this seems like a catch 22.
You go in loaded, sure, you might go into a trance, ask your buddy to hand you the gun real quick and wake up to find the walls with a fresh coat of red paint and the police outside.
But vice versa doesn't it seem like you're luring your friend into the lion's den with you knowing what happens when you've got nothing to even make you feel safe?

I hope you're at least bringing that list of paranormal protections. Salt an unbroken line at the entry ways to wherever you're staying, burn sage or incense if the church has it, go get that holy water from the church and pour some over yourself. Pour it on the door handles in fact.
I meant if you want to reply, that's how you reply to a post. You don't have to click reply for every part of the story m8
I just want to point out that demons might not harm those they have chosen to be their vessels until after the possession. You wouldnt beat up your shiny new car before taking it out for a solid spi, right? Just saying don't enter with a false sense of security because it hasn't hurt you much yet.

It's true, during the course of my early investigation I had begged him multiple times a day to come back with me but he refused each time. I'm not sure what changed his mind this time but I'm not going to question it. As far as bringing paranormal protection goes I'm not educated enough on that topic because I don't know what I'm dealing with yet. I don't want to do something wrong and expose myself more than I already have.


Do you honestly believe it is a demon?
It only rearranged Arin's gear when he was downstairs and outside of the room.
It only turned the lamp when he started losing the will to resist.

Why bother even making a peep at all if it could just open the door, waltz up to him and do what it likes? The dog earlier snuck up on Arin and his friend like that.
"Fear"? Wouldn't seeing something callously burst through a door and dispense with unpleasantries invoke a deeper reaction than a knock?
Arin, I'm going to level with you, it sounds like something is compelling you to return night after night. It sounds that this place now instead of making you feel lonely, gives you a sense of "belonging" I don't know if that is the word I want to use there but just bear with me. These memory lapses could be it testing your will, making you do small things like call your dad over 400 times and bruise yourself... Nausea and lethargy are both symptoms of pre- possession... victims often hear sounds like knocking before possession. I'm not trying to scare you, but tread lightly my friend. You seem to be travelling deep into the paranormal either way.

Well why isn't any of this happening to anyone else? Housekeeping is up there a lot late in the evening, so are the workers. It can't just be me seeing or feeling these things.
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>A demon is about to possess you, but dont be scared
See you have to get over the fear part Op like another person said it using that against you. You have nothing to fear if you love and accept Jesus because he intercedes for you. You just have to remember this, and not be afraid. You must fight and resist this Op before it starts influencing you more. It wants attention, and needs negativity and fear to gain strength so cut it off. You basically have to starve these things out by not feeding them what they crave, and here is what you can do just remember to pray before and after asking God for his protection, and to allow you to stand firm and strong without fear.

You need to take control and state loudly I do not fear evil. Go through every room reading psalms 23 and 91, and rebuke that from the building and grounds.

>Use frankincense and myrrh, and white sage incenses in every room including the nooks and crannies while reciting the psalms. Then state in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit no negative or evil can dwell here and you rebuke it is the name of Jesus.

>Make the sign of the cross in front of every window and door, and use extra virgin olive oil above the window casings in the sign of the cross. You state while doing this in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit nothing negative or evil can pass through this window or door.

>Then outside after you have finished with the inside of the building you continue with the psalms around the buildings perimeter while pouring sea salt around the perimeter to seal it off.

You may also want to do this at your house too just in case it has tried to attach/follow you. Just do not be scared Op,

You have investigated enough to know it is negative/evil by it's actions, fear it causes, and now the nausea. Do not let it gain anymore over control over your thoughts, or life. By giving it an inch it will go a mile so cut it off. Tell it to get out and stay out and stay out of your life, and those you care for.
Because they take the person who pays more attention or weakest, like i already told you up there but ignored my message.
>I don't want to do something wrong and expose myself more than I already have.
Well you can't really expose yourself more than lying helplessly on the floor as who knows what is only a door from you, and you really can't go wrong with holy water and incense.

>Do you honestly believe it is a demon
Typically in paranormal profiling the restless spirit of a person has some kind of modus operandi indicating what it wants or intends to do, usually something about its past life. Malicious spirits however act in ambiguous, confusing ways making it difficult to comprehend what you're dealing with and what to do. It's hard to say for sure though, after all what would a demon be doing there? Can't be for you, you only got involved on a whim. It couldn't have just been waiting for someone gullible enough to get involved because it's been years since the dog problem and if it was really a game of chance surely you would have heard something before now then.

Well I am fucking scared. It's different when you're just reading about this shit as opposed to actually being involved. I'm not going to pretend I'm not afraid. I am terrified.


I'm not meaning to ignore any messages, sorry. I am reading them.


I am by no means prepared to battle a demonic entity. I'm not prepared for any of this. Faith or not I am afraid but I will return anyways and bring whatever of the above suggested items I can get a hold of.
Because they may not be as open/sensitive as you are. They pick and choose friend, and you may very well be the intended target. However, this may be occurring to you to serve God in someway too so do not rule that out to stand against the evil in this world. Many are called but few are chosen verse, just think about it.
Because it wants YOU. If demons have that much intelligence to unlock, open doors and possess people, they can darn right choose who they want to possess, it is toying with you to wear you down. Why do real live animals sometimes spend hours, maybe even days stalking a particular prey target? To tire it down til it can no longer fight. Think about it. The pattern is it scares the shit out of you, you get all alert but can only keep that up for so long, and then wham, lost memory, you wake up doing shit you didn't know you were doing, and shit you had no purpose to do necessarily in the first place. All I'm saying is tread lightly, it seems that you are it's target whatever it wants.
I really don't want to raise OP's concerns further, but here's what I'm suspicious about.

Was what's left of his will calling his dad for help or last words?
Was it calling his dad to get a message across or just tell him it's got his son?
402 failed calls, what could possibly necessitate that much determination?
I was once scared too and that is why I am trying to help you. My situation was different though, and it impacted my life. I will not hijack your thread with mine, but I am telling you to fight the fear for your sake and sanity.

I love and rely on my father for everything. I am closer to him than any other human.
Maybe it wanted to lure your dad there? Maybe you dad is the actual target?

If it is something sinister then IT knows that, in fact if this is a test of your will, then making you call your dad is probably one of the easier things it can make you do... maybe it is learning how to pull your strings with the easy stuff... first it figures out how you tick, what motivates you, figures out how to make you do things, perhaps it bruises you in the process. Step by step it is trying to become you.

I really can't read that. I'm legit close to leaving the thread until I'm ready to post another part of the story.

I would rather not believe that God would send out a hell hound to bite and harass people.
I know its hard... but remember that they cant harm you if you dont let them. Its a rule.
Listen to some 432hz to relax and clear your fear.

You are not alone, they want you to think that in order for you to feel despair.
I am not saying God would send out a hell hound so do not twist my words. I am saying he allowed Op to witness these events to have an understanding of how some facets of evil work, and how to stand against it. Perhaps, one day Op may end up helping others is what I am saying.
Also, look at Job in the Bible. God allowed Satan to test him.

Personally, I just feel you should boy scout it OP. Prepare for the worst expect the best and take whatever comes. but don't stop the thread, it just starting to get good and spoopy.
I've read this story from the very beginning and I must say that it has taken a very grim spin. It is noticeable from the way you used to post compared to how you post now; your fear and frailty are becoming palpable.

My advice is that you step aside from this whole ordeal for a few days and cleanse yourself. Pray, meditate, empty your mind, go to the movies, hang out with someone... just stay away from this "thing".
It doesn't matter what kind of entity you're dealing with, but I can tell that it IS evil, and right now it is feeding off of you, to the point that now you are blacking out, you can't stop thinking about "it", and you're doing things in autopilot without self-awareness.

Another important thing is that you must seek for strength. I don't know if that strength comes from your beliefs, ideals, an amulet, your trust in another person or whatever. But you must stay strong right now, so that you don't succumb to fear and you can stop giving this "creature" more power over you.

Godspeed OP. This is a very good thread, and I wish you luck with whatever you decide to do.
It's alright OP. We just want to hear what you have to say and what you've experienced so we can help you, give you suggestions. We're not trying to shove anything down you throat, but rather to share what we can and try to help you figure out more about this situation. The more we know, the more we can help, and to not deceive it is very interesting and would like to hear more, but share when you're ready, we'll wait. Take your time.
OP I agree with the comments above I think from the sounds of it you get much of your strength from your father, I believe, no matter how angry he may get at you you should look to him for stength and advice. In fact, a thought just popped into my head, whatever this thing is, it bit your father and sent him to hospital, could it be that it is trying to separate you from your dad? He is the only one it has injured and now you haven't seen him as often.
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Ive read this thread the whole way through and its pretty spooky, but just doesnt make sense to go back up there. Ever. There is no way you can possibly rationalize this. Enjoy your demon aids

You're right, it doesn't make sense at all.

No op, it does make sense but you should find help, either a demonologist, exorcist, or whoever more professionally deals with this stuff. if not you, this presence will probably find someone else to haunt. This must end, you were worried about the churchgoers getting bitten and suing, how would you feel if you found out one or more of them was possessed? That couldn't be the better option. Either you or someone qualified to handle this has got to put an end to it. Have strength OP we believe in you!
Then why are you going back? If you cant rationalize it, it just sounds like youre being manipulated by whatever is haunting the church, in which case, you definitely shouldnt go back
dog demon pls go
Anon kinda has a point.

If OP doesn't find a way to get rid of this entity now, it will come back later to terrorize and hurt someone else. But OP is just a human after all; most people aren't really qualified or prepared to deal with evil.

So whatever OP decides to do is his calling. But I have a feeling that if he keeps messing with this creature in his current state of mind, things will get dangerous.

He was originally doing it to protect the church people, newfriend. And that is exactly why he should find a way to make this all stop. There are plenty more innocents that this thing could potentially feed off of, not just him. He's deep enough in this that to just dip out would be plain selfish and in its own respect equally evil.


At least let them know OP, if you can't continue the fight yourself have someone else pick up the torch. You are not alone in this regardless of how you may currently feel. Think of all those people, many of which you probably know by first name.

I want what this guy just dropped.
That kind of logic holds up in straight to film horror movies. This is real life, and his is directly in danger, repeadedly. No one else is sitting there hours on end alone at night. OP already described himself as selfish anyway, hes not really under any obligation to protect people from something that might not happen anyway. I think his best idea would be to burn the damn building down like other anon said. Im sure his dad has insurance on it. Second choice would be to go back with a professional. Definitely not him and his hick friend, it already went bad once, will happen again

Fighting... not sure if that is the most or least Catholic thing I have heard all day.

Touché... alright, it's
UR'CRAZYAS'[email protected]
Come at me bro.
Fellas calm the f to the uck down. For real, OP has some serious shit to think about. Take your fights and trolling elsewhere.
>living with the cursed seer (or they are they)

>* H . * T . *

Not Op or the poster arguing with you, but what are you talking about with these two statements?
OP, ignore the trolls. Do what you feel is right. Lots of valid points were made from different perspectives, don't let the few angry or obscure comments cloud your judgement. You do you, if it hits the fan, /x/ got your back.
OP is acting like an autistic retard because they're making it up. Literally no real person would act this way in OP's situation. The police would have been called, a priest contacted, and they sure as hell wouldn't have REPEATEDLY gone back and spent the night alone there.

Unless OP was already under some kind of paranormal influence from one of the first nights? If this is all true, if OP doesn't find help quick in my opinion he is already good as done. If he has been influenced to come back again and again, then it already has a strong hold on him and at some point he's just going to black out at home and wake up at 3 am in the church. Done. Demon adds one more puppet to the collection. The end.

Googled it... cursed seer only referenced from some video game. As for the HT... either his initials or a very dramatic Hat Tip?
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>at some point he's just going to black out at home and wake up at 3 am in the church. Done. Demon adds one more puppet to the collection. The end.

Now this is legit spooky.

... I hope you didn't spoil or overshadow the ending of this story.
One of these posts is accurate. I hope its >>18225248

I'm pretty sure this dude is just reading off of a Dr Bronner's soap label or something.
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Let's get back on track here. so OP hasn't responded in awhile. I'm getting worried.l
I dunno, maybe it's because he is sleeping or something.

But it wouldn't surprise me if he suddenly stops posting at some point.
Post more about this >>18225314
Yeah especially with the dark turn this took. Went from stray dog, to ghost dog, to grim, then hell hound, and now evil demon. Hope he's safe.
Quit talking to this faggot. He's already shit up the thread for hours
Inb4 OP comes back tomorrow with a bat shit crazy story about how he blacked out, woke up at 3 am in the middle of the downstairs of the church with slit wrists sitting in a pentagram of his own blood and was saved and resurrected by a magical fairy goddess named Lilith.
I posted this >>18225237

Do you happen to have another thread to chat in?

Can you tell us more about what you meant regarding this post? >>18225399

Maybe make a thread to discuss all of what you have mentioned if you are not role playing?
Help me out here bros.
I got these 3 here, i'm working with slow equipment here, and cannot get this done fast enough. Can ya help me figure out if OP is in one of these?

Seminole Indian Scouts Cemetery, Brackettville
San Jose Cemetery, Abram
Oakwood Cemetery, Jefferson
how did you find these in the first place?
By using the pictures and information I have read/seen in all of OP's posts. I'm pretty sure he is/was in one of these.
>Seminole Indian Scouts Cemetery, Brackettville
rule this one out due to nine minute drive to nearest church.
Jefferson has a funeral home directly across it looks like but no church on google maps.
Ruling out San Jose too.
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No luck but did find interesting crop circle style looking snake thing from Arial view. Pic related screen snip of cemetery road in San Jose.
somebody went off-roading.
The aliens whent off road. Seriously though, i sincerely hope OP's not ded, because this is a good read. Found quite a bunch more places he could be, but i too lazy. :/
don't be like that mang, post that shit
I'll help when i get home in 14hrs, (crap equipment here) sry broskidoo
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I'm fine. I am here.
I think it's about time you told your dad everything. You both need each other right now, and it's foolish to do his alone. Resist.

I'm not going to do that. He's already sick and stressed he can't be at work. I'm not going to tack on more if I can avoid it. I'll be posting more to the story later then an additional update late tonight.
I MIGHT buy that if he could produce a single piece of evidence that any of this is happening. But nope:

>no pictures of the bite
>no pictures of the black substance, the blood, or the hair
>op refuses to set up recording equipment so no pictures or audio of the "creature"
>no pictures of the ripped up stuffed animals
>nothing in the newspapers about a dog killing 3 kids
>pictures of the church don't look like how he described them a week ago, "don't worry guys, it's been under construction"

I've explained why there are no pictures of the bite.

How long do you think housekeeping is going to leave possibly toxic material in a church?

I've said three times now I don't own 'recording equipment'.

I agreed with you here, there wasn't anything in the newspaper about it, this was what the grandchild of the crematory told me.

I can't help you on this one.

I'm not trying to convince anyone here this is really happening. If you don't want to believe then don't. Critique the elements to your hearts content, I certainly won't stop you. I'll welcome anything that makes me sound wrong about this. I will post more pictures, be patient.
Well, he might already know if he's got at least a portion of those possible voicemails.

That's a good point. I plan on calling him later and asking him about that.
>I don't own "recording equipment"

You don't own a phone with a camera? You haven't thought of just picking up a $50 camcorder from Walmart? If I was routinely encountering some kind of paranormal entity the first thing I would do is try and record it to both show to a professional and try and get famous.

Any one of those excuses I could buy, but all together it's simply far too convenient. Until you can provide literally any piece of proof that this is happening to you I'm going to be operating off the assumption you're making this up. I would advise everyone reading this story to do the same.

I'm going to take a shot in the dark here and say you were not in the previous thread or ignored the pictures with time stamps I posted. I obviously own a phone with a functioning camera but I wouldn't qualify that as the type of 'paranormal investigating' equipment most people have. I'm also not here to entertain you just to underline that. Like the other four or five people who don't believe you're more than welcome to leave the thread and I advise anyone else who refuses to read or click the previous pictures I had posted to do the same.
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We know that everything here is fake, you cunt. The only shit part of this thread and the last is it's taking so goddamn long for fuckboy to update; feels like it's been a full week between both threads so far
It's not like this story is happening in real time or anything!

Just be patient.
Here is my input about the camera OP: the shots you have taken so far don't look so bad. You don't need to have a professional video camera or dslr or whatever you are imagining. Especially if you have a powerful light your phone should suffice, take burst shots or video towards the sounds you hear. If you get something you do, if not I think posting some creepy nighttime shots would still add to the story if nothing else and at least validate that you are in fact in this place after dark. I know you already don't care about validating yourself, but the pics could be useful to the investigation anyways.
OP are you still doing an overnight at the church tonight?
shut up

Well I actually do care about validating myself to a small degree because if people don't believe what is happening is real they won't make suggestions on what I should do. Thus far, thanks largely in part to the previous thread I was able to gather conflicting information based on what the grandchild told me and what the library newspaper articles told me. I was able to learn about how to spiritual prepare myself, etc. This was all because people believe me and I am getting meaningful results. I want to be able to prove my claims but it is hard. Nothing about what I'm doing is easy.
All the same though, thank you for being patient. I have never done anything like this before.


Yes I am. I will have pictures and time stamps of my progress and will upload them here.
Well we will be waiting patiently OP. Thanks for the effort you're putting into this, it sounds like a really difficult time. Keep us posted.
Well OP I say keep us posted, take your phone and try to get some photos, even if they are low light phone photos they will still be something.

Also, might be diving too deep into witchcraft and stuff, but have you considered making a salt circle to give you some more protection? It might possibly prevent a black out if the entity is behind them.
I agree. Protect yourself OP even if it seems silly to you. Anything to help prevent a possession.

Good luck for tonight.
I'm getting ready to leave. I've prepared myself as best as possible. We'll see how this goes.
good luck op, run if you have to, your safety goes first
Keep us updated OP. Good luck, and don't die.

You guys can stop lurking for tonight. I went up there and the youth group is having a 'lock in' or some over night event that I wasn't informed of. That's my fault. I'll have to wait till tomorrow night. I'm sorry.
Dude I remember that shit from my church days
Are the teenagers safe?

Yes, they are in a different wing of the building. While I was there I locked off every part that lead to the upstairs and informed housekeeping to keep the area locked until I return tomorrow around 9 am or until all the kids leave. They are currently localized in a large set of rooms downstairs and away from the gym. I'm actually glad I went because I informed the youth leader to keep them away from the gym and upstairs. Unfortunately there is no way to 'lock' the gym because it's so open. I was assured he'd keep them all away from it.
hey werent you supposed to post pics of the stuffed animal or some shit? I thought you were a few days behind in posting, like we havent synched up with hour to hour reporting or something. quit cucking us mang

I have said three times now I'm not posting pictures of the doll. I'm sorry if any of the previous posts(not me) have indicated I was going to show pictures of it. I have none anyway and won't take any.

If you're patient until tomorrow though I'll post an actual video or at least a link to one that will be short since I'll be using my phone. I'll use the video recorder in the event something starts to happen. Will this make up for my lost story time posting?
how would they know you're in the building if you're in a different wing? you could go anyway. also you wouldn't be completely alone in the building.
Did you ever consider this? In a previous post you described how the entity moved your possessions to the corner of your safe room, and also was capable of repositioning your lights. Why dont you think it would also be capable of manipulating the pins and column of a lock on a door? Or is there something symbolic or some kind of rule that keeps it from breaching such a barrier?

Honest to god I'm not using this as an excuse but the idea of me blacking out when there are 'kids' in the same building with me is a really disturbing thought. I don't want to entertain the notion.


I doubt that this thing is following any rules. Locking the doors is just a routine for me and in some ways makes me a feel a little more comfortable. I do believe it could open a locked door if it really wanted.
>and informed housekeeping to keep the area locked until I return tomorrow around 9 am or until all the kids leave.
>I informed the youth leader to keep them away from the gym and upstairs. Unfortunately there is no way to 'lock' the gym because it's so open. I was assured he'd keep them all away from it.
Smells like the start of a horror movie.
You know the kind, the guy in the know enigmatically warns someone who should be in charge specifically not to do something, they fall asleep or just leave or whatever and away we go

Yes please. If it is a smart phone, you might also want to try a voice recorder app, I caught a few anomalies on mine that could potentially be EVPs once... could come in helpful.
There will be a lot of positive energy and noise tonight, so I doubt anything weird could happen to them.
fa/tg/guy here, I've been glued to this thread for days. It doesn't happen often but when you guys deliver, you fucking DELIVER.

Good decision I think OP, if you are loosing track of your thoughts enough to make random phone calls who knows what else could happen during a black out. I also think I remember you mentioning in og post that one of the nights there was a door open (hallway by the stairs i think) that you swore you had shut and locked. Also, tomorrow it might be a good idea to subtly ask how the event went. Maybe even get there before any of the kids leaveand see if any of them look disturbed or effected by the thing, I've heard that the younger you are the more potential you have to be receptive to the paranormal. It sounds like you hold a relatively important enough position in the church that asking a few nonchalant questions would not raise any alarms.
Wait I just realized.
The dog, the three kids.
Sweet shit, OP get the police patrolling that place for fuck sake.
I think that's all a good idea, OP, it is too risky to be in the same building as those kids if that thing could be in there. Hopefully tomorrow night we can get some more information into what this thing is, so we can help you understand it better.

Have you had any strange thoughts lately? Have you had any strange memories resurface or really anything at all stand out in your mind lately, even something trivial? And has the fatigue persisted today as well?

Is there more of the story between the 402 phone calls, vomiting, and what had happened in the past few days? Not meaning to pry you but trying to learn as much as I can to research and so we can help.

OP already stated that there is no true historical proof that that even happened. Him flipping out and calling the cops on a church sanctioned lock-in probably would raise a few eyebrows and probably wouldn't prove anything.

None that I could find anyway, proof that is.
I thought the same at first, but these kids are in a big group guarded by a supposedly responsible leader. So if this leader doesn't break his promise and keeps all the kids in one place, I doubt anything bad could happen to them.

I'm interested in what this post says as well.

OP seems more chill tonight, but his last updates really left me worried about his mental and spiritual sanity.

Yeah OP, but my point still stands. What good would calling the cops on a church lock in do? If they don't immediately see something wrong they will probably leave anyways. I guess you could give it a try if you want, I recommend using a payphone to stay anon.

I actually feel great. I've had a good appetite and plenty of energy.


Well I didn't think on an anatomical level anything would matter. I've had a good appetite but I haven't actually eaten anything recently even though I could. It's October and I always get sick around this time of year just because of the cold fronts but even though I have a small fever I actually really do feel fine. I was able to put in plenty of work together and feel like I could stay up very late tonight if I wanted.
Shit, do they even have payphones anymore?
>not posting pictures of the doll

This is why paranormal shit is a laughing stock of factual and scientific evidence.

Why go about telling us this awesome Para-story, instigate an investigation and provide absolutely nothing of worth.

Furthermore, you're not even taking pictures of the mundane stuff either? C'mon, son. All this will be chalked down to is just another made up spook story.

Take pictures of EVERYTHING
DON'T leave it alone
Investigate and DEBUNK your own experience

How are you not curious to learn more about weird shit like this? Why is it that it's only ever the stories that exist and NOTHING else.

I read almost the full last thread and then it disappeared. How to I get back so can fill the gaps in my reading? Is there a search engine? Please help, send link.

I've taken pictures of everything except the doll which I'm not going to do. I have been up there alone more times than most would have been so I'm not exactly 'pussying out'. I've researched and found as much information as possible for you guys to pick a part and yes I am curious but also scared so pardon me for being an average guy with little to no experience with this type of thing. Be patient. I'm working on it.

He is curious in his own way it seems to me. I am kind of curious why OP refuses to take pictures of any puppets or dolls but if he's got a problem with it he's got a problem with it.
That sounds great.
Use this time to relax and enjoy yourself.

Install 4chanX so 404'd and dead threads can be automatically redirected to an archive.

Pediophobia (fear of dolls)?
It's just frustrating.

Just one of these days I hope out of the blue one of these types of live amateur investigations into weird happenings they've been experience actually gets followed up and stuff gets recorded. Hell even a spooky EVP or something like that. Even the tacky Found Footage film makers have the right idea some how, and they ain't even looking!

I'll be patient OP but if nothing comes of this or you end up telling us you're going to bail on the Church and never return to it then I'ma roll my damn eyes into the back of my head they'll drill through my brain Junji Ito style.

Even a simple recording from your phone as you're there, not even video, just start recording audio on your phone the minute you think shit is about to go down

>replay audio
Hell, if you don't want to upload it to the nets, let us analyse it for you and we'll give you our thoughts.
Smells like bullshit to me.

Once I have any kind of video or audio I will let you guys pick a place for me to upload and I will put it there.


Shut the fuck up and leave if it doesn't interest you, non-believer.

To be honest if I was on the other side of this I wouldn't believe either. I don't blame him. This is insanity and it is actually happening.
Glad to hear you're feeling well, OP. If you have anything to share, we'd love to hear it. If not, take it easy tonight and let your mind relax. I have been worried about your mental state as well. Thanks for the pictures and story so far, but I wish we had more to pick apart in the time being. I feel like there's details we could exhaust to get a better understanding of what all of this is, or even something we may have missed. Is there anything you can think of that we could go over again or any details you think are stranger than others? Elements of it you have really been questioning?
but don't push yourself, tomorrow night could be difficult.
I am a skeptic as well, but there are some things you have said that just seem too real and sincere, if you are RP'ing you're doing a darn good job at creating a good story and atmosphere. I am a skeptic but I believe that at the very least you believe this stuff is happening to you.

Why don't you guys ask some specific questions. There is information I haven't touched on yet that I am uncertain as to how I could assimilate into the story without sounding anymore insane than I already have. I'll do my best to answer anything as long as it isn't related to the doll. On that note I will offer a small explanation.

I don't like dolls. I grew up with an older sister who use to wait around corners and scare me with them. I grew more and more wary of them over time because she really would torment me with them by putting them on my bed to see when I'd wake up or put them in random locations she knew I'd find them. The dog doll specifically bothers me because of the way it seems to have been maimed. It strongly resembles being something of a 'chew toy' and it is old enough to warrant extreme caution from me with everything else that has happened. Even if it isn't associated with the events I still want nothing to do with it.

Ask your questions, one at a time and I'll answer them.
>There is information I haven't touched on yet that I am uncertain as to how I could assimilate into the story without sounding anymore insane than I already have.
not that anon and I don't mean this in a snarky way, but if you haven't touched on it yet, then I'm not sure what specific questions to ask about it. am trying to think of something to ask, but it's been 2 long threads and unless I go reread it all, I'm a bit fuzzy on what's been covered and what hasn't.

can you share some of this information with us? is it historical stuff or things you've observed?
Hi OP.

I just wanted to let you know that you have another believe on your side. I discovered your thread(s) the other day and have been following and catching up since.

I have my share of paranormal happenings, but absolutely nothing like you've been experiencing, so unfortunately I can't really offer any advice.

I did have a question though and since I missed parts of the first thread I'm not sure if you've said this before or not. I know the events are still taking place today, but when did this all begin? In the beginning stories the Church was being torn down to the bones, but now it sounds almost completely renovated and in use again? So I was just wondering what the time frame overall has been so far.

Also, I believe you mentioned having to deactivate some sort of security system at one point in the Church; does that include any type of security cameras?

Once again, sorry if these have been answered, I've been trying to follow throughout the past few days, but I know I haven't caught everything that's been said.

Regardless, thanx for sharing OP.
Just say it if we've gotten this far, give us all the details the ones that are here to help can only do so if you gI've us all the details. I am personally requesting as much of an unabridged account as you can make.

Alright, this is based on what I have been told.

The graveyard as seen in a previous picture was actually much larger at one point in time and managed by the crematorium, not the first church. The first church was originally built by an unknown party but for some reason was unused until the 50's(don't know why). If you recall the image of the parking lot next to the graveyard I took it at that angle to put emphasis on how uneven the ground is. They leveled it out and I can only assume removed the graves or perhaps even built over them. I also don't know who manages the graveyard now but there is a company nearby who may 'own' it if that's the right word. The weird aspect is how many times the graveyard ownership has changed hands. The records that I found in the library indicate it could have been as many as three times all to different families/companies. The grandchild didn't make any mention of it really.

Also, despite finding no evidence to support the murdered children claims I am highly inclined to believe him because he seemed the honest sort and I'm not about to be a skeptic when he's telling to my face an extremely negative event his family was directly responsible for. It is possible they had the clout to have the official record of the incident removed, hidden or made private for law enforcement since there was a point when the police became involved obviously. I don't really know what to do if that's the case.
Nothing you said there was really that unbelievable m8, I'm not sure why you think we'd doubt shady, ominous business shenanigans when we've been discussing ghost dogs for the past couple of days.

It's no problem. I'm here to answer these types of questions. As far as an official date is concerned I can't say because I was in California when the renovation initially started and came back to it. On an 'official' level I would say this has been going on for around two weeks but since I am vastly more informed on these types of things now I can safely say weird things have been happening since the renovation actually started. I know this thanks in part to one of the workers talking to me a few days after I got back. He told me 'it is no good to change a church. things live in the church and dont like to be moved'. His words there so I believe he may have felt or seen something and knew something was going on or at least going to happen. He also isn't there anymore which is something I wholly regret and before you ask he is fine, he was part of the parking lot blacktop group.
forgive me if it got posted and I forgot, but did you get to the library and look through their newspaper archives?
Has your experiences thus far stayed confined to the church or have you had any off putting experiences in your home or vehicle?

Have you had any nightmares since this has started, or feel like you are being watched when out of the church?

This may sound crazy but have you ever had any addictions in the past or feel the need to increase risky behavior now?

Also, out of curiosity why choose the trip Arin?

I'm easing myself in to telling you more. Oh, and before I forget I haven't seen a single bird anywhere near the church and usually we have these little ground birds called Killdeer running around the parking lot but they have all vanished. I'm not sure if that's important.


Yes, I did and nothing that I found matched up with the story that the grandchild told me - in fact it was all very basic information and nothing incriminating in the very least.


I can answer the first two with the same sentence. I've always had night terrors thanks largely in part to my sister who terrorized me with her dolls. These night terrors have always been with me even long before the church events and I have them almost every single night so it would be biased to claim they are somehow linked to the events. I don't feel like I'm being watched or stalked outside of the church but I do feel sick sometimes, this is of course due to it becoming colder outside I believe. No addictions to speak of.

Arin is the name of my dog that died when I was little.

Is it possible that the church building pre 50s was just a front for something dark or even evil like witchcraft, maybe even demon- or satanic worshiping?

I have absolutely no idea. I sure as shit hope not.
You might have answered this, but is there any history of the town you've heard of that might relate to anything demonic or supernatural?

Are there any rumors you can recall that you might have heard when you were younger relating to the church, crematorium, or the graveyard?

Did you have any other strange, but maybe trivial experiences while in the church? Other strange smells or sounds? Did any other items in the building seem to resonate with you as notably negative?

Did you know anyone when you were younger that was somehow related to the church, but moved away abruptly or seemingly without reason?
See man that might be why it chose to use the black dog toy to manifest. I use to be like you, and skeptical which is good to be, but after my own experiences (pardon my language) negative/evil shit exists along with God and good. Like I have said before I will not hijack your thread, but I do believe you. Just remember you are not crazy even though it may make you feel that way sometimes.

The reason I kept telling you to resolve the fear too is because, my experience put me in the hospital and not the psych ward either but I came out of it stronger, and more aware of the world around me. Just stay strong in your faith, and prepared. Also, you are not alone in this.

>Did you know anyone when you were younger that was somehow related to the church, but moved away abruptly or seemingly without reason?

Yes, actually, now that you mention it. Being who I am I have certain 'inside' information on the churches membership. A few years ago prior to my hiatus in California we had a massive drop in membership. There are around 2800 current church members and no they don't all show up each week, it's closer to 400 maybe. Anyways, a few years ago we had a drop in membership that was sudden and sharp. I believe the last time I checked the number it was around 200+ families that packed up and left. I don't mean they just dropped membership I mean they actually left the town all together. When leaving it is typical for people to give a reason why they are no longer members and the bulk of the email replies simply said the community didn't feel safe or 'right for them'. It was a polite way of saying something scared them off. I still don't know what it was since none of the families had anything in common and no major events had occurred to my knowledge that would invoke such a huge migration of people.


I wouldn't say I was ever a skeptic but the reality of it actually happening is a stark reminder that this really does exist. It is different when it happens to you instead of just 'reading' about it happening to other people. It's a wake up call that I don't really want to answer.

Are they still tearing down any walls? Have they renovated the floor where you said you set the lights up in a pentagram shape? If a pentagram exists anywhere in the building that could be the "in" for whatever is lurking your church. Any other strange symbols or markings around(anything could be of relevance even some small thing that may have been discredited as "grafitti")?
Were you close enough with anyone at the time that you could now ask them why the suddenly moved away from the town?

And is there any member of the church, probably someone with seniority that you could ask about why it happened as well? You say that you don't remember anything happening, but is it possible something happened that was even kept from you, or that you possibly just didn't get an explanation?
See I would not rule that out or perhaps a preacher that was not really a preacher. Also, with Op being in Texas it could be related to the grounds because there is a lot of history and probably not documented too relating to the old west. Link related


The walls they were tearing down were mostly to remove old pipes that lead to the upstairs babtism booth and they are nearly done with that. Setting up the lights in a pentagram formation was just an accident on my behalf, nothing special about that. I do not believe an actual pentagram exists anywhere else in the building.


I'll be honest. There is a LOT that goes on there that is kept from me just because I'm young relative to everyone else. I'm a likable enough guy that the older people will chat with me but as far as having a serious in depth conversation goes I doubt they'd humor me. Something may very well have happened that no one is talking about but if such a thing exists I have no knowledge of it and I highly doubt anyone is about to tell me. I may ask my dad.
Yeah, it is very different when it happens to you. Stay safe and I will keep checking back.
>the community didn't feel safe or 'right for them'
This sounds really fishy.
I'm also beginning to buy into the theory that the elder members of your group are trying to ignore something that happened around that time. Whether because they think it's silly to believe in such things, or because they want to forget about it.

But I find it really weird that an active and lively church of all places has something evil going on around it.

I forget where I heard this

" Evil always rises from the place you try to bury it. "
It seems like there might be something going on here that we don't know about, especially since that great departure happened, it seems very unusual. Do you have access to any of those emails? Is there a church computer, or archive you would have access to? I don't mean to ask you to snoop around anywhere that may be unacceptable for you to do so, but maybe there's some record. Asking your dad could be a good idea, but I didn't want to strain that important relationship.

Do you know of anything else you did when you blacked out the second time?

Has your diet changed at all? Aside from not eating today and feeling sick now and then. Have you been doodling or writing anything at work without really thinking about it?

I doodle circles for fun, that's about it. Also in regards to using the church archives for answers, it isn't realistic considering it is done via email 'card'. The 'reason for leaving field' is about a sentence long at best.
Definitely confide with your dad. Also I just don't feel eager to quickly discredit you setting up the lights in that particular shape as mere coincidence. The next time you are at the church just take a walk around and check for any strange symbols or markings that seem out of place, even in the slightest. Leave no stone unturned, if you find something even grafitti or vandalism from either someone in the past or currently, take some pictures of it and show us, might be linked to unholy worship happening on the grounds. It's a terrible thought, I know, but for real, just take a look around.

I'll check but I highly doubt I'm going to find anything like that. I promise I'll look though.
Have you seen behind the Walls yourself?

Not an excuse but it is extremely dusty when they did that. I have very shitty allergies but when I did go down there I never saw anything suspicious but then again I wasn't really looking either.
Have you experienced any strange visions or images in your mind in the past two weeks, either while you were within the church or not?
OP, while you're here, would you be open to having any fellow /x/philes in Texas come out to join you so you don't have to keep doing this alone? I'm sure a number of people would jump at the chance for some real adventure.

No weird visions to speak of, sometimes I think I see snakes though but it's also Texas and snakes are in abundance here.


I wouldn't consider this an adventure, it horrifies me and believe it or not I am absolutely open to the prospect of having one of you guys join me, or maybe even a few. I just don't know how dangerous it would be, all paranormal shit aside sneaking a few strangers onto church grounds at night and worse.. being caught would result 100% in me being fired and my dad being put into a bad light. I'm still considering it though. I am open to it I just don't know if I actually want to chance it.

Maybe check under desks and chairs in the classroom? Like maybe a kid thought he was being all 'cool' and 'defiant' or whatever and made a symbol or something not knowing the repercussions, teenage angst and whatnot especially if that is where the sounds were coming from the other night.

Also I've been here for awhile so I know you are not going to like what I am about to say. But now knowing a little more about the dog doll and your fear or disdain towards dolls and such. It just sounds like the dog one most notably upsets you more so than any of the other puppets. It also could have been, and is seemingly more likely a source of the sounds and strange activity, especially if there is a 'big brother' manifestation of it lurking the grounds. I think i remember you describing it as old. Did you see it before all this started for you? I'm curious because you mentioned that the dog seemed to have injured itself leaving fur and black stuff behind, and this stuffed dog has sustained 'injuries' as well. Seems like the two might be linked In someway... a vessel for this entity?

I don't want to entertain the notion of it being a vessel for anything but fluff. I didn't see it before any of this started and only found it during my first patrol downstairs after hours. Naturally I promptly slammed the door closed, locked it and issued a notice to housekeeping to have it all moved to another part of the building. Naturally they fucking moved it all upstairs.
I for one would but I'm nowhere near Texas.
Same boat here.

I wouldn't be so eager guys. It certainly isn't fun for me. I may have had a slight morbid curiosity to begin with but the investigations I'm preforming now are done out of what I could only describe as a surgical need. I hate being upstairs at night, granted it feels good when I'm there but the notion of going back makes me sick. I certainly don't envy me.
Yeah I know you hat that notion, but now more than anytime I'm sure you understand that anything is possible. Do you not think it is a little to much to be mere coincidence that something in the form of a dog is seen running around the grounds, seemingly injuries itself and then an "injured" doll shows up? Haunted dolls are a real thing, look it up if you have the courage, Ive been reading this thread for awhile so I understand that you have a deep rooted, almost innate fear of dolls, but I'm going to ask you just think about that... if that happens to be the case, you can potentially make it go away by being rid of that doll, I don't know what process you would have to go through to be completely rid of it though . Burn it maybe?

I'm not touching it. Coincidence, maybe?.. I'm still not touching it or going near it. I already knew haunted dolls were a thing but yeah, in case I wasn't already clear. I'm literally going to do 'nothing' that would result in me being involved on any level with the doll. Sorry.
I wouldn't say that I am completely eager but 2 things come to my mind personally, I am a skeptic, but I am that because I haven't seen anything real for myself. Yes, seeing something actually happen before me might send me into a blind panic but you also are asking for help and if I could, I would be there to help you with this investigation, I am truly curious about it.

Also I don't remember what the post count was for the first thread when this one was created are we nearing limit? I want to continue following this story.

Previous thread capped at 300. We aren't close yet.
I'll be straight with you if it were a night time thing I wouldn't either. I don't even like the description you gave of the thing and I don't have a fear of dolls. But maybe get one of the housekeepers to do it? Have them take it off the grounds. Make some lame excuse like that it's all beaten up.
a lock in on a school night? the fuck?

It's not a random group of youth kids, it's a special needs group who are technically a part of the youth group but they don't have to adhere to the same rules technically. I don't know the details of it and it is probably why I wasn't notified to begin with. All the same they should have told me but there is a possibility it was a last minute thing.


I may try this.
No whatever you do DO NOT BURN IT. That could free it further. Op if you want rid of the doll send it to someone who can deal with it aka burying it properly either in a special made container or in water, blessing/encasing it, etc. Just do not burn it whatsoever.

>Never burn an item that has an active spirit attached, possessed, or cursed object.
Aren't there people that "collect" haunted or supposedly haunted objects and remove them from the people's properties for them?
Well I did admit to not knowing how to dispatch such an object. That makes sense though, how OP would get it to change hands from a housekeeper to a cursed objects expert I do not know. Here is a thought though... I know I am going to come off sounding a bit racist and crude, but OP lives in Texas I'm thinking a lot of the housekeepers are Mexican.... I know, but bear with me, I'm from Cali and a lot of my friends are Mexican. A lot of them are very spiritual and knowledgeable about the subject so maybe talking to one of them about it in such a way as "you want to get rid of it because you think it has a negative energy attached to you" might not be a half bad idea, they might even know how to get rid of it properly and they would probably believe you if you stated your case maybe exaggerating a bit. Like something along the lines that you feel it is evil and its eyes are watching you. Of course you'd run the risk of looking looney.
Yes, but collectors are not the same as disposers or those that store the items to keep out of the hands of the general public.
The worst thing Op could do is have it end up at a thrift shop and seventy-five percent of the time that happens with active objects.
956 here, and you should at least let one person tag along for at least a day because they're probably less susceptible to the influence of the entity and won't blank out and will be able to document this shit

My last post tonight. I will consider letting someone here come with me but if I do I'd like to make it multiple trips. I'm very tired, maybe all my excess energy finally died down. I'm going to sleep. Tomorrow is the day.
Weird that you got an spark of excess energy after your last experience, be careful what you might bring home with you.
/x/ doesn't deliver often but when it delivers it. Is. GOLD.
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Been here since last fucking Thursday and holy shit is this boring. Can someone ping me when Arin finally discovers his willy can shoot bullet bills?
>this is so boring that I've been here a whole week
I'd be interested to see how long you're willing to spend on a topic you actually find interesting.
I think threads start autosaging around 320 or 350 posts.

If possible, let's try not to do a new thread before that, so mods don't 404 this one and make it harder for people to follow the flow of events.

Good afternoon guys. I slept in. Normally I'd start posting around 5-6 am but I just woke up. Long night. I had some time to think about letting one of you come and stay up at the church with me but if we do this there will be some requirements which I will list off.

1. Don't murder me.
2. Bring your own money and equipment if you intend to record.
3. I'll give you a place to stay for the duration of the investigation.
4. While on the property do whatever I tell you to do. If I tell you to lie to someone about your identify you must.
5. Do not engage with anyone there in the unlikely event we have to talk to someone.
6. You can obviously post our findings here and elsewhere as long as it doesn't include names or locations.
7. Do not antagonize, provoke or otherwise fuck with the entity at the church, please.
8. You can film/record me and my other friend if he chooses to come but not our faces.(censor them)
9. Do not bring any item, object or device that may incite a negative response from whatever is there.
10. Bring food.

There is obviously a lot more I have to go over but after careful consideration I've decided it would help validate my claims. There will be no need to try and provoke this thing because I can promise it will act on its own. It is 'very' active. I don't want anyone to have to drive hundreds of miles and spend all kinds of money for this so whoever I choose will need to be very close to the border. I may even bring two people but that is still being decided upon. I'm doing this for /x/.
I'm that 956 person. How long do you want someone to stay with you (one night, three nights, etc), and how do we contact you or vice versa?

I haven't decided how to contact anyone yet without revealing information. I may actually need to set up a meeting somewhere far off sight to discuss the terms of the investigation. I'd like it to be for at least three days if not more if that wouldn't be a problem.
Ain't this a spectral bitch, years on this board and a paranormal investigation stake out is finally called in--further than I can get to in time.

Whoever's going discuss bringing any recording and measuring equipment you can get your hands on that OP clears. Gloves, goggles, surgical masks, ear and nose plugs, plastic ziplock bags, tweezers, cameras, flashlights, spare batteries, audio recorders, thermometers, EMF meters, not just hobby shop ghost meters either. Bring a compass if nothing else. First aid kits, just in case.

To avoid redundancy it's best each person agrees to bring two of one thing they can get easily and two of one other thing that's difficult for others to purchase. That way there's spares if something breaks but only as much as you need of anything.

No more leaks in the hull. Collect anything and everything you can: fur, blood, saliva, whatever that black liquid was.
Of course as OP says there should be no intention to aggravate the situation, just gather data after each situation to preserve for analysis.

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Also OP I'd suggest wearing that facial protective gear regularly if you really want to protect your identity. Maybe a hoodie and cap too. In fact everyone should wear headgear they can strap a flashlight to so there's no fumbling with hands and dropping things when they turn to check something.

Split into teams if you can and must, but never split up the teams. If anyone goes anywhere they need a second witness. Make use of your time during the day too, everyone should go look into something whether it's the newspapers reporting any incidents that have happened at the location or whatever you can pull off without drawing suspicion. If anyone asks you're just tourists passing through and killing time by reading up history.

Back on site, don't just advance with everyone facing front or with your backs to each other in case that damn dog sneaks up while you're distracted looking one way like OP and his friend, so switch positions regularly to get different points of view of your surroundings.

OP and his friend sort of had a good idea when they first panicked, figure out escape routes and methods before you go in anywhere.

More importantly try to establish a rotation wherever possible, if one team goes to search the building the other stays at the safe area to keep an eye on things, keep in contact while this is happening. Sleep in shifts too, but at least two people should always be up watching. Not one, you never know if someone blacks out and wanders off leaving the rest lying there helpless.

You should probably think up some system of 30 minute password checks too so whatever happens when/if you black out doesn't go unnoticed. If anyone doesn't respond or says or does something odd don't turn it into a witch hunt, just keep an eye on them. I think that should cover everything you've brought up so far.

You have many tasks but one job: bring us the goods. Fuck this up and you might as well never post on /x/ again.

This is actually my first thread on /x/. I never had any content to bring to the table and I never thought it would become this huge.
Well, If Te/x/as plays this right and finally figures something out, you'll be the patron saints of this board.

At what cost though.
>At what cost though
If Randi and his challenge are still up and kicking when you're done?
+1 million dollars.
Op, any worker saw the black dog recently or just you?
I already have a first aid kit setup already. I don't have any special equipment though, but I do know a lot about tech so from basic recordings I can frequency analyse and more, though anything physically empirical I might have some trouble with.

5 man stack, rounds, basic army stuff
I know you guys are gonna go in and check shit out. but if you get some spare recording equipment, maybe consider also looking for ways to stash a device or two in areas of the building where there's been activity? not sure that you'll get anything, since if it's after OP it may only act up when he's there. but it might be worth a shot if you have something that can record all night and won't get found by workers.
>Randi and his challenge
That's bullshit and you know it.
I have a GoPro.
I'm sure I can find something else too.

I've decided what I'm going to do. Taking to many people at once would constitute to great a risk so I'm going to do this. The first person will meet up with me at a predetermined location. Following that the investigation between us will last two-three days. I will then meet up with another person and repeat the process. This will insure there is little bias and plenty of material for /x/ to go through. Skeptics are also welcome to come but I'm only going to take one person at a time. No weapons.
I doubt too many would be a risk, as safety in numbers is a thing, but alright. How do we contact each other? Also, would skeptics be welcome to join along with you and the first person, or without the first person? Finally, even though you say no weapons, would a pocket knife be okay as used as a tool only, and not to provoke any entity or person?
Twice times this guy went into a trance where he did things from what we understand was against his will. Don't bring weapons dude.

Ha, it's for my safety man. I don't want to risk me going insane or something and then you having to use a weapon on me. I literally do not know what happens when I black out and adding weapons to the mix doesn't sit right with me. I'm only taking one at a time because it looks less suspicious. People know me there and don't usually question it when I've got a stranger with me but a couple would raise some eyebrows.
Well fuck, I didn't think that through. You guys are right.
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OP is there any chance you could ask your dad about the mass membership decline? Surely he would be more honest with you than elderly acquaintances

It happened a few years ago and from what I understand no one is talking about it. My dad is friendly and open to me so he might tell me. I doubt it though. Tonight when I go up to the church I'll swing by his place first and ask him.
How is his leg? Nothing out of the ordinary?
>Tonight when I go up to the church I'll swing by his place first and ask him.
Hold that thought.

We might want to reserve any questions that draw attention to OP's interests until after the anons have done their own rounds quietly. If the director of the church gets suspicious that his son is poking around with strangers it's likely going to shut down any further plans that might be considered troublesome for the rest of the attendants.
Better to write down any ideas you have for questions for now and wait, if something can be looked into without directly asking someone feel free to shoot it out.
Do you guys just want me to hold off going again alone until I have someone else to go with from /x/ or do you still want me to go there tonight.

I'm not opposed to either idea.
Really I can only advise whatever you feel is in your best interest. If nothing concerning has happened during your absence then it's reasonable to assume there's no urgency for you to throw yourself back in there to resolve this.

I know people here are hungry for more information, observation and results, as am I trust me on that, but perhaps it would be an idea to see how you do physically and psychologically while away from the events for a few days.

It might sound strange to suggest a distraction as something to be considered, but seeing how interest may decline during the interim I have to ask if there's anything else you think you could do in the meantime? Research on the graveyard and location before it was a church? Look into the feud over ownership or stuff like that? Might help to clear that out of the way before going back in.
better wait for someone from /x/, use this night to ask your dad about the mass drop in memberships and to rest.

To be honest I really want to go back. I'm just getting a general opinion here because you guys have given really solid info and lead me to most of the results I've had so far. I've been completely emptying my schedule every single night. Even my room mate has been asking questions because I just vanish until morning. I'll wait and talk to my dad instead though and post the results here of that conversation later. He's doing okay by the way, not as sick as he was before but I'm going to actually head over and check on him all the same. Best case is if I get him to drink, he'll open up that way.
Best of lucks and also i hope your dad gets better soon.

Also, why do you wanna go back? even if you're alone.
Before you go: are you absolutely sure you can ask him questions without raising any suspicions or concerns about what you're up to? And if not are you at least certain that if he became suspicious or concerned it wouldn't result in interference?
I don't know him like you do or what happens when he thinks you're involved in trouble or how much autonomy you have. After all he's the actual director. as I understand, you assist due to relation to him so I'm not sure if he told you to drop it or get off the property if you'd then risk security or cops or the church goers looking out for strange activity and escorting you and the anons away. Which just defeats all the caution so far.

Do look into those possible voice mails while you're there though.
If you're not going, you could catch us up with the story up until present events, I'm sure there is more content to it, or maybe I missed it?

I knew I was going to be asked that. Despite being terrified once there it 'feels good' to be there. It's only when I start to freak out do I become sick. I did mention before that one time when I was there I was actually content to just play games on my phone despite knowing some entity was in the building with me. It just feels good.


I doubt he's deleted them if any exist. I'm sure he's not going to get suspicious if I can start the conversation off in a casual enough way.

Almost missed your post. There is only one more piece of content to the story before we get to current events and it actually doesn't take place inside the safe zone or even the building. I'll type it out when I get back.

> once there it 'feels good' to be there.

OP, i hope you are conscious that that is not normal, this reaffirms my thoughts on you waiting for an /x/ anon instead of going alone.

Be safe op, ill be waiting for what your dad says about the mass drop.
Great, thanks. Looking forward to reading it
It feels good to be there? Maybe the dog was actually a Church Grim, and some other malicious entity is haunting the place. Maybe that's why the doll is clipped, because the entity is eating away at the Grim?
I think I made a comment regarding multiple entities in original thread. The grim hurt his father only because it needed to keep people away from unearthing whatever this malicious spirit was trapped in, seems like it is out now though. OP can you find out what specific work they were doing on the day if the incident regarding your father?
Sorry it took me so long. Had a lot to talk to my dad about, information to follow.

In regards to the mass migration from what he would tell me it had something to do with an internal community vote. It is Texas and in the deep south there are very clannish families. Clannish meaning they are uh.. very tight knit so what one does they will usually all do. Anyways. It sounds a lot like a cabal, not necessarily a sinister one but more like a private group that many people were involved with. Dad said he heard their private community leader may have been doing something shady or illegal and as a result decided to uproot everyone and leave. I don't know anything else and I don't think he does either. Not like I want to use this word here but it sounds like a cult and I know church people are very shy around that word so it may be why no one talks about it - that is complete speculation though.
Curioser and curioser.

I was about to type ' I don't think this has any relation to the migration away from the church ' but then I realized the migration happened about the same time as the renovation project was announced. No idea if the two events are related but that is pretty damn odd.
It should be, "more and more curious"
It's a quote from Alice in Wonderland, dumb dumb.
Could this cult be linked to what the church was used for pre 50s?

Dude, I don't know if it's a cult. It could just as easily been a huge community of people that wanted to live near one another. There is literally a thousand other reasons that they could have moved away. I do not know. I have absolutely no evidence that suggests they are a cult.
Noted. Still strange and coincidental.
Are you at the church right now?
What happened to the youth group? I know you talked to your dad so I'm sure he's fine. Do you know anything about the 'cult' of people that left?
Did you check the eventual voice messages you left him?
What timezone does op live this dutchfag wantts to know so i can more or less know when he is sleeping
Last thread OP said he was in Texas, by the boarder so I'm guessing Central Time. It should be 7:19AM for OP.
Central Texas here, 7:25 right now.
There you go, /x/, and it seems OP usually gets on around 8:30 AMish so set your alarms to 1 hour from happening to follow along if you don't want to leave the tab open.
>3 hours later
Whats going on?
This massive drop doesn't sound so strange anymore.

>big community lives together
>suddenly the "leader" gets in some shady legal trouble
>decides to leave and let things cool down
>people of his community tag along and they type things like "I don't feel ok living here anymore" in the church registers

So in short I feel like it's not such a big deal.

It's still a neat thing to know. And for OP this must be an interesting way to learn the history of the place he lives and works in.
You should tear apart the black dog doll if you haven't.

I mean, what's the worst that could happen? It gets angry? It's already pretty pissed.
So, Arin died huh? Not surprised, Rip Arin.

Best thread in a while.
Arin got sacrificed to Lord Xenu and it's all our fault
>It's already pretty pissed.
Actually the dog's been quite docile strangely.
He knew too much
I'm not dead, christ. I had to take my dad to the hospital for a reason unrelated to the bite. I've been so busy with actual work at the church I haven't had time to be here. In the next day though I'm going to be selecting someone for the first investigation. I also did some prep-work for this to insure no one would ask questions or bother us while we are in the building. 956 guy you're probably going to be the first to go so I'll assign a location for us to meet. In addition to that I have more good news. I now have access to better equipment which we can use during the over-night at the church. I'm sorry I haven't been posting but it's been extremely busy and I've been exhausted. I'll be posting another part of the story as soon as I finish eating about something that occurred off the property.
please take it easy my man
>he more fear the more power it will have.
>"Fear"? Wouldn't seeing something callously burst through a door and dispense with unpleasantries invoke a deeper reaction than a knock?
Nothing is worse
god OP pls wait for the /x/phile and/or your buddy before going there again, its a miracle you're still standing after a week or so of doing this alone
Alright, here it is.

A few of you have been questioning weather or not I have seen or felt anything outside of the church. Originally I had said no but I've come to realize that is not entirely correct. One of my routines at the church consists of trash runs, basically I'll use a golf cart with trailer attachment and round the buildings a few time to check and see if housekeeping has tossed out any bags. This isn't my job but I do it to help out. The dumpster is located in the back of the property where the old white house use to be and there is a small building next to it now that we refer to as the beach house(it contains youth equipment like basketballs etc). I list these details so you guys can kind of get a better understanding of what I do there which is a little bit of everything. The route I take to get to the back runs along the side of the parking lot until I'm actually in the far back where I need to be to toss the trash. I've noticed something few several days now and it is actually happening even as I type this; my eyes can't adjust to darkness anymore. Under normal circumstances I'm able to see fine at night because our eyes naturally adjust but after eight I'm totally blind and I've been unable to do any kind of trash runs since the 'events' started. I actually recall the incident which I believe made this happen or so I think. -

I was taking the trash to the back like any other day and I specifically remember feeling my arms get cold. It's Texas and cold fronts are not that common but I attributed the sudden loss of body heat to the late day. Once I was in the back I got out and started to toss the trash and there is a spot I usually sit to chill out back there, basically a concrete slab that use to be a part of the white house. After I finished with the trash I went over to it and sat down to try and relax for a while but while looking at the beach house just a few yards off I remember the white exterior became very dark. I knew it had something to do with my eyes because I had experienced something similar to this before when I woke up groggy. The colors didn't really seem to mesh correctly, it all seemed darker than it should have been. This didn't actually wear off even while returning to the building. Everything seemed far darker than normal which is now directly contributing to my stress since I'm unable to sense what's going on as much during the investigations. It might be medical but can't say for sure. I'm usually in fairly good health but colors, distances and my eyes ability to adjust to anything has been failing, this remains true even now.

(I have no history of eye trouble.)
>my eyes can't adjust to darkness anymore
sounds like it's time for a vitamin A supplement. can't hurt unless you're taking like a week's worth every day.
How can you read the story to this point and think THAT is what makes the least sense about it?
strange. I've never heard of anything like this. Anyone else? I mean, its probably connected, due to the timing, but how? You'd think you would be more adjusted to the dark if anything like that was affecting you. Maybe it means you're becoming more susceptible to the entity's power.

To be fair it could be a number of things not associated with the entity. I can't say for sure.
It could honestly be stress. Your brain might not be working as smoothly because of it. I can't imagine how it must be to experience those things. I wish I lived nearby, I'd consider documenting these things with you.
You say Texas is clannish, and Kentucky is too, where I'm from, but if you were just to give you best estimate right now on whether you think the migration was related to the entity, what would you say? Something being uncovered in the church renovation is the more likely of answers as compared to something being trapped, but it could be unrelated as well. It seems too strange to me, even mildly understanding how these people may think.

I have no comforting answer.
So what else do you do at the church? Just keep track of what is happening when, and help people organize things by managing the grounds? Are you just someone to talk to run things by and confirm dates with?
Even with no history of something there's a first time for everything. Definitely want to get checked up before 956 shows up. We don't want any liabilities of injury at night if you can't see around you.

Also as I suggested to many other anons when temperature shifts occur, you'll want to get a two thermometers. One for yourself and one for the room/your surroundings. Maybe a third for some place outside the location you are for a final comparison, up to you. But basically you want to keep track of exactly what's losing heat how. If the place you're at gets cold and then you lose heat then that's one thing, although I'd still suggest checking that third thermometer to see if it's only localized around your location, but if you're getting cold while the place you're in is warm that's odd. Not exactly impossible in thermodynamics but just something that requires careful observation and concern.

For a quick check of your eyes, go to a mirror and shine a flashlight into your eyes, not too long or close. You're not trying to damage anything, you're just looking for a reaction. Observe if your pupil contracts, then wait awhile, cover your eyes with something that blocks enough light and check if your pupils dilate. I can't really give you a measure of how quick these things are supposed to occur, but basically if it's not happening at all that's not normal. It's not a very professional method but it should give you an idea if what's happening. You might just need rest. Repeat exposure to long term stress can have effects.
956 here. Honored to be selected for a visit. I hope I can make it, if schedules or any other responsibilities ruin it. What equipment do you now have access to?
Ah shit, typo. I meant if scheduling or other responsibilities don't ruin it.
My first job was as a janitor at our local church. I was 15. The building was was a stweple, but some type of old industrial building in the middle of town. I used to work till midnight, sometimes later. I definitely remember seeing and hearing some things but nothing on this scale. Does is seem as obvious to you guys as it does me? The graveyard, the 3 kids, the dog, the old torn down buildings.. And from what I hear, the most common reason for hauntings is intense emotional trauma, there's just so much overlapping here. Arins story defintely resonates with me and we all hope to see the evwnts unfold for the best.
>Any one of those excuses I could buy, but all together it's simply far too convenient. Until you can provide literally any piece of proof that this is happening to you I'm going to be operating off the assumption you're making this up. I would advise everyone reading this story to do the same.
Let's be serious for a moment: Is there anybody on /x/ who doesn't treat these threads as artistic works of fiction and falsehood?

I can enjoy a good horror novel as much as the next guy, that doesn't mean you need to try and pretend it's “really happening” or whatever.
OP bounced? Figures, it was getting real good.
Probably just asleep.
He last said he had to take his dad to the hospital for something unrelated to the bite, was still attending to his multitudinous duties on the grounds and was also experiencing ocular issues, plus as that anon said he still needs rest like anyone else so chances are OP's trying weather the tornado of shit building around him.

Which is why hopefully the sooner the reins for the more taxing stuff are handed to 956, OP can attend to his health and those around him while we continue figuring out and hopefully bringing a conclusion to this thing. It's the best way forward..
Nope, clearly OP was eaten by the Slender Man and Bigfoot, after they all had hot, steamy sex in the chapel. Pounded by the Paranormal in the Haunted Church by Chuck Tingle.

... maybe not. Also bump.
Shit son, I don't intend to take over the investigation. I'm going for a three day cycle because I have college and a job to attend to.
No worries, that anon said "take the reins for the more taxing stuff." Having a fresh mind and body that's already prepared for paranormal bullshit will help Arin tremendously. All these late nights are taking a toll on him, and having someone else deal with the brunt of the weirdness for once can only help.
man i hope you're prepared for the shit thats may/may not happen, bring back some gems please

956. What day is good for you. Like I said before you can stay with me but you'll need to bring pretty much everything else we'll be using. No weapons.

And sorry I haven't been here guys. You were right, I've been sleeping as much as possible. A lot of people tend to exaggerate their fatigue levels or misuse the word 'exhausted' but I actually am exhausted. I haven't gone anywhere today and ended up just laying in bed. I know a good number of you are relying on me for content but the only thing I have to provide right now is the plans of meeting 956 for an investigation.
Why should I not summon belial?
Ah, well then, hopefully if enough people apply there'll be someone else to handle things as someone else leaves. Or more hopefully all this gets recorded and resolved in the first attempt.
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Monitoring this thread for some time now, bumping for interest.

956 or Arin, it would be really nice and probably helpful if at last one of you would pack a recorder or vidya equipment. Even in the case that you don't want to post your faces all over the internets, it might help to sort out events later. Even a smartphone running as voice recorder is better then nothing.

I'm going to 'borrow' some of the church sound equipment. I must be blind or stupid to have not thought of this before. It's pretty fancy stuff and I have access to all of it.
>I must be blind or stupid to have not thought of this before.
Speaking of which how are your eyes? Getting better, worse, staying the same?

Also I feel we're at the point where I can say; don't be too hard on yourself. As you've said not only is this all new to you but it's not exactly normal and it's directly bearing down on you as it happens. Anything you could have done is really only something you can reflect on when it's behind you, not at the time and if people have a tough time dealing with a regular day during their week I think adding the abnormal onto that should excuse some forgetfulness.
Most important of all is that you've stuck through it. Conviction in the face of these sort of things is something that can't be dismissed. At your expense you've dealt with a lot for the sake of others. Choosing to split yourself in so many directions is commendable. Saying that though, don't overdo it. It's equally a commendable attribute to recognize when you need to recuperate so you can continue with your convictions. Once others are around to split the tasks there should be more time to attend to personal matters you're obliged to.
because his acid pool attack sucks

good to hear you are getting rest, OP, taking good care of yourself should be your #1 priority if you have been dealing with malevolent spirits and shit
I can only do Friday and Saturday, I have classes all weekend and I can't afford to skip
God damn I really need to focus on what I'm writing I have classes all weekdays*

Alright, I'll start putting something together. I'm so fucking tired man, I haven't been there in forever and I want to go back.
No problem. It's good we have time before we go, so you can recover and rest and I can borrow more equipment to further the investigation.
OP if and when this thread dies, are you going to wait til Friday to make another thread? or should we look for one sooner?
FYI all,

OLD THREAD is now here...
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>I haven't gone anywhere today and ended up just laying in bed

I must be haunted too, cause I do this all the time

Also bump
It's the day of Churchgoing, OP might be dealing with holy matters. Or the opposite of that.
New thread here. Update on it to be posted shortly. Kind of a large update too.

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