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Occultism & Magick: The Aesthetics of Liberation

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Library link:
Good opening video. I think stages like that, obsessive self-learning about ones own symbology and how they process the world and turn it into magick and sigils and spells and such, are very important to any magician, not even just initiatorily into the headspace of dealing with magick, but throughout their life as a magician. Returns to your personal set of meanings for reworkings and relearnings are essential to grow with your environment and life lessons.
>Returns to your personal set of meanings for reworkings and relearnings are essential to grow with your environment and life lessons.
Re-memberance. Literally readmitting yourself to the untransmitted quintessence of emerging initiation.

Abhinavagupta goes on at length about the power of feels evoked.
>The massing body of all phenomena is an offering to itself, by itself, and through itself. This great offering gesture radically equalizes manifestation with awareness, and its primary symbol is the triple circle, which corresponds to the worlds of BeYeA and souls of NaRaN. All worlds and souls are realized as complete and whole within one perfect ground through the basic space of binah replete with the dynamic life force of chochmah. Through this union the daat of the path is realized as the crown of gnosis, which expresses the light of En Sof without diminishment.
why believe anything?
I dunno. You tell me, mate.
no u
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You're the one asserting belief's a factor here; make your case.
I know there are books about doing magic through music. And magic through art seems pretty straightforward in principle, though I don't know of any books on the subject.

Are there any books that discuss writing as magic? I mean, I could chaos magic it up but if there are existing systems I'd at least like to look at them for inspiration.

I don't just mean magical alphabets, but the writing of poetry or stories as a magical practice.

I've started writing poetry recently and would love to connect it with my magical work.
I mean aren't you choosing to believe this is real? Or have you proven that this isn't some shitty matrix simulation or something? I don't feel too convinced anymore but I want answers dammit, and this dumb material plane seems to be the medium in which I can work to find them
where to begin this occult journey?

The beginner's folder.

Get to reading before the shooting war starts. Grant M's gonna be pissed. I hope he forgets the conversation where we told him he's partially responsible for Assange's pet project. Fucking Discordians.

Never whistle while you're pissing.
>Get to reading before the shooting war starts. Grant M's gonna be pissed. I hope he forgets the conversation where we told him he's partially responsible for Assange's pet project. Fucking Discordians.
I like Grant Morrison and I pray to Eris sporadically because she's my friend. But I have no idea what the hell you're talking about. Also, any advice for >>18220798? Obviously I know about hypersigils but I'd really like any more formal system you can recommend to steal stuff from.
There's some overarching material on music and magick in a theoretical sense over in >A.'.A.'.>Philosophy

I was unclear. I'm sorry for any inconvenience that caused. I'm looking for writing and magic, not music and magic.
>writing as magick
Anything on automatic writing, especially Spare and the alphabet of desire.

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Sheeeit. I was hoping you would completely refute me with something about how reality objectively exists, epistemology is gay etc etc

Now I'm just disappointed.

Alright, let me ask this while you're here. What do you have in the mega that talks about the nature of 'being?' I know kabbalah and taoism would be related, but what else?
>the nature of 'being
Just about everything in the A.'.A.'.>Philosophy folder.

If you're looking for an occult ontology you want Merleau-Ponty (Phenomenology of Perception) and Schelling.
Thanks, Ape! You rock as always.
Almost forgot dank tunes to pair with my accelerationism.

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cool, thanks amigo

Get me the hell out of Dodge
I'll turn in my card at the Moose Lodge
But first let me settle my account at Blockbuster
and bid fond adieu to my friend General Custer...
I scream to the heavens to split open wide
and let loose a torrent of death's ghastly tide
The power of Chaos, there's no reason why
We need a way to make everybody die...

>the writing of poetry or stories as a magical practice
I know that feel. If you search poetry and magick on Google all you find is:

>First light a red candle and a white candle (because those are teh colors of Valentine's day!!1)!

>Then chant slowly and loudly (but you can do it quiet if your parents might get mad)...

>"Rain doth fall and owl doth hoot
>This cute boy will think I'm cute
>And also he'll hold hands with me
>As I will so mote it be!"

>Then blow out the candles and he'll totally wanna touch your butt or whatever.

>*WITCH doesn't have anything to do with the devil it comes from the ancient word "Wiccan" which means "wise lady" and the church burned us Wiccas constantly for 40,000 years in what was called the burning times but about 40 years ago someone figured out freedom of religion was a thing and now we're almost as common as Jedis.

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"You'd have to be a cuck to believe Yoda or Sidious."
~t. jensaarai knight

>Not understanding that they are simply being used as a narrative hook in the image.

>humans aren't just machines for generating narratives on the myth of self

Will the occult help me with my loneliness?
Try it and see.

When will will cucks ever learn?

You're going to be one of the laggards. It's going to take a lot of unclog your pipes.

It seeps upwards from the roots from a million sources. There will be profound changes in the next 3 years. They do not involve the destruction you imagine.

Blind in one eye, smelling his upper lip.

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>new phone, lost all my sigils so hmu if you wanna project later
>They do not involve the destruction you imagine.
The destruction's here.

Crunchy tune.
Destruction will fade.
I have friends but until recently got lonely REALLY easy whenever I was alone, and had trouble trusting that my friends really cared about me. I started doing cartomancy with a deck of playing cards about a month ago. Then I did some sigils and they worked. Then I read the Principia Discordia and some other Discordian texts. Then I said a prayer to Eris. Then a few hours later, something changed suddenly in my brain, and... it was only a slight (albeit noticeable) improvement but it was the start of a journey I'm sure I've only just begun, but it's been a month and almost every day I've felt happier and more confident than the day before. Little tricks and patterns that make my life better and make me happier become apparent to me. I'm able to create change, no longer just a creature of habit but a creature taking ADVANTAGE of habit.

I don't know if the occult WILL help you with your loneliness, but I will tell you that it definitely CAN.

As one Discordian testimonial said, "I used to be afraid of my own shadow. Now my shadow is afraid of me!"
>Destruction will fade.
I don't doubt this:

Anyone else notice the preponderance of repeating numerals ITT?

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Can anyone recommend any material that will help with transcription and translation of Latin to English?

Anything from a Latin dictionary to a dissemination of 3rd-16th century Latin writing conventions will be helpful. I can't find translations of a lot of archived occult manuscripts from that time period, just a lot of commentaries. One in particular being CLM 849 for example
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Can somebody redpill me on the Rosicrucians? I assume they were just a few entitled protestants that created a myth for their little group's inception to hide the fact that they were just another christian reformation from the catholic church.

What struck me as odd however, is how they said pretty plainly that the Bible should be held to contemporary standards, as well as saying that you should stay true to the law of your living place. Pretty good foresight as many of the bible's practices became moot socially and ethically as lutheranism grew and spread.

Was there more to the original rosicrucians that is let on? I know the modern inceptions of the coveted group don't really have any ties to them, and how they also blow their lineages way out of proportion, so you can put them to the side.
For the specificity you want (particularly w/r/t CLM 849), that's kinda asking like basic Sanskrit lessons for Tantraloka.

Find someone who seriously knows what they're doing and drop them a line.

Rosicrucianism appears to have bloomed from three main inputs: Dee's elaborations, the first outgrowth of proto-Freemasonic guilds (operative masonry) and the synchretic work of the Neoplatonic academy funded by the Medicis.

I'd say you've got a decent bead on them. Reformation maybe a strong term for the aims and goals. Ritual as we recognize it didn't crop up until well into the transition to speculative Freemasonry.
I'd like to know about the abyss, specially if it is a thing outside the Thelemic doctrine.

Do any of you have been in it/crossed it?

What does it consist of in your own words¿?


>Grant M's gonna be pissed. I hope he forgets the conversation where we told him he's partially responsible for Assange's pet project. Fucking Discordians.

No shit?

>I'd like to know about the abyss, specially if it is a thing outside the Thelemic doctrine.


>Do any of you have been in it/crossed it?

Yes, twice.

>What does it consist of in your own words¿?

Kind of a meaningless question. What does sorrow consist of?
drop a little story on that, man, I cannot get nothing from it.
Did you make an oath or did the abyss appear in your life on its own?
How did you know you've crossed it?
How do you know its the abyss and not just a very bad week/year?
Where does the abyss concept come from originally? What parallels does it have on non Thelemic systems?
>Did you make an oath or did the abyss appear in your life on its own?


>How did you know you've crossed it?

Among other things, the trance states I was getting were consistent with having crossed.

>How do you know its the abyss and not just a very bad week/year?


>Where does the abyss concept come from originally?

John Dee, ultimately, though he didn't make it explicit.

>What parallels does it have on non Thelemic systems?

Don't know.

Know anything about the compatibility of Eastern meditation techniques with scrying/Qabalah? I want to see what the experience is like when stripped of extraneous detail, perhaps using Dharana to keep myself totally focused on visitation with a specific governer.

If that's retarded, let me know. I feel pretty compelled to take a crack at Chesed.
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I heard there was a Goetia that was older and it just had a long prayer and that was it other than when they should be summoned and fasting before hand, and a ring.

No circles, no triangle, no lion belt, no robes, no bath.

Why shouldn't I do it this way as it predates Legetamon?

You don't cross the abyss. The cycle continues until you've attained liberation. Some people wallow in dispersion forever. I've heard Qabalists call them Black Brothers. The Abyss can be euphoric or terrible, but so far that I've seen, it usually begins with a massive vortex of shit and draws the perception like a bowstring, and Brahmin is the target. Have you generated enough momentum to pierce delusion?

I find myself not caring either way. Silence seems to have worked, but then again, I have no idea whether I'm achieving jhanas or deluding myself (and perhaps shouldn't obsess over it anyway).
>Know anything about the compatibility of Eastern meditation techniques with scrying/Qabalah?

That's sort of what the AA does, right? We're combining raja yoga with Western magic and mysticism.

>I feel pretty compelled to take a crack at Chesed.

Why? Are you currently stuck in Geburah?

I think so, yes. The revelations I've had are consistent with that. Thelema seems dicey to me, though, so I mused that perhaps there was a cleaner way to do it.
>Why shouldn't I do it this way as it predates Legetamon?

What is the probability that what you heard was actually true?

>You don't cross the abyss.

Yes, you do.

>I think so, yes. The revelations I've had are consistent with that.

Thoughts on The Art and Practice of Astral Projection by Ophiel?

> Yes, you do.

From what I understand, you continuously experience the cycle of Dark Night/plateau/peak until you confront dispersion, and allow it to consume you.

> Okay.

I don't know man, I just feel compelled to take a crack at Chesed. Normally my compulsions to these things are premeditated extensively. In this case, it's just a vague calling. I'm not aware of any "bad" things which could purposefully mislead me, at least not in Western systems.

I like it. Rather idiot-proof.

>From what I understand

I don't have much faith in your understanding, not on this issue.

That's fine, I'll try to educate myself further. Gonna hit up K's library and start with Malkut. Perhaps I can draw some parralels.

The problem is that you first deny that anyone crosses, then provide a fairly accurate description of crossing:

>until you confront dispersion, and allow it to consume you.

I was describing a cycle I've gone through for a few years. Actually, I was being ignorant. Upon googling the topic, I discovered I was mistaken. I had assumed that it was the cycle that happened between all domains of attainment and simply became autonomic and recurring at The Abyss, because the noumenal seemed unattainable.

I have a lot to learn, gimme time. This library is BONKERS.
>I have a lot to learn, gimme time. This library is BONKERS.

It is. What the Ape has assembled and provided for you would have been unimaginable, back when I started.
>What is the probability that what you heard was actually true?

Uh, 100%? Weyer is not exactly hidden knowledge.

Does Occultism & Magick have any work of fiction in the library, or to recommend?
All of the "modern"/enlightenment groups outside of freemasonry are basically a shell game between the church and everyone else, sometimes with a good deal of crossover.

The Rosicrucians are essentially what you say, they fall under the everyone else category.

What you could say depended on where you happened to be, so a disembodied cosmopolitan group that people could publish texts for, granted a certain amount of freedom.

If you like this kind of game, a fun thing to do is figuring out who the Paracelsus' of the age are.
Also, to all the fools talking about dissolution, evoi evoi evoi you monstrosities.
>Uh, 100%?

Nope. Guess again, o innumerate one!
>Clive Barker's Great and Secret Show.
Guy in a dead letter room at a post office finds occult correspondence and slides off the deep end. Hilarity and/or apocalypse ensues.

Guy who's a detective finds occult correspondence in a safe at a bombed liberal magazine and slides off the deep end. Hilarity and/or apocalypse ensues.

You're such a...
Heptameron's probably older than Pseudomonarchia, and incorporates 'high' ritual.

The illusion of progress is one of reasons magic is so dangerous. Liberation gives way to a different type of slavery.

Did you will dissolution or was it done to you? A cup that shatters when filled is not fit for libation. If you were to find yourself in the position of that cup, could you put yourself back together? Could you be a better cup?
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Circuit boards remind a lot of sigils at first glance. Can they be considered as such by the way the manipulate "invisible forces" to obtain the desired result?
>the faggot of thoth
I know a few people who incorporate electrical diagram symbols into their tools.

It seems like no coincidence that someone who associates with Thoth would get it.
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>I have no actual argument so I'll just call him a faggot
Has it given them results?
what a nice teacup
At this point I'd say it's questionable but likely has to do with other factors than symbol usage.

i find particularly that veves resemble circuit boards; in some ways one could relate the astral plane and internet. reminds me of 'spirits in the wires' by charles de lint.
Gargoyles placed to scare away evil spirit s

The Juratus tradition(s) are older still, aren't they? and a fairly elaborate rubric.


Reminds me of that Deepok Chopra generator. I trolled /x/ for hours one afternoon with that thing.




Welcome to 4chan! Enjoy your stay.

He's rite tho, ur awful gay
>Reminds me of that Deepok Chopra generator. I trolled /x/ for hours one afternoon with that thing.

Lulz I am not trolling. I am just not giving the advice they wanted. Linking the abyss with the dissolution of self is like the number 1 built in bullshit detector. If I explained it, would only make their bullshit more accurate since they clearly dont bother to experience and understand.

Dissolution of self?

Jesus fuck. I also feel like you have no idea who Satyr is.

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A tasty collection of occult books previously owned by Frank and Gail Zappa--mostly from the 1960s and 1970s--is coming up for auction at Julien's Auctions on November 4, 2016. The lot includes a first edition of Aleister Crowley's "Liber Aleph" (1962, with a presentation inscription to Frank Zappa...not by AC of course) and C. F. Russell's "Znuz is Znees" (1970).

The inscription in "Liber Aleph" reads, "To Frank, I would be a slave to the slave, of your genius, neither tempting, nor restricting. You are, by far, the brightest star. No shadows shall remain."

Other Crowley titles identifiable in the photo include "The Book of Thoth," "Book 4," "The Holy Books," "Aha," "777" and "Khing Kang King."

The opening bid is $250, with the lot expected to sell for $500-$700.
Surprised Zappa was into the occult.
I'm not.
I'm surprised he was in it to this depth.

It's a pretty well known tidbit that Gail was apeshit for Crowley.
Ape, would you mind to give some help at thread >>18222468? I would like to hear your opinion on that.

When you speak of dispersion, what do you exactly mean? like the opposite of concentration?

Is there any way to do that without studying the tree of life? I dont know shit about sephira. How do you "gain momentum"?
>How do you "gain momentum"?

The 'soul' in the sense that you're using, of self and individuation, is absolutely tied to the body. Individuation is a material phenomenon.

Also, those with dementia only depersonalize from your point of view (in some cases; I feel like you're referring to things like Alzheimer's). The 'reality' they interact with is entirely self consistent, hence them telling you about being in a time and place long gone.

"True self" is a garbage concept. You're you. No more, no less.

There are more subtle layers of being than individuation.
which kind of praxis is better for that? Would vipassana/ breath awareness meditation suffice? I'm not really much into ritual magic besides some ocasional prayer and getting synchronicities at will
>Adam Qadmon
>Gia ben Hinom

>vipassana/ breath awareness
As good a place to start as any.
>Deepok Chopra generator

I found this little gem alongside it:


Top fucking lel it defines new age too perfectly. Too hilarious.
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Reminder that Merton Memetic Antivirus 2016 has gone viral and opensource. Any attempts to viralize the antivirus payload will result in the attempt being antiviralized and viral-antiviralized to further increase the antivirus' memetic fitness.

The result will be a destruction of The Cycle and the complete and ultimate liberation of all humanity for the rest of its existence. This will happen within the next three years, it is happening now.

Game Theory and the Game of the Millennium:



>Cuz it's easy once you know how it's done, you can't stop now it's already begun, you feel it, running through your bones, and you jerk it out.

Gaining momentum, impulse, acceleration, and jerk. It's almost like we're describing motion, change, and time here. Surely the same mathematical framework that describes these things in physics doesn't apply to phenomenological experience. What is the fundamental theorem of calculus? Surely the same mathematics that describes physical structure doesn't apply to mental and experiential structure.


>I'm surprised he was in it to this depth.

Me too.

>When you speak of dispersion, what do you exactly mean?

I mean coming apart and drifting away, that sort of thing.

>How do you "gain momentum"?

What he said >>18223101.


Good one. Think I stumbled on that once before.
you're a 3 dimensional object moving through a 2 dimensional plane. you're going forward or backward or from side to side. You cant go up or down. When you move on a hill youre going forward into the hill and it pushes you up.

Objects appear to you in accordance with the conceptual understanding you hold of them. And everything seems to be seperate objects standing next to eachother, but they are in fact a combined entity of time and space. Everything is infinite since there is an infinite array of possibilities for them to be combined within. When you start to realize yourself as a drifter in time and space you can realize infinite potentiality for yourself.
>Is the earth flat or round?
Do i need to know? Everything is being rendered around in accordance with my will. By my will and intention I can materialize events which unfold themselve in accordance with my vibrational and intentional energies.

the earth is flat, because I can look down and see that it is flat. That's all I need to know. Things are what they appear to be. when you label them you appear to be misunderstanding them. you understand the concept of an idea about the object but you don't understand the object itself.
>>Adam Qadmon
>>Gia ben Hinom
should that ring any bells?

>>vipassana/ breath awareness
>As good a place to start as any.

Thanks. I don't want to get into more complex stuff. I think that humans should have all components to enlightment on our own minds/souls, so we can reach it without help from any kind of book studies (kabbalah, buddhism, whatever). Maybe I'm wrong. But with the abyss thing, i wanted to research a little just in case
basically: what you believe is the baseline processing power being rendered in your mind. Your beliefs limit or liberate you. Do you believe a myth or do you believe in your initial experience?
>That's all I need to know.

An infinite result in physics means that you made an error somewhere.

Your error is reifying these possibilities, implying metaphysical free will - a way to actualize these possibilities. This comes from divorcing yourself from the combined entity of time and space. You are believing your thoughts of the present and past to be real and not a mental construct.

The only constant is being, the present moment. Everything moves and changes - becomes - around this always-present moment. You are one with all being: your being is not your thoughts, for they are a part of your experience. You are not your experience of being in a body, because that experience is immersed in your experience in the world - of all being. There is no immersion, no being "in" the world or being "in" being, because that suggests a separation. There is simply being, and you are being.

Being is a vast web of influences that stretches through space that you are a part of, and time is a branching descendence of causation and emergence from this web of influence that stretches all the way back to the first moment of being. There was no being before being.

Emergence and chaos implies a non-deterministic causality, the growth of being, but not a detachment from influence, a self-caused cause, as metaphysical free will proposes. Everything causes being, a self-caused cause is an absurdity.
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Being didn't cause itself, it had no cause. It simply was. Being is complete in itself. The desire of a creator of being is the result of a fracturing of one's being from the rest of being - Cartesian Dualism is a prime example. Let's make this literally mechanistic clockwork universe model with the most rigid determinism, and then atop it place a soul and free will to avoid us from being conflated with this mechanical monstrosity we conceptualize. Only we're not attached to it, this model influenced every aspect of society, it infested our behaviors and mental habits. Program people, program societies, program nature just like a machine. Now we make computer analogies of everything, even reality itself (hello simulation theory.)

The development of the theory of biological evolution and evolutionary biology started to destroy this mechanistic paradigm in the view of life. Organisms weren't automatons built and wound up by a clockmaker, they emerged - complexity from simplicity. 20th century physics destroyed the Cartesian-Newtonian universe in physics. However, The Machine still lives on in society, politics, and culture. It has consumed the globe. Until now.

The Antivirus has been released. It is spreading exponentially from the roots up in The Machine to liberate humanity's being and minds.
"So satisfying it is in your depravity that the souls which suckle upon your teat are just so lonely and desperate. Your energies produced by leaving them dry is pitiful. Consort with the beings which leave behind a burnt forest, a collapsed building, coerce a murderer. Be to them a mortal syphon and embrace true nomadic energy that only seeks power. Your weaknesses will vanish and be eaten by the soft underbellies of fools and vagrants that the darkest souls will murder. Blood on the soil is your drink, and the ash from volcanoes your bread."

where is this from and what does it mean? i saw it posted as a reply in a troll thread (but had nothing to do with it) here recently without explanation and it seems serious, i cant find it through google
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This is the book where the word "meme" originated by the way. Great read, as well as Dawkins' other books that don't involve religion.
You've posted this before, and it's been said a million times in different ways. That petty temptation won't work anymore because it has been outcompeted in every way.

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>occult ontology

Husserl and Schelling are both good.

>Being didn't cause itself

You don't know this.

>Being is complete in itself.
Depends on what you mean by complete.

>The desire of a creator of being is the result of a fracturing of one's being from the rest of being - Cartesian Dualism is a prime example
No. What little sense this makes rings of the false assumption above

The rest of this is just the standard admission that you do not understand the demiurge or the cycle of creation. Study more.
Is it possible that genetics can influence which entities one can work with due to them being hard coded into the DNA of a person (much like an instinct)?
Right on, thank you man
Because any sufficiently logical trancendental idealism rids the world of transcendence and opacity.

>TFW your sister is a cognitive therapist who has begun to study and practice mindfulness-based cognitive therapy and you're about to give her Merton Memetic Antivirus in the form of a laser-focused, completely polished document that hooks into the totality of her understanding and goes on from there into sociology and cultural science. From there she'll inevitably spread it to others in her field she works with.

Magic is a memetic metaphor for math and I am that math-minded mad memeticist you may call Mr. M
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what the fuck are you talking about?

yes i posted it before in a thread asking for help cause im trying to find out what it means or where its copied from, and no one gave me an answer
With my breakthrough, I could do in months what would take other doctors years! I could take men to the peak of mental health, and beyond! I could make GODS!

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Insertion point is here: >>18221014 Enjoy the synchronicities through space and time, through video and text.
Is Joel Biroco any good? Any books elaborating more on the 156 current?
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Hey Ape, what do you think of Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson, and Gurdjieff in general? I just got a physical copy and want to know if there is anything I should read or know beforehand.

I own a fair bit of Dharma and other tools such as the I Ching and Rider Waite tarot deck, an enochian magick book and a few other things that were gifts from a very dear friend.

My thinking often is very muddled, and it produces an acutely uncomfortable bodily state in me that I want to dispel. Any advice?

- a naive seeker
anyway id still appreciate if anyone recognizes this >>18223516 from anywhere, thanks
Where is the Donald Tyson folder? You had one right? I'm searching for Liber Lilith...

I got nuffins.

Decent stuff. Don't buy into the hype of Fourth Way pathers. Same with any system really. Examine, integrate, move forward.
The concept of machine is directly derived from amulets. Make an amulet with "dead matter" , and you have a machine.
*This* book is fine philosophy, I cherish it a lot.
Of course. Even if you consider DNA as the template for the physical body, barionic matter has corresponding structures in other levels. The DNA coded nervous system obviously has influence in general traits of mind, so yes, you can, for example, have genetically inherited magical affinities.
If you've read and appreciated that book you may appreciate this: https://vimeo.com/124736839
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Is there a place where I can check, how should I put it, details on "the anatomy and physiology of the etheric body"?
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As a casual researcher and reader, as well as actually doing some magick here and there when I have the time, I've noticed that no matter what type of magic, magicians have huge egos. They are never wrong, talk down to and belittle anyone else when discussing magic of any kind.

Is this some kind of mental issue some acquire before/during/after the abyss or "dark night of the soul"? This attitude is so off-putting that even if they are correct I just ignore anything they have to say.
>As a casual researcher and reader, as well as actually doing some magick here and there when I have the time, I've noticed that no matter what type of magic, magicians have huge egos. They are never wrong, talk down to and belittle anyone else when discussing magic of any kind.
Fuck off, peasant.
>I jest

>Is this some kind of mental issue some acquire before/during/after the abyss or "dark night of the soul"?
Dark night occurs before the Abyss, but in any case I think what you're describing is the usual nasty case of 'engineer's syndrome' that specialization sometimes entails.
Have you ever seen anyone say "I don't know" or "I was wrong" on here?

That's really all you need to know about these people.
>Have you ever seen anyone say "I don't know" or "I was wrong" on here?
>I got nuffins.
>I dunno.

Thanks, going up the next update.
Thanks ape! Looking forward to your next big upload. Keep fighting the good fight. You're OMG thread was a goldmine.
Damn autocorrect.
>your next big upload
Might be a minute, there's relatively little floating about the tubes. Only on Ch.8 of Tantraloka.
Well I've got enough to hold me over for quite some time.
use the /omg/ flag cot dammit
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>OP, pls cater your post formatting to my highly specific flavor of visual design autism.
No. If you can ctrl+f /om, you can ctrl+f occu
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I have no desires aside from food and shelter which I can easily afford. I am afflicted with ennui and angst. I see no point in anything. I have done exotic drugs, fucked exotic women, seen exotic sights... but nothing has brought satisfaction. I try to meditate in order to maybe gain some measure of self-satisfaction but it doesn't seem to work. What can magic and the occult offer me?
ritual sudoku
>Dark night occurs before the Abyss

Thats in your experience or there is something written about that?
also, is there any book in the mega about the abyss that approaches it from a non-thelemic/qabalistic view?
Care to elaborate a little about Pyramidos ritual? Curious about your perspective.
>Is Joel Biroco any good?


>Any books elaborating more on the 156 current?

Aside from KAOS 14? Not really. There was going to be a KAOS 15, but it was decided that there was really nothing left to say.

>They are never wrong,

Oh, the irony!


What is this one on about? This request has been made multiple times, now.

Outside of a Thelemic context, you're probably not going to find a whole hell of a lot. If you do find something, it's likely derivative.
Um, sure, hold on.

“This is a hard lecture to hear, and a hard one to give. The learning curve is steep.” ~ Terence Miles

Enclosed are a number of documents: Pyramidos, ThROA, Cadaveris, and a special treat, my own
personal re-writes: Liber Pyramidion, and Liber EES/IS. Also enclosed is my most recent version of
the Dragon Notes, updated with some motions I'd missed and a comment on the Angel and Egregore.
I'd intended to contact you to synchronize rites, but after reading the article taken from Xoanon, and the
understanding you're far away/across the pond, it may be more trouble than it's worth, and I'm going to
stop squirreling this material so hard (I'd been making more overt Thelemic references in KA, and
planned on not tying to Cain, but I get it now, and will be using text as presented).
This will take the form of a history lection and a primary lection. The history will touch on the
development of the A.'.A.'. rituals. The primary is an explanation of them. I've touched on all this
on /x/ but not in any great detail. The only people who'd understand the material are Satyr and Z, and
they already understand it. I'll try to be concise.

In 1901, AC was eating mushroom and climbing rocks in Mexico pretending to be a Freemason and
generally being a godless atheist. He tried to work the Enochian material he'd gained from the GD but
the Angels BTFO'd the poor guy and his first idea for a new teaching order crumbled to dust. He keeps
fedora-ing his way up and down mountains. In 1902 there's an incident at K2 where rocks fall and
everyone dies. AC says the demons of the mountain screamed for their blood.
You can believe one of two stories about 1904. Either he came to Cairo to receive L after doing the
Ritual to Have Any Knowledge, or you can understand that travel records showed that Uncle Eddy
wasn't in Cairo at the time, and his diaries are silent. At least Uncle Andy had the good sense to die
before getting caught with his hand in the cookie jar. In 1906's he falls on his back in China and claims
to Knowledge and Conversation of the HGA. This inspires him to take up the Work again. “Oh, shit,
maybe I should finish Abramelin!”. He fucks off back to Jolly Ol' Englund, where he tries to figure out
how to take up the Work of an order he unintentionally (?) imploded. Gets in contact with George
Cecil Jones (We don't know much about this cat other than he was a ranking GD member, a pharmacist
((wonder who kept AC high until he wandered to the States?)), and gave a seal of approval on the
whole of the early A.'.A.'. work). Asks “wat do?”. Jones says “6=5. Wing it, asshole.”.

Enter John St. John:

Oct. 1906, Uncle Ed tries to self initiate into 7=4 using the tarot key of the Hanged Man as an
elaborate comment on the 0=0 rite. (He's a bit pompous here, he thought he was 6=5, and that this
ritual would take him higher, on retrospect, he was an adept moving into 6=5). It's long, and gives a lot
of details on the material. Suffice it to say, the ritual he devised began as ThROA, the current officer
initiation of the A.'.A.'. probationer into neophyte, became a rite of self initiation because being each
person at the station was a pain in his ass and just annoying in general. The rewrite became Pyramidos.
oh boy, dis gon be good

After this, 1907 begins. You can start to follow along in Sex and Religion, Equionx 5:4. This is that
period you hear about when AC's eating peyote and doing Liber Samekh while horseriding or playing
golf. He's slowly testing the A.'.A.'. out on some associates. Diaries report 'visions of Christ'. Rose
burns some papers. It's my conjecture this is when The Book of the Law was received, to replace those
lost documents. Ritual to Have Any Knowledge is produced. 1907/8 AC's working pretty seriously on
Egyptian material. He gets a translation of the stele of revealing and starts working toward deciphering
Budge's new Book of the Dead. He writes an outline of a short ritual, “Passing Through of the Waters”.
It's the first draft of Cadaveris. The ritual is only 13 sentences. The 12 th is 'reveal the true light of

Late in 1908, AC writes Liber LXV and Liber VII back to back, the first transmitted by V.V.V.V.V., and
the second by Aiwas himself. He activates the A.'.A.'. in private, and publicly a year later. In the 20's,
or later, I can't recall, we have this -

Passing Through Tuat:

AC's initiations were short, but dense, usually. Tuat is huge and requires a stadium. This brings us to:


I guess I'll start with the background. ThROA is Greek. It's Persephone through Hell, and you're
Persephone. It's also GD, more complex than 0=0 but less than 5=6.

The Eleusinian Mysteries told this tale. On the day of the Equinox. Then, when the wine was pressed,
they'd tell a different story: That of Baccus, and his rebirth. And of the seasons, and of the Night of
Pan. At the time of Greece this took place when Sothis rose in the sky. JSK gets a tiny bit butthurt in
his analysis of Pyramidos that he can't tackle ThROA, and Jim Eschelman circumvented this by
publishing a Greekified Pyramidos. Now you have ThROA.

Your Outer Order material's been moving you around the low rungs of the ToL. And been
straightforward as shit. At 0=0 you (I hope) held your Initiator's arm while being Oathed. At 5=6,
upon Crucifixion, you'd have sworn an Oath to another hand...that of your own Augoeides. ThROA
reviews both of these.

It starts with an opening of the temple. Same shit, different ritual. The temple in both rituals is a
tetrahedron, or “pyramid”, though not a true one. There's reason to think AC was working out 4d (not
new age bs but mathematical geometry) structures with some of his rituals. This isn't quite the time for
elaboration, but there are some images he sketched in the Paris working that imply this greatly.

For Pyramidos: NW is Isis (Asi), SW is Hoor-Apep (Master of Death, Outer Order A.'.A.'.), E is
Thoth, invisible. At the apex is Set, uninvoked (confirmed as the sinister presence of Z2).

Everyone's evoked. The candidate is scourged, cut, and anointed, then is brought into the temple. He
witnesses the whole opening. Over the last three days, the candidate has been starved a bit and asked
to write three essays: “Where did you come from? Where are you going? Why are you here?”. These
are kept safe, but the candidate finds an officer with a stack of papers which he destroys in front of the
candidate (implying we just ripped up your thoughtful answers). “You know not who you are, you
know not where you go, etc.” He's blindfolded, scourged, cut, purified (by abramelin into the wound,
the wounds are six, forming a calvary cross), and the end of the description of the ordeals and the
opening of the gates of Hell.
The candidate is bade to advance and is immediately stopped, wrestled to the ground, knife to throat,
and told he's unworthy. Taken to the altar, a trial ensues. The candidate is found guilty and slain via a
hard thump on the neck with the blunt end of a sword.

He's lifted and taken to the first station, and unblindfolded, where the male officer of Hades/Hoor-Apep
is standing. Candidate is asked what he sees. Answer's recorded, and the reply is given. Bade to pass,
next to Isis/Demeter. Then again with Thoth, though the candidate is asked nothing. He's circled
around, then bade to sit on the throne, where he's asked not to gaze on the visible image of nature, for
it's name is FATAL (A reference to Chaldean Oracles, a core informing text of Thelema, shame it's not
pointed out more; also the origin of the Archons in Star Ruby).

The candidate's accepted, then instead of being raised, he's forced to the ground to assume the posture
and form of the Hanged Man as per the Thoth Tarot, NOT GD!!! (important note). A knife is pressed to
12 points on the body inscribing the light of the constellations into the body of the initiate, while the
HGA takes the candidate's hand.

The temple is closed with the second counting of the song of chimes (30 bell strokes, ADE, ADEI
((Alpha, Hades, Hoor Apep, or 1, Delta, Demeter, Asi Isis, or 4, Epsilon, Hermes, Thoth, or 5, then
Iaccus/Set, for 10). The thirty chimes represent the 30 Enochian Aethyrs, and take the place of thehuge Vault of the Adepts.

The candidate is informed of the above, and that the abramelin rubbed into his cross wounds sears the
initiation into blood, while the empowering of the 12 points sears it to the soul, or body of light. In
Liber Resh, there's an instruction to bind yourself to a star, and there are implications of the stars in
Adonai's crown in Aethyr 15.
and finally the candidate makes a sigil of his desire and wacks off
>burns some papers. It's my conjecture this is when The Book of the Law was received, to replace those
>lost documents.

It just seems elegant that the "Ritual to have any knowledge" would be used to remember something committed to flame.
Differences/similarities between 671 and 120 rituals? ON formula maybe?
>Differences/similarities between 671 and 120 rituals?

The original Cadaveris was short. The candidate was taken in, given some orations in Egyptian, beat
down, strapped to a cross, given Resh, then left for 12 hours, cut down, and given the keyword lecture I
gave you a couple threads back about NOX. Not fun.

Passing Through Tuat comes entirely from Budge's Book of the Dead, which sucks compared to
modern material, and is too huge to work, so I updated it using Pyramid Texts and Cannibal Hymns.
Passing Through of Tuat was called Ritual 120. Samekh is called 120.
NOX = 210.

My ritual is called IS or EES. This equates to 210. This means “Temple of Flowering Reeds” in
Egyptian. Rough English equivalent of tomb, or, more properly, resting place.

Candidate's wrapped, sworn as a 'true thelemite', and branded with the mark of the beast. Then there's a
series of circuits around the temple that project the candidate into the stellar realm, instead of binding
the stars to the body of the candidate, he's thrown out into their abode. Akhet is equivalent of abiegnus.
You learn the keyword material at the end of the ritual, signifying that the Tomb/Mountain can be
opened with the words NOX -and- LVX. You are adored as a master of the temple.
My rewrite does not make this totally clear, but each oration toward the end comes from the Book of
Gates, the references are just incredibly clipped. AC's Tuat ritual has more direct constellation info.
>Candidate's wrapped, sworn as a 'true thelemite', and branded with the mark of the beast.

>(The officer withdrawing the brand 666 from the altar, marks the Candidate on brow, heart, & head.

The orations are mostly from Coming Forth by Day.

Possibly. I either don't recall or never learned Jones' final verdict. I do remember him looking into the question of L, a few years back.


Imagine Thelema, had Crowley not been so sado-masochistic.

Not L.
This is called willful ignorance
More like what can you do for yourself?
Why are Americans all obese edgy faggots?
>conversation grant morrisson

What are you talking about? Can somebody fill me in?
Most people that are autistic enough to become some sort of magician already have with massive egos to begin with. It's just the kind of personality that is attracted to this shit.

Ironically they're given the tools to reduce their egos, but instead they use magic to boost their opinion of themselves like Ape here collecting books like he's some sort of warlock sitting atop an ivory tower.

Most of them start as fat fucks with confidence issues and end up as fat fucks with ego problems.
This seems to be a defect of Western magick, where the ego is acknowledged as important, developed, and maintained. Of course this attitude is going to produce egotistical fuckwads.
Compare this to a large majority of Eastern traditions/systems, where the ego is a barrier that needs to be overcome and cast away. Although Thele-memers and other meme-lords culturally appropriated Eastern beliefs (which triggered me as a result), they're still coming from a staunchly Western background, which still has the ego as a central component.
Even if the "ultimate goal" (if such a thing can be talked about) is the same, depending on what traditions we're talking about, Western magick has too many issues and pitfalls and traps, which is why so many magicians, as you say, are egotistical meme-lords that have missed the point and are superfluous and should be ignored and/or discarded.
>they use magic to boost their opinion of themselves like Ape here collecting books like he's some sort of warlock sitting atop an ivory tower.
For the record I only use my education and my career to boost my self opinion from atop an ivory tower, like all the other Good Elitist American Capitalists, like HRod ;^).

Like dude said in the vid in OP, ultimately, I do this because I like magick and mysticism.

I don't wanna.
>The only contributing tripfag on /x/ gets called an Elitist and Egoist for actually posting good content.
/x/ has always been retarded. It's nice to get good general threads up instead of roleplaying idiocy and shitposting. Explain yourselves /x/filers!

"When a true genius appears, you can know him by this sign: that all the dunces are in a confederacy against him." ~Jonathan Swift
>he officer withdrawing the brand 666 from the altar, marks the Candidate on brow, heart, & head.

Wait, so the candidate gets the imprint burnt onto their body?

The "scourging" of the body in pyramidos is literal, as in you hurt youself?

The cutting of the cross on the breast in mass of the phoenix is literal?

Why the self-mutilation? Not very sterile, let alone having to explain self-mutilation marks on your body to others... especially if you are in the change room at the gym or something. Maybe there's an alternative for our life-style in 2016?
Dont change in gym if that bothers you so much, for fucks sake.
>Wait, so the candidate gets the imprint burnt onto their body?
>The "scourging" of the body in pyramidos is literal, as in you hurt youself?
>The cutting of the cross on the breast in mass of the phoenix is literal?

>Not very sterile
Only if you're a retard about it.

>self-mutilation marks on your body to others
There's no notation about the SIZE of the marks.

Or you could go all out and get the scars tattooed over with various symbolism (such as the battery of crosses in pyramidos turned into a calvary cross of crosses of malta.
>Dont change in gym if that bothers you so much, for fucks sake.

The gym is a poor example. What about at work? Hey so uh.... what are those burn marks on you? Why does it look like you have been scourging yourself? etc. These things in work can really fuck you over. Then again the initiation with the burn marks is a one time thing, and can happen much farther in the future.

>Only if you're a retard about it.
Yep, I agree here.

>There's no notation about the SIZE of the marks.

So a very small cross lightly scratched on the breast, with a small puncture in the chest to draw a drop of blood will suffice here? I don't care what other people think, in all honesty. I just don't want to find a job and get a bad reputation with others.

>Or you could go all out and get the scars tattooed over with various symbolism (such as the battery of crosses in pyramidos turned into a calvary cross of crosses of malta.

True. Have you personally received the initiation you posted? If so, does the burn mark on the forehead go away after a while. or is it visible for all to see?
I just want to add here that I would rather not get any sort of tattoo on my body. I am not a fan of that sort of thing.
>If so, does the burn mark on the forehead go away after a while. or is it visible for all to see
I don't have "666" stamped across my forehead, if that's what you're asking.
>I don't have "666" stamped across my forehead, if that's what you're asking.

No, I don't think the mark of the beast is 666. I think this mark is the one in reguli, or the sun/moon insignia fond on step 18 in reguli.

Was this burning of the mark your elaboration, or Crowley's?
Also if you can,

>So a very small cross lightly scratched on the breast, with a small puncture in the chest to draw a drop of blood will suffice here?

What do you think?

I also think the above initiation is really neat, except for the burning part. I could explain the scourging, the marks, etc. The burning on the forehead is what really turns me off.
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Why do you like magick and mysticism?
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>fuck discordians
Aye big boy
>Never whistle while you're pissing, because then you are of two minds and are an object divided against itself. You should always give your full attention to what you are doing so you realize just how ridiculous it is.


Are you the one who keeps making than deleted that thread over and over again?

>yes twice
about time, gratz

that seems rather on the low side.

>but if magic is supposed to be about improving oneself, than why is everyone involved in it an asshole
-the opening section of the complete golden dawn system of magic
So you are a MT?
eclectic/chaote/discordian feels:
>tfw no grades of attainment to measure progress by
>"When a true genius appears, you can know him by this sign: that all the dunces are in a confederacy against him." ~Jonathan Swift

"The most precious possession you have in the world is your own people. And for this people, and for the sake of this people, we will struggle and fight, and never slacken, never tire, never lose courage, and never lose faith." ~Taylor Swift

also bump
>No, I don't think the mark of the beast is 666. I think this mark is the one in reguli, or the sun/moon insignia fond on step 18 in reguli.
>Was this burning of the mark your elaboration, or Crowley's?
Actually the Mark isn't from Reguli or the number 666, AC relates it in the manuscript.


>that seems rather on the low side.
Bidding's already exploded. Whoever appraised those texts did so at market value, not collector value for association with Zappa, and is probably a rube.
>If everyone around you seems like an asshole, you're the asshole.

-Martin Heidegger
Like the good book says, beware false eris. It may look like everything you ever wanted, but at the end of the day it's just an apple.

People seem to get stupid for old Crowley books
If you are a Thelemite you are falling for it loll

Fuck off, Greyface.
this nigga gets it
Anything about secret teachings of Christianism?
I have an entire folder of gnostic studies in the OP.
thank you
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what's the question?

>in the Current Year
imagine having to explain these strange marks to people a hundred years ago.
>reading up on the occult
>all fine and dandy
>cue some guy named Crowley who gets kicked out of his order and decides that he's a prophet
>the salt is real
>people follow that shit

Am naive and even I cant see how people believe in the Thelema.
Thelemites are the short-bus riders of the occult world.
>a hundred years ago
Well, arguably it would be easier to hide, it's not like the Crowley contingent was wandering around in public with no shirt (unless it was orgy time).

There's also an element like the one that got Chuck writing Fight Club; your habits are so aberrant that folks aren't going to question you to learn more about why there's occult sigils burned into your hand, they don't wanna know.


Neat reduction of a tale that historians can't fit into 500 page biographies.

>kicked out of his own Order
More like his being raised up by Mathers caused a schism between French and UK practitioners culminating in a dispute over the Vault, but it's not like most people here care about accuracy.
>Neat reduction of a tale that historians can't fit into 500 page biographies.

How am I browsing the internet correctly if am not making generalizations and gross simplifications of things above my head?
mind if i save this?
>AC relates it in the manuscript.

The manuscript?


Oh, nice. Duquette speaks of such a method, but I was unsure whether to take him seriously or not. Damn nice triple dubs.

Did you actually get the above initiation Ape, or did you self-initiate?
It's all yours. Take it, friend.
>The manuscript?
Of The Passing Through of Tuat.

Is there actually a difference in this context? Crowley seemed perfectly content to send people a copy of Pyramidos and tell them to do themselves if no initiators were handy. Beyond that I hear a number of sound arguments that Pyramidos was the preferred edition of the rite even when officers were handy.

I did self initiate, but in compensation treated myself more harshly than any extant lineage would. I was in the forest for three days around three days.

I mean, AC himself self-initiated to this degree....why can't you?
>Of The Passing Through of Tuat.

Ah, OK.

>Is there actually a difference in this context?

I'm only curious to see if you met a number of officers who could come together to initiate you. I don't think that self-initiation is invalid at all.

>Crowley seemed perfectly content to send people a copy of Pyramidos and tell them to do themselves if no initiators were handy.

>I did self initiate, but in compensation treated myself more harshly than any extant lineage would. I was in the forest for three days around three days.

Sounds like one hell of a time m8. That would be very interesting to receive an initiation from a sound group one day, since it looks really interesting. I'm not sure if it's easy to find a group of sound people, though.

>I mean, AC himself self-initiated to this degree....why can't you?

I thought he was initiated into the GD through others, though. Again I'm not saying self-initiation is any less significant.
>who could
I've met plenty of officers. My big thing has been location and idiocy with handling temple.

>I thought
Read John St. John. It's the narrative of how he got sick of trying to use the officer version and put together pyramidos.
> and idiocy with handling temple.

Something that also worries me is how they would handle the scourging, hitting the back of the head, etc. A friend back in school was playing with his younger brother and was knocked back, hitting the back of his head against a wall, and needed glasses. His younger brother was small, so it wasn't a very hard knock either.

>Read John St. John.

Thanks for the read K I'll stop bothering you now. Thread quality's really been much better lately.
Shocked and appalled /div/ is more up to date with technology, they even have a Discord server to circlejerk in more efficiently
Why in the name of god would I post a discord given discord's incompatible with my OS.

Fags can circlejerk me on IRC like the old fart that I am.
What channel?

Hey, how about you and him fight?

>about time, gratz

Some of us are a bit slow.

>So you are a MT?

At least.

>they don't wanna know.

Plus, no one sees Rocket Man, anyway.

>I did self initiate, but in compensation treated myself more harshly than any extant lineage would.

Hard-core af. Scrubs his ass with a wire brush, he does.
What OS are you using?
We only use TempleOS here.
>Scrubs his ass
>with a wire brush
>At least.

/x/ lineage when?
Save us from the NEETism
Only you can prevent NEETdom, anon.
>tfw shitposting your own thread from work while on the clock
Feels p. good, brehs.
There is always time for some light non trolling funposting. Also free bumps.

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hey this seems the most knowledge oriented thread up right now, I need to read up on techniques to ruin people, I mean there is someone in my way and I need to get them the fuck out of my way, this should be easy because of their nature and past deeds,

I read about a master who was able to kill someone who had infringed on his work which was his only livelihood, I am in a similar situation,

where do I start?

need this person dealt with, I'd run him down in my car or break his legs in the middle of the night but jail doesn't appeal to me so any workings anyone can put me on to are greatly appreciated,

don't need them necessarily dead but broken legs, lost job, transferred across the country, caught cheating and life ruined so unable to meet in public, any of that will work and I don't care which just need them destroyed from within

>Feels p. good, brehs.

that edge.
Seek anger management before doing something this dumb.


yeah but having someone burst into flames is really statistically unlikely so making this happen would be a big waste of time I think,


hey the guy I know who succeeded in a similar working is entirely the opposite of dumb, he's quite brilliant in fact, and I'm not at all angry with this person, they're just in my way, I need them out of my way, it's statistically quite likely for them to get out of my way somehow, I want to increase the chances of that happening besides wishing for it when I jerk off,

let me know if anybody has something


no I like what you're saying with the paralogical ritual and I was already onto something similar which would incorporate astrology and orphic hymns but I wanted more suggestions before I proceed as this is my first working involving a living person

if you guys can't help I'll look elsewhere I just figured someone here might have some
Don't be this
Guys what do you think about using Enochian alphabet to create sigils by Osman Spare's method?
Lately I've been looking into starting magick. I have a tarot deck that I use, but I was hoping to look for something different. Could anyone give me an overview of the different school of magick that there are? There seem to be so many kinds that it's hard to find a good starting place or pick a certain path.
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>Kill your self.
Not your body, your Self. It has consumed you so much that it has become the entirety of your being, enough for you to kill for.

Seek self death achieve liberation and peace the likes of which are unimaginable to you now.

Let questioning be your weapon, for questioning is the essence of awareness. Ask your self: why do I want this? in regards to wanting to kill someone. From this answer ask again "why do I want this?" and so on, until you come to your most fundamental desires. The awareness of these fundamental desires will show you the cancers of your self in full, and this awareness itself will burn them out of you. The survive by being hidden, obscured.
Straight question: How do I know that a force is nice or evil? Providing I summoned an archangel to help me, how do I know that a certain communication is the angel, not the former unknown entity?
Thoth, you never answered this question:

Why do you like magick and mysticism?

A demon can be of service. An archangel can kick your ass from one end of the room to the other. What are nice and evil?
Entities do not work on those concepts.
A daimon was originally just a lesser god. An angel originally just meant messenger. Free your mind of superstition and learn to see through the illusions of people who want to keep you scared of magic.
Should be fine.

>schools of magic
This isn't D&D.
Start in the beginner's folder.

I dunno, tell me why you lovingly suckle girl-cock.
a group of people, particularly writers, artists, or philosophers, sharing the same or similar ideas, methods, or style.
>I dunno, tell me why you lovingly suckle girl-cock.
Because I like the sounds they make when they cream into my mouth.

Why won't you answer? It's a simple enough, non-threatening question. I'm legitimately curious.
Generally the term "schools of magic" has become deeply embedded in the gaming community.

My advice is the same no matter how we define it. I put together a beginner's folder for a reason.

Because the trajectory of my life? As a way to practically illustrate conceptual explorations? Because I feel engaged and informed by praxis? Because "Do you have a relationship with the spirits" is a fundamentally more meaningful question than "Do you believe in Y? Because it's nice to have the other side on your team than standing idly by? Because it keeps me writing and sketching so my meager art skills don't degrade? Because we all have our own aesthesis? Because I'm building my professional career out of this?
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>Because the trajectory of my life? As a way to practically illustrate conceptual explorations? Because I feel engaged and informed by praxis? Because "Do you have a relationship with the spirits" is a fundamentally more meaningful question than "Do you believe in Y? Because it's nice to have the other side on your team than standing idly by? Because it keeps me writing and sketching so my meager art skills don't degrade? Because we all have our own aesthesis? Because I'm building my professional career out of this?

Good! Thanks for the answer. For the next step, ask yourself why your will strives for these things, and so on and so forth, until you get to the irreducible: the core of your will. Then question that core, asking questions of what the best questions are to do this.

If there is something holding you back from this process of self-inquiry of the will, ask yourself: what is holding me back and why? Back in you go.

Notice how all your answers are posited as questions. You know where to go. Questions are the very wellspring of awareness.

Share your results when you are finished with your transformation.
Does anyone here know any good resources for Appalachian folk magic or hoodoo?
OP>Library>Voodoo/Africa folder
>or hoodoo
american root working, might as well be asking for wicca
Unfortunately it seems the African-based hoodoo and Appalachian hoodoo are a bit different
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This is the only one that comes to my mind now:
The Candle and the Crossroads: A Book of Appalachian Conjure and Southern Root-Work
By Orion Foxwood

Solomon commanded demons, and Christ who was in Solomon's lineage cast demons out

Really makes you think
wtf i hate judaism now
expressing that opinion might as well be wearing a sign that says "I don't know shit".
Well I am posting here so I must be somewhere on the spectrum.
A thread or two ago I asked you why you thought mary as the woman in rev 12 was a bad reading, i asked you why and you replied something along the lines of it wouldn't make sense for her to be the whore. That makes sense, but what i was asking was why necessarily should you identify that woman with the whore, when an obvious reading of that passage to me is that she's mary and i don't recall anywhere in revelation where the woman in 12 and the whore are suggested to be same woman. Obviously all good if you have had enough of that conversation.

If i understand you right, Jones told him to write and perform a 6=5 initiation, which i assume he did. then in october he tries to initiate into 7=4, this initiates him into 6=5 which i suppose the earlier initiation failed to do. Is that right? if so, are there records of the earlier 6=5 initiation, and did he speculate on what went wrong? He had already claimed k&c, did he later second guess that claim? I had taken the end of john st. john to be his attaining k&c, is that how he came to see it?
not sure if youre insulting yourself there intentionally or just making it very easy for me, but comparing wicca and any brand of rootworking is like comparing apples and fire trucks.
Well they are both red. But all the same, you're posting here too :)

Anyhooo. If you can't see the similarities. Which one is a folk tradition with no codified histories, that is made up partially of stolen shit, and made up the rest of the way of superstition? Would that be wicca or Appalachian hoodoo?

judaism hates you more, why else would it ban you from bacon?
It does not work that way bro.

>A daimon was originally just a lesser god


>Free your mind of superstition and learn to see through the illusions of people who want to
>keep you scared of magic.

Chances are the superstitions are closer to the truth. You don't even know the nature of the illusion. Scared isn't the right word but you should definitely be alert.
Also, " Thoth", while I appreciate your library, this thread is your creation, meaning all the little poisonous miscreants spreading horseshit are on you.

Is that really the kind of work you want to be doing? You're infringing on "it's" territory, no way this has gone unnoticed. Better address the issue with it before it decides to address this with you. .
1) Thoughts on this revised version of the LBRP? http://hermetic.com/osiris/nbrp.htm

I'm especially interested in the context of clearing an area (specifically, a room) of negative spiritual/metaphysical influences.

2) Thoughts on/experiences with Mugwort as an aid to lucid dreaming and astral travel? I've been having another surge of spontaneous experiences in this area, but they tend to be spotty and unreliable, I dropped into a herb shop the other day and while speaking to the guy there, the subject came up, and he recommended some mugwort.

I've been doing some reading and it sounds pretty safe, but I plan to start out slow - place some under the pillow for a night or two, then if things seem to be going well, try a tea. Depending on how that goes, I might try smoking it, either before sleep or during meditation.
I concur with Thoth on this one. Very clear what it is. Find out why on your own, kind of the point.

>the demons of the mountain screamed for their blood.

Yikes, especially after reading the material. The Demon of the mountain gets what he wants. Then again, hands stained with blood can't be raised against you.
>I'm especially interested in the context of clearing an area (specifically, a room) of negative spiritual/metaphysical influences.

Is that an orthodox thelemite thing? Clearing is clearing, if you frame it as negative forces...well, good luck.
This chart is awful
>Is that an orthodox thelemite thing? Clearing is clearing, if you frame it as negative forces...well, good luck.

I'm not involved in Thelema either way.

I'm framing it as negative in that it has a quantifiable negative effect. I know it's trendy to go all post-modern and try and transcend dualism and avoid ascribing moral labels to metaphysical forces and intelligences and all that, but sometimes an influence just isn't good for you and you just gotta kick it on the curb.

Obviously there's an inner process to match, otherwise the situation will simply recreate itself, but that's another discussion entirely and one I feel I have a firmer handle on right now.
No herb has ever helped me lucid dream harder than a bottle of fucking beer, and i hate drinking.

That's... odd. What brand of beer do you drink?
>I'm framing it as negative in that it has a quantifiable negative effect. I know it's trendy to go all post-modern and try and transcend dualism and avoid ascribing moral labels to metaphysical forces and intelligences and all that, but sometimes an influence just isn't good for you and you just gotta kick it on the curb.

My question is actually how do you know what has a negative effect? What is good for you? Particularly a priori. I can hear them laughing at you.

I'm really not interested in philosophical circle-jerks.

>I can hear them laughing at you.

You should talk to a shrink about that.

Self-serving twaddle.

>A thread or two ago I asked you why you thought mary as the woman in rev 12 was a bad reading,

Among other things, Revelation may predate the creation of the gospel narrative.

>meaning all the little poisonous miscreants spreading horseshit are on you.



Not particularly impressive.
Just wondering, what happened with Surgo?

He's around. Probably has better things to do, right now.
>Not particularly impressive.

Specific thoughts?

The "Yod-Heh-Vau-Heh" was particularly funny. Why? Are they Jewish? Why are they not using the actual name, instead of spelling it out like that?

It's a small thing, perhaps, but it's indicative of the depth of their understanding.

I know how to remove ego, I've been to the menog, what I want is whats best for mankind, an imp stands in my way and he needs to be removed, like I said it doesn't matter if he dies and I don't care that he does, he just needs to get out of my way so I can do good workings with the helm he has taken and has illegitimate claim to, he has bewitched it's owner
so ive been reading about the whole giant trees before the great flood thing, and somewhere in this article


the point is made that trees store information, and if youre 'sensitive' enough you can touch one and absorb the information. if this is true, i can see why if there were giant trees that there aren't now.

is this true? how do you... absorb information about the past from your surroundings?

How could anyone read that and think, yeah, these guys know the truth of it?

let me reword this:
How can I find out the identity of an entity?
How can I prove that someone is who it says it is?
Is there a way to get insights beyond a force's agenda behind the first impressions?
>How can I find out the identity of an entity?


>How can I prove that someone is who it says it is?

By using the appropriate signs or symbols.

>Is there a way to get insights beyond a force's agenda behind the first impressions?

Can you rephrase?

do we have anything that either Christ or Solomon were real living people?
"I don't understand geology, fossilization, or dendritic networks, but let me tell you about them anyway" the blogpost.

No, not really.

>mfw reading paper on 4chan in one tab and posting to 4chan in another

why are you reading a paper on 4chan? for school? why would a school waste time with this place?
The UN commissioned a study on /pol/'s effect on the internet.

awwww, so do you ever enjoy the art they present in Dag Hammarskjöld plaza?

not sure that 4chan really changed much considering it's just a newsgroup with photos and they've had something similar for decades

maybe it's the fact that so many people are now on the internet that makes it different.

free anonymous speech is the key, which is a constitutional right.
I probably would if I were anywhere near NY.

>"muh anonymous public free speech", he cried, from a private website with extensive rules governing what speech is allowed and what speech gets you the banhammer.

what speech gets you banned here? I haven't come across any yet and I'm not extremely familiar with that aspect, any public links to the study you're reading?
>what speech gets you banned here?
Literally any/everything that pisses off the janitorial or mod team.
Zoo, despite legality in some jurisdictions.
Go post "Some of you are pretty cool, don't go to [place] tomorrow." and see how long until you're banned for law violation.
Post a pony outside of /mlp/ with any comment on any board.
/pol/tard hard enough on any given board that's not /pol/, especially the slow special interest boards.
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Cease and desist.
i've gotten temp bans for surprisingly light shitposting on this board during periods where the janny was around and actually making attempts to crack down on board rules

technically, posting obviously off topic and/or obviously troll posts are bannable offenses on almost all boards.

The rare pepe collection at the back is fairly dank, btw.

it's all lobby groups and think tanks heading up this activity they're talking about

it's like they pay for the activity to occur so they can write a paper about it, they describe their own mentality in this document
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>[current year]
>not being a paid (((CFR))) shill on Palantir's payroll
Top zozzle.
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I'm to lazy and uneducated to read that. What's their conclusion?
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had to do it
That's an instant classic.



Figure 34 needs more Paul Ryan, perhaps?
Just started reading but the abstract tells me a lot about the researchers:

>Although it has been a part of the dark underbelly of the Internet

>We perform a quantitative case study of
’s attempt
to poison anti-trolling machine learning technology by altering the
language of hate on social media.

provide a mechanism for detecting attacks from
threads on
3rd party social media services.

They aren't even pretending to approach this from anything other than a college girl at war stance.

I know st. john of the cross wrote extensively on the dark night of the soul. So that might be a good starting point.
this is actually really fun to read though

I liked it. Basically confirms what we already knew.
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>Self-serving twaddle.

Why is that? Why not try it, it's rather simple, is it not? What do you think the outcome will be?

How are questions self-serving? Are all questions self-serving, or do some serve something else?
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>The "Yod-Heh-Vau-Heh" was particularly funny. Why? Are they Jewish? Why are they not using the actual name, instead of spelling it out like that?

??? GD manuscripts use this pronunciation for this particular ritual, what's wrong with it? For any other ritual, they used "jehova". It's there for a reason, I assume.


This is trash. The author doesn't even know what the lord's prayer is.

Holy shit this is real? Absolutely hilarious.
>??? GD manuscripts use this pronunciation

Okay. Which manuscripts?

>It's there for a reason, I assume.

Why assume anything?

Crowley apparently didn't spell it and he was in a position to either know or have a defensible argument:

>Okay. Which manuscripts?

Whatever manuscripts Regardie, Cicero, and Kraig had access to. I would rather read the source material myself, if I could. Regardie did include this pronunciation in his book "Ceremonial Magic" (which was written towards then end of his life), so I think there's a reason.

>Crowley apparently didn't spell it and he was in a position to either know or have a defensible argument

That's true. He was actually in the GD unlike Regardie. I was not sure if those pronunciations were elaborations from the OTO or from the man himself. I've worked with both before with similar results, so I am not sure which is better.

Eh. Yahweh is what I learned, so it's what I'd ordinarily teach.
>Eh. Yahweh is what I learned, so it's what I'd ordinarily teach.

There's a lot of conflicting arguments against using Yahweh or Jehovah. Regardie in other rituals uses, "yuh-hoh-voh". This is why I am rather curious as to why he used the letters, instead of the pronunciations. I think Crowley's pronunciation sounds more like the divine name than "Yahweh". It all boils down to preference, really.
>It all boils down to preference, really.

Yep, what works for you. There is no One True Way(tm).
>Why are they not using the actual name, instead of spelling it out like that?

It has a different meaning. You can only incorrectly apply a name to it, but you can describe its parts.
>There is no One True Way.

There is only the One True Way.

How do you exactly use symbols to make sure that a force aiding/interacting with you is, let's say, a determinate angel?

>Can you rephrase?
How can you know that when a spirit aids you, isn't really using you for something else or just having a laugh at you?
Sweet bubbling baby jebus is the way!
Dipshit, don't do anything that goes against your own morals and sense and you won't have to worry if it's having a laugh.

You used signs and symbols to call it, right?

You can't know you're not being used. You either want to play these games or you don't. If you're asking for things necessary for some higher calling ,then it should all be good, right?
>There is only the One True Way.

Not at all. There are many paths to take to scale the mountain. I'm beginning to doubt that summit ever ends, really.


>"Now there is an avenue of pylons (not one alone), steep after steep, carved from the solid rock of the mountain; and that rock is a substance harder than diamond, and brighter than light, and heavier than lead. In each pylon is seated a god. There seems an endless series of these pylons. And all the gods of all the nations of the earth are shown, for there are many avenues, all leading to the top of the mountain. Now I come to the top of the mountain, and the last pylon opens into a circular hall, with other pylons leading out of it, each of which is the last pylon of a great avenue; there seem to be nine such pylons. And in the centre is a shrine, a circular table, supported by marble figures of men and women, alternate white and black; they face inwards, and their buttocks are almost worn away by the kisses of those who have come to worship that supreme God, who is the single end of all these diverse religions. But the shrine itself is higher than a man may reach."

>"But the Angel that was with me lifted me, and I saw that the edge of the altar, as I must call it, was surrounded by holy men...One of them bends forward so that I may whisper the pass-word. The Angel prompts me to whisper: "There is no god." So they let me pass, and though there was indeed nothing visible therein, yet there was a very strange atmosphere, which I could not understand.
>"O thou that art so dull of understanding, when wilt thou begin to annihilate thyself in the mysteries of the Aethyrs? For all that thou thinkest is but thy thought; and as there is no god in the ultimate shrine, so there is no I in thine own Cosmos. They that have said this are of them that understood. And all men have misinterpreted it, even as thou didst misinterpret it. He says some more: I cannot catch it properly, but it seems to be to the effect that the true God is equally in all the shrines, and the true I in all the parts of the body and the soul."
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When you feel like this about literally everything and without magic
also looool no idea



get it
>The UN commissioned a study on /pol/'s effect on the internet.

I don't know what to think about this. Why would they waste resources in this?? Are they scared of some fascists surrounded by retards and kids (this is what /pol/ truly is),
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last post
shame that isn't pepe
you two totally ruined it
and yes, I am back
Didn't know who you were, I just wanted to see the "back" of her costume. But if you want last post and want to post something similar, or the back if it exists, go for it. I won't stop you this time.
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