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Draw requests from a spirit

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 224
Thread images: 78

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Greetings X.jpg
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I have developed a method similar to ouija that allows spirits to draw pictures. I have found a spirit that likes to draw with me. It is time to make draw requests and ask it questions. Ironically, it dislikes ouija boards so we can only ask it simple questions.

Pic: I asked it to make a greeting for X in 10 minutes or less.
Whats your favorite Sunday activity, spiritfriend?
Go outside and look at the moon. What phase is this supposed to be?
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Sunday activity.jpg
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Pic: favorite sunday activity
Playing music and cards to pass the time with your mates. I can dig it.
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Pic: moon phase tonight
Are you afraid of the dark?

OP you're a genius! However you do this, you are great. I want to axe it a question. Please oh senpai draw what is happening to my home town right now
You're not even trying. Moon is wrong. Look up.
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Spirit said no.

pic related
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someone's hometown.jpg
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Pic: your home town right now
You from Charlotte?
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It insists that it is right.

Pic: Spirit's reply

Good lord, the tsunami is happening and it even includes the exact time it started up there in the corner, in answer to my question, it says "@ 410".

See I was trying to create an event there and I was certain it had begun, and there we have it.

I am saving this drawing, thank you so much wizard senpai. The drawing looks like a meta-dimensional picture of my town, it has aspects of a physical depiction with a perspective transition into a map. It has a great deal of meaning to me.

You seem to have developed a totally transformative technology. This is really a picture of consciousness itself.

Whoever you are, you are amazing. You deserve the highest honors. Thank you so much. And a special thank you to the spirit, hi bro!
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Reply 2.jpg
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Spirit seems pleased

Pic: spirit's reply
What does rest look like, spiritamigo?
What's heaven like?

I love this. There is an infinite amount of information hidden in each of these. I don't know if the other people understand how rare of an opportunity they have right now to obtain one of these pictures.

It seems, in a sense, like you have perfected the sigil technique invented by Austin Osman Spare.
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Pic: rest
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I did not expect this...
It drew the picture super fast.
Afterward, I asked if it belived in heaven, it said no.

pic: heaven
Oh... another spirit barged in
OP these are rare and divine artworks, I love your spirit pal
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Heaven 2.jpg
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sometimes I get an intruder, my spiritfriend usually tells me afterwards.

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Reply 3.jpg
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Pic: Spirit's reply
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Reply 4.jpg
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Pic: Spirit's reply
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I asked it to draw a selfie.
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Selfie 2.jpg
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Pic: another selfie
OP and Spirit, thanks so much to both of you. These are some of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. I've had kind of an intense night so I'm going to bed now. Goodnight
Okay, could you ask your spirit friend what hell looks like? If he doesn't mind
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My spirit friend insisted on putting in more detail on this one. It dislikes hell a lot.

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jesus fucking christ op is literally drawing scribbles and you fucking ducks are thinking it's 'suprnatural!!!!".
Ask spirit if there is a Purgatory
If your "spirit" is real can it tell what my astrological sign is?
You didnt tell us what you do thats better then ouji board
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Reply 5.jpg
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Pic: reply
What the fuck else do you expect when this whole board is full of retards and underage faggots.
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Spirit says no purgatory

Pic: Puratory?
>spirit won't quit drawing stupid shit
spirit. im really afraid that im going to get seperated from my girlfriend because of illegal shit ive been doing. im also afraid that im going to get into serious trouble because of it. please let me know if everything is going to be okay for me.
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Spirit says god does not exist, because god is a perfect being and a perfect being does not exist.

Pic: The perfect being
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Spirit seems to think it won't work out, but isn't 100% sure

Pic: spirit's reply
If real, please send me a message. Im pretty confused right now about my life in general.

pic: astrological sign
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forgot pic
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Pic: spirit's message
Thank you
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Ruined message.jpg
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First time I asked for a message, it got interrupted by another spirit.

Pic: message with outside influence
Kinda unsettling the second image. Thank you.
I have a question: what does the spirit think about me?
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When I asked if it liked you, it said it doesn't dislike you.

Pic: you
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>Does it like me?
>Well...it doesn't dislike you
I'm planning on emigrating soon. Is everything going to work out for me?
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It says it should go well, but it also told me it would rather draw pictures than tel fortune.

Pic: the event
for some reason it decided to use blue, not sure why.
Thank you.
Pic:I asked the spirit to draw whatever it wanted.
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forgot the pic
Is the spirit actually Boingo's stand?
You have a lot of free time dont you ?
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I'm going to sleep soon, I have a little time left.
The spirit says it isn't boingo's stand.

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good night.jpg
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forgot pic again, I ought to be asleep.
Really intrigued by this technique, I'd like to ask the spirit to help me out on a decision i'm dealing with right now. Its been bothering me for a while and I don't know which to pursue
Ask him if he can draw what's on my left
ttfw i used to scribble in middle school too
what am I doing tonight?

by the way OP this thread is amazing. really really interesting as well as just different from anything I've ever seen. the spirit with you seems like a good friend to have.
what do I look like?
What can you tell for me Mr. Spirit?
Thank you
What does your spirit friend have to say about the universe? This is deeply personal question. (hello spirit, you guide the hands quite nicely =)
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Op I know you probably went to bed but when you get up tomorrow and wake up can you tell us how you summoned cool spirits to draw?

Also spirit Sendai I know you dislike telling fortunes but can you tell me how I will die? Also draw your favorite thing :D

Sorry I'm on my phone!
You're probably asleep, and have a big backlog of questions already, but could you ask your spirit friend to draw /my/ spirit friend? I want to see how another spirit interprets him.
The hanged man has a lot of esoteric significance
what number does my house have?
I mean what street number does it have! good morning to you whan you wake up.
This is a pretty fun concept, OP. Sure, they might be simple, scribbled drawings and there's some naysayers in the thread, but I like this! I wanna give it a go!

I only hope you'll find time and an opportunity to draw my question: What will I dream the next time I fall asleep?
Hey there anon and spirit buddy! Really cool concept and teamwork. There are a bunch of comments and requests ahead of me, so you don't have to address this if you don't feel like it.
Might as well throw this out there though: I'm an artist, and I'm working on a suite of new abstract paintings. If you would like to collaborate, please share an image or images! I would be delighted to work with you.
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Hello again X I'm back to fill out more spirit draw requests.

Pic: I asked the spirit to draw a concert.
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Advice-spirit friend.jpg
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I have two pictures for this one. the first is from my spirit friend and the second is from a spirit that it likes but I don't really know anything about.

Pic: Spirit friends response
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Advice-unknown spirit.jpg
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Other spirit's response.
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on his left.jpg
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Pic: whatever is on your left
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Spirit friend drew two pictures for this one.

Pic: what you are doing tonight
Fake or not it's still interesting.
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Pic: spirit's reply?
Ask it to draw my soul.
Hey Op ask him to draw his feelings on the US election

Pic: you
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already forgetting pics tonight
Ask the spirit to draw what I truly am in the color of night.
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message 2.jpg
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Pic: message from spirit friend
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Pic: the universe.

Pic: nature of the universe
This is the first picture I drew with my spirit friend. It wanted me to share it with you.
It says it is tied closely to the nature of the universe.
Spirit friend, do you like the night sky?
Hi senpai and ghost-senpai! I am so big fan. This whole thread needs to be saved in an album or something, you are legend.

this reminds me of a comic I read where God was a little girl

Anyway, if I can do another request today... I would love it if you guys could draw... "the story that's unfolding right now"
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Can he draw my face ?
I'm worried that I'm a "blank". What spirit will communicate with me?
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favorite thing.jpg
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Essentially, I crafted a ouija board specifically for drawing on with options such as color selection, approval/disapproval, done with picture, and the like. I made a cursor with a spot to hold. Like I said, it's similar to ouija.

My spirit friend told me it doesn't want to answer the fortune.

Pic: spirit friend's favorite thing.
Could you draw an imaginary thing for me? Draw the rain god :)
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another spirit.jpg
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Pic: your spirit friend


*Spot to hold a pen, not a spot to hold.
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street number on house.jpg
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Pic: street number
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next dream.jpg
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Pic: next dream

can you ask the spirit to draw me a mask representative of my spiritual self?

I dunno if the spirit can even know another person out of the blue or not, but it'd be interesting to see what develops anyways.

failing that, just a cool mask is fine
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My sign is Scorpio and I guess that tail looking thing could be a stinger. Might be a coincidence though but that's pretty cool.
>that post time

well shit, I sure am hype now
really interesting. thank you OP and spirit!

me too I hope he does it.
OP and spirit, it's the guy who asked about what I was doing tonight again. Would you guys be able to describe what's outside of my window right now? Just thought I'd like to see another drawing again. Cheers
Scorpio best sign m8.

On topic, can you ask him if he is a demon? and what he thinks about Jesus?
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collaboration sounds like fun. My spirit friend seems to really like the idea too.

Pic: Inspiration as a concept
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Yes it is, Aries is pretty top-tier too though. Thanks OP for drawing my request, have a bump.
Ask the spirit how he's feeling.
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some soul.jpg
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Pic: your soul

Not the querent but ahahaha oh my god this is great
Your soul is pepe.
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It has strong disapproval towards the election.

Pic: the election

Donald Trump as angelic figure in the middle (has penis) being bitten by deranged leviathan-like hagbeast Hillary
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color of night.jpg
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Pic: what you truly are in the color of night.
If you still have time tonight, can you ask your Friend how I'm going to die?

Haha he's a plant
Nevermind, I see that question has already been addressed

Oh my God, and the lesser angel behind him is the conservative republicans biting him in the back

this confirms all of my views
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night sky.jpg
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It likes the night sky, but no more than any other sky.

Pic: night sky
Will it give us a self-portrait?
Spirit-kun, show me the Atlas gate please.
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Pic: the story that's unfolding right now.

That is mega tits thank you so much spirit and mortal slave, I love you guys. I appreciate the huge effort you are making and this is great
Please will you ask the spirit if it is tied to any other worlds besides this one?
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your face.jpg
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Pic: your face

AHAHAHAHA first that guy's soul was pepe and now this
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my spirit friend says you aren't a blank.

Pic: spirit that would communicate with you.
This is terrific, thank you both!
ask him to draw Astarte

haha, you're going to channel Tintin
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Rain god.jpg
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rain god
Pretty accurate i must say
Exactly what I thought!

Thank you so much Jesus and holy spirit
Hello spirit! Can you tell me if I'm doing the right thing in my life? Thank you!
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Pic: mask of spirit self
can you tell me if i have fucked up my life?
How many towers does my house have?
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There's a lot to love in these pieces!
And I especially love the style!

Could you ask your spirit friend to draw Ganondorf from The Legend of Zelda?

If they'd be able to answer, could you also ask your what are their thoughts on him?
Can you tell me what will happen to my grandma, and if she dies am i going to be able to talk to her?
*...also ask your spirit friend what...
If you are still taking requests I would love to ask a question.

Could spirit friend draw the thing that I love most?
Also some advice from your spirit friend would be nice.. Is music worth pursuing anymore? Thank you so much for this thread
Can you ask spirit buddy to please draw my friend from my dreams that I haven't seen for a long time?
Does he know him by chance?
I miss him...
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Pic: outside your window
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cool spirt, a little question how old are you if you can remember?
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It says it isn't a demon. It seems pretty neutral about Jesus.


Spirit friend says he's feeling okay.

Pic: how it's feeling
it's interesting to see this guys thoughts. i a window either into a guy on drugs or a sober crazy guy or a spirit. either way is fascinating
ask him why im god?
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self portrait.jpg
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My spirit friend says it doesn't want to tell, It said for me to tell you "poppy". no idea why.


Pic: self portrait
Gorgeous! :)

Still doing more?
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Atlas gates.jpg
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pic: The Atlas gate
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My spirit friend says it is tied to another realm.

Pic: other realm.
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someone find the closest solar system that looks like this stat! we need to find were this cool dude lives!!!
Many thanks to you and the spirit. Does the spirit know whether I am on the correct path or if I need to change direction?
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Pic: Astarte
If you're still doing this, could you kindly ask your spirit if I messed with the timelines?
I'm actually bound to a willing spirit who wishes to spend more time with me. The problem is he keeps getting dragged back to the other side and is having trouble keeping a stable connection while here. How can he fix or at least improve things?

Deals and gambling failed (personally I thought they would fail but he would not listen.) and he is getting frustrated. He doesn't want me to die yet, either.
why am i god?
Can you ask to draw the sigil and his opinion on her?
By that i mean Astarte's sigil
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Advice 2.jpg
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My spirit friend says you could be doing better but what you are doing should work out.

Pic: Advice

lo i dont know how to interpret this
Ask your spirit friend How can I work with my ancestors to learn from where I come, to learn from the past and understand, and fight agaisnt forgetfulness.
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my spirit friend says it doesn't want to say


Spirit says zero


My spirit friend says it doesn't like him because he's the bad guy.

Pic: Ganondorf
it says no, fool
but ganondorfs the secret good guy
for the gerudos tho, not white aryans like link
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It refuses to answer.


It says music is worth pursuing.

Pic:The thing you love most
Could I see a picture of my death?
tell your ghost god,me, is mad because it ignored me and im coming for it now
spirit confirmed white? probably male
no way to assume gender, but it's a white spirit
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It says it's about a century old.


It says you aren't god and it also says "because not of cattle."


I'm going to sleep soon so probably not for a few days. I'm busy the next 3 days.


It says it would rather not answer.


It says you did not.


Spirit says it doesn't want to help you, but wants me to help you. I'm not 100% confident in my abilities but I have a fair bit of experience. could you tell me more?


It says it doesn't really know Astarte that well.

Pic: Astarte's sigil
It said it had to ask another spirit for the sigil
i am god tho, you're just insane
>It says you did not.
Thanks I was concerned about this sudden changes and difficulties on my way. Bless you both and have a good sleep.
Op if you're still here can you ask spirit friend what it thinks of my dad?
Can you ask this one, please?
Also, if you want ask it whats the opinion of my ancestors on me.
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message 3.jpg
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Pic: message from my spirit friend to you.

Night guys. I'm probably not gonna be back for 3 days and i don't expect this thread to survive. My spirit friend really liked drawing those pictures and seems disappointed that it won't draw any more tonight. I had a good time with you guys and i plan to have more in the future. over and out.
The choice I had was between two women actually, right now the pics don't make a bit of sense but I'll try my best to interpret them, thanks spirit friends :)
why am i so bad at escaping my current reality of trying to escape reality, ending up in a continuous loop of escaping realities?
Thanks! I like this so far. I'll work on the painting today and post progress this evening.
no for what? lol
Idk what to ask, I find spirits really interesting. This is so cool. Maybe you could ask, what I have in store for my life? Whats going to happen? Idk... Thankyou :)
Is it angry at me?
Could the spirit also draw my astrological sign?
Sorry, for hijacking the thread.

I was just wondering how i got on to a quest for truth, ending up with me locked in my own tower, neither able to deal with reality or truth.

and turning hostile towards the world?
i used to draw w spirits a lot
they made me a better artist
and they would draw me a lot
so i drew a lot of self portraits
they don't really draw w me anymore
Yo, take a video of the spirit drawing stuff
i think he means it's just him drawing possessed by a spirit
ask spirit how to heal self hate or something to that nature. I just want to be loved yo
Thank you for sharing with me and thank your spirit friend for showing me the universe too. Let them know I think they are really good at drawing, brought tears to my eyes. I once had a spirit friend too and I miss her a great deal.
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<3 I feel ya spirit peep. Say hi to K for me if you see her.
Hi Op and Spirit I'm a fan of auto-drawing as well and I was wondering if Spirit would like to draw with me some time?

Also, would Spirit tell or draw it's name for us?
People hate my writing, so will just post an update
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I-is that pepe?
where is the other anon? I want to see if ghost friend guessed this one :c
Thanks for the answer, anon and spirit friend. Would it like to draw with me some time?
Thanks spirit bro, you seem a nice guy!! Your art is pretty interesting and this particular one is like relaxing (cannot really explain it).

Awesome! Thank you, and to your spirit friend!

I'd love to redraw this when I have some free time on my hands. Saving for future use!
Hey OP, hey spirit, I hope you guys are stills answering questions, could you please ask the spirit friend how does it see my mind and thoughts? Are they dark? Also as it is a white spirit, how can I stop seeing everything so negatively and scape "depression"?
Could you ask the spirit what my future looks like thanks!
He died going to check his own street number

too bad he didn't listen
this is amazing, thanks OP and spirit
love this thread. thank you OP and spirit. looking forward to future threads!
can ur pal draw what im currently eating?
Ah yes, I see it now. The lightning is true enough. The being at the bottom is my dog, of course.

Tell the spirit "may the Great Owl watch over you"
Ask if your spirit can see the future of my country.
What is my purpose in life spirit-bro?
OP ask spirit if my death will be spectacular.
This one is giving me extremely weird vibes. I feel like I'm missing something obvious.
Can you draw my bestfreind?
Bump. Starting the painting now
The Great Owl.
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2MB, 2877x3891px
Progress so far
Looks like a dog just slid it's ass all over a canvas.
I love this thread and would like to request spirit to draw a team sport
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Could you ask the spirit what my future looks like thanks!
can you ask the spirit to draw what I'm doing?
ask the spirit if I'll pass my entrance exams and which ones XD
Thread posts: 224
Thread images: 78

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