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Does anyone here have any experience with talismans, especially

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Does anyone here have any experience with talismans, especially the creation of them?
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Talismans not important.
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I fucking love this thing. I'm gonna get one for kicks if I can. Nice trips btw. I've made a few. Its really just creating something from the heart and putting your intent into ever aspect of its creation. First realize what you want to make it for. Then choose a design/ material. It doesn't have to be overly complicated. Just go with what feels right. Do research. Using a time honored system is ok too. It all comes down to what you want it to be really.
So, what talismans have you made then?
I made one once as an exercise and really enjoyed it. Like anon above says, put your heart and intent into every aspect of it.

Source the material from someplace that has meaning for you. Like a stone from a wild beach, somewhere with a strong energy. Gather it at a special time, a full moon, dawn, an equinox, etc. Carry it in a pouch you have made for this purpose alone. Collect related things for a creation ceremony. Things which carry some essence of what it is you are making the talisman for; 'correspondencies' can be useful. For example, if you are making a talisman for strength, have things around which signify strength. These are reminders for your psyche, so have to have meaning for you. A piece of oak or steel, a toy Jedi, whatever brings to mind your goal. I'm not that keen on working with traditional correspondencies, plants, colours etc, though some are useful if they have meaning for you.

Pick a time to do a ceremony. Learn as much as you can about ceremony and invocation beforehand. Acknowledge the presence of the angel of [your goal] and allow yourself to feel it (don't worry if you don't feel it). Angels carry the template or essence of ideas and forms. So there is an angel of strength, which can help you bring the energy you want into your talisman. Be aware that we are all receiving and transmitting the energy of life and our own thoughts and feelings all the time. All you have to do is bring your focus to the energy and essence of your goal and allow that energy to be present within your field and radiate out to your talisman. Also, make sure you are also allowing the energy to flow out through your root or feet. Don't focus on the talisman and forget to clear yourself. Enjoy.
Hunting Britbong anon here.

I make Talismans of Yew and Oak, and even of deer horn for good luck charms when I go hunting.

I mark them with either Runic symbols such as those for Wodan. ( see pic related ) or as tribute to Herne the Hunter.

I often burn the Talismans and make new ones on the Summer Equinox, as tribute to the wild hunt.
I like how most Thai amulets are made of clay, this makes it possible to mix in plant and gem powders and stuff.
This just prompted me to binge uncles best moments. JCA is goat tier /x/ children's entertainment
Yew Oak and Deer Antler are very particular materials because they represent the gods respectively.

It's simple tools that ensure good luck. Mistletoe is also good for warding away evil spirits, because it's said to be poisonous to them.

Iron Talismans are also good for that.
I made this one not too long ago out of an African dream seed to help protect me and keep my mind on the dreamscape. I'd show a pic of my old one but it got lost on a camping trip. Fell right off. I was very upset. Carried it for years.
Nice. I could get into that. Pisses me off that anything of earth and spirit has been hijacked by vegan new agers.

What and where and how do you hunt anon?
Would this practice work the same way if I wanted to make a bad luck/health or other negative object?
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In principle, assuming it actually works. Thing is, if you screw it up you're liable to curse yourself or advantage an enemy. Maybe practice with something innocuous until you now what you're doing. You edgy teenager.

Lucky sevens. Do YOU have any experience?
Unfortunately no. I've been composing ingredients list for both a protection talisman and a wealth talisman, but that's it. I don't really have the privacy or space to actually make them as of now.
That was meant as a reply to you, forgot to reply to your comment.
Yes. Literally that's why people hate witches because they can curse livestock or families even through placing talismans on their property.
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Ok nigga let me e plain this shieeet. All shit emits fucking vibration energy stereometric shit, m'kay. Your brain is the most powerfull transmitter and receiver of those frequencies known even to fucking aliens. Now listen how to usecthis shit to make magic stuff. Around you therecisxlike a cloud of all the vibrations of all the shit that you want and fear and think about. If you look at some shit focused, you know just observing for as little as 17seconds you're going to add that shit to your cloud. But if while putting your attention to an object you think about some shit you add that vibe to that object. If you do this with strong emotions and/or repeat the same thought pattern while focused on the object it is going to get strong and its going to influence you back with the same thought pattern that you programmed. As we know thoughts create reality so a change of thinking due to being in the viscinity of such talisman is going to change shit in your life. crystaline stuff works best. The most powerfull one i've ever made is one of my first, and a very simple one - its just a rock that i keep in my pocket all day and near my bed at night and everytime i touch it i think about all the things that i love about life and im gratefull for. Try to make a gratefullness talisman like that, and let someone on acid hold it, they explode with happiness everytime apparently for some reason. Shit is funny to watch but sometimes you might get problems getting the stone back because they are going to love itcso much
S'all good. Dude knows.
This git dudes it.
looks almost like "priest"
Anyone who has any experience with Thai amulets?
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