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Eerie images

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Thread replies: 337
Thread images: 144

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Post pictures that aren't really scary or disturbing but give off an uneasy or creepy feeling.
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nice res
I guess these guys don't get out much.
super spooks for ants

super spooks for people who are afraid of buildings
there's a bathroom in my school in the back of the boy's gym locker room that, because of the air vents, has this low hum and there's this area where the sink is and the mirror was taken off the wall so all that was there on the wall above the sink was black paint[?] sloppily covering the area where the mirror used to be and that sink area in particular is rather dark even if the bathroom's lights were on and once my friend just stood in front of the sink and just stared at the wall, with the low humming in the bg, and he was like "god damn this shit's gives off bad vibes"
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That blue point is the earth. In that little thing is everything ever existed to us.
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Who tooked da foto? Czechm8
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Sphere cucks are what scare me
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There's a unicorn in the window... and he wants BLOOD
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Alienbros who did it for NASA.
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Oh k that's kind of unsettling, then.
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A satellite, dont remember full backstory.
Actually, it's most likely a satellite image. But the thought of alienbros doing science shit every once in a while for NASA and asking only doughnuts in return is kind of nice to me.
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nice b8 m8

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O fuk
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What is this?
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a building in china
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im all out, hope you anons enjoy my pictures, have a nice day
That's a photofunia filter
Thanks for your contribution, anon.
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My TV randomly froze on this like 10 minutes ago, what the fuck do?
That's terrifying holy fuck
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Looks like Frank the Deaf Albino Germophobic Farmer is gonna get ready to turn the soil for this year's planting.
no it isnt, its a johannesburg ghetto
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she claims to be female but im not sure
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Nice pic fgt....next time make sure your "original content" cant be image searched back to 2014...

Just remember, people like you are what make /x/ as cancerous as /b/.
This is both scary and disturbing to me.
I remember some place had some artsy thing that was basically a small mountain of shredded tires that you could touch. It was pretty cool man.
it's the watcher!

another /who/re on /x/?
Nah, I think it's the /pol/tards. The "Scary Images" thread went to shit fast when this closet case krautfag went apeshit about "muh heritage."
Kek im in that thread
Gon' die tonight
Smash the TV
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Oh yeah? Me too. Well, was for a while though. The Krautfag gave me a migraine. All I wanted was some entertaining shit and this fucker had to ruin it. I'm thinking to myself: maybe if he finally got a cock up his ass, he'd calm down. Whatever.

Posting pic related to add to the thread.
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These aren't spoopy, they're comfy.
>gon' die tonight.
Jontron possessed the TV. Obviously.
Graffiti artist here.Train tracks and train yards at night/early morning can be creepy as fuck. I was painting a piece at the entrance of a tunnel and had stones thrown at me from further in, then heard footsteps coming towards me..I didn't bother finishing.

Thinking about it, why the fuck would a random tunnel be haunted? Doesn't make any sense to me.
Well maybe a bunch of kids were in there drawing crap on the walls and were run over or something, and now they stick around to warn others who are drawing on walls that death is imminent.
>Shake the camera taking a picture of a dark hallway.
>scary as fuck
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tubular wave brah
oh boy a professional vandal. thanks for making our inner cities look even more shit than they ever needed to be.
Rubber part 2, vengeance is theirs.
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The anti-cunt spirit attacked you. Stop vandalizing the city. Cunt.
Goosebumps watching this, its perfect.
Thats pretty cool, survival of the fittest eh?
Was orbitting jupiter in the 80s, carl sagan suggested they take a picture of earth from there. It could have been decades before they get another opportunity.
What's the back story of this pic again? No, I'm not talking about the blood pool creepypasta, I mean the actual back story.
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I'll dump a few.
I reverse-searched the image and all I could find was more info on Zoroastrian towers of silence, which is what that Creepypasta is about. Was that the actual backstory?
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take a look at that unicorn in the top right
for some reason this reminds me of half life 2.
demonic alligator ritual
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it's pretty obvious, you gon' die tonight
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Cool grille. Anyone know what kind of car that's from?
Is that the living forest from Mortal Kombat 2?
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That's like Sanitarium on PC
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The old Iranian religion known as Zoroastrianism didn't believe in burying their death but exposing them to the elements for things such as Vultures to come eat them. This I guess is a place where they would leave them.
Berlin after being destroyed
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Only pic ITT that fits OP's description
Which pixel is the unicorn?
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For some reason this photo always creeps me out...
backstory for this is that the suns rays reflected off of the voyager 1 spacecraft and it took a picture which just so happened to have earth barely visible in the right side beam of light. the voyager 1 is the only manmade spacecraft to venture out the furthest in our galaxy.
Gas yourself agent of Zion, it's your only hope of escaping my Aryan wrath.

It's not China.

It's a housing project in South Africa.

So scary.
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Only scary thing Doctor Who ever produced.
Start shopping for a new TV, of course.
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That's an iconic statue in Stalingrad you dipshit.
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I caught a ghost! Afterlife confirmed
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>Tfw we couldn't find the grim reaper's gold
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did the TV make a ecccccccccccccch sound
>that entire thread

Jesus Christ

I thought it couldnt get worse after Nick Bate masturbating in his own shit
i see anime
I..I don't want to be raped.. again ;_;
It's the Ponte City apartments in Africa.
Is this from a Death Grips video?
wtf i cant fall asleep now
What the fuck.
Why did someone take the time to put a low-opacity iraqi suitor in that window.
/a/ is retarded.
You do not know fear until you've had this happen to you in real life. I used to live innawoods and I walked outside one day to see something similar. They were so used to me that they didn't startle, they just started at me curiously. I went to light a cigarette, and a few of them came closer. I said, "nope, not dealing with this shit today," threw out my smoke and went back inside.
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dear god the smell at the bottom must be unbearable
Probably not as bad as the smell at the top, though, where the transitory winds of the cinders converge
nice skateboard
is this from the sniffles video?
man idk thats pretty cool if you ask me
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turtle man confirmed
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I prefer the webm version. the last half with the poem is pretty shitty and atmosphere breaking
What is that?
see >>17880138
It looks like a dog penis
The vodacom tower in joburg.
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Is this a ylyl thread now?
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Imagine those floating slowly towards you
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fuck off reddit
A guy wrote out an entire paragraph on an obviously photoshopped image

The smell at your bottom must be terrible, m8.
I kinda want to put my hand in that...
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u WOT.jpg
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now im spoopd

It's from this

The first image in this thread to actually disturb me, oddly enough.
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haha not today motherfuckers!
i know this feel, when some animals dont give a fuck that we consider ourselves to be highest on the foodchain.

they just are like, what? youre a weird soft skinned pink ape? fek off
yeah that shits beautiful, would love to live there.
unsettling is the best way.
this got me.
i dont like when nature reclaims shit.
makes me feel like a future dinosaur, ya feel.
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It's been said before, but a horror game, or any game for that matter would be awesome if it took place in a building like that.
FUUUUCK YOOOOOOOOOOOOUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
is this st. louis, castlewood?
Yep. Lots of ruins.
noice bro, im a st. louis fag, will go there again.
almost got arrested there.
>that sideshow bob
Brilliant detail.
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Shitty oc
Had to crop the picture cause it was over 4 mb

Grow the fuck up.

You have your images mixed up. It's the other version of that pic that's photoshopped.
How is spaghetti in a condom disturbing?
I saw it.
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I used to go there every weekend to hike when I lived in Ballwin. A lot of the ruins are just off the trails; used to be a mountain resort IIRC.
Also there's was something about a non- abandoned cabin or whatnot in the middle of nowhere. Also really close to Zombie Rd.
super scary for people scared of blurry pics.
I don't get it, what is creepy or whatever with that image? And have you got a higher res of it?
I've walked those stairs in a dream once.
an autistic hollywood actress? seems legit
Don't you hate on Roon-Roon
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silent hill 4 cynthia vibes
Me too. People on the ride wouldn't know about the twisting, looping metal columns and beams as they hurtle along the track at 80 mph in the dark.

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spooky tampon man
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plans in paris is to make the city look like that in 2020-2030 , maybe there is hope after all
Furry spotted
Sounds like me and your mother having sex
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Inside Hoover Dam?
Odin above. Save up and buy a fursuit, please. I'd rather be molested by a stuffed animal than... This...
>Tunnel was dug through a haunted crypt/indian burial ground/devil's stomping ground
>Someone died horribly, run over by a train or something
>Witch was running late and put a curse on the entire city metro
But seriously, a bunch of news outlets picked up the story as if it were real.
How do they intend to put all that on top of centuries-old buildings without destroying them?
New structure to hold the top?
Anyone know the story behind this? I reverse image searched it but just found a bunch of pages of "creepy photos" and no real explanation.
then who was phone?
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Are you sure about that, anon? ;-;
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I heard the plane fall. It make no sense. It was clear that it had just fallen here, but it was very old, and obviously hadn't flown in decades.
Why do I get the feeling that is from an old dr who episode?
Lincoln, maybe buick.
because >>17881277
Poor girl. Really feel bad for her. she should've gotten the help she needed.
Who is she?

Anneliese Michel, German girl who got exorcised ~ 70 times and died as a result. Thats what fuckin Catholic belief gets you. A deadly exorcism instead of antipsychotics and therapy she needed
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I took this picture in the Boston Subway in one of the shittier places. I wish the guy wasn't there but I still wanted to show the right side
anyone of you has seen the webm of the guy who pulled a post in his rectum? it went mostly by the name shitpost.webm. this would be next level post.
>Forest temple
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Dog looking at door.jpg
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Poor thing, that's so sad.
Fuck you how do I get back up if I fall down there?
The photoshopped version had a naked guy wearing dog ears instead of the furry. That one he posted is the real one. That guy wasted his college funds on that stupid fursuit and a bag of kibble. That's why his parents look pissed.
You don't.
>muh /pol/ boogeyman
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Have you tried turning it off and turning it back on?
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I have no idea what this is.
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explanate pls
Ok my interest has peaked. Whats going on here?
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So /x/, suppose only one of these fags appear in the room you are in and you have to get out. How do you, or do you fail?
I get that it's spooky, but that would be a shitty way to die. Alone on the moon as your entire world is destroyed in front of your eyes, shit would fucking suck yo.
Spaghetti condom, that IS pretty weird. Imagine putting that on your dick [spoiler] haha [/spoiler]
what's the source on this?
I've never seen a live giant squid photographed underwater
except that japanese one but it wasnt that big.
If there were a decent wifi and drinkable water there, I would grow some vegetables and live there on my own to never go back to civilization again.
Wifi is part of civilization. I know what you're trying to say, it's just that it doesn't make sense. If the only reason you know how to fend for yourself is your Wifi connection, that's your connection to civilization.
Id love that sign
Obviously the tunnel snakes ghosts thought your art was as queer as you are & decided to chase you off.
wow a little pickaninny
Reminds me of death wish. I forget which one.
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cheers Viola.jpg
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fun fact the inner courtyard of this building is FILLED with trash up to like the third floor because the residents just throw their shit out the inside windows.

Commie architects didnt think it through.
the stalker games have complex buildings in similar aesthetic that can build a pretty strong sense of dread
looks like a microwaved barbie doll desu
me from india
not my toiley
observe closely teh lines fullscreen and its not gif
Just shitposting
the last thing you hear , ya hyuck with a bunch of reverb
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uhh? i don't understand.
also, satan trips
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I am help
marabou storks. those things are rough
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wow imagine trying to climb that

it would be very tyre-ing
I researched that once. It's an image from a German atlas on forensic medicin, basicly just a huge picture book of suicide, murder, dismemberment.
None of this pictures has much of a backstory. Here an unmarried woman killed all her children and then herself. It's in the chapter on strangulation and hanging.
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>"scary" thread
I know what you mean i liked the dark water remake because it had a building with a similar atmosphere
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Now that just makes me want to go in
Just fucking take it and live in the stone age or whatever
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Dude, right!
Blink one eye at a time. You'll be fine.
Never been able to find the story behind this picture. Anyone mind elaborating?
With those quads anything is possible
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Really reminds me of that chapter in World War Z, the one from the Pilot's point of view when she wipes out between baton rouge and lafayette. How sees all the cars that were on the highways and roads rusted shut, with the forest reclaiming some of em.
This is probably in Brazil, and as a brazilian that pic does make me anxious. You'd certainly be mugged if you walked through a street like that alone at night.
that's disgusting
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Are streets that well-lit in the city you live?

I'm brazilian too and this is what streets here look like at night. Now this... this is fucking scary...
Remember, kids: shaky blurry = super scary.
is that young benedict cumberbotch?
Waltz With Bashir?

frankly, i find your response disturbing
Did chris evans make that sign?
Its some chinese artist, heres link

>that guy displaying his waifu out his window for everyone to see
Underrated by all the yanks in here
>France looking like that in 2020-2030 when it's literally blacked.com the European country

Look more towards Zimbabwe and you might be onto something.
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How so? Because the last images focus on earth?
Would you rather the last images focus on some barren fucking planet that isn't your goddamn home?
What a dismissive comment.
File: maxresdefault.jpg (128KB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
128KB, 1920x1080px
Album cover.
Tunnel Snakes rule
got a link or a name for this book?
Still dont see anything or understand it
This reminds me of the town in dragonball that Goku and Bulma meet Oolong in

also cool picture thanks for sharing anon
dwarven spider
Black paint, lol. It's a adhesive glass and mirror dudes use to hang shit.

Not the other but I have them bookmarked. I think one is in English and one is in German.


>dat file name

you're in luck senpai


>basing your city off of Naboo from episode 1

way to make Paris the laughing stock of the world guys
them squitos
File: 1461470107459.png (4MB, 1507x1547px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 1507x1547px
I'm sorry
Is this a "post random images that have nothing to to with /x/, this thread, or your post" thread? Or an eerie image thread? Cause the majority of these pics dont have anything to do with anything
I find this one particularly disturbing because I know a room just like that.
File: 2yxy524m.jpg (2MB, 1600x1067px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1600x1067px
Saw what?
File: flooded.jpg (539KB, 2144x1424px) Image search: [Google]
539KB, 2144x1424px
/diy/ here. Dumping some of bunkeranons stuff for you.
File: Deathbridge.png (2MB, 1916x1091px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1916x1091px
File: Frameing for concrete.jpg (564KB, 2656x1494px) Image search: [Google]
Frameing for concrete.jpg
564KB, 2656x1494px
File: Deathladder.png (2MB, 730x1141px)
2MB, 730x1141px
File: Blast tunnel.jpg (483KB, 1571x1046px) Image search: [Google]
Blast tunnel.jpg
483KB, 1571x1046px
File: Blast valves.jpg (285KB, 1012x1031px) Image search: [Google]
Blast valves.jpg
285KB, 1012x1031px
File: buddys.jpg (182KB, 869x1044px) Image search: [Google]
182KB, 869x1044px
File: rennovations.jpg (139KB, 2125x1195px) Image search: [Google]
139KB, 2125x1195px
File: Laser sharks.jpg (463KB, 2144x1424px) Image search: [Google]
Laser sharks.jpg
463KB, 2144x1424px
And that's it.
That's a wheely big pile.
File: 1397579690703.jpg (7KB, 181x191px)
7KB, 181x191px
>buildings that tall and heavy in Paris
You're a liar.
File: looking for david fincher.jpg (56KB, 350x480px) Image search: [Google]
looking for david fincher.jpg
56KB, 350x480px
>not liking rooney
Arise Lincoln
Flight of Fear. Great ride. Kinda thought it would be spookier with Aliens or whatever but that didn't happen.
Thread posts: 337
Thread images: 144

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