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/div/ - divination general

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Thread replies: 297
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Welcome to Divination General!

Come here for readings and discussion of theory/practice.

If you're new, please read the STICKY first!

Thoth, a /div/ reader, made his own tarot and rune guide that he'd like to share to everyone:

Remember, each reader requires different information to read you. Look for their posts in the thread to determine what's needed.
Some readers will refuse to do certain readings-- respect that choice.

>Querents: respect your readers and your fellow querents.
>Readers: respect your querents and your fellow readers.

IRC channel for discussion:

Previously on /div/:
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Chironymous here, eventually doing I-Ching readings for whoever I can whenever I'm around, so definitely check back for a reply!

I just need positive input*** to heal my wounds so that I may help others... and as much or as little of the following as you're comfortable giving me:

***Post something friendly, cheerful, helpful, upbeat, encouraging, caring, positive, or the like
*Description of yourself
I'll be doing a few readings while I get ready for bed. I wish I could do more, but Sunday night and all I that
>description and defining feature
>colour shape combo

Hey CHIR, good to see you again man. I keep thinking "I should post my photo too like CHIR" but then I remember all my photos are easily traced back to me haha
Hi! Ahahaha.
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Hi you could call me Anne. I'm a virgo. I'm Southern. I really have an issue. I want to reach my full potential so I can be with my dream guy. What is the best way to unlock my potential? and also is he even my dream guy or will I be satisfied settled?

I'm sorry I realize this is two questions. I guess if I'd have to choose the first is more important to me.
The answer to your first question:

The hexagram for "Limitations":

Waters difficult to keep within the Lake's banks:
The Superior Person examines the nature of virtue and makes himself a standard that can be followed.

Self-discipline brings success; but restraints too binding bring self-defeat.


Cultivating the proper disciplines and the proper degree of discipline are the concerns of this hexagram. By limiting options, you may give more attention to priorities. One who is all over the map is no less lost than one without a map. Avoid asceticism, however. Deprivation is not wise discipline. The key here is regulation, not restriction.
That's really interesting. My friend and I explored alternate timelines that existed /aside/ ours, independently. We found that they were their own, vast, alternate universes. They only differed depending on one or two factors, we concluded. For example, if the universe was more like Cancer, instead of Sagittarius. Some had giant monsters with dark skies; a barely developed society. Some had green skies, an orange sun, more advanced technology, and they could see eachother's thoughts in their classrooms (more like Cancer instead of Sagittarius). Some were extremely far ahead in technology, and were far more utopian than our society's.

Many times, however, the alternate worlds would get weak, start to fall about, and eventually crash into ours. The alternate selves would end up getting stuck in our universe (instead of completely melding), because we were aware of them. They were floating around us, in the equivalent planes they had; their world was structured entirely different, but similar to ours, so they weren't on our plane. We had to use our intuition to see them, but it was pretty obvious they were there if you looked for it. Others had their alternate selves floating around them as well. Mostly because we were aware of their alternate selves/spread awareness to them subconsciously. We enjoyed the company of our alternates, but because they were always lost and homesick, we had to help them meld into our universe. This process involved changing our personalities in the medium of theirs and ours. This applies to other people as well. Many people changed their personalities/paths during those times.

If you're still there,

Kaworu, or Kenzie. Whichever, but tripname works as well.
Silverish-blueish hair, short, 20 year old guy with a body someone described as a pear before.
Cyan trapezoid.

Been asking questions about current love interest in last thread, so, input on that.
I remember you man. Is there anything in particular I'm searching for?
We ended up concluding that, despite there being many timelines, there was a "real" one, and that our timeline was most likely it. The other timelines started to become aware of the other timelines around them, and often shifted claim and blame that one or the other was the real timeline. We even had timelines fight eachother. One in particular tried to control /all/ of the timelines. We had a lot of fun dealing with all of these. It was very trippy stuff.

Basically, accept ourselves completely. No matter what flaw, quality, or whatnot. Integrity, not like pride, but integral pieces. Our composition.
Ah, nice.

Recently I feel like our relationship has kinda renewed. I dunno, we're talking like we did before all of this. I know he probably isn't in love right now, but moreso I'd like to know future possibilities.

Or, alternate question, if it is fate that I'm fighting against, how hard of a fight should I expect?
thank you. I guess since you a doing iching I should have told you I'm a boar instead of virgo...
Also, I figure I should mention, this isn't a waste of a name/trip, I actually have a tarot deck coming in the mail on Tuesday, and have an incomplete one (just main arcanas) I've been dicking with on the side.

Dude, lay off the drugs, they only connect you to the lower astral planes. If you really did this, you would be wise enough to not talk about this with anyone. Since I have broken timelines there would be no real one other than the one my present energy creates. And we all can change it.

The universe is change after all. (2 of disks- Thoth tarot)


Your will power is all you need. Cheers.
You're welcome! And I'll take either/both types of zodiac! :)
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Post interesting questions/requests and they may be answered
I was just telling you about our experiences, whether real or imagined. I, myself, have a hard time believing and crediting it at the moment. I had to work on recovering the memories because I put them far back in my mind. I just thought it was interesting that you were aware of timelines, and I was wondering if these experiences had anything to do with your experiences.

We could even do a tarot reading on if these experiences actually happened, or were imagined.
Requests? I request dat lady!

Otherwise, I want to know what will become of my newest writing project.

I can actually do that
Interesting request? Tell me, how will you be fulfilling this?

I'm not getting unknowingly involved in some demon shit, am I?
Do it!
It's always the darkest before the dawn The Onymous CHIRONYMOUS :)

Skinny, average height, black short hair, somewhat bushy eyebrows, stubble facial hair, selfish, loving (i know the contradiction), caring, reserved, thinker
Florida ,USA
How will my trip go in boston?
I also went something similar to trying to manipulate fate through the butterfly effect. It would clarify things if you could help me confirm a few things that have happened :)

I hope you get something more interesting, unless you want to join us.
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You're in the divination general... I'm not peddling anything material
I'm purely curious as to what kind of requests you're doing.

I am too drunk right now. Maybe tomorrow I will read for you. Stick in the thread for the answer...until then...see you!
Cya. Nice chatting :)
The connection your energies share is renewing, and becoming stronger than before. Don't rush this healing, let it rebuild, but I feel in time it will continue to grow and grow. Unsure which way it will go, but the hint of affection is there, albeit very subtle
Sup Michael. Can you read on the effect of my magical work coded C[2]? What should I look out for to get benefit from it? Thanks.
Hey, I'd just like an energy checkup, thanks.

Tall male, light skin, brown eyes and hair, thick scars on my left shoulder and back of my right knee

Purple star

So I was told by someone named D that the butterfly effect was very important in order to gain goals. The goal I wanted to obtain was the love of someone who was trapped, and couldn't love someone back because of their social status, family, and beliefs. What I had to do was following an inclination (which I would then interpret as a thought/voice) that told me to do very small, and specific things, akin to OCD. Turn doorknobs a certain way, step in certain areas, speak at certain times, hold my breath as certain times, eat certain things, play certain games at certain times, leave the room at certain times, etc. This was apparently to cause a chain reaction to cause the one I (now) loved to be free and love someone/me despite the situation.

What I want to know is if this stuff was just bullshit, or completely legit. Picking up on details of the situation would be super awesome as well.
A hint is all I need.

This time, I know what to do.

All I can do is thank my one friend for picking me up and setting me on the path of 'don't give up' instead of 'get over him, dumbass.'

In truth, I think a few things I said both damaged and healed our relationship. Basically, I told him some things he didn't want to hear, but I think needed to hear. He did the same for me.
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About a year ago I helped a person understand why they were obsessed with a cryptic phrase

Just anything interesting that doesn't require much effort. No romance bullshit, no general life bullshit, something unique.

I will try

"It feels active and selfish, I like the feel of it. It vacillates in and out of reality. It is not focused, it needs honesty."

Many things are only made possible by the circumstances surrounding it. They appear innocuous but are instrumental. The job you successfully landed was possible because someone was sick and out of the picture temporarily.. Stuff like that.

The type of circumstance you mention in your post is ridiculous at best insanity at worst.
I understand your opinion. Though I'd rather have cards tell me/help me understand how to learn from these experiences.

Your reading reveals the hexagram for "Gathering":

The Lake rises by welcoming and receiving Earth's waters:
The King approaches his temple. It is wise to seek audience with him there.

Success follows this course.
Making an offering will seal your good fortune.
A goal will be realized now.


This is an important Convergence, and you must be part of it. Look for the Center of this convergence. Like waters running to the sea, like an astronomical convergence of planets revolving around the sun, you should let the gravity of this Center draw you near. Others are also drawn to this Center, and among them you will find shared bonds and kindred spirits. This tribal convergence will give you a clarity of purpose. You will no longer be alone.
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I'll bite.
I want to ask about what affects my current partner, and whether she'll gain her goal.
Hey Empath, mind giving thoughts on this drawing I had done earlier if you're still awake?


It seems to contradict, specifically the connection we share. Curious as to what's going on there.
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Chironymous here, eventually doing I-Ching readings for whoever I can whenever I'm around, so definitely check back for a reply!

I just need positive input*** to heal my wounds so that I may help others... and as much or as little of the following as you're comfortable giving me:

***Post something friendly, cheerful, helpful, upbeat, encouraging, caring, positive, or the like
*Description of yourself
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>the hexagram for "Gathering"
>This is an important Convergence, and you must be part of it. Look for the Center of this convergence.

damn that eerily accurate. I honestly didn't except that... if its not asking too much,could you maybe do two more since that was sooo good. admittedly im not a huge believer in I-Ching but now that will change. There is this girl named Rayel that i'm friends with. I want to know where we are heading in this friendship? and if its bad what can I do to rescue it?

I understand fully if thats too much to ask as Ive already asked and you have already spread huge amounts of happiness already so blessings to you either way thank you !! :)
What's all this about now?
Hey Onymous, I figure I should mention, remember that friend in PA? That's me. I know the name I went under is different, but that's because that was my birth name. I'm switching to a pen-name simply because I'm a tad more comfortable with it.

I'll be sure to give you a reading when my deck comes in for putting up with me asking for like, 3 readings from you. I just like to get a lot of readings, I wanna know what's up ahead. The future is honestly scary to me, so I like to have an idea. Thank you for doing the readings for me earlier.

I'm trying to figure this stuff out myself, really. Not sure where to start, this stuff is crazy interesting and I really want to be able to do it. I've always felt there's more to the world than what I'm seeing, you know? Spells and stuff especially are something I'm interested in as well if you have any tips in that.

I'm a thrill-seeker in general, though, so I might just be looking for cheap kicks~
The first part of your reading reveals the hexagram for "Aftermath":

Boiling Water over open Flame, one might extinguish The other:
The Superior Person takes a 360 degree view of the situation and prepares for any contingency.

Success in small matters if you stay on course.
Early good fortune can end in disorder.


Victory at the expense of another is a merciless taskmaster. The precarious balance here is reflected in the lines of the hexagram: each of the yin lines rests upon a strong yang line -- a seemingly perfect arrangement. But the scales will be tipped with the change of any one line. And there WILL be change. Tireless vigilance and an answer to every challenge -- that is the uneasy Seat of Power occupied by the conqueror.


His head disappears beneath the waves.

The final part of your reading reveals the hexagram for "Gradual Progress":

The gnarled Pine grows tenaciously off the Cliff face:
The Superior Person clings faithfully to dignity and integrity, thus elevating the Collective Spirit of Man in his own small way.
Good fortune if you stay on course.


Adaptability mixed with integrity will bring a calm, steady progress. Move from your center, always faithful to your principles, yet with the flexibility to weather any tempest. Yours is not a meteoric rise to the top, but the solid, confident footing of one who has a clear vision of what can be, and who is willing to climb the distance to reach it. The oracle foresees companionship along the way -- a Divine comfort on any journey.
Hello again, friend in PA! I hope things are going better for you! It's a pleasure to reacquaint under your pen-name!

Thank you! I look forward to it! You're very welcome for the readings regardless!

>The future is honestly scary to me, so I like to have an idea.
Living in the future makes us anxious.
Living in the past makes us depressed.
Living in the present brings us peace.

Figuring things out for oneself can be a good thing, but know when to / feel free to ask for help. The community is generally friendly. Good luck with your explorations.

Thank you for the wise words. I do appreciate it.

That being said, I do have a question, if you'd be willing to do a reading.

Between my love interest, is there something possibly going on between him and M like I think? If so, how much interference will this be for me?
Your reading reveals the hexagram for "Peace":

Heaven and Earth embrace, giving birth to Peace. The Superior Person serves as midwife, presenting the newborn gift to the people.

The small depart; the great approach.
Good fortune.


It doesn't get any better than this. Everything is in harmony, all obstacles are cleared from your Path, anything you could ask for is right at hand. This is the Elysian Fields, the Garden of Eden. The only thing wrong with Peace is that it, too, must change. Whether you are in this state of harmony now or it is predicted for your future, recognize it as your greatest opportunity to build your resources against less harmonious times.
Hm. Not sure how to interpret that, considering the question posed. Any thoughts on it? I admittedly have a hard time with things like this.
omg what?!? just that entire reading is insane my mind is fucking blown right now. Thank you soooooooooooo fucking much The Onymous CHIRONYMOUS i wish for only the best of fortune for you!!! seriously man woow thank you!!!
>Not sure how to interpret that, considering the question posed.
Really?! :p

>Good fortune
>It doesn't get any better than this
>anything you could ask for
>the Garden of Eden
You worry too much. ;p

>The small depart; the great approach.
>the great approach
That's you! Out with the M, in with the you! Be greater than M! ("build your resources against less harmonious times.")

Best wishes, and good luck! :D
Right. I just know the past few days in regards to him haven't been the fondest to me.

I'll just need to prove I'm worth it. Funny, a friend was telling me that too. But, I'm going to take Empath's advice and let it be slow. I'm not going to mention love or anything to him until I feel the time is right.

Thank you, though. I'm gonna get a bit of shut-eye for now. Hope you have a good day, Onymous!
You're very welcome! Thank you!
Still the mind and do! :)

Empath's advice is prudent! Yes, take it slow when it comes to love. Love isn't mad rushing. Love is peaceful/peace.

You're very welcome! Enjoy your shuteye! Thank you! I hope you have a good day too, Kaworu!
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Chironymous here, eventually doing I-Ching readings for whoever I can whenever I'm around, so definitely check back for a reply!

I just need positive input*** to heal my wounds so that I may help others... and as much or as little of the following as you're comfortable giving me:

***Post something friendly, cheerful, helpful, upbeat, encouraging, caring, positive, or the like
*Description of yourself
Your reading reveals the hexagram for "Expansion":

Whirlwinds and Thunder:
When the Superior Person encounters saintly behavior, he adopts it; when he encounters a fault within, he transforms it.

Progress in every endeavor.
You may cross to the far shore.


Get ready to ride a tide of accelerated growth toward self-actualization. A joyful awareness of the best within you, coupled with an acceptance of your Shadow, will provide a greater repertoire, a much bolder vision, and new depth and clarity that will compel you to expand your horizons.

The numbers indicated by this reading are 42, 3, 6, and 63.
Show him your tits/dick

What do you see with the bratty but friendly girl I'm going to start trying to play around with?

I had a dream last night, of a monster gnawing on my hands until I finally offered it a gift (past suffering and a reputation hit I took over chasing a girl I don't see anymore). Shortly after I find myself walking down an alley to enter an empty but nice house with lime green walls. I explore the house for awhile before I see a hand come out of one of the rooms and beckon me in. The shadowy figure asks me if I brought anyone with me, I said no. It said some other stuff I couldn't make out.

But no, here's the freaky part, I immediately wake up to see the image of a gnarled face staring at me. We just look at each other for a bit then it looks away and disappears.

Any clue what the hell any of this is?
I've woken up seeing spiders, drawings, decorative fixtures, etc, that have then disappeared. I've even drawn messages on the ceiling and saw them in the same way with aura/ethereal vision, but while awake. It could be your aura vision kicking in as you were waking up. Others would call this being inbetween sleep and awake as you were waking up (although I allowed myself to see the same while awake).

It's been a very long time since I've seen such things. This was my first time seeing a face, though.

Do these things mean anything? Are they energy imprints or what?
I believe they are things on other planes. I think the mind can generate things on these planes as well. They may mean something to you personally... or have significance on the respective plane.
All of them? Come on, at least post one
pls senpai
More or less, I doubt I'm not easily recognisable.
>pls senpai
Y-you too anon
When I try to meditate, within 5 minutes there's this odd, miniscule, cramping like pain on the left side of my face. Then after about 30seconds it shoots to the left side of my back somewhere near the bottom end. By that time the pain gets unbearable and I have to stop the meditation. Any idea why this has been happening to me? It's been going on for months.

Hi Chironymous!

When you allow yourself to shine, the way will be lit before you.

Quiet, deeply caring and loving, shy, selfless, depressive, creative.
Are things heading on the right track?

Thank you!
B-but I can draw some hearts around your face like I did to Brett/Ony and NewHelp. Even if you were recognized, there's not much harm that could come out of it.

Anyways, could you help me out with my query? It doesn't look like michael is around anymore. >>17464250 Is there anything off about my energies that could potentially be causing this?
long brown straight hair, 5'9, slim, blue-green eyes, scar on right knee
Forgot shape/colour combo
pink square
Scrying in exchange for lewd and sexual pictures. Bonus points if it's yourself.

Need query and picture.
You need to bear the pain of your enemies that are no longer there, Kora. Only then will you remove the poison from your body.
You gotta post a picture as well.

Ross is kind of a sexy name. Anyone else agree? As such, anyone else want to see a picture of this man?
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gibe me a love reading, will i ever meet someone?
Really, you people waste your questions. But I will answer all the same.

You will. Look for local hiking spots when you can. You'll meet a girl on such a trail.
Will I ever find lo--jk.

How is my relationship with my mom?
I was told Ross in German means a legendary steed, kind of like the white horse the hero rides upon.

And as such you can imagine me as I am, a shining silver steed :P
:) hawt. Do you leik me?
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Do you see me happening with me and my krush
Maybe a little later darlin, a little busy right now. Not a good headspace for readings. Sorry about that.

As for picture...maybe next thread. We'll see if I can take one without looking like a retard
>H I G H T E S T

I'd like a reading on the next step towards my occult development. Thanks.
my whole life is wasted, even if i were to meet God in person i would still ask him stupid questions and avoid anything that can make me think, i want to fill my head with stupid shit and not think anymore
thanks tough, appreciated
Lolwut? I'm just here for the divination thanks!
post dick pics
ITT: Intents to acquire fap and shlick material
Not really. Sorry.
Look for a teacher. One's available and ready, but it's for you to find.
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That's alright, no need to apologize.

I'll be looking out for a photo :)

What sort of academic domain would I do well in?

>Bonus points if it's yourself.
History, philosophy, and various other humanities would be your strong suit. History at the top tier though.
Nice hips.
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What does my next partner look like?
Thank you for the insight, there's quite a bit of resentment in my life.
Too dumb a question compared to the amount of lewd in a picture. Try again.
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What can I do to make the situations in life I'm in turn out in my favor? Even if it involves fighting fate?

Apologies for possibly shit image, I'm not good at images of girls because I'm gay myself.
Fate is the hand dealt. You have the freedom to do what you will with the cards given.
That being said, learn patience and to take things in stride. You burn out easily and need to understand that these things take time. It's okay to not be perfect or have every detail down.
Can you give me anything more? I know only one occultist more experienced than me. Any skillset I should be seeking?
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Thanks, I have a broad spectrum of interests so I've been trying to narrow down.

I know this is lame query, but could I get a love reading as well? The loneliness hurts ;-; I want bf
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Where do you see things going with the hispanic chick with glasses? Any advice or anything I need to keep in mind?
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Seek the skills of communication. Telling you any more would ruin the experience for you.

Shit, I'd go for you if you lived near me. >tfw more prolific reader just can't reveal self.
Anyways, it seems like it's only a matter of time for you. Don't rush, but don't hold yourself back when the opportunity appears. You'll find what you want. I know that's unhelpful. Sorry.

And where do you live, hon?
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Patience and inward looking seems to be like, a huge thing in these readings I've been getting. I just need to keep optimistic. Good things don't happen over night.

I'll ask this, as well, am I doing the right things currently? Or should I evaluate my actions further? If I continue with the way I am and being patient, am I going to truly succeed?

I should mention this includes both my romantic situation and schooling, but, if you need to focus on one, romance would be best. I'm confident my schooling will turn out how I want simply because my track record is pretty good in regards to that.
Post a sexy lewd picture
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Romantically, you need to know that you shouldn't settle. This will play a big part in your future. Do not sell yourself short, or bend to expectations.
Funny enough, the entire reason I'm still pursuing the person I am is because I refuse to settle for something less. I truly do believe this person is my ideal partner.

Guess that's why I'm so stuck on them.

Thank you!
I'm pretty sure this person is that person's soul mate/other half.
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>Don't rush, but don't hold yourself back when the opportunity appears.
Mhm. I have a bit of a problem with that. This guy who I cared about deeply kept asking me out, but I kept rejecting because I thought he could do better. How pathetic is that? I need to cut out that insecurity shit.

No worries, I'm sure my opportunity will arise someday. I'm still quite young so I'm not in too much of a rush.
I'd go for any of you readers. I love all of you so much <3

West Vancouver, BC.
Hm? Why do you say that?

I ask because, honestly, it's not the first I've had someone say that about this person and I. The situation is just strained because... well, the other person has some mental blocks. But I'm confident it will work.

I've never been so sure of something in my life, if I'm honest.
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I hear you, and I will help you. First you need to know this.
> rings are white feathery fluffy large warm comfortable. They hold loved ones close and keep then sheltered. This is your best development.
> horn is solitary on left side too long straight pointed. Division, You are split by your senses, divided. Contradion is easy.
> tail is long black Sharp pointed at end with poison stinger. It is designed entirely for battle, it does not let anyone close to you. This is your downfall. it is full of Lust and seeks prey.
>Seek the skills of communication.
Hmmm. Mind telling me what you saw both times?
can you give me a reading too succubus chan? my love life is desolate
I did a reading and got some real disgusting vibes. Like bad vibes. Things that make me feel dirty. I was a little taken aback thinking I got it wrong but
>I'd go for any of you readers. I love all of you so much <3
Darlin, sort yourself out. This is not the sort of behaviour to harbour if you want a meaningful relationship. Apologies if this hurts, but it's only the truth.
brown hair, short, 5'2,
green triangle
can you give me aromance reading please
Should I try to be with a guy or a girl?
If anybody feels like giving a vet reader a reading, I'd like one on my love life. I can't trust myself to be objective on reading it.

I'll take anyone who would try it. Multiple opinions/reads if people are so generous.
Because I'm going through the same situation. I mean, we all have a choice to ignore the signs, but occasionally I pay attention to them. Looking into past lives, composition (Te), and fate (how things flow), I can see that the stars align, so to speak. He is your soul mate/other half, because I am on your flow as well. We are both having conflicts with out soulies and halfies. Very similar conflicts too. I'm sure we aren't the only ones.

In my situation, it's because of my past life, that we are experiencing somewhat of a karmic retribution. Though this is by our own decision. You see, me and my half still have problems when it comes to gender and social roles, mostly because of our role as angels in the higher realms. In my past life, I did not accept her because we were the same gender, and now he cannot accept me because we are the same gender. We want to be pristine and perfect (socially, structurally, spiritually; because of angelic upbringing), but we have to realize that pristinity is sometimes not perfect. It's just something we have to learn.
Hey okay. Can you give me a reading in return? IS there a specific person you have in mind?
holy shit bv what did you do to emily? you should be more considerate
Who is Emily
What happened?
Good evening friends.

I'll be around doing readings in a small bit. Seems like love's a thing people are interested, so let's make today a love day.

I have 1 already on queue, and I'll do my second one for Thoth here.

But after that...

Try not to do generals please.
What does the person I liked think of me? Is he going to make a move?
Love day, love month, love year, love decade, love century, love millenium. Love love love love love
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Should I aim to start college this fall, or next spring?
I can give you one later if you want. I'm in the irc as well.

Where are things going with the hispanic girl with glasses? Anything I should keep in mind about it?
I see her in a a dark room, in front of a bright doorway, she faces. the light from inside illuminates her left side so it cannot be seen, and the shadow covers the right side. She is going into the light not turning back.
Thanks, mayn.

>I'd go for any of you readers.


BV strikes again
I see what you're saying. Even now, the situation is a tad strained. Something just came up in conversation.

This is getting frustrating. Sometimes I wish I didn't have the resolve I had.
did he steal her voice and she became the little mermaid
I know what you mean. The situation for me is strained too, but it has reached some sort of a peace (which contradicts /my/ drive for righteousness, fairness, and love). It will eventually resolve in however my other wants to resolve it.

Something I'm learning now that may help you is that, some things happen because of the will of others, and not the will of either of us (us or our soulmates). As such, a lot of things that happen can actually be /irrelevant/ to our relationships.
I sense she's really annoyed and a bit bitchy. She has a drive for drinking things, and she reminds me of a tough female anime character. Her relation to you is that she is giving up a lot of her qualities. She doesn't know what's going to happen. She looks at you, with sweat beating down her face, wide eyes, dropping her tough proud face, looking at you with her mouth open.
The situation is just annoying from my perspective.

I think it's mostly annoying because I see something in him he refuses to see in himself.

Along with that, he's kept a mask on for so long I'm not sure he realizes how to take it off.
Can't say any of this is accurate or applicable. Thanks for the attempt, though.
no he made her crazy for dat kundalini-dick
Something I've learned years ago, is that people like controlling men. It's probably not his fault, nor his will. It is indeed annoying though. I went through the exact same situation (see >>17463103). I like to think that people have control over themselves when something isn't completely putting the wool over their faces.
We'll see :)
youre dealing with too much conformity in your relationship and your weakness is that you both are nurturing eachother too much. need to be more real & blunt sometimes. they feel you are blind, or trapped by them. you feel like you made a decision towards them that was too quick or out of haste.
Not far from the truth at all. Thanks anon. Later, thread.
No problem, I've learned a lot from senior readers / occultists, it's only fair for me to give back.
>give back
I guess I'll use one of my own spreads then.
>pls be gentle

You are... what the fuck is going on here.
And why are there tears in my eyes.

You're a reader, so I'll keep my interpretation on the single card parts to a min.

Root of the tree: (nature of your concern, or why you feel the need to get a read): 7 of swords, futility.
If you do nothing different: The hanged man.
If you do something, and it goes "badly": The Devil.
If you do something, and it goes "well": 5 of swords, defeat.
The heart of the tree. As in, the overall picture of some kind... I need to find a better way to word this: 3 of cups, abundance. "when we find fulfillment and joy in love."

3 affecting jump cards here. These are cards that jump out, their message/will to be known is so powerful that they simply must be heard.
The magus, The Chariot, and 9 of disks.

Alright, the above is the read.
Below will be the interpretation.

The root of your concern is futility, while the heart is abundance. Which tells me that you seem to be having a crisis of sorts now. The tree represents love and what not, which makes sense because lol love reading. But the roots are futile. Without healthy roots the tree won't thrive, no matter how much you try to force it, Mr. Magus.

If you do nothing concerning this problem, you are resigning yourself to your fate as of the hanged man. If you do something and it goes "well" to you than you truly suffer defeat. Whereas if you do something and it turns "poorly" you receive the devil, which is freedom, the things you truly want, desire, etc.

With including the tears I felt earlier, it seems like you may be experiencing some kind of crisis, and are unsure how to proceed. The example that comes to mind is a man with a fiance who cheated. He loves her, he was committed to her, and this was his reward? What should he possibly do? 1/2

If exends energy and fixes the problem, he "wins", but in his victory he dies a little inside, because who wants an unfaithful partner?
Which is why if he was to do something and it goes "poorly", he opens himself up to a host of new oppurtunities to have what he really wants, even if he doesn't know it yet.

The man would want a faithful woman, and he simply didn't know she wasn't it until the moment came where she showed she wasn't.

The other side would be that a man cheated on his fiance, and in this instance the "didn't go well" option represented by the devil would be 'if you really wanted her, why cheat? Surely this must be your own way of showing that what you want isn't what you think you want'.

Either way, I hope things go well for you in the long run, because it looks like short term is going to be quite painful.
If someone feels the 8 of swords towards someone, does that mean they feel trapped by them? Or that therir feelings are trapped by them

also what is the 5 of swords as feelings
I can see it.

I just need to be patient, at the end of all of this. I think this will work as long as I don't give up.
Hmmm... similarily, I think this will work out as long as I give up.
>Like bad vibes. Things that make me feel dirty.
As in malicious? I've never done anything to hurt anyone. I've had a really rough few days so I think that could be what I'm projecting. Life hasn't been treating me too well and I haven't been directing my thoughts accordingly.
>Darlin, sort yourself out.
I'm trying hard to
>Apologies if this hurts, but it's only the truth.
No worries, your intentions are good

I'm just a person.
I haven't given away my voice quite yet.

I've been avoiding dealing with the conflicts between my family, it's been difficult as I was never given a sense of security from them. I know that fixing the broken pieces should currently be my priority.
>tail is long black Sharp pointed at end with poison stinger. It is designed entirely for battle, it does not let anyone close to you.
I do close myself off from others, but I doubt I'd ever purposefully hurt someone. I get the idea though, need to eventually let the shields down a bit.
bang thoth pls he's sad
I think I'm too young for him
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>implying I'm not spoken for right now

>implying I'm not twenty y/o

C'mon now.
hello pls help i am the anon >17464812
I'm glad you see a path. It takes time to reorder the anatomy, and it could be painful. Just stay strong and remember that you can defend yourself from predators too.
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Still kind of applies actually. Who cares though, what are you, a moralfag?

/virtually bangs/
>Still kind of applies actually. Who cares though, what are you, a moralfag?
>/virtually bangs/

Nah. I think my lowest limit would be 15, with the right convincing, but that's really pushing it. 16's a healthier route.
because you were born
when you die

thanks, come again soon

as lana del rey says, "we were born to die"
Maybe he doesn't want your shit incubus pervert energy
I drew Death. Followed by the Fool, and prince of wands.

So... something's gonna happen alright. But I have no idea what. So be watchful for... something.


I... sooner is better with these things.
I admit this isn't a read though.
But waiting without a good reason isn't usually a good idea.

I'm not sure what to tell you. The cards gave a somewhat favorable combination of ace of wands and princess of cups, which indeed show a lovely thing if seen in the right angle, but the deck was heavy, and I got a bad feeling from it.

I would honestly suggest against it.

>The situation is just strained because... well, the other person has some mental blocks. But I'm confident it will work.
A relationship can only work when both people accept it. Otherwise it doesn't matter how confident you are.

Resolve != stubbornness, friend.
Sometime the hardest thing can be to let go.
And sometimes its the right thing as well.
Hello there readers!
A long time ago I remember someone doing this "mindscape" reading,
just wondering if anyone around knows how to do it,
and if so could i please ask for a reading? Because a few nights ago when i had a dream,
and it felt a lot like what the reader described,
is it trying to tell me something?
Why, what and how is happening?
I have good reasons to wait. I also have good reasons to rush. Please read.

>pic relate
captcha found a way to be even more awful
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Gender and age and I will do a mindscape for you, dear anon

>but the deck was heavy.

Not deterred lol. Unless it ends up being painful as hell or something.

It does make me think of her friend though who's very uh... heavy. I hit on her relentlessly. I'm sure there won't be any drama or anything though >.>
You / Her / Union Significator: 8 of Wands / 8 of Cups / King of Wands (reversed)
Viability / Long-Term Potential: Page of Cups (reverse-crossed) / 10 of Wands (reverse-crossed)
Forces Against / In Favor: The Tower (reversed) / The Sun
What You / She Would Need to Do: 5 of Pentacles / The Chariot
Happiness Potential / Projected Outcome: 2 of Cups / 2 of Swords

You're fine

You two are essentially hitting the slump phase that has a habit of occurring a few years in. There's nothing inherently wrong with it, so much as the energy that used to be expressed more romantically is increasingly finding other means of releasing.

The good news is that it looks like you two legitimately love each other and, I hope this isn't too forward, but it seems like she might make a good mother. The bad news, however, is that there are a few words unsaid that should be given the chance to be expressed.

Oh right, the reverse-crossed thing. So, these are things that are up in the air, and the direction in which they will bear is largely contingent upon the other factors that inhere. Whether this ends in a fiery conflagration and is remembered as a cutesy romance, or whether your mutual efforts can make this one last is actually rather strongly in your hands.
Many thanks kind reader!
I'll give out more info if needed! Please ask whatever, but for now:
For you, lad, there is a need to be a bit more patient, I think. You might be overreacting to little bumps in the way, and your reactions aren't serving too well to allay the feelings of lack that stand in your way. I get the feeling that there's some inherent thing about you that has issues with a few of the things that a long-term commitment brings. You know I use RW, right? The pentacles of five show poverty, yes, but they also show a couple sticking together through it. This is what you need to be: for better or worse starts way before the crueler Norns come knocking. Don't be a good-weather husband, essentially.

Now the Chariot for her is interesting, and it seems to say to me that she needs to be a bit more involved than she is currently. Did you pick a somewhat passive one, lad? No matter, you can make this one work out well if she has a bit more say here in there. It's not that she doesn't care, but she's inclined to keep her mouth shut when she should really speak up. And yes, that leads to misunderstandings.

Now, I mentioned the good news being that you two love each other dearly, and that's echoed again towards the end of the spread. The two of cups shows that, if everything works out for you, a loving partnership is likely to ensue.

But, careful with this, though: the projected outcome is the 2 of swords, bro, and that shows that you'll likely stay in a state of wondering, and there might also be plenty of second-guessing. But hey, you should hopefully know better now upon what you should be focusing.

I hope I've read true and been of some help to you.
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Thanks for the kind words and reading. I need to re-evaluate with a clear head so I can distinctly see where I stand it terms of my situation.
I might be a bit perverted. No more than him though if he's willing to bang a 15 y/o ffs
Well looks like I meet your minimum age requirement.
Ey Thoth bb wnt sum fuk

Who cares, yolo
Should I be concerned for anything soon to come?
hi bv how are you? can you tell me what 5 of swords as feelings mean?
Post the full spread, and I'll see what I can do.
sure let's do it.
Place and time bby?
>A relationship can only work when both people accept it. Otherwise it doesn't matter how confident you are.

You're right, but there's hesitation on his end.

Feel free to do a reading on the situation though, if you want.

Male, query is love reading on guy I'm pursuing.
>inb4 i draw attention for this.
Love can work with a very wide array of ages.

>being spoken for
>asking for a love reading
There's nothing wrong with this, but she can tell you more than we could. Unless she's lying. Be careful about that. And good luck, depending on how things go, good hunting as well.

Describe your mindscape or the dream.
I'm better with interpretation than readings.

Yes, always.
>in other news I'm gonna go make dinner. Try being a bit more specific, or at least tell me why you think you should be concerned. Needless worry just harms your health.
The love reading was regarding my current relationship, strangely enough. Also, just want to put it out there that Mr. Anon is a great reader, for other querents to notice. Trust this man.
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Oh shit bv is here

Operation is a no-go

He can't know about our forbidden romance.

>Love can work with a very wide array of ages.
You all sound like bunch of pedos
I kid

/but still/
>Bv cucked by Thoth
Okay, actually I approve this message.
Just don't sting Thoth, okay? Sting BV or something
i just did a spread because it was just one card. some backstory, i asked a girl out she rejected me w/ no reason.
how they see me: 10 of swords
how they feel for me: ace of pentacles, 3 of pentacles
whats standing between us: 5 of pentacles
strengths: 4 of cups (wat?)
outcome: knight of swords
I don't have the focus Yalda does but here we go dear femanon, I did my best for you.

I see a pizza parlor, deli, local diner kind of place. Linoleum floors, low ceiling, many tables, the kind with faux wood attached benches. The lights are off and no one is here. There's nothing on the shelves behind the counter. But with the light coming in the window-front, I can see well, and there is no dust, though it has been a long time since the floor was mopped...

I am on a mountain trail, well-worn, but no one else in sight, and I can see pretty far, since I'm at the top of a long slope. The trees are mostly pine and there's a kind of eerie silence, much like the vibe I got from the first scene. Fog clings to the ground.

I am in the lobby of a museum, not art, not technical -- taxidermy and minerals and that sort of lot. I am sitting against the wall while everyone else is rushing from place to place with direction and purpose. I feel lost.

If this rings true for you, tell me about what the previous reader told you, and your dream, and I will try to answer "is it trying to tell me something?"
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I feel you. You got my email though

Not malicious per say, but very disgusting. Your energy is sick; red, viscous and...just bleh.
>I've never done anything to hurt anyone
I...don't believe you. There's no possible way you can say that, even I've done terrible things in my time. There's something you're not being honest to both us and yourself, and you know what it is. Time for some soul searching and self development. As long as you are truthful to yourself in your journey you'll heal. Until then, I wish you all the best.
I was sitting idly and watching this, tempted to offer up a mindscape reading since it's been an unholy while since I've done one. So, are you still interested, because it's likely that you've got one from me.
awwww yiss gonna get to see some Io scry

thx again for your recent tarot draws for me btw

Are you just doing one possibly?

>strangely enough
Maybe I worded it oddly, but I meant that I don't see anything wrong with divination for a current relationship. Can maybe give you a heads up concerning something.
>although "just talk to them" is still the overarching advice for most relationship ills.

>doing terrible things
>doing something to hurt someone
are different you know, as in one describes the results of things, and the other describes the intentions.

>all these readers here, from thoth to empath to io and more.
Feels great, man. I'm almost tempted to offer that person a scry as well just to throw my hat into the ring.
>flirting with teenage girls online
not a clue why your relationship has troubles...
Y-y-you skipped me


thoth was saying in irc he's fucking around
he apparently doesnt care about public image
Hey, who knows, maybe the anon will be content with what the other reader threw up and I won't need to do anything. And no problem- was it any good for ya?

One, possibly, yes. I'm quite sickly right now, so I don't want to push myself too much. I could probably do some few quick ones; a nice little method I developed to scry and get a vague answer in the span of ten or so seconds. Not as exhausting as the other readings I tend to do.

Feel free to. Besides, I'm always here, in one way or another. I just don't use this trip as often as I used to. Most people will still recognize me, so meh, I don't give a damn really.

Well you can hit me with a quickie if you'd like. No pressure though, look to your own needs first.

Male virgo
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Don't be tsundere anon~~
That other reader was I. Yes, both pulls were as keen as always.

Can you describe your quick scry method?
Your tie to your mother is like an aura shining outward, the color of a warm vanilla candle. You're not ending it anytime soon.
do you see anything happenin me with and my krush
Tell me what to focus on, because fuck doing general readings or something without a question set whether on text or in one's mind. I'm not dealing with vagueness today, no no.

Neat. Very neat.

And how should I put this... It's not something that will give too many answers, but it's good for vagueish queries that most anons tend to throw my way. Unlike a normal scry where every single image is from scratch, the method I use already has something there, and the question/query influences that little something and I usually interpret the effects into whatever. In my case, it's a cloaked plague doctor holding a cube, and the changes of the cube/hand that's holding the cube are the things I pay attention to.

I don't know how I thought up of it, but hey, it seems to work for me. Still, for something more proper I do every single image from scratch.
Oh...how shall I put this...

Well, the cards in that spread sort of come together to show that she rejected you because she doesn't think you're going to do sufficiently well in your own life in a way that will benefit her, I think. On the other hand, it seems like she might want something platonic from you that might have concrete benefits for her. The four of cups as a strength makes me think she's rejecting other guys as well, so it's not likely something personal. Ever hear of Sigrid the Haughty?

Okay no worries. I didn't really consider anything in particular. Maybe you can tell me what I'll gain if I keep studying qabala or whether I should play with something else instead?

Unless you just want the usual tacky love-related questions. You can tell me what woman you see that holds the most promise right now?

Whatever is less straining
thanks b.v. no i havent
I understand MA, but no body has an energy like that and can claim to have never done anything to hurt anyone. She's either lying, or there's some seriously bad JoJo going on with her.
Is that you?

I'm pretty sure she /thought/ she was doing something bad when she really wasn't. That's what practically everyone goes through. Morality in society are like rules to football game conduct.
Thoth and I, we're just friends, I-I swear
Lighten up, just having some fun over here
Come join us. We're having a teen orgy

All my energy readings besides this one have pretty much said my aura's light blue or on the calmer side. Kind of unsettling that there's been such a durastic change. I'm definitely more bitter than usual though.
I've shut people off before, but I've never gone off on someone using hurtful words. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I've never directly caused harm as far as I'm aware.

Thanks for the reading, it's good that you pointed this out to me, gives me an area of focus, otherwise I would've been oblivious to this.
Qabalah may be worth it, but at the same time if you're going to go deep, it's not going to do you a whole load of good. There's something at the end of the tunnel, so to speak, but it's going to be hard to get yourself out of it at the same time. Going for something else will lead to lots of ups and downs, moments where everything will seem slow and sometimes you'll be able to follow through with whatever it is that you're working with. It will still be more slow than anything. Up to you whether you want to go for Qabalah or something else.

As for the love stuff, hm. She seems to be a solitary one, perhaps with a tinge of drama here and there. At least I'll assume so from the image that I saw. But hm, she's definitely a bit solitary and thoughtful as of now. [that's as best as I can get without confusing myself here, sorry about that]
That is... really weird to me, but interesting. How many such readings do you think you can do in a row?
I've gotten to 40~ at most. It was getting somewhat strenuous by the end of it though, I won't lie. >>17465037 would be an example of what I would say, but I can also provide the image that I saw and let you work through it yourself.
Hey Empath, mind if I ask for a personal reading on my energy? I'm admittedly curious as to what people see.
You don't have to please them, hon.
Hello there! Sorry, my lightblub just went of, and my housemates where helping me!
Anyway, back to the topic, the dream i had was read, my ision was just red, all i see was constain outlines lines of shapes, overlapping eachother, and they are constainly moving forward, i was just there, watching. The mindscape the reader gave me a while ago, they discribed that they where in a world of red, geometric shapes everywhere, and constantly changing, the also see a man hanging upside down, when asked, the men said there was nothing anyone to do to help.
Dont know if this help but i have been having nothing but nightmears lately.
Your reading was... idk, sadly, i would say it dose fit me atm, i am alone, and i have no goals, and i do think that emptiness theme fits in? The place you described makes me feel like i would be comfotable with, quitet places, no one but just me, natural sound good too, since i miss it alot, as i just resently moved into the city, the museum bit, haha, i guess it because i enjoy drawing taxidermy animals/bones! Painting bores me. But what do you think your vision represents tho? To me it's just places ans seetings that brings a strange sense of comfort, alto i wish i have people with me tho...
And the last bit, yes, i do feel that everyone knows what they are doing but me, i probably need to type this out again or fix it up a little because i'm typing without thinking, so please feel free to fire away with qustions! I apolgise for spellings and structure mistakes, just having a lot on my mind right now
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I'm aware
Hello there! By anychance that you remember a reading involve the colour red and constainly changing gemotric shapes? Also a man hanging upsidedown, and when asked, he says that there's nothing you could do to help?
Ain't no one know what they're doing.

You don't have to be polite to them.
Are different from you energy, in a sense. Aura is more your projected image, your energy is what is and what you see. Still, your words don't paint you as a bad person. This is something I'll have to dwell on, and do a deeper reading to see what's up.
Hello. And truth be told, no, I do not remember. There's very little of my old readings that I remember, and I would actually suggest you should look up in the archives for the reading itself, just to see who exactly did that one for you. How long was it ago? If it's in the past month or two, then it's likely that it was not me.
hey can you tell me if you see things changing with the person that doesn't like me back :(
It's called insecurity.
Hey empath you wouldn't know anything about astral realms and that type of shit would you?
I do, but I don't know how to access that information at this very moment.
>things changing with the person that doesn't like me back
Err... Anon, if you don't see them changing with your own two eyes, then I would say that you shouldn't get your hopes up. I don't know. It's far too easy to get yourself wrecked over like that.

And despite how much time flies by, and despite how much the clocks seems to shift and change and tick through, nothing will really happen. Akin to a clock that's broken, it doesn't even ring when it hits midnight. Yeah anon, don't expect anything from this. It's just going to consume your time and nothing more, and a good chance for it to warp things up a bit.
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I found the screen cap
Show me ur nipples slut

I see. You did say that my energy was like a cat's eye marble some time ago. There's probably something to that. I hope I can catch you again another time for an updated reading.
its consumed so much of my time, thank you.

if you don't mind can you tell me if my love life will improve at all
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Ahhh, lovely, I'm glad I was on the right track. No worries about the grammar/spelling, parsing through such messes is one of my favorite things in the world. Free flow consciousness is nothing to apologize for.

>Dont know if this help but i have been having nothing but nightmears lately.
I'm sorry to hear that. What are your sleep habits like?

>i am alone, and i have no goals
>i just resently moved into the city
Why did you move? Were you hoping to restart?

>what do you think your vision represents tho? To me it's just places ans seetings
Haha, yes, well, that's what a mindscape is. I can do aura readings (translate one's "energy"/consciousness into abstract imagery with color representing emotions), spirit animal readings (translate consciousness into a kindred animal), etc. Mindscapes translate the consciousness into "places and settings".

> i do feel that everyone knows what they are doing but me
Do you want some advice on "resetting" mentally, getting to a place where you're not having nightmares and have ambitions?

>>17465061 meant for >>17465066
Is any one doing readings?
That is most assuredly not me. Most, most assuredly not me. I looked up the thread and yeah, it's someone who was just practicing.

Just... no. It's not going to go anywhere good. I'm not sure if it's mold that I see or whether it's worms crawling out and eating at the healthy parts of the fruit, but it's just ... no.

Besides, if you don't change and will for improvement, nothing's going to happen. Don't expect anything to happen too just out of the blue. My two cents. Good luck.
Maybe...again, might be worth looking into
No sorry man, little beyond my realm (ha-ha!)
>cat's eye marble
Huh....this makes more sense now.
i have changed, i lost a lot of weight and take care of my appearance :(

i just want a bf
Yeah, the energy projections, the aura, and the energy center and all be different in quality, but are usually in radiating quantity. It is likely that deeply internalized you may have one m.o. and outwardly you express something else entirely. It's like trying to caress someone or give them tailjobs with that Abyssal Whip attached above your butt!
Is there any particular reason why you two are meeting? Usually people try to pair up because of bullshit societal expectations, and that's the /only/ thing bringing/supporting people and their relationships. Try re-evaluation of reasons for actions, intentions, and overall why people are doing the shit they're doing.

I think your post here supports my reasoning.

Duh, it's the answer.

i want a bf too anon ;_;
I'll add a bit to that; whatever you have now, a mindset, expectations, *something*, throw it away and start anew. What you have now is essentially not salvageable in my eyes. It may very li-

...kely be a mindset problem. Welp. You need to change up a few things upstairs, girl. Be honest with yourself when you'll do so.

That's enough; I'm retiring to bed for today. Have a good one you all, a pleasure as always.
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i want Io to be my gf
nah i want a cute bf to have sex with and do things with

a b.f.f. with sex you know?

i tried okcupid all the people interested in too far away... close ones are creeps.

Sounds like I should stay inside qabala for at least a little while, either way. I guess I can always dive into the more esoteric aspects of buddhism. Regardless of the reality of it, I always held a soft spot for the gentle benevolence of a bodhisattva or the matronly guidance of a daeva... even if it clashes with my indulgent side.

I think I can guess what woman you were talking about, but I'm not sure who's the responsible party without a physical description. If it's who I have in mind, I got a very positive vibe from her but she was too shy when i gave her a private message. And that left me without a pretext to contact her again. Kind of a shame, I found her really likeable :/ probably the better type of girl to have In the long run

i tried okcupid too. but, if you just want a guy to have sex with you don't really have to have a relationship. pof/craigslist is good too
My sleeping habits are just as usual i guess, altho lately i have been going to bed early then usual, normaly it's pass 2am that i sleep, now i'm starting to go to bed at around half 11.

Used to live in a farming village, now in London, i miss the pointless hikes and surrounded by nothing but natural, moved because of uni, only continuing education because society tells me to.

Ahahaha, I guess my aura is just a mess then, I was a joyful child that spreads smiles and gigggles, and now i'm just a person without value, I still remember that a teacher wrote "never lose that smile!" in my leaver's book, funny how people change.

Ohoh!!!! What animal am i?? What is my spirit animal? Please read me if you dont mind! And what should i do with the information?

Mindscape is really interesting desu, I dont understand myself, and perhaps this is the only way that i could ever have a good look at myself haha, so i really am alone then? And empty inside too?

And that sounds like a good idea! The resetting! It would be great if i could flip everything around, i'm sick of getting nowhere and these nightmears
Many people are sworn to not have anything upstairs for years. You're going to have to try harder than that. Next time, don't demean a core part of someone.

Seriously, mindset shaming is completely oblivious.


Your indulgent side comes from:
>Duh, it's the answer.
Yup. More or less explains it now. Gg everyone, time to go home.

>all these people wanting bf's
I just want a partner who's not crazy for once. Once. But that's not likely to happen so hermit here I come
I'm *kinda* crazy I guess i have a love jar spell in the werks it's probably shit though because I don't really believe in it lol... i'd date you if you were close but I'm not in vegemite land

>Your indulgent side comes from:

Arrrghhhh I don't have time to do further reading or answer you in as much detail as I'd like, I'm sorry.

Pic relate is basically what I wanted to tell you but I wrote it a while back for someone asking whether psychiatric drugs were necessary to overcome depression

Re: sleep, please read about

Good luck, and well met
I have a sorta bf related problem.

This guy I sorta like around other people we know he's abut cruel and tells me to go sit in a corner and stuff like that but when we are alone he touches and kisses me and stuff but I don't know if we want the same thing
And really it just makes me really confused.

if he can't be nice to you when other people are around why bother with him? it's kind of shitty he's only affectionate when you're alone.
>I'd date you if you were close
Y'know what, Thankyou. It's nice to hear that. You have a lovely day anon.
Would you like my email address?
And thank you for your time and energy today!
Alright there, you forced me out of my bed just so I could answer you. I didn't mean to get through the idea or intention of ''mindset shaming'' or whatever the hell that is. Truth be told, I have my own opinions on this and I refrain from letting them out.

For the upstairs comment, I meant in the mind. Some sort of a thought or an idea that's obviously disrupting them from getting that which they want. In this case, alright, she wants a boyfriend. Most people would look for both appearance and personality, and if you don't change the latter and only change the former, then it's highly likely that nobody will pursue you with any sort of strong intentions. Tinder/[insert whatever dating site] is *not* a good place to find someone you want to love or stay in, because that wretched place is filled with more than a mountain of thirsty people and it can only mess with one instead of doing any good.

Really, a good chunk of people here could help themselves by avoiding anything casual in the first place. Not directed towards anyone, but I just throw that out right now.


You could change up a few things, yeah. If you go too deep with Qabalah, it's going to be a pain for you to get into anything else and really, you're going to sink deeper into it. Best keep a balance.

For the girl, well, it's hard for me to give a description because I literally saw a cube with a scarf wrapped about it, thoughtfully watching the sunset beyond while sitting on a cliff. That, too, was seen on a TV screen. [I have no idea what the fuck, but I managed to interpret it just fine it seems]. I could try giving you another few reads later on if you wish, I'll probably do more with this in the near future.

No you don't, trust me on that one. Don't touch the crazy, don't go close to crazy, avoid the crazy.
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We're all a little mad here, love. ;^)

Yes, please!
Yeah. Stop treating her like she's on a pedestal, and realize she has problems like the rest of us. You ever heard of making a problem bigger by treating it like it's bigger than it is? You've even got her being polite to you guys. Putting up a mask. Like, holy shit.

I meant in the mind as well. Disrupting them? From getting what they want? You know how the mind works, right?

You want to get her a boyfriend, or do you want to help her realize she doesn't want one?

No one ain't crazy. They just don't know what they doin'
I'll go shopping for good food tmr after school!
And i'll read the wiki after!!
Many thanks for today, and have a good night!

[email protected]
To me it seems like she's more stumping herself up than helping herself. Sure, it's good that she went out to change herself, lose weight and all, but if she's only doing that for the sake of attracting a mate, then it's not going to do any sort of good. First rule of changing yourself: do it for yourself and yourself alone, to help and feel better for yourself. I would only consider an exception to be in the cases of within a relationship, but that's a fair obvious there.

She asked me if her love life will improve. I told her I see a problem and it's not going to be fixed by just fixing, you have to throw out and start anew. A clean slate. Change up a few things instead of just trying to patch them up.

Here's a goodie as to what I think: unless you change yourself mentally, all the physical changes that you do for yourself may as well be for naught.

I didn't call her crazy, by the way. Just to clear that one up.

Crazy in a bad way, mad in a bad way, not in an attractive or even positive way [if that's even a thing].

Seriously though, I need to go to curl up in my bed instead of stay up and argue about the problems of someone people that they may have with finding a special someone. I'm too tired and too on the edge for this shit.
some people*

Yep. I'm done.
Also, it's a nice painting, the colours pleases me!
Artist name?
Good night, and till me meet again!

Ah well, i'll figure out the spiritual love stuff one way or another. And yes, I'd appreciate some more reads next time you're around. Thank you
Take care and have a great night.
Empath, you won't find someone not crazy by giving up the search.

Io, good things await you around the bend. Arguing with faggots on the internet isn't one of them.

Twix, a man who caves to societal pressure instead of your feelings is a man you shouldn't be with.

Anon, include exercise and vitamin D in there.
Possibly St. John's wort as well.

Anonyx, don't ask someone for help and then attack them for what they suggest, as you literally asked for their opinion.

Succubus-Chan, make the most of your relations. They're good food for your soul.

And now. I'm out. I'm... way too tired.
>make long post with a bit to some people who need it
>gets eaten by the internet ghosts.

From memory:

Empath, you won't find a non-crazy girl if you give up now.

Succubus-Chan, your relationships are the food of you soul. Value them well.

Io, you have good things awaiting you, whether or not you'll believe anyone.

Anonyx, don't be surprised when you ask someone for their opinion or read, and then not like the result. Attacking them is in bad taste.

To the anon about the depression bit, don't forget vitamin D and st. john's wort as well.

Twix, a man who bows to societal pressure and as a result mistreats you is not a man you wish to be with.

Kaworu, let go of this man you're chasing if he rejects you for whatever reason.

Thoth, whatever happens do not fall to despair, however appealing it may seem at the time.

As to myself, I'm... so tired. Goodnight /div/.
>both are posted at the same time
I picked up on that as well, but it's not relevant. She's not going to change herself because of herself inherently. A mindset is a part of who you are. If you tell someone that their mindset is a problem, you are telling them that they're inherently bad. Someone's mentality isn't and never was a problem. Why do we assume there's a problem when there isn't one? Because we ain't know what we doin'. Someone is never a problem. How can you change someone? Well, it may seem like changing, but they're still themselves nonetheless.

You didn't need to clarify, hon.

Everything's an illusion, man. Consider things not in stone, and readings suddenly become a part of life as everyone already knew it. No more separation of reader and querent. Skillful and unskillful. Wise and unwise. Everything suddenly becomes one giant thing, with no exclusion nor inclusion.
I didn't ask for help. What are you eating?
You can literally do what you want to, and you can literally wind up with better outcomes in the long-run than fear-mongering to advice on people who don't know the big picture. Why the hell do you have those fucking feelings that you have? Why the fuck are you trying to limit them? Holy mother of Jesus Christ.

Best relationship advice of 2016: Don't do anything to do with you personally. Just live an empty husk, following everything /but/ yourself. Yes this is the best advice I've seen.
Your reading reveals the hexagram for "Return":

Thunder regenerates deep within Earth's womb:
Sage rulers recognized that the end of Earth's seasonal cycle was also the starting point of a new year and a time for dormancy. They closed the passes at the Solstice to enforce a rest from commerce and activity. The ruler himself did not travel.

You have passed this way before but you are not regressing. This is progress, for the cycle now repeats itself, and this time you are aware that it truly is a cycle. The return of old familiars is welcome. You can be as sure of this cycle as you are that seven days bring the start of a new week. Use this dormancy phase to plan which direction you will grow.


You are about to experience a rebirth -- about to be given another chance, a new lease on life. You have persevered, gone the distance through an entire cycle -- through the Spring of hope or new passion, through a Summer of growth and building, only to be sacrificed like the archetypal Harvest King at the Autumn reaping. You lie dormant like seed beneath Winter snows now, healing and absorbing new energies in preparation for the new young Spring coming shortly to your life.
is your jar working yet ^*^
Since everyone's being a negative nancy about what I said. You gotta work /with/ yourself, not /against/ yourself.
>Kaworu, let go of this man you're chasing if he rejects you for whatever reason.

I want to try once more. The happiness he brings me... it's indescribable. I'd be betraying myself if I just gave up like this.

But... there's more to it than that. Even if I don't end up with him, he has a very pessimistic view on life. I want to help change that, at least.

I can't stop here. Doing so would be going against the promise I made myself when I was younger. I promised to help people, and make others happy no matter the cost. He's trying to deny it, but there are a ton of things in his mind that he needs to push out. I feel like the world hasn't been kind to him. So I'm going to be that kindness, even if I'm hurt again. I want to see him smile, regardless of my own emotions.

Of course, I love him, so if in the end I end up in his arms, it's a win for me. But even if in the end, I just manage to restore his faith that the world can be better, that's okay, too.
Still waiting...
Should I leave this employer? I'm super stressed there but is there nothing else I can do?
I think you should be with him, but no one is truly helping you. I think you're coming back to these readers because you know they're only helping you partially, and you want a direct answer because they /should/ give you one.

I think this situation is more simple than you realize. No need to fight yourself, the situation, nor him, but you already know that. There's someone in their reading circle that produces homophobic energy, which causes them to lack remorse for homosexual relationships. If they tell you to, "break it off," they are in close relation with this person. If they tell you to, "break it off so your feelings don't get hurt," they are moderately in relation with this person. If they tell you to keep going, they are truly trying to help you, because everyone and their grandmother, who has the least bit of remorsefulness, can tell how you feel, and how important this is to you. But the people here are not helping you, and I know it seems like they will, and they really should! But the circumstance is just a little bit against you (even though they shouldn't be that way; holy balls).

In terms of helping you with your situation, you have no problem listening to people who will help you and won't help you, and you even have wisdom to filter out people who don't help you, but give you seeds of beneficence. The only reason I'd hesitate to help you, is because I know the frustration to do with your situation, based on a culmination of relationships I've had. But your relationship is unique. Not to mention stray energy that can influence opinions at a whim; especially to stagnate people like me.

The truth is, you have nothing to fear, because there is power within you. There is psychic ability, and there is manifesting-love inside of you. All you need is yourself to conquer this situation, and you're not really conquering it. You are filling it with yourself. That is how you win... by not playing.
The things he said so far, is that the person who has rejected him because he's gay.
As in, the person themselves may not be gay.
If that is the case, then gay does not match well with not gay, and as such, it won't work out.
This is simple dynamics.

Telling someone to "keep going" isn't helping them, as sometimes it is more helpful to be told to do go for it.
A man cheats on a woman. He beats her. Should she leave him or keep trying to make things well?
"Keep going" you say. I think not.

>All you need is yourself to conquer this situation, and you're not really conquering it.
You can't conquer a relationship problem over someone else.

Kaworu, I'm reaching here, but is this other person homosexual like you are? Or at least bisexual? Because if not, literally give up on this front. If yes, do try to make those details clear next time. Readers read masculine and feminine energies, the dualities, etc.

It's why I ask for genders in my requested details.
>also kaworu dies in the end and doesn't end up with shinji. So poor choice to emulate on that front.
>also asuka best waifu
Think we could move to email?

He's bi, yeah. He straight up took me on a date before dude.

>>also kaworu dies in the end and doesn't end up with shinji. So poor choice to emulate on that front.

>implying rebuild isn't going to revive Kaworu and end with them together

Fight me.

I can't disagree with you there considering Rei is filth.
I know you have sort of a good intention about this, but this is irrelevant, from even a minor societal point of view. Sexuality is a label that has stopped many relationships due to bias, fear, prejudice, and self-intolerance. It doesn't take much to banish this label. All you need to do is show love, and if they show love in return, you get a relationship, despite the situation. Even changing someone's lifestyle doesn't take much. And yes, I know how much people try to make it seem otherwise. And no, I'm not delusional about how things work.

You'd be surprised on how to pacify an abusive relationship. Not relevant btw (and I don't have to explain how, unless you're that brainwashed by people's egos).

>You can't conquer a relationship problem over someone else.

You got an email?
kaworubestangel at gmail is my email.

Looking forward to chatting with you. You seem like someone that'd be a good helper in this.
First, the hexagram for "Revolution":

Fire ignites within the Lake, defying conditions that would deny it birth or survival:
The Superior Person reads the Signs of the Times and makes the Season apparent to all.

The support you need will come only after the deed is done.
Renewed forces, however, will provide fresh energy for exceptional progress.
All differences vanish.


A revolutionary Change must be made forcibly. There is no negotiating with the Established Order. Perfect timing is essential. Let the abuse of power become apparent and oppressive to those around you before making your move. Lay the groundwork, sow the seeds for Revolution without tipping your hand prematurely. You will need a strong foundation, because you will have to bring about this necessary change alone. You cannot count on popular support, so you must wait until there is massive dissent. Then the avenue for your assault will be cleared.


Your honor is redeemed.
All impediments fall away and the path ahead is clear.

Then, the hexagram for "Aftermath":

Boiling Water over open Flame, one might extinguish The other:
The Superior Person takes a 360 degree view of the situation and prepares for any contingency.

Success in small matters if you stay on course.
Early good fortune can end in disorder.


Victory at the expense of another is a merciless taskmaster. The precarious balance here is reflected in the lines of the hexagram: each of the yin lines rests upon a strong yang line -- a seemingly perfect arrangement. But the scales will be tipped with the change of any one line. And there WILL be change. Tireless vigilance and an answer to every challenge -- that is the uneasy Seat of Power occupied by the conqueror.
Sent an email.

Which do I pick up first: the Pentacle or the Sword? Or do the two simply overlap?

Does this mean I'd have to quit before finding a new job, or rather, time it so I have a place to go? I do realize it's my task to bring what needs to happen to those fuckers.
Take care of yourself pal

Short, timid guy who is quite popular for some reason.
Merseyside, UK
How am I doing physically, in a diagnostic way?
First, the hexagram for "Recruiting Allies":

Deep Water beneath the Earth's surface:
Untapped resources are available. The Superior Person nourishes and instructs the people, building a loyal, disciplined following. Good fortune. No mistakes if you follow a course led by experience.


You must gain support from others. Find a way to make others want to see your objectives met as badly as you want it. How can they profit from the attainment of this goal? Can you command confidence that you are just the person that can bring this plan to fruition?


It is never a mistake to retreat to a stronger position.

Then, the hexagram for "Liberation":

A Thunderous Cloudburst shatters the oppressive humidity:
The Superior Person knows the release in forgiveness, pardoning the faults of others and dealing gently with those who sin against him.

It pays to accept things as they are for now.
If there is nothing else to be gained, a return brings good fortune.
If there is something yet to be gained, act on it at once.


The relief you experience here is not your own personal pardon, but the release of others from your rigid expectations. Like a hot air balloon, you will rise to new heights as you cast the heavy sandbags of resentments and restrictions away from you. Feel the lightness of being that results from forgiving others and accepting them as they are. Free yourself of the endless vigil of policing the behavior of others. See them for who they are, not what they can or can't do for you.
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"Those who lack the courage will always have a philosophy to justify it"

skinny guy average height with brown hair and eyes

Will I see Eden again? Do we share something or am I just fixated for no reason?
First, the hexagram for "Conflict":

The high Heavens over a yawning Deep chasm:
An expansive void where nothing can dwell. Even though he sincerely knows he is right, the Superior Person anticipates opposition and carefully prepares for any incident.

Good fortune if your conflict results in compromise.
Misfortune if your conflict escalates to confrontation.
Seek advice.
Postpone your crossing to the far shore.


Conflict is a necessary part of life. Tension upon the strings of a violin can make majestic music. The critical mass of two hydrogen atoms trying to occupy the same space fuel the sun that nourishes our solar system. Most conflicts you face in life are the result of your Path converging with another's. Your Path is not his, and one Path is not necessarily more right than the other. Can you work together to remove the blockage?


No quarrel will blossom, unless you let your pride fertilize this budding conflict.
Let the one who insults you expose himself for what he is.
Don't fight this battle until you've already won it.

Then, the hexagram for "Worrying the Tiger":

Heaven shines down on the Marsh which reflects it back imperfectly:
Though the Superior Man carefully discriminates between high and low, and acts in accord with the flow of the Tao, there are still situations where a risk must be taken.

You tread upon the tail of the tiger.
Not perceiving you as a threat, the startled tiger does not bite.


You have reached a perilous point in your journey. This is a real gamble -- not a maneuver, not a calculated risk. The outcome is uncertain. If it goes as you hope, you will gain -- but if it turns against you it will cause serious injury, at least to your plans. The best tack is extreme caution and a healthy respect for the danger involved.
First, the hexagram for "Providing Nourishment":

Beneath the immobile Mountain the arousing Thunder stirs:
The Superior Person preserves his freedom under oppressive conditions by watching what comes out of his mouth, as well as what goes in.

Endure and good fortune will come.
Nurture others in need, as if you were feeding yourself.
Take care not to provide sustenance for those who feed off others.
Stay as high as possible on the food chain.


You are a conduit in this instance, able to provide the sustenance needed by others. Position yourself to nourish the truly needy and worthy. Avoid situations where you might be coerced into supporting the parasites and vermin who deprive your true charges. Your own nourishment is an issue here, too. Remember Lao Tzu's three Great Treasures:
Only the person possessed of Compassion, Modesty and Frugality can remain fit enough to stay free of desperation and keep control of the situation.


Others depend on you for sustenance.
If you are aware of the great responsibility such a position carries, all will share good fortune.
You may cross to the far shore.

Then, the hexagram for "Compulsion":

A playful Zephyr dances and delights beneath indulgent Heaven:
A Prince who shouts orders but will not walk among his people may as well try to command the four winds.

A strong, addictive temptation, much more dangerous than it seems.


You are ignoring a clear and present danger to your well-being. If this threat emanated from a heavy-handed oppressor, you would see it coming. But this danger comes to you in the form of a seduction, an amusement, a diversion, an indulgence that is eating away at the fiber of your secure little world. You are too cocksure. You underestimate the tribute this dalliance will demand.

What makes it perilous? Is there risk of total financial loss?
First, the hexagram for "Gentle Restraint":

Winds of change high in the Heavens:
Air currents carry the weather.
Dense clouds blow in from the West, but still no rain.
The Superior Person fine tunes the image he presents to the world.

Small successes.


No matter what you do, the fruit of your labors never seems to ripen. Your reward remains just out of reach. Men have gone mad from such anticipation. Don't lose your balance lunging for the brass ring. While the Fates continue to restrain you, go them one better and display a self-generated restraint and grace. Look for the humor in the situation.


By gaining confidence, the man keeps control of the conflict, avoiding the blood that could be spilled by fear.
No mistakes.

Then, the hexagram for "Breakthrough":

A Deluge from Heaven:
The Superior Person rains fortune upon those in need, then moves on with no thought of the good he does.

The issue must be raised before an impartial authority.
Be sincere and earnest, despite the danger.
Do not try to force the outcome, but seek support where needed.
Set a clear goal.


Your iron will must come to the forefront now. It will take great personal determination to resolve the situation in question. Your adversary would love to force you into an angry display. That would legitimize his opposition to you. Such a berserker rage would drag you down to his level. You must resolutely take a public stand against what he represents, but refuse to engage him. Without compromise, you show others the way to higher ground.
Who here is reading tonight? I need some advice...
Alright what I'm understanding from this is that there's a chance we will cross paths again but I will have to be chill if I want things to go smoothly?

Thanks for the reading it was helpful, even if I don't fully understand it yet

is it love advice?
No, friend advice. I need to contact someone in some way to tell them the truth about a situation... however contacting them will be really hard. It's a long story. I'm wk sering if I should wait for them to contact me, or take charge of the situation and do it myself....???

well, speaking in a general way and not as a reader, if it's bothering you that much you can always contact them first.

Thank you very much, that was actually pretty key to consider.
Hmmm it's easier said than done, though. And once I tell the person, it could potentially ruin one of his friendships and relationships with a coworker. It's going to be hard getting into contact with him as well but you're right, I should take charge of the situation and tell him... I was just wondering if tarot could answer what the best idea would be; let him take charge or just suck it up and do it myself. I guess I'll do it myself; that's what intuition is telling me. Thank you!
If you're a reader though, could you do a love reading for me? That'd be awesome!

well you can still ask for a reader's advice though. that was just me being nosy, kek


my own love life is a mess, i can't really help anyone else :^) sorry.
Ooohhhh lol kk thanks anyway doe
With that incident that happened earlier, was it just a warning or is it damaging?
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any palm readers around?

Just want to know what type my hand is
First, the hexagram for "Inner Truth":

The gentle Wind ripples the Lake's surface:
The Superior Person finds common ground between points of contention, wearing away rigid perspectives that would lead to fatal error.

Pigs and fishes.
You may cross to the far shore.
Great fortune if you stay on course.


The subject of this hexagram discovers a key to Tranquility by first gaining insight into his own nature, then turning that vision outward.
By resolving inner conflicts and being at peace with himself, he learns to gain insight into others. In effect, he enters another, sees with the other's eyes, listens with the other's ears, feels with the other's heart. He then returns to his own center, with new perspective and understanding.


A crane calls from the shade and her young answer with love.
My cup of life is filled to the brim.
Come share it with me.

Then. the hexagram for "Expansion":

Whirlwinds and Thunder:
When the Superior Person encounters saintly behavior, he adopts it; when he encounters a fault within, he transforms it.

Progress in every endeavor.
You may cross to the far shore.


Get ready to ride a tide of accelerated growth toward self-actualization. A joyful awareness of the best within you, coupled with an acceptance of your Shadow, will provide a greater repertoire, a much bolder vision, and new depth and clarity that will compel you to expand your horizons.
You're very welcome.
Was that person trying to throw me under the bus, so to speak?
Can you do a reading for me and if I should phone my friend and tell him the truth? Thank you :)
First, the hexagram for "Attraction":

The joyous Lake is cradled by the tranquil Mountain:
The Superior Person takes great satisfaction in encouraging others along their journey. He draws them to him with his welcoming nature and genuine interest.

Supreme success.


There is no greater natural law in the Cosmos than Attraction. From the magnetic pull of an atom's nucleus to the centrifugal force that spirals a galaxy, the face of the universe is shaped by Attraction. On a human scale, it is Attraction that fuels procreation and furthers our species. Yet it is also Attraction that spawns greed and covetousness, threatening our extinction. Attraction is the underlying force of the situation in question. You are refined or debased by the objects of your desire. What gravitational pull are you now under? Around what sphere of influence do you circle? Can you use your own ability to attract?


Trembling all over.
Only those who truly know him would understand.
Favorable if he stays on course.

Then, the hexagram for "Great Treasures":

The Fire of clarity illuminates the Heavens to those below:
The Superior Person possesses great inner treasures -- compassion, economy, and modesty. These treasures allow the benevolent will of Heaven to flow through him outward to curb evil and further good.

Supreme success.


You have become an instrument of Heaven's will, offering a balance in the world around you. It is not swashbuckling prowess or uncanny talent that qualifies you for this office, but your simplest gifts -- your modesty, your compassion, your economy. Because you can see clearly who most needs a miracle, Heaven's bounty is being put at your disposal.
How is she taking my confession? Will she say yes?
Your reading reveals the hexagram for "Conflict":

The high Heavens over a yawning Deep chasm:
An expansive void where nothing can dwell. Even though he sincerely knows he is right, the Superior Person anticipates opposition and carefully prepares for any incident.

Good fortune if your conflict results in compromise.
Misfortune if your conflict escalates to confrontation.
Seek advice.
Postpone your crossing to the far shore.


Conflict is a necessary part of life. Tension upon the strings of a violin can make majestic music. The critical mass of two hydrogen atoms trying to occupy the same space fuel the sun that nourishes our solar system. Most conflicts you face in life are the result of your Path converging with another's. Your Path is not his, and one Path is not necessarily more right than the other. Can you work together to remove the blockage?
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So can anyone tell me what you predict for may first or may day. Supposed happening may occur.
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