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For all you conspiracy nuts out there

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it's saying that large scale conspiracies are mathematically impossible to keep quiet. second of all, if you go with this tl;dr attitude, how can you claim any substance to your outrageous beliefs. (in case you're a conspiracy nut)
>claim any substance
This is /x/. What the fuck do you think you have to prove to anyone?
Don't try to inject logic here. We won't stand for it.
>mathematically impossible

What formula do they have to determine whether each individual in a group will speak up? Because if they have developed Psychohistory, then they are seriously wasting its potential.
The thing is, the conspiracies aren't kept quiet, people talk about them. Part of it is on purpose.
If this board was about to be removed would anyone care?
How do you formulate the conspiracies that are kept quiet.
Can you imagine the horrible fallout of the diaspora?
It'd be like another Iraq-war.
Well now that conspiracies are labeled fake the time has come that a conspiracy can be told without any danger.

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Gee, no wonder why everyone knows about the illuminati. If we know about them it is because they allow it.
bro they arnt kept quiet,

they just laugh them off, seen a clip of xfiles recently, they just told it how it was and was like lulz dis jus tv, dindunuffin govment
Either through incompetence or explicit planning, yes, if we know about them on a wide scale, then yes, there's a reason behind us knowing about them on a wide scale. Fucking 2+2.
This just says that large conspiracies will have people who speak and spill the beans.

It absolutely does NOT mean that conspiracies can't/don't happen. It only means that the bigger they get, the more likely someone is to talk. And that makes sense.

This is a really uncontroversial "finding" that people are misinterpreting to mean conspiracies are impossible.
Oh god it's directed back at me again.
Like it fucking matters. Globalists are out in the open with their bullshit nowadays because no one challenges them. A perfect example is the "refugee" mess happening in Europe.

Further, when whistle blowers talk about conspiracy/a seemingly outrageous topic, it generally helps further the common perception that the topic is bullshit. People don't look at the facts/information but lean on there personal trusted media or source of information. Ridicule factor is a very strong form of social manipulation.
>it's saying that large scale conspiracies are mathematically impossible to keep quiet
isn't this proven by the fact that conspiracy theorists have "caught on"?
What's with the assumption that conspiracies have to be large scale?
A few people in control can manipulate the situation and the other people involved are left unaware of what is going on.

People on either side, everything is a conspiracy and nothing is a conspiracy alike, tend to think thousands of people are on the take, when it only takes two at the very least.

And yea, when people question anything accepted as a 'common fact', they're shut down by others as nut jobs. Confirmation bias is a tough nut to crack. Even if the theory is proven, it's still shrugged off as nothing to fuss about or worse justified through elaborate mental gymnastics.
They hardly keep these things quiet now.

>FBI pretty much openly kill rancher
>Guy predicts own death and they do it anyway
>Zika Virus CLEARLY engineered and spread
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Its important to note that confirmation bias is a two way street

A lot of conspiracy theorists start with an anti-authority chip on their shoulder. This leads to a lot of stretching to reach your intended conclusion.
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>gentlemen, it looks like we have a problem.
>What's with the assumption that conspiracies have to be large scale?
well there are conspiracies that implicate the entire scientific community at large...
"ridicule theory" is a really sad thing to hang your hat on. No there is no government conspiracy to make people laugh at you.

Conspiracies are, by nature, going to attract schizos and a lot of dumb people who want to feel smarter than everybody else. This doesn't mean that there are no legitimate conspiracies out there, and this doesn't mean that you shouldn't pursue them, but it also means that people are going to have negative perception of "tin foil hats".

Look at Snowden. The guy didn't make spooky youtube videos and collages of ambiguous quotes. He went out and stole hundreds of documents, providing incontrovertible proof of the conspiracy. Nobody laughed at him, people treated him like a hero.
Condé Nast bought Ars Technica in 2008. Take that how you will.
>people in charge fund a study proving people in charge are clearly not manipulating anyone or anything

>most rapists guarantee they would never rape you
yea on the other hand they found hundreds of 6-7' skeletons probably with 3 fingers and are calling them lemurs. and a unicorn crocodile. and just wrote it off as 'elephant birds' and 'lemurs'. (living in the same cave together with a unicorn'ed crocodile? yea fucking right)

meanwhile thoth was depicted as having a green break

gentelmen i think i found a thoth skeleton. >> reptilian thread
Do you have any problems with the study itself?

Or are you just starting from the conclusion that they're lying to you.
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shit ill put the image again

if they are claiming birds... was it cuz they found wing bones???

unicorn croc look at the tip of his snout
why can't those bones be in the same cave?
Wow I'm more curious how those lemurs made a chess board. How old is chess really?
well i dont think birds lemurs and crocs live together
i dont think any birds live in caves ever
i dont think lemurs live in caves

most likely repto food or reptos

just a theory for debate and all that.

and a unicorn croc. wat?
"trust me guy no one is taking advantage of you!"
-man taking advantage of you
did the animal have to live there its entire life to leave a skeleton there?

it's an underwater cave, is it possible that the bones were simply washed down by the rainwater and underground rivers that form these caves?
They AREN'T kept quiet. That's why we know about them.

The thing is nobody cares. They want to live in the world constructed for them. They either write any questionable information off as a "crazy tinfoil hat conspiracy theory" or they just don't care at all.

It's more important to talk about less scary and more accessible shit like Trump or social justice.
if the government told you that the sky was blue, would you believe them?
>They want to live in the world constructed for them
How is this any different than people who take in conspiracy theories because they're presented in easily digestible youtube videos?
bollox, that second pic is obviously Alf.
i think it was a cave that got flooded
desu the most likely explanation is it was the crocs cave and he brought food there

but what could take down a 7' lemur

more likely the lemurs were reptos and the skellys the food
>i think it was a cave that got flooded
and water tends to carry things with it
like bones
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Crocodile skulls have teeth, mang
That's probably why they thought it was a bird
Which Gov? Kek nope the sky's black ...
With sparkling things at night
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yea but unicorn crocs havent existed for millions of years.
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>it's saying that large scale conspiracies are mathematically impossible to keep quiet.
Yes I agree with that and I wasn't implying that schizo's and dumb people aren't attracted to the topics. I simply was stating that the media uses ridicule as an effective means to sway opinion. And it doesn't have to just be paranormal subjects. The ''tinfoliers'' only help the cause.

Snowden is a special case because people have an increasing distrust in their government and what he is leaking (phone taps etc) hits home to the majority. Also not everyone thinks he's a hero, many want to see the guy burned on a stake.

Take a look at corporate conspiracy that are well documented by former employees and then try to have a conversation with someone about it, it won't go well. Or mkulrta (hundreds of FOIA documents proving it's existence), Tuskegee syphilis experiment, went on for 40+ years, mention that to someone and see how it goes.
You misunderstand.
Let me show you what is meant here.

>Flat Earth theory/Round earth conspiracy as an example.

Here literally every government and scientist on the face of the planet has united to lie to every human being and tell them that the earth is not flat.

The same governments that murder each other and go to war with each other for the most trivial reasons imaginable have somehow united to spread this massive lie, and not a single scientist/government official has decided to speak up against another one. Why not? Surely not every single person who enters university to study physics is a soulless liar?
Are you insinuating that Freemasonry is a large scale conspiracy that no one has ever hear of?
Mkultra was bullshit that never worked. How do I know? If it did, the united states would own the fucking world right now.
The funny thing about this thread is that even the most insane conspiracy that you bring up just proves the point of the article.
Receiving v2k requires constant treatments with electrolytes. Very few countries want the US military running their food and water supplies.
Your right, it would be impossible to keep something like that quiet, yet as they say where there is smoke their is fire.

Maybe it goes deeper than aliens, or corporate monopolies.
What part of they wouldn't have a choice due to being mind controlled do you not understand?
The part where they are either "mind-controlled" or "clear-headed & rational" like flipping a coin.

Why do you think it works like that?
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Conspiracy 'theory' damage control claptrap.

We already know which conspiracies are actual and which ones are bogus. If you don't, get a clue.

Moon landing: faked

9/11: Inside job, high tech, orchestrated military operation

Sandy Hook: staged event

There are hallmarks to look for before, during and after these events.

>Also, pulling a number out if ass and implying that "this many ppl" couldn't keep it a secret.

>Also, implying that "this many people" needed to know or knew

>Then, implying that these 'this many propke' definitely would've needed to know.

See. Doesn't make sense. Where do the numbers come from? Logistically, a lot of these techs are staring at data points on a screen. They are mostly innocent parties being duped simultaneously with the rest of the drones/sheeple.

Eg: Millions or billions of people now know certain (of these) things for an absolute fact. Yet it's still being kept a secret due to a blind docile public brainwashed into false belief or not directly caring anymore.
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Do you honestly think if the united states government had access to mind control, they wouldn't use it to subjugate every other country and government on this planet?

Look the point is conspiracies exist because people want to feel like they have some secret knowledge that everyone else is unaware of. That they're better than the "sheep" when in reality, the theorists are completely batshit.
>>Zika Virus CLEARLY engineered and spread
you sure about that?
What I'm implying, is that, yes, large scale conspiracies ARE impossible to keep quit.

What the OP's link is implying, is that, "because these conspiracies can't be kept quiet, they don't exist".

They do, in fact exist, and are in the open for everyone to see.

You see, the easiest way to operate a global conspiracy, is to do it out in the open, and get everyone on the planet to agree that it isn't a conspiracy.
Yeah, this. You have to assume that someone is gonna leak some info. You can't prevent it, but you can do things to minimize the chances, like intimidation, making examples of whistleblowers by killing or jailing them, etc.

The other things you would do is to make sure you have people planted in the media and in internet forums that effectively shame and discredit the notion of conspiracy and the conspiracy theorists themselves. Also, you would also want to create confusion by putting out a bunch of competing conspiracies via established shills that confuse and distract people from the real truth.

No one wants to be labelled a conspiracy theorist, it makes you a social outcast and is generally seen as shameful and super-retarded; in that kind of climate, it makes it very easy to orchestrate conspiracies, because people do not want to go out on a limb and look like a nutbag for not believing what everyone else believes.
They'd probably only use it on soldiers during operations in order to reduce exposure & possible leaks/reverse engineering.

I never stated that MKultra worked, just that it existed as a large government conspiracy that was kept from the public view for decades.

Also your argument relies on the assumption that other countries/governments don't have their own programs that could counter the USA's. And that, if it did work, it isn't something used on a subtle basis.

Yours too

Speaking to the article, you can prove pretty much anything with math if you make all the wrong assumptions. Example, he is assuming that all the people who work on the conspiracy know that they are working on a conspiracy, as if compartmentalization doesn't exist.

The bottom line is, conspiracy eventually do come to light, but it's generally after they've run their course, done their damage and retrieved the data they were after.
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I agree, conspiracies involving thousands of people in high positions lasting decades is impossible.
if they're out in the open they aren't 'conspiracies' anymore are they?
The thing is that the truth does come out, it's just that they are not reported in the mainstream media for obvious reasons, so you have to go out of your way to look it up online if you want to read about all the bullshit that goes on with climate change science for example.
>W many people work for X company
>X company are planning a conspiracy that can work with Z amount of people
>Z is less than W by a considerable amount
>Z is irrelevant though because for X to work their conspiracy, no matter how many Z they claim they need they actually need W because conspiracies only work when literally everyone from the CEO to the valet are in on it

For all of their "smarts" these people are complete fucking retards. To give you an example, everybody knows Apollo 11 went to the Moon because NASA. Remind me how many people actually went to the Moon and how many were sat in a room with no windows watching monitors and reading numbers from a computer screen? The latter being the ones who confirmed everything. It's also impossible to prove anything because as soon as someone claims to have been involved and has proof they always, completely realistically, decide to kill themselves in the most completely unrealistic way. Then obviously if you do the logical thing and say it's conspiracy related, disinfo are shitting up threads and the good goys who don't want to think for themselves and are happy to go along with whatever won't get them laughed at for being "conspiracy nuts" no matter how much evidence is on show, see: Snowden leaks.
i would be sad.
none of what you said actually happened with the snowden leaks.
>conspiracies only work when literally everyone from the CEO to the valet are in on it
>being this retarded

Yea because the valet needs to know hes driving a CEO to a meeting where they are going over their conspiratorial plans.

Someone who is making the firing pin for an atom bomb doesn't need to know what the part is being used for, just that it's needed. People in the army don't need to know the greater part of their operation, just what is required of them to accomplish a small part of the entire operation. Ever hear of the saying "On a need to know basis"?
>conspiracy nuts
this is a meme the FBI has been propagating for years (not even my beliefs, this is well known). Dismissing someone because "they're just a crazy conspiracy theorist" flies in the face of rationality.

But to the actual article, seems fairly bunk. It's based on data from only four actual conspiracies, not exactly much of a sample size.
ur dum.
he was being sarcastic, you both think the same thing.
So, this study is constructing a mathematical base out of a point of view that it's gonna leak eventually, a and then calculates to the result.


These too
Gee, that's why Illuminati (it's not really called that, it doesn't have name, but I call it like that) compartmentalises information and gives partially fake information for it's agents, so that even if the agents go out publicly they actually don't know shit. Only 355 people know real thing and they have been well profiled and certain precautions are taken. You are not allowed in unless you pass certain tests and you have a collatteral (blackmail).

Basically what this >>17303366 guy says, especially:

>Also, pulling a number out if ass and implying that "this many ppl" couldn't keep it a secret.

>Also, implying that "this many people" needed to know or knew

>Then, implying that these 'this many propke' definitely would've needed to know.

And yeah: Where do the numbers come from?

Doesn't really matter, anyway.
Normies don't even believe in (most of the) conspiracy theories.
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This is the most retarded shit i have ever read because they are not even secret any more.

Take 9/11 for example.
Every one who pays attention knows it was an inside job and its hardly a secret any more. Therefore the ''it would be impossible to keep in a secret'' argument is pointless because its not a secret any more.
Flat Earth isn't a conspiracy. People didn't gather in secrecy to discuss making the world flat, or to plan a mass hoax that the Earth is round.

The fact is that the Earth is round, we've known about for nearly 2000 years, and Flat Earthers are just hyper-paranoid retards. Seriously, you flat-earthers are worse than creationsts and should kill yourselves.
nobody remembers the big national secret of the 1940s? my gramps was involved with the manhattan project accourding to his records, he refused to talk about it before he died.
>Its impossible to keep it a secret if so many are part of it
What is compartmentalization?

Do you have a point? It was only secret for a couple of years most people working there didn't know what the fuck they were doing.
a meme
California microbiologist Kary Mullis, Ph.D. on whether or not HIV is the probable cause of AIDS.

Full length documentary on it
That's too sensible for these people. They are religiously committed to the idea, the delusion, that they are on the right track.
911 wasn't an inside job. if it were there would've been someone out there with hard proof, is what the article is saying; not just dumb speculations.
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