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What is your opinion on this /x/? Picture related.. Haven't

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What is your opinion on this /x/?

Picture related..
Haven't seen this yet,just wondering what you guys have to say,before I waste my time..
if you like horror clichés, the you might enjoy it.
it's a bit over the top, but the first season was great. season 2 had a bit too much going on. season 3 was quite funny at some points.
watch the first episode, it's edgier than shoveldog and it only gets worse

>it's garbage

Thank you guys ,
gonna walk over this.
By "this" I mean, American horror story..
Favorite show of all time. Totally worth watching.
Wtf? Its a good show op. Don't listen to these fucking faggots.
I personally like it, it seems corny and edgy at times though.
First 2 seasons are pretty good. 3rd is ok, kind of different. 4th seems like the writers suddenly went full retard, horrible character development and awful plotholes. I can't bring myself to watch the 5th, I've heard is even worse than the last one.

That sounds a lot like /x/. Appropriate. I love the show.
Normie tier spoopy show.

Show me spoopier, and I'll watch the shit out of it. AHS is more of just humor for me at this point.
Agree with others first season was okay and I haven't been able to endure any other season to the end.
Coven was ok, current one is also ok. Freakshow was shit.

I see it more as humor than horror
4th season is still the worse in my eyes, 5th is stupid but i can live with it

Best to worst: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 4th

4 and 5 definitely had their moments but they are shit nonetheless
First season is worth watching that season was actually a horror story every season since is an american porno story and not even a good porno.
piece of shit
Hasn't been good since season 1. Season 2 sucked, and 3 and 4 were just barely passable, 3 more than 4.
My feelings on each season:

>Murder House


Didn't watch.

>Freak Show
8.5/10... honestly pretty surprised that people are shitting on it. To be fair, it wasn't "scary", but it was the most interesting season to me with Asylum being not too far behind.

>Hotel (the current season)
5.5/10 not worth watching. Tries too hard to be edgy, and tries to act "sexy" in the way that gay fashion designers think that straight males want to fuck models who look like emaciated 13 year old boys with long hair and facial expressions that read as "Ughhh...". I really should have stopped watching but once I got five episodes in, I figured that I might as well see it through.

The worst thing about the series are the fans though. Not that I go online and chat about it (except for this thread), but whenever I hear it brought up, I get the impression that the average viewer is a 14 year old girl who watches it before bedtime while chatting on Facebook with her friends.
1st season was amazing in my opinion
2nd was pretty good but it kinda felt like a clusterfuck
3rd was awesome
4th was absolutely terrible
I saw the first season. started off good, then got shitty, then had a twist, which was pretty good, then just sucked.
2nd season is best season. it is a bit chaotic, but it comes together and ends in a very satisfying way, something that can't be said about any of the other seasons.

1 is prolly second best, 3 has a good first half but falls apart when stevie nicks shows up, 4 is the worst like everyone says. couldn't bring myself to finish that season. i've watched some of 5 and it seemed better than 5 and 3 but still not good enough to keep my interest.
i meant 5 seemed better than 3 and 4

Watch season 1-3. Ignore 4, 5
lady gaga knows how to fuck
that's my 2cents
>watched seasons 1 and 3
>many different plots, none of them resolve satisfactorily
>not really scary
>pretty corny
>season 3 at least has a pretty unique premise as far as current tv shows go, music is good too
The season 3 intro is pretty /x/ though:
Murder house and coven are the best. Asylum and freak show are a mess. Hotel is try hard
if you are watching for the spoops and some awkward psuedo porn murder house stretches an average slasher flick into a whole season.

asylum used rape in place of characters and plot

coven had some x-tier sub plots about the big easy but otherwise ran as a teen paranormal romance.

from an artistic standpoint the actors reinventing themselves in every season is an interesting progression. That brings up the point that there is so little immersion that the actors themselves stand out. If you want spooks, or good writing look elsewhere. if you want a heavy handed writing with a rape brush you have a winner.
I watched the first season because I kept thinking it would have to get interesting and go somewhere, because to their credit, it's set up very well. But nope, it's just edgelord bullshit that leads nowhere, and has the dumbest dialogue in any tv show I've ever seen.

You literally have to be brain damaged to like this garbage.

I loved it but I watched it when I was stoned and with friends so we also thought video game high school was the best show on netflix.

Hit the nail on the head.

Freakshow wasn't bad at all. It's not traditional horror, more just... well, freaky. And it ties into Asylum. It's more just choose your favorite Freak, and wonder how/when they will die.

Best episodes were the first few with Twisty the Clown. Not because of his edgy killing, but because when Halloween rolled around and Edward Mordrake came up, his story was absolutely tragic, and suddenly you feel for a character you felt uncomfortable around. Towards the end it got really good. Pic related.

Hotel has been absolutely stupid. It had its moments, and I really enjoyed the 10 Commandments Killer arc, but couldn't give a shit less about The Countess. It was a fucking ploy for Lady Gaga to sell her albums. It just sells her. Each episode dedicates anywhere between 5-15 minutes of just sex. Which isn't bad, but not particularly important to most scenes.

Asylum introduced the corrupt affairs of mental institutions in a day and age where anyone could be thrown in just because someone else said they were crazy. But add to the mix satanic possession, deranged surgeries and exoeriements, and a psychotic serial killer in their midst, and it was a very entertaining season.

Coven was good, but lacked in certain spots. Very girl-power and typical. But the Voodoo story arc, and Kathy Bates characters are very interesting.

Murder House was great because it was the first of its kind, and really kept it's feet on the ground without going too crazy with character story arcs.

Above everything, the score is really fucking good. And it seems to get better every season. I feel Freakshow really stood out because it sounds like a carnival soundbox, which combined with the stop motion dolls is pretty spooky. Hotels has a sense of isolation to it, while still being modern. Best part of Hotel, if you ask me.

Anyway OP, Each season is only 12-13 episodes. Just give them a watch and decide for yourself.
This is a very good review. I pretty much agree with all of it. Personal season rankings (didn't watch the first):


Murder house many find to be alright but I enjoyed it

Asylum is regarded as the best season I found it a bit edgy with muh nazi scientists but still good

coven was complete cringey edgy cuckold bullshit really fucking gay teen witch shit going on, not scary at ALL barely any fuckin new orleans cool voodoo and shit

Freak show was just utter shit, like a stupid storyline, bad actors and basic shock factors used to try and awe the audience cause everyones has a genetic deformity.

Although Dell Toledo was pretty cool guy
I would warn you. TWO of my friends watched several seasons then decided to become homosexual. Not together; two separate occurrences.
It's garbage, and I seriously feel bad for anyone who actually thinks they're watching something well written or even somewhat scary.
Season one is shit, season two is okay, season three is shit, season four is okay, and season five is probably the worst garbage I've ever seen.
Stupid show for closet homosexual and dykes, I feel bad for anyone that find this garbage remotely "scary" and if you do, then you are what's wrong with this board.
Looks like you feel the same way about it as I do. If you actaully watched the first, it'd probably fall somewhere between Freakshow and Coven. I love witches and creole voodoo shit, so Coven was such a letdown. I didn't think it could get worse until Hotel aired.
I'm pretty sure it's not intended to be scary, even at its best. Actually, I think it's at its worst when it's trying to be scary. The bits that I enjoy, I actually only enjoy in the same way I enjoy shitty B-horror.
Are you a 14 years old girl? You must be.
It's not meant to be scary, you stupid cuck. It's meant to be a creepy/dark pseudo-horror.
Go suck a dick like you're so used to doing faggot. Maybe Gaga will congratulate you
Leave this place.
Leave this place and never return.
>Season 1
The plot is fucking bananas, and not in a good way. It starts off good and the season's horror pretty much peaks in episode 2 with Tate in the basement, followed closely by the man haunted by "pigman". If you're watching it for the plot, prepare to be disappointed. The "rules" of the house are inconsistent, nobody's motivations make sense and the ending just throws everything away, including the threat drummed up all season long. I will give a thumbs up to the twist hiding under the floor boards.

>Season 2
Best of the first 3 by far. Psychological horror at best, but it does what it does well. All of the stuff with the blonde haired kid is terrible, the woman hosting Satan is an absolute riot to watch but her motivations are dubious at best. The entire plot with Bloodyface is great and it's the only part of AHS I've seen which has a satisfying conclusion. For a look into the human psyche and well-rounded characters, this season is worth a watch.

>Season 3
What the shit? I was hyped up for this season because of the premise but it dropped the ball hard. Season 1 might have had a hardon for preaching against adultery and season 2 might have downright hated everything about rape, but season 3 just gets fucking silly with the anti-racism, pro-girl power tripe. Gabourey Sidibe's character is particularly obnoxious and kills a lot of the positives in Kathy Bates' character. The plot is pulled out of its arse. Papa Legba is the ONLY thing good that came out of the writers writing themselves into a corner (how to deal with the fact that two characters are immortal?) as he steals every scene he's in. It flip flops back and forward so much, characters moods change at the drop of a hat and Emma Roberts' character makes a monologue about feeling empty and cold before being a narcisistic cold bitch 5 minutes later, for the rest of the season.

If you're a white, straight male who has had adulterous thoughts, be prepared to have 3 seasons of AHS railing against you.
2 > 1 > 3 > 4 ? 5 (never watched 5)
It's okay
It's very base entertainment
Not thought provoking in the least, sustains itself on cultural memes and cheesy plotlines
It mostly follows the new brainfrying overly-social drama miniseries meta, where interesting motifs become secondary to bitchfights between characters

I still like it anyway
That being said, only season that's truly worth watching, imo, is 2, though
This fly or moth is a secreat origination spy they put it all around the wourld all so apart of marinas web
I agree with all but the 3rd season, I thought it was pretty good, better that season 1 by a long shot, and I enjoyed it. The 'seven wonders stevie knicks' thing was fucking dumb though, so was the retard zombie boyfriend. I liked the hell concept, it was pretty hellish, and The voodoo witches were cool.
Found it pretty meh tier. Didn't even finish the first season. Also
>lady gaga
come on....
first 2 seasons are good, the rest is shit
>watch first season for hot young maid
>can't suffer through the garbage acting after that
Tesing. Pleast disgregard
I really like how they use classic horror scores for each episode. Really cool choice IMO.
I could only stand the first season, gave up half-way through the second season. Worth a shot, I guess.
Every now and again I try to get through season one because it's on netflix, I have two thumbs, and people apparently like AHS? And yet every time I'm just wildly disappointed. It's pretty edge for the sake of being edge, with a metric ton of rape and sexual assault instead of plot. I got to the episode where they introduce dead gay Sylar before I stopped most recently, and I'm hard pressed now to remember an episode that doesn't have at least one sexual assault in it. I wound up just feeling so bad for the main character, the dad; shit just keeps happening to him, and he keeps getting touched on and unwillingly ~seduced~ by dead people. And there's a love plot between the underage girl and her dead murderer neighbor?

>how the fuck

On the other hand, going into it like I'm watching a comedy made it infinitely better. Treat this like the B movie it is, and fuck, you might enjoy it. You can tell the actors are aware of exactly what sort of plot they're in, and in some glorious moments, you can see them lean into it and just start chewing the scenery because there's nothing they can do to rescue the plot.

>3.5/10 on the spooks scale
>6 on the spoop meter
Its made by the asshole(s?) who made Glee so this should be your first warning sign,

AHS is really "intro to horror for teenage girls". This means that it has almost every horror cliche shoved in so the kids can look at something generally familiar and everything is given with 'polished' tumblr aesthetics which ruin horror most of the time.

Its also stylisized as fuck, which can be great, but in this case it looks like it has been stylisized for gays and girls by gays and girls which makes it all a little cringe-worthy and juvenile.

Tumblr is home to the AHS fanbase, this should also tell you something.

Personally, I mostly enjoyed season 1 and 2.
I thought coven was made literally for 13 year old 'alt' girls, and freakshow and hotel have literally music numbers in them where some protagonists sing songs. Maybe not so much in the current season with gaga but this season is even worse than having music numbers in it-instead it has HUGE ass montages of lady gaga (literally playing her on stage persona) being ''''mysterious'''' and '''seductive''', doing things while literally a whole 4 minute song plays.
Ehhhh I believe S2 was the best it's been and nothing has matched it yet.
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>season 1
>season 2
>season 3
stopped watching half way through, became completely disinterested.

And this pretty much sum it up. I did like season 3 for all dat eye candy though.
I watched Season 2 over a weekend a few months ago and it was pretty great for what this show turned out to be. It felt more complete from 1 or 3.
this right here is all you need to know
I wouldn't worry about it
Season 2 is GOAT. Everything else is hot garbage
Seeing a lot of hate for season 3, and I mostly agree with it, but I actually think it starts off being good. The acting, aside from Zoe's (the bitch with the black widow power who opens the show) is really good, especially Angela Basset as Marie Laveau. It really focuses on the female perspective and uniquely female issues(loss of beauty with age, peer pressure within groups of women, using beauty to manipulate men, etc.) which I guess you could call 'girl power' but I don't really think so. It also has a big focus on racism, which I think is handled pretty well, but if you are a racist you probably won't like it. The characters are (mostly) pretty interesting and varied, and the occult theme is handled pretty well. They do a great job of showing off New Orleans too. My issues with it are its lack of internal consistency(especially when it comes to resurrection) which get worse and worse as it goes, warped motivations for otherwise good characters, and worst of all, extremely jarring shifts in tone from scene to scene. As I said, it doesn't start off this way, and I actually think the first episode of season 3 is the best episode of American Horror Story, but at a certain point, shit just gets stupid, and its a real shame.
Sounds like it was 2 deep 4 u, in terms of cinematography, if nothing else

Every season is an homage to an era of , that's right, American horror cinema, and all those little details you dislike are carefully selected to cultivate an authentic, heh, American atmosphere

furthermore, how can you say that her acting was lousy? Have you ever seen genuine footage of a woman murdered? It doesn't sound good, it sounds like bad acting. Fear sounds like bad acting.
Well then if it was meant to be shit then it certainly succeeded at being shit, but it certainly didn't start off that way. I'm referring to shit like Queenie randomly meeting up with the other witches at the cemetary with the immortal bitch on a leash and nobody reacting literally at all besides vague annoyance and 'sassy' disinterest, or the witches totally destroying the head witch hunters without any resistance (raising the question as to why they didnt just do that 100 years ago), or the Stevie Nicks fan girl disintegrating after getting stuck in hell and then everybody just decides to play teleport tag like 5 minutes later and then one of them just impaling herself on a spike and everyone's sad again. It's shit like that that ruined the season for me in its later episodes, and it's still stupid regardless of whether or not it was intentionally so.

My statement about her acting, by the way, does not just refer to the scene in which she kills the guy, but to her entire character in the show, in both the third and first seasons. I just think she's a horrible actress overall.
Have to agree.
Actually in this week's episode Queenie stayed at the Hotel Cortez, while in LA to attend a screening of the Wheel of Fortune, which she was certain she would be selected to contest on, as her ticket was "enchanted" by her supreme

So anyway she encounters Romona Royale, played by the same actress as Marie La Vois,
however, she does NOT recognize her

and then she dies and whatever but the point is, like, how could she NOT remember Marie la Vois? She lived and studied and nearly died while trying to protect her, less than THREE years earlier

so you see it all plays together like get with it you fuckin casual
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