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Urban Exploration Finds

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File: Gilanis Place Hacksaw.png (482KB, 643x361px) Image search: [Google]
Gilanis Place Hacksaw.png
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Any Urban Explorers have any interesting finds from outings? Evidence of crime? Homeless squatting? Mentally ill or drug addict scribblings? Anything interesting, creepy or unsettling is applicable.

>Pic Related, a hacksaw I found in the basement of a condemned house down the road from my grandmothers. I'll try to dig around for more interesting things in my photos.
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Another photo, gas can in the middle of the basement.
Oh shit OP, perfect timing. I was going to make a thread like this.

>live in a small city in Nevada
>nice neighborhood, friend lives nearby
>was a planned neighborhood, but developers only could afford to build half the houses
>other half have been started. But work stalled on them due to the recession
>So the neighborhood is a ghost town with half build wooden skeletons literting the beautiful landscape
Anyway, enough setup
>friend and I are dicking around one day, both home from school for winter break
>weather is great, not too hot not too cold
>get bored, decide we want mischief
>walk around the neighborhood
>pick through the unbuilt homes for good shit
>some tools lying around but all rusted to shit
>come across a nearly finished home on one end of this culdesac I never go to
>almost done, but has no glass in the windows or doors
>creepier than the rest. Dark as shit inside and quiet
>decide to head in, still bored, a little past noon
>light enough to sort of make things out inside
>plenty of trash, but it's trash that looks recent
>candy and chips and shit, some batteries and some water jugs
>think maybe a hobo lives here, or maybe kids come to hang out
>explore the downstairs, house interior is in rough shape
>some areas of drywall smashed in, tile floors fucked
>head upstairs
>same shit, empty with some trash but not that interesting
>ready to leave, walk towards front door
>friend points out a weird mark on the drywall
>looks like an arrow pointing down
>look around the spot, realize the grout around a big area of tile was removed
>pry it up with a small bit of wood
>pitch black hole, no idea how deep it is
>smells like shit, or maybe a dead animal I don't know
>friend wants to go down there, I say no because no light

So we seal the hole and come back a few hours later with a few flashlights and some line to tie near the entrance of the hole. I'll keep typing in a sec I gotta go shut the dog up and get a snack, this is a long one.
Shit anon, that's sketchy. Eagerly awaiting and preparing screencapping.
Pls continue
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Gilanis Place.png
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In the meantime some random photos I have on hand. Looking for the suicide note someone wrote on one of the walls.
Keep going...
Me too... Fighting off sleep wanting to hear the rest.
Dude continue pls. It is 6 A.M and I really need some sleep
Okay, so yeah we get some lights and some line and head back. We're coming up to the spot when we spot a problem: there's a black van parked out front. Fuck.

>hang back a little ways, pretend to just be to faggots dicking around on someone's lawn
>don't recognize the van, but I'm not here much anymore maybe someone got a new van
>after about 30 minutes or so, two guys come out of the house
>they look kinda dirty, the van's a little beat up, maybe contractors? Still don't know
>each has a medium/large bag
>seem heavy but idk, probably tools
>van leaves, try not to stare but can tell the driver is glaring at me
>van leaves and we head back
>it's kinda late at this point, maybe 5 or so
>head back into the house
>head to the trap door
>notice some extra footprints in the sand near this area
>don't match my shoes or my friend's shoes
>don't pay too much attention, maybe they were here before
>pop open the trap door thing, still pitch black
>shine a light down the hole
>looks really deep. Can barely see the bottom
>footholds carved into the side, first foot and a half its just concrete and then it seems to be stone
>some fuckers drilled through the foundation for a jerk off cave?
Long story short, tied the line to a bit of wood and me and my friend climbed down
>at the bottom, maybe 20ft from the surface
>tunnel continues to the left of the foothold
>don't remember the direction, but it was out into the undeveloped lands around the neighborhood
>start walking
>fucking cold at this point
>tunnel marrows and widens by small amounts as we go, probably walked another 25ft
>tunnel opens up greatly at this point, like a small room
>tarps hanging along one wall, see an old sofa in the center

Okay one sec I'll be back, I think my friend is here with the pictures.
Fuck it was no one.

Okay so we get to this big room right?
>tarps along the wall, sofa in the middle
>pitch black, see some sort of table against a wall
>lantern, some condoms, and bullets
>yeah fucking 9mm hollow points, Winchester I think
>turn on the lantern, more light the better
>getting cold and spooped
>friend is over by the couch
>he calls me over
>fucking huge brown stains on the couch
>laugh at first, maybe this is grandpa's dream nuclear holocaust bunker
>friend seems freaked out
>he walks over to a tarp on the wall
>pulls it back
>I was looking at a different wall
>he fucking bolts
>halfway up the tunnel thing when I get to him
He ignores me and climbs up, hear him run outside
>decide to stay and hope the van doesn't see that faggot running away from the house
>head back into the room
>check out one of the tarps
>just big blue camping tarps, nothing crazy
>way up on the wall by big nails in the stone or something
>pull the tarp back
>fucking prison shackles drilled or nailed into the stone
So I flipped my shit a little too, bolted out and up the hole
>friend is across the street
>see the guys in the van coming back

Anither long story short, we walk quietly back home, van passes us and doesn't pass again. If it left that night I think it would've had to have rolled by my house, but maybe there's another way out that's new. Either way didn't see the van again. Friend calls me a few days later telling me about the pictures and he asks me if I saw the chains. Tell him yeah, and then I felt numb. Fuck! I forgot to shit the lantern off and close the tile cover when I left. Shit. Didn't tell my friend that, he seems anxious enough.

Okay I'm going to call my friend and see if he's coming over or what. I told him I wanted to see the pictures and he said he'd come over.
Holy shit anon. I would be very interested in the pictures if you could get them. What do you think it was? Rape dungeon?
God... I could've imagine what those guys in the van would've done to you and your friend... Glad you got out safely...
>van passed you
>guy could have had time to see where you were going
>wasn't sure, so he ding dong ditched houses until he saw you
Anon, you might wanna bar the doors
Get. The. Fuck. Out. You have to leave right now, get your shit, if they seen you at your door, they know your car, they know you. You need to fucking bail before you and your family ends up in those chains.
Please deliver, i'm interested as fuck.

A buddy and I went through the freedom tunnels in january. It's a pretty well known spot but i'll post some pics if anyone is interested. Mostly graffitti.
Seriously man, you've been to /b/. You know how to nigga ditch your life, paint yourself in shit and pretend you have a Carmel kid with some white bitch, you need to up and Sanchez somewhere.
Meh, my best friend from middle school became homeless in 2012 after his divorce, so I've seen a lot of spoopy homeless dwellings and tents. Kinda used to it by now
How long ago was this anon? Are you kil?
A-anon? You okay buddy?
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where the pics man
As a kid I used to live in a trailer park and when people leave they leave some of the Darkest shit you could think of. I had a friend who was a girl and I had a crush on her, and they just up and left and I went into their house only to find the most hardcore porn you can think of. I have a feeling they abuse her, I wish I could of got her out of that house. I hope you killed your Parents M.
Posting those pics wouldn't hurt
that makes me sad

there is an abandoned mental asylum that used to be very close to where i lived. a small part of it was in use until only recently, and was easy enough to access. but before that it was hugeeee and it contained many acres of farmland. there is still an original building from like 100 years ago in which people appear to be squatting. it was really hard to find this place, the original building i mean, all the directions i found were from the 70's and didn't take into account a new interstate and housing development. i finally did figure it out after a lot of trampling through the woods. i never did make it into the original buildings for reasons explained above but there were spoopy things in the field and forest around the area. there was a tiny island with a huge abandoned tractor on it. which was kind of cool. i did find a single child's shoe in the middle of nowhere, a tiny pink flip flop and it made me unspeakably depressed so i never came that way again
File: Pub.jpg (3MB, 4128x2322px) Image search: [Google]
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Going to bust into this abandoned pub and see what's inside, it's 15 minutes from my place.
as stated above there were newer parts of the asylum. this whole place is torn down now, and on it is now a public park with sports fields. there exists little to no evidence of what previously stood there, aside from the wrought iron gates and a plaque. the story goes that in the 80's or something, stories of satanic cults and abuse of the patients came to light. there was a fire and one of the main buildings were destroyed.

i spent a lot of time here exploring. there was a (lax) security team because this place was still in use til maybe 2013 when it was shut down and these people were basically put out on the street. one building for sure housed mentally ill people with a penchant for violence.

anyways this place was huge, lots of buildings built from all decades of the 1900's so there was lots of stuff to explore, lots of hills/trees/forested spots plus the fact that there were walking trails made it easy to justify my presence

there was one building in particular which looked like it had been in a fire, it was the spookiest building in the area, three stories plus a basement where patients had lived. it was a labyrinth of spoops.

i set the stage only to try and convey how weird this whole situation was. i found so many sensitive documents, patient information, named and numbers scattered throughout the building. it looked like it had been abandoned in 2002 - some of the electricity was still on in places in the building. to me it was horrifying to find these records because it seemed to corroborate the stories that something really sketchy had been happening. no reason for these buildings to have fallen into disrepair like they did. there was some kind of a boiler room and steam tower in the middle of the park, straight up silent hill in there. worst thing i found was random undies but i once again found it unsettling that the place was trashed and abandoned yet there were still lights precariously flickering. calendar on the wall was
calendar was from 2006 but it just seemed like the place was up and left without even turning the lights off

back to the aforementioned 3 story building with spoops. i did accidentally take a picture of a ghost there. i took along a nice camera and happened to take 2 pictures in succession. one clearly shows my shadow and the next one delineated a taller shadow next to me. freaked me the fuck out to see that because that was the only area in the place i sprinted away from because it made me uncomfortable. it was some kind of reception desk

as for what did i find in there; there were beautiful paintings on the walls done by the patients. they were all over and were honestly really quite good and really sad somehow. lots of nature scenes, tigers and lakes and elephants - and one really big Egyptian style hieroglyphic laden scene in the lunch room. shame that those got destroyed.

in general though the place was trashed and totally haunted, scary fucking noises, many lights were still flickering, equipment and records were everywhere - place was demolished last year and it kind of broke my heart. hope the lingering souls find some peace. i fully intend to post pics when i locate that hard drive.

i think i got the dates wrong in regards to the more well known fires but i did see evidence with my own eyes of recent fires so who knows, creepy anyhow

oh shit i forgot about the cemetery as well. they are across the street hidden between a church and a veterans cemetery. i was out there late at night (obviously) because i lived close enough to walk. the graves made me sad because they were too small - i suppose they were children like the article says - and also saddest of all there were no names, just numbers. some numbers were missing. even more paranormal it's 4 in the morning and some guy appears and tells me to get lost, which i do, but it seemed weird that he was out there keeping watch, he didn't have a uniform on . . . i don't know
i am such a dum dum. wrong lakeshore asylum. time for bed i guess. night /x/
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