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Can we have a japanese commercials thread?

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 321
Thread images: 62

File: new nintendo 3ds.webm (4MB, 1152x648px) Image search: [Google]
new nintendo 3ds.webm
4MB, 1152x648px
Can we have a japanese commercials thread?
File: pso2 vita commercial.webm (4MB, 922x518px) Image search: [Google]
pso2 vita commercial.webm
4MB, 922x518px
File: alsok.webm (2MB, 1010x568px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1010x568px
so that's what vantage sampled
>why Japanes population is taking a nose dive.
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1MB, 426x240px
Korean, but close enough
haha what
i lost
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4MB, 640x360px
You guys might wanna check out the JPCMHD youtube channel, they put up all the new ads that come out on Jap tv
Those buttoooonnnsssss
Pamyu pamyu
This is amazing
File: MINOLTA X-7(1980).webm (3MB, 352x262px) Image search: [Google]
MINOLTA X-7(1980).webm
3MB, 352x262px
Oh good, I could post this webm again with it being on topic.
What the fuck did they try to advertise here ?
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family mart miku.webm
4MB, 832x468px
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dole bananas.webm
815KB, 480x360px
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windows 7.webm
4MB, 896x504px
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3MB, 640x360px
Programming people to stay inside and play video games instead of go outside and kiss
>no wonder Japan is the number one neet nation
>something goes wrong
>he immediately blames the woman and minority
Fucking shitlord japanese.
Love Hotel advertisement
File: jtv_cm_aitai.webm (578KB, 320x240px) Image search: [Google]
578KB, 320x240px
"if a cactus had intel inside"
He says "itai" (ouch) which sounds like "aitai" (want to meet)
She says I want to meet too.
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3MB, 320x240px
File: jtv_kids_pr_train.webm (4MB, 320x240px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 320x240px
product placement = commercial?
File: McDonalds ads.webm (4MB, 640x480px) Image search: [Google]
McDonalds ads.webm
4MB, 640x480px
gb2 tumblr
No shït Captain Obvious.
remix please kkkk

Where's the windows 10 one? Check and mate atheists, only faggots upgrade.
That was one sick turn that toy did in the middle of that webm.
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2MB, 500x281px
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4MB, 500x281px
what's with her nose? is there a portal to another dimension there or some shit?
This is so awesome
Makes me wonder if right now there is a thread on 2ch where they post western commericals and everbody's like "wtf was that? those are batshit crazy. can't they make normal commericals?"

Then again, I haven't been watching TV in like 10 years, so I don't even know any current western commericals...
shit miku get it together
File: jii.webm (4MB, 854x480px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 854x480px
oh shit! They are girls!
USB lighter
hooooooooooooooory sheeet anon, that music bring memories
File: Neo Geo gf.webm (2MB, 640x480px) Image search: [Google]
Neo Geo gf.webm
2MB, 640x480px
Holy shit I love how surrealist they are
File: Sonic Adventure commercial.webm (3MB, 640x480px) Image search: [Google]
Sonic Adventure commercial.webm
3MB, 640x480px
>stay inside
Vita is portable
After all this years, I finally realized her name is literally window 7.
Why is there a PlayStation reference in a Windows 7 ad?
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4MB, 640x360px

Why is Kyary Pamyu Pamyu so fucking based?
if you look closely, there is a very rare pepe hidden in this commercial.
Japan is such a shitty country
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3MB, 1280x720px
Is that fucking mayonnaise
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>"by the way, you never invited me here"
>dat fucking face
shin onii was sexier

Music sounds like a ripoff of an Indiana Jones movie lol
>child friendly programming
I need this as a show, like a MIB sequel
It all come tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling doowwwwnn
korea has problems with birth rates so they turn a blind eye to over sexualised stuff and at the same time they act overly prude
"OMG thats disgusting but check out these tits tho"
I guarantee the kinds of people most receptive to this commercial are the kinds that are already neet or on their way.
Microsoft owns a competing system?
>gentoo at the end
lost it
File: indeed_cm.webm (3MB, 700x392px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 700x392px
what a shat
File: disney land anime commercial.webm (4MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
disney land anime commercial.webm
4MB, 1280x720px
that is a very sweet commercial


Fuck off
>this will never be your reality
why aren't you slumming it around tokyo disneyland?
>that Gentoo logo
Crustless marshmallow bread
Of course Disney can do anime, didn't you watch Fireball?
>hammu, cheeso, tomato
>Metaru Gia Soriddo Faibu
Why can't the Japs come up with their own words for stuff?
Those were originally foreign to Japan before they were introduced by westerners throughout the years, so they adopted the original name. It's the same with America calling Mexican tortillas basically tortilla.
File: krunk e.webm (2MB, 640x480px) Image search: [Google]
krunk e.webm
2MB, 640x480px
No based Crunky.
Fuck. So this is where that Hatsune Miku gif is based from.
Why can't 'muricans come up with their own words for stuff?
>Manoeuvre warfare
Because the English did it for them already.
>Anonymous 11/21/15(Sat)16:09:58 No.836169▶>>836344 >>836349 >>839486
>File: サントリー BOSS CM 宇宙人ジョーンズ 「教師」篇.webm (4 MB, 1280x720)-[Close]
ay b0s$
nice quints
and damn, I didn't notice that shit either despite having seen both before

I want this.
mayonaise on shitty dry ramen with soy sauce that is
jesus chirst, i didnt want these feels
I had been looking for this commercial for a long time.

When real life tries to be a manga but fails miserably
you should try it. its pretty good (oh gotta use that japanese mayo that has mustard in it).
File: Glico Dororich.webm (3MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
Glico Dororich.webm
3MB, 1280x720px
And Nip girls wonder why they gain so much weight so quickly
They seem to dredge almost everything in mayo
>Playstation buttons
well, time to search for bukkake

How in the world can it be product placement when it's Go-Onger's main mech? The entire point of the show is to sell the toys.

I swear that girl in the middle front of the class looks familiar. I swear she's Itakiss...

[Sorry unrelated]
I love all the ads he is in
Best thread. Need more.
nice aesthetics
speaking of aesthetics, found the image on the cover of floral shoppe
File: japanesesoftwaread.webm (485KB, 320x240px) Image search: [Google]
485KB, 320x240px
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3MB, 1280x720px
Did that laserdisc just fly into his arse?
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2MB, 1280x720px
Are those Nissin ads always orgasmic-intense sensation noodle cup related?
If you scroll your cursor across the timeline the thumbnails show Bowser spinning in the opposite direction
>Japan do this to make people believe Miku is real
what the actual fuck did i just watch
If I saw a real life anime grill I'd probably scream in terror.
I'm gonna go ahead and assume these are all JAV stars and ask for all of their names...for science, of course.
Based Keroro
A E S T H E T I C as fuck
Yeah, fuck off you stupid fucking cunt.
I'm ruvin et
>Ad about getting people to be engineers
>Blaming people
He's asking them if they're engineers you mongoloid
a woman giving birth to a horse i guess

My daughter is 5 years old, non verbal and still in diapers. This kind of thing makes me hate life and how unfair it can be.
oh....well time to kill myself now, thanks anon
File: disney_cm.webm (4MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 640x360px
File: b-r-cm.webm (4MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 640x360px
>consuming glico products
Enjoy the cyanide.
amazing dicovery
this was just cringe for me.
Never before has ronald macdonald looked more like a pedo than ever
why Heidi?
Proof that Taylor Swift considers the Japanese honorary aryans

the trips from hell
same here anon

I'm looking for a recent one where a girl out and abound sees couples, gets lonely and instead she goes home to play some mobile game instead.

I think it was Xmas themed.

Please help ;_;

Well fuck my life.
So if that comes from just looking like a white alpha businessman in his 70s in japan, what happens if you ARE a white businessman in his 70s in japans?
you got yourself a retard
future is not bright for your daughter

make another child. seriously. if you have a kid who fails, you feel like you failed. if you have one failure and one successfull, it can be narrowed down to the kid being a rotten apple in the family tree.
seriously, 5 years old and still at baby state is worrysome at best, I don't know where you come from but kids start with school at 6 here.

Also, talk to your girl more, and do potty training, you dipshit. kids aren't plants, and they're not your average jungle animal either. the only thing they learn by instincts is breathing, reacting on their needs, and recognizing threats, and even that can be damaged.

Getting cucked by a foreigner at the end.
parenting 101 on 4chan

The best Baskin Robbins CM, though it's Korean.
File: shizuka cm.webm (3MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
shizuka cm.webm
3MB, 640x360px
First one is Shizuka Nakamura. Not AV. Yet.
File: Sequence 01_4-aud.webm (3MB, 720x304px) Image search: [Google]
Sequence 01_4-aud.webm
3MB, 720x304px
dis shit is kawaii nigga
>Can't understand Japanese
>instantly concludes they're being shitlords

Looks like we found the racist piece of shit in this thread.
>Reads thread title


>Every damn time...

Has there ever been a Japan specific thread where someone hasn't spammed Korea up the wahzoo in it?
What a great guy you must be. Any chance I (or someone else) can be your friend?
yeah fuuuck this guy man
are you seriously that autistic?
File: Giga Pudding.webm (3MB, 320x210px) Image search: [Google]
Giga Pudding.webm
3MB, 320x210px
Anime was based on Disney animation and storytelling in the first place dumb dumb! Anime is basicly a cheap knockoff.
Fuck off gook scum
Surprised nobody posted this earlier.
File: puccho_CM.webm (2MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1280x720px
don't try this at home, kids.

>fails miserably

all j-drama and k-drama is like this


after the role of a lifetime, she's been busy
File: Japanese-Furby-Commercial.webm (3MB, 427x240px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 427x240px
The next commercial after this...
This is cringe worthy.
is that really real?
I doubt it. The synthpop song's lyrics are about vegetable juice
ah chuz magog
Does anyone have that Japanese beef /milk academy graduation ceremony?
>Manoeuvre warfare
You dumb motherfucker...
>And I would have gotten away with it too, if had used the mongoloid spelling
Five out of six ain't bad.
uhh, I thought that was his daughter he was playing against...
>arr rook da same
One of the men has greying hair.
go back to fucking reddit shithead
>No regular sized new 3ds in the US
I'm still mad
Now that is a fucking commercial.
Didn't this get a lot of people pissed off? I remember hearing about a bunch of mothers being angry at AKB48 because this commercial was pretty lesbo.
Too bad that Nintendo got rid of the scene in the Animal Crossing ad of Kyary Pamyu Pamyu pinching Tom Nook's ass.
The effects were great though, can't wait to see the unholy matrimony between them and Hideaki Anno in the new Godzilla.
why did kirby not suck her clothes clean off.....what the fuck man....missed opportunity
nobody has ever called you smart have they
The fucking cleavage holes though...

>Mom walks in

Seriously, 0:20 downright saved as a reacion
Wait, isn't Takara Tomy a Toy company? (they made the toys that would become Transformers)
I was expecting Butter-fly to start ;_;
probably was
That is a perfect example of how I will never understand how people can be weaboos.
Someone make a webm of the Japanese Splatoon ad

It's fucking awesome

holy shit that commercial is relentlessly A E S T H I C
For some reason I want to get some ice cream
Best part is this shit is fucking delicious
Mayo spicy mustard mixture. When I first tried it with it, it was actually good.
>Assuming the nigger or the bitch has a STEM degree

You're right, that guy's a retard.
Holy shit, this is awesome.
Too bad it wasn't the old guy saying "cup noodle" at the ending.
The best part is that the guy is saying
>Wtf was that?
>I don't get it.
And then here, they just say
>What is this?
before the dog girl going mad, it must be hard being a fucking dog in a ticket app commercial.
quiz RPG commercial. It is not a really good game, but it has its funny moments:

The game starts a quiz, and shows my options first:
And then the game loads up the question:
>Which one of them is a zodiac sign?
That's not very sanitary.
File: consome-panchi1.webm (2MB, 480x360px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 480x360px
Did Akira Kushida sing this
I fucking miss this mayonnaise.
Didn't see product, don't care.
What the fuck?
what the fuck.
>>i wish to understand
ask int jap thread... just quote the post. its like you think no japs come here.
Fucking love hotel ads catering to children huh? Population issue must be getting worse.
It's an ad for a cram school called Yoyogi Seminar. The song is generic crap about having only one life and giving it your best.
>Was collecting rings part of your plan?
that penguin died
he died man
so funny :3
thanks anon i lmao
File: au_cm23r.webm (4MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 640x360px
>lainbow mountain
Does anyone have a webm of the coffee commercial with Tommy Lee Jones in Paris? I remember seeing it in Japan a few years back.
now im hungry
I'd like more Tommy Lee Jones-san commercials please.
cool, is there uncensored version of this?
I think there is actually.
You can find it on a *booru
lol parenting advice on 4chan. Oh man I needed that laugh.
This is like asking if Mitsubishi only makes airconditioners
Fuck off

We all have our trials in life my friend.

Is this a meme or has 4chan become that easy to trigger?
File: google_cm_1.webm (4MB, 696x392px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 696x392px
File: antena_cm.webm (3MB, 696x392px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 696x392px
>Five out of six ain't bad.
you do realize most of those words actually come from other languages BEFORE English adapted the words into the English language, right? <_<

anyway on the topic of Engrish: yh it's weird. apparently it's "cool" to have English words in Japanese so that's why a lot of commercials use them.
How do you make a webm be less space? I got a pretty recent commercial but the file is too big as a webm
Man, Baskin Robbins don't play

No he is politely asking her why she isn't in the kitchen, making a sandwich for him dah.
top kek
>those fucking manjaws
>japanese commercial
>no one is japanese
>everyone's dubbed over
windows 10 is pure
>red one is fast
>that obvious Rei Lilith 5 seconds in
wow she is so...
disney owns some of the anime studios
never change
so that's where that gif is from
i prefer this one over the "YOU'RE A KID NOW, YOU'RE A SQUID NOW"
I'm getting a fucking boner just from this trailer...
Ehh, the actual movie is probably gonna blow, tho
File: rina_takeda.webm (3MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1280x720px
>She has said that she became interested in karate as a 10-year-old when she saw her father lose in a karate match and decided that she had to avenge his defeat.[1][2]

>all the other girls are lined up
>commercial is too short to show all of them

there has to be a full version
File: 1453552422881.webm (4MB, 320x180px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 320x180px
I understood what the product was.
This is like not knowing Nintendo owned love hotels or a taxi service.
Wow the history is unpredictable.
That is one of, if not the most japanese thing I've ever experienced.
Fuck me that's nearly as bad as ainsley.exe
I'll remind her to screw.
I watched it....... it was so bad. Like, Super Mario bad.
File: u6r76fu.webm (3MB, 430x240px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 430x240px
File: 87568.webm (3MB, 430x240px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 430x240px
>the things i do for money
Who is this semen demon ?
Don't forget you are here forever
nice thread
Western men, much less women, understand the concept of honor.
To give you guys a sense of how short these girls are, Shinoda (the "tall" one with the short hair) is 5'5''.
You know what would give us a better sense of how short they are? Plainly stating the height of at least one of them.
I did that. I plainly told you how tall one girl in the video is, and from that information, you can gauge the height of the rest of them. By giving you the height of the tallest one in the video, I have successfully conveyed the point that "all of them are very short by western standards". Instead of listing out all the heights of every girl in that scene, you can take the height of the tallest girl and compare with the rest of them, successfully gaining an understanding of their relative height without listing them.

Was that so hard to figure out or are you just too much of an autist for reading comprehension and inference?
When was this background music on /b/, or was it a stickied auto playing youtube video? 2010?
>implying that throwing your life away for the sake of somebody's fragile ego is a meaningful decision
cringed so hard i got goosebumps, didn't know i could do that

Remember kids, there's no reason to fuck when you can play Phantasy Star on your vita.
This is what I mean. You have no idea what honor is and probably never will.
Using arcane non-SI units not approved for use with the SI does not satisfy the 'plainly' condition.
Every scientist on earth is familiar with feet and inches, you're not impressing anyone by pretending you have a PhD in heightology.
Welcome to the Internet, invented by and for Americans.
>this commercial was for neither Twister nor Wonderbread
File: big_iron.webm (3MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 640x360px
For those who don't know, Oranges have to be shipped to japan and their orange juice sucks. Its much sweeter here.
did he just shove his ass in my face
I didn't know Japanese people liked Katy Perry
fuck you and anyone who even looks like you
>I'm being pedantic because I have severe autism and don't know how to use google to convert simple height measurements
>I'm asking someone on a predominantly American populated, Pakistani yak hearding image board to use units they are not familiar with so it will satisfy my Euroboner for the metric system that has little to no effect on anyone's daily life unless they're a scientist
>Every scientist on earth is familiar with feet and inches
[citation needed]

Welcome to the World Wide Web, invented by Europeans for everyone. It behoves you to use standard international units during your stay.

I'm unwilling to guess at what the initial poster's meaning was. One of the advantages of the SI is that any conceivable quantity can be defined with the smallest possible set of units. This obviates the need to concern oneself with the arcane, obsolescent regional units which persist in use in backwards areas of the world. Additionally, I think you'll find that no other system of measurement affects the daily lives of more people than the SI.

If this site was intended for an exclusively, or even primarily, American audience, moot would have taken it out with a .us TLD.
Put the thesaurus away buddy, you're not impressing anyone. SI units are primarily used for the extremely small or extremely large, I've never read a paper with metres in it. Everyone is familiar with feet and inches for height.
You should seriously go away. Sure Imperial units are silly for scientific calculations, but you really should be able to handle height in feet.

>invented by Europeans for everyone.
>invented by a Brit, who certainly knows Imperial measures, based on the work of American predecessors, running on American hardware with an American OS using link layer protocols invented by the US military.
If I take your chili cheese dog, will you die?
>[Austism Intensifies].gif

Seriously man. You're being incredibly pedantic. You could've avoided all of this just by using google converter to change feet to meters. There is no practical purpose to change what 300 million+ people use in their daily lives just because "it converts better". Scientific communities can use it because it would make more sense, but guess what? I'm still going to use feet, inches, yards, miles, cups, teaspoons, and so on, if only just to spite people like you.

>backwards areas of the world.
He says on a contraption invented by Americans, on the internet invented by Americans, on a site made by an American.

>Welcome to the World Wide Web, invented by Europeans for everyone
Now I know you're trolling.
File: getout.webm (2MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 640x360px
webm related
Is that fucking Keiko Kitagawa?
>Put the thesaurus away buddy

>SI units are primarily used for the extremely small or extremely large, I've never read a paper with metres in it.
If perhaps, you have read papers exclusively in fields such as sub-atomic physics and astrophysics, it is to a degree understandable how you may have developed that impression. The multiples and submultiples of SI units cover every conceivable order of magnitude - just because you have never personally used SI units in this way does not imply they are in any way inappropriate for such use.

>Everyone is familiar with feet and inches for height.
You know this isn't true.

>you really should be able to handle height in feet
The SI Brochure provides a series of multiples and submultiples of a well standardised unit of length such that it is suitable for expressing lengths of any conceivable magnitude. There is no reason why you should expect people to be generally familiar with any redundant regional units where the SI is sufficient.

>Implying major technological achievements can be accurately attributed to one person alone
Berners-Lee had help from colleagues of many European nationalities at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research when he developed the World Wide Web and associated technologies.
>All these red herrings
You may as well claim that it wasn't a German, but an Italian, who invented the motor car because it ran on roads.
>You could've avoided all of this just by using google converter to change feet to meters.
I'm not concerned with meters. The poster who tried to express the height of the girls in the advertisement is the only one who could have avoided this: he ought to have expressed the height with the metre, or some multiple or submultiple thereof.

>There is no practical purpose to change what 300 million+ people use
If that had been the case, the overwhelming majority of the world would not have seen fit to adopt the SI.

>just because "it converts better"
You misunderstand. The main advantage of the SI over a haphazard combination of arbitrarily defined units is that no conversion factors at all are necessary. In order to competently use the ecosystem of non-SI units to express the same range of quantities as the SI permits, it is necessary to learn hundreds of arbitrary conversion factors.

>I'm still going to use feet, inches, yards, miles, cups, teaspoons, and so on
Go ahead, hobble yourself.

>He says on a contraption invented by Americans
The first electronic digital programmable computer, first stored-program computer and first commercial programmable digital computer were invented in Euorpe.

>Now I know you're trolling.
What gives you that impression?

You've made an error in your post: you linked to my posts promoting the exclusive use of the SI instead of the posts of the apologists for the continued non-SI units not accepted for the SI and all that entails.
File: 145987653538.webm (66KB, 344x384px) Image search: [Google]
66KB, 344x384px
please see

Seriously, you're embarrassing yourself.
The only people embarrassing themselves on this thread are those apologising for the continued use of non-SI units not approved for use with the SI.
File: 1453997535030.gif (3MB, 460x246px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 460x246px
Dude. Just...stop.
Then disregard it. Capitalism is deceitful, that advertisement is a retarded parody of real life anyway.
fuck off SJW scum


read the thread
Damn, nostalgia...

Fuck you Disney!
Oh fuck...I remembers me of the time when that played on a loop on 4chan, the site was completely fucked.
OK gugulu

Adidas commmercial

Did you know that I'm actually NOT a vegan?
Unless you're a big celeb like Tommy Lee then you're just another filthy gaijin to them
that logo looks like an anus
The only oranges they do have are usually expensive as shit because you can only grow so many in Kyushu.
Why on Earth would you ever suggest that someone should stop advocating the proper use of SI prefixes, units and unit symbols as prescribed by the SI Brochure? Did you reply to the wrong post?
>stay inside
>Vita is portable
Get on my level
A poltergeist is a type of ghost, not a synonym.
Thread posts: 321
Thread images: 62

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