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School shooting

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Thread replies: 322
Thread images: 37

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song is pumped up kicks
give fucking everyone guns yo
would you shoot up a place where as soon as you pull out a gun there are 20 AKs pointed at you
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pumped up kids.webm
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I think I have one or two.
please post more
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school shooting training.webm
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What is that from?
My neices and I shoot 3-gun together. This little girl handles herself better than 99% of /k/.
>>1781377 nice thanks
Probably wouldn't stop the ones that planned to kill themselves afterwards anyways. Besides, with the surprise of it he could kill an entire classroom before he gets shot, and most people would rather run to save their own lives instead of trying to take him down.
>most people would rather run to save their own lives instead of trying to take him down.
Especially a congressman.
I agree. Instead, after he shoots himself, stick a banana in his ass and make his actions into a joke w so future wannabes will be deterred from doing the same.
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holy lmao
well you'd have to stick a bannana in everyone's ass who shoots up a school for the deterrence to stick, and it woudn't work on everyone, some of us are into that shit.
does she have a nice ass?
I second that, spread your sauce over us OP!
Which episode of Everybody hates Chris was that?
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This one is garbage
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Really makes you think.webm
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Nice one normo.

You realize that the reason school shooters do what they do is because they've been ostracized by society? They're already jokes.
God I hate women. Yes, yes. Scream. That is going to help the situation, ya fucking idiots. Always with the screaming.
It's a reflex, a good number of men do the same thing, and it's an instinct driven by the need to address surprise in order to warn other members of the family unit.

I know you have autism but come on, at least try and read up on how humans operate.
song source?
T. Virgin /pol/tard
Im calling the FBI everyone please stay where you are kthxbye
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no more normie pies with robot's golden wheat
Theme parks should ban women. That would make them much more enjoyable.
In Srbija we hav no problems with scool shooting because only good ones (no turk) go to scool.
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Anime adaptation when?
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Pumped Up Kicks.webm
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Much obliged.
Why does this get posted?
That's not that bad, they stop screeching after 1 second really and it's silent
What the fuck is with all of this gay fucking music in this thread. Like ruining WWII stock footage with, "be like the cool kids," or whatever the fuck.

Fuck you faggots, get better taste in music, and the fuck off my lawn!
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you fucking idiots this
is fake'n'gay

im from 2ch and i can surely say its fucking bullshit. the girl on the first desk closed her ears before he even shoots. and overall the situation is just fake.
It's pretty funny because its satire. This meme mostly has stupid meme songs played, but the irony is that the kid was loudspeaking a school shooter songs.
there was one to shout from tears for fears
anyone got it?
was a rifle shooting and either the bullets or the casings had the names of a bunch of schools supposedly shot up
God damn it Pirate

>School Shooting thread
>edgy summerfags gettings ready for next school year's shooting spree
I love that song
sauce song?????
sauce on the song?
So is anyone gonna make some OC or do I have do it myself?
here ya go fag
Did they include the "I believe in god" hoax in this recreation?
So... this is what music has devolved into...

Maybe you should kill yourselves and all of your classmates...
ayy post the berserk one plz
Saus on song please
not 2chan but 2ch.hk. like the russian imageboard. dvach
Tbh if i lived in america with easy acces to guns i'd probably do some crazy shit too. But i'd go to either a ghetto or the white house. (Justice or fame).
bro shes like 6 years old the fuck?
you didn't answer his question
probably not, 6 year olds arent really developed
fuck of normie
Katelyn (Katie) Francis
Are you autistic? It's a basic reflex of suprise.
It already exists, it's called Gunslinger Girl.
is this kino?
>roller-coasters full of men sitting silently, just staring ahead
somebody edit this so instead od black the a team logo gets shot into screen.
holy shit how underage are you?
Are you? That doesn't mean it's fucking smart to do. The last thing you want to do is draw attention in a dangerous situation. All it shows is that you have no control over yourself and that you easily show your hand.
>mfw no loli bodyguard in the race war
You mean like how all of your continued lack of understanding of basic human psychology shows you have no control over yourself, and that you easily show your autism?
basing your nieces off of anything from /k/ is a bad way to judge them in general
can someone post the classic
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>The last thing you want to do is draw attention in a dangerous situation.

Actually, it's the first thing to do. Screaming helps warning others of a danger, like pointing out or looking at something. That's why humans have a visible sclera, to make other humans undestand more easily where they're looking at, in order to tell something.
>show your hand
are you from a fucking anime
I want to fuck that asian-looking girl.
see name >>1801157
The way this video promotes racemixing just makes it even more disgusting.

My grade 9 English teacher told us that one

Never believed it
Where do I get a pump action ak?
Fortunately our hero steps in and stops it.
Asian Americans always have extra-nasally accents which sound fucking awful. They sound like cats being run over.
make me want to become a school shooter to have people make cool compilation like this of my shooting
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What gear would you use if you were to pull a colombine?
Fuckin right?!
does. she. have. a nice. ass????
We have them. They're called "chess clubs".
Yes they did
That's not a hoax though. They did ask her if she believed in god AFTER she was shot. That's where the origins of the hoax come from.
No the documentary is Zero Hour and it's pretty accurate.
Mass shooters are always overly edgy faggots and half the time the only reason they kill people is to 'prove' that they're edgy especially in the case of Columbine.
>insert list of guns from COD modern warfare here
>hear a shotgun pump racking sound after he loads a double barrel

that's the last time he'll call him a doichiprassort
Still, it would allow people to act before cops show up.
In America the places with the toughest gun regulations have the highest crime rates.
> sound is earlier than the flash
> dvach
Oh fuck off mate. It's like calling 4chan.com "4chan".
>walks near white house fence with a gun anywhere on his body.
>the security systems saw you come 3 blocks away
>a sniper blows your brains out before yiu can even jump the fence
Earlier this year a chink strolled on up to the front door. It doesn't work the way you think it should.
>goes to ghetto where blacks own guns
>even their grandmas have guns
>pulls out a pistol
>instantly killed by a 3 year old niglet
>shoes,guns,items striped from corpse
>on gravestone "Here lies nameless faggott"
If that was true then why did that black grandma in NYC who was killed by a police officer's gun use a baseball bat.
Muslimanski izrode
>113 replies and 14 images omitted
Fuck you all
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edgy as fuck my man
Breh. That's a statement of fact. If you wanted an actually "edgy" statement, here's one:
"Muslim refugees are an objectively good thing for native Europeans, as it exposes them to more diverse cultures."
Any nigger who made a post like that would be flooded with (you)'s, because I think most of 4chan is too hopelessly new at this point to differentiate between what's bait and what isn't.
Yep, still edgy.
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Pulse aces.webm
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Where do you think you are?
i didnt expect to lose this hard in this thread
Some russian movie, sure that it's fake
You absolutely sure it isn't real? I wouldn't have thought otherwise.
A M1 Grande to troll the "muh ebil assault rifles" shitters.
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pumped up kicks.webm
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2 ump 45s with drum mags
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pumped up kicks.webm
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Kek, you just got put on the FBI watchlist
So what? So the news can say they knew about him and did nothing?
it's okay, as long as he's a muslim the fbi won't do anything for fear of being called islamophobic
>implying the FBI does anything but watch people masturbate
Name one instance where a mass shooting was stopped ahead of time by the FBI.
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>evil white man shot up a school today using a military-grade rifle with 8-round assault clips
what is this shit?
Wish there was a gmod addon that made npcs panic at murder.
It's some American training video on how not to die when you are inevitably involved in a mass shooting.
Holy shit they might use "clip" correctly for once.
Couldn't seem to find it, do you have the name of the track?
Link ?
Me too.
Probably a dramatization of a shooting as part of a training video for a hypothetical "active shooter event".
>Breh. That's a statement of fact.
>"[promotion of racemixing] ... just makes it more disgusting."

Yeah, """facts""".
I want /pol/ to leave.
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thats not the answer bro
t. redditor

context? Was that a fire extinguisher? And why in an almost empty restaurant?
What are these kind of webm's called?
you dont know what the fuck you are talking about.
i might just bring a gun to school for a free banana
>school shooting fashion show.
maybe instead of guns you could do an interpretative dance symbolizing your struggle with homosexuality.
thats on op you newfag
guy is a nu-beta male and this condones racemixing. Were at the stage where (((they))) just fit propaganda into everything
Heh you haven't seen many 6 year olds
>I want /pol/ to leave.

no you leave you fucking piece of shit , this is our site faggot, if you dont like it go back. go bea normie somewhere else nigger
fuck off faggot
>That's not a hoax though
>That's where the origins of the hoax come from
>not a hoax
>where the origins of the hoax come from

>where the origins of the hoax
>come from
>where the origins
>come from
>of the hoax
>That's not a hoax
>the hoax
>not a hoax though
>the origins
>come from
>where the origins of the hoax come from
>That's not a hoax though
Sauce could probably be "Шкoльный cтpeлoк" (2015): https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A8%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B9_%D1%81%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%BA
Apparently inspired by https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Moscow_school_shooting

A stream sniper used a fire extinguisher to fuck over a streamer called Ice Poseidon
This is part of a shooter response safety training for jobs.
My job had this same video.
No, it's really not, you just kind of have a place where you hang out, /pol/ doesn't belong outside of their bracketed off section of shitsville. Just because you guys jack off to race baiting doesn't mean that other people need to do so.
>this is our site faggot
Why are you people always so possessive of things that don't actually belong to you?
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cleansing help helper.webm
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What weapon mod is that?
Better yet use a sword.
A European one, of course.
>Inb4 they call it a magazine
Дaвaйтe этo чиним.

Counterstrike Source alternate weapons
How'd she get a full auto?

I want a full auto.
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fuck off
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losco wolf.webm
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How cute...
Find a conversion kit or drop the money on a pre-1985 receiver.

Either way you'll have to buy a NFA stamp and be put on a list. Assuming you're a burger.
An AR-15 in compliance with all California State laws
Just to show them they still don't stop shit.
kek, HR made us watch this video for training
And then you get shot for making a scene. Gratz, dumbass.
Anime isn't real, kid. I couldn't possibly be from an anime.
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I haven't heard that song in years
Cause the speed of sound is faster than the speed of light dumass
>And then you get shot for making a scene. Gratz, dumbass.
You're retarded. If he's going to shoot you he's going to shoot you whether or not you scream. It's also a reflex because of evolution meaning it is a reflex that helped humans in the past survive danger more often than it got them killed you idiot.
It helped them survive in an age before guns or even spears and arrows.
its funny because its loud DXDXDXDXDX
I love it when a plan comes together
I forgot the name of that song.
what are these from?
>autism the post
do i hear someone laugh?
It is damage that this slut laughs at the end it spoils everything
The news isn't gonna tell you everyday when the FBI or another police agency saved a bunch of people. That doesn't sell... Tragedy sells...
literally what

Kill yourself, idiot.
Thinking back on my own school years I unironically think school shooters are completely justified in their actions.

t. Norwegian without access to freedoms
Threads like this is why my country won't make freedom legal.
I don't like this kind of music but this with the webm is fine.
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bless you anon.
Clicking on this thread got you put on an FBI watch list you kike


youtube filler song of 2007 - 11
I would pay good money for this
I honestly didn't even bother to look at the actual name.
"strategic patience" isnt the go to plan anymore
I'm lost, how is this supposed to help you? what are you supposed to do when a mass shooter shows up?
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Suprised no one had posted this one
Holy shit the nostalgia of that song.

No but they were all 3d
What's this from?
holy shit, i need a version of this remix but with the gun loading
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I kinda tried.
they are just surprised dude chill fucking virgin
she's got a nice ass doesn't she?
Good stuff sir.
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I hope no one has posted this one yet
Technically, you need to duck and cover... they won't be able to see you if you can't see them.
yeah and they start killing people cause they want to be taken seriously once

but we won't give them that

with our dying breath we'll call them virgins one last time
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>wall of Funko Pops
There's no way that that's accurate.
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to be continued.webm
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thats from a movie but okay
end thineself
Is that Mack from Future Weapons?
re-read your post
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I actually chuckled
what movie is that?
found it it's the Elephant school shooting
Time to nerf pulse
nice tutorial
Wow, i could become a meme? Sign me the fuck up
>bad haircut guy

No one gives a shit about him. The only mass shooters who were any good were Erik and Dylan (the most famous), the Korean guy (wrote terrible plays) and Elliot Roger (good catchphrases and relatable casus belli)
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lanza ragu.webm
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Answer the question!
I remember catching this movie on sundance when it was new. Definately impressed for an indie movie with so many young actors.
Alessia Cara - Here (Lucian Remix)
Is it bad that all of these clips entertain me?
my university sent all the students and staff this video as well as another one that takes place in a university
basically they tell you 3 things
>lead people to safety
>if you can't run hide
>lock doors, turn off lights and try to be invisible
>if the shooter walks through the door you're supposed to try and overpower him with your mates
File: Based tony.webm (2MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
Based tony.webm
2MB, 1280x720px
Here you go
Whoever made this is a magician
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just doing my job.webm
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this is the reason the entire internet laughs at us. we look like a bunch of sick neets.

so you going to answer the question or not?!?!?

where is full version
this shitfest was fun to watch
I'm just a love machine
Tony doesn't use guns though......
Fists only.
if thats real that kid definitely got suspended or even expelled
Let them laugh. We're anonymous, they're generally not.
bad haircut guy killed some niggers, he's alright, actually better than Eliot
>live in austrlia
>don't have to deal with this shit
life is good
>tfw no guns
>tfw can't CC boomerangs without getting in trouble with the law
>Abos get free knifey-spooney permits while I have to wait 2 hours at centrelink to fill out a form getting the same benefits because I'm white

Port Arthur, not even once.
Seen the complete video on YouTube, don't remember the name tho, it's about hints to a school shooting or something like that might be able to get the sauce in a while
2015 video game called "Hatred"

More like "Edgelord's wet dream"
10/10 hilarious
Game is actually pretty fun for a while.
If they would have omitted the edgy commentary throughout the game, it would have done a whole lot better
thats pretty fucking lame
>shooter wont see you
yea righto. maybe some sperg wont see you. any person with half a brain is gonna fuck you up.
and when the guy brings explosives/ molotovs then youre fuked. or he just finds you and youre sitting in the corner about to die like a bitch
>fight him
eh, maybe, maybe if you get him by suprise and have some sort of training, chances are he will fuck you up. heroic way to die and if you do survive youll get pussy
>lock doors
he has a gun nice try though
>lead people to safety
mmm no fuck that, yea if youre in a position where you can gtfo out of there immediately maybe help a few others out, only other time you'd help someone else is if they are your best friend or some hot slut
running is your best option. breivik proved that any other option is pathetic and will get you killed

bowd you guys pull one off?
>signal jammers so phones dont work
>lock a few exits
>molotov cocktails/ home made grenades
>spray and prey gun
>handgun to pick off wounded
>creepy music over the PA system
>weird costume
>big explosives in car park waiting for cops
>trip wires, booby traps and mines for escaping students
>change clothes at the end of it
>burn/ blow up everything I have
>shoot self in leg
>pretend im injured bystander
>leave country ASAP
>make dank threads on 4chan about myself
worst fucking piece of shit garbage music, produce needs to die
Elephant. Directed by Gus Van Sant
Reee that trigger discipline
and the places with the toughest traffic laws have the highest rate of traffic accidents.

why do you think they implemented the fucking laws? dipshit
not sure if this is bait or if someone is actually that retarded
God damn, didn't know summerfag teens could be pedo NEET fags too.
>our site
this isn't a collective. only collectives are boards, but even then it's a mixed bag at that. fuck off newfriend.
back to tumblr
>t. depressed sumfag school shooter LARPer
any regular school shooter is too retarded
>signal jammers that likely would shit out because either too cheap or you don't have the money for an actually functioning one.
>students have already been notified of an intruder because cameras obviously don't exist
>tec-9 because it surely didn't miss most of its shots
>LEO on campus has already been dispatched to your position without your knowledge
>you're shot down by a single police officer
wow it's like you're retarded
Summer's almost over.
My sweet, sweet summer child the winter never comes.
>That's why humans have a visible sclera, to make other humans undestand more easily where they're looking at
Didn't know that but have been wondering, nice to know.
4chan being in perpetual summer is an old meme.
The fuck? No it isn't. The old meme of summer is an outdated screenshot of moot saying traffic doesn't change at all.
Newfags don't know of 4chan's endless summer.
The fuck is this shit? This isn't a thing anyone notices or talks about at all. This doesn't disprove you're a summerfag or newfag. You just searched up '4chan summer' and got this. Nothing in this is a meme. It's just babble about what happened.
Endless summer and eternal September have been discussed a few times. lurk moar
No, it isn't.
Source for this mix of the song, or even the video?
Lana Del Rey - Young and Beautiful

Then whinge about evolution, because they can't control it now.
But that is exactly what people in covert ops do. They suppress what comes naturally.
So this is how it feels to be a vrigin, huh
>that trigger discipline when reloading and handing him a gun at the beginning
I got triggered hard
Your face is still seen on cameras, unless you use a mask.
Police will identify your clothing.
Police will be called to your position by cameras, and there's a guaranteed 2-3 on-campus LEO like this >>1830557 anon said.
You'd only be able to make shitty I.E.D.'s like a nail bomb or pipe bomb, which wouldn't be under your control, only by fuse.
Police would find out if any purchases of supplies for items such as nails, pipes, etc. have been made.
Burning everything you have would be idiotic, and would immediately make you a suspect in the case and arson of your home, and they'd take in forensics to figure you out.
And this is probably the dumbest out of them all, shooting yourself in the leg. You're going to hit an artery and bleed out in a minute.
You would be a suspect in the case because your house mysteriously was engulfed in flames by gasoline/release of gas, and would be kept in the system until the case was closed.
I also don't get the signal jammer. There really aren't any that are a low price/or any in general. That also doesn't stop the fact that most phones in schools, outside of personal cell phones, are connected by landline.

I'm glad summer is about to finish up for you and you get to be shot in the back 4 times by one police officer, kek. Make sure you give us the school location too.
>go to chess club
>start making friends because I want to learn
>people are kind and want to teach me
>qt comes in, asks to challenge the newbie
>beats my ass
>I fall in love
>she's taken
checkmate I guess
You will never be iconic or legendary as Reb&V
That's Hotline Miami 1 Tony.
>good ones
don't even try
>bad haircut guy
that guy is the only guy ever to succesfully pull off a bowlcut
america is the continent
that was awfull
Does anyone have the full, edgy teen version?
Remember seeing it recently, lose my shit at the check these dubs
Found it

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What is this from?
Ahmed Dogan, high figure in a Turkey leaning party in Bulgaria.
The whole thing was staged IMHO.
He was not shot in this incident.
The video is nothing but feelgood bullshit. What you should do is GTFO and if you see the shooter, shoot back.
/push because I really want to fucking know where those scenes come from.

Looks pretty well made.
>summerfag calling others summerfags
Hello Not Important, I'm dad.

Part from the song starts at 1:59
The gun doesnt go off and the guy is arrested.
>not the roundabout meme

Same, feels good. Kind of. I mean there's still some gun related incidents.
>life is just like the movies, right anons?

neck yourself.
that shit is cancer
When someone says 'america' I don't think of Canada or fucking Mexico.

Fuck off.
America is not a continent. North America and South America are two separate continents.
I'll be sure to shoot back with my finger pistol and let out a loud bang.
Thread posts: 322
Thread images: 37

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