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President Donald J. Trump WebMs #18

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 344
Thread images: 143

File: Trump propaganda.webm (797KB, 848x472px) Image search: [Google]
Trump propaganda.webm
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Jump the Shark Edition
#11 >>1507965
#12 >>1513168
#13 >>1522342
#14 >>1528536
#15 >>1542673
#16 >>1566778
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Hillary Ferns.webm
1MB, 844x476px
#17 >>1587796
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File: Reagan Chemical Weapons.webm (3MB, 852x476px) Image search: [Google]
Reagan Chemical Weapons.webm
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Did you guys know Reagan assisted Iraq to use chemical weapons against Iran in the 1980's?
wtf why is the president flicking lights, doesn't he have stuff to do considering the situation in Syria?
>implying the cheetodust covered oompa loompa has ever done a day's work in his life
oh i am laffing
File: Someonemadethis - TrumpGod.webm (2MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
Someonemadethis - TrumpGod.webm
2MB, 640x360px
Wasn't a Supporter until I saw this
this always gets me
Do you dedicate every moment of every day to your job?
#17a >>1591713
#17b >>1587796

So... two Trump threads again? One for everyone and one being an exclusive echo chamber for Tump bots?

>inb4 but the other one is anti-Trump echo chamber
The only force stopping Trump bots from posting in the other thread are Trump bots.

>inb4 but the other one is only one poster
This only proves that 4chan is a Nazi bot hellhole with no cultural diversity at all. It takes time to change it... unless, of course, you don't want to change it.

>inb4 return to Reddit
I need a board like 4chan. What I don't need is an echo chamber (neither right-wing nor left-wing).
The other one was full of boring shit posted by one poster, that is why it failed. We're just here for the keks and that thread had none.
Answer is in previous post.

It's still live.
Another thing that I don't need is sluggish Trump threads that are fast only during take-off.

That's the primary reason why I started posting Trump WebMs that are not pleasant to Trump bots – and, in consequence, the primary reason why the other Trump thread exists.
Everything else that happened – including the proof that 4chan is an echo chamber without liberal users (or without REAL users at all) – was an inadvertent side effect.
>We're just here for the keks
Also the last time we talked your definition of "keks" was a thread with many WebMs and little talk ("autistic shitposting" as you call it).

No other Trump WebM thread in /wsg/ history had reached image limit before it reached bump limit. The "anti-Trump" thread is well on its way to achieve your own ideal. Cognitive dissonance much?
I'll take quality over quantity any day and that thread was purely quantity.

autistic shitposting at its finest. dont ever change guys.
All these posts are mine. Do not attempt claiming these posts.

It's funny how your definition of "high-quality" is "pro-Trump". Please, post "high-quality" anti-Trump WebMs to prove me wrong.
Well one of the liberal shit posters started this thread. I think Trump bombing Syria took the wind out the sails of people who were anti globalist.

I am confused by the airfield strike. Jets were taking off from the airport the day of the attack so it could not have been that bad. Trump admits he purposely did not hit the runway that would have decommissioned it for months. There are also reports he avoided building believed to house the chemical weapons. So this strike was a symbolic half measure that violates his campaign promise and pisses off the Russians, who he was trying to warm relations with. Then they tell us they have a plan but its a secret.
File: The Magic R.webm (2MB, 844x472px) Image search: [Google]
The Magic R.webm
2MB, 844x472px
God damn you are autistic as fuck. No I am not going to make a video of flashing lights with music that says fuck Trump. Those messages are retarded and do nothing to further a discussion.

What I will do is make reasonable arguments asking why the fuck do Republicans not know what they stand for. Their party is all over the map right now they are going to have issues getting tax cuts done and they control all three branches of government. I like our two party system and the Republicans need to get their shit together because your 100 days will be up soon and its all down hill from here.
>The president will of course still have Commander-in-Chief authority over the machinery of war but he has exercised more authority over the machinery of golf since becoming president than he has military activities.

I suspect this video is the reason why President Trump struck Syria: to prove Lawrence O'Donnell from MSNBC wrong.
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most powerful in the Universe.webm
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I cant believe this autistic piece of shit shill is still at it. WOW

Get BTFO every second, every day of your life faggot. You are an eternal loser
>rabid shill calling others shills
Just work harder. Post more Trump WebMs. Keep this thread #1. That's all I want from you. Do you hate me for that?

"Supporters" like you are the downfall of this otherwise CUTE president. Americans hate Trump NOT because of Trump, but because of people such as you. You woud be the biggest help to your president if you simply disappeared.

Yeah, trying to reason with a rabid dog IS autism. My bad.
i feel bad for you
D-do you actually like me??
This video was made years before the trump victory
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wish list.gif
342KB, 666x386px
>"normie" is a Reddit buzzword
>the anon that dominates /wsg/ has told me so
GIF related. Unless Pepe is a Reddit mascot too.
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does anyone have trump's "turn off the lights" asgore remix?
It is a reddit derived word for cringy underaged faggots trying desparately to fit in. 4chan was already happily using the word "pleb" (short for "plebeian") for years prior to it being introduced here.
A paid advertisement for Hillary "get's you"? The whole "email" bit followed by Hillary's expressionless face is a way to appeal to the lowest common denominator, so cattle millennials like you think "oh she's so cool for agreeing to do this, her dead panned humor is epic bro xD". Fucking faggot.
Ignore all shills. Trump is still our guy. If anyone here claims to be "redpilled" but is too fucking stupid to tell what is going on without /pol/ telling you, and is unable to find the truth because of the shills, this image is what's going on.

Trump is beating the Jews at their own game, per usual.
Tried to post image but then found out /wsg/ doesn't allow images.

Basically, anyone stupid enough to fall for the shilling and let the shills convince them that Trump betrayed us, go fuck yourself.
>2 days ago
>all these tired rhetoric
i don't know what's more sad here. the tears or the canned laughter.
>that somehow negates what I said
t. butthurt faggot
So when the truth gets repeated a lot, it becomes "tired rhetoric"... ok.
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4MB, 888x500px
no but i do have the better version of that webm
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262KB, 498x280px
Wow this is genuine shit, and Maher is usually the one somewhat tolerable of the talking heads.
he does that thing to everyone he ridicules, the person he ridiculed just happened to be disabled and the media saw it at him mocking his disability
You honestly expect something kekworthy or even remotely non-boring (I'd never go as far as to call this crap "interesting") to come out of a thread titled "President Donald J. Trump WebMs"?
Freedom has spoken.
File: When This War Is Over.._1.webm (4MB, 540x304px) Image search: [Google]
When This War Is Over.._1.webm
4MB, 540x304px
yes, are you new to geopolitics?
File: 4d chess.webm (4MB, 400x226px) Image search: [Google]
4d chess.webm
4MB, 400x226px
>Tried to post image but then found out /wsg/ doesn't allow images
No Fucking Shit Dumbass
File: Trumps secret meeting.webm (3MB, 640x352px) Image search: [Google]
Trumps secret meeting.webm
3MB, 640x352px
Anyone got an audio version of this?
not fluent in english, can i get context and explanations on this one please?
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Can somebody point me to the webm where the are multiple clips of people saying trump wont be president and then there is the old fella announcing which states are won and trump is now the president?
Don't have a webm but is it this?
dat rigging on pepe though
>Important ally
Trump supposedly made disguised phone calls as a publicist named John Miller to boost his own credentials, the media caught wind of this several years after the fact and tried to use it against him. The woman you see talking to Megyn was one of the people "John Miller" spoke to, and she recorded the phone call. The phone call was leaked to the press and it began a news cycle about John Miller/Trump. However, she claimed she was not the one who leaked it and she lost the recording several decades ago, meaning the only other source the leak could have come from was the other caller, Donald Trump. This means Trump intentionally leaked the phone call to create a news cycle to once again shift the spotlight upon himself. He plays the media like a fiddle and he plays it masterfully.
YES YES hahaha
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File: In the hall of the Trump king.webm (4MB, 500x280px) Image search: [Google]
In the hall of the Trump king.webm
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That one is shit. No creativity, behind it, no hype, no build up.
Those are some good masks
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File: Thanks Obama.webm (864KB, 960x720px) Image search: [Google]
Thanks Obama.webm
864KB, 960x720px
I am so goddamn sick of Trumps shit. Today making an official presidential statement that the Democrats have no valid points and all of the failures of his presidency were caused by Obama. Shut the fuck up you arrogant cry baby.

Trump has flip flopped on all international issues and the media is fucking loving it helping him boost his approval numbers. I like to understand what is going on in the world and I have no idea if my president is receiving money from the Russians, going to war with Syria, or N. Korea,.

Spending some time talking with a Republicans they seem to bend what they believe to what Trump has done that week. You cannot have any intelligent conversation as they will change on a dime and have no recollection of past statements. Most of the time it boils down to "Democrats did it".
Bull fucking shit! For example when the democrats changed the rules on the lower court they had over 100 nominations held up over 2 years of deadlock with +70 filibusters from Republicans. When the Republicans changed if for the supreme court it lasted one day and one filibuster.

American politics is not a game of follow dear leader. Support your ideas not the individual.
File: Trump wont win.webm (3MB, 320x240px) Image search: [Google]
Trump wont win.webm
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hard knock life.webm
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nazi days.webm
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communist scum
Sauce on the music?
File: Nazi yesterday.webm (3MB, 400x225px) Image search: [Google]
Nazi yesterday.webm
3MB, 400x225px
Where are the starving people?
Jesus fucking christ. Just saw this on kikebook as a news that he threw back the hat like he was saying fuck off to the kid. wtf, media are so biased
these make me chuckle :')

Can someone post webms of trump savaging interviewers and politicians?
The only thing more pathetic are millennial conservatives who no longer watch comedy because every person who works on every one of their favourite shows is now a libtard cuck of some variety.

You know it's bad when they have to pretend that Sam Hyde is funny.
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3MB, 770x720px
Well if ever a window needed an rpg through it at 7am, now you know which window to go for.

between two ferns was zach at his best imo
File: nate silver.webm (1MB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
nate silver.webm
1MB, 1920x1080px
File: I wouldn't go to France.webm (2MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
I wouldn't go to France.webm
2MB, 640x360px
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2MB, 480x270px
spent 15 minutes looking for this webm, i love it
File: times are a changing.webm (4MB, 480x270px) Image search: [Google]
times are a changing.webm
4MB, 480x270px
>The majority of non-college educated white women (64%) voted for Trump, while 35% backed Clinton.
Proof skipping college makes you dumber.
>eurofag here
i wouldn't say dumb
don't say they are dumb
they voted probably bc hillary had the same opinion as you
but trump was the one who stood behind white trash
you don't have to be a genius to get this:
who you gonna vote for?
a woman who despises you or a dumb man who stands behind you?
his dad was a medium-time builder in queens.
His dad had his own business building garages to sell to the rising middle class when he was 18. By the time Donald Trump was in college (getting top marks) he was also managing an entire development project.
File: Ann Coulter.webm (2MB, 326x226px) Image search: [Google]
Ann Coulter.webm
2MB, 326x226px
>Gallup poll from March 20th shows Trump with only a 39% approval rating from white women that are non-graduates

White non college educated women is by far the largest group that has turned on trump. They voted for him in large numbers now say they don't like the way he is running the country. Literally everything that has happened so far was predicted and is what Trump has done.

They are dumb as shit because they voted for this and are now saying they hate it.
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2MB, 680x382px
>believing in polls after witnessing the 2016 election
>majority of idiots who took out yuge loans to get meme degrees at Indoctination University shockingly voted democrat
>all people without degrees are toothless hicks who voted for the racist sexist homophobic mysoginist bigot
File: When I'm President.webm (1MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
When I'm President.webm
1MB, 640x360px
File: You are retarded.webm (308KB, 636x472px) Image search: [Google]
You are retarded.webm
308KB, 636x472px
>On November 1st Real Clear Politics average of state and national polls shows Clinton still ahead by 2.2 points. Trump now has 45.3 percent of voter support, compared to 47.5 percent for Clinton.
Margin of error is 5 points and Hillary still won a majority. For some reason our system gives rednecks in Wyoming 4 times the voting power of California. I like the electoral college but god damn it benefits the shit out of hicks in the south and Rocky Mountains. Republicans won the last two presidency's on a technicality.

But what do I care Trump is doing so much damage to his own party right now. I just hope North Korea does not start nuking the south. Isolationist warmonger is a new face for you guys.
File: Coding.webm (2MB, 1272x700px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1272x700px
Honestly do you think there is anyway for you to get a job that pays more then 30k per year without a college education?

I fucking love those idiots who go to school for some shit designer degree and pay 30k per year. Those people paid for all the lab equipment the engineering students use. STEM or bust bitches.
>Republicans won the last two presidency's on a technicality.

What!? You forgot to do the whole "MUH RUSSIAN MEDDLING" shtick.

Anyway, I commend you for conceding (guess its a habit at this point) that President Trump was elected fair and square the way every* American president is elected: Electoral. College.

>I just hope North Korea does not start nuking the south. Isolationist warmonger is a new face for you guys.

Is this bait? Isolationist warmonger would be a new face for... literally anybody.

>"Fat boy, look out the window. You see those ships? That's an armada. AR-MAH-DAH. You never heard of an armada? Really? Oh. Why are they there? Just feeling really isolationist at the moment."
File: abomb.webm (514KB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
514KB, 1280x720px
If all you care about is the win then yes Trump did win. But long term the republicans are going to get fucked. They control everything now and cannot get any of their agenda passed. Its all down hill from this point and pushing the fat kid into a corner with a nuke is not going to help shit. If you know what Trumps plan is for Korea let me know because it looks like a bluff for some unknown goal.

So on the off chance Kim shoots a nuke at our ships will you count that as a win? Whats the next step nuclear war or just bombardment? Then what ground invasion where the entire population would be put into service? There is no win here!
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4MB, 1920x1080px
what is the song in this video?
driving me crazy
Literally the first result for "masturbate to cartoons". Like come on nigga, god damn.
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1MB, 640x360px
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1MB, 720x400px
i didn't someone would name their song Masturbate to Cartoons
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shadilay - Copy.webm
4MB, 640x360px

but thank you kind anon
>But long term the republicans are going to get fucked.

It already started in Georgia, right? Don't be Nate Silver and pull predictions out of your ass.

>They control everything now and cannot get any of their agenda passed.

Ryancare was shit and it didn't get forced through. Obamacare is shit and it got forced through. "We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it."

>Its all down hill from this point

It's day 93 of a new administration. President Trump doesn't even have all of his nominees confirmed and you're gonna talk about downhill?

>and pushing the fat kid into a corner with a nuke is not going to help shit. If you know what Trumps plan is for Korea let me know because it looks like a bluff for some unknown goal.

>pushing the fat kid into a corner
>Trumps plan ... for Korea

Does any of that shit look isolationist to you?

Look dude, I can't tell if you're serious. When you write something like "isolationist warmonger" you seem like you're regurgitating a dumb thought you picked up from a clueless chicken little-type. It makes no sense.

>So on the off chance Kim shoots a nuke at our ships will you count that as a win? Whats the next step nuclear war or just bombardment? Then what ground invasion where the entire population would be put into service? There is no win here!

Ultimately, the desired outcome is the nuclear disarmament of North Korea. They've established themselves as a threat and America is taking their threats against them and their allies seriously. What is America supposed to do when a dictator has declared war on America and is actively pursuing the means to strike America with nuclear weapons?
File: Boom 2.webm (625KB, 472x436px) Image search: [Google]
Boom 2.webm
625KB, 472x436px
>pull predictions out of your ass.
So how are tax cuts, Syria, health care, sanctuary city's, Muslim ban, Mexico wall, trade deals, and Russian relations going? And on Georgia the democrat got 48% of the vote and the next republican got 20%. If he had 2% more it would have been a auto win and not a runoff. This is not a swing district either it should be an easy win for you as it has been held R for 38 years. This is a bad sign.

HAHAHA! So where is Trumps plan? If it had passed it would be Trump care but because it failed you are re-branding it. That is some true corporate bullshit.

Build a wall, support the breakup of the EU, support protectionist trade.

Bomb Syria, push North Korea to the edge, and what ever he is doing with Russia over the Euro zone.

I am serious and yes "isolationist warmonger" is retarded because we get none of the global benefits of trade while going to war for no gains.

>nuclear disarmament of North Korea
HOW!!! China is backing off because it knows this is a bag of hornets and the US is about to stick its dick right in it.
>you should magically know that a gif board has images disabled
Take your autism elsewhere.
>Their role was to monitor the cease-fire in South Vietnam per the Paris Peace Accords
Not part of the war but the pullout. They did not directly help America in the war.
We are.
>ever trusting a Jew

Can someone convert :25 - :34 to a webm?

What remix is this?

'Never mind. I found it.

Disregarding the politics of this post, what boomenmacher was this?
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4MB, 500x283px
contributin for an answer.
>Recognizing Jewmany as a country
Remember goyim Germany only exsists today to ensure the exsistance of the Jewish state of Israel.
File: Duck and Cover.webm (2MB, 844x476px) Image search: [Google]
Duck and Cover.webm
2MB, 844x476px
No idea. Think its just a big IED.
File: alt-right tears.webm (2MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
alt-right tears.webm
2MB, 640x360px
>Ignore all shills.
So... ignore you?

>Trump is beating the Jews
So... Trump is beating his daughter?

>Take your autism elsewhere.
So... take autism out of autism?

>ever trusting a Jew
http://forward.com/news/370132/trump-gives-a-holocaust-speech-and-the-alt-right-feels-betrayed/ (5 hours ago)

>Remember goyim the US goes to war in Syria only to ensure the exsistance of the Jewish state of Israel.
"Cognitive dissonance has never caused us sleepless nights, we've been trained to live with it since we were babies."

https://newrepublic.com/article/142276/alt-right-donald-trump-get-divorce (14 hours ago)
>It is a disorienting time to be in the alt-right.
...and this very thread is a confirmation.

Now I support Trump even more. Tears of retards are the new MtnDew® (@PepsiCo).
File: join me on Reddit 3.webm (162KB, 565x266px) Image search: [Google]
join me on Reddit 3.webm
162KB, 565x266px
>It is a reddit derived word
The only person on 4chan who knows it is you.

It wasn't likely a single piece of ordnance, but a bunch of what the military refers to as "code H." Ammo and explosives have shelf lives and a ton of it was shipped overseas during GWOT. From time to time, EOD will take a distro company out to BFE areas that look a lot like this to get rid of it, since shipping it back to the States for proper (pronounced: less awesome) disposal is a lot more expensive.

>source: EOD
My kind of girl.
Well it's a good thing we'll never go to war over Syria. Trump knows the gas attack was fake. That's why he just happened to attack a Syrian airbase. None of Assad's troops were killed, but 19 "rebels" were (codeword for ISIS). Trump's 4D chess work is brilliant. Crawl back into yo momma's ass Shariablue.

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348KB, 350x233px
>Related topics: Reddit - Website (Rising) (Breakout)
>Related topics: 4chan - Website
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Education makes you smarter just like playing basketball makes you taller
>moral republican party
I don't know if you're a woman or just an effeminate man, but witty and insulting jokes is how men bond.

The fact that you're trying to tie any of that to morality just shows how little you know/have thought about morality.
You're not fooling anyone. Don't forget Shariablue, 8 MORE YEARS.
bob beckel is a liberal though
Can you let the man wake up and have breakfast please for fuck sakes
>not 12
U mad?
What the fuck did she say at the start?
File: Trump bitching.webm (2MB, 632x356px) Image search: [Google]
Trump bitching.webm
2MB, 632x356px
Its a professional setting, put your dick back in your pants. A news program isn't the bar.

You are not born into being smart. Education centers raise the average knowledge base of every American. This allows you to be more successful and what you do. Do you think you are born knowing multiplication and the written word?

Makes sense one of the few liberals Fox would be able to relate to makes sexist comments in a professional setting.
>you're paying for the wall if it ever gets built
>obamacare still going
>Merkel had to explain how EU trade works
>lowest approval rating in history
>bill o'reilly sacked
>alex jones admits he's a fraud
>trump calls himself a globalist
>got involved in syria even though he promised he wouldn't
>spent 1 out of every 5 mins as president so far on vacation
>hillary not in prison
>pizzagate absolutely debunked in every way
>continuously lies about making deals with Ford, Walmart, etc. the deals were already in place before he was elected
>still moving jobs out of the country
>spicey can't open his mouth without a gaff and trump won't fire him because "he get's ratings"
>Arnold demolished Trump
>Trump's budget won't go into effect until October, we're still under Obama's last budget yet Trump is trying to take credit for falls in debt
>Didn't defeat ISIS or even make a real plan in the time he promised
>Travel bans struck down in court
>shutting down of sanctuary cities struck down too
>local LEO are deciding to not enforce federal rulings on cannabis
>had to settle Trump U
>Trying to set up his family to take over the government when he's done
>world leaders don't take him seriously
>Russians asking Putin to step down

is this what winning looks like?
File: without the President.webm (4MB, 960x540px) Image search: [Google]
without the President.webm
4MB, 960x540px
His rally tonight (where he bailed on the White House correspondents dinner) seemed exactly the same as any of the ones he had during his actual campaign before the election... MAGA/Trump balloons, banners, hats and signs everywhere, his supporters stamping and cheering between every sentence, him *still* bringing up Hilary and Obama every few minutes (even though Republicans control the house, senate, white house and supreme court)... It's like he seriously believes that he's still on the campaign trail.
he spoke for over an hour, and that's all you took away from it?

You lying fucks only see what you want to see.
All he did was insult the press / his political opponents and gloat about his non-accomplishments. He said nothing of any importance.

I'm so sick of hearing him gloat about how he won the election. Every other president stops talking about their Election Day long before they are even inaugurated, but Trump just wont shut up about it. Hilary Clinton is totally irrelevant since she lost, yet he keeps bringing her up over and over. You would never even hear about her anymore if it weren't for him.
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American exceptionalism .webm
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what a great first 100 days in office he's had
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Ill drink to that. I seriously do not get the Trump supporters right now. They seem to take supporting him as a badge of honor. They have not gone the Bush route yet saying not supporting Trump is unpatriotic, but its coming.

I'v tried to do devils advocate for Trump supporters and all I got is:
>Does no believe propaganda is real or it does not effect their group
>Best is yet to come
>Trump's beliefs 100% match their own
>Political vengeance is good
>There was a time when everything was good and we just don't know
>The world is a leach and America should cut it off
>Nepotism is not a big deal
>Democrats want to hurt the nation
>Free market never fails

I do not know how to argue with it because with those base lines its hard to go anywhere. Targeting each point seems to lead down a rabbit hole where the fall back on Trump has their same values. Trump supporters take this way to personally.
>normie memes

i love these. they remind me that anything is possible if you just believe in yourself.
that he married an immigrant and that they should get that on camera.
>I do not know how to argue with it because with those base lines its hard to go anywhere. Targeting each point seems to lead down a rabbit hole where the fall back on Trump has their same values. Trump supporters take this way to personally.

You can't argue with it. That's the thing with fascism/totalitarianism. They already have all the answers. There's no need for critical thought or questioning anything because the Dear Leader has already figured everything out for them. All they have to do is submit their will to the Glorious Father and all will be well.

It's a sickness. I don't know how we can confront it.
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NBC Promos June 1981.webm
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This is serious salt, fellas. Y'all might wanna try reddit if you need a hugbox.

FYI, calling him a fascist and a totalitarian while patting yourselves on the back for being oh-so-more enlightened isn't going to win any votes away from him.
You can't argue with it. That's the thing with progressives/communists. They already have all the answers. There's no need for critical thought or questioning anything because Socialist groupthink has already figured everything out for them. All they have to do is submit their will to Social Justice and all will be well.

It's a sickness, but I know how we can confront it. We're warming up the helicopters for you, comrade.
It's been 100 days and trump hasn't done anything worth while (which makes him a liar because he promised a lot). He is a fucking failure. Don't make fucking excuses for him, he's a fucking conman and a fucking failure.
WWIII in a nutshell
fucking 10/10
Anna is dumb as a brick but I'd fuck the shit out of her over and over again until she lost the will to be liberal.


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But he delivered 100% of what he promised for the first 100 days.

Wait, then in what world a person, whos disability is connected with his memory can work as a reporter?
Isn't that important for their jobs?
sjws, dude does not even have the same kind of disability that causes this type of involuntary shaking.
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every communist.webm
682KB, 1280x720px
try this next commie, atleast it works
It's not even salt at this point. I straight up don't get the support. Give me a rational reason why I should be rooting for anything Trump is doing.

Healthcare is a Republican bust because they cannot have internal agreement and the Dem's want to fix the existing system.

N. Korea and Syria are no win scenarios.

A trade war is too little too late and will just cause a depression.

I support simplifying the tax code but removing the federal state and local tax deduction will cause a mass imbalance among states and be a huge power shift from the states to the fed.

Deregulation may be good but its effects wont be know for 10 years.

Deportations of migrant workers will hurt the small farms
its 100% salt.

your candidate lost the election fairly in a LANDSLIDE. your party is full of scatterbrained obstructionists. your party's leadership is clueless. yet you come here regurgitating fanfic. you don't care about rational reasons.

if you really want answers, stop listening to losers bullshit you about how somebody who won doesnt know what hes doing.

stop listening to losers bullshit you about about how somebody smart enough to make himself a billionaire and be successful for his entire life is actually just some dumb guy from queens who lucked into everything AND YET a community organizer from hawaii that never held a real job is the most qualified person beyond fit to be president.

you're not looking for answers. you're just trying to spread the same virus you've been infected with.

This is a joke right?

You've been sniffing the assholes of other dogs so long you forgot it smells bad.

'Community Organizer' passes healthcare reform. Trump with all three branches of government under his control cant repeal it.

Promises wall. Can't do it. Promises better relations with Russia. Can't do it. Promises to label China as a currency manipulator. Can't do it. Promises a better deal for poor rural whites. Can't do it. Promises to ban Muslims. Can't do it. Promises to destroy ISIS. Can't do it. Promises isolationist US foreign policy. Can't do it.

If Trump did anything that substantively benefited me I'd give him a chance, sure. But so far the only successful thing he's managed is launching the punitive missile strikes against Syria.

Cheeto Nigger can play golf for sure though
>Muh golf
Meanwhile Hillary's getting ready to run away to wherever Obama fled to because things are heating up in the states, due it most part to dumbshit commies who do nothing but destroy the country they're preaching is being destroyed by (((racism)) and (((hate))).
And on the Trump thing, you're just one of those fucking liberals who's so caught up in the hysteria that you forget the man is going to be in office for 4 years, fucker's been in less than 4 MONTHS and he's already delivered on a lot of his promises. You're just an impatient asshole who turns on someone the second they don't get something done when you say they should.
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Not going to attack you for the deflecting. Politics is not a sports team where you root for your guys to win. You do not need to stick it to the other guys. That thought process is killing the nation.

Trump is missing the nuance of politics. He treats every issue as a nail and he has a hammer. I get that he wants to fix every issue but the world is too big and complex. People need to be lead not dragged.

What are you looking forward too from Trump? I want to know what is a Trump win. An Obama win was net neutrality (SOPA/PIPA) and Killing the F-22.
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>already delivered on a lot of his promises
Such as?

Obama stopped a second great depression in his first 100 days and saved the auto industry.
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Barron Butler.webm
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>Healthcare is a Republican bust because they cannot have internal agreement and the Dem's want to fix the existing system.

I suspect a compromise healthcare bill will be coming in the next week or two. Even the House Freedom Caucus is on board now, looks like they're going to keep coverage for preexisting conditions but separate it into a separate high-risk pool, which will likely result in lower premiums for most Americans, including the vast majority of people under 35.

>N. Korea and Syria are no win scenarios.

China looks like they're going to play ball on NK. They've already stopped importing NK coal in favor of American exports. Syria is indeed a mess, but it's a mess that was already in place regardless of who won the election.

>A trade war is too little too late and will just cause a depression.

There isn't going to be a trade war. Again, China is playing ball, and the PMs of Canada and Mexico have ~already~ agreed to renegotiate NAFTA.

>the federal state and local tax deduction will cause a mass imbalance among states

Will never get through Congress and Trump knows it. Simply an opening bid for upcoming negotiations. (Art of the Deal!)

>Deregulation may be good but its effects wont be know for 10 years.

We do, however, know the cost of retaining the incumbent regulatory framework.

>Deportations of migrant workers will hurt the small farms

The admin has already signaled it's willing to reach a compromise on migrant workers. DACA protections remain in place for resident aliens who are in compliance. Regardless, Trump and Sessions have both made it clear that THE priority focus for the foreseeable future is on deporting criminal aliens and gang/cartel members.
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George Washington.webm
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My feelings about Trumps negotiating skills can be summed up by something he said today. Trump claims the Civil War didn't have a reason and he could have negotiated to avoid it.

Your goals for Trump are way to pie in the sky and I will believe it when I see it. My worry is Trump is going for the symbolic short term victory and the other world leaders know it so they have the strong hand to get the long term deal.
When was the last time conservative comedians were a big thing, the 50s? TV comedians have been pretty liberal since Nixon.
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Computers don't make errors.webm
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>South park
>Last man standing
>King of the Hill
>Fox news
The problem with them is they are boring. White guys talking about being white has no conflict and you need conflict for comedy.
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pocket sand.webm
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>king of the hill
Mental illness at its finest
>the UC Davis pepperspray incident
Those kids got paid $30,000 apiece from the lawsuit. $30,000 just to get peppersprayed once.
Good goy.
can tell the actual autists from the paid shills anymore
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The Other Half.webm
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>Democrats are scatterbrained obstructionists
Democrats and Republicans in congress came together in a bipartisan way to pass a bill that met what both sides want without breaking the bank.

Trump made an official white house statement "We either elect more Republican Senators in 2018 or change the rules now to 51%. Our country needs a good "shutdown" in September to fix mess!".

Good fucking god, this should be a win for him and he is shooting himself because he did't get everything.
I can't wait until you have your meltdown when you finally realize that electing a President Trump was a huge fucking mistake. The only question is, how long can your blind faith in him hold out?
Could also have been blowing an ammo cache. We found a fucking massive stockpile of HME and RPGs in an isolated compound in Sangin, EOD came out to blow it in place. Went out a few miles away, still had fucking dirt clods raining down on us. Shit was awesome, even though we had to stay out until the night time and drive back in blackout conditions.

>source: 0311
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Why Won’t the Press Ask Trump Anything? | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann | GQ
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Ivanka Trump Booed
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wynona ryder awards.webm
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Merkel Had To Explain EU Trade To Trump ELEVEN TIMES
He posts this shit, every day and night
But not a person cares, on this 4chan site
the good old days of starving six million ukranians
Yes we are retards and should go take real science like gender studies.
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>lefties, globalists, communists, liberals, msm, all fighting against the president
>literally billions of dollars being used to do so
>try to call current progress by POTUS as evidence of failure rather than evidence of impressive resistance against the globalist machine
Think Trump's Stupid? Get A Load Of This Interview...
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robot jox.webm
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OOPS! Jared Kushner Tried To Hide Soros Ties
Taser's Big Plan: "Every Cop Will Be RoboCop"
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Really should rename that webm "Trump voter over the next 4 years".
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watchmen manhattan.webm
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Steve Bannon Leaks His Own Master Plan
>Implying the right does not have racists, isolationists, old money, and literally Trillions in business ties.
I am a globalist because capitalism only works is some buys our shit. The US is unlike any world ruler before because we pull all of man kind up and remove barbarians by making them farmers and factory workers. The world has enough resources we just need to optimize the third world so they have the basic infrastructure to pull themselves up.

The aid we give to nations not Israel is only .07% of our budget. If we boosted that to 1% and held it for over 10 years the number of markets that would open would be a global boom.
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Trump Administration Makes Mess Spinning Spending Bill | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
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A lot of shills, CTR and Shareblue in these threads.
>two dudes debating
>Not posting trump webms
eagles are just dicks, you try fucking with an eagle see what happens
Where the fuck do you get this information? You state things like "A trade war is too little too late and will just cause a depression." when you have 0 facts or evidence to support it. Every point you show has 0 facts or citations or sources or links or evidence or anything except your own bullshit opinions, which are, to be honest, misguided and stupid as fuck. Deportations won't hurt anyone except the liberals who are importing them for more democratic votes. It will get rid of cheap labor (basically slave labor) and increase the quality of their farms (higher pay = better quality workers). This shit is simple and you fuckers are SO DENSE. HUR DURRR tax the rich so my lazy ass never has to work again, go fuck yourself robin hood.
>Healthcare is a Republican bust because they cannot have internal agreement and the Dem's want to fix the existing system.

The republican plan didn't pass within the first 100 days, big deal, there is still 1360 days left of Trump's presidency to make a better plan that covers pre-existing conditions(the reason it didn't pass in the first place).

>N. Korea and Syria are no win scenarios.

We dismantled the 4th largest military IN THE WORLD in 3 weeks. North Korea's army is 1.1 million people armed with outdated soviet weaponry (syria's military is less than 200k), and Saddam had a more experienced and more technologically advanced military.

>A trade war is too little too late and will just cause a depression.

Be more specific. America has the power to raise or lower prices globally by simply withholding or goods, buying more goods, charging higher prices, lowering import/export taxes, or simply buying certain goods from certain countries. Don't make a blanket statement about the economy when you haven't taken a simple college macroeconomics course.

I support simplifying the tax code but removing the federal state and local tax deduction will cause a mass imbalance among states and be a huge power shift from the states to the fed.

Removing the tax deduction takes power away from states?? Um... Last I heard the Federal government is the one who shells out tax deductions to citizens, so how does this cause an imbalance among the states when the states have nothing to do with FEDERAL taxes in the first place. Like it literally says on your tax forms; FEDERAL TAX FORMS. Wouldn't the federal government having more money directly benefit the states??? Jesus.....

>Deregulation may be good but its effects wont be know for 10 years.

The autism is killing me. IMMEDIATE benefits would include the FREE MARKET actually being able to operate as a FREE MARKET. Less gov. regulations means businesses can actually set their own prices>>> cont.

IMMEDIATE benefits would include the FREE MARKET actually being able to operate as a FREE MARKET. Less gov. regulations means businesses can actually set their own prices. Healthy competition naturally lowers prices, and as long as giant ass monopolies aren't allowed to form, small businesses will flourish, and if a product is shit (i.e. GM, Chrysler, Dodge circa 2008) then no one buys it, and it fails.

>Deportations of migrant workers will hurt the small farms

This might be the most cringe worthy statement. As a person who has worked beside migrant workers on small farms ( my grandparents owned a small orange farm in the 1980s and 1990s until cold weather and shit tier economy (thanks bill clinton) wiped it out), the deportation of migrant workers only benefits small farms, and the workers. Basically what you are advocating is cheap slave labor, and that these people should be exploited for dirt pay. But the main reason is that cheap labor = cheap work, these people have no incentive to stay, and if they don't want to show up to work, they won't. They make less than 5$ an hour in some cases, and can make more money sorting through garbage for pepsi cans. If you pay someone well, they will be loyal, and if you treat people like slaves, they will steal, be lazy, and be a general nuisance. Get out of your moms basement more bud and maybe you will understand what the REAL world is like, not your made up fantasy land where wars, poverty, and people with opinions that differ from yours don't exist.


tl;dr you're an idiot, if you only read this then you are probably the kid in school who said "UhhHH books R St00pid "
Have you idiots tried not responding to CTR?
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turnbacktime best.webm
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Here's a better one, kamerade.
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I'll believe it when I see it. The core problem here is the republican philosophy on healthcare is that the government shouldn't be involved. It's not a popular belief because pre-existing conditions are some total shit.

>N. Korea
So the military of Iraq all went out and got normal jobs? It was a shit storm then and it would be worse when the people think of their leader as a literal God. After all that death and cost what do we get?

>A trade war
If China added tariffs to our exports or imports all of our factories in that nation get fucked hard and cannot compete with other nations.

Canada and Mexico are some of our largest trading partners. Those two nations are ~$500 billion in exports we could lose over night if it is renegotiated wrong. Any nation can refuse our imports.

>Tax Code
U wut mate? For 100 years our tax code worked like this. If this did pass you would owe property and state tax to the fed as well when it is deducted now. Its a mass hidden tax increase that will force states to lower tax's to stay competitive with each other. I get lowering your tax's but I support states rights more.

2008 financial crash whould have been prevented by Glass Steagall and it was repealed in 1999. You may be able to start programs now but going full steam production takes a few years.

>migrant workers
>cheap labor = cheap work
You sound like a democrat there.
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Ivanka Trump's Influence Difficult To Discern | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
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Presidential Historian On President Trump's Alternative Civil War History | Morning Joe | MSNBC
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chela zero.webm
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President Donald Trump’s Dizzying Series Of Interviews | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Random shit to pad out your greentext

>bill o'reilly fired
>the opinions of alex jones
>arnold saying something
>merkel saying something that no one cares about
>something about putin

Wow how much shit in there has anything to do with trump at all?

Obamacare just got fucked kys shill.
File: The Office (Trump).webm (2MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
The Office (Trump).webm
2MB, 640x360px
>money for Israel
Literally why
The last guy in-house went golfing every other day and your giving shit for lights
Do you even know what the word "shill" means? You seem to just consider everyone who disagrees with you a paid shill. Believe it or not, there are other reasons why someone might oppose Trump besides getting paid for it, you paranoid fuck.

Going by the way that you use the word, you are just as much of a "shill" as they are.
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allie x bitch.webm
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The Shame and Cruelty of the GOP | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann | GQ
I am so annoyed that this is the fucking popular funk song when there is WAAAY better shit from Jamiroquai and Bad Rabbits out there. How the fuck did this shitty song get so popular?
those masks cost $4,500 a pop
It takes the guy who makes them like 40 hours to create each one
House Republicans Pass Trumpcare: A Closer Look
I used to listen to that sing and I forgot the name, you have it?
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Thought you guys may like this:
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ryan gosling.webm
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Trump's border wall pledge and reality
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Trump Orders Construction Of Border Wall
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Reports: Donald Trump Team Asked Obama Admin. For Help Because Of Flynn | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
YES! Trump is very better than vile Hillary, shame on her FAMILY, dishonor to her motther and the SHIT on her pants!!!
>not the Oval Office
Are you even trying
here's a better one
>posts a worse one

why do so many people do this
My face splits in half when I laugh. Therefore I voted TRUMP to MAGA and I got better than expected
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President Trump.webm
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The deep state is ruled by anthropomorphic penises!
>most powerful in the universe?
I'm pretty Supreme Emperor Xorg XXIV of Planet X has more power than him
she just lit homie up with some wordfacts
wordfacts = facts that exist by virtue of "because I say so"
more like this
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ednaswap torn.webm
2MB, 266x200px
Sally Yates is an American Hero | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann | GQ
Al Franken CRUSHES Trump During Sally Yates And James Clapper Testimony
Well, they say that opinions are like assholes, since everyone's got one.
In truth it's a bit more complicated: Yes, opinions ARE like assholes but if you fuck one long enough, you won't be able to trust a fart anymore...
why would you fire Comey while investigated. Suspect.
making people farmers and factory workers only works when the people you uplift are actually sapient
the supermajority of the african population is not
copypasting the same old statement over and over isn't indicative of sapience either. A fuckin chicken could do it.
watergating shit to hell and back.
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Stephen Colbert's audience cheers Trump's firing of FBI director Comey
Fuck that's unfunny
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Brain for president.webm
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Do you not get the mixed feelings?

Comey came out with fake news about the Clinton probe A WEEK before the elections in a very public way. The election was seen as a landslide and Trump won by narrow margins in a few states after what Comey did.

Now the FBI investigation into Trump starts to kick up with Republicans demanding more details and Trump fires him. Comey was fired without consulting anyone at congress or within the agencies. At this point you don't need a tinfoil hat to ask what the literal fuck man.

The best part? Trump claims this was over the unfair treatment of Hillary and the e-mails. Like anyone is that fucking dumb.

Anyone with any political nose would have said this looks BAD. It's not fake outrage, I am confused. I did not think Trump was totally retarded until now.
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Firing Commie.webm
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Lacoste 'The Big Leap'.webm
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WATCH: Putin reacts to Trump firing FBI Director James Comey
So what's the TRUTH then? Enlighten us.
You wanna try English now?
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worried laughter.gif
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I Miss Bush Fun Times.webm
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Dragging the dumb shits that still think this is 4th dimensional tactics and not just incompetence into the light is killing me enough.
Hmm, nostalgia makes me remember Dubya as a harmless idiot. Unfortunately he was the one who poked the hornets' nest that is Iraq.

And just to ramble on about things everyone is already supposed to know: ISIS was not originally a Syrian thing. As a matter of fact they had little to do with Syria whatsoever. They formed in Iraq and saw their chance when Assad turned out to be an idiot and thus the entirety of Syria was destabilized. Their ideology (and chief ideologists), however, originated from Saudi Arabia, you know, the country where that guy – what was his name? – oh, Osama Bin Laden came from... yet a country with which the US will remain touchy-feely forever after.

Bush's main flaw in this whole constellation of things was his (and the entire government's) dangerous ignorance of how the Arab world works. In short: Bomb the Sunni population in one country and Sunnis from halfway across the globe will get royally pissed ; bomb the Shiite population in one country and the Shiite population of another country will get pissed (and react accordingly) – the Arab World is really more about archaic tribal networks than national states as monolithic entities. And hence a chain of events was set loose which lasts until this day, mainly because the assumption of "Kick Saddam's ass and they will embrace liberty" proved so dreadfully wrong.

And yet the guy was not without redeeming qualities. I remember that occasion right after war on the Taliban was declared when he appeared alongside Muslim scholars and clarified that it was "not a war on Islam". Whether that was true or untrue at the end of the day is another question BUT he conveyed a strong message there nevertheless.
Imagine if you were Random Ali McMuslimman and you were undecided as to what to think about the US as a whole, would you rather be placated by such a gesture or by a guy who just openly flaunts his islamophobia?

tl;dr: Dubya was a dunce, but at least he had some decency left.
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Lol this is pathetic
Looking back I think W. was wrong but his heart was in the right place.
>a wild animal has spoken
>Global War on Terror
>Explosive Ordnance Disposal
>Bumfuck Egypt (i.e. middle of nowhere)
what a faggy post
>actually getting upset that somebody made that dumb joke
I remember a time when nobody on 4chan would ever defend dickless coward billionaire politicians
In total Obama has obviously spent more time golfing than President Trump.

However if we judge it by time spent in office Trump's spending a hell of a lot more time on the green.
just reading this post you can practically see this anon's frustration with life and his inability to reconcile his ideologies with the extreme retardation of everybody who represents those ideologies.

given that, the suggestion of suicide is obviously projection - please get help, depression is a serious issue and I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself.
im not saying i miss bush but he seems competent due to recent events.
what's the song in this?
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Trump smashes dems on impotent Comey outrage and buries them far far beneath the sea
Way to go. He pointed out the obvious inconsistency in their reactions. Bold words coming from the master of consistency himself.
Yeah right, dumbbot. Do I really need to remind you that President Trump himself had nothing but praise for Comey's work during the weeks and months leading up to and following the election?
Needless to say that Trump accusing Dems of flip-flopping is one textbook example of the pot calling the cattle black ("The Chinese are the worst currency manipulators EVER! " - "Oh, wait. They're not..."; "NATO is obsolete!" - "Nah, they're no longer obsolete"; "Assad and the Syrian goverment forces should no longer be our concern" - "OHMAGAWD! I'm shocked, SHOCKED to learn that children died to attacks carried out by the Syrian airforce!")
Additionally there was no credible explanation behind that latest bonehead move, while on the other hand Dems and everyone else with half a brain has a very tangible reason to express their concern about the decision, namely its timing.

fuckin hell.
nice blog, but it doesn't make you right.
The truth doesn't need to be "made right".
Oh boy my post actually got deleted for being too edgy.

That said, you're pretty bad as an armchair psychologist. I merely vocalized my frustration with some faggot shitting up a supposedly funny thread with blatant shilling. The 'don't be upset' face didn't tip you off? I would argue that obsessive drumpf btfo posting in a gif thread is a much more pathetic form of existence.
No, it got deleted for being for being the inane, lazy type of shitposting that gets posted thousands of times every day on every board and serves no purpose whatsoever.
She said the most powerful MAN in the Universe you inbred autist.
Wow these Jew owned talking heads get more shit by the second
I cant even tell whats real, whats shilling, and whats trolling anymore.
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>obsessive drumpf btfo posting in a gif thread is a much more pathetic form of existence.
Yea because I kicked your ass with something we call logic. Now go back to class because you got schooled!
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Agreed with every point. Sad thing is they are trying to make all of this equivalent to when the Democrats were in power.

For example do any of you Trump people seriously think the Obama Birther and Trump Russia scandals are equivalent in any way?

Trump goes out of his way to attack groups like trying to defund black collages or cut federal funds to the west coast. What did Obama do that was the flip side? Trump is doing pure political retribution.
I would love to see page two if its available
shilling is pretty much out of the question here.
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You really don't understand how burned we are with the political left. Shit's so bad that if Trump only ramps up deportations (underway), severely limits ALL non-European immigration (underway), and appoints non-shitlibs to the SC (check) I'll be extremely satisfied relative to the counterfactual.

Do you really not think leftist allies (like universities) receive funding for partially political reasons? Cutting off funds like that when possible is one of the first things Trump should do. The right never fights as dirty as the left does (defunding leftist groups receiving federal funds < IRS harassment of right non-profits, gerrymandering to influence elections <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< changing the nation's demographics via immigration to influence elections).
you are such a mentally ill piece of shit. wow
We are mostly just watching for the eternal kraut to throw Europe into turmoil through war and then you found another way to do it.
I think I am in love.
find me a video of him doing it to anyone else
He literally yells thank you.
this is some legendary banter
So why should we import millions of useless retards during automation?
Living proof that retards will never be un-retarded. Way to go.
Don't forget your tinfoil hat on the way out.
Yes. YES. Run and hide. For the big bad Muslim man is coming.
You're describing the US there, boy.
>the person he ridiculed just happened to be disabled
>the media saw it at him mocking his disability
but thats exactly what he's doing though
he thought me the phrase 'prime the pump' what a smart guy.
>Obama Birther and Trump Russia scandals are equivalent in any way?
Obama birther have a better case than the Russian conspiracy
But they're both essentially the same concept, bullshit with no evidence whatsoever that serve no purpose other than throwing mud
>Governement institution funding determined by partisan issues and clientelism
>"Tinfoil hat"
Thanks for reminding that some people are, infact, this retarded

absolutely fucking savage. i didn't realise the MSM had the talent to do this kind of hit
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Well he is black so maybe he was from Kenya.

During the campaign Trump publicly invited Russian hackers to target Clinton.
Intelligence community released a unanimous statement formally accusing Russia of being the perpetrator behind DNC hacking.
Public resignations over this Manafort, Flynn, and Page
Large ties to Russia Tillerson, Trump Jr., Shnaider, Arif, Sater, and Ross
Steele dossier
Sessions lying at his confirmation hearing
In March FBI investigation confirmed...and Comey fired
Closed meeting with Russia in the White House where US media was kicked out and only Russian media was allowed in.

Now I do not think Trump thinks he did anything wrong. Trump is not a politician and has zero experience at it. Looking at the whole picture my guess is Trump was thinking this is how to play hard politics. He did walk the line on inviting a foreign power into our elections and he could have very easily crossed it without knowing it. Trump has clearly not had any respect for US elected officials and what they do.

The super biased and radical thing the opposition is wanting? Non-political people doing the investigation and having the authority to follow it.

oh god here we go again

obama/hilary supports cant take the next years like we did for obama we hated obama were happy now you can be sad/mad for the next 8 years
Well... nope.
I love it when people call me, or Trump supporters generally, retarded. Suck on my PhD. Some people are truly unable to consider viewpoints outside of their own.
glad to see someone saved my webm, the title was originally "sniff_snare"
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>Not Trump Supporter
>unable to consider viewpoints outside of their own

>Supports deportation and racist immigration measures
>Supports defunding universities
>Thinks the only reason Dem's want immigration is for more votes

Yep retarded.
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>people with political opinions in non-trivial conflict with my own can't possibly have a rational basis for their beliefs and surely cannot have achieved any career/life success
Whatever helps you sleep at night.
I am confused to shit now. What are you talking about?

I was pointing out how you touted you have a PhD then bash the system that allowed you to get it. Seems to be some disconnect.

To my original point I do not see a tit-for-tat for the Dem's and Rep's. The Republican party shut down the government during Obama in the senate and the Democrats worked with the this time to pass a real spending bill. Trump then comes out and tells the Republicans to not do that again and shut it down.

I see one side being a bitch and the other wanting to keep the nation running. The news trying to not look biased showing both as equals even though its only one side shutting it down.
>The Republican party shut down the government
Only someone with no idea of how a shutdown work would say something this stupid
Or someone with incredible bias I guess, your pick
>Well he is black so maybe he was from Kenya.
More like people determined the paper to have been doctored and the Sheriff that did it was ready and willing to publicly move forward with it, and as far as I know, he tried to and had congress to look at it

Which is circumstancial evidence (aka litteraly nothing) but still much better than everything you wrote here.
You cant just throw lot of mud and expect the quantity to beat the quality
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>Thinks Republicans had nothing to do with 2013 shutdown
>After the video Republicans caved and let the government run
>Boehner fired for not burning it all down

>Thinks it was valid and not racists to say Obama was clearly from Kenya. Random Sheriff from Arizona who has no additional evidence told me so it must be valid.

Come on man give me a counter point.
>Thinks Republicans had nothing to do with 2013 shutdown
That's not remotely close to what I said or even think
Gov shutdown is a double responsability. Obama want money. Congress doesnt want to give money. If no one want to budge there's a shutdown.
You'd have to especially dense to know how it work and instantly conclude "I bet the republicans did this"

>Thinks it was valid and not racists to say Obama was clearly from Kenya.
Now you're going full retard
The document appeared doctored, he stated it officially and moved forward with it, nothing about race here

As I said it's circumstancial proof, but still a level above everything you posted here
>double responsibility
Republicans: Give in to all of our demands and gut your defining law by causing the healthcare industry to fall into chaos. PS we will blame you later for the chaos we demand.
Democrats: No, now stop trying to kill healthcare without another option. If you don't like it modify it, don't kill it.

Only Black president and the Republicans say hes a Muslim from Kenya when we know his birth mother is American. Surprised you were not demanding DNA tests and measuring his head to determine brain mass. You may think it was fine but it was still racist as FUCK.
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You called me retarded, which I pointed out as silly considering my educational background. The only critique offered is "tinfoil" and "racist", neither of which merit a serious response.

And wouldn't you think that someone embedded in any particular institution is hyperaware of that institution's pathologies? Books could be written about the de facto role of the university in contemporary political life, but suffice to say that (1) universities have become willing cheerleaders to the progressive cause and cede their core purpose of determining truth when there's a conflict, I mean hey, there's easy money and NPR interviews if you play ball; (2) certain departments (you know which ones) have become explicitly ideological in nature and work to indoctrinate their students rather provide a rounded education and foster critical thinking; and (3) many universities, especially outside the top 50, have become a credentialism racket thanks to the "college causes success" meme pushed by the left and easy federal loans, also encouraged by the left. (3) is doubly sinister since average IQ people with worthless degrees and tons of debt can be seduced into supporting communists like Sanders who promise to absolve poor decision making which was only enabled by the government in the first place.

Not a fan of GOPe BTW. The left has historically controlled the powerful institutions of education, media, and permanent bureaucracy which they are not afraid of using for political effect. I'd expect Trump to use every tool at his disposal, including shutdown.

>The news trying to not look biased showing both as equals even though its only one side shutting it down.
Trump could personally save a drowning toddler and the news would find a way to spin it in a negative light. I regularly read WaPo, NYT, and listen to NPR to keep up with what I'm supposed to think, and the notion that they are not biased is laughable. If they try not to look biased, then they're doing a poor job.
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So, this thread's still up. People are still posting in it. People are still typing their asses off.
But why is that so?
Now that it becomes increasingly clear that Donald Trump's presidency is nothing but a deep state-engineered social experiment – both, a game and a play, very Faustian in its premise.

Yes, neither Marlowe nor Goethe could've imagined it any better – merely more compact by adding a metaphysical element and having Faust be the lone subject of God's and the Devil's attention.
But right now, in this game, there are TWO major pawns: The President and the people of the Divided States of America, taking turns at acting as the trigger and the triggered.
The object of the game is deceivingly simple: Bringing out the absolute worst in everyone concerned.

Do you still enjoy playing?
I sure enjoy watching.
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I still have faith in the intelligence of man. What I want from these threads is for Trump people to have better arguments and not just awooing from /pol/.

GOP deiced to be anti education and anti environment. Is it really surprising that people who dedicate their lives to these matters do not like Republicans? You got the order wrong, GOP hates them not they hate the GOP. If Republicans supported expanding education these people would support them. That's what democracy is.
It would seem that your hopes have been deceived so far, haven't they?
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Not really. I have been on 4chan for 11 years now and it is a place with people of intelligence and technical skills who hate society. We reject the standard arguments that require emotion and use logic as the sole point.

4chan is made for people who sees and understands the world but reject it. Radical free speech that makes any outside see us the villain. We reject anyone who comes here as a fag and welcome them as a /b/rother in the same way. We pirate and raid the internet together as it is our right as the only people who can appreciate its true beauty.

The internet is your birth right made by us and infected with people who see technology as "magic".
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Anti-education =/= anti expanding public funding of and federal control over education. The "if only Republicans would do x then y group would support them" meme is clearly false (see any typically left-leaning group Repubs have tried catering to in the past 20 years vs. Trump style Repubs -- Dems can +1 any promise of largess). If the education system is a power center of the left, why would ANY competent right wing ruler expand its influence? At the margin, additional dollars are going to mediocre students where the effect on having a well-educated citizenry is negative due to the indoctrinatory practices at the lower end of the educational system which give mediocre people false confidence in their faculties of reason. If you really cared about the environment as opposed to handing over more power to your faction, you'd be for limiting population growth rather than increased regulation over fossil fuel use. Shit was pretty bad with polluted rivers and such in the 60s but that's been resolved. Correcting localized and visible externalities such as a factory dumping waste in a river is far different from the sweeping and universal regulatory powers the left has been pushing for recently. You've fallen for the "right is anti-good things and hates people" propaganda m8, there are second+ order effects of any government action.

>deep state-engineered social experiment
Really? Hollowing out of the center seems to be a natural social phenomenon.
>What I want from these threads is for Trump people to have better arguments and not just awooing from /pol/.
Also, I provide a summary of critiques of the university system and your response is a simple "GOP is anti-education, anti-education is bad and hateful of people who like education".

Perhaps you are the one who needs to bring a better argument.
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Honestly all valid points. Dem's have a lot of things wrong on Education they could swing voters on. The unions for example need some rules changes because teachers hate the seniority requirements that make it so old incompetent people are favored over young fresh ones.

But with your argument of cutting funds as a way to lower influence you also advocate job loss and they stop listening to your ideas once they realize you want to fire them.

>limiting population growth
Teaching about contraceptives in school worked in Europe. Trump is also expanding the child deduction encouraging people to have more kids.

I don't think Republicans support the military industrial complex for votes and power. We just like a massive military.

Democrats support more education because its a long term investment. I think genus is random in the population and misunderstood.
When it sparks that person to have access to the resources to succeed.

If the tactic of buying groups worked Democrats would never lose. People do not respect the weakness of paying for support. I do recommend you read Machiavelli as it explains a lot about how fucked up the world is.

Well I got shit I need to do today but was a good talk.
Yes education has a liberal tint. Part of that liberal tint is globalism and supporting education.

I think people are smart enough to form their own opinions outside of school. Teachers should not have to dumb it down just in case they have an impact on their students. Just reads as Republican nanny state where they want to protect their way of viewing the world by exposing it to others. If your values are worth anything you should be able to argue them and there are a sad number of people on both sides that cannot.

To sum up: Educating the public is good and I want to fund it more.
>>deep state-engineered social experiment
>Really? Hollowing out of the center seems to be a natural social phenomenon.

I admit, I made that shit up. I'm a liar. I'M A LIAR ON THE INTERNET.
It's a fun idea though, isn't it?
Funny. You seem to be using a different version of 4chan.
>Bias Liberal Media
The number of times they said Trump is going to pivot to a normal presidency. If he stops shitting himself and gives normal talks to the press they will love him. Those idiots love bombs and drama and Trump feeds that shit. Its a "who's the beef with today" and its sickening.
Im amazed you guys still give this little weasel replies after months and months of the same bullshit.

Its literally the same little slimey faggot in every thread.
which slimey faggot are you referring to? Trumpbot, Leftbot or Siegfried the Sycophant?
>You're not fooling anyone, Shariablue.

>Reminder anybody using "David Brock" or "Shariablue" is a legitimate r/the_donald member.

And I was supposed to be the one from Reddit...

I will never trust anon again.
I wonder if anyone legitimately hates anyone else in this thread. I do hold some grudges but not for reasons of political orientation. How could you hate "slimey faggots"? Those "slimey faggots" are why these threads are so much fun. I almost love you all. I even love James Comey (God rest his soul). You must admit that Comey was handsome. We will miss his threatening omnipresence. Anyone remember how "we" hacked his e-mail account? (Well, not truly "we", just one anon.) Fun times. I will pass these stories to the children of WW3 survivors.

Meanwhile on FBI.gov...
>Director James B. Comey
>September 4, 2013 - Present
Shhh Shariablue, no more tears, only dreams now.
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Agree I don't hate anyone on here. I remember the Sarah Palin e-mail hack on /b/. Holy shit that was funny, they got in through the g-mail forgot password and used Wikipedia.
However many terms Trump will serve, I think that the next president after Trump will be Deepblue. There's a good chance it already is... judging by Trump’s suspicious skills at 4D chess. The best joke here is that I'm not even joking.
There's a thin line between mad 4D chess skills and total incompetence, it would seem.
Evil Reptoid Kitten-Eater from Another Planet?
Bold words coming from a human in a glass jar!
jesus christ what happened to jon stewert? he looks like a vagrant now
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