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*More newer* Rose Wolfe thread. Newer one: >>1414320 New

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 338
Thread images: 36

File: Rose drunk.webm (919KB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
Rose drunk.webm
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*More newer* Rose Wolfe thread.

Newer one: >>1414320
New one: >>1406689, >>1370975
Old one: >>1331228
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Are you ok.wDKKEKNN3s8.webm
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>I have a cold Hill alone head bit hey keep up speak political register he followed me which I said.
>I'm currently reading Frankenstein by Mary Shelley here is the question 9 p.m. what bobbitt's a good at firm bookshop uncaring customer demand I bought it because I said all customer we didn't get many of them basically a show up on Jan Krista Rae can he help the book to keep down and overheard in talking about how the we can be shown in a month about a month ago it might be gone by now death for the highest you actually put webcam for shop for real sharp and it was the same price out they are mean to me work the fuck is and the is no appeal moneyweek amis wing.
>Yeah I favorite Randy but the people in real categorization a box for everyone isn't that your your philosophy on life oh let's put this person in a box it's labeled that label people though they were cargo well for you i say i don't know why I'm doing this it was funny guys realize of convincingly portray that person they said I see like actually that person not quite sure how to well let's just say that you win this round.
File: ARGs are wank y n.V5uOLDwDjrA.webm (2MB, 352x264px) Image search: [Google]
ARGs are wank y n.V5uOLDwDjrA.webm
2MB, 352x264px
>Nanananananah. I've always loved reading about them portal 2 one cage me great times Marie that think Apple that I'll so company that liked it so much nothing about it night don't like my company able to until tonight and get change that have taken from sheen staring computer on twitchy killed.
Dude, you need professional help. You spend waaay too much time focusing on this girl.
I don't know any professional rosefags though...
>Looking for professional help running a Rose Wolfe thread.
>Successful candidate will have minumum 5 years of experience stalking Rose
>and extensive knowledge of the Rose lore.
When your job requirements limit your prospectives to such a short list (literally only Epi) you don't wait for them to apply. You apply.
You're right.
Threads like these always creep me out.
By what I seem to gather from Rose threads on here, she is a marvelous girl who was bullied off the Internet by the likes of you.
You won't win her back by stalking her even harder.
I can't even fathom how terrible people like you make her feel
>bullied off the Internet by the likes of you.
You're talking about yourself, right?

You don't solve bullying by leaving the place to bullies.

Sadly, that's what fools do – and Rose is one of those fools.

>I make Rose threads
>so I can bully people who like Rose
>after I bullied Rose.
>Nobody else can make Rose threads, only I can.

Sorry, Rose is not your private property. You can't tell people to stop liking Rose. Other people can make Rose threads too. They are free to tell the world that they like her, and to meet other people who like her.

If there's anything wrong with these threads, it's that good people leave and people like you stay. You separate Rose from good people while pretending it's "protecting" her from bad people, for her own good. Gullible people are buying into this perverse narrative. This is why the Internet of today is such a mess. Because fools leave the Internet because you tell them to.

Rose is one of those fools.
File: Russian Vaas.webm (3MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
Russian Vaas.webm
3MB, 1280x720px
What makes you think you're somehow good?
If you post WEBMs and GIFs of her and say how much you miss her would only creep her out more if she saw them.
I wasn't bullying anyone with my comment, I just said you guys are more bad for her than good
Alright. Your GIFs are better.
i want to sniff her pits
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Because she reminds us of Lou.
Rose has Lou's eyes.

Lou, why have you never launched Final Fantasy?
the old age question
who came first
rose or lou
I know for a fact that Lou pre-dates Rose by a couple of centuries. But this could be an illusion. Lou and Rose could be the same person.
>You took her breath away
>TFW she saw you naked
Art at last.

You should post a 2 MB no audio version for other boards. I can't do it for reasons.
>What makes you think you're somehow good?
>I'll teach you morality.

>reverse image search
>Sadistic personality disorder

Yes, I'm sure Rose wants more friends like you.
/rose/ version:
f i l e d r o p p e r d o t c o m slash rose_2

/wsg/ version:
f i l e d r o p p e r d o t c o m slash wsg

/b/ version:
f i l e d r o p p e r dot c o m slash b


roses armpits and hairy stinky pussy
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anno1404 fucking sucks.webm
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for once we agree, rosie

whoever said that is a piece of shit
What's going on here?
what do you mean
Who is this girl and why are there so many webm's of her?
a youtuber

because people are obsessed with her

She got stalked? that's fucked up.
a lot of girls posted here are.

if you want a rough idea of the people caused these sort of things, here is a webm

they say the worst of it is over for her, but regardless you should probably leave
Not right man, not right.
that doesn't matter
its beyond control
You're doing the "deliberately being vague for creepiness" thing. It's just some fucking chick, what's so special about her?
I'm very very tired. I have had this conversation far too many times already.

I don't know.
Then maybe you should question it and figure out why.
I have spent my years.
There is no answer.
>She got stalked?
Come on, who isn't? Are you not stalked?
honestly, where in the world can you find a girl who's into a game like anno 1404?
hardcore shows
second rate stem unis
alternative bookstores
so whats rose up to this days? last i remember about her was her pc building guide.
great stuff.
what do you think rose's asshole looks like? pink and cute or is there a hint of brown coupled with some looseness?
Why do you care about this dumb random bitch who's clearly using you all for money and attention and is most likely in a relationship with a chad right now?
Anon 1: Why does le pastaman post le pasta?
Anon 2: I don't know. Maybe he's lonely and wants some attention.
no mentions of pedro yet?

lets fix that
>An old stalker of Ivanka who has a creepy history of harassing her and her family has been arrested by Secret Service men in a hotel room located a mere block away from Trump Tower where Ivanka holds office.
>Justin Massler, a mentally-ill man, pleaded guilty to aggravated harassment and criminal contempt charges in 2012 in relation to his stalking of Ivanka. Massler terrorized Ivanka by sending her a series of creepy emails, tweets and online videos and photos including one of himself covered in blood. At one point, he even threatened to commit suicide in Ivanka's Manhattan jewelry store.

If you're not stalked, you're doing something wrong.

Rose is/was doing something right.

Being stalked is being alive.

Only the dead (and the living dead) aren't stalked.
>Why do you care about this dumb random bitch
1. If all men cared about one woman, all other women would be single mums. Which is what they ought to be.
2. Rose is literally the least dumb woman you've ever seen. Worshipping Rose is the lessest evil.
TFW no hordes of wild women stalk Pedro.

TFW no hordes of wild women stalk Lou.

Are women gay?
they're all lusting after real men like brian
they don't care for irrelevant mutt shitposters or obese spanish autismos
just a shame brian has much better things to do than post here
like taking bad photographs of his motorcycle and not finishing his cheap pastel drawing?
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back in action_2.webm
4MB, 514x412px
you forgot to add watching leon, rosie

why not just put all the stupid predictable memes in one text and get done with it?

i guess you have learned nothing from your shit bf
>back in action_2.webm
Not proof of life. This could be faked so easily. Looks stitched together. I bet she's now in Guamtano.

Thanks for leaking it though.
"Obsessed is a word the lazy use to describe dedication" ~ Zyzz RIP
>Russian Vaas.webm
The more I learn, the stranger it becomes.
Easily the weirdest guy east of the EU border.
For starters, not Russian but viciously ANTI-RUSSIAN.
Born in Belarus, Ukrainian nationalist.
Soldier of a Slavic fraction of ISIS. Yes, a Muslim.
Put on trial by Ukraine for war crimes... against Russians.
Currently not in prison. Active on social media.
what disappoints you the most about rosie?

to me its how she let herself go. the betrayal was expected (she was always a faker, liar), but there is no reason for her to just concede to nature

how things ended for her is truly pathetic
exactly how has she let herself go? the only concessions and betrayal were on the part of you and others like you.
are you always this unscrupulous or only when you think someone is watching?
she has such a beautiful voice.
why didn't she pursue singing further?
she studied physics and she surrounded herself with plebs
still, she could've shared her amazing voice with the world
her physics studies and hipster friends wouldn't have had an bearing on that
she did several times, did various covers and all
she even did an ep at one point, sent it to some people circa 2003

she seemed to have been not so interested in it beyond just a few videos here and there
>her amazing voice
Don't get delusional now.
where do you think we are?
yeah i know
but she obviously had a thing for it for a while
even after her little artsy phase

i would love to hear that ep some day

she does have a pretty voice and its not like that bar for singing is very high these days
just look at that hardcore shit she listens to

a bunch of grunting apes shouting into a microphone and they make millions from their fans
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cluck cluck.gif
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i think there are less than seven people who might have that
unsure if even rose has it
>its not like that bar for singing is very high these days
this is retarded
i know and its maddening
chong probably has it along with the rest of the members of that studio thing he had going on

>this is retarded
its true tho
you negated your first statement without even realizing it

i don't even care anymore, it's beyond reach or care
but not out of memory
i don't care
im on too many pills to care

she could be much better than alot of the trash out there today
i know it

i can reach it
its not outside the realm of possibility
you can, she didn't, big whop

get over her potential, it doesn't matter
I'll be fucking honest. This and that other chick ones, are fucking creepy as fuck. You guys are borderline fucking stalkers with this shit. I haven't seen a single fucking one for 1 MALE eceleb yet here.

I fucking wonder why. Trust me, we all see you faggots as fat lonely disgusting manchildren and that won't change no matter how much you try to seem so edgy and humble about your stalking shit.
>i can reach it
Then do it. Focus on your own hobbies and talents instead of living vicariously through others.
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the obsessed.gif
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They are stalkers.
she had the talent
its not too late still

no thats not what i meant
it is not impossible to find that recording
>You guys are borderline fucking stalkers
>borderline fucking stalkers
whew lad
>I haven't seen a single fucking one for 1 MALE eceleb yet here.
and you probably never will
there is an obvious difference unless you are delusional which hilarious considering where you posted
>we all see you faggots as fat lonely disgusting
you eliminate us but that will not solve this specific problem
i can guarantee it one hundred percent
no it's too late
you will realize this in time

you could possibly reach that ep but it would requite some A level smooth talk
think you can do that?
this is love. love for brotherhood, love for her.
calling it now

gayest post itt
barely any time has passed, you should know this
people have done similar things in the past

the fact that it's likely old and mostly forgotten by now is the difficult part
i've pulled off similar things before as have others

smooth talk might not even be required
sure, but why should she meet for your expectations? call me whitey mc knightey all you want but that doesnt make sense.

you are a stranger.

it seemed to have been taped, or at least that's what i've interpreted.
there was a time when i woud have even paid for that sort of thing.
these aren't my expectations and i wouldn't expect her to meet them for me anyways

not as much as you would think
no one is really

it was recorded and given away to a few people, likely by previously mentioned friends

i'd still pay for it even after all this time, so long as the price wasn't unreasonable
i'm in too deep of a whole at this point
call it sunk costs fallacy but even if i were to give less of a shit than i do now i'd still have to justify everything
you have indicated that and only that.

>she could be much better than alot of the trash out there today
>i know it

could be, but want to be?

i suppose you could be connected, but with your unstable nature i have to doubt it

it was on her livejournal, with a few mentioned there
i imagine they wouldn't be so friendly

and that little thought right there, the no matter what, that is some mental exercise you got there
you probably got some of distress or dissonance which other more sympathetic people would care for
you might as well ask

"why didnt she become a successful youtuber, streamer, scientist"

same answer

are people consuming celebrity news stalkers?
depends what celebrity news is.

getting personal info and constantly contacting people in her vicinity is.
spamming threads with her and constantly inserting her everywhere is just unhealthy.
>contacting people in her vicinity is.
so im stalking rose if im contacting... people that are not her?
by that logic you are stalking rose too by talking to me
no i have not
i merely stated she has talent and at one point had some drive to pursue it.

i am not unstable
not anymore so than her friends
even if i were its easy to mellow yourself out

you might not even need to ask them directly

i may be distressed but i still need to justify myself
i've spent too much and it's been too long
i need this
i need it bad
no. by her vicinity i mean contacting say her cousin in order to get info on her.

you know what i meant, dickwand.
this line right here
>have to justify
>have to
makes it obvious it isnt whether it is justified but has to be
it makes it obvious you are not stable
as further indicated by your post

you can't see it or you are pulling my leg and wasting time
it doesn't matter
other things got in her way
not quite the same
like fucking what?

thanks for the laugh
the question is just as ridiculous

why didn't she become the queen of england?
why didn't she rule the world?
why didn't she shag you?

she never had it in her for anything else than failure as evident by her current situation

might as well ask "why didnt she become queen of england" it was never possible in the first place
>implying she wanted a career in youtube, streaming or being a scientist.
She did a handful of youtube videos a year, dropped the rose plays videos cause she lost interest, and listed teaching and science journalism as career options in her vyou.
even if we assume that sort utter preposterous statement as a true possibility that could have occurred, it didn't thus there is no difference between one that didn't have it since both didn't not occur
everything needs to be justified or else it is a waste
i am not unstable, there is a difference between instability and being pragmatic about losses

i'm not pulling your leg nor am i as clueless as you seem to think
well maybe you were wrong and there is no justification for the time spent

you may not like the possibility of waste but the possibility of waste remains

i'm more likely to be clueless than you
life, priorities, random events, etc.
you know what i'm talking about.

no its not

you're deliberately being obtuse

the latter was the only realistic option of the lot and she's shunned it
how dare you imply i'm acting
it's not just the time that needs to be justified

i cannot waste anything
i've put too much into this
and thus you can not see this clearly
that's a burden and weakness
i know what you're capable of

i see things very clearly now
that is why i must continue on
>you know what i'm talking about.
actually i have no fucking idea

stop making bad excuses rose and admit you are a waste of skin - only then can you start to improve

or perhaps you are perfectly fine with your current situation?

the real problem is n8, isnt it? he is one of those insecure losers that cant see others succeed without throwing a mini tantrum

pathetic. both of you
i'm at the end game of this now
not much more up my sleeves

you do not, but let's argue over these things
you are all set i hope
good luck either way for it won't be easy
You think you're talking to rose, and you talk like you have a better life than those people when you're stuck here and can't move forward on your own. The delusion is real.
the speaker having a better life is irrelevant

his delusional is his certainty on who replied
i take it back, you have no idea what you're talking about.

that's what i thought at one point too
but things only end if you let them

i've been at this for a while
good things rarely come easy especially in my case
>You think you're talking to rose
no i just assume its rose because i want to believe no one can whiteknight this hard for her
>you talk like you have a better life than those people
i do

>the speaker having a better life is irrelevant

that person does not care though, all they want is to defend rose

may it be by namecalling or lies
that doesn't negate my statement
it simple means you had that thought at one point but were incorrectly
says nothing about my statement or its validity

i expect soon no good things will be known for a great period of time
no one is whiteknighting you bargain bin quickpill
you could still be incorrect but bringing up your own life into the equation does not make it a certainty
Nice. You're thin skinned too. A basket case full of problems.
my path is justified and my losses must be as well

i will know everything because it is my choice
it won't evade me this time i won't let it
textbook example of delusional
>you could still be incorrect
by looking at the evidence the odds for that is very slim
it is not justified
neither is your losses
there is no certainty you will know everything
your choice is not necessarily a changing factor
there is no certainty it won't evade you
your willpower is not necessarily a changing factor

there exist no certainty
unless she hasnt revealed it all - which again is unlike considering we know how much she loves attention
i don't know these evidence you speak of
slim is still an existing possibility in which you can be incorrect
no matter how unlikely
a plane could crash through your window tomorrow

everything is probable
you are more likely to be incorrect than that occuring
not everything possible at equal degrees
i am not delusional
i may be optimistic at times but not delusional

what i have done is justified and what i have lost must be as well
this cannot have all been for nothing and it won't be
willpower is often all i have
you instantly jump on what i say to defend her

you are a roseknight

if only n8n could care as much as you
you are stuck on repeat
its pointless to talk to these people

they are completely infatuated
at least i'm cured
thank the lord for indifference
i am not
i think you have me confused for someone else

i'm on cruise control with intermittent speed bumps

i doubt anyone is infatuated anymore
I wonder what it would be like to have Rose as a mother.
intermittent abuse and neglect
>Rose back in action_2.webm
Julian back in action when?

Have they met in London before their disappearance?
File: A 99-stalk Rose Bouquet.webm (4MB, 320x180px) Image search: [Google]
A 99-stalk Rose Bouquet.webm
4MB, 320x180px
>I haven't seen a single fucking one for 1 MALE eceleb yet here.
Because only men are capable of love.

>Fucking creepy as fuck. You guys are borderline fucking stalkers.
You have no soul if you think this. You are the creepy one.

Let me finish this post with a quote from the beautiful https://youtu.be/sh_z90Lt5ec:
>The meaning of 99 stalks of rose is "I will love you all the days of my life".
In other words, you don't know the meaning of love until you have stalked Rose Wolfe 99 times. The Chinese people are so much wiser.
We owe Rose nothing. She doesn't talk to us. Therefore we are free to love her in whatever way we please.


Silence can mean anything. Rose's silence is consent. She approves of our love and she quietly hopes that one day we will rescue her from the clutches of her boyfriend and her family. She misses us greatly.
File: Pedro stalking Rosemary.webm (2MB, 320x180px) Image search: [Google]
Pedro stalking Rosemary.webm
2MB, 320x180px
File: Pedro dating Rosemary.webm (2MB, 320x180px) Image search: [Google]
Pedro dating Rosemary.webm
2MB, 320x180px
Daily reminder that silence is consent.
consent is consent

silence is silence

dissent is dissent
Read this thread again.
Good luck finding any other.
>E = E
>mc^2 = mc^2
This is why you are no Einstein.
Stille Nacht... Heilige Nacht...
Alles schläft... Einsam wacht...
Nur das traute hoch heilige Paar.
Holder Knab' im lockigen Haar.

Schlafe in himmlischer Ruh!
Schlafe in himmlischer Ruh!
>A surname of English and German origin, a variant of Wolf.
it's neither consent nor dissent

it is silence, the lack of both of those things

it's lack calling indifference denial
>It's neither energy nor mass.
>It is light, lack of both of those things.
>It's lack calling darkness vacuum.
This is how wrong you are.
the analogy is flawed

>it's neither constipation nor diarrhea
>it's normal poop, the lack of both of those things
>it's *like calling precum urine
>normal poop
1. Sorry but we discussed "silence", not "normal silence". Both constipation and diarrhea are types of poop together with normal poop. Constipation is abnormal poop. Rose's silence is not normal silence at all; it's a consenting silence.
2. I had quads.
3. Not only that, you cowardly ignored my website argument. There is no such website as SilenceIsSilence.com or ConsentIsConsent.com.
File: Higgs field.gif (104KB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
Higgs field.gif
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If Rose's silence is the Higgs field of possibility, her consent is the physical matter of fact.
aight good to know you are an actual idiot.

good talk, good talk.
>gets dubs
>calls others "idiot"
It's okay to be stupid. But being both stupid and unrepentant is offensive.
She's back https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbzvl_2jTwA&ab_channel=randytaylor69
She is back Look what i found

New video

I expected this thread to explode much faster after this video
they're busy fapping
I came.

I can't believe.

I promise to behave.

We must stop any rosebuds from ruining this.

Rose takes care of us.

This thread is very slow, that's why. Everybody had lost hopes.
Many have seen it in /tv/ and /r9k/

Probably being spammed in other boards as well.
people are mad at her for quitting for 3 years. It's a considerable investment getting to know someone as well as we got to know her and for her to abruptly turn her back on us without explanation is seen by many as a rejection of us and we're mad about it.

>cool video. see ya in 5 years
is that like 280p or something? The resolution is horrible.
Original was twice the resolution and was bigger than filesize limit on /wsg/ (4 MB) even at maximum compression.
well there you have it children

hard proof confirming my theories about her current situation

welcome back rosie
You freaks better keep it to yourselves this time.
she has a lot to answer for
The fuck are you talking about?
I love how you presume we know who you are or what those theories were.
turning her back on us
Can't blame her for it desu.
yes I can.
>>1439708 by Rosemaker !!LLLyUfp6cz7
>So how long before we have brand new Rose videos?
>Isn't that what we all are waiting for?


>>1440700 by Rosemaker
>You are the kind of person who will keep saying that long after new Rose videos become reality. Is there a word for that?

>realistic? she already said her goodbye.

>>1441500 by Rosemaker
>You are unrepairable.
>The only thing stopping new Rose videos from coming is your stupidity. And you work very hard to stop them.

>>1441961, >>1457933
>new and babbling like an idiot
>aight good to know you are an actual idiot.
>good talk, good talk.
You're mad for very stupid reasons. All you do is literally click a play button, and watch a 3 minute video. The fantasies you create in your head are your problem, not hers.
>I am stupid?


>>1415031, >>1416392, >>1416422

>I don't get this meme

>It's about how Rose will punch anon in 2017 for calling me stupid.
watch every single one of these videos 3 times and then get back to me.
There were signs and warnings
of the things to come
but you ignored them
at your own peril.

>Captcha: Rosewarne Camwhorne
>Proof: https://archive.is/AxU8R
>What does this captcha mean?
>Does it lend credence to my questions?
>these threads are not about "oc", pedro or even rose - theyre all about the memes

>Makes me wonder what will happen to the memes when Rosemaker starts delivering brand new Rose videos.
>The memes are starting to look quiet and afraid.
>The memes do not want the resurgence of Rose.
Nope. You're still stupid.
[citation required]
>I don't get this meme

>2. This meme demonstrates how the English girl is missing out on life's opportunities by her exile from the social media. She could be a star, equal to Scarlett Johansson. She could make fat quids on YouTube. (...)
>3. You can't ask anyone to explain magic. Explaining magic destroys it. You must find your own explanation.

>what do you mean, you fucking retard

>Rose is more powerful than Lou.
>Rose's magic beats Lou's magic.

>>1434089 by Rosemaker
>I am the greatest rosebud ever.
>I have made the most to Make Rose Great Again – to bring her back to life.

>>1434087 by Rosemaker
>The prophecies of the Oracle are morphing into a reality right in front of us, before our own eyes.
>However, I don't think there's any interest in that in the Kingdom of Rose.
Your posts. All of them.
>full-blown denial of reality

Kindly refer to >>1440700
>You are the kind of person who will keep saying that long after new Rose videos become reality. Is there a word for that?

You need antipsychotic drugs, my friend.
good posts
Kind anon.

>She would rise from the dead anyway. Rose is stronger than Lou.


>How do you feel about the second coming of Rose?
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991KB, 320x240px
mfw shes back
>no webm yet

simply elin
He's trying to steal my credit
after all his effort to thwart Rose.

To his credit, he has made a nice Rose song.
That is, if it was even him in the first place.
He's never confirmed his authorship.

Well, doing this was necessary and unnecessary in equal measure, given how most everyone manages to avoid /wsg/ for some inscrutable reason. Thank you though.
what? what song did lou make?
that was my gift to lou
it's not his voice
You have a nice voice
thank you. hopefully people get inspired by my story.
Did you even read the last thread?
I could simply repost it for you but why bother if everyone including you does their best to kill these threads? I'm giving you the post numbers. If you're a good anon, repost it yourself right now.

>Rose song

Are you John Singer?
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Good anon. That was accidentally reduced quality audio. Here's normal quality audio.
No. That's just the first filename I had made based purely on feels before I started doubting.
this video cements everything I dislike about blonde-era rose

fucking rat-faced slag
She still could be dead. This video looks old.
>>1443634 (13 Dec)
>>>/b/716203070 (23 Dec, 01:18:26, aborted)
>>>/b/716203608 (aborted)
>>>/b/716204832 (23 Dec, 01:36:53, 322 replies + 3 deleted)
>>>/b/716209216 ("Hi John. Do you still hate every one of us?")
>>>/b/716210558 (aborted)
>>>/r9k/33580085 (23 Dec, 01:32:54, 548 replies + 2 deleted)
>>>/r9k/33581860 (aborted, "How do you feel about the second coming of Rose?")
>>>/r9k/33587733 ("I, LOU GODARD, CAUSED RANDYTAYLOR69")
>>>/r9k/33590485 ("Rose's Feet.png", *live*)
>>>/r9k/33593163 (aborted)
>given how most everyone manages to avoid /wsg/ for some inscrutable reason

we need a fucking sound webm board where you can post nsfw shit that isn't absolutely flooded with porn. On /gif/ you have to sift through 4 pages of porn just to find a YLYL or rekt thread. I think mods over there actively delete threads aswell that aren't porn related sometimes
>we need a fucking sound webm board where you can post nsfw shit that isn't absolutely flooded with porn
not gonna happen
>I think mods over there actively delete threads aswell that aren't porn related
of course
It's all about demand
Interesting point. However, a board like /wsg/ seems ideal for a topic like Rose. Besides, president Trump will delete all degenerate boards soon anyway. If he won't do it, ISIS will. So, one way or another, the days of /gif/ are numbered.
Some people are truly going out of their way to pretend this thread doesn't exist.

wtf did I just watch
>For a minute there >>>/g/58132354 I thought that was Rose aka randytaylor69 :(

>mate shes back shes got a christmas special and evreything

Explan this.
1 month ago I predicted she would come back someday. I thought it would be much later, but I'm glad I was wrong.
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Rose trends.gif
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how does it look old? it looks very much like her current self based on what we've seen of her.
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Alex Jones rage.webm
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I hear something "[unintelligible]...free.tv" but can't make it out over the music.
A audio watermark for where she got the music from probably.
royalty-free dot tv
It could be one year old or it could be two years old. Nothing indicates year 2016. It's not even HD. Picture quality is even worse than her last video from 2013. The quality alone makes it look 10 years old.

It's becoming apparent that Russians hacked her account. My theory is that they found her old videos and turned one of them public. This particular video could have been staged in a military base a while ago before the US disposed of her dead body. They couldn't bear that Rose converted to Islam.
Food for thought: Rose's popularity faded from April 2012, only to rebound in 2014 and reach an all-time peak in 2016 – before her Christmas return.

Was it all precisely engineered?
No, but I'm sure some narcissists will tell you that their weekly internet spam somehow brought her back. King will tell you that if he's still around.
It is interesting to think about how she already has around 38,000 views on her latest one, which has already surpassed many of her older videos. If you look at the archived view of her youtube channel from around december 2013 her latest videos then barely squeaked out 20,000 views, and that was after months had passed.
>some narcissists
This tickles my narcissism.

Good observation.
imagine her singing with a track that isn't her shitty guitar play

it would be incredible, bud
The one who is paul
"He was known for his catchphrase of "You'll like this ... not a lot, but you'll like it" "

are upload scheduled?
I could barely understand anything of these five minutes, her accent is so heavy and I didn't sleep for a long time, I can't focus at all, who did she apologize to? she almost cried throughout the video...
It's all a sketch I have no idea what she's talking about and I live in Britain
No i mean, perhaps I heard it all wrong but she apologized to someone for insulting him? later one of the replacements for the insult was "long hair" or something, could it have something with nate? Or did I hear nothing correctly
"I'd like to apologize to the members of the magic circle who I offended at the christmas party"
She's not talking about real people I don't think?
So that what she said, anyway I'm still clueless on the insult-thingy, anyway I hope it won't be the last of her videos obviously
stop overthinking

she is too proud to say "hi im back" so she makes up all this nonsense to have an excuse

it really is immature. goes to show why she has to come back - she had no other options
>not a fedora

question is, can she handle memes?
as i said:

she has no other options
and what does she want?
Perhaps Rose *will* get to France after all...
She came back to Earth to save it from war.
>This video is unlisted. Be considerate and think twice before sharing.
Are there more? I'm far too anonymous for a YouTube account.

I ripped the WebM already but I don't want to deprive Rose of clicks, so not posting it here.



that i get

but what does she want? attention? amusement? admiration?
She wants to save us from self-destruction.
She will heal the world.
maybe everything? maybe she just wants to make videos again? she seemed to enjoy it last time.
A simple comedy skit is too much for your autistic mind to handle.
>dat memorial to Paul Daniels

Bless her heart
is it a joke or what?
what kind of a girl makes a tribute to segaworld and paul daniels?
why tho?
I assume she likes magic. Big P threatened to resign from the Magic Circle unless they let women in, in that world he was a force to be reckoned with
Are you saying that this is a feminist issue?
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>mfw rose is now a feminist
all right. I'm just back for rose. But I really need to know after seeing two vids of this kid. Is she for real or is this shits n giggles from her side? Also, is she a kike?
She is one of those r9k whores.She knows who Rose, even did a copycat video with the moistening.
She probably feels threatened.
Thanks. She seems threatened. Just wondering if she's legit autism or just fucking about with the teenage male brain. On the off chance that it should be the first optiion, I feel kinda sad for her.
She is fucked in the head. Underaged and already giving away nudes. She is a one way ticket to v& land.
Thanks for the heads up. I'm not gonna rabbithole anything either way. Rose was always enough, even in the down time. However, by the fact that she is legitly fucked in the head and it's christmas, I feel entitled to a moment of sympathy with that chick. And a moment to feel much much older than I am.
She made her choice.
Just hope it doesn't take an uncomfortable acid trip 6 years later for her to realize that.
I don't care. More worried about anons getting snared in that mess of a person.
That's a truth.
You'd have to be 16 years old to get snared by someone like her.
so it has been confirmed pedro and his good friend had one coke each.

but what about AFTER the cinema? did they eat then? we are totally in the dark here. we have no clues
we have no update on this situation. we can only wait patiently for more info.

i do want to point out he didnt not mention his gray toilet.
We all love hearing your stories pedro but please try to gather your thoughts into one larger collection so you can blogpost properly in /rose/.

I eagerly await your next update.
I wonder if n8n will ever put a ring on that finger.
I'm sorry, my only and best friends but the Christmas Rose rollercoaster exhausted me to no end and I've got an offline life to live. Also now, that Rose rose from dead, my main and hardest mission is done, so I deserve a rest.

The next time I'll come here will be to hold back a dropped nuclear bomb from detonating. I'll do it by slowing down the chain reaction. It will be hard but not AS hard as it was to make Rose re-rise.

see >>1461654
Why do you talk like that newfag trip autist? Are you he?
Come on. We both know that the sun would stop, and the sky would fall, without my daily maintenance. Why so much envy for my duty?

Wǒ shì hé?
Do special snowflakes exist after all?

I conquered six kingdoms with a sweeping victory. How great I am when I unified the world and looked down upon it!
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1. Because they please Rose who talk so.
2. Because I'm not an emotional stump like you.
3. Because I'm not hired by the enemies of 4chan to force low quality of discourse.
4. Because I possess the skills to talk so.

Time you lrn to talk like a little bit more like us and a little bit less like you.
Rose is moist and porous.

She oozes seminal fluids of her many subscribers.
Time to contribute WebM. At this point doing it's not going to maleffect her YouTube views.

Are you trying to be the new martin?
Happy new year's!
Good rosebud :).
Found evidence that Lou had caused Rose to return.

This WebM... by him.

He repented – and she rewarded him.

We are in debt to Lou. We must all be like Lou.
That video was on youtube years before Lou even heard of rose.
i love that webm
I DON'T !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK WITH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU LITTLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PUNK ASS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BITCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DON'T !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK WITH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

we DO NOT, i repeat we DO NOT have confirmations regarding the identity of the perpetrator

the shit was enormous, so we can say for sure it has to be a person consuming massive amounts of food
Details, please.
what's the gray toilet?
is this some kind of secret code message for your autistic cult?
haha i bet pedro ate food today xD
they probably wish
>what's the gray toilet?
The Holy Grail?
>the song is about Jesus


still like it
More civil rights in general. Paul Daniels is forgotten by most people, but in the magician world he was fucking crazy powerful.
Has anyone besides me noticed that Paul Daniels has exactly the same interocular distance as Rose Wolfe?

They also have the same eye colour, the same shape of eyebrows and the same nose. And the same hair colour.

I can imagine several reasons.

this isn't her final goodbye is it?

p-pls no.
That's it: Rose's natural hair colour and even Rose's haircut. Also Rose's height, Rose's build and Rose's vocal timbre (with masculine pitch).

Paul Daniels is essentially older and male Rose.
I was wrong, I'm sad
"Don't be sad, it's the future you chose."
~ Doom Paul Daniels
how were you wrong?
nothing special.. I was hoping she'd make another video

thanks, you're right Doom Paul Daniels
she might, look at all the views she's accumulated in just a week.
part 1 of her christmas special has already surpassed her "books: trying to write one" video.

of course, though the fact that it has been around 10 days since the the last video pretty much implies that there would be no part 3..

I hate overthinking it sometimes, I just hope it won't take years this time
there may not be a part 3 but another video isn't outside the realm of possibility. i like her recent uploads, it almost makes me feel at ease knowing that in some respects she's back, although slightly depressed as well.

i do too. but look at it this way, if she was willing to come back after all this time and all the shit, what's stopping her from doing other things like she used to? in the old days?
yeah you're right, I figured that much from the start, the thing is no matter which angle im going to look at it from, I won't be satisfied until I either see a new video, or get informed that there would be no more, you know? waiting sometimes feels like the worst choice
it will never be enough.
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its not her.gif
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tell me. who do you think of?
the waiting is definitely one of the worst parts especially when there's hardly anyone left to share it with. but maybe that's the whole point? to keep us waiting, desiring more but not sure what to do. or maybe it's all just a fun thing for her she barely pays any mind. i don't know, and without asking her directly i don't think we'll ever know her true thoughts on the matter. i doubt she'd ever be willing to share something that close or that it would even be a good idea.

what makes you say that?
She can easily remedy that.
>but maybe that's the whole point? to keep us waiting
Like the Christmas vigil?

>Advent is a season observed in many Western Christian churches as a time of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the Rebirth of Rose Wolfe at Christmas. The term is a version of the Latin word meaning "cumming".

>In many Catholic and Protestant churches, the most popular colours for the four surrounding Advent candles are violet and rose, corresponding with the colors of the liturgical vestments for the Sundays of Advent.
>For denominations of the Western Christian Church, violet is the historic liturgical color for three of the four Sundays of Advent: Violet is the traditional color of penitential seasons.
>Blue is also a popular alternative color for both Advent vestments and Advent candles, especially in some Anglican and Methodist churches, which use a blue shade associated with the Sarum rite, in addition to Lutheran churches that also implement this practice. One interpretation holds that blue means hope and waiting, which aligns with the seasonal meaning of Advent.
>Rose is the liturgical color for the Third Sunday of Advent, known as Gaudete Sunday from the Latin word meaning "to rejoice".

Maybe Rose wants her rosebuds to be together and support each other in this difficult time because nobody else will share in our Rosarian angsts, hopes and desires.
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how many posts are needed for autosage thought it was 300
>OC is old videos with a new autistic soundtrack added
this is the reality we live in
ah there we go autosage engaged
i love these. hope he makes many more.
there is no creativity anymore
as opposed to what? sympatric? cringey punk shit?
>muh golden days

"lol look at all these rose stalkers

at least it actually took some talent. and making oc requires much more work than simply downloading someone else's stuff and slapping different music onto it.
this is the reality we live in

we have fallen lower than you think
why do you deserve oc?
SOME talent, and it's more than what we have now. do you think any of these idiots can create anything remotely entertaining and decent?
they aren't here to make oc, they are here to receive it

you are taking that video too seriously
exactly they're mere consumers, can only eat but can never grow.

i can agree that music choice was absolutely horrendous

the dancing video was at least funny, or seductive rather

i always enjoy me a good rose dance
she is very seductive when she moves. there is nary a song in the world that can match her.
i see you there, boy
What do you reckon a lapdance from Rose would be like? Do you think she's ever given one? Maybe for her horses' birthday?
devastatingly arousing

for me at least
she might be a bit awkward at first but i can see her getting into it, probably wouldn't like it very much with someone like me.

for me it would be the same as for >>1482204
i'd probably cum in my pants if she did that
>>1481931 >>1481881
>>1481646 >>1481910
>implying we would notice OC even if it kicked us straight in the face
Denial of reality is about the only thing you can do well.


And, when you get your OC, your reply is?

>nice try, just post that girl talking or leave


And, when you get THAT GIRL TALKING, your reply is?

>there is no creativity anymore
>OC is old videos with new soundtrack



Fact: you are little worms in giant Pedro's shit.

Rose will detox you one by one in 2017.

I can't wait for your mouthy denial.


Captcha: Ashley
Proof: https://archive.is/FsAIl

Even Ashley backs me.
First victim of Rose's comeback: Lou.

He avoids this thread ever since.

It's too humiliating for him.
Hipster Dovchebag / Suicide So fly (1 week ago):
>My dad beat me to a pulp the other day. But I think this vid makes up for it

Lou Godard (1 week ago):

NUGNESS123 (1 week ago):
>1. bregzit
>2. trumpu
>3. roze
>deus maximum vult

Lou Godard (1 week ago):
>h ey is this the 4chan comment section?! LOL

Newest Rose thread!

>>1484971 >>1484971 >>1484971
>>1484971 >>1484971
Impulse control issues
As a closing statement I want to remind everyone of the only constant factor in these threads, as in everything else, regardless of reality or time, may it be the year 2016 or 2017:

Pedro is fat.
*clears throat*
poo in the lou
Because I used an exclamation mark?
>Pedro is fit.
hello, i am big boy

-big boy
Why is /rose/ so completely oblivious to facts?
Thread posts: 338
Thread images: 36

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