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Funhaus General: Joel Edition

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Thread replies: 221
Thread images: 79

File: Funhaus - Joel Battle Cry.webm (4MB, 920x516px) Image search: [Google]
Funhaus - Joel Battle Cry.webm
4MB, 920x516px
Old Thread
RIP goblin man

he's singing show-tunes with yahweh now.
File: Funhaus - Jon Crow.webm (4MB, 920x516px) Image search: [Google]
Funhaus - Jon Crow.webm
4MB, 920x516px
File: 1458849583041.webm (4MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 1280x720px
File: Funhaus - Jew Elf.webm (4MB, 920x516px) Image search: [Google]
Funhaus - Jew Elf.webm
4MB, 920x516px
>bruce's CMON

man Im gonna miss Joel so much, hope he goes on to do better things and it doesn't backfire on him.
Rip office jew
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2MB, 650x366px
Joel was actually my favourite, the only reason I go on living is to hear bruce laugh
File: JamesWillemsSeppuku.webm (2MB, 640x384px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 640x384px
why the fuck do you consistently post the short version? You did this last thread, post THE FULL THING
File: Funhaus - Joel VR.webm (4MB, 920x516px) Image search: [Google]
Funhaus - Joel VR.webm
4MB, 920x516px
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559KB, 400x276px

that was the last straw to incite Joel to quit
File: Funhaus - Joel VR Rage.webm (4MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
Funhaus - Joel VR Rage.webm
4MB, 1280x720px
Can someone make a clip of Elise intimidating Adam from the last OH?
File: Funhaus - Joel Yawn.webm (4MB, 920x516px) Image search: [Google]
Funhaus - Joel Yawn.webm
4MB, 920x516px
File: Funhaus - Macho Elyse.webm (4MB, 920x516px) Image search: [Google]
Funhaus - Macho Elyse.webm
4MB, 920x516px
God James is funny
File: 1459630659750.webm (2MB, 854x480px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 854x480px

3:56 please
I like how this is a consistent general now that it was referenced in a video
While it sucks that Joel is leaving, I'm so glad they brought Elyse on, she's easily one of the funniest of the group, and I'd happily share a beer with her, mainly because she's even funnier drunk.
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4MB, 720x404px
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4MB, 1000x562px
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4MB, 720x404px
File: 360.webm (3MB, 1000x563px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1000x563px
File: Funhaus - Scrobbles.webm (4MB, 600x336px) Image search: [Google]
Funhaus - Scrobbles.webm
4MB, 600x336px
I downloaded this fucking video for this exact webm
This is their best moment so far. Followed closely by the introduction of Thrusterman while they were doing that other show.
File: Funhaus - Imagine Peak.webm (2MB, 1000x562px) Image search: [Google]
Funhaus - Imagine Peak.webm
2MB, 1000x562px
File: Aircommand.webm (4MB, 920x516px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 920x516px
Can someone link me some of the best FH stuff? They just feel like a poor man's Creature Hub or some shit. I've been trying to get into their stuff but I just find their daily uploads boring. It gets an occasional kek though so I feel I'm missing out somewhere.
Why do people always say this is their best moment? It's funny but it's not as funny as everyone is making it out to be.
What do you guys use to create such high quality webms?
I really wish we can see some more Creatures Funhaus collab
Hell no. I hate collabs. They're really forced and unfunny. Like yesterday's ep. I love Ray but he doesn't mesh well with Funhaus at all. I couldn't get past the episode of demo disk with that creature guy either.
File: Casual racism.webm (3MB, 1000x563px) Image search: [Google]
Casual racism.webm
3MB, 1000x563px
Webm for Tards
been using it for about 3 years now, ever since moot allowed webbums.
File: call.webm (4MB, 600x338px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 600x338px
I can't believe he kept a straight face the whole time.
Now do the Sony one. That guy sounded so angry.
File: (sound)Drunktards.webm (2MB, 480x320px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 480x320px
File: call2.webm (4MB, 1000x563px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 1000x563px
Gracias. And yes, Sony did buy Psygnosis.

I never heard of the Creatures till they started doing stuff with FH and AH.
Who do you guys watch these people play video games? Cause they aren't very funny
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484KB, 500x249px
Bruce just kept trying to do it.
I don't like the creatures but Jordan fit in really well. They need to poach him.
Nice English, you fucking ball.
damn Bruce has a good voice
File: TR0N IS HOT (Demo Disk).webm (4MB, 520x380px) Image search: [Google]
TR0N IS HOT (Demo Disk).webm
4MB, 520x380px
I actually really miss the songs in the beginning of Demo Disk, Bruce has a beautiful voice.
File: STAR TREK IS HOT - Demo Disk.webm (4MB, 480x320px) Image search: [Google]
STAR TREK IS HOT - Demo Disk.webm
4MB, 480x320px
sure hope it comes back
You know what I meant though retard
File: Hotline Disk.webm (4MB, 640x420px) Image search: [Google]
Hotline Disk.webm
4MB, 640x420px
Best, ahaha
They had some good damn moments as IG. So glad someone made that thrusterman animation.
File: Funhaus - I Like Children.webm (4MB, 1000x562px) Image search: [Google]
Funhaus - I Like Children.webm
4MB, 1000x562px
It's been cool seeing her warm up to being one of the personalities, and how she's really cemented her place in the dynamic. She's great.
their let's play of ultimate chicken horse is probably the funniest thing i've watched in a long time
Because I think they are pretty funny
It feels empty without Joel. He always brought the enthusiasm to comment show and openhaus. When spoole left it was the same but everything seems different with Joel gone.
Requesting Bruce rollerblading
Hey, Lawrence, Put me in the comments video
Does anyone have source on the video about shadow man who is afraid of the pressure to preform?
File: 1459649159556.webm (523KB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
523KB, 1280x720px
Which member is the best husbando?
>No spoiler tags
James or Matt Peake
What about Adam / Bruce?
What ever happened to Adam's friend, Soda God?
Today's video was the best Lawrence special ever.
Is there a way to watch fullhaus aka their full live stream without joining rooster teeth?
Their videos are getting really boring desu
Just watched the HunieCam Studio gameplay. That was pretty good tho
great fuckin webm
Agreed. It's because they keep doing collabs and gta. The huniecam one was alright though.
I was gonna say the same thing, collabs arent half bad though
File: Funhaus - The Miz Sucks.webm (4MB, 720x404px) Image search: [Google]
Funhaus - The Miz Sucks.webm
4MB, 720x404px
File: powerup.webm (2MB, 900x490px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 900x490px
The doom one was terrible
It's not just that. Wheelhaus and Demo Disk are getting pretty boring too simply because their jokes aren't as good as they used to be.
Oh, I guess Adam is streaming Overwatch on twitch now.
Ehh.. Yes to a certain extent. I still really much enjoy their content mostly cause I like them as people rather than looking at them as exclusively entertainers. I like to rest in bed after a hard day and just listen to their random conversations over some gameplay. At points it does seem a bit too formulaic, hence repetitive, causing you to see that some joke styles are often re-used. Even though their humor has changed over the years (from working at Machinima to now at FunHaus) they continue to be phenomenal youtubers.
Joel added so much to the group. Even though he wasn't the funniest he was definitely one of the most entertaining. I miss him in videos.
In one of their Comments videos they mentioned that if a video does really well then they'll use that comedic style more often. When it just seems like it's them talking like people (like in a drunk video or in their podcasts) I enjoy it more than I would their regular videos, not that I don't like their regular videos. They're talented people, if something gets stale they'll drop it.
Spoole and Joel for me, were big faces of the IG/Funhaus crew. Things have never been the same since they left.
Opened this thread to request this. Happy it was already here. Any chance anyone has the "Buzzards in the air" part?
File: Funhaus - Elyse Cock.webm (3MB, 830x990px) Image search: [Google]
Funhaus - Elyse Cock.webm
3MB, 830x990px
[Lawrence Rage Intensifies]
I like Peake
I pray for the day that Lawrence leaves Funhaus. I can't stand him at all. He is the definition of a shill.

I like Lawrence, but his shtick as the angry nerd seems like it's starting to wear a little over the past few weeks.

As for being a shill, I mean, he runs the podcast and has to read ads for it, so I guess that fits the definition of shill. So what?
Shill implies there is some deception, reading sponsor messages from a phone isn't shilling, it's just what podcasts have to do to make money.
Fuck you. He's my favourite member.
Someone needs to make a webm of lawrence getting pissed and telling everyone to stfu in that chicken cow game.
By shill, I meant whenever there is any drama about a game developer, no matter how fucked up it is, he'll always take the side of the developer and act like the fans are just whinny babys, and he always uses that fucking voice, and the same argument.

Dude use to be a game journalist, so that lets you know what kind of person he is.
You're just butthurt because you're the exact person he's making fun of.
Who do you guys think is next to leave?
I'm butthurt because hes a complete tool who is too passive aggressive for his own good.
This last podcast, he wouldn't shut the fuck up about the game, and Adam asked him to stop talking about it. He instantly got bitchy and remarked "I can do whatever I want", and proceeded to talk about the game out of spite.
Dude needs to grow the fuck up.
Joel leaving was a mistake. Funhaus should go close to dying so he can come back.
They've already filled out his role. Other than one screen personality, not much else he can do there.
That's his internet persona. He's playing it up on camera. If you don't like him then don't watch dude soup since it's his show.
Demo Disk with Lawrence this week was pretty good.
He's been playing the angry man out too much in the gameplays, but this last demo disk reminded me why he's so great.
I hate that they're adding Dan into their crew. I really can't stand him.
Holy shit today's GTA had me fucking rolling. Top notch editing.
I recently went back to the old inside gaming for shits and giggles, damn it has gone down the drain.
miss you buddy, too soon, way too soon
Me too. They've gone downhill for sure. Ever since Joel left they've resorted to adding some retard who isn't even funny to the group. It's ridiculous. If he becomes part of the crew I'm unsubscribing for sure.
who are you talking about?
Dan. He replied to a comment mentioning him.
Do we have Joel singing christmas carols?
Why do they always make gta videos? They're so fucking boring. They do like 2 per week and it's seriously the worst series they've ever done. They need to end it and play other games.
I like the episodic videos, like Gore, but they said that those videos have lower view counts so they don't do them
Why do kids have shit taste in content?
I don't mind them if I'm binging but I'd much prefer if they just played a random game each week.
It's not like they do them in back to back
They would split them up and put one out a month or two apart
Gore was 6 episodes and it took like a year
>I like the episodic videos

Same. Shit like Chaser, Sims 3, Chrome, Gore, Legendary, Raven's Cry were all GOAT
If some one could make a webm of 7:10 to 7:17 I would be eternally grateful

Dude, do you even know what that word means? Are you literally accusing him of taking money from the entirety of the game industry all at once, or are you just upset that he disagrees with you?
File: Funhaus - Lars Window.webm (3MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
Funhaus - Lars Window.webm
3MB, 1280x720px
File: Funhaus - Lars GI oh.webm (4MB, 720x404px) Image search: [Google]
Funhaus - Lars GI oh.webm
4MB, 720x404px
have another
File: Funhaus - What button.webm (4MB, 720x404px) Image search: [Google]
Funhaus - What button.webm
4MB, 720x404px
thank you so much
Goddamn funhaus sucks now. Theyre always playing GTA, doing collabs and playing those shitty indie 4 player garbage games. The only reason I don't unsubscribe is because of demo disk and wheelhaus
>tfw no episodic videos of shitty games anymore
Can we get some racist Elyse?
File: James Willems - Muppet 01.webm (4MB, 720x404px) Image search: [Google]
James Willems - Muppet 01.webm
4MB, 720x404px
File: James Willems - Muppet 02.webm (4MB, 720x404px) Image search: [Google]
James Willems - Muppet 02.webm
4MB, 720x404px
File: James Willems - Muppet 03.webm (4MB, 720x404px) Image search: [Google]
James Willems - Muppet 03.webm
4MB, 720x404px
That was worryingly arousing.
File: V6rJmt5.gif (1MB, 395x326px)
1MB, 395x326px
>there are funhaus generals
File: James Willems - Muppet 05.webm (4MB, 1000x562px) Image search: [Google]
James Willems - Muppet 05.webm
4MB, 1000x562px
you're welcome
File: Funhaus - Racist Elyse 01.webm (4MB, 1000x562px) Image search: [Google]
Funhaus - Racist Elyse 01.webm
4MB, 1000x562px
File: Funhaus - Racist Elyse 02.webm (4MB, 1000x562px) Image search: [Google]
Funhaus - Racist Elyse 02.webm
4MB, 1000x562px
File: Funhaus - Racist Elyse 03.webm (4MB, 720x404px) Image search: [Google]
Funhaus - Racist Elyse 03.webm
4MB, 720x404px
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3MB, 1280x720px
File: James Willems - Muppet 04.webm (4MB, 720x404px) Image search: [Google]
James Willems - Muppet 04.webm
4MB, 720x404px
they make such a fucking adorable couple
[spoiler]you know, considering they're siblings[/spoiler]
Doing God's work, anon/namefag
Pausing at 0:06 gives you an amazing wallpaper
File: peak approves.webm (529KB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
peak approves.webm
529KB, 1280x720px
it's peake, not peak
I could't name it with /\ so I got close.
Anyone got a webm of the 'joke of the week' or any of the other jingle bits?
File: James Willems - Muppet 06.webm (4MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
James Willems - Muppet 06.webm
4MB, 1280x720px
File: Funhaus - Bruv.webm (4MB, 720x404px) Image search: [Google]
Funhaus - Bruv.webm
4MB, 720x404px
Holy shit... Ray? Miss that nigga.
Can we get some erotic Elyse from the new video?
Did I ever tell you that you're beautiful?
File: Funhaus - Teen Vs Cum 01.webm (4MB, 600x336px) Image search: [Google]
Funhaus - Teen Vs Cum 01.webm
4MB, 600x336px
File: Funhaus - Teen Vs Cum 02.webm (4MB, 720x404px) Image search: [Google]
Funhaus - Teen Vs Cum 02.webm
4MB, 720x404px
File: Funhaus - Teen Vs Cum 03.webm (3MB, 720x404px) Image search: [Google]
Funhaus - Teen Vs Cum 03.webm
3MB, 720x404px
File: Funhaus - Teen Vs Cum 04.webm (4MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
Funhaus - Teen Vs Cum 04.webm
4MB, 1280x720px
File: Funhaus - Teen Vs Cum 05.webm (4MB, 720x404px) Image search: [Google]
Funhaus - Teen Vs Cum 05.webm
4MB, 720x404px
File: Funhaus - Teen Vs Cum 06.webm (4MB, 720x404px) Image search: [Google]
Funhaus - Teen Vs Cum 06.webm
4MB, 720x404px
File: Funhaus - Teen Vs Cum 07.webm (4MB, 720x404px) Image search: [Google]
Funhaus - Teen Vs Cum 07.webm
4MB, 720x404px
File: Funhaus - Teen Vs Cum 08.webm (4MB, 720x404px) Image search: [Google]
Funhaus - Teen Vs Cum 08.webm
4MB, 720x404px
Someone please record the e3 drinking game on monday!
File: firesuit.webm (1MB, 720x404px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 720x404px
That trends episode was genius
Spoopy James?
Thank you in advance
File: people in hell.webm (1MB, 720x404px) Image search: [Google]
people in hell.webm
1MB, 720x404px
bruce gets competitive
File: team names.webm (1MB, 720x404px) Image search: [Google]
team names.webm
1MB, 720x404px
Not from the Funhaus channel but Funhaus related
where is that from
i must watch it now
On the Spot #52
thx m8
What's this from?
we need gifs of this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPwisl94pjQ

or Lawrence fighting Jack
James post on his YouTube every now and then
Elyses comment after
>Dammit guys I'm just gonna go home
>Well you can't we took out the ramp.
fuckin shit, James shes a keeper
Is he bombed out of psychedelics?
im pretty sure they are married anon
their sims stuff aka "cunt adventrues"was awesome
And the sins - "blade!!" parts, which is directly after this in the video
File: Inside Gaming - Rogue Warrior.webm (4MB, 720x404px) Image search: [Google]
Inside Gaming - Rogue Warrior.webm
4MB, 720x404px
Can you make one of the "suck my balls..." thing?
that scene makes me crack up every fucking time i watch it

i'd love a short webm version [spoiler]but i'm too stupid to make one :( [/spoiler]
They did drunk bingo on e3. They pretty much drank from like noon till 9 or 10pm.
best part of this gameplay imo
damn didn't know he was on one of their streams.

watched some of him on twitch for a while, but he isn't the same as back in the IB days
page 9 bump
Can we get some from the early access game?
Like the pipes bit?
BangDi ;_;7
What is that music, I've been looking for it for a long time
>shouty glasses jew
>not >/fit/ James
RIPIP Bang Di, we never knew you sweet baby boy
File: Capture.gif (878KB, 1920x1079px)
878KB, 1920x1079px
Like so.
I'm getting real tired of Elyse being absolutely terrible in every game they play.
she was pretty good at Speedrunners

and quiplash
She's good at some things, you could definitely tell she wasn't into Verdun or whatever.

She's probably still working on that ALttP speedrun, clock's ticking.
RTX webms where
File: Taking you down.webm (3MB, 720x404px) Image search: [Google]
Taking you down.webm
3MB, 720x404px
He has a point Lawrence is a retard, A cool , funny, handsome retard. But a retard non the less.
I honestly made the webm because I thought he did a good job with his improve wrestling posing during his WWE rant.

personally i really like the jetpack man one.
In the business we call that "cutting a promo" on a "jobber"
Thread posts: 221
Thread images: 79

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