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Trump WebMs thread #10: Liberal Edition

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 318
Thread images: 83

File: RC4kfVr - Imgur.gif (2MB, 390x293px) Image search: [Google]
RC4kfVr - Imgur.gif
2MB, 390x293px
Not exactly the best GIF to represent the topic but the only other file I had at hand was even worse.

WebM for Retards: https://gitgud.io/nixx/WebMConverter
Lets be honest here.
Trump is entertaining but nobody here actually believes he has a chance?

How the fuck is he going to win over any swing states?
Historical threads:
#10 >>1021365 (current thread) | Liberal Edition
#9 >>1007631 https://archive.is/CKuLH | Only Wisconsin and New York (merged from #8a)
#8b >>988607 https://archive.is/UKHyK | Florida, Ohio, Illinois, NC, and Missouri!
#8a >>1008107 https://archive.is/pLAii | Tromp Edition (merged into #9)
#7b >>978686 unrecorded
#7a >>985281 https://archive.is/wSwrm | Deep Dream Edition
#6 >>954618 https://archive.is/YDk5w | South Carolina primary this saturday.
#5 >>924374 https://archive.is/61tBO | IOWA CAUCUS FEB. 1ST
#4 >>913473 unrecorded
>...but the only other file I had at hand was even worse.
File: Poor Jeb.webm (4MB, 500x280px) Image search: [Google]
Poor Jeb.webm
4MB, 500x280px

I miss Jeb. I'd never want him to be president, but he came off as a nice guy.
File: Jeb is a waste.webm (3MB, 852x480px) Image search: [Google]
Jeb is a waste.webm
3MB, 852x480px

Probably by underscoring the fact that the bulk of his actual policy proposals could be described most accurately as pragmatically centrist. His progressive tax cuts and decreased military spending are downright moderate, anon. As soon as he shifts into General Election gear and sells his immigration plan as a public works project aimed at enforcing the laws we already have instead of focusing on the "scary illegals" part of the issue, the moderate swing-voters will get to thinking the wall's not too big a pill to swallow to slash war budgets and cool our needlessly tense relations with Russia. And the young voters? He wants to bring federal student loan interest rates down to zero.
You know, I wasn't on board with the wall at first. It seemed to me that there were cheaper ways to police the border.

Then I got to thinking about it. A wall is permanent. A future president can't renege on the wall, because it's a fucking wall. Kind of genius, when you think about it. If he builds the Trump wall and puts his name on it, it's there to stay for decades to come.
File: ted cruz.webm (4MB, 641x360px) Image search: [Google]
ted cruz.webm
4MB, 641x360px
>A wall is permanent.
You might want to refresh your history a little.
File: 1458617152391.webm (333KB, 1066x595px) Image search: [Google]
333KB, 1066x595px
He's a big guy.
File: End of discussion.webm (1MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
End of discussion.webm
1MB, 640x360px
For you
welp I'm not sleeping tonight
File: Trump Effect.webm (4MB, 427x240px) Image search: [Google]
Trump Effect.webm
4MB, 427x240px
So good.
It was tweeted by Trump and subsequently DMCAd on youtube by Bioware
Whoever edited this deserves a cabinet position, every time.
It's a great video. I think half of his campaign staff is on here and just passes it on to Trump.
File: Tfw Donald Trump is elected.webm (2MB, 700x394px) Image search: [Google]
Tfw Donald Trump is elected.webm
2MB, 700x394px
File: Probably plays the trumpet.webm (2MB, 854x480px) Image search: [Google]
Probably plays the trumpet.webm
2MB, 854x480px
voting for trump now.
It's amazing how one man could instill fear and anger upon two irattional races

This is why I like him. This man managed to anger the nigs, libcucks, femshits, and spics to the point where they fear him. It exposed how irrational these people are

Nice going Trump
File: 1454216360789.webm (1MB, 720x540px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 720x540px
I like Trump, he has good character and the strength to stand behind his convictions. If only he wasn't a sophomoric imbecile with no understanding of economics or geopolitics, he would make a good president.
the Jew media has been working overtime to instill this fear and ignorance honestly
>no understanding of economics

>A man who turned a million into a billion lacks knowledge of economics

Haha ok Juan
You can taste Juan's saltiness through the Internet.
Even if you watch some of that WITH context it's still creepy as fuck.
File: 1456866334428.gif (3MB, 720x508px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 720x508px
oi vey
What? It's not weird because it's put out of context, it's weird because it's lipsynced. It's a joke video.
Err, you know you don't have to be an economist to make money right? Assuming everyone who has made a fortune knows all the ins and outs of world trade is like assuming any grunt with a rifle is fit for generalship.

>Jew media
Ah yes, the /pol/ version of the Patriarchy :)
What is that song in the background?? I know I have heard it before but the name escapes me..
>It seemed to me that there were cheaper ways to police the border.
You'd be surprised how relatively cheap concrete and steel are, especially compared to the sheer man hours needed to effectively patrol ~1000 miles of border
just about every president aside from bush jr( muh daddy was president) has zero understanding of geopolitics. thats why they get briefed so heavily once they get in. Clinton has already been there so she already has an understanding. Remember all those huge promises obama made on campaign only to realize the situation when he got into office. he promised to pull troops out immediately. gets briefed and doesn't do it till his second term. you could elect a monkey and he woudn't need kissenger guiding his hand from on high to figure it out.
I'm glad I pirated all their shit, can't believe they reported that, fucking bioware.
Why the fuck wouldn't they report it? It uses their IP to push divisive politics and even more than that, politics they don't agree with. By all means, slam their games for the many problems they have, boycott the company for its own political agendas, but getting pissy over them saying "lolno," to lousy memery just because it hurts your political feelings is retarded anon.
File: pure coincdence.webm (1MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
pure coincdence.webm
1MB, 640x360px
somebody webm this

So fucking glad the campaign has finally moved out of the Cuckwest and back to the real world
File: XZ2kDeTXMpBLIUH0.webm (4MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 1280x720px
I don't remember the name but it's from kill bill
twisted nerve
You are frightening me.
I lol every time
File: Its okay to be alone....gif (884KB, 500x281px) Image search: [Google]
Its okay to be alone....gif
884KB, 500x281px
What I really want from Trump is for this big talk to just be a show, and for him to settle down a little when he gets into office.
Of course, didn't you hear the thing about his wife telling him to be more presidential and his reply;
>I've got incoming
He's doing what it takes to get votes, liberals are calling him a "populist" which is nonsense
Everyone running for any office is a "populist" if they are trying to be elected

But back the original point, I think he'll be a great leader who will surround himself with the best of the best at everything
Twisted Nerve, but not from Kill Bill, just used there. Like many songs in Tarantino movies they're often much, much older than the movies themselves.

The theme from Pulp Fiction for example (Misirlou) is even older.
>pieces of shit
>get a job

Dude needs more material.
>Jew Media
You can call it whatever you want it, that doesn't change the fact that mainstream media is just a propaganda machine.
It very much is, but that doesn't change whether or not you add Jew to the equation.

People are desperate for a reprieve from all this corporatist globalism that's instilling and conditioning an Orwellian sense of masochistic and compulsory altruism, but as long at you guys sit on 'da joos!' nobody's gonna take you seriously.
>all the cops smiling

>lousy memery
It's pretty good memery desu.
File: Trump Attack On Titan.webm (4MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
Trump Attack On Titan.webm
4MB, 640x360px
He gave a speech where he said he was a unifier right, and was really calm throughout (by his standards).

He's going to become some deeply sinister Demon Headmaster shit
>Mr. Gorbachev
you need to get a job, lowlife
great work thanks m8

yeah that dance to the middle is gonna be real fun to watch him utterly fail at.

you know they keep video clips of the crazy shit he says right?
Most of trumps success comes from people getting so sick of SJWs that they just vote for the most opposite thing they can find
seems like the zodiac killer is back
File: Students_For_Trump.webm (4MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 1280x720px
Wackjob Commies
File: The_Vanguard_on_Fight.webm (3MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1280x720px
Fight almost broke out at Portland State Students for Trump meeting

This fucker is so full of himself.
>they support Trump, let' doxx them XD!

lmao how butthurt are these faggots gonna be when they realize their shaming tactics won't work anymore
>threatening ppl who don't agree with you instead of beating them with ideas
The regressive left is real it seems.
>leftists say Trump is like Hitler

Better use actual SA tactics to shut those evil nazi's down.
It's going to be funny when trump steps down as republican nominee leaving a divided republican party ill equipped to fight Hillary.

This is the plan.
>t. Eduardo Rafael Cruz
Looks like people are going to want to keep those guns for self defense. Makes sense since the Bernie supporters are the only ones physically attack others.
sauce of this debate pls
tfw i was at that rally

it was glorious
>Err, you know you don't have to be an economist to make money right? Assuming everyone who has made a fortune knows all the ins and outs of world trade is like assuming any grunt with a rifle is fit for generalship.

This is the stupidest analogy I've heard this week.

You're assuming Trump doesn't know anything about money? The first post said he knows nothing about economics. Please Anon, let's here you defend that claim.
File: 1458070919478.webm (1MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 640x360px
I didn't assume Trump doesn't know anything about money, you're assuming that making money and being an economist are the same thing.

I didn't assume anything. You did. This kind of celebrity worship that portrays business moguls as untouchable economic rockstars gets old really fast.
>business moguls as untouchable economic rockstars gets old really fast.

This desu
how many cops do u need for changelingling a lightbulb???
>the crowd is shanting lyin' ted
I genuinely thought they were shanting "OY VEY OY VEY OY VEY"
9th GOP debate
Did you just freindzone Jeb
best to stick to what works
File: LYIN' TED.webm (2MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
LYIN' TED.webm
2MB, 1280x720px
This, as much as they say Trump is "literally Hitler" they use the same violence and intimidation tactics against people who do nothing but share a different opinion than they do.
Yeah they are very tolerant until you disagree with them. Worst thing is that in the msm i hear no one talking about these fascist intimidation tactics being used by these do gooders.
File: Trump dance.webm (2MB, 320x180px) Image search: [Google]
Trump dance.webm
2MB, 320x180px
Sometimes I think these people want someone to beat them up.
Thank you for sharing this, such a shame
P.S - Solid vlog skills from that old timer
Is there a link to the video?
>A politician got some people angry
>Wow what credentials

>exposed how irrational they are
>wants to ban the brown boogey men from the country

>What is Fox News

/pol/ pls leave
music source?
Trump and Fox have not exactly had the best relationship this cycle.
File: Trumpelstiltskin.webm (2MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 640x360px
For the 2 ruling, fucked up, inept parties to hate him so much he must be doing something right
>tfw I was a part of that chant
Fuck I wish I recorded it, I got WHO'S GONNA PAY FOR THE WALL and BUILD THE WALL chants that were at the end atleast
Ha, nobody has been able to locate the source for months now.
File: 1455684078948.webm (791KB, 854x480px) Image search: [Google]
791KB, 854x480px
There's a webm of a guy arguing about Trump's economic plan with some blonde news woman, and he reket her with quoting how much land and resources the gov has unnused.

I cannot find the video on YouTube, can someone sause me please?
File: w.webm (4MB, 640x278px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 640x278px
why can't we be first?
God damn, I love this man.
File: Trumpcorn.webm (2MB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1920x1080px
Random little thing I just made
Thanks anon.

You can't just slap SnK's opening onto everything.
File: fox news in 2013.webm (4MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
fox news in 2013.webm
4MB, 1280x720px
how can someone just get rid of his vote? non-murrican here so i dont know how your system works. but if people can bin votes that easy, thats insane.
Because the party =/= the government
>mfw it's true
Wait wait wait, how the fuck can he get in if the absolute rule is you MUST be born here?
no one gives a shit about the constitution anymore
>"The candidate is a natural born citizen by virtue of being born in Canada to his mother who was a U.S. citizen at the time of his birth."
talk about moving back the goal posts. this and the votes of others getting thrown out is just fucked up.
Again, just because he pisses everyone off doesn't mean he has the credentials. Neither does his business experience, Shillary got to be Secretary of State from sheer nepotism and she's just as fucking unqualified as Trump.
>Brutal Anti-Cruz Attack Ad Just 30 Seconds Of Candidate’s Photo Displayed Without Any Text, Voiceover, Music
Someone make this into a webm

He can't, but he can still run in the party's nomination process.
He's being used by the establishment to siphon delegates from Trump to try and trigger a brokered convention, in which some other dude can, and probably will, be nominated instead.
File: rato_btfo.webm (767KB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
767KB, 640x360px
Here you go, top kek.
Holy shit, the GOP establishment is actively alienating itself from the only stable demographic they have left.

>wants to ban the brown boogey men from the country
I'm not a fan of Trump in the slightest, but it's getting really old how many of his detractors willfully misrepresent both his stance against illegal immigration and his opinion of political Islam.

The political parties aren't as beholden to the legal protections that the government itself is.

The wide range of views within each of the parties makes either one of them winning an election more akin to a coalition government within a parliamentary system though with a bit more of a central agenda.

If there's one thing that's absolutely bi-partisan in this election, it's the realization that both party's establishment and power brokers use legal protections to consolidate themselves (in some states even it's almost impossible to have a third party on the ballot) and control opposition. Nothing would please me more than to watch both parties split in half and for all intents and purposes they seem headed that way.
Colorado centipede here. There will be a peaceful protest at the Colorado GOP headquarters on Friday at 3PM, I plan to go, and I encourage all others who are able to go to do so. Let's show the Libtards what a real peaceful protest is.

Hachikuji Dance Beat
That's the old one. Try this new one.
File: Trump is Batman.webm (670KB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
Trump is Batman.webm
670KB, 1280x720px
Name of song?
Six. One to change the light bulb. Five to beat the room for being black.
File: 1460155463471.webm (4MB, 720x720px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 720x720px
Hall of the Mountain King

Great, now I'm gonna have night terrors all week
File: Trump WWE Shaving Bernie.webm (2MB, 538x404px) Image search: [Google]
Trump WWE Shaving Bernie.webm
2MB, 538x404px
File: hey.webm (4MB, 352x198px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 352x198px
>I'm not a robot
File: KindEyes.webm (4MB, 308x232px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 308x232px
How bout all year?
I find her kinda hot.
well then get that Oculus Rift, son
I'd have to wait for the price to come down.
fucking hell, the production quality of this
and just for a quick kek
Well he IS a billionaire, with a big tower in the middle of New York named after himself.
and an orphan, and he's 6'2
Such little kek for all the effort, i luv it
File: 1458427199398.webm (1MB, 640x800px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 640x800px
Are those rocket launchers on the top of the car?
Yeah it looks so.
File: nationalist.webm (2MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 640x360px
is that oil
i actually laughed, thanks anon
The problem isn't that Trump's policies are bad. The problem is that their unrealistic. They're all motivated by correct attitudes, but they're unfeasible and unempirical.
old ones better. New one misses all the impacts
I listened to those Orpheus headphones at CES 2015

They were no better than normal stax
RPG-7 with shaped charge rocket-grenades. Hopefully mock-ups.
lost his vote in his parties caucus, or vote determining his political party front runner.

parties can run their state caucus however they feel and, although uncommon, can go against the popular vote more or less by accumulating groups of delegates to win influential favor
I am tired of liberal, SJW Fuckers running the goddamn country. I want someone with the balls to look a triggered motherfucker in the eyes and say "go fuck yourself."
anyone got webms of Milo talking about Trump?
I "le cringe xd" when he calls him daddy, but still he has really concise arguments for Trump
They're not really that unfeasible. The biggest obstacle is apathetic inertia constantly reinforced by an establishment that wants the status quo.
The GOP is going to destroy itself trying to resist Trump.
They're going to. It'll be a closed-doors vote and they'll come out for Cruz, everyone will rage and Trump will run 3rd-party. The conservative vote will be split and Hillary will win.

Mark my words.
Thing is, I'm more sympathetic to Trump than Cruz (definition of everything wrong with the GOP) and Hillary (definition of corporatist masquerading as an activist) and until just a few years ago I was a hair's breath from being a full fledged communist.

I'll vote for Trump or Bernie, but not Cruz or Clinton because for me the dichotomy is the established interests running everything to benefit themselves and their Neo-Con globalism versus the upsets tearing into that platform. I doubt I'm the only one who thinks that way either judging on the amount of bipartisan support Trump has (lots of conservatives are supporters even though many of his positions are not traditionally conservative).
File: angry commie manlet.webm (4MB, 568x320px) Image search: [Google]
angry commie manlet.webm
4MB, 568x320px
Tell you how really feel, marxist scum
The funny thing is, its only the liberal side of those races and groups that hate him. He has a great many minority supporters. Especially with the blacks and Muslims.
*feels sad for jeb*
Can I still move to the us if I'm half hispanic?
File: Trump Never Come Down.webm (4MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
Trump Never Come Down.webm
4MB, 640x360px
lol carson

Goddamn clapistanians and their theatrics. Why does everything have to have so much drama?
It happens everywhere, doesn't Europe have bullshit groups like AntiFa?

Politics have very real consequences so people feel as if though there is more at stake.
File: Trump savage.webm (2MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
Trump savage.webm
2MB, 1280x720px
Will you do it legally?
>that smug look when the stump hits
>There he is
>It's happening
Based cop bros
File: the turn begins.webm (4MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
the turn begins.webm
4MB, 1280x720px
File: SnK OP.webm (3MB, 480x270px) Image search: [Google]
SnK OP.webm
3MB, 480x270px
File: 1456970174392.gif (2MB, 480x266px)
2MB, 480x266px
the absolute madman
File: 5889475.webm (437KB, 360x360px) Image search: [Google]
437KB, 360x360px
also cheats on his wife and gets paid for it, wooo what a baller
Anyone have the webm of him driving his son and music is playing?
jesus christ, this is like one of those Star Trek fever dreams
The election process is owned and run by a non-state entity, just like the US dollar
They basically have total control over who gets nominated and, as a result, who becomes president
Normally they choose two people who have enough appeal to the demographic of each party that they get through the primaries without a hitch, but the two chosen nominees this cycle were Bush and Clinton, both of whom are massively unpopular among certain groups large enough to influence the election
As a result Trump's success here throws an enormous wrench into the system, a wrench so large that the establishment is going to have to choose between the GOP still existing and an anti-establishment populist candidate becoming president (their worst nightmare since it goes against everything they've been working to build (or rather, destroy) for the past century or so)
If they deny Trump and install Clinton then the GOP fizzles and they have four extra years to destroy what's left of America, but all it takes is for a new party to rise that truly represents the people to completely demolish whatever "progress" they make in that regard
If they give it to Trump and he becomes president then the establishment will remain in some form unless he manages to really pull the curtains on them

tl;dr, this election WILL make or break America as we know it
File: Chilly Trump with sound.webm (4MB, 439x439px) Image search: [Google]
Chilly Trump with sound.webm
4MB, 439x439px
Song is Moonlight by SURFING
you don't need to be born in the us, just be natural born, ie citizen at birth
File: Fox_Cruz_can't_run.webm (4MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 1280x720px
what did u use to make this
It's true though.

You expected FOX to do research?
Motherfucker at BEST it's unsettled law. It's literally never been ruled on, so you we can easily conclude you're talking out of your ass
File: Feel the Bern.webm (3MB, 427x240px) Image search: [Google]
Feel the Bern.webm
3MB, 427x240px
>Not voting for the Bern

>"lol white people don't know what it's like to be poor"
Poor you. Are you going to sit there and cry, or are you going to do something about?

Yeah, voting Trump.
That quip lost Bernie my support. I agree with a lot of his points and he's a thousand times the candidate that Clinton is, but if he's going to blatantly play into the SJW mindset I'll never view him with anything but disdain.
File: propagondola.webm (1MB, 1000x500px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 1000x500px
At first i assumed this guy is a Trump supporter calling people who do not support him unemployed illegal immigrants that do not attend their classes ayy
File: Comrade President Sanders.webm (2MB, 426x240px) Image search: [Google]
Comrade President Sanders.webm
2MB, 426x240px
File: trump qt.webm (3MB, 808x718px) Image search: [Google]
trump qt.webm
3MB, 808x718px
File: New York Values 1.webm (4MB, 405x200px) Image search: [Google]
New York Values 1.webm
4MB, 405x200px
New York values; from Republican Debate - February 13, 2016 in South Carolina (1 of 2)
File: New York Values 2.webm (4MB, 405x200px) Image search: [Google]
New York Values 2.webm
4MB, 405x200px
New York values; from Republican Debate - Jan. 14, 2016, in North Charleston, South Carolina. (2 of 2)
Remind me what this is parodying?
File: ham.webm (3MB, 600x334px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 600x334px
File: dont stop comin.webm (3MB, 427x240px) Image search: [Google]
dont stop comin.webm
3MB, 427x240px
Did you mean this?
File: Jews.webm (3MB, 853x480px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 853x480px

Listen, in all seriousness, if you want to be a part of America I encourage you to come try out. God knows we've got plenty of natural-born losers who DON'T want to be team players, so I'd happily accept anyone who's willing to play ball.
File: ct.webm (4MB, 356x200px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 356x200px
communist tranny spitting on people
that young woman could certainly use a brassiere
We need a wall.
this isn't a fucking poetry slam. you're laughing out loud... why the fuck are you snapping your fingers instead of cheering... what are children talking about... why is everyone stupid?
> i'm going to make sure everyone is paying attention to your drivel
holy shit
bitch, but would smash
Why bitch?
She tore down fake Trump sign with some anti-trump shit written on it
Still tearing down someone else's sign and running away when you get caught.
cruz/shillary shill pls go
I'm not from america and couldn't give less of a shit about who wins. I'm only here for the memes.
>New York values are...

More relevant than your desperate clinging to bumfuck-yokelism Ted. Make no mistake about it, Cruz is as much of a nanny-state authoritarian in the making as Bloomberg is, just with a different set of values.

I want a GOP with centrist ideas. I want a GOP that no longer embraces retarded political Christfaggery or treats science like an affront to God, because the more those bassackwards points are embedded in their platform, the more they hand power to leftwing assholes who use their appeal in those areas to push their own version of bullshit.

If they'd drop that bullshit they'd be winning elections all over the place, but no... They're too busy worrying about what old women who think Starbucks is waging a war on Christmas think.
Because she did that bitchy thing where the cunt lashes out and does something they know is bitchy to the point they start running away before they've even completed said action.

Watch how she grabs the sign, gives it one good yank and immediately turns to scurry away back to her friends. Cowardly bitch is a cowardly bitch, regardless of politics.
holy fucknuggets can she make it any more obvious that shes just a puppeteered retard with nothing to show for herself except for a semi-pretty face....
it looks as though she doesnt even understand half of the shit shes reading off the teleprompter
/r/ we're all pokemon
Why are they hiding behind masks?
Are they insecure?
File: anti-trump activist.webm (4MB, 569x320px) Image search: [Google]
anti-trump activist.webm
4MB, 569x320px
they appear to be paranoid about being identified

>tfw you've got idiots like him representing the proletariat and leftypol will not be able to take over
I can't stop hearing it now
like a chihuahua tbqh
>cutting out one of the biggest stumpings of our time
wait nevermind, didn't see it was 2 parts
So much about proudly supporting their pick. Shows how much trust they have.
Also god damn he sounds like he's been bawling for the last 8 hours straight.
File: pokemon.webm (4MB, 420x236px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 420x236px
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4MB, 420x236px
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4MB, 420x236px
i love it
What an obnoxious cunt.
File: drums.webm (4MB, 420x236px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 420x236px
God what a bunch of beta faggot protestors.
someone used the n word on 4chan
We should be more careful, they might read this all and complain they were called beta faggots.
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America in a nutshell.
>being this butthurt

You do realize she has a background in law and was a corporate attorney before she went into journalism right?
All politicians have to do pandering of some sort. Just let it go.

jesus christ. Not even a tough guy or anything, but I would have punched that dude right in the face

>voting for some pussy bitch who got cucked by 2 fat dindus

>I wrecked my knees on purpose
He'll regret that when he's old. There's a jojo adventure version of that somewhere that's funny
Man, Shia LeBeououuf really let himself go.
reminds me of max payne
>especially compared to the sheer man hours needed to effectively patrol ~1000 miles of border
And that's how the wall building and patrolling will create jobs.
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>Trump supporter is black
>says we need to stop the racism
>"well let's be clear here, the majority of Trump supporters aren't African American"

Jesus Christ the butthurt is real.
>the butt hurt is real.

But I thought it was a fair point
Although I don't think a journalist should be allowed to use ignorance as an excuse for anything
African Americans are a minority in a white majority country. Of course the majority of a presidential candidate's supporters aren't going to be African American. What point is it supposed to make to point that out?
It's not Damu, or at least no-one has been able to find proof that it is.
thanks, mate
I knew I heard that beat before
Jesus Christ, these fucking faggots can see history for an example of what Communism is.

>That's not actual Communism!

Then this isn't actually capitalism :^)
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As big a stooge he is, I love this webm
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Been listening to this the past few hours.
whats with the chick? how is she related to GOD EMPEROR TRUMP?
it's that skit/ interlude thingy, right?
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last time i saw a chevy in tokyo? 7 months ago lol.
He will get a stroke someday
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When will they ever learn....
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corvette in tokyo.gif
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Last time I was in Tokyo I saw a Chevy too
I think it's meant to represent mexican people suffering from Trump which is ridiculous
and isn't that the same slut in
>>1026690 ?
It was really nothing more than a churched up and G-rated "that's a house nigga, he's obviously a minority," asspull to desperately save their previous point being completely demolished by that soundbite.

Black far leftists have no problems treating their ethnicity and skin color like it should be politically monolithic because they're often incredibly hateful people who love to foster racial division. They're no different than misandrist feminists, extreme white nationalists or bitter Islamists in that regard.
I pick whoever leads to a quick and painless death
Fuck, now I want to see a drum circle limp-wristed protest thing so I can grab a sousaphone and strut around playing "Hey Baby" or something over them
>that new york accent
ey, gabagool.
do all those libtard sjws realise they are basicaly half the force behind trumps online publicity ?
>peaceful protest
The point of a protest is to say "stay fair, or else".
If you add the prefix "peaceful" it becomes "stay fair, please".

Why would they do that?
I dunno if you're being sarcastic but that's pretty great.
It's better than paying to see your wife get cucked, kek
>making your opponent clap for you
fuck ted
So they can't be recognized as the same people at other rallies. They're paid protestors.

See the girl with the black tanktop and the frodo haircut? She's in about 4 other videos about Trump protesters. They're all paid by Soros.
Is he saying poor people live good lives in North Korea?
holy shit
what a merciless stumping
it was almost hard to watch

this is seriously disconcerning

imagine what hed do in a parking place dispute

Sure you would
would have never thought to find the answer in a trump thread.
You can't stump the TRUMP!
the goverment lies. you're gonna die
Hello, newfriends
Hope you're liking the site.
wew lads
the greatest piece of media that humanity has ever created
>I don't know what words mean or how they're used
"im a tranny, punch a woman!" the amount of bullshit is unreal.
disgrace of the interstellar soundtrack
This deserves to be shared everywhere
ayy same bro!

> The Green engine
> Built based on stolen plans
> Has a lower energy output than the other locomotives

You can't make this up.
People keep telling me that the Republican party denied votes in Wisconsin and just gave the state to Cruz. Is that true and if it is how do they expect to get away with it?
New Yorkers have the most disgusting accents.
he'll definitely win, but the republican party will make his run a living hell considering he dismantled them frlm the inside

>Dat airhorn minor 7th at the end

I cry everytime
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Laughing Emperor Trump.gif
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ted is a mess.webm
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I just want an excuse to strut around loudly playing my sousaphone

I think it'd be pretty funny, and anything funny is worth trying
New thread?
That's such a fucked up story for kids.
Someone shoop a sombrero on Henry and trumps face on fat controller/sir toppom hat
of course! as long as you do it legally and arent a terrorist, i dont think any trump supporter would object.
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