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To be continued webm

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Thread replies: 369
Thread images: 85

File: oh_shit.webm (1MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 1280x720px
Post "To be continued" webm from JoJo's Bizarre adventure
File: I_love_black_people.webm (597KB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
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File: duuuuuuuuuuude.webm (422KB, 400x224px) Image search: [Google]
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File: ToBeContinued.webm (390KB, 480x480px) Image search: [Google]
390KB, 480x480px
File: horse 2B continued.webm (1MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
horse 2B continued.webm
1MB, 1280x720px
Doing it right.
you pause right before the incident, not right after.
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230KB, 326x182px
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902KB, 468x312px
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1012KB, 800x450px
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554KB, 208x352px
God, all of these are fucking gold
no they're not

a lot of them get it wrong, >>1018430
is right
File: clever girl.webm (4MB, 480x240px) Image search: [Google]
clever girl.webm
4MB, 480x240px
oh fuck, I'd literally shit my pants. How ever is filming this better have lightning reaction
then you go make a better one faggot and come back to this thread and post yours
File: 911.webm (616KB, 492x360px) Image search: [Google]
616KB, 492x360px
File: turnabout911.webm (915KB, 1006x712px) Image search: [Google]
915KB, 1006x712px
Sorry, wrong .webm
I don't get this concept at all?
It's like watching a normal webm except right before it ends you turn off your monitor?

You just don't get to see the whole clip you clicked on to watch.
It's gotta turn yellow
It's based on the end sequence from the 2012 anime adaptation of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, where the song Roundabout plays for a few seconds before the credits begin and it kicks in fully as the screen pauses right as shit gets real and 'To Be Continued' pops up. It's mostly just entertaining for people who've seen the anime, if you haven't then these don't really do much for you. That said I've seen people who haven't even heard of JJBA find these funny which I don't really get, so it might just be one of those things you either like or don't.
Some get it, some don't. Comedy in a god damn shellnut.
i think they're shit

the only REALLY good ones imply that something a lot worse happened that what actually happened

but most of them are just shit that make you want to actually find out what happened next because there's almost 0 fucking context and you can't even guess
you first homo
File: jojomerique.webm (4MB, 480x270px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 480x270px
I snorted so hard that it hurt, fuck.
what is the song... I know I've heard it before but I'm fucked if I can remember it??

Many thanks anon, it's been years since listened to my Yes albums..... shit now I have to go to the garage and dig out my records and listen to them again.... or I could just DL the discography!?!
>Driving around the savanna with the doors unlocked.
How new can you get?
That "oh damn" really got me.
Haven't seen the anime...

But hey. Any excuse to hear Roundabout.
I really don't give a fuck what you do.
this is gold
these threads are incredible.
Oh shit, that flew into it so fast. Now I feel bad...
The you guys clearly don't know what the context "To be continued" means
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2MB, 640x356px
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>the freezeframe isn't after he breaks the cuffs
i only saved the webm pham, dont be too buttfuddled
pretty sure this is footage of some woman being attacked and killed by a lion, it was in the news a while back.
Why are there not more like this?

Who do I have to throw money at for more to be made?

There should be a make your own JoJo thread
It's failarmy without the fail
this is a dead animation style
Who the fuck expects lions to be able to open doors? They said the car was safe!
The car should have been locked in the first place
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Is this a good one to add it to?
Nah, it needs to have an unexpected or drastic change. If Chuck punched the adult thinking it was him or went after the little kid, that would work
This worked better than I was expecting
i like this one becouse it made me kek a little bit.
You dont really have to have watched JJBA to find action packed cuts funny, hell tons of anime and shows have done it. True it does have the style and music but to be continued carries the message well on its own.
try again newfag
File: season 6 finale summed up.webm (529KB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
season 6 finale summed up.webm
529KB, 640x360px
TWD season 6 finale left us like....
Did he died
art at its very finest anon 11/10
That's really nicely done
how can you watch this garbage after season 1?
Top class anon
This one got me bad.
It started that long ago? Fuck.
All of them made me kek.
It's literally painted on that Jamiroquai video.
I can get not liking veggies but crying and physically hurling at the smell of them?

Come on America
almost like it's a shitty reality show and scripted or something
requesting someone make this into one

Fuckin roasted
I haven't literally fallen out of my chair laughing in years until this.

I have no clue why.
10/10 would kek again
clever girl
>the only REALLY good ones imply that something a lot worse happened that what actually happened
Even then you'd have to be familiar with the full video to find it at all funny. I don't get it.
They're in the savanna, a black guy might jump out and steal the car.
That moment when he realizes he's fucked and let's go of the bike with his right hand
Yes Roundabout
Not even american but fucking sprouts are gag worthy.
File: The Power of God.webm (475KB, 320x180px) Image search: [Google]
The Power of God.webm
475KB, 320x180px
I always thought he said gun.
File: GifForAnts.gif (27KB, 24x20px)
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File: bomb.webm (1MB, 854x480px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 854x480px
just made my first one using some good old army footage

Hate me, I've done my job.
why the fuck would you save that?

Only good one
lmao they were like 3 girls who screamed their hearths out but they closed the door right after, I remember this video being viral like 5 years ago
why the fuck does your mums gash stink of fish?
Feel it would be slight better if the Walking Dead audio cut out as the bassline kicked in, the hit sound takes away from the TBC a bit
Fun Fact: They attacks were supposed to go down BEFORE Georgie started speaking with the students. He's pissed because he wasn't prepared to awkwardly shuffle out during the class.

It was all Rummy's fault.
what is the music playing?
Restrain your eagerness theme no. 1
File: To_Be_Continued.webm (1MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 1280x720px
my sides are in an alternate dimension
File: weebshit.gif (3MB, 500x368px)
3MB, 500x368px
You can't just put Jojo's "to be continued" on everything
Not with that attitude
requesting this
agreed 100%
You get medal
Is this the leaked Highway Star fight?

requesting this of 3:42 pls xoxo
why do you think isis attacked brussels?
kek, I can see the fear in that woman's eyes
I actually know the guy in that vid lol.
Target fixation is a hitch, ain't it?
File: jojo.webm (490KB, 960x720px) Image search: [Google]
490KB, 960x720px
got him
best in the thread by far

had to take a 5 minute break before I could continue from this one and my abs are still sore
I need to see the end of this pls
I kek'd
You motherfucker
holy kek
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454KB, 300x294px
I just got out of work and saw that your reply to me with>>1022434. Fuck you. But I kek'd
You're an absolute madman

I still keked
top kek
this is great
File: To be continued 7.webm (786KB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
To be continued 7.webm
786KB, 640x360px
My favorite
law of "started it, might as well finish it"
combined with "what else is on?"

Best one itt
File: shane.webm (2MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1280x720px
got (you)
Top Gear/10
Why did they stop doing this in Stardust Crusaders? I loved it
What is the actual video of this?
Oh I remember, it was global rule three.
...is there a joke I'm missing? I'm not even mad about it, it was only a warning, but I'm confused.
It's called rotoscoping.
File: 1453913635326.webm (4MB, 350x196px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 350x196px
should be cut BEFORE the guys foot touches her head

who makes this?
I remember there supposedly being a pt 2 to this video, but the OP may have been full of shit and just trying to scam subs
File: Subway_Samurai.webm (622KB, 406x720px) Image search: [Google]
622KB, 406x720px
What's the song?
Yes - Roundabout
I like this thread
Thank you.
File: vince.webm (1MB, 854x480px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 854x480px
just made this one
Forgot the windup.
Not lions you need to lock for. Niggers, in their natural habitat.
We don't keep niggers in natural reserves
made me laugh
Because we wasted too much time on it already to stop now.

Reminds me of the Attack on Titan one.
kek'd to the max
File: poorkids.webm (1MB, 640x480px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 640x480px
something new I guess
File: TonyDied.webm (4MB, 736x416px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 736x416px
tho you're missing the "cyka blyat"
File: doodle.gif (235KB, 680x680px) Image search: [Google]
235KB, 680x680px

what's happening here
I think the split second showing the impact works just great in that one.
[spoiler]He dies when it cuts to black. It's a joke you'd only get if you watched the show[/spoiler]
Stupid nigger fucked up and is not getting chased by his predator. Simple as that.
just an average day in africa
Kevin you fkn prick
File: 1441966879672.webm (611KB, 350x350px) Image search: [Google]
611KB, 350x350px
Holy shit Kevin doesn't give a single fuck.
5 internets for this guy
File: Art.webm (3MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1280x720px
meta as fuck
Anybody got the one where the chick has an apple on her head and the guy's about to kick it off?
Derp, don't I look stupid. Thanks anon
Is that guy actually humming roundabout?
I'm stoned as fuck and it sounds like it

Thanks anon. [spoiler]A shame that it's fake though.[/spoiler]
File: o shit nigga.webm (1MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
o shit nigga.webm
1MB, 1280x720px
fuck that's great
What the hell was in that bag?
They also fuck it up by always using the same part of the song when they should let as much of the song as they can during the video. Fucking retards.
ghetto lottery
File: JoJo's Bizarre Jihad.webm (3MB, 640x480px) Image search: [Google]
JoJo's Bizarre Jihad.webm
3MB, 640x480px
Why have a long ass intro without the full intro music?
just another day in america


I was hoping shrapnel was going to get lodged in his face
Why was every word underlined as if it was misspelled?
Probably posting from a computer with something other than English set as the default language.
Like Mario kart irl
it's a vine that is 6 seconds long, containing nothing else but that part

File: 1444636243533.webm (590KB, 500x410px) Image search: [Google]
590KB, 500x410px
this fucking guy
fucking kek
I haven't finished the show yet. Does he actually die at the end?
ez rekt ez lyfe
I want to know how he pulled that off without getting swiss cheesed.

That was a big fucking gun that you can't miss seeing that he was brandishing
nicely done anon
this guy gets it
You needed to had stopped it before Undertaker moved, brother.
Jesus christ, this is literally perfect. Like pottery.
File: Goat dog.webm (1MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
Goat dog.webm
1MB, 1280x720px
File: crashingthisplane.webm (4MB, 640x480px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 640x480px
for you
holy shit, couldn't STAND it, ha, get it?
>welcome to /fit/
it's pretty good

The guy who filmed it is a Cop.
File: A Total Flop.webm (831KB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
A Total Flop.webm
831KB, 1280x720px
File: Roo be continued....webm (478KB, 864x480px) Image search: [Google]
Roo be continued....webm
478KB, 864x480px
File: SpEeD dEmOn.webm (622KB, 864x480px) Image search: [Google]
SpEeD dEmOn.webm
622KB, 864x480px
>not the japanese dub
just noticed the fucker got out of the way
man, this is the easiest way...
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310KB, 960x540px
HAHAHAHA!! souce?
File: HHtOpiLhHScJnp9h.webm (2MB, 512x640px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 512x640px
There appears to be two people talking to each other in the background and not facing his direction.
Should've been "I feel like I'm in a horror tunnel." Anyways, Greeks are so fucking stupid.
the finale was such bullshit, they faked two deaths during the season and don't even show us the death at the end

but they know I'll keep watching just to find out what happens
even worse considering they've hyped this moment up for fucking ever
File: tbc melon.webm (2MB, 320x240px) Image search: [Google]
tbc melon.webm
2MB, 320x240px
so this is the brand new hot meme of the month, huh? well... still better than JOHN CENA. i guess, i'll play along.

is there more to it i'm missing or is it just sepia freeze frame with the arrow and the music?
*unsheathes katana*: the webm
Timing was off.
A couple of cans, a whoop ass, you did a good ass job Of just eyein' me, spyin' me

I got my twin glock 40s, cocked back
Thank you to the anon who kept this meme going although the rest of the thread was telling him to stop.
I have not laughed this heartily in a long while.
File: Roundahouse 1.1.webm (3MB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
Roundahouse 1.1.webm
3MB, 1920x1080px
can someone do this one?
Fukken perfect
10/10, still not as gay as Jojo
Who shoves a whole onion ring in their mouth at once like that?
MarioMart :3
>torch on the bricks
>fucking rigged
Viral bait
oh, hi /f/
>bite it in half
>all the delicious onion vapors that are trapped inside the batter escape
>chance that the cooks fucked up and used the half skin so its too chewy to bite through in one go and you pull the onion out of the batter
>making other people see your half eaten food

They aren't even large onion rings
File: asshurts.webm (758KB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
758KB, 1280x720px
Someone please do this video
no, its never shown what happens, it just cuts to black

either he sees his daughter enter, he gets shot, or someone punches paulie in the balls
You're doing it wrong TBC comes 'just before' the bad thing faggot. Not after
> the cursor perfectly aligns with the "b"

My autism is pleased.
Bait done right
Well played gentlemen
i didnt even know there was a shooter's pov, jesus. The guy screming cut off by the gunshot near the end in the full video is the best part
This thread is really shit.
anything that requires even a little bit of discretion on what is or isn't a good implementation of a meme ends up shit. Get it together anon.
literally just googled "katana subway"
Did the anime ever even have to be continued right before a cliffhanger happened?

I can't actually recall any.
Yea but that's not really a cliffhanger like in the memes. Its not like Zeppeli was 2 seconds from being cut in half when it went to be continued.
Alright then faggot then go make a legendary thread on /wsg/ or you can just go back to the YLYL and look at the minions or the trap kazoo kid,
File: meme.webm (709KB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
709KB, 1280x720px
File: memevideo.webm (4MB, 960x540px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 960x540px
This should've been cut right when the bottle was lifted.
Do it by yourself, then
Do it right or don't do it at all faggot.
I did, half a dozen of the webms in the eurobeat thread are mine. It works, because it's impossible to fuck up.
many wouldn't make any sense or have a punchline if not.
that other reply wasn't me, but I like the way I did it because I don't like the idea of imposing what might be a completely unrelated scene of a beer bottle being picked up to what was going on beforehand, her getting hit with it ties back to getting hit with the pillows before, and makes everything related
I'm not the guy who made this, you sperglord.
The thing is all those eurobeat threads you create are completely fucked up. It's real easy to fuck it up actually. That's why I made this thread not spammed with the same unfunny YLYL webm over and over again,
fix this.. like 2 frames earlier should do it.
File: hamster.webm (796KB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
796KB, 1920x1080px
Hot off the press.

First one of these I've made
I like
File: iggy saves polnareff.webm (255KB, 400x224px) Image search: [Google]
iggy saves polnareff.webm
255KB, 400x224px
Anyone have the original?
Then cut out the picking it up scene
>having dubs
>double DUBS

bates would proud anon
Is this Steel Ball Run?
File: RGT.webm (2MB, 720x480px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 720x480px
File: drrtj.gif (2MB, 350x300px)
2MB, 350x300px
love that 1

honestly i think what happens is meadow enters, they talk for like a minute, they have a few laughs, then one of the guys who entered the bathroom and didn't come back out walks out slowly from the bathroom and shoots tony in the back (3/4 back of his right side) of the head from 15 feet away.
Show, don't tell, either have one scene or the other. Picking it up and cutting to the ending, or skipping picking it up would be funnier
Top Queer/10
File: tbc Neil.webm (2MB, 1280x688px) Image search: [Google]
tbc Neil.webm
2MB, 1280x688px
it just occured to me that you can pretty much reuse most clips from the jihad meme
Is there a template I can use?
Did he died?
File: Batman vs Lighter.webm (329KB, 360x480px) Image search: [Google]
Batman vs Lighter.webm
329KB, 360x480px
>Not from the US
>Fantastic webm
I don't know whether to start shitposting on you for being a foreign, or to start patting you on the back for a job well done.

So I'll just say your country has been proven to produce things of worth sometimes, whatever country that is.
pro tip
>car is full with stupid bitches.
holy shit, what school did this take place in?
The whole point of the idea is that it's to build tension for what will come next, anyone with half a brain can put together what's coming next with just seeing the beer bottle being picked up.

That's irrelevant, kill yourself you autist.

fucking kek.
holy shit
Fucking anime fag.

Read the fucking manga.
It's perfect.
Every time I hear his knees clack against the ground I cringe. >>1026095
What's with the weird zoom at the end?
iirc it was a stunt/magic trick of fine sort

nope it's the perfect amount of forewarning, sorry cucks
File: cia to be continued.webm (3MB, 854x480px) Image search: [Google]
cia to be continued.webm
3MB, 854x480px
made this OC for you guys
kek nice
Please for the love of all that is good and holy, please can I have more of this kid
No, you just don't want to admit your wrong, sorry cuck
Stop this
holy shit dude, you don't even know where this is from "to be continued webm" just kill yourself please GTFO
too bad mania sucked massive balls this year.
i made this though
>Speed goes up
So this guy did it on purpose uh?
How autistic are you?? He said post "to be continued' webm (like ones in this thread) that has the exact "To be continued sign" in Jojo's bizzare adventure.

>kill ur self
let's count the "niggas"
correct me if i'm wrong
If you are trying to avoid hitting something suddenly going infront of you you are supposed to speed up and drive around it. Slamming on the brakes at that speed would cause you to skid into it either way.

He probably would have avoided them but the guy never stopped.
Probably because he thought the car was going to go straight. Which is ironic.
File: 0001-0400.webm (3MB, 960x540px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 960x540px
this had to be made
This gives me an idea

>Leroooy Jenkins
>Not changing your language for the H games
No it didn't.
Never seen JoJo and I laugh hysterically at the clever ones here
The secret of comedy is timing imho
Source please.
File: carey_hart.webm (2MB, 426x240px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 426x240px
This is the first webm I've ever made, hopefully it turns out right.
File: SHAMEFUR DISPRAE.webm (2MB, 640x480px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 640x480px
you timed it wrong, you have the to be continued thing come on when the symbals go
Damn. I'll fix it later.
File: CIA's Bizzare Adventure.webm (4MB, 720x364px) Image search: [Google]
CIA's Bizzare Adventure.webm
4MB, 720x364px
Not bad
>now watch this drive

Miss your goofs, dubbya
>you're supposed to speed up and drive around it

uwut? Since when is this true? Moving out of the way, sure. Speeding while trying to avoid hiting something, does not compute.
Has anyone made one out of this
File: rogue1.webm (2MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 640x360px
Perfect and beautiful.
i really dont like star wars but the ending of this webm was perfect.
Can someone do this
File: Chuck E's [TBC].webm (285KB, 352x288px) Image search: [Google]
Chuck E's [TBC].webm
285KB, 352x288px
I got you senpai
Can someone do this one?
File: WhEn U gOt It.webm (528KB, 853x480px) Image search: [Google]
WhEn U gOt It.webm
528KB, 853x480px
Ask and you shall receive child.
I'd be happy to do any other requests as well.
File: WhEn U GeT SpOtTeD.webm (3MB, 853x480px) Image search: [Google]
WhEn U GeT SpOtTeD.webm
3MB, 853x480px
File: WhEn U dOnT wAnNa WoBbLe.webm (2MB, 853x480px) Image search: [Google]
WhEn U dOnT wAnNa WoBbLe.webm
2MB, 853x480px
Stay based anon. We need more people like you.
That's amazing. Perfect like other anon said.
Cute :3
File: africans.webm (3MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 640x360px
Maybe this? If you don't mind.
eh, a better one would be something like a lee chasing a low adc. The adc to flash over a wall. For the lee to q the adc and then go to conect. With the 'to be continued' screen flashing right when you see he's dashing into the whole enemy team
true kino
File: ThE kInG iS bAcK.webm (2MB, 640x480px) Image search: [Google]
ThE kInG iS bAcK.webm
2MB, 640x480px
> not "to be continrooed"
what movie?
last samurai
some men just want to watch the world burn
File: WhEn NiGgErS aTtAcK.webm (2MB, 853x480px) Image search: [Google]
WhEn NiGgErS aTtAcK.webm
2MB, 853x480px
why the fuck would you try to cross there with a pram

File: 4_P3rs0n_M0t0rcYcl3_W1p30UT.webm (3MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1280x720px
File: Dr1V3r_1n5T4NT_K4rM4 (2).webm (4MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
Dr1V3r_1n5T4NT_K4rM4 (2).webm
4MB, 1280x720px
File: 9165027.gif (593KB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
593KB, 640x360px
This one is hilarious
>Page 10
>10 threads between us and 404

Well its been fun but I suppose its time to say goodbye
dont let the meme die ;(
but dont worry this thread will be continued.
kek'd hard
File: SYSKILL1.webm (2MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1280x720px
babby's first WebM
File: RIP Kid.webm (990KB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
RIP Kid.webm
990KB, 1280x720px
Keeping this thread alive, one shitty WebM at a time
Not on time bro

Do it before he hits the ice
Well you're doing a good job. Cause that was a pretty shit webm
he did :/ made me feel sick when i first saw it
i thought it looked better to have it right after he hits the ice
oh well
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