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Official Desktop Thread #76: Comfy Edition.

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 307
Thread images: 134

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Old thread: >>6519475

How do I do this?
http://nanami-tan.info (W7/8/10)
http://pastebin.com/raw/CL7HyL3V (W10)

Recommended Suggestions:
>Rice before posting
>Lurk, read the OP links, and google it before asking
>Don't shitpost, that's what /g/ is for
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hi <3
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Scrot 13-04-16 ~ 00.16.29.png
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Been working on my sites CSS, thinking of remaking my 4chin CSS.
Pretty nice anon.
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Why Segoe UI?
Can anyone tell me what rainmeter skin is this?
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1MB, 1680x1050px
Windows is shitty.
I like my Linux setup a bit better.
What's stopping you from making your windows ff look like the one you have in arch?
It's Windows 10, and there's a huge lack of themes available for it. I'm gonna be swapping over to using Arch full time soon anyway.
any recs/ratings?
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Comments and suggestions appreciated thanks!
Get some color consistency. Everything is kinda stock.
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Blurry Snow Road.jpg
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Not anon who posted this, but I have that pape and I think it's dank, so if anyone wants it here it is.
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Pretty content with Win 10
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ss (2016-04-15 at 12.58.39).png
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Haven't got too much done since I had to reset. Visual Style or Foobar is next.
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I kinda like what you have for Foobar honestly
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May I ask where OP's pic is or if there's an image without the text? If it isn't oc, image search doesn't find anything

Haven't fixed up my desktop so here's my current wallpaper
is there a see-through theme for foobar
Im trying absoulute glass and im not sure how to get his to work, I dragged and dropped but I dont see where to change anything
on win 10 if that means anything
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MacGod coming through.

Fuck all that nerd skinning shit.
You can adjust foobar pseudo-transparency in settings somewhere depending on the skin.

I prefer how mountain lion looked.
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I've changed all my browser fonts to Segoe UI because Open Sans Semibold looks weird in Firefox, not sure why.
You could definitely recreate that on Windows, why not try making your own theme?
Don't know the source, found it in a /comfy/ thread a little while ago.
With Columns UI you can adjust the transparency and make it look see-through.
To use someones skin you need to import the .fcl in preferences.
Kinda cool, the desktop shortcuts and position of the start button ruin it tho.
Like I said here >>6542257
I'm moving to using Arch full time soon anyway. I just have Windows riced a little because I can't stand stock.

i posted in a /comfy/ thread a while ago. that's a link to where i found it
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Kinda wanna see this in action. Mind posting a webm. maybe of you launching something?
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I like your colors ;)
Seems like a decent rice, get rid of the visualizer
Nice 4ch CSS
What visual style is this?
which linux is that?
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Alright I updated a few things. Thoughts?
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I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux,
is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux.
Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component
of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell
utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day,
without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU
which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are
not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a
part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system
that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run.
The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself;
it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is
normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system
is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux"
distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
Why do you say that? I just want to squeeze everything I've riced into one shot
My own
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too busy. wouldn't be able to work with that much distracting.

gtfo stock mac faggot

nice colours and clean design. sweet.

Rate and Comment.
new here. how can i improve my desktop?
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Rate to be rated faggots
then how do you expect this to work?
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Screenshot 2016-04-15 15.28.24.png
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How can i improve mine? i just started customizing this week

I like this one alott. are the clock and date from rainmeter?
nice colors and wallpapers
dont like mac.. but nice wallpaper
Could I have that wallpaper?
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Not sure on wallpapers, made a few tweaks with the browser and 4chan CSS
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i really like that taskbar, how did you do it?
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I have that background on my other laptop, nice choice.
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Took me some time, but it was worth it for my waifu.
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you too :), sweet colors
I've had this setup for months, not really too busy for me.
here ya go
made it transparant by using classic start menu. centered the icons by putting the links toolbar to the left of the icons and then dragging to the right so the icons are in the centre. then just hide the links toolbar and it is done.there are some videos on youtube for both making it transparant and centering the icons.
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Hey, sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this but I recently started using your foobar skin and had a question. If I wanted to change the color of the text from the default to a different shade how would I go about doing so? Thanks no matter the answer, love your designs.
Thanks anon, right click where the music is then go to Settings > Field Definition, for the top bar do the same thing but change the rgb in Script.
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How's this looking?
Thanks a bunch.
kek it's Windows
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posting a desktop.
Made the wallpaper myself
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I'm an idiot
looks nice.
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Not much of a ricer either.

Never been much of a fan of brown/mixed browns for rice. Too natural doesn't belong in a computer UI. Well riced though. I like the borders on the browser/music. Looks like a bit of a clusterfuck on the right side of the taskbar though.

Keep going. You're getting there.

Gostei do 'taskbar'... Este browser e Chrome?

Myonmyonmyonmyon best song ever. Shibayan is genious. Love the rice/colors. For constructive criticism: tweak the VS so the font and color that highlights active programs matches everything else.

Still sexy as last thread. Matching Steam is a nice touch.

Doesn't look like a WHOLE lot of ricing has been done. I like the VS circular start button and open/close buttons. That's a nice touch. Really not feeling the wallpaper.
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*my waifu
Yes. Rainmeter
>Color Flow

Apologising on 4chan? Bravo you deserve a cookie.
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I'll fite you m8. She's mine.
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Let's go!
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I like you senpai. Guess we can share.

Why is she so perfect? Also, how did you get that Dock menu in bb?
I love the feeling of this one, 8/10. Could you please share your wall and how you got your taskbar to look that nice?
Holy shit I love everything about this, 10/10. Is this windows 7? I really can't tell
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cavalry's here.jpg
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One of the better shadman Tracers, nice. Her hair is perfect. Made the dock menu myself in BB
Windows 7 and litestep
What song visualizer and time displayer do you use?
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1MB, 1366x768px
I like the muted grey, would you kindly share the colorscheme?
Where can I find nice hexchat themes like this ? Also, any ricing related channels that I can join?
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1MB, 1920x1080px
Hexchat supports gtk, and there are some you can find via users dotfiles on github if you search.

As far as ricing related stuff, #rice is pretty serious but I don't have much time to dedicate to discussion to most channels I'm in these days. Depends on what you're looking for. #/w/alls is casual and anime related so I prefer it, #code is aimed at well - advanced coding (linux mostly). Otherwise, theres plenty of /g/ channels out there...

You're probably best not going on Rizon at all but you know, every network has a fair of arrogant users.

Stick to channels under 100 users.
Hey thanks man. The panel is lemonbar, here's my script: http://pastie.org/10800397. I use hsetroot to set the background so I can blur/tint it how I want.
Oh yeah my bar script sources formatting, colors, font and stuff from this script too: http://pastie.org/10800402
Mind posting the double Sica wallpaper?
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And revised with much comfier colors
Where can I find solid Firefox CSS scripts?

The nanami-tan info is pretty dated.
also deviantart has some good ones
Any users on deviantart that are particularly good?

The search function for userstyles is too limited.
The stuff on nanami-tan isn't dated if you actually read it.
>links to dead /g/ wiki page
>links to firefox CSS that are for versions in the early 30's when we're on 45

The stuff on how to make your own aren't. But almost everything related to finding already created themes are.

There isn't really a great site to find firefox css either.
just search for Firefox theme on deviantart, there's a lot of good ricers.
he's right it really is.
I'll repeat, userstyles.org is great to find themes.
Thanks. I just ended up reusing my css from version 32 and dicking around until it worked.
4chan mascots
Maybe so?
The CSS's listed on nanami-tan still work on firefox. There's a reason why they're all for version 29+. Hell, even the section for CSS's compatible with vesion 28 and below was removed to keep people from complaining that "they don't work".
Xubuntu is pretty neat. I'm fairly new, any tips or suggestions?
You mean pedobear?
just learn2config you wm/dm. I use blackbox and its pretty minimal with your own taskbar. Thats all /g/ does is just editing their config, and set up a colour pallete
pro tip
>No primary colours
>no borders
>Less is more (apply that to everything)
>make sure you know how to use it though afterwards.
Can I get any recommendations for icon sets? I'm using Windows.
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5MB, 1920x1080px
Nothing special
Use linux
What app is that anon?
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Okay thank you.
Only installed it yesterday.
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Sorry you're having trouble. Maybe lurk more. I have a full time job and it's difficult to keep up with links and resources that constantly die.
I'll be updating this weekend probably.

There's always the list of people I'm following on github via the pages of interest section (http://nanami-tan.info/#Top)


Please post issues and suggestions here:


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For example, visiting a users page you can find some neat things!

Like dotfiles, which may include individual repositories dedicated to css


I'd say 90% of userstyles use Melbourne, or Twilys as a base.

Dunno if you know it or not but terminal.sexy is a great site for making colourschemes
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still working on it
the buttfuck files
You dirty jew
That's a nice chan CSS desu, share?

damn anon that's great
thanks pal
damn this is cool, not really digging the bitmap fonts but that's personal preference
Linux a shit meng!
tweaked Lano visualizer and tweaked Muziko (deleted the whole section in the ini for the progress bar and media controls, use my keyboard for that.)
Oops, I didn't read right, I use SimplyNova's default time and date
For those of you that use a minimalistic foobar skin: Is it actually functional? It does not seem user friendly at all. I haven't actually tried it so I'm pretty ignorant but I don't see how it's usable.
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It's all about how you choose to set up your keybinds. I dont even touch foobar unless I'm searching something.

More minimal skins function the same way - I'd say a large majority use media keys on their keyboard mainly.
I'm new to this. Do you position those windows yourself or do you have something that does it for you?
That scrot uses manual placement (Not really hard or time consuming) but I would normally use Winsplit.
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>Changes wallpaper
wow great work man
>hides taskbar, default rainmeter
youre worse than the other guy
Hi I'm the other guy and what did I do exactly frienderino?
I just ended up using Musicbee, making playlists then using a simple rainmeter skin to show the now playing info
But musicbee is also just pretty easy to customize, and its mini player is nice
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hi /wg/
here. Did some more work on things. Got screencast working. new pape.
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what music player is that? how you get desktop set up like that? im struggling to find good sources of info on linux ricing

this is about as far is i got on my own
Feel free to mock me for the Ubuntu/Unity setup.
Dang. Thanks anon.
Unity isnt much of a problem, the problem is your shitty design. let me guide you
>Material design on the left but nowehere else
>2 bars on your firefox search
> noscript dialogue box open
> your music player has so much clutter everywhere, no design to it, and shitty background image on the left hand side
>You have 0 color sense. Look up color schemes online, or terkinal sexy for ideas
you have two taskbars, when you shoudl have just one
>you left your addons buttons in firefox, with bookmark bar
>blocking ads on 4chan really? Theyre static images
tl;dr you put in no effort into this desktop and you pretend to listen to the beetles
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that's ncmpccp with mpd, it can be a pain to set up but if it's too much for you you could try cmus.
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Can you please share that 4chan css?
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Still finishing up i3blocks, thoughts so far?
boring. Sorry its just a wallpaper, a bar, and border. Not bad, just add more shit to it
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I got a tiny screen senpai
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Sorry, this is not my desktop. It was posted as an example of a user who took the time to make their own userstyle and browser css - relatively simple to do...
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1MB, 1920x1080px
Maybe search the archives for Myson...
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4MB, 3840x1080px
>No Macs

Ill change that.
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Elongate your neck.
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what I do to look better?
can you gimme pic to the right please

I find it the best so far.
What is your window manager?
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navi tan.png
1MB, 1920x1080px
i want to give ubuntu a chance
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amidoinitrite? D:
wallpaper please, reverse google gives nothing

pls wallpaper
change that fucking font man
How do you get the desktop links as words?
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i like simplicity and stuff like that so i just have my wallpaper, and two rainmeter things running. Rain and the visualizer. Put on rainymood in the background and some slow music and its pure bliss.
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1MB, 1366x768px
First try :)
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what do you think guys??
>Windows not genuine
get rid of you bottom taskbar, just use top
>two clocks
>fucking huge border
>Taskbar/firefox has different art to your rainmeter
>firefox logo IN FIREFOX

File: desktop.png (1MB, 1365x767px)
1MB, 1365x767px
My desktop is a mess :(
Clean it up.
Instead of putting that shit on your desktop keep it in your start menu or in a folder easily accessible.
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2MB, 1920x1080px
Keep it s1mple
Why would you have folders on your desktop when you can put them in any other directory? why would you have shortcuts when you can just run them from the startmenu? Why is you recycling bin full?
Your borders are shit including your background

Fuck me /wg/ just post wallpapers dont they? /g/ does a better job at ricing their desktops and theyre autistic code monkeys

I think it looks nice, fuck off.

I run linux on my laptop and I dont feel the need to rice out with rainmeter bullshit.
Clearly you dont use any linux distro
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hmm how about now?
I really dont want to remove the buttom taskbar
much better, If you wont remove it, at least auto hide it, becuase you programs are already on the top bar, or press super as well as you can alt-tab to go to a different program. The border on firefox should be smaller still. You can go to twily info for help with that.

Much has improved anyway so thank for listening. All your other shit matches well, aside that black with transparency thing going on
obviously I was referring to your comment on my desktop. clearly, this is your first time on the internet.
Xfce :^)
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Would you happen to know what VS this is?
looks like bello
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I tried guis.png
660KB, 1920x1080px
this is the best i could get my windows to look
congrats you turned your workstation into a phone
its bello
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2MB, 1920x1080px
How do you get just the time in bottom right. I tried to imitate yours.
I don't fancy using small icons btw. I'm blind as fuck
I think it actually looks better with the bigger icons, I like it
thank you
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477KB, 1920x1080px
put some fucking effort in
Red visiob skin
what would you suggest then?
lets see yours
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I know I'm cool, you don't have to tell me.
http://nanami-tan.info (W7/8/10)
http://pastebin.com/raw/CL7HyL3V (W10)

Recommended Suggestions:
>Rice before posting
>Lurk, read the OP links, and google it before asking
I've already read those I just don't feel like ricing
Then what else can we recommend? Seriously, assuming your >>6550206, you've done nothing. You've cleaned your desktop which is a start, but that's it.

Side note: Why a CS:GO pape, but no shortcut in taskbar? Runescape and League are there....
cause i didnt want to put a shortcut to the taskbar and so what if i have csgo pap and play league and runescape
I play those too man, chill, just commenting on how it was kinda odd to me.
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Final Scrot.png
738KB, 1600x900px
Just thought I'd say I like this board a lot. I came here from /mu/ because they had a desktop thread one day and I saw a cross poster with a really cool desktop. I'm glad to see that there's a lot of helpful people here.

By the way, you can rate if you'd like, but I just came by to give some suggestions.

I like this. Change the scroll bar color in Firefox if you can.

Great RM stuff. I would personally change the background color of the skin on the top to be a lighter grey. That or I'd lower the opacity.

Nice and simple. Maybe it's just me but I'd leave the desktop icons hidden

Actually pretty interesting
how is it odd
Also, I'm glad you noticed
Was chilli
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1MB, 1920x1080px
here you go
Because you are fucking retarded
I need the background in highres, couldn't find it on google images, can you post in 1080p+ or does that not exist?
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2016-04-24 14_31_09-.png
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When I try to apply a custom theme on windows 10 the background(?) just goes grey or black depending on the color of the theme but nothing else changes. I've patched the system with uxTheme patcher, Does anybody know why?
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4MB, 3200x1180px
win 10 (build 10586) user here, want to change some shit of my boring standard theme.
What I need to do? Install some sistem patcher for 3rd party themes?
It's safe to install these softwares? I read too much "at your own risk".

these liked me so much

9/10 when get linux, will be like this
what anime is this themed around?
Could i get that wallpaper bro?
damn man...
I read the entire thread except the top
What's the name of that free software that let's you set wallpapers for dual monitor setups?
no problem ^D^/
How does one achieve exactly this?
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Screenshot (12).png
713KB, 1366x768px
Never really happy with wallpapers anymore.
File: SS_2016-04-24_18.png (2MB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1920x1080px
The desktop wallpaper isn't anime.
latest version of uxthemepatcher or uxstyle
there may be a problem, whenever you get a feature update that changes the build version, your rice might stop working
I hear themes designed for 10240 build version don't work in 10586 for example
File: desk.png (1MB, 1920x1080px)
1MB, 1920x1080px
just gonna leave this here.
Read the OP
Dual Monitor Tools, again, in the OP
>Rice before posting

File: SS_2016-04-25_59.png (2MB, 3120x1929px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 3120x1929px
Don't know what I'm doing
nice theme m8, care2share Firefox css?
File: SS_2016-04-25_33.png (4MB, 3120x1929px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 3120x1929px
Updated a bit. After spending several years using heavily riced themes, I'm finding solace in more stockish/flat themes which explains the botnet browser.
Sure thing brap
File: 1460513930233.jpg (589KB, 2048x1365px) Image search: [Google]
589KB, 2048x1365px
Don't know if you still here or want it
Oh shit yeah, thanks a ton.
Another minor update, missed my ffx addons
File: SS_2016-04-26_00.png (4MB, 3840x1200px)
4MB, 3840x1200px
rate mine
File: screenFetch-2016-04-25_18-10-26.png (357KB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
357KB, 1920x1080px
I'm a simple man with simple needs and wants
File: desktop1.png (3MB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1920x1080px
File: Untitled-1.jpg (570KB, 3840x1080px) Image search: [Google]
570KB, 3840x1080px
>Shit music,
>memewatch wallpaper
your icons are allright 6/10
close that border on you browser and its 9/10, good work
>Not genuine, no effort, folders on desktop,
Why don't we all just move to the /wg/ on double chan? It let's you post more than one image which means if you have different computers you can include them all in the same post. It's great but the board is dead so let's ditch this place and migrate to an objectively better board for sharing wallpapers.
File: Screenshot_2016-04-27_18-11-32.png (625KB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
625KB, 1920x1080px
It looks it's for a tablet
File: tracercute.jpg (86KB, 1280x720px)
86KB, 1280x720px
>best girl

All I needed to see m8. Nice job.
urs is shit
File: 7fff770daa0768928d074eed36621d1d.jpg (518KB, 1920x1200px) Image search: [Google]
518KB, 1920x1200px
no u
I <3 beige
File: Screenshot (129).png (1MB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
Screenshot (129).png
1MB, 1920x1080px
why haven't you upgraded to xp yet
I can't because it's dead
Few people have more than one desktop and if so they would just include it in one large post or multiple post
That's too much work and not everyone has photoshop because most of these are Linux desktops. It doesn't even have to be different computers, but different themes of the desktop.
File: Desktop.jpg (128KB, 1680x1050px) Image search: [Google]
128KB, 1680x1050px
mate, you can do that in gimp easily, drag and drop two pictures. hell you can do that in almost any graphic software.
I consider it comfy.
File: ss (2016-04-29 at 06.38.11).png (2MB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
ss (2016-04-29 at 06.38.11).png
2MB, 1920x1080px
I forgot the pic.
>rice before posting
why does everyone ignore this
>most of these are Linux Desktops
Are you blind?
Pic please! Very nice and calming paper.
File: wallhaven-246431.png (2MB, 1900x1200px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1900x1200px
I just joined Dual Monitor Master Race and I was wondering what's your favourite program to handle different wallpapers on different monitors on Windows, guys.
Dual Monitor Tools
Thanks mate.
Some anon has that guide that (think) moko posted on how to make your own 4chan css? I would like to start from scratch to get something nice and clean but I'm kinda lost
File: 2016-04-29 (1).png (3MB, 3072x1080px) Image search: [Google]
2016-04-29 (1).png
3MB, 3072x1080px
what You guys think
I don't think anyone has made any css guide, just cut pieces from other themes to get started
>Rice before posting
>implying they're all linux
Are you?
>implying they're all linux
I'm implying they're mostly windows anon
Great! Very thanks anon
File: okd.png (1MB, 1117x627px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 1117x627px
updated it yesterday
File: deleteme.png (2MB, 3840x2025px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 3840x2025px
My monitors are not lined up side by side in my current layout, so that's why they're off center.

I can't figure out what to put on my left most monitor (monitor 2 in my setup) as far as rainmeter goes. Or what color scheme to use over there. Monitor 1 I'm pretty happy with save for a few tweaks I did after screencapping.
File: scs.png (3MB, 1366x768px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1366x768px
>Rice before posting
File: Desktop.jpg (954KB, 1920x1200px) Image search: [Google]
954KB, 1920x1200px
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2MB, 1200x1200px
can I have your startpage?
18 or above to post here senpai
I don't like brown rice either, white rice just tastes better in every way :P
File: desktop.jpg (287KB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
287KB, 1920x1080px
been working on this a little while tell me what to do
File: May.png (6MB, 3286x1080px) Image search: [Google]
6MB, 3286x1080px

clean as fuck
File: May PC Active + Speed + Speccy.png (1MB, 3568x1080px) Image search: [Google]
May PC Active + Speed + Speccy.png
1MB, 3568x1080px
I noticed someone talking about a "genuine" desktop, here's some things I'm currently doing on it as well as info to go along with it. I tried to make it look a little more pleasing to the eye by making the programs have specific proportions. Also gotta keep baby Giorno in the picture.

File: screenFetch-2016-05-01_18-04-21.png (4MB, 3360x2100px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 3360x2100px
File: Desktop2.png (999KB, 1024x768px) Image search: [Google]
999KB, 1024x768px
All function,I don't understand ricing.
File: despair.png (1MB, 3800x1069px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 3800x1069px
sup /wg/

aesthetic vibe

clean, good job
File: 1__31_.png (680KB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
680KB, 1920x1080px
Not OP but here you go man
whats with the weird resolution
standard crt if you were too casual for 1280x1024 or 1600x1200.
File: Linux 1.png (2MB, 1024x768px) Image search: [Google]
Linux 1.png
2MB, 1024x768px
Some Linux Anon would you help me on how to edit screenfetch? I would like to change the basics colours, and I only can reach the place to change it, but can't change it. I tried searching but I can't figure out.

Bonuts Tip: I can't understand how to set 16 damn colours for terminal. . .

Sorry if I bother someone, Linux Desktop for critice

PS: I don't know why it seems great in screen but in VM i3bar seems a lot darker
File: 694206942069.png (3MB, 1920x1080px)
3MB, 1920x1080px
No,it's an old flatscreen.
Thanks for this
File: Desktop.png (2MB, 1908x1072px)
2MB, 1908x1072px
Here is mine. Needs a bit more rice.
File: screenFetch-2016-05-02_17-18-42.png (3MB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1920x1080px
I'm in a lot of pain
OOh i really like how the music player worked with the wallpaper. If you can remove the date from the clock it will look super clean.
How do I change my wallpaper?
Low quality b9 m9
Could you post the wallpaper?
Here, friend
File: Yh3I1ot.jpg (1MB, 2560x1600px)
1MB, 2560x1600px
File: Screenshot_2016-03-31_00-31-45.png (558KB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
558KB, 1920x1080px
It doesn't matter if I can edit them or not because you still wouldn't be able to see each of them in full screen like you could on double chan's /wg/
File: gnome320.png (4MB, 1920x1200px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 1920x1200px
noam 4 life ;)
Thank you based anon.
What font is that?
The font used with conky and covergloobus is called "Sawasdee"
ricing is so hard and boring. how do you guys manage to stay motivated?
its neither hard nor boring, im motivated beacuse stock is boring
What icons are those?
New thread.
File: Desktop.png (2MB, 1366x768px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1366x768px
Feedback welcome
Thread posts: 307
Thread images: 134

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