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Dune papes? Can't ever seem to find any. Make it moble or

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Thread replies: 144
Thread images: 123

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Dune papes? Can't ever seem to find any. Make it moble or desktop and just sci-fi dump in general.
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bump for continued spice
the spice must flow
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> the spice must flow
holy fuck that's some terrible editing
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Some CrysKnife designs & replicas here:
- http://www.stylepinner.com/dune-fremen-crysknife-replica/ZHVuZS1mcmVtZW4tY3J5c2tuaWZlLXJlcGxpY2E/
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How about with the image this time ..?
But are they fixed or unfixed? Want to know if I could leave it lying in a display case safely or if I had to carry it regularly...
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I'd carry. Just to be safe.

Besides, as I recall, fixed just means it's imprinted to a particular individual ... once the individual dies the knife is tossed aside and it deteriorates rapidly. Only the handle remains. By fixed, it just retains integrity while in body contact with its 'owner.'

Unfixed means it will deteriorate rapidly no matter what you do.

Been a few years since I read the books, so my memory may be foggy.
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posting this one anyway because of some interesting concept elements

but, fucking helicopters

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>bathes in a pool of the shit
>this is apparently "not even once"
Literally nice meme

pretty sure the point is (spice) addiction and the end result - you don't get to be a 4th Stage Navigator on your first toke, but that first toke takes you down a dead end path
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bump for interest ... anyone?
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bookmark this page:
- http://1dut.com/dune-inspired-artwork
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I'm out, for now, and looking for more.

Would appreciate it if anyone else has any to contribute. As you can see by what I posted, I'm interested in just about all highly creative &/or classic Dune imagery. Some of the wild (and even flawed) interpretations are great imagination fuel for a story I've probably read over 20 times through all the original six Frank Herbert books.

tl;dr - bump
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Dune 2000 05.jpg
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I loved playing Dune2,D2k and Emperor
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Bladerunner 01.jpg
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Science Fiction - First Contact.jpg
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That one is really cool, even though God Emperor is my least favorite of the series.
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Bought that when it came out,played it for a day before my roommate "borrowed" it & I never saw it again.


I think of the original six books by Frank Herbet as a single very large book. It's hard for me to say I like or dislike any particular book within that Book. The God Emperor 'chapter' has always fascinated me from the perspective that it explains a lot more about the story than the others, whereas the others are more immersive as stories from the character points of view.

Sadly, I've had a hard time making myself read all the material that Brian Herbert has put out. It's missing a critical spark that was the brilliance of Frank Herbert's writing.

Anyway, found another to add into the dump. I keep googling up what I can when I've time and can think of a new search string to try.
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Nice thread.
Long live the fighters of Muad'Dib!
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The thing is, there is a discontinuity between Dune Messiah and Children of Dune.
In Children, we get introduced to Jacurutu despite it supposedly being an old legend, why Paul gets brought back etc.
Frank Herbert made up stuff as he went along, but it flows well for the most part.
The thing I personally disliked about God Emperor was the in my opinion excessive focus on Other Memory.
After a while you get kinda tired of hearing about how Leto a thousand different people.

Regarding Brian Herbert, I read a few pages of the seventh book before I had to quit because it was so fucking bad.

I knew I made the right decision when I looked up the plots online.
I mean, Daniel and Marty are now robots? Despite Frank Herbert explicitly stating that they are face dancers in the ending of Chapterhouse?
It's pretty damn obvious that those notes Brian Herbert claims to have found are entirely fictional, and he's just milking his dad's legacy for coin.
Pretty sad.
>Frank Herbert made up stuff as he went along, but it flows well for the most part.

Most authors do, to one extent or another. Frank Herbert evolved the original 6 Dune books over a little less than 20 years. He had a lot of time to think & re-think some of the themes and history of the Dune universe. Also, he was writing a bunch of other books with similar themes being explored in different ways.

Highly recommended: The Santaroga Barrier (Spice-like substance and psychoactive development of the individual & groupmind), The God Makers (how a human can become a God), and The Dosadai Experiment and The Jesus Incident, also playing with radical human development & evolution as well as ascension into godlike consciousness.

>The thing I personally disliked about God Emperor was the in my opinion excessive focus on Other Memory.

I didn't quite consider that to be excessive focus. Could have been toned back slightly, but I found it important in establishing the overall theme and delineating history of the Dune universe.

Also, consider the time period that Frank Herbert was composing in. You can't judge him by modern scifi standards any more than judging Jules Verne or H.G. Wells that way. Frank Herbert was inventing some of the essential scifi style & concepts that we take for granted today. Try to imagine yourself in 1965 with no knowledge of the future. Then read Dune again and pick out what Frank Herbert predicted and imagined. Then realize God Emperor was written 15 years (and about 30 novels) later.

Anyway, bump. More images later.
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I think those are ornithopters. They appear to be laid out in a dragonfly pattern rather than bird-like.
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Well, they are supposed to be ornithopters ... but the artist drew helicopters from 20th century Earth instead. Zoom in. Pure laziness and unfamiliarity with the books.
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Jodorowsky had Moebius draw up over 3000 concepts for the Dune That Never Was. This seems to be part of that effort, based upon Meobius' design (doesn't seem to actually be one of his). It didn't say, but I think this is probably supposed to be the Emperor's mobile palace from the end of the first book.

Anyway. I have barely found any decent res stuff for Moebius' designs, just a lot of fragments of low res.

It's out there, and there's a lot of it, in case someone finds it or knows where/how to look. I'm trying, but very limited success so far.
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A Moebius design, which would seem to be a Sarduaker or Harkonen fighter (?).
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>I didn't quite consider that to be excessive focus. Could have been toned back slightly, but I found it important in establishing the overall theme and delineating history of the Dune universe.
Yeah I get your argument, I'm just personally not really a huge fan of Other Memory and thus I would've liked it to be kept to a minimum.

I still think the two first are the best. They flow naturally into each other both aesthetically and thematically, and there aren't really any loose ends or retcons.

That was one of my problems with the 5th and 6th books, with Frank Herbert's death taken into account of course.
For example, we never hear how exactly Waff dies.
He was one of my favorite characters, I was so fucking sad when he died and he didn't even get a cool death scene.
I also feel like many aspects of what exactly was happening on Gammu were left unexplained.
There was just generally less coherence, although I still enjoyed the books immensely.

I'd mentioned upthread that I always considered all six books to be one book. Not entirely true.

For any lurkers following on, I would always recommend reading the original Dune as a stand-alone book. You never have to read any of the others and it's a great sci fi story. However, if you decide to read on, you can't really read "just" the second book (Dune Messiah). The 2nd and 3rd books (Children of Dune being 3rd) are essentially a single story divided into two novels. I've read interviews with Frank Herbert in which he pretty much stated that outright.

At this point, many people could stop and not read any further and still get a lot out of it. These three books were all written in a similar time frame and follow Frank Herbert's essential style (and developed themes) from his most productive and creative period. As mentioned up thread, highly recommended from this time period: >>6489548

I can add to that Whipping Star (the predecessor to The Dosadai Experiment). It's not as easy to get into, but as a companion to Dosadai Experiment, it works well, especially for a re-read or two to pick up a lot of the details. Additionally, a real obscure title and a rather odd book out for Frank Herbert is Soul Catcher. It's a pretty powerful story, and notable in that it isn't really a sci fi story ... it's a spiritual and psychological exploration with a Native American canvas.
> continued

Anyway. God Emperor takes place thousands of years after the events in the first three books. I've forgotten the exact years involved; it's explained in enough detail in the book it doesn't matter.

God Emperor is interesting in that it is told both from first-person perspective of characters in it, but also through the eyes of archeologists recovering records of the time some thousands of years after the events in God Emperor.

In my mind, this story is also "stand-alone," but only if you know what happened in the original three books. It's hard to read God Emperor only and really grasp most of its essential story.

And, per the discussion back and forth above, it isn't the most exciting of the books ion the series. It's easy to not like or enjoy it much, but I found it wonderful in that it acted as a key historical document, upon which was pinned the conclusion.

It's also necessary to keep in mind that Frank Herbert wrote God Emperor more than a decade after publishing the original three. His style and his evolution & take on his own themes are not the same due to the time involved, and other books he wrote/other projects he was involved with in his life.

And "the conclusion" are the last two books, Heretics of Dune and Chapterhouse Dune. Again, these two (large!) books are really a single huge book split into two.

To me, even with serious changes in his styles and themes, these books capture again the wonderful excitement and cerebral engagement of the original books (and some of the others I recommended). They are a worthy legacy, since Frank Herbert was taken from us at a very young age. He was only about 52 or so when he died. Just criminal considering what a monumental and creative intellect he was.

There is no justice in this world. Frank Herbert should have lived to be 80 and written out all these other Dune books himself. Instead we are left with his son, Brian. His work is not really worthy, unfortunately.
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>The 2nd and 3rd books (Children of Dune being 3rd) are essentially a single story divided into two novels. I've read interviews with Frank Herbert in which he pretty much stated that outright.
Any chance you can link those interviews?
The impression I got was EXACTLY the opposite, and I read them pretty much right after each other.
For example, as I said earlier, there is no mention of Jacurutu in the first two books.
>There is no justice in this world. Frank Herbert should have lived to be 80 and written out all these other Dune books himself. Instead we are left with his son, Brian. His work is not really worthy, unfortunately.
I agree.
>Any chance you can link those interviews?

Sorry, no. It's been quite some years ago, and I read it in something offline, like a magazine or in a collection of work in a book.

I used the plural "interviews" because I read several interviews with him, plus some of his general commentary on his works over the years in a couple of his compilations.

The specific place I remember him making a comment about Dune Messiah and Children of Dune being a single story that was divided into two books is unclear in my memory. Might have been an actual interview, or his commentary on something Dune-related included with a short story or something.

As I recall, it was something of a publishing decision rather than his own, possibly because he was struggling to finish the story, so they pushed Dune Messiah out while he finished the composition that was published as Children of Dune.

I'll see what I can do to track down actual sauce on that ... but that might be a time-consuming project I can't get into these days. I will definitely post back on it if I run into interesting info on that one way or the other.
Fair enough. Guess I could try a bit of searching on my own meanwhile. Bumping with text because I've run out of papes, but we need more.
page 10 bump for continued interest

(hopefully) will be back with a couple more myself, but always be happy if anyone has another 'tribute or two
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Anyone got the art from the cover of House Harkonnen? Or pretty much any of the art from the prequel books for that matter.

I've only found it in formats too small to post here. Having a hard time tracking down the artist ... if anyone has a copy of any of these books and can look up who did the cover art ...? Can then try to google from there.
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*bumpin' for mopre
found him
Oddly, his 'archive' page has all of the prequel covers sans Machine Crusade.

Thank you!

I'm having shit for luck finding anything in decent resolution. Pretty much same wall I ran into here >>6511134

*bump* so I can give it another try later. Pretty sure I have one or two more I haven't posted yet, just no time to sort through the mess right now.
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a couple more Derek Lawrey redesigns here: - https://www.artstation.com/artwork/gwLB8

I particularly love this little bit of shitty fuckery, where this website took a scan from a Moebius book, reduced & degraded the image and then watermarked it with their blog logo.

Posting it here just for the rage.

Better version already posted in the Moebius thread -- >>6467805
Thread posts: 144
Thread images: 123

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