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thoughts on this gen? hard mode: no nostalgia allowed

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thoughts on this gen? hard mode: no nostalgia allowed
The 2D/2.5D games from that gen are alright, but the 3D games have aged terribly.
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The best generation ever
Although, I never played any Saturn games, I'm sure it had its merits.
I prefer the N64 overall since I like 3D platformers, FPS, and action-adventure games. 4 player multiplayer was always a blast too.
The PS1 had some good stuff as well. It had more of the genres I'm not interested in (JRPGs, fighters, racing, etc.) but that's fine - People have genres they like. What little of the PS1's library I got to play I ended up enjoying (Spyro, Crash, Croc, classic GTA, etc.
I should pick up some PS1 games one of these days to play on my PS3.

Anyways, 5th gen was best gen because it was that "WOW" factor of coming from 2D and jumping to 3D that made it a monumental era of gaming. It was like a digital frontier, in a sense - So many games were treading new ground resulting in new experiences all around.
pleb, 4th is best
4th gen is just 2D platformers and JRPGs.
SNES is still the best library ever on a home console. God damn 2D games really went out with a bang
Liked the PSX and Saturn, they had rpgs. N64 was okay, but lacked rpgs so I didn't play much on it. I did play quest 64, and forced myself to beat it. Only rpg I ever had to force myself to play.
It's pretty good.
PS1 carries it, although I do enjoy my Saturn a bunch.
and I had an N64 at the time, and I enjoyed a bunch of shit on the machine that didn't review terribly well (like Crusin' USA, which is a lame port, but a fun game)

Might be my favorite generation.
I've certainly been playing more PS1 stuff than anything else overall, and I've been enjoying my Saturn a bunch lately now that I've got it working again and with Pseudo Saturn Kai.
>just platformers and jrpgs
is indeed the appropriate meme for polygon-humping trash born in the 90s.
>SNES is still the best library ever on a home console.
How is he wrong?

How is 5th gen better than?
Best gen imo. Perfected 2D games, and early 3D games have a nice aesthetic you can't get anywhere else. Only bad thing is the large amount of 3D shovelware.
Really like the first half because there was a sense of novelty and experimentation, rest is meh. Probably my least favourite gen out of the stuff we cover here on /vr/.
Kill yourself
The Playstation got the crown and for a good reason - not technical specs, not games, but because the market needed a better distribution deal and Sony offered just that on a silver plater to retailers.
You're one of them too.
Best gen, low poly best poly. haters deserve to be stoned to death.
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Unfiltered, low-poly is pure sex. Though I do prefer the N64's softer look at times.
Saturn is a bit of a disappointment for me, even with imports. Not really a fan of most of its hyped games, though it does have a handful of gems. If you're into arcade ports you'll probably like it more than I do.

PS1 is pretty good, a lot of solid releases in a variety of genres. Not much to complain about, really.

N64 has a shallow library, but is home to some of the best titles of the generation. The 3D is a lot more pleasing to look at than that of the other two consoles. Questionable controller design.

Overall, not my favorite generation by a long shot, but it's alright.
Its a legit opinion but then you're not interested in thinking of it but shitposting. GG summer
Easily my favorite generation. I was born in 1992 and continued to regularly buy and play 5th gen games up through 2004 or so, so the whole generation was basically timed to hit the sweet point of nostalgia for me. I know OP said "no nostalgia", but I'm sure it's a factor in why I love the generation so much.

I can't name any specific features of the games that make them all so good; 5th gen just happens to have a lot of games that I think are really, really good. OoT and FF9 redefined what video games were capable of to me. So many good memories of playing multiplayer on Mario Party 3, Diddy Kong Racing, and Pokémon Stadium. And so on and so forth.
Games don't age, we do. Those 1's and 0's on cartridges/cd's still perform exactly the way they were designed to perform whether they are 1 year old or 20 years old.
Taking things too literally is one of the signs of autism.
This is the most autistic thing I've ever read. Everyone knows what someone means when they say "this game has aged", the only reason you would pretend not to is if you wanted to look cool on /vr/.
Using "literally" and "autism" they way you did is one of the signs of being an underage faggot from /v/.
Either a samefag or someone equally retarded as the post 1 min prior.
Look at it this way anon. If all you ever got to eat was a stinking turd and then someone made a turd with a hint of strawberry flavor, you would say that strawberry turd is amazing. Now 50 years later you get to eat pizza and burgers, would you still like the turd?
Who are they?
He used literally correct you fucking retard
>they way you did
"Correctly" you mean?
>Every game I don't like is objectively shit.
Ok champ.
Sure is a lot of samefagging itt.
you're not fooling anyone
Sega consoles after genesis have become little arcade machines for home. Playstation for 90% of people: Crash Bandicoot and horror games. Nintendo 64: Zelda and Mario.
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radiohead memes? what the fuck is this shit?
I liked it, it had the best 2d games ever, and 3d was a cool novelty
It's ok computer dum dum
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>SNES is still the best library ever on a home console.

nostalgia is a hell of a drug
>Thinks I'm the guy who said that.
>Proceeds to post not retro.
Yeah it is because you can't really defend that pile shit without having grow up with it yourself.
>pile of shit
Now now, not everything that came after your childhood is shit.
And a system isn't automatically good because you grew up with it. It was the first system with no real platformers nor arcades and with a hard on for open worlds and shooters. And for all of its massive library, very few games are even worth playing (clover and Konami mainly).
Just because it lacks your pet genres doesn't make it shit.
I'm jelly. I'm the same age as you but I didn't have a game console until 2002, and I went with the GameCube based on what little I knew about vidya from playing the N64 at my friend's house and a SNES in the basement at my dad's job (which had Zelda and star fox, loved both). I also had a gameboy color prior to that (which again I had barely any games for) so I guess I had sort of a trust in Nintendo. Looking back I still love my GameCube and had a lot of fun with it, but I can't help regretting it a little knowing how far Nintendo had fallen at that point. It wasn't until some years later when emulation was good enough that I started to really experience the 5th gen and realized how much I missed out on.

my nigga
>it's good because I say so
Nostalgia is a hell of a drug
>it's shit because I say so
Literally your argument.
You're replying to a different person faggot. I never said it was good or bad, only that because people moved past the genres you like doesn't mean the new genres are bad.
Arcades and PC from the 5th gen were FANTASTIC.

Consoles were SHIT.
Cinematic experience: The console.
Full of muh edgy gta's, fifas, shovelware and the biggest fanbase of cancer in gaming.
To me ps2 is good but its so goddamn overrated because of commercial success. It was this big turn on gaming that allowed normies to get into it.
Consoles that have things that I like are good, consoles that don't have things that I like are shit. Do I need to write 'to me' or 'acording to my tastes' every time I'm obviously stating a personal opinion?

You can't pretend that PS2 have the bestest library ever OBJECTIVELY and that people that doesn't agree with you are just blinded by nostalgia when the system fails to deliver in a lot of place and most likely have nostalgia for it yourself.
I'm not even the guy who likes it. Just pointing out that your argument is no stronger than his.
>Final Fantasy X
>Shadow of the Colossus
>Katamari Damacy
>Ratchet and Clank 2&3
>MGS 2&3
>SMT Nocturne
>Persona 3&4
>Digital Devil Saga 1&2
There was tons of fantastic stuff on the PS2, I don't see how anyone could deny that. If you're mad about open world/FPS games getting too popular, blame that on the PS3 and 360, not the PS2.

best gen, but only someone who lived it at the time can understand.
you just listed a shit load of JRPGs, games that are pretty damn niche and mostly ignored these days.
>PS2 sucks because because it had too many open worlds and shooters!
>You can't talk about the PS2's RPGs, that's not allowed either!
This board is completely retarded.
>Corridors the game, couldn't finish it
>Ok game
>Good game
>Meh games that are not really platformers, just like Jack 2 and 3. Jack 1 was really really good I'll give you that.
>Ok games
>Legit good fun games
>Didn't beat those

That guy wasn't me.
Different people dude.

I enjoyed JRPGs back then but today they just bore me, cut scenes are now in every genre so the strength of a JRPG is now lost and you only have bland repetitive combat.
Well thankfully the PS2 has many other games from other genres to offer you. FPS, survival horror, fighters, whatever floats your boat.

I'm just trying to defend the PS2 against the guy who said it was shit. I just can't believe that in such a massive library of great games, someone couldn't find SOMETHING that they like.
Survival horror was not where the ps2 was at. The PS2's core library is action adventure, stuff like devil may cry, ratchet and clank. But it was also the mainstream console so like the ps1 it got a lot of love for all genres
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Some great gems, but all the companies focused too much on 3D which was beyond their hardware to make really shine.

On the whole aside from 2nd gen, it's the weakest era of video games.
>I just can't believe that in such a massive library of great games, someone couldn't find SOMETHING that they like.
But that's not what I said, all I'm saying is that PS2 is the system with the least amount of games I really enjoy. Mainly because it's the first post-arcade major system so there's very few games that were made up with that fast paced pick up and play friendly philosophy. Plus the platforming library was really subpar.
>"Survival horror was not where the ps2 was at"
>fatal frame 1-3
>forbidden siren 1 and 2
>silent hill 2 and 3
>haunting ground
>rule of rose

could've fooled me
>cut scenes are now in every genre so the strength of a JRPG is now lost and you only have bland repetitive combat.

What do cutscenes have to do with repetitive combat? Early RPGs is when combat was the most repetitive. If you released something with as few combat options as FF1 or even original FF4 today it would be seen as ultra simplistic garbage. Particularly by people who post here on /vr/
Ok, that's cool, we all have our tastes. I was mainly targeting >>4163251
You listed 9 out of 2500 PS2 games officially released. You also missed obscure but my point still stands, outside of Silent Hill the survival horror genre wasn't doing so hot on the PS2, the defining games of that era were on the Gamcube in the RE games. By that point the genre was dying after being one of the biggest on the PS1

JRPGs strength was it's stories, that's why people played them and why it's a genre that defines the early CD based consoles. PS1 allowed movies and PS2 pushed it to fully voiced movies and cut scenes with now even more space. This meant that the JRPGs of the time were "epic" on a scale that other games couldn't compete with as they used the new design space better than any other genre did. Cut scenes then became standard in all genres which deflated the monopoly that JRPGs had on story. Games like metal gear solid could become straight up movies and side line the bland combat.
>You listed 9 out of 2500 PS2 games officially released

that's still more good horror games than the psx had (silent hill, dino crisis, resident evil 2 and 3, clocktower, hellnight)
and the gamecube ruined the horror genre with RE4, but that's another discussion
And how many of those define the console? Silent Hill 2 I'll give you, but the rest are mostly B tier games. Which isn't a problem in it's self but it's not like any of them were the Mario 64 of the PS2, where as you could argue that RE:make is THE defining game of the entire survival horror genre and was on the gamecube.
So basically someone wanting story out of a video game early on was forced to play rpgs, but once that became standard for other games they didn't appeal as much?

I was into rpgs in the 8, 16 and into the 32 bit era, but really burnt out on them by the end of PS1's life. I tried a bunch, but never finished a single PS2/GC rpg, but played many other games that gen.

And looking back MGS3 alone had a far better story than I'd ever seen in an rpg. So maybe you're onto something.

Now the only rpg that can hold my interest is EO. If I play one, it's all about the gameplay now.
>RE:make is THE defining game of the entire survival horror genre

more like the only horror game on the gamecube that didn't suck (aside from eternal darkness), so it automatically gets hyped to high heaven by its owners
a similar thing happened to RE2 because it was the only horror game for the N64
Worse than MD
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>RE:make is THE defining game of the entire survival horror genre
It's not even the defining RE game.
Would that be DC's 2 or Code Veronica?
Bullshit and you know it.

Re:make defines the entire survival horror genre. RE4 is an action horror game and while popular is not survival horror.
>anemic processor
>lack of space shooters
>glut of JRPGs
>mountains of mediocre beatemups and crappy fighters

Sure kid
I mean, I hate SNES supremacists as much as the next guy, but now you're just being silly.
SNES would've been better if they bothered to localize most of their library, MD definitely is a better NA console
I was born in the 80s and I think platformers are a bottom tier genre unless we're talking castlevania or something.
Sorry, I can't agree. Most of the MD library outside of Sonic doesn't appeal to me at all. I think just going off of Mario, Zelda, Metroid, and the JRPGs that were localized, the SNES is easily the better system.
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Nostalgia is a powerful drug mane. Looking back PSX was king but I would have never guessed
>back in the day
>One friend always buys the more mature/bloody/violent/anime/horror media
>Genesis fanboys, have all the best games from the time
>saturn comes out
>want one, so do they
>play one at a kiosk in TOYS R US
>Bros play Nights
>"what is this? Wheres sonic?"
>bros play Virtua fighter
>"Wheres the bloody combos like in MK2? this is a step backwards"
>they buy a PSX instead
We had tits and blood for days. They made the right choice
not only did the 5th gen have some of the greatest innovations, but the psx 3d graphics also remain among the comfiest ones to date.

I don't know if it's the dithering or the low res that does it, but looking at psx screenshots of 3d games sometimes feels like looking at high quality pixel art. I love it.
SEGA is literally the "I can't believe this is actually good" console
Opinions... Snes had only 4 games that made me jealous: Hagane, Cybernator, Super Aleste and MMX.
Saturn was really just for diehard Sega fans. It's a good console but compared to the other Sega systems it was quite a letdown especially due to the library of games.

N64 was the start of the 3rd party support decline. Still had very great titles especially thanks to Ninty bringing their A-game when it comes to translating beloved franchises into 3D and Rareware + Acclaim delivering as well. Best console that gen for platformers and shooters.

PS1 of course had the vastest library of games and a lot of them were really great with countless hidden gems inbetween. Primarily a JRPG console for me.
>but the psx 3d graphics also remain among the comfiest ones to date

That's exactly what nostalgia is. If it was one of your fist systems it probably left a very strong impression. Not that that's a bad thing, but many people don't see those graphics that way.
What do you mean by that? You expect it to be bad, but you like it?

Not him, but it's just game style preference. I had both for most of their natural life but my Genesis collection was about 5 times my SNES one because there were more games I liked on it.

Both consoles are great, I wouldn't give up either.
This again?
I'm a mid-90's babby, so I only played psx for like one year. I don't have any personal attachement to it. Yet I find the graphics comfier.

What does that make me? A tryhard contrarian?
The PS1 was still in the cutesy era and you had to use your imagination to fill in the gaps more.
Right, it's a format just like how "novels" or "epic poetry" or "anime" are not genres. A jrpg could be in the fantasy genre or sci-fi genre or Western genre or whatever. They do tend to mostly fall in that specific neighborhood of genre-space though (i.e. sf/fantasy/western/horror which are all seen as interrelated in other contexts a la the term "genre fiction").

Not sure why calling psx "the jrpg console" makes you think someone is mistaking jrpg for a specific genre though.
just report and ignore
Actually literary scholars consider both the novel and the epic to be genres.
>DC's 2

Is that meaning taken in a particular historical context? For instance I can see calling the early novels of 18th century Britain a specific "genre," while that usage would not reflect the landscape of popular novels today.
That's the dictionary definition of "literally," autism-kun.
That and often the IPs are relatively unknown, one would've found things like Earthworm Jim to look like shovelware
>food analogies

Ain't happening bruv
Ok tumblr.
>What does that make me? A tryhard contrarian?

No no, it makes you exactly what I guessed. You saw PS1 graphics at a young age and they made a strong impression, now you really like them. There's nothing bad about that or really any different than seeing 16, 8 or 4 bit graphics (or whatever) and having a similar experience.

Just that we have very different perspectives, neither of which is really wrong.

Earthworm Jim looked like one of the most amazing games ever when it came out. No one would have mistaken it for shovelware.

I do remember a guy walking into a game store that had the Genesis version playing and being disappointed that it didn't look significantly worse than SNES. Always thought that was funny. And that some things really never change.

Nice buzzword /v/, but no, you're wrong. Grab a dictionary once in your life and learn proper language. I mean, it's not like you're bilingual, you probably just speak your mother language, so at least speak that one language you speak correctly.
Stop embarrassing yourself. You're the only one not understanding language here. Maybe if you go back and read those posts again you'll figure out where you went wrong.
Grab a dictionary, that's all.
Also for anyone who wants to know what's going on with the whole "aged" thing, read this:
How can /v/r have nostalgia for this gen when they're mostly too young to remember t?
A very awkward but necessary step in gaming. As for the devices
>PlayStation was the most appealing simply due to the sheer variety of games, but it didn't have the best ones; its successors are similar in this regard.
>If you lived in Japan the Saturn was a perfectly viable choice especially for regular arcade attendants, but it sorely lacked support in the West.
>The N64 was the undisputed king of multiplayer and if you had loads of gaming friends or siblings it was the best choice, but lacked immersive single-player game.
>PC gaming was entering the early stages of online play and was getting gold like Dungeon Keeper and Quake, but was still relatively inaccessible.
>Almost nobody bought the PC-FX except for hardcore PC-Engine fanboys and the kind of guys you fully expect to wind up on the local news charged with child molestation.
>The Game Boy lumbered on like a zombie refusing to die or falling to competition, the Color line was only a stop-gap measure while the true successor was made.
A good portion of people here were born before 1990, they should be able to easily remember it. Otherwise, remember that this generation lasted until late 2001, and a lot of people can remember their early childhoods.

I don't think we actually have that many under-20's here.
>aside from 2nd gen, it's the weakest era of video games
Wrong, every gen after has been incrementally worse.
Gex genuinely to this day makes me laugh.

and doom 64 is unironically my favorite doom.
>le 90's kids
I just looked in a dictionary. What was I supposed to see that would change my mind?
>that usage would not reflect the landscape of popular novels today
Yes it would. Novels must be over a certain length (usually 100 pages), must be works of narrative fiction (main emphasis), and must be mainly composed of prose.

It is in juxtaposition to the memoir, monologue, journalism, essay, prose poem, and etc.
These can all be composed of prose and can all be comparable in length.
But how is any of those things related to genre? I was saying old British novels all had more or less the same "genre" anyway, but by modern times many different types of stories have come to be told in the narrative form of the novel (i.e. in a form that fits all the rules you described).
>but only someone who lived it at the time can understand

That's the definition of nostalgia you fucking retard kill yourself
Look up both Aged and Dated, spot the difference, and report back.
It was a gen early for major 3d stuff. They should've stuck to 2d until the 6th.
I think the above guy was trying to say that due to a large amount of jrpgs that came out on the psx, that it was/is the go to console for jrpgs because it had the most options to that genre, of all the consoles either at that time or even now. I could be wrong, but that's what I thought he was getting at.
>Aged: adj., having lived or existed for a long time; old.
>Dated: v., established or ascertained the date of (an object or event).
Sounds like "aged" is a better word to describe the games in question then.
So a game is a living thing? Not an object?
So a video game is a verb? Not something that exists?
How is it better? It's saying right there that it's something that has lived for a long time. Aged implies biology.


>provided with a date a dated document
>outmoded, old-fashioned dated formalities

This is more like it.
All /vr/ games are dated by default, because they were released before the current hour/day/year.
Age implies decay, anon. Software doesn't generally decay, only the medium it is traveling upon.
They are not the exact same word, but they share a heavy overlap in meaning. They can be used to communicate the same concept. Aged, dated, antiquated, unripe, passe, etc. Synonymy is not an obscure aspect of English, anon.
It's bad manners to reply to a question with another question, anon.

Here's more definitons of Aged:
Definition of aged
>grown old: such as
>of an advanced age an aged man
>having attained a specified age a man aged 40 years
>typical of old age

It's always related to living things, "grown old". Games can't "grow" anything because they are computer code, they stay the same forever, as long as the data is properly stored.
I recommend you read the book "The Bicentennial Man" by Asimov, the main object of the book is about aging.
>Aged implies biology.
>what is "or"
Doesn't say anything about that. A legend or something could be "aged" even though it isn't even a physical object. It literally just means "something that has existed for a long time." An aged person, an aged idea, an aged game.
Saturn is the best looking console
Yeah, but Aged is not a synonym for Dated, anon.
Arguing with you has grown old.
>an aged idea, an aged game.
Dated is the word you're looking for.
Old-fashioned, vintage, those are synonyms for dated.
Aged just means that something grows old. It implies its original state changes over time.
Of course not because one is a verb and one is an adjective.
Those are grouped by literary period and (e.g. Romantic, Modern, Post-colonial) subgenres (Horror, Science-fiction, Surreal, Beat).
"Dated" implies "out of date." If I said "it's an aged legend from our forefathers" or something, I just mean it is very ancient. If I said "it's a dated legend" I would be suggesting that it is no longer relevant or useful.
But that's wrong.
Ageing is absolutely a matter of biological decomposition.
Otherwise, it is simply Old. Old has overlap, because it is tied specifically to time. Old is not the same as Aged, especially when it comes to things like stories.
In fact, your point is totally blown out by the fact Legends in particular tend to be regarded as "Timeless Classics". That's what makes them Legendary, or a person Legendary. That they are so extraordinary as to be eternal and outside of decay.
So if novels are described by period and genre, how is "novel" itself a genre? It seems like "romantic period novels" could be a genre, but not just "novels" as a whole.
What about aged iron or steel?
I think by saying "it's a legend" it's implied it's something from older times. Or at least not recent.
You would have an "Old Legend" I have spoken english my entire life and have read at a college level since a small boy, I can absolutely tell you that I have never even once seen in any literature the combination "aged legend".
That's just weird, and contrary to the meaning of "legend".
Now, a "Legend from Ages Past" perhaps. An Age has the connotations you are requiring, Age Old, which means timeless in the same sense as a legend: it recurs, is old, but does not in itself decay. It does not lose fidelity over time.
Novel and Epic are not genres, they are Forms/Formats.
>So if novels are described by period and genre
There is a difference between genre and subgenre. Think of it like taxonomical nomenclature (kingdom, phylum, class, order).

Medium (Literature) > Genre (Novel) > Period (Romantic) > Subgenre (Gothic) > Work (Mary Shelley's Frankenstein)
Not that anon, but I'm not sure if you can really claim non-living things "age"... however, they have components that interact with molecules, which can lead to oxidation, for example.
The thing is, video games are computer code, and it can stay in the exact same original state forever... as long as it's properly stored somewhere.
If for some reason the data gets corrupted (disc rot, etc), then it just stops working. You won't see Mario or Sonic with wrinkles and white hair because of that.
Academics sure get strange ideas into their heads.
Honestly, at this point we should go back and kick in Aristotle's head for codifying taxonomix nomenclature, it's made a mess of normally useful data.
We can thank that motherless cunt for the idea of Freedom as a Capacity as well. Thanks, dickhead.
Neither "form" not "format" is a term I've ever heard used in an acedemic context to refer to novels, so I'm 100% you just pulled that out of your ass. If you're referring to "medium," then the medium of a novel is literature.
They do not need to be exact synonyms.
They can both be used as adjectives.
>The Cambridge History of English Literature
So much for your "college level reading."

So which is it? A genre or a format? You can't both be arguing with me.

"Aged" doesn't refer to life. We looked it up in several dictionaries just a few posts above. Some uses of the word refer to living things deteriorating, mostly in the context of human aging, and other uses make it roughly a synonym for "old." See "aged legend" above.

To be clear I'm certain that not a single person ITT thinks that a video game that "aged badly" has changed at all over time. It's the perception that changes over time, something that was once new or exciting might come to have no value later on, even though its intrinsic qualities are exactly the same.
Legend implies it is a famous story but of dubious origin or veracity. Hence an Old Legend vs an Urban Legend, and in fact there are Old Urban Legends as well.

Now, the fact that a Legend tends to be of dubious veracity and fidelity, that a Legend changes over time, means that in fact a Legend IS subject to Age.

So, this is why in Folklore you will have several versions of any given story.
However, from written tradition, especially formal written tradition, it comes down mostly unchanged because it is by nature Written Down, and thus outside of memory and improvisation as in an oral story tradition.
They can both be used as verbs too! I've been waiting this whole time for someone to notice this. I can't believe I posted the "determining the date of" definition for dated and still had people insisting that it was somehow the right one because it involved an object. It's like people can't read, for fuck's sake demand that I define the word in the sense you intended it!
How about the aged tale of the Odyssey, according to Homer?
I've never seen anyone refer to a legend as "aged".
>To be clear I'm certain that not a single person ITT thinks that a video game that "aged badly" has changed at all over time. It's the perception that changes over time
Well, then we can agree at least on that point.
Which makes me think of what this anon said in the other thread:
>Our perception changes, not the games. So when people discuss about "games aging", they're just discussing on an endless loop of personal experiences and tastes. We don't really gain anything out of these, and honestly, most of the times (if not all) is just bait because what better place to troll people about old games being shit than /vr/?
Google "Literary Form" it means the same as Genre the way you're using it, which is Academically.
And that's fine.
The 3d games have terribly aged especially when referring to the ps1 graphics.

The controllers sucked as well till the dualshock hit the market.
Even if novel is more of a grey area, the epic is certainly a genre/subgenre of poetry. There's no argument there.
>I've never seen anyone refer to a legend as "aged".
And yet I've given you a citation to "this aged legend," referring to Beowulf. That you haven't encountered the usage is your ignorance. Yet it's perfectly common and correct.

>We don't really gain anything out of these, and honestly, most of the times (if not all) is just bait because what better place to troll people about old games being shit than /vr/?
This is an unrelated argument. If you think the threads are bait, which they very well could be, don't post in them. Arguing the retarded position that "games can't age" while dozens of other people carry on a discussion where they all understand the meaning of the word as they are using it looks more like trolling than anything else. Whether or not you think the word "should" be used that way, it's being used and everyone knows what it means. You can't pretend that you don't understand the conversation because you have an overly literal (but also restrained by your ignorance of other usages) interpretation of a single word.
The Analog Controller (pre-dating the DualShock) was almost exactly the same thing. I can't see any reason why you'd say that controller sucks but the dualshock doesn't.
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>console war thread
Oh boy, can't wait to read all the civil and unbiased discussion that has occured.

These threads should be deleted on the spot. I actually feel a bit bad as the OP seemed genuine actually but regardless this shit is just awful.
this it the single most autistic thread I've ever seen
The distinction is academic in the literal sense.

But sure, as I said, Academically Speaking, Form and Genre are the same thing, so yes, you "win". Although it seems a little on the pyrrhic side at this point-- excepting that it's fun to get sidetracked with linguistic bullshit sometimes.
>excepting that it's fun to get sidetracked with linguistic bullshit
no it's not reddit, derailing a thread in this manner is pure autism. are you autistic by any chance?
It's Academic, in the most pejorative sense.
Autism would be a bunch of people going on and on about arcane details of the functions of steam engines in trains from the 1920s. Actual autists tend to circlejerk in a more agreeable fashion.
Academics though, those sonsabitches LOVE to be "right" and argue.
Oh, now, I came into this late. I hadn't even commented since the one where I make fun of the kid for not liking jrpgs and platformers.
I come in a little bit ago, because fuck it, why not, check the post IDs if you have that extension
dancing around the question~
>other people carry on a discussion
What discussion? It's true, it's an endless loop of personal, extremely subjective appreciations conflicting with each other, nothing else.
No, I'm not fucking autistic. I would bet nobody in this whole thread IS.
What I've been here is "Pedantic" and often from the seat of my pants, because I find it humorous to trigger the academics like this.
That's what you are calling autism in this thread: academicism. People being authoritative and pedantic.
That's why they keep citing their sources even though no one could POSSIBLY care for real whether or not they say a game is "aged" or "dated" or "old".
That fella up there is right: they're fucking synonyms. Getting all bitchy about it is just being pedantic and persnickety for the sake of it.

And I find that hilarious.
What, Baitposter is the only guy around here gets to fuck with people now and then?
This is so existential man. You're saying that "aged" is not an adjective that can every describe a video game because people's opinions are subjective? So why do you post at all?
>personal, extremely subjective appreciations
Can a conversation about video games ever really be about anything else? I mean sure, if someone said "I'm looking for a game that lets you do X Y and Z and isn't too long" then you could narrow down a list of options that fit that criteria. Otherwise though, everyone already agrees on the objective facts and the facts aren't very interesting to rehash, so what else would we talk about?
>No, I'm not fucking autistic. I would bet nobody in this whole thread IS.
And that's where you're wrong.
in that case, a different question: do you frequent reddit?
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He's obviously been reading heavy philosophy or something. He's talking about
[10spooky brah]

Again, no.
Why me specifically?
What, I'm MORE "autistic" or "reddity" than those other two fellas?
But I mean, what's the point in coming to a board like /vr/ and say "hey guys, this game has aged badly"?
Firs of all, it's completely subjective.
And second, all games covered on /vr/ are dated (or "aged" if you prefer to say that), so what's the point?

If you want to talk about agame's flaws (or what you consider to be flaws), then that's fine, it generates actual discussion. but claiming old games are old? It's obvious.
Hence me giving him shit about it.
Has The Epic of Gilgamesh "Aged" poorly or otherwise?
Fuck no, that's stupid, it's a story.
>This is an unrelated argument.
You're minimizing the problem.
Yes, most likely every time someone says "aged", their real intention is just to bait, especially on /vr/.
It's like going to /a/ and saying "hey guys, jap cartoons suck".
>If you want to talk about agame's flaws (or what you consider to be flaws)
What are some non-subjective ways of talking about a game's flaws?
Uninvolved but you are a bit histrionic, try affecting a self-superior "too cool to explain myself to you" attitude.
I didn't make up that usage. It's an established usage. I'm sorry you don't like it but everyone else understands it and uses it that way when they care to.
Can't you see how ridiculous it is to argue with the established meaning of a word?
Glitches, dead-ends, etc.
Anyway I didn't say they had to be non-subjective (hence why I said "what you consider"), but there's a difference between discussing with arguments (even if subjective), and "arguing" by saying "this game aged badly", which would just mean "this game is old" (badly old? I dunno).
I get the impression these "aged" guys mean something more like "those 70s jap cartoons are so shit" because they don't find limited animation techniques charming, which shouldn't really be a barrier anyway because they were limited animation due to budget constraints of Japan in the 70s vs say, the 00s.
It's a stupid argument devoid of any real quality, but it IS more nuanced than simple trolling.

Personally, if I was to use the phrase, it would be for something like the third Dragon Warrior game, which really ought to have had better looking graphics at that point in NES lifecycle
>It's like going to /a/ and saying "hey guys, jap cartoons suck".
I don't see that comparison. Yes all /vr/ games are old. The operative word is "badly," not "aged." Some games have aged very well. They are still fun even though they appear technically inferior to newer games. Are people trolling when they say a game has aged well?

I think the bigger problem with those threads is the inherent negativity, inviting people to criticize is just going to lead to argument. I don't see it having anything to do with the definition of the word "aged."
I mean that /vr/ is a board for old games, so coming here to say "old games suck" is pure, obvious bait.
We have the choice not to use that usage, though, don't we? Such is the nature of speech in a closed community.
As in, I don't have to accept and use "triggered" to mean I'm upset, because that's commonly used by people, and I hate those people on a cultural level.
Therefore, aged is irritating, but mildly.
I'll tell you this: I like you and your "aged" a hell of a lot more than the people who say "triggered" to mean that they have been upset by something.
So there's that.
>"triggered" to mean I'm upset
>"triggered" to mean that they have been upset by something
Not sure you know what that word means. The dictionary definition of that sense of the word triggered would refer to reactivating a trauma, like a shell-shocked soldier hearing a loud bang would be "triggered" into a state of shock.
>Some games have aged very well. They are still fun even though they appear technically inferior to newer games.
According to who? The other day I saw a thread on /v/ where a youngling was shitting on 2D games.
It's all subjective. If you think a game is bad for any given reason, its date of release shouldn't be one of these reasons, you should be able to tell why they aren't good for you, without saying something like "it aged badly" because it doesn't really say anything about the game itself, just your own perception of it. And still it's vague because as I said, some people might differ from you in that they think even 2D games have "aged badly".
unless of course you genuinely think that just because a game is old it doesn't make it good
Saying a game has aged badly doesn't mean you don't like the date it was released, it means you used to like it back then, but when you revisit it today you don't like it anymore.

>some people might differ from you in that they think even 2D games have "aged badly"
Sure, those would be an example of people I disagree with. Some people would say they think "2D games are boring." That would also be an opinion I disagree with. It does not however mean that I think it is physically or conceptually impossible for a game to be boring.
And that would be right. Games aren't good or bad because they are new or good. There's bad and good games in the past and the present.
Which usage is appropriate.
That's why I have a problem with people in generally misusing the very serious medical term in the fashion described.
>it means you used to like it back then, but when you revisit it today you don't like it anymore.
Or maybe you still like it, but you become aware of some flaws you haven't noticed before. But the flaws were always there.
>It does not however mean that I think it is physically or conceptually impossible for a game to be boring.
It's completely subjective, only games that are non-functional (like extremely glitchy, unfinished, beta, etc) could be considered objectively bad but you never know, there's people for everything.
does the word "dated" satisfy your autism?
The n64 was massively influential and the Nintendo first party games set the standard for 3rd person 3d games.

The PlayStation's biggest contribution to the medium was being the movie game system. It's objectively the best console of the generation because it had a little bit of everything, and did it all pretty well. Also, cheaper games due to being on CD.

The saturn is an el weirdo arcade port machine. I would have hated it as a kid if I or anyone I knew owned one since way more exciting and innovative stuff was coming out on the other 2 systems, but divorced from it's historical context it's my personal favorite of the 3. Just get a fightstick, an action replay and a stack of blank cd-r's and you're good to go for all the shmup, fighting, racing and 2d platforming action you could ever want, all for about $100 or less
You know kiddies are ruining this place when the second most active thread is one about shitty fifth gen.
Who uses it that way other than dudes on 4chan and such using it as an updated meme for "butthurt"?
>. I can't see any reason why you'd say that controller sucks but the dualshock doesn't.
It is a bitch to control 3d games with.
But modern games are shitty QTE movies. Your analogy is reversed
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Why? It's almost exactly the same as a Dualshock.
Twitter/Tumblr set.
That's why it BECAME the meme you're talking about.
Go talk to some pinkhairs for a while, if you don't speak SJWese, you WILL have someone claiming to be triggered in a totally inappropriate sense.
oh look, it's a console warring newfag. you must be lost

are you phoneposting? kek
>Why? It's almost exactly the same as a Dualshock.
The thumbsticks allow for better movement and camera movement that is not retarded (the one way the dreamcast fucked up).
I would consider myself a feminist interested in social justice and nobody I know in those circles uses it to mean "butthurt." I think you might be your own strawman.
Unless you just mean that you think describing like, a rape joke, as triggering for a person who had been raped is a stupid usage of the word. That is definitely the most common usage of the word for "SJWs" though.
I replied to the wrong post
What the fuck are you talking about? The Analog controller has the same analog sticks.
If anything I'm a sonyfag when we're talking 5th and 6th gen, but Mario 64 is objectively better than Crash and I personally like it better than stuff like Spyro or Croc. And Ocarina deserves all the praise it gets for setting the standard on how a 3d camera works in an action game. I like Soul Reaver better, but to deny the mark Ocarina of Time left on it is willful ignorance.
How did you know? Genuinely curious
>What the fuck are you talking about? The Analog controller has the same analog sticks.
I am talking about the original one that was shipped out with the system back in 95.

Not the dual analog nor the dualshock.
sure you did pal
Everything you wrote is true, but I wish Ape Escape was used as the PS1 example more in these discussions. It actually holds a candle to Mario 64
what do you mean "sure"
Are you mockinh me
Of course you can't get a clear visual of how others see your own culture, of your own cultural inadequacies.
fwiw I'm an egalitarian socialist.
But we are daring the jannie to ban us for /pol/ right now, aren't we?
Suffice it to say that you may have a Dunning-Kruger effect as much as all the people YOU criticize.
The point was that "aged" as a term doesn't repel my senses as much as "triggered" or any number of other well-abused buzzwords.

The fact that you claim you have never seen someone abuse the term "trigger" shows how deeply you need to inspect your own subculture.
You said
>The controllers sucked as well till the dualshock hit the market.
I said
>The Analog Controller (pre-dating the DualShock) was almost exactly the same thing. I can't see any reason why you'd say that controller sucks but the dualshock doesn't.
To which you said
>It is a bitch to control 3d games with.
No it isn't. There was a perfectly good controller for 3D games before the dualshock came out.
Im sure it does. I only ever had a demo for it on a pizza hut disc, always wanted to play through it but never have. Do you happen to know if it can be bought on the PlayStation store or whatever? I have a ps3 but don't have a ps1 or 2 anymore
Just say it outright you fucking autist. "The was a PlayStation controller with sticks before the Dualshock", there, done. Stop baiting like a faggot
I think a friend of mine bought it on PSN. I only have PS1 and PS2
By PSN I mean Playstation Store
So people should only ever talk about what you want? It's super easy to not read a thread. Do you really think anyones cares that you're upset about it?
Cool, I'll check it out. I remember liking how much mileage it squeezed out of the original dualshock controller, only other games Ive played that's done that much with the PlayStation style controller is mgs 2, 3 and 4. Come to think of it, didn't Kojima have some kind of role in Ape Escape? Like the actual game, not just the mini game from snake eater
>no yakuzas
>no zoes
>no clover games
>no fromsoft games
you're taste is shit. props for katamari though, that game was fantastic
>no fromsoft games
no need to pretend these guys were relevant before the souls games
Nah. I was an N64 kid and I just started building up a PSX collection. Something about the graphics is just so pleasing and
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I enjoyed Shadow Tower Abyss, though.

Also, Armored Core has a bigger following than Souls, does it not?
I will say that I find Saturn to be classier and more aesthetically pleasing than Genesis-era Sega.
Dreamcast was a bit too SFC-ish in character, a bit too comfortable being flamboyant in the sense of Arcade. Which makes sense of course as Sega was proud and should have been proud of their Arcade accomplishments, and the differentiation from ultra-kiddie N64 and ultra-dudebro PS1.

But as I said, Saturn feels like a grown up's console. Too bad it was $100 too expensive for the era.
Sorry to break your bubble anon, but I owned a Sega Saturn as a kid (10 year old back then) and I played kiddy games on it that I loved, like Nights, Clockwork Knight, VF Kids, Sonic Jam, Bomberman
I meant of the console itself, the bios and the logos and the machine itself, what was advertised.
The advertisements for NiGHTS were amazing to a teenaged me with my SNES.
It's a different kind of kiddy, I guess. The way fairy tales can be appealing to adults as well.
NiGHTS definitely has that quality.
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Like, compare the N64 "alphabet blocks" logo to the sleek Saturn logo, which is a literal planet Saturn with an S for the ring.
No bright kiddie colors.
Same with the color palette for Mario 64 vs NiGHTS-- Mario is stark Red and Blue and Yellow, the jester. shades of Purples and blues and whites.
The western version of Saturn, in all black, definitely has that "edgy" look, but I'll be honest, I was an edgy 10 year old, I also loved Mortal Kombat.
But the japanese white Saturn was a bit weird with all these pink, yellow, green colors, it looks like a birthday cake.
And yeah the bios was awesome, I loved the spaceship music player visuals, better than the ones on PS1.
As for Nights, nah sorry but it's kiddy. The "fairly tale" thing you're talking about can also be said for games like Zelda, but they're still targeted at kids, or "Everyone".
DID YOU KNOW the "N" logo actually has 64 sides?
I get what you mean but I still think both are aimed at kids. SM64 also has darker places like the ghost house or the pyramid, and Nights' first level is full-on bright rainbow colors with happy creatures signing and whistling about.
>tfw my parents would only get me an N64 because they thought I'd break Playstation/Saturn games due to not being carts
How old were you? I was 10 at the time so using CDs wasn't new or dangerous.
I got my first music CD in 1991 I think, it was Simpsons Sing the Blues.
Anyway, the fact your parents decided to spend some extra money to avoid any problems with you breaking the games isn't all that bad. My parents bought me a PS1 first because the games were cheaper (piracy, but still even without piracy PS1 games were cheaper).
I had to use my own money to buy a N64 later.
I was 6 when the N64 came out.
>likes trash like Yakuza
>calls other's taste shit
Okay, take a Grimm's tale or a story from the Russian Garland or something and compare it to say, Barnie's Sing Along Book or something like that.
There's kiddie and there's KIDDIE, you know?
There's a charming sinister class to Grimm's that Elmo will never be able to capture.

But everyone has opinions, you can sure have your own.
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>Yakuzafags even have shit taste in reaction images
Makes sense.
>being this much of a tryhard contrarian

Kill you're self, pham.
Okami was overrated as fuck.
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but who did 3D the best?
>muh buzzwords
what about the Amiga cd32, Panasonic 3d0 and Atari Jaguar/CD? Do those count as 5th gen systems?
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>There's kiddie and there's KIDDIE, you know?

But yeah I sort of get what you're trying to say. However, I don't think Mario compares to something like, say Elmo, or Teletubbies. In fact, SMB1 has this very industrial/barren look to it. Mario is more akin to characters like Popeye (which was likely the main inspiration, we know the story).
As for fairy tale-like that might be for kids but also hold some nuances that will be appealing to adults too, there's Zelda.
I think all games can be for all ages except maybe for edutainment games. But even some edutainment games can be entertaining, like Carmen San Diego, but some others will always remain as a sweet childhood experience, but I don't think an adult could really enjoy, like "Learning the ABC with Mickey" or whatever. Even Mario had edutainment games on PC, published by Interplay.
I'm talking specifically about N64 Mario.
I'm a massive fan of SMB in general.
I beat smb1 in like 1988 when I was six. Awesome, hard game. Has inertia, you can tell who a bitch when they say "mario games have shitty slippery physics". It's called inertia, it's Newtonian.
N64 by a margin.
why are the saturn triangles not squares? that would really make me kek
Mario 64 has some really creepy stuff, though.
I mean, listen to this
It's still kiddy, but I feel it has that ambivalent feel of happy-go-lucky yet creepy, or dangerous. It's not a Barney or Teletubbies game for sure. Levels like Hazy Maze Cave or Dire Dire Docks have that sort of industrial look from SMB1 too.
Then there's Wet Dry World with that weird skybox that looks like some middle-east city. In a way SM64 is a lot more experimental and eclectic with its visual design than any other Mario game.
look a little closer
Compare Yoshi Story with Astal, if you will, as a supplement to my Barney vs Grimms analogy
God Hand is still the best 3D belt scroller to be desu
It's clunky as hell, but 5th gen had a lot of interesting ideas that came about during the era of experimenting with 3D game design that sadly didn't survive into the following gens with the refinement that could have made them truly great. Probably one of the the least homogeneous generations of video games.
The last paradigm shift of this magnitude was Atari 2600 to NES.
Just a whole new world of possibility from an extremely modest leap forward in technical power. NES level hardware could create a little world, as opposed to the single screen arcade port stuff that was the bulk of Atari.
Now, that again is not to say NES was BETTER in any meaningful sense. Frog Bog is a fucking good game, as is Galaga, Ms Pac Man and Mappy.
There was simply a LOT of experimental shit going on with that huge NES and competitor libraries. Which is why many of them are unplayable: so many are deeply experimental.
Terms like "clunky", "slow", and "intuitive" are terms used by nugamers. For lack of a better word and easy generalization.
He's right, though.
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Astal is pretty cool, it has a very dreamy atmosphere and somewhat dark, too. Astal himself has 'tude, too.
Then again, I could compare Yoshi's Story with Bug, and in that case I think Yoshi's Story has more detailed and interesting world design than that of Bug. But yeah Yoshi's Story is probably one of the most actual kiddy games Nintendo ever did, I mean, the Yoshi on that game aren't even adult Yoshi, they're specifically called baby Yoshi.
And yet, it still has some eerie moments here and there, it's not completely "all is happy and wonderful" at all times.
If you want an actual Barney game, look no further, there's a Barney game on Mega Drive. it's what you expect it to be.
Even Barney can get uncanny valley.
Personally, I was in my mid teens when Teletubbies came to the US, I found that shit repellantly sinister in it's aesthetic.

As a personal feel, Grover and Snuffy are the only truly friendly muppets as well. Big Bird, Elmo et c are all weird and sinister as hell.
One thing I will say is that most 3D was kiddie looking to my friends and I outside of stuff like RE and Tomb Raider, because early 3D strongly resembles Lego Men. FFVII is like that.
Hilarious that they have movie-quality cg in games today and make actual Lego Men games with it.
Ignoring nostalgia the Saturn has the most interesting library from a 2017 point of view.
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x having this color design means it's more kiddier than y!
Color psychology within and out of Marketing are a thing, anon, crack a fucking book now and then
Sorry but games aren't wine.
You're autistic.
>Color psychology within and out of Marketing are a thing
Ah yes, marketing. That one fickle element that leaves the most impressions on young teens and tweens. Who woulda thunk, anon?

>crack a fucking book now and then
I don't need a book to have the knowledge of judging a particular product's audience more by the actual content within rather than just by the color usage. Taking this into account, it's fine if you prefer NiGHTS' usage of color theory over Marrio 64's, but don't use just that aspect as a determination of tone when there are several others that must be taken into account as well.
Overrated is a concept for idiots and children. You not appreciating Okami doesn't make it overrated.
Why is "overrated" a concept for "children and idiots"?
Where are the proofs, Billy?
Gimme some examples of how Mario 64 is more mature in aesthetic to Nights Into Dreams.
n64 sucked dick then and still sucks dick, saturn and ps1 take ages to load but better games imo
i still play ps1 games to this day
They all suck dick dude, you're just biased.
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I never had a saturn, but i fucking love how this looks. It's a shame it never made it into a full game. Also, have you seen the Sonic Mania Special Stages?

> sonic xtreme
it's just a fucking filename
No argument, as expected from an Okamifag.
>the turbo manchild has spoken
Because contrarians are usually young and/or stupid.
5th gen in a nutshell: How Nintendo got fucked by Sony for betraying them and how Sega started to be irrelevant.

Hell, in the next gen, Dreamcast couldn't do many things because of PS2
That looks like garbage
All it would've taken was for Sega to not design an overly complex console or piss off its western branch and for Nintendo to wait so long to release a console or use carts instead of CDs, and we could've avoided this awful Sony hellhole we're in today.
If Nintendo wouldn't been greedy back there and Sega would stop with Sonic and focused on making better business, the PC-Engine would've been a rival nowadays.
Nice touch.

I never had a Saturn, but I own a PS1 and N64. The PS1 looks sharper, but has texture warping issues. The N64 has filtered, perspective-correct textures, but AA on a 320x240 screen? No thanks.

At least there was not as many shit games on N64.
A bunch of genres really shined with new hardware, particularly racing and FPS games. That being said, many games rushed to embrace the 3D marketing term, even if gameplay or visual quality suffered.

N64 would have really benefited from CDs, many games were scrapped due to storage limitations.

PS1 had the best variety of games thanks to being easy and cost-efficient to develop and release games for.

At least there was less of the FMV-based garbage released in comparison to earlier CD consoles.
N64 framerates always frustrated me, even back then. Back then I didn't really understand framerates so I couldn't put my finger on it.
"Overrated" implies that something that many people like isn't actually worth liking because the person using the word personally doesn't like it. Meaning they think their personal opinion is fundamentally more correct than everyone who disagrees with them. It's an inherently immature concept.

Underrated is the same thing from a different perspective.
>AA on a 320x240 screen? No thanks.
AA is actually more valuable on a low-res screen because you get fewer jaggies when you render at a higher resolution. Or are you talking about texture filtering?

I get the feeling you might be a youngposter who associates AA with screen postprocessing like FXAA instead of edge samplers like MSAA.
>but AA on a 320x240 screen? No thanks.
How smaller would you like the resolution to be?
I think they do.
Saturn and PS1 equally superior to the N64.
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