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Ok so I come back to /vr/ after several months and now everyone

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Ok so I come back to /vr/ after several months and now everyone is rude and meemin' it up.

What happened to my vr troopers ;--;
/v/ermins invaded
The old userbase got sick of replying to the same old threads and moved on. I suggest you do the same.
/v/ has ruined /g/, /vr/, and is ruining /a/. What board will /v/ ruin next? Is any board safe?
/b/, but it's already offal.
>Is any board safe?

/mu/ is too shitty even for /v/.
This place is starting to feel like /g/ and I hate it
I just stopped browsing /g/ for being so divisive.
>which type of linux do you use
>desktop thread
>os x is terrible
fuck off back to reddit
Some of us are still here, but yeah, we pretty much got invaded by /v/ and this is the result.

I'm really thinking that the only place to talk about videogames decently is IRC at this point, 4chan as a whole is garbage since 5 or so years, not even /vr/ survived.
Kids, too many kids send here from YouTube and /v/.
I still like /g/ for /dpt/. The constant "what Linux you use" should be forced into /flt/. The shit like windows/muh gaymes/vidya needs to be be forced onto /v/ and other generals like the desktop threads needs to be forced onto different boards. Actual technology does get talked about now and again, but most care more about iphones and other consumer shit to post real technology.
I blame the weeabo degenerates who keep spamming the board with unwanted waifu discussion.
you might want to filter threads and posts by keyword
Fix it. Just disregard the bad posters, and make the best post you possibly can. Lead by example. Don't give them the satisfaction of letting them see you phased
You know, I was just about to say something along those lines.

Playing the blame game gets us nowhere. Just talk about old video games and hope for the best.
Actually, that was it. I said it anyway.

/v/ killed it.


i agree. ignore shitposts and keep making good posts.

This is not just good policy, this is also a rule.

>The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments.

We are encouraged by this site to do exactly that.
Everyone on /vr/ seemed to have became much more hostile /v/ posters aside. It's unfortunate, but there are still good discussion to be had. The biggest problem is that people fall for bait posts, and when they respond they do so needlessly hostile which in turn causes more rude responses. The best you can do is just not feed into it and do your own thing and reply like normal. Because contrary to what people on this board seem to be doing, bitching and kicking is not going to make this board any better in the long run.
Guys don't worry. I'm new and a great poster. Let's make /vr/ g8 ok?
All good things come to an end.

Is that from Bob&George?
was never good, don't fool yourself.

Also like OP I'm posting here for the first time in about 8 months (since I'm snowed in and playing games) and yeah... there's a lot of shit thread ideas repeated just to get reactions. That kinda suits /v/ since it's a fast board and posting with bait ensures your thread will get attention before it dissapears- but here bait posts aren't necessary like that.
guys how old does this faggot have to be to reference bob and george again?
>/v/ is ruining /a/
I love this meme.

The only thing that's ruining /a/ is anime. Manga discussions go fairly well with minimal amount shitposting, but whenever an anime adaptation comes along, it brings the worst crowd to the threads.
Retards like you kept making meta threads about shitposters giving them the attention they crave causing them to keep shitposting.
Everyone accused the mods of being Nazis for deleting too many threads, now they've fucked off and left us to rot.

But meta threads like yours aren't helping.
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mods deleted my thread earlier just fine (probably justified). They're active, and you can rely on them. So the best course of action is really to report and hide, if something is off-topic; that includes meta threads. The board quality is entirely in our hands.
>now they've fucked off and left us to rot.

I wish that was the case. Instead they just keep deleting on topic threads if an opinion they dislike pops up while leaving tons of threads about GBA games and whining about six gen not being allowed stay up for weeks. At the very least they could update the sticky or something to let us know if what can and can not be discussed has changed instead of just turning a blind eye without any real confirmation for over a year.
Maybe some of you have gotten too senile to remember it correctly, but /vr/ was never the utopian hugbox you seem to think it was. Nothing has fundamentally changed.
>Everyone accused the mods of being Nazis for deleting too many threads, now they've fucked off and left us to rot.
No, that was the DC kids. They refused to abide by the rules, and shitposted endlessly until they got a special snowflake exemption to the rules. Then the mod/janitor we had said "fuck it" and left. Thanks DC kids.

>I wish that was the case. Instead they just keep deleting on topic threads if an opinion they dislike pops up while leaving tons of threads about GBA games and whining about six gen not being allowed stay up for weeks.
This is a big problem. I was amazed at how quickly the mod/janitor deleted some minor drama in the Resident Evil Directors Cut thread, while ignoring the PS2 thread.

>but /vr/ was never the utopian hugbox you seem to think it was. Nothing has fundamentally changed.
The moderation has. When we started this board had a great mod team, and the users would report/hide shitposts, and while there was stupid CRT drama and emuVScollect drama, very few people cared. Most people were just happy to have a board where they could talk about old games without being overrun with memes and ironic shitposting.

Still this meta thread has no place here, go here to talk about /vr/'s state, or to get a mod to listen:
It's not just /vr/, every board on 4chan has gone to shit or is in the process of going to shit due to a massive influx of clueless normalfags, children and other undesirables who post too much and lurk too little. You're browsing an imageboard that jumped the shark years ago, so you can either leave or learn to deal with it.

Sage for meta.
At least your thread has something that has to do with the boards rules. Comparing games within the rule set and comparing them to the remakes and possibly see if they kept true to their roots, added more things for the player, or streamlined the game in certain ways is a much more fitting threads for here than something that is a blatant violation or rules and has been reported like this thread: >>2929565

Five days and they do nothing about it but trounce on your thread like nothing even though it does at least try to appeal to the topic of the board in one way or another.
I was a bit unsure. To me it was strongly /vr/ related, because it was mostly focusing on the old games, talking about the way the developer and the playerbase changed. However on the surface it does involve a lot of games that aren't /vr/ per rules, and someone would definitely pick up on that. I still think it's a good topic, and maybe I'll try again another time. At the same time I do understand why it was deleted, even if I personally don't agree with it.

You're right about the PS2 thread. That's clearly bait, if not outright shitposting, and oddly alive. Maybe some mods care more about page impressions than subjects? Would be quite sad though.
The constant shitflinging and memes regarding LCD vs CRT, real hardware vs. emulation, real cart vs flashcart, etc. has really worn me out. Nobody gives a shit how you decide to play your 20 year old video games, and you shouldn't expect anyone else to give a shit when you yell at them for not playing their 20 year old video games the TRUE CORRECT AUTHENTIC way.
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Ok so if mods do whatever they want, what will anyone do about it? This is their place, they'll do what they want. They don't have to do anything to please anyone and they can do whatever the hell they want, wrong or not.

This ain't your rodeo, cowboys.
Reminds me of audiophiles
>/g/ for /dpt/
Lainchan is better for programming threads.

/g/ is 95% consumerist spam and recycled shitty memes.
they're called audiophools for a reason
I could see your point if 6th gen wasn't retro, but it is. The REE NOT RETRO kiddies are shitting up this board harder than anyone else.
>good to begin with>>2940240
/mu/ is the worst : (
where's the video games
Certainly not on this board. Or on /v/. And /vg/ is just esports. I have no idea. Reddit I guess.
Hello, how can I get into /vr/-related IRC? Or are there other places where I can access this sort of passive/anonymous/forum-like discussion?

This board was my last haven on 4chan but it is being degraded very rapidly by posters who "meme" and their drive to introduce more modern content is offputting BUT I am not interested in circle-jerking popularity contests with "upvotes" like you see on reddit or tumblr.

I also like pre-2000's music, movies and anime. Is there a "retrochan" out there?
#/vr/_netplay is pretty chill.

ITT: everyone suddenly becomes the good boys and pretend they're not the reason /vr/ has become shit
I think what is the number one reason it's getting bad is that general "chan culture" of being a smug prick has caught on here. I don't think there is a solution for this.
/vr/'s always been arrogant, though. We're a bunch of jaded old fucks that are upset about the way videogames have become and prefer to retreat to our retro safe zone where we can relive the past.
But that's chat for netplay, no?
This here. The reason the board has gone downhill is because the mod team changed. Before we had some mods/janitors who would check reports, and check out the reported posts to see if they should be dealt with or not. Not the current team seems to ignore reports unless they get 20 or so, then they'll delete whatever was reported even if it is allowed under the rules cause reading is work.

Go check archives of /vr/ in the beginning, and tell me the biggest difference you see. I see the difference in moderation, plus a recent influx of 6th gen kids.
>retro safe zone

That's why I encourage people on this board to both play modern games that meet their quality standards and also consider designing and making their own games, if they have the desire to do so.

Gaming is just what people make of it.
AVGN autist manchildren are killing /vr/ with their ignorant opinions about NTSC being better than pal memes. Fucking ameriniggers.
I've been off /vr/ for a good 18 months or a 2 years and the biggest difference I see is just how MEAN the average /vr/other has gotten. Oh and the fact that the moderation team is clearly tolerating 6th gen. conversation shitting this place up.

I know they will deny this for all of eternity but the offenders are children (16-22 year olds) and hipsters. I know that phrase is old, tired and worn out... almost a meme but it's a fact.

Us older posters (30+) just don't have the patience to deal with these people and just end up quitting. Their fragile egos and frankly very feminine minds get on my last nerve.
[this message was read at 83% speed]
I admit to having snapped at people on this board when they snap at me, but I want to get better about that. /vr/ has typically been a good blend of 4chan culture and constructive discussion, and I want to help keep it that way.

I'm going to try not to say anything to anyone on this board that I wouldn't say in real life, maybe that will help.
>implying NTSC is worse than PAL
Higher refresh rate > slightly more colors

>implying people like AVGN anymore after he became a c.uck
I sniggered.

If you find shitposting on /vr/ "great" then you're an amateur who fears the mods, lol.

/vr/ is slow, not fun to shitpost, and most people here are way too old to get our dank memes.

Best boards to shitpost are still /v/ and /tv/
>totally not mad about 'MUH BOARD QUALITY' at all


Guarantee you that's not serious, and he's trying to make a point about the lack of moderation on /vr/. He's the fucking modern day Swift.
That guy is right, only a retard would spam a slow board

meta threads like this are as cancerous as e-celeb threads

kill yourself faggot
Almost every board is using /v/ or Reddit as a scapegoat for shitposting. They are almost always wrong. /v/ is trashy and stupid but not as elitist. Reddit is elitist but not usually mean in the same way 4chan is. What did go wrong was the elitist faggots everywhere, also the unclear rules, people arguing over what is/isn't allowed on /vr/, people trying to promote eBay sales, arguing and circle jerking over TVs/monitors, calling every controversial thread bait, and so on.

Same shit on /g/, people arguing Windows is not tech, desktop threads are pure cancer, dumb faggots shilling used thinkpads on ebay, people shilling for Intel, AMD, basically every kind of shilling you can imagine. Even /k/ is overrun with shills trying to advertise gun oil, folding knives, overprices pistols, "tactical" accessories, you can go on and on.

/tv/ is the canonical example of a topic-oriented board that is FAR, FAR worse than /v/. When there are pedo bait and interracial porn threads being posted every night, you know there is a problem. The memes are totally retarded. Also, /pol/ is the worst board for invading others. They have invaded /k/ for example and do so on a daily basis. Do you really think /v/ could actually make /pol/ any worse?
>not fun to shitpost

You kidding me man? This place is a shitposter's paradise due to everyone's fear of /vr/ turning into /v/. All you gotta do is say something like "kek" and suddenly half the thread is having a meltdown.
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