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Angry Video Game Nerd..serious discussion thread. What is going

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Thread replies: 151
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Angry Video Game Nerd..serious discussion thread. What is going on with AVGN lately? Is it just me or are his sidekick friends Bootsy and Mike putting out most of the game reviews lately?
He probably is spending more time with his young child, he worked his ass off on the movie as well as episodes for years and having a kid is a full time job as it is.
and hidden.
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Friendly reminder.
>posts an image from /v/
>calls anything cancer

As someone who loves James's videos and thinks he's a great guy, I can't stand these threads, so I'm hiding this.

It would be pretty cool to actually talk about his show, but that can't happen because "epic memes"
>No Joe or Dave
Feels good man.

the game sack poster on /vr/ is starting to make me hate any game sack reference I see on the board.
>I'm hiding this
>btw guys I'm hiding this
>did I mention I'm hiding this

Just fucking hide it then. Why you feel the need to announce it is beyond me You're no better than a child threatening to run away for attention.

>I'm gonna do it!
>I'm REALLY gonna do it!
Game Sack are your gods now, anon.

Accept it.
This desu

I dunno man.

I used to enjoy his stuff years ago. I still marathon the older stuff. It stopped being funny to me in 2010.
Seems to me like he cared more about his movie, which was a mistake and just never seemed to truly bounce back from it.
Chances are, he'll hand it all over to Mike and Bootsy eventually.

Might as well just let it go, man.

AVGN is all washed up. No need to beat a dead horse. Frankly, there's no real reason to make these kinds of threads about him either.
Daily reminder that Jeff Gerstmann gives less fucks than anyone in human history about what /v/ or any other retards think.
Oh good. Based Mark isn't on there.
Probably spending time with his kid.
I'm gonna be honest, James & Mike Plays is more entertaining than most of his AVGN stuff these days, even if they sometimes act like complete chucklefucks about some games.

>keep /v/ free...
How about we keep /vr/ free from /v/ermin refuse such as you?

Nobody has to like e-celebs, but what you can do is do as the guy above you, hide the thread and move on with your life.

>the 13 year old made a glopping sound as two years worth of quck memes flowed endlessly into his posting prompt.
Of course he wouldn't be, since he's retired now.

He's technically still making videos, just not full time.

If that is so, then I will wear a fedora and become an atheist.
I always liked how James was aware his own schtick was running out. I also respect him for actually getting the movie made, despite me not liking it at all.

I do hope he tapers off from the AVGN image and does some more out of character stuff. I always expected things to slow down due to the kid and everything.

But I can't for one second agree that Mike should have the torch passed to him. Mike is such a black hole, sucking up the wit and charisma of everyone around him and constantly spouting rudimentary "trivia" about anything he ever plays. I can't stand him.

Bootsy though, he's pretty cool to watch.
I know asking this will go unnoticed in midst of arguing about how cancerous e-celebs threads are or posting le epic cuck meme over and over again but here is something want to have discussion about:

How much did the AVGN becoming a thing in 2006 contribute to the retro gaming craze? Did it basically start it by making people to young to have played NES as a kid interested in them or at least to what AVGN has to say about them?
In my experience I think he just taught a few lesser known titles to a few normies is all. Anyone I talked to who was a fan of AVGN didn't seem to exhibit any new knowledge or interest in retro games at all, really.
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Largely started everything retro game related on youtube.

Problem: James wanted to make movies.

Movie came out and sucked.


Consider the following, back in 2006, people who were around 20 at the time actually grew up with NES and other games and consoles from the time.
I think AVGN's goal wasn't to "make fun of old games for kids to laugh at", but rather make videos for people his own age and laugh at shovelware they actually knew and remembered.
Sure, kids and early teens also watched AVGN and liked it because of the swearing, but notice that AVGN never really makes emphasis on games being old and that's why they're shitty, in fact James said a lot of times that he haven't even played many games past the 4th gen, PS1 and N64 are kinda unknown territory for him, and 6th gen onwards is alien.

So, I think his goal was to just make some funny that people his own age could relate to and laugh. The whole phenomena surrounding AVGN and how he became the god father of internet video game reviewers was something that he probably didn't expect and just happened.
I grew up with 3rd, 4th and 5th gen games, and I kept playing and discovering things (still do), I was already into that shit before YouTube existed, I also mostly emulate or get ports, because I can seriously not be bothered spending all that money on old games, then be bothered hooking that shit up to a new TV or get an old noisy fat CRT screen that takes up huge amounts of room.

I played Batman as a kid, playing it on a laptop with an emulator and gamepad is pretty much the same, except picture quality is way better.
Love his old stuff (pre-2010) although even then there were some terrible episodes, after that - mostly tons of super cringe.
James isn't particularly talented or exceptional at what he does, he just got there first. His Cheetahman 2 advocation was a really amazing misjudgement, he later washed his hands of it but advocating even for a second paying $60 on something like that shows a lack of understanding of retro gaming itself.
Best episodes are when James is being incredibly informative.

Gonna have to disagree here. People his age at the time wouldn't find swearing for the sake swearing all that funny anymore. And as a review or informational show it was god awful.
>incredibly informative
>he just spouts uninformed biased opinion
AVGN contributed to retro games misinfo with his anti Sega CD propaganda purporting that it was a commercial failure with no real games.

At least he did his part in keeping Sega's prices down a bit on the retro market.
See, that's interesting because I had assumed it actually was a flop, in what way was it successful?
I'm around James' age and I fucking loved his reviews when I found them in 2006 for 2 reasons:

1.) Back in 2006 people barely talked about anything predating Playstation and Nintendo 64 so it was refreshing to see someone actually talk about games I grew up with instead of the Wii vs XBAWKS 360 vs PS3 console wars that overshadowed everything back then.
2.) While swearing and toilet humor itself isn't something I was particularly fond off, the "angry review" thing Angry Nintendo Nerd did was also something that people didn't really do back then so it too was new and refreshing at the time.
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>Game Sack are your gods now, anon.

I don't hate them or anything but they're really rather boring. I mean they're last video had them talking about the orange box.

There really needs to be a written rule somewhere that you're not allowed to cover shit everyone already knows about.

They don't even say anything.
Sega CD was a commercial failure. Sega themselves stopped development for it within a year.
Say what will about AVGN but at least his content is 100% related unlike GameSack's that also covers non /vr/ games in their videos.
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It's great that they do different type of video's, but Mike should yell less, he screams like a bitch.

And Bootsy needs to update his wardrobe. He looks like pic related.
AVGN's better episodes are the ones where James actually has recollection of playing or being popular as opposed to your average formulaic shitty game of the half year. Tiger Electronics is a good relatively recent one, Atari sports to a lesser extent.
wrong board, jackass
> They don't even say anything

Literally every YouTube video ever made
Funnily enough the best AVGN episodes are the ones he isn't that angry and actually is (for the most part) informative like his system reviews or the Swordquest episode.
No! Next thing you'll tell me is he all but gave up the nerd in favor of James and Mike Couch-day?
>AVGN contributed to retro games misinfo with his anti Sega CD propaganda purporting that it was a commercial failure with no real games.
But that's what it was.

While the CD had a much larger library and wasn't nearly as much of a commercial flop as the 32X, nor as much of a monumental waste of money, the CD was ultimately not much of a success, and a considerable amount of the library was garbage (ports of FMV games for PC typically).

The CD would probably have done way better if Sega hadn't insisted on marketing it as an FMV machine, something which it wasn't actually very good at.
There's a bunch of good titles for it, and it had nice potential, but Sega fucked up.

The 32X is the much bigger fuckup, and he even said this, but to say that the Sega CD was a failure is not really disinfo.
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>james rolfe
>finally realised his life's goal of making a feature length film
>it's a total piece of shit
>dead look in eyes
>kekhold to BBC loving SJW wife
>retarded baby
>video game collection destroyed
>forced to get a tattoo by a black man that was fucking his wife
>literal micropenis
>forced into a permanent chastity cage by one of her wife's black bull
>hemorrhaging money
>forced to play a character he hates to pay the medical bills for his spaz kid
>had to sell most of his classic games for a baby that probably isn't his
>has to rimjob her wife's nigger lovers while they fuck her
>sideburns inverselty proportional to the hair on his head
>getting fatter by the day
>blood pressure on the rise
>has to eat nigger cum out of her wife's pussy on a daily basis
>literally a ticking time bomb of fatness and depression
>still wearing t-shirts (even metal t-shirts) like a teenager
>fallen so far but still hasn't hit the absolute bottom
>also has no way to get back to the top

>mike matei
>aging like a fine wine
>getting more handsome every day
>thick full head of beautifully groomed hair
>hot girlfriends
>solely responsible for AVGN and James' paychecks for the last 10 years
>funnier than james
>smarter than james
>bigger penis than james
>his hot girlfriends are all faithful
>better at making films than james
>dresses nicely
>10" diamond hard thick penis
>can fuck for hours
>fucks like a machine
>more interesting opinions than james
>better at video games than jmes
>lets james come over to his awesome apartment because he's such a killer nice guy he won't leave this shell of a man in the dust
>nothing but good things ahead
>confident enough in himself to release embarrassing videos of himself and laugh it off because he's that alpha
>actually has talent in multiple areas (drawing, video editing, wed administration, etc.)
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>posting old pasta
>caring about bullshit e-celebrity dramas
Kill yourself.
/vr/ is the most civilized board with any activity
He's like the worst combination of Ed Wood and the Simpsons.

Like the Simpsons he really did pioneer the video game oriented videos market and was one of YouTube's early success stories. Just search for videos made in 2007/2008, the production value was much MUCH higher than most early vlog type "artists" of the time. His "big break" came when ScrewAttack and Game Trailers paid him to make videos. 2 videos a month.

Until he just got worn out and had to end the contracts, largely because he had grown to hate the character and already have done everything he wanted to do (critique games he hated in the past). He said the fan-written Deadly Towers episode was intended waaaaay back in 2007 to be his final episode, where the nerd was to die.

What eventually happened is videos came out once a month, and ever more half-assed. Eventually it slowed down to zero.

He had always wanted to make a feature length movie, the stuff he put out on Cinemassacre were complete duds.

He had to... very painfully decide to have to make his movie on the back of the AVGN character. Especially since his career as a wedding video editor was going nowhere.

He finally makes a movie and it completely bombs.

He still works with the character and can't even bear listening to the theme song because, well YouTube pays the bills... has to pay for the baby and his SJW wife.

To think, back in the day ScrewAttack and Game Trailers paid him a combined $1200 a video at two vids a month. That's what $30k a year? And he lived in an expensive city... that's like minimum wage... while Pewdiepie makes like $100 million a year.

He's just a failed director doing a schtick whose audience felt jumped the shark 2/3 of your career ago doing something he hates because he has little other choice. Just like Ed Wood was forced to do shitty softcore porn projects to pay the bills since his big passion projects all failed.
I have to say, I'm surprised he hasn't reviewed LSD: Dream Emulator yet. But then again, it's been done to death by other YouTubers so he wouldn't really have anything new to say about it. I imagine this is the same reason why the Nostalgia Critic will never review Troll 2 or Birdemic.
I didn't like the movie but I respect him for making it. From a technical standpoint it was pretty impressive. Well shot, well edited, everything was good except the script. James needs a writing partner who knows how to be subtle, because James sure as shit doesn't.
He could keep doing James and Mike Mondays and just be able to live off that. Those videos don't get the millions of views that AVGN does but at the rate they put them out it's definitely enough for him to not need a day job.
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Probably busy having a life. I'm gonna be honest and say that I actually like avgn and a few others. I understand and agree that what they do is bad for the market but oh well. Why stop liking something because someone tells you to.

>He had to... very painfully decide

You're literally typing this on a computer, why do you need the "..."
/vr/ is nothing but /v/ where we talk about retro games. Don't pretend anywhere on 4chan is civilized.
>Thread about a faggot that makes angry faces on youtube for a living.

W-were not like /vee/ guise! S-serious discussion!
>Literally every YouTube video ever made

well they say say even less than that.

Every video is

>Here is a game
>I played this game and did/did not like it

Meanwhile, Mike Matei comes up with the idea to do Let's Plays with James.

Mike gets together with James and they shoot a bunch of videos in a few days. Then Mike edits all the videos. Which aren't half bad, releasing them once a week and has kept their channel alive the past two-three years.

Most recently, Mike Matei and Bootsy started doing videos which are a breath of fresh air. The best thing I've seen on there in quite some time.

To emphasize the point? Not OP btw but i usually not mind the occasio nal ellipses in written text if it helps articulate a mood.
>James and Mike Mondays
Who the fuck watches this and why? Even the shittiest AVGN episodes are better than this shit and I'd much rather see the time used to film these used to make new Board James or Bullshit man episodes.

Mike and Bootsy have much better chemistry together. James and Douge on the other hand, are straight cringe.
>Who the fuck watches this and why?

I watch so I can fap to Mike.
Why is Mike so handsome? He is a cherub and my husbando.
It's true, James and Doug are beyond cringeworthy but I think that's more Doug than James. Mike and James are more watchable, but they're best when they have a third person. The James/Mike/Pat ones I thought were some of the best, and I don't even though I don't like the NES punk videos.
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Watch Mike & Bootsy. It's the best team up. Best chemistry and good gamers.
I do like Mike and Bootsy, all three of them together is good too. The ones with Kevin and Kyle haven't been bad either.
I like the latest avgn episodes because he keeps the le angry meme back .
please, big rigs episode was great.
Bootsy needs to stop dressing like he's 12 years old, and Mike needs to stop acting like he's 12 years old.
Doug is just an annoying fucking brat. He has an attention disorder or something and never shuts the fuck up and he can't let any jokes breath or not walk all over what someone else is saying or articulate anything in a way that makes one think, "couldn't have said it better myself" because anyone could articulate simple shit better than that fucking jackass.
Bootsy is chill as fuck. He's like the least autistic gamer you can find playing games on youtube period.
idk it's just fun to watch two bros hang out and game. Why listen to podcasts rather than just start your own conversations with other people or any other irreverent shit that we could do in place of stuff like that? It's just a way to kill time and escape from harsh reality every once in a while with people you who have created an intimacy in a certain platform where you can do just that.
>idk it's just fun to watch two bros hang out and game
It's not like there are over 9000 youtube channels doing the exact same thing, am I rite?
The pretty recent Seaman episode was a total return to form I think. If he can still pull off episodes like that then it shows he still cares.
Yeah and James and Mike happen to be the one out of those 9000 some people have chosen. What's your point?
>What's your point?
idk, I guess I'd rather see James, Mike and others do stuff that is unique to them instead of doing the exact same thing everyone else is doing?
>bigger penis than james
>10" diamond hard thick penis
>can fuck for hours
>fucks like a machine

You posted this with your pants down I assume?
I just cant stand Mike, he is a stupid asshole.

He jerked so hard the head nearly flew off in a geyser fountain of blood.
This is retro game discussion because... ?
Why does everyone bitch about AVGN but Game Center CX has a general thread? Isn't it basically the same shit?

It's not the same thing, GGCX is a more informative TV show, Arino gets to interview industry personalities directly, whereas AVGN is a youtube show.

But besides that, the main reason people bitch about AVGN isn't AVGN itself, but the memes and shitposting that surround it, see: >>2933098

Arino threads are just people discussing the actual episodes, talking about subs updates and what not.
GCCX is even worse
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>The second thing that has become apparent recently is the lack of diversity on Cinemassacre.

>In its beginnings it was James and only James, so diversity wasn’t an issue, but now as the site expands to include new shows like OverAnalyzers, Mike’s Glitches, guest actors on Board James or AVGN and fun little videos like the TMNT Pizza Party its all too clear that this site is a caucasion sausage fest. While I can’t help to add any ethnic diversity, I can bring a female perspective to things that I think all 10 of the female viewers will appreciate.

- April Rofle on cinemassacre 2012/01/06/mrs-nerd-speaks
Ahaha, is that for real? I remember her writing something for the website, but I literally got bored 2 paragraphs through when I realized she wrote in that condescending yet bubbly way some pretentious teenage girls use.

James just puts his friends in his videos, they're chilled out white guys who love the games they grew up with, fuck trying to change that to win SJW brownie points.
4chan won't let me link it but it's on 2012/01/06/mrs-nerd-speaks

once he started living with her it AVGN went downhill
>her face when she got pregnant with james because she thought he was going to be a hot hollywood director

>now she's stuck with him after sabotaging the movie and her life

sometimes things work out just fine
How did she sabotage the movie? Honest question. I know that apparently there was some weird issue with James kissing the female lead, so the ending was changed to her kissing the black guy and it was super uncomfortable to watch.
>e-celeb shit

I thought /vr/ was supposed to be a good board. Why is this allowed?

It has been like this for at least a year or two.
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Because talking about Mike's dick, James being cuck or James' wife being evil SJW are on-topic discussion about retro games dumbass.
Read the rant she posted on his website

>"Cinemassacre is a CAUCASION SAUSAGE FEST"

She forced him to write in a black and female character that has absolutely nothing to do with AVGN.
She definitely seems like a control freak, like when she got butthurt about some of the writing in the AVGN movie and made James change a lot of it

also I have a video of her in the background of one of AVGN's signings at some game store and she was sitting behind the counter just eyeballing everything he did, everyone was happy and she looked so annoyed with this stern look on her face
>I have a video of her in the background of one of AVGN's signings at some game store and she was sitting behind the counter just eyeballing everything he did

pls link it
I would love to see Kevin & James original script before April got co-producer. The character choices in the movie are questionable. Like why does AVGN have a black friend all of a sudden? Was Mike and Kyle originally going to be in the movie more? They were only on screen for a total of 5 seconds. So much weird shit like that, it makes no sense
All that stuff is retarded nonsense, what are you 10? There's nothing funny about it.

You can kinda see her on the right throughout the video
>he doesn't know what sarcasm is

Anyway I more than agree but as proven by the fact this thread is still up proves that /vr/'s moderation actually thinks this way and that /v/ and /tv/ memes are acceptable on this board.
She looks pretty cute there.
I'm jelly.
Better to just ignore.
>tfw you can't get cute nerd girls cause you aren't a YouTube celeb
Life is suffering
For some reason this pasta made me think the baby would be half black. Googled and totally not the case.
why is bootsy so cool?
He's not cool. He's just a mature adult and comes off like the coolest guy in the world next to turbo nerds Mike and james.
>and she looked so annoyed

Probably mad as hell that the patriarchy makes it easy for men to be famous, while she and all her female talents go unnoticed!
Memeing aside, she probably is kinda sad that the interviewer doesn't ask her anything.

Bootsy comes off as really creepy but not in too dangerous a way. He's like that uncle that's always trying to fuck you but backs off when you tell him no.
>He's like that uncle that's always trying to fuck you but backs off when you tell him no.

>That one time you were drunk and allowed him to enter your boy hole and he prematurely ejaculates
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Uncle Steve, noooo
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>People thinking all this isn't cancer.
Man this place has gone downhill.
4chan as a whole is hardly a step above 9gag these days.
>these days

Hello newfag redditor
This anon right here is a pretty good example.
women ruin everything
oh i guess i like him since he actually tries when he playes video games
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This thread has been brought to you by Cinemmascre entertainment industries. Congratulations on having participated in performing free, unpaid labor on our behalf. This survey and others like it are being continually analyzed and aggregated to determine public opinion and generate artificial hype about our products. That way, the top members of the company can continue to be rich while you all remain poor. Now kindly fuck off until next time.

For some reason I love the idea of Mike Matei going around to imageboards, posting anonymously about how great he is and (anonymously) defending himself against any criticism.
Reminder that based James denied an invitation to attend the digging of the New Mexico Atari landfill so he could be at his kid's birthday instead.
Don't forget he also does that to claim he has a big dick.
It's just old trashed Atari stock, he really isn't missing out.
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The problem with recent AVGN vids is the format. In the older videos, he did shit. Got up, moved around, had stuff going on around him.

Now? It's:

>AVGN talking
>game footage
>AVGN making exaggerated expression
>game footage
>another exaggerated expression
>"What were they thinking?"
>ad nauseum

AVGN videos are boring now. He's just a talking head interspersed with game footage. He looks bored and it affects the show. Honestly, it's time for him to retire it. "Mike and..." shows are so much more fun to watch.
Agree. Even his acting got worse. Looks like he's not even trying anymore.
He's got a very young child, he's probably too tired to do some of that shit. My brother had a kid recently, he's lost like 6kg and he's absolutely exhausted every time I see him.
He can't really retire it, they get 10 times more views than his JAMP videos.
We need a /yt/ containment board to deal with all these e-celebs.


We may still be able to save /vr/.
We need a /autism/ bored for people like you.
We may be able to say 4chan yet.
Just had to get that autism quip out so fast you couldn't spell check, eh?
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Has whining and bitching about things on /qa/ accomplished anything worthwhile yet?

Let's face it me, you or anyone else isn't able to save neither /v/ or /vr/ from shitposting that will eventually become acceptable as it becomes "board culture". I have already seen this happening on /v/ and /vr/ is currently going through this now.
Proposing boards has worked in the past. That's how /vr/ was born.

spell check fixes misspelled words, not misused homophones.
>that Spirit of Speed video

I'll watch anything pretty much on the channel, but watching videos like this make me feel like I just wasted time I could've spent doing literally anything else.

It's literally just James and Mike sitting down, putting the game in, playing it and making some general observations and that's it. Complete with random as fuck abrupt ending. I hate these ones.
Just want to add...

Bootsy. Didn't he sort of say he was starting a new series showing how to beat hard NES games? All I've seen is a 4 or so part battletoads thing that felt like it took a year to come out and now it's just like yeah... anything else?
>low quality footage
>looks like it's filmed in his moms bedroom
>talks with no inflection in his voice

It was doomed from the get go.
I like how relaxed he sounds... but he should sound relaxed when it takes months to get this shit out. Not like it was rushed. AT ALL.
He says he's working on Silver Surfer, now.

Hopefully he edits it a little for the ADD riddled Gen Z viewers.
Jeez, how boring.
We've already seen him beat this shit.

Just pick a new game you jew
I think he discovered editing long ass videos and then having to keep rewatching them wasn't very fun
I thought it was supposed to be TMNT 1?
How much did you pull from you butt asalieri?
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The fuck are you talking about?

Is that even English?
/v/ moves like lightning and has been shit for several years
/vr/ moves rather slow and has only been particularly shit for a year or so (and even then it's not like we're up to our neck, there's still lots of great threads and discussion).

All /vr/ needs is a janitor who gives half a fuck and is here once or twice a day to pour through the report cue to clean the place up.
Currently, we don't have a janitor who gives any fucks at all about doing his job.

I think that was basically just filler and a popular demand thing, it was the last LJN game, so that's why it was requested lot, but the video is short enough and they say "there's nothing to say about it, it's boring and nothing is interesting about it at all"
They probably did it to shut people up and because it took no effort.
I'd rather see them talk about some of the few good LJN games, that'd be interesting at least.

stop bumping shitty threads faggot

maybe he meant salieri as in the famous composer?
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He'd rather have, a big black bull...
Is Bootsy Mitt Romney in a clever disguise?
Mods won't delete it anyway, this thread was given a carte blanche to its existence.
>bull shitposting on /vr/
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There isn't much of a difference at this point.
>make an avgn thread
>its just shitposting every time
why? you fags dont even discuss avgn. I mean what is there to discuss?
It's a thread by shitposters for shitposters.
Thread posts: 151
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