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Where were you when /v/ went apeshit over Mario 64?

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Did this just happen today? I watched it in the old /vr/ thread 2 or 3 days ago.
Well /v/ is exploding with this now. That video has spawned a whole new range of dank memes.
back to >>>/v/ cancer meme
Threads are getting deleted all over the place now.
is that really a 25 minute video about pressing a? no meme autism.
It explains the science behind avoiding to press A for more than 0.5 times to get the star.
Keep this shit to /v/.
I was here. Obviously you were on /v/. Where you belong.
check the board before you post, there's already a thread on this that's been up for longer than it's been spreading on /v/
I was on /v/, ruining everyone's fun by pointing out the use of the term "parallel universe" is an inaccurate description since by it's nature alone, the glitch used has constants already in place, thus negating the term "parallel universe" as applicable.


God bless the mods.
Also, here's a fun fact, there's no such thing as half a press since the button press still registers, but the animation for it doesn't play.

His logic behind calling it a half a press is autistic, since the controller still logs it as a 1 button press. Programming in games is binary, results in gameplay aren't though, that's where he gets confused.
Ok, sorry.
Leave it to /r/vidya that is /v/ to run their shit jokes about an autistic video into the ground.

These are the same fags that killed Dark Souls.
I'm sure you got told there the same thing you will get here. Get the fuck out tripfag. Eat a sack full of dicks and get permaed.

Just had to tell you that before they nuke this thread.
Dark Souls was ruined from the start when it was made into a console game.
>Dark Souls was ruined when it was ported to the PC.

That's what I think is kind of funny about it. There is an insane amount of effort and work put into the whole process but it is fundamentally flawed by the simple fact that counting these presses as half presses doesn't make sense.
I lost interest in that series the moment I saw the controller button layout. Was obvious it was just another shit console game trying to shove a PC dominated genre onto consoles for $$$.

Demon's Souls is a spiritual successor to King's Field, which was never a PC game.

The game's control layout are a bit retarded, but it's more retarded when you see people playing Dark Souls (or any 3rd person perspective action game) with KB+M.
No you two are being autistic. And if you REALLY want to be autistic about it you can break it down beyond actual button press to code/programming to what it actually is. A switch.
If you want to talk about binary, then talk about the simplest form of it. An actual switch which is closed or open. It’s pretty simple. Can’t the amount time the switch is moved from open to closed.

Ignorance of hardware at its best right there.
You mean this?
>The game's control layout are a bit retarded, but it's more retarded when you see people playing Dark Souls (or any 3rd person perspective action game) with KB+M.

How young are you? Seriously.

27, why?
I don't think you play on PC much if ever.

Right, other than emulation I'm not big on PC, genres like RTS or FPS are not my thing.
I do love point and clicks like Monkey Island though.

RTS and FPS are games that are made to be played with KB+M, 3rd person action games (especially japanese games developed originally for consoles) are not. This isn't a problem though because you can play Dark Souls on PC with a pad, but there's still stubborn PC games that will insist on playing with KB+M, it baffles me.
Are you mentally ill or just faggot from reddit?
What does autism have to do with it? I was simply saying counting it as a half press doesn't make sense. The button is pressed which is one press. Starting levels with the button pressed and counting that as a half press doesn't make sense and is just a made up rule. I'd like to think that is what you were trying to say as well but writing only in incomplete sentences doesn't help.
>3rd person action games (especially japanese games developed originally for consoles) are not.
>developed originally for consoles
That's the problem. Console ports not PC games.

I enjoy good games. Sorry kiddo. And I'm pretty sure reddit loves that kind of try hard console trash.
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>Japanese ARPG
>PC dominated genre
The switch’s natural state is open. Makes sense to call it a half a press. Only half of the change has been completed. The switch being closed.

Please learn how switches work instead of commenting on my grammar. If switches just randomly started off as open or closed without one mattering no circuit could ever work that well or efficiently.
>he can't play 3rd-person games with a KB/M

Sucks to be you, m8.

I never said I can't.
Yet there's a difference between a switch and a button and whether something it's normally open/closed or pressed.
It's called a hold, games especially rhythm games have defined the difference between process of a complete press and a hold.
Half a press is factually wrong and just straight fucking stupid so much so this dumb ass needed to make a a video explaining it when he could have just said "I hold the fucking button"
>Makes sense to call it a half a press.
That is where you're wrong.

I am well aware of how switches work. And in the context of this video game, pressing and holding the button accomplishes the same thing as pressing and releasing it, so one action isn't "half" of the other action. It is one press.

This guy gets it.
>Yet there's a difference between a switch and a button and whether something it's normally open/closed or pressed.
A button is a switch. You’ve never seen a circuit diagram have you?

Rest is you rabbling about some subjective garbage and gamer lingo.

Again learn how a switch works
>And in the context of this video game I'm talking about the switch.
I’m talking about switches not a program.
>I am well aware of how switches work.
Apparently not.
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The worst part is that it's not going to go away. It'll be like baneposting. We're stuck with it forever.
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>Japanese ARPG
Alright well I did the best I could to explain it, I guess it is just a difference of opinion at this point.
Mechanical operation of a switch is not opinion.

Maybe if what they were measuring were Jumps. Then you'd have an argument. But they're measuring key presses. Aka switch on/off cycles.
/v/ is always going apeshit. What else is new?
It was interesting but there was no need to force it down everyone's throat.
I have a button that traps idiots like you. I ask you to demonstrate how a half press is the same as a full press, and then you are stuck to it until you die. Obviously button presses are made of two parts.
SM64 - Watch for Rolling Rocks - 0x A Presses, 1x A Release (Commentated)
>he pretends dark souls would be in any way playable with a keyboard+mouse just to perpetuate mustard race meemees
just get a 360 controller like a non-sperglord and actually enjoy yourself
The video was quite delightful to watch. The planning was meticulous, the solution ingenious, the explanations clear and kind...
Then I've made the mistake of reading the comments, where all the intellectual bottom-feeders kept repeating the word "autism" to fool themselves into believing that intelligence is a bad thing. Such an effort just to avoid paying respect...
Personally, I'm in awe. I'm glad there are still people like this in our world.
It started here.
why do you guys hate this video so much? its p intredasting even if it is autistic
Another underageb& or someone that never touched a gaming PC.
>he doesn't know you can use a 360 controller on pc without drivers even
>he's still pretending keyboard+mouse has any benefit over a controller for dark souls outside of mustard meemees
We don't hate vidya, we hate shitty memes that are being spammed to death.
>going on /v/ at all
and i mean its a given something like this is going to get atl kind of popular.
You're the only faggot talking about switches, we're talking about pressing the A button. Dude starts the level with the a button pressed, therefor 1 press.

You're just being a pretentious cock gobbler
Nice greentext, champ. I sure did guess the underageb& right offer the bat.
someone's mad his mommy won't get him a controller. just wait til your autism bucks come at the end of the month
Controllers stay connected to the console
nice autism, champ. i sure did guess your powerlevel right off the bat

enjoy playing dark souls the objectively wrong way lmao
And complete ignorance to what a switch is. No surprise there. Stick to /v/, slugger.
"Press" is also slang for "press and release", so some stupid people are confused. OP video means only "press", not the slang meaning.
>using a game pad on pc

Fucking casual filth.
I don't really play modern consoleshit or console ports so I don't think it'll be a problem.
>hurry durrr if I say switch 1000 times in this thread I can feel like I'm smart

And yet you wonder why you're a pretentious faggot.
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it's objectively better for anything that isn't a shooter, strategy/simulation, or some shitty moba nobody should be playing anyway. you're just deluding yourself with memes
Well I'm certainly not some teen on reddit 2.0 calling people faggot in the middle of the night.
If he's not talking about press and release then it most defiantly isn't a .5 press
Please kid. Just leave and don't come back.
there's no rational behind it. it's a meme.
Keep telling yourself that. I'll just enjoy the satisfying clicks of being master race.
No it isnt
true that pressing and holding the button before the level starts and releasing it after still completes the cycle. press-hold-release. if you blip a light switch and the filament in an incandescent bulb doesn't energize completely, you have still cycled the switch.
enjoy your uncomfortable experience
hot argument spergie
>enjoy your uncomfortable experience
Been pretty fun for the past about 20 years now. Though last few years have been a bit meh.
i game on pc almost exclusively but i'm not going to act like keyboard+mouse is always the best control method because that's just a straight lie. it's better for games where you need the accuracy of a mouse or a lot of buttons with a keyboard but other than that controllers are usually more comfortable
Hear, hear, brotherman. Anti-intellectualism is a fad that desperately needs a mercy-killing.
I always prefer a kb and mouse. Only exception is for flying or racing games. Stuff along those lines.
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>mario 64 speedrunning is an intellectual pursuit
I wonder how many of these fellows are in awe at the game itself, considering the amount of intellect that was required to make the thing to begin with.
>builds up speed for 12 hours
Atleast Baneposting is fun like Sheevposting.

Who the fuck is Sheev?
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We need /vr/'s own baneposting.

Some peoplw like it because even though it's an obnoxious meme, it's vidya related unlike JUST, video game journalism or Anthony Burch
>butt hurt sonic fag detected
If the game were a couple hundred years older it would definitely be considered an intellectual pursuit.
>this tremendous amount of effort and research put into a video game from 1996 so a level can be beaten with 1 less half of an A press

This is beauty.
ask /tv/.
the fastest run collecting all stars is 1hr40. calling this autistic mess speedrunning is a misnomer. http://www.speedrun.com/sm64
I never called it speed running, because in no speed running session will one run in place for 12 hours. You're just mad because sonic isn't the fastest goy on the block anymore.

His logic is that he spreads the one full button press-and-release across TWO counting periods, and so it makes sense, for a person doing a challenge run, to count half of it in the one period and half in the other. Like how the normal number of children a family has might be something like 2.5 even though it's impossible for one actual family to have .5 of a child. An AVERAGE entity can include half of an indivisible entity. This is the sort of logic he's using. It's very ordinary and straightforward. He isn't confused. You are. And he isn't autistic about it; he's just doing an ordinary, practical thing.

Yes, of course it is. Speedrunning is usually partly an "athletic" activity (quotes because only your hands are moving in most cases), but it's almost always an intellectual one. At its core is a puzzle that can be solved through planning. What do we use to plan, if not our intellects?

It's not a fad. It's rooted in a more fundamental part of human life than intellectualism itself is. Read Lord of the Flies for a memorable illustration of this. (Also it's a good story.)
>I'm even the fag you're talking to
It's already been proven due to sprite size, length of stage and average run time per iteration that the plumber is faster. Pretending that Sonic is even about speed is stupid, it's about skill.
>Upper route, slightly harder to stay on but yields better results and is the faster of the 2
>Lower route when you fail to stay on the high road is more punishing and takes longer. Usually filled with death traps.

Sonic is about skill not speed.
>Pretending that Sonic is even about speed is stupid.

>there was a thread about this a week ago
>nice discussion, no memes or shitposting
>it was still up when this thread got posted
>for whatever reason the mods decided to let this thread stay and deleted the original thread
what the fuck
You prefer to call people autistic instead.
>>2928961 (You)
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>ITT: People that didn't actually read his description of what a half A press is.

The important part is at the end stating that if he gets 2 stars in a 120 star run it is only 1 press, but if you are going on a star by star basis it is 2 presses. The whole half press thing is really unnecessary and can be summed up with "I press and hold the button while collecting two stars so it is 1 press"
What about a fighting game like Street Fighter?
you're a boo guy.
Yeah, they should check things out before they rashly delete threads. I was wondering where it went.
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You're just like the guy who enrolls on a group theory course and complains how magmas are not molten rock.
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premium kek
No, just the beginning. The rest is about so much more...
What is this and how can I play it?
But you only jump when you first press the button, and there are games where you hold a button to charge, then releasing it causes the action to happen. Games can differentiate between press, hold, and release.
Can someone fill me in on this?
What exactly got turned into a meme?
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Colonthree pls
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Just face it. It can't be done.

What the hell is this? And why does Mario look wet and shiny?
The argument seems to be wether or not this is an isolated segment. Technically speaking, "henry" posters are correct, BUT are also at the same time wrong. It depends on how you're looking at this. Hopefully this post will get both sides to understand the thinking of the other side. But since this is /v/, I fully expect to be ignored, or misunderstood.

What's explained in the video:
If it's just a segment of a game-spanning run, one video of many, it's very easy to understand how it's half a press. The video segment in question is 'Watch for Rolling Rocks.' Before the level starts, and before the video starts, the A button is pressed once, and then held. The level is then entered and the video starts. Half of the button press took place outside of the level and outside the video. Later on in the level the A button is released, finishing the button press and creating the second "half a press," which, when added to the first half, fills out a solid one button press total. In the context of the level, there was only half of a press.
It is basically one long press being cut in half by level transitions, as a way of keeping track (on paper) of how many total presses are used (and where) throughout this specific route through the game.

This is what "henry" posters are trying to convey, which is actually also explained in the video:
If it's just an isolated run of that one particular star (runs of individual levels are done all the time without being part of a larger game-spanning run) then it's not .5 of a press, it's 1 press. The level starts with A being held, that's a press right there, because nothing that happened before the video starts should count.

Anon on /v/ claimed that he remade SM64 in Unreal Engine 4, but would only release it if the henryposting stopped on /v/ for a day.
I thought he got C&D'd
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Huh. This is from the version that was around just before the C&D.
Why would you comply instead of going anonymous though?
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So it's fucking nothing, just a bunch of ripped assets someone threw together in half an hour.
Where's the meme though?
The video's actually interesting to watch.
>His logic behind calling it a half a press is autistic, since the controller still logs it as a 1 button press.
No it doesn't. It logs it as A-PRESS and A-UNPRESS events. This is similar to how midi works.
I don't read /v/ so I didn't see this video. Fucking nuts. Thanks for posting.
Instead of talking about "half button presses" it would be better to talk about "button signal edges". This is clearer and avoids encouraging shitposting.
There are, though. The same thing applies to fighting games with negative edge. say Kens super in 3rd Strike, you do two quarter circle forwards and then press HK, let go of the button, MK, let go of the button, LK, let go of the button. if you do this off of cr. MK it gives you six chances to activate the super cancel from three button presses.

Is he autistic? Sure, probably. but it is half of the button press.
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guyz guyz

he's trying to make a distinction between a technique that reduces a full run's button count but not an individual star's button count. in this case the sum is less than the parts.

this is a valid distinction, even if the name is gay
The meme is parallel universes, anon.

I should not have had to explain this to you. Unfuck yourself.
If anyone has the drawing of the smug nerd saying "akchually" or however it's spelled in that drawing...That's the first thing that popped into my head listening to this faggot.
Scuttlebug jamboree
>did this just happen today?
>i seen it before

You even reading what you say yourself you fucking dickhead?
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An A press is an A press, no matter how small. Even if it feels like you pressed nothing at all.
He's talking about the /v/ shitstorm.

This is actually cool as fuck to me. The fact that people have dissected the game to this degree to accomplish absurd goals like this is neat.
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Post scuttlegirls.
That :3c moron can just fuck right off.

Are you still working on Catmouth Island?
I didn't watch the video because it's too long. Can someone post a tl;dr to summarize it using nice and neat meme arrows (>)?
Why is this thread still up?
I'm pretty fucking sure that's the only picture
he gets the star while holding A
This alot
Because nobody has responded to my post yet. Duh.
fuck that guy
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now i remember this also happened
I was the one who originally crossposted that video from here.

If it's one thing /v/ never fails to do it's shoving hentai where it need not be.

Who looks at the scuttlebug from Mario and says "Yeah! I wish that was a hot girl instead!"
Our sexually starved friends at /v/, that's who. It just screams of desperation.
It's not a binary value though, it's represented using (at least) two bits.

00 -> Not Pressed
01 -> Press
11 -> Hold
10 -> Release

Wowie, would you look at that.
if building up speed for 12 hours isn't speedrunning, I don't know what is.
Yeah nah. Congrats on failing binary though.
Are you having a bad day, Anon?
So are there any other retro games besides SM64 that you can gain unintended speed by exploiting buffer values?
N64 zelda games kinda
Suck a fucking dick.
Well, if I'm not wrong they use the same engine.
You're wrong
He's right, it's a modified SM64 engine.
Man, this might be the gayest post I've ever seen.
145 button presses.

Or 290 half presses.
They all use the SM64 engine, it's why they all share such odd physics while traveling backwards. GJ not putting a cap on backwards acceleration Nintendy. Wind Waker is even still running on a modified SM64 engine.

The Wind Waker part is false unless you have a source.
>GJ not putting a cap on backwards acceleration Nintendy
Oh, but no, Japanese developers are so much better than western devs because of superior nippon genetics. Yeah fuckin right.
Not him, but it's probably edited from the OoT engine, right? So, if OoT's engine was born from Mario 64's, Wind Waker's has a very distant connection to it.

It runs on its own engine.
You're so tsundere, you know that? :3c
I laughed at this!!!! wtf!!! I need to get off the internet for a while. I'm losing touch with reality.

I'd just ignore him. The little faggot repeats that claim every few weeks despite having zero proof that WW has any connection whatsoever to OOT.

As far as I know, SM64=>OOT=>MM. But the lineage ends there, which is not at all surprising considering how different the N64 is from the GCN. Coding in C/C++ can only buffer you from that platform-specific shit so far.
>expecting kids these days to know what midi is
And the first thing that popped into my head reading your post is "sociopath".

Careful swinging 'round those psychological terms there, Dr. Phil, we wouldn't want you to hurt yourself.
Don't fuckin push this on /v/. The internet loves making porn. Not /v/, not 4chan, reddit, tumblr, deviantart, the entire internet is is brought together by two things. Anime tiddies, and guys fucking each other.
Except Normies. They're brought together by Kate Upton and Chris Hemsworth. Also filmed porn.

But who gives a fuck about normies
/vr/ in charge of falling for viral marketing
I hate the fact this became meme status (although it does mean I can use the sort of inside jokedness of it incidentally with a lot of my friends now) because the guy is actually really knowledgeable about M64 and is exceedingly good at explaining things.

Yeah, but iirc shygirls and that sort of thing originated on /v/ so we can at least push those cancerous tumors on the internet on them.
not bad anon
Shut up TJ ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''Henry''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Yoshi
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p sure this moreso applies to the people throwing fits about the half-press just so they can feel like they intellectually one-upped this guy while simultaneously calling him autistic
I don't know who started this meme of using as many quotation marks as you possibly can without tripping the spam filter but it's starting to get really fucking annoying
the video in the op did
or rather, the tj """""''''henry""""'''' yoshi did it
Make sure to only half press the report button.
Didn't this guy make a bunch of other videos where he talked about how Mario 64 counts coins or something like that? As far as I remember it was much more autistic than this "half a-press" thing
yeah he makes a bunch of videos about sm64.

They're all pretty good, he knows a lot about the game and how it works. very informative.

>Presses left and right at the same time

This is bullshit. If you can't do it on original hardware, what's the fucking point?
You can, you just need to modify the d-pad

Do you literally not understand this?

Does a bunch of people really not understand this?

It's not about half pressing the button, it's a "half-press" because he actually never presses it during the level, he's just holding it down from before he even enters the level.

It's significant because if it was just a single press he could just use a jump somewhere. This is better than that, but not as good as never using the A button at all if you're trying to complete it in the fewest presses possible.
You absolutely can make it work on the original hardware. Not the stock controller, but the original hardware absolutely allows for you to press opposite cardinal directions.

That's not the original hardware then, you've modified it

Unless there is an official controller of some kind that allows for it it's horseshit in my eyes.
https://youtu.be/xOCurBYI_gY?t=10m48s I was there when Mario stomped an enemy from below.
People get really held up by naming conventions. It's just something they use so they can be on the same page since this is a community effort, the ABC run is not just one guy.

A similar phrase that people get hanged up on is Parallel Universes. However this is even more silly since it gets rounded down to 0 during the full run.
Let's do a mental exercise: Let's count how many A presses there are from t = 0s to t = 5s.
Let there be a "press A down" on t = -1s, and a "release A" on t = 6s.
From t=0 to t=5 we have "kept A pressed", an obvious action from the player. Therefore, there must be three distinct actions: press down, keep pressed, and release; making each one a thirdon an A press, and making the video a 0.66 press. If he were to never release A, it'd be a 0.33 press, which is still not a 0.5 press
"Keep pressed" is not a distinct action. You can completely model the button state using only edges (press/unpress), and because "press" is usually slang for "press and unpress", "half press" is the better name for "press xor unpress".
then what the hell is going on that differentiates, say, t=3 from t=8
The unpress at t=6. That's the part the player directly controls. The switch being open or closed is a consequence of the presses/unpresses, not the other way round.
Then, if the video had the press before starting the level, and assuming it never released the button, how many presses would it be?
It's just a naming convention that gets rounded up/down in the scheme of a single level or a long run.

In a full run the .5 press gets rounded down to 0. So if it states a level is done in 2.5 presses, in actuality it is done in 2. If he is referring to a singular level by itself it is rounded to 3, so for example his rolling rocks video is considered 1 in a vacuum but 0 in the full run.

The reason for this is because he pressed A earlier during the run and just never let go.
Imagine the entire run is the level and the room before. He pressed (and held) A to get into the level and continued to hold it to complete.

This run is done in 1 A-press, the one press being before the level. However it is disingenuous to state in a video that the specific level was beaten with 0 A-press because it's not true, however saying you pressed A during the level is also not true.
...now I /do/ get it

thanks anon
Okay, I've watched this a lot, and he explains it all really well, but there's still something I don't get.

When he builds up a ton of speed and hops universes, he always manages to stay walking in place 'pushing' against the wall like when he left, but doesn't lose any speed. I get he's still moving and he built up speed for so long it's gonna take a long time to go down, but how does he remain in such a position after jettisoning the hell out of his previous reality?
Dark Souls is considered one of, if not the, worst PC ports of the modern era. The game relies on patience as well as reflexes, and you are expected to have your thumb on the analog stick, two fingers on the shoulder buttons, and a thumb on the face buttons.

PC? Three fingers of your right hand are on the WASD, and you have your right hand on the mouse or on some other keys. Oh but what of heavy attacks and parries? Well that's a fourth finger hovering over another key. Want to walk? Stretch your pinky onto another modifier key. Need to switch your weapons, items, or spells in the middle of a fight? YOU POOR BASTARD!

Dark Souls is not designed for keyboard, it's designed for a controller. Got a non-360 controller? YOU POOR BASTARD! The ideal controller for Dark Souls is one that lets you define the buttons on a hardware level because there is no gamepad customization due to it being one of the worst PC ports in recent years.

If you're such a 1337 hardcore M&K Dark Souls player, then you will prove that by posting a screenshot of your character praising the sun in front of the last bonfire while wearing no pants, or a screenshot of your steam achievements.

You wont, because you're a memerrific liar who is trying to act tough to get into the PC-gaming club.

Signed; a guy who gets 260FPS on DMC4.
>of your right hand
Left hand.
Who even cares. Jesus fucking christ. If you watch this for more more than 30 seconds you become the autist.
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Not going to lie, this video is pretty comfy to watch. As cringeworthy and autistic as it is, its actually much better than most of the shit on youtube, I subscribed would watch more autistic vids like this
what the fuck did I just watch?
I don't understand you guys. If you're interested in this kind of stuff you would have found it when it was new, which was 2 years ago if not more, by yourself, without needing someone else to post it on 4chan. Now some guy posted it on /v/ and everyone made a funnymemexDDD out of it because the video didn't require you to read or to actually give it attention because it started with a funny joke xDDDD. That wasn't even the first time it was posted on /v/ or 4chan in general or anything, and almost no one ever cared. And I'm pretty sure most people would have reacted "heh, who cares!" if it didn't become popular.
>2 years ago
>jan 12, 2016
Most of these bugs were already known for years, he started to research them 2 years ago. He started to research parallel universes like six months ago if not more if I remember correctly. Nothing in that video is new, except maybe the route that was used.
You pretty much described the world of popularity and fads in a nutshell. A lot of popularity has to do with the right people saying the right things about your output at the right time and in the right places. Had that video been posted to /v (or wherever it took off) a week later, or wound up getting posted at a time where it was quickly pushed to page 3, no one would care. It isn't that surprising. Making a quality product is only a part of popularity. The rest is marketing, luck, and being aware of current trends.
Yeah, you're right.
>The rest is marketing, luck, and being aware of current trends
its Game Dev Tycoon all over again

I was wondering this myself; what's keeping him from flying off into space when he's landed?

Also that it's all laid out in one place.
That is, if you're talking about his channel and his documentation.
Isn't it because he's kicking in the air? Like, that being the whole purpose of keeping A pressed?
The purpose of holding A as he explains is to do the kicks to get the elevator working so he gets more height, because his super speed lets him travel laterally but not really vertically.

I'm guessing here (and, it's only a guess) that when you release the stick Mario's speed doesn't drop to 0, he decelerates. So even if you built up all that speed you don't lose it immediately unless you do something that cancels Mario's speed completely, like a ground pound. So he can still stand/push/kick and it decreases his speed fast, he just has too much for it to matter. But what I don't get is why it looks like he's pushing all the time - Maybe because it's the position he was in when he built up all the speed, and the game doesn't know what to do to change animations at that point because none of this behavior was really intended.

So, the moment a piece of hardware gets a micro-scratch, it's no longer "the original hardware" due to being modified?
I think there might be a difference between a micro-scratch and taking the controller apart/replacing it. If you go all Locke's Socks on the controller some people might find it questionable but it's not technically part of the hardware. It's still using a modification to do something outside of the intended design, though.
What about a Theseus' Ship scenario?
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>25 minutes
So tell me the exact threshold of time at which a press becomes a hold.
Probably the frame after the button is depressed enough to trigger it being pressed. Even not counting holding it through an entire course, pressing and holding it makes Mario jump higher in a single jump. The change would have to be pretty fast.
It's so hard being a philosophy nerd who believes in mereological nihilism and a game collector.

I'm extremely skeptical that composite objects actually exist (simples exist though). And yet I spend large sums of money collecting "genuine" composite objects. Go figure.
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>I'm extremely skeptical that composite objects actually exist
So are we done with this now?
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ayy, we getting a jamboree goin.
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I saw you there too friend. I was too busy laughing at the oc shit.
Speaking of oc shit i got tons want me to dump em?
Shut the fuck up.
>meme is dead
>thread on /vr/ is still alive

>because he actually never presses it during the level,

Which is stupid.

He pressed the button. The button is held during the level. This counts as a fucking press.
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Considering the amount of planing involved.
Go ahead.
I actually gotta agree with this guy, you should have all the limitations you would when the game shipped unless it's stated that you don't, and it says TAS in the title so it's implied your using an emulator anyway.

Gets a pass from me.
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Show us what you got.
Philosophy MA here. Get over your skittishness and just accept composite objects, brah. Makes life easier. Don't fall for those Continentalists' dirty tricks, either.
Are you, and everyone else who still decries the half A press, literally retarded? He explained it so clearly.
They probably didn't even watch the video.
>But what I don't get is why it looks like he's pushing all the time
It's because he's trying to walk. But because his speed is so great, any waking would instantly place him out of bounds. So the game acts like he's right up against the boundary despite actually being far from it. Thus trying to walk actually has the effect of keeping him in place.
Do you have ADHD or something? Or have trouble comprehending math?
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As long as you program it to be.
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If you completed a 1-press level followed by three 0.5-press levels, how many times would you need to press the A button in total?

A: 2.5
B: 4
C: 3
D: 2
E: 1

The answer is: E

Regardless of your or anyone else's complaints, 0.5 is simply the most useful number to describe this effect. Sure, some unique term like "one A hold" or something might be less ambiguous, but when you consider the fact that some levels might need 1.5 or 3.5 presses under the half-press terminology, it's advantageous to have a concise term that can be listed in a table alongside every other number. 0.5 fits the bill.

I have to wonder how many /v kiddies are getting introduced to Mario 64 for the very first time as a direct result of this epic for the win meme. We're in a time now where someone old enough to be on here without violating the rules is young enough to have started their early gaming years on a PS2.
True actually alot of people. One of the threads that got beleted on /v/ had some people talking about playing mario 64 for the first time and loving it. My casual friend never played mario 64 but he started playing because of this meme. I'm glad the meme not only helped out pannonkek channel but also helped people try out one of the best 3d mario games.
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Well I played it when it first came out but I started playing it again because of this. I'm no pannekoek but it reminds me of when games were fun at least.
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What the fuck am I watching
tfw no scuttlebug jamboree
Jesus christ this guy, he has far too much time on his hands
>pressing and holding the button accomplishes the same thing as pressing and releasing it
but that's not true at all. when you hold the A button you jump higher. When you just tap it it's a much smaller hop.
>OP is told to keep this cancer in /v/
>Everyone goes apeshit discussing half presses just like in /v/

Well, shit.
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It's almost 30 minutes long...
See >>2971180, you fucking retards.
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