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Thread replies: 177
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Will we ever get another Pokémon batch as good as this one?
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Nope, unfortunately never. And pic related is the sole reason.
3D was a mistake
considering how horrendous gen 7 was, probably not.

Although I liked a lot of unova's dex
Unfortunately and most probably not.
Um... we already have several times
It's really hard to recreate a specific source of nostalgia, so probably not.
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Maybe Kalos
I don't think it's possible to be as good.

Gen2 was, but it felt like a continuation of the 151.

Gen 3 on they started looking like they were from another franchise (Gen 4 pre and evos are fine tho).
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What did Gamefreak mean by this?
Remove elemental monkeys ernie and bert and genies of healthy meta and its a perfect pokedex
>Gen2 was
Im not a genwunner but can admit that the original 151 are stellar. gen 2 pokemon were dogshit
4 different Pokémon?

I don't see your point
>Not saying to remove vanillite

...Have I found another that really don't think it's that bad!?
Add tyranitar and aggron and that was one of my themed teams back in the days
I don't think so. The style and the feeling is pretty much the same as the first batch.
They're short in number and they contain lots of pre and evo of previous gen Pokémon, that makes Gen 2 feel like a Gen 1.5 (and it's a good thing)
I like it senpai
It looks like the primitive sprites for the games were made first, and artists were tasked with drawing designs based on what they thought they were seeing. Consequently, the end products ended up looking kind of same-y.
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You still need a boring design like this ?
Most of them look like design by 5 years old kid.
Especially Ditto, Diglett, Pinsir .
A sizable group of fans see it as an expansion of gen 1. I count gens 1 and 2 as one supergen, but not out loud.
Genwunners were a mistake
Vanilluxe is good af
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>It looks like the primitive sprites for the games were made first
true but that's not the reason they look samey, they look samey because they are all based on the basic kaiju shape of the bipedal dinossaur. pokemon was inspired by the old kaiju shows so it makes sense that a lot of designs pay tribute to them
It needs to be more asymmetric.
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my niggers, I don't understand why people get so mad about an Vanilluxe. It's a pile of snow on top of an icicle, which is a clever way of making an ice-cream cone but literally made out of ice. I wish Vanilluxe was double-scoop vertically, but it's still one of my favorites from the gen.
Its honestly one of the best designed pokemon I can think of
I just want a return to this art style.

>>33395604's artwork has more charm than than the normal pics, but I miss that old style of coloring and shading.
I like stuff from other gens too, you know. Gen1 has the best quantity/quality ratio IMO, along with gen 5 as I stated here>>33395609 and gen 3
Niggas that diss vanilluxe clearly cant grasp design and art
Youre a genwunner
>Mega-Medicham used high-kick!
it's rare I come across an opinion I agree with so completely.

What do you think about the other gens? Me, I think 2 is also up-there with the quality, but then there's a big powergap until gens 4, 6, and 7. There's a few in each that I love, but a lot that I don't.
no, it didn't. It didn't exist back then.
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This picture represents the absolute peak in terms of Pokémon design.

Prove me wrong.
think about your life choices that led you to this point
Gen 4 is redeemable, stuff like torterra, vespiqueen, porygon_z, weavile, toxicroak is great. Gen 6 and 7 are an embarassing kindergartener meets deviant art shitfest with few designs here and there that manage to be good (thinking of pangoro, noivern, few other stuff really)
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are you kidding me? how can people think this yu-gi-oh tier crap looks good? Don't get me wrong, there's some decent designs in you generations but this is literal garbage.
I agree. Gen 6 is quite ok.

The problem of Gen 7 (the final evolution of the starters are unredeemable tho) is the artist who drew the official artworks. They look boring, over saturated and too clean and flat.
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a challenger appears
>samefagging this hard for the precious gen wun
t. Butthurt 40 year old
Gen 7 starters are a huge letdown, I understand giving them a theme but they are basically humans in fursuit trying too hard to be le rpg class
from gen 6 I liked Talonflame, Gogoat, Honedge, Heliolisk, Aurorus, and Goomy. But that's pretty much it. A few of the Megas were good, like for Mawile and Banette, but they should've been just proper evolutions.
In gen 4
Yeah its called Gen 2,3,4,5,6,7
Are you for real?
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I'm 19
That makes it worse anon. Go back to preschool
Agreed. Regular evos for the likes of banette, mawile, sableye ecc is what they needed
I'm picturing Vaporeon saying "I'm 19" with that expression, and now I have a boner
you shittalking yugioh?
Vaporeon is a man
>tfw Megas died after gen 6
>tfw Z-moves will die after gen 7
>tfw each gen will have a new stupid gimmick that goes away immediately
on one hand I hate it, but I love that this shit isn't sticking around.

now that you mention, yveltal does look like something a preschooler would draw
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fuck sugimori for making scizor
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(You) are a retard
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lemme back you up senpai
but why would anyone take you seriously if you are shittalking yugioh?
Lol no.
Remove gen 7
Aww wuz wrong, truth hurt genwunntard?
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Lol, no. It's just that as OP said, it's impossible to have another perfect batch of Pokémon like the 1st generation one.

Are you butthurt because you weren't there during PokéMania so you don't really understand? Who did you choose when you first played Pokémon, I bed Emboar because of FIIIHHAARRR
But anon


All great designs
No actually ive been plaing since gen 1 but its easy to tell you are projecting, and to answer your question bulbasaur
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Opinion discarded

>great design.

What's your problem?
finally someone acknowledging my niggas Palossand and Bruxish
>good designs
The other are ok tho
Aww muffins, wanna heat a secret? Gen 1 had the laziest and most bottom barrel designs of any gen
So, if you've been playing since gen 1, this makes you AT LEAST 26.
That makes you a Genwunner too.
Kill yourself you fucking degenerate faggots. Genwunners are the single most pathetic creature that exists in this earth and we need to wipe you away with every force available. I bet every single one of you typed that comment with your rotten, disgusting teeth forming a grin and your greasy fingers typing up these words.

You probably all are 40 year olds, unemployed and still living with your fucking mothers. Your father is an alcoholic pensioner who wished you got aborted or that he had a daughter that wasn't obsessed with the most mentally challenged region of a video game.

Now I know what you're about to type up. "L-LOL BAIT!!!!!!!!! GEUNWUN1!!!!" no, you fucking faggot. You disgust me with ways I cannot possible name. If every single one of you were sacrificed the world would be a thousand times better. If it were up to me, I would slay you right this fucking moment. But alas, it was not meant to be.
Hmm no because
A: I was born in 98, I was just too poor to get the new games
B:Im not shitting on every poke not in gen 1 yet praising them as infallible
>this makes you AT LEAST 26.
nigga im not him but im 23 and have been playing since gen1
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USUM need to come quickly
This is becoming tiresome
/v/ needs to leave
is this pasta
It is now
Im a johtotoddler, but whatever you say anon.
trips confirm
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>Those digits
Btfo all genwunner crybabies
Calling someone a genwunner when they have a different opinion than you is the same thing as everyone crying racist when they disagree with something even though it has nothing to do with race, much like hating the awful hideous fucking pixilated lifeless 3D shit we have now has nothing to do with GENWUN.

Fucking anti-genwunfaggots are the truest form of cancer. Any time someone doesn't like a new (and most likely awful and bad) feature, the first word out of every sinnohfetus's mouth is genwun and there's a shitflinging shitpostfest for no reason other than instead of backing up your opinion with any kind of support, you simply say GENWUN like that wins the argument.

SM is a piece of steaming feces you Primarina furry. Just because something is newer that doesn't make it better and these days that's almost never the case.
t. Genwunner

Anon heres a news flash. Youre the cancer. You hold on to the past unwilling to change, acting like a child.
>exclaimed the barakin
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furries xD
Like Bewear, it's one of the few Pokemon whose official art hurts it. It looks so flat in its art, while seeing it in 3D greatly improved my perception of it.

Not my favorite, but far, far from the worst and doesn't deserve the criticism it gets.
Actually you just made all that up you fucking retard. I'd love a change. Change it all. Change it to fucking anything as long as it's not this stupid shit we've been getting lately. And my point wasn't even to compare old shit to new shit my favorite Pokemon game is BW1 desu my point was just because someone likes something older than something else doesn't make them a genwunner. It makes you a retard. I bet there's not a single fucking genwunner on this fucking site. They use Facebook or don't use the internet at all and have a life. People here basically like most Pokemon in general with their personal preferences but overall we love the series and just hate seeing it squandered as of late, we're not fucking genwunners.

tl;dr calling someone who disagrees with you a genwunner with no other argument is cancer KYS yourself
Yeah, it's called gen 2, a.k.a the last gen before they started fucking with the art style.
Sprites need to come back. Either that or really high-Rez models with textures fur and nice lifelike animations and movements. Continuing down the current path is pathetic. Kill GF.
Unova is objectively better than Kanto in every way. Way more charm, better designs.
I love most Pokemon but any and all Pokémon and character would look better in the traditional water color Sugi style. The worst part is they didn't replace the Sugi style. They just removed style all together so everything looks safe and stock. Pokemon's strength was its style and it lost something when it lost that.
I agree for about 95% of Pokemon, but that other 5% look better in 3D than sprites -- Vanilluxe line, Bewear, Bruxish, shit like that. They should do mainline games in sprites while having an optional Pokedex 3D-like app or something.
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Gen 7 is full of mons that i like. Probably my favourite dex.
You insecure about your redditing anon? Reddit has the best porn around ya know
I disagree. Just think they need to make better 3d models desu. Or have an option to switch between 2d and 3d like Dragon Quest
This so much. The colors (and shapes, starting with gen 7) are boring and uninspired
I sure LOVE Genwar threads!!
>talking shit about Red Eyes
Kys yourself.
I´m gonna still thinking nobody like the old art style and OP is just fishing for (yous)
>I disagree
>I´m gonna still thinking
What did he mean by this?
Genwunners are toxic, this is what happens when these threads stay up
Hey, it's those words again. Hi tumblr.
Oh shut up, just because people have common decency doesnt make them SJWs dumbass
Kek now genwunners are racist too, didnt you know
Ah heres pol right on queue
Its not my fault your half assed nu games need gen1 pandering to stay relevant
Having shit taste is the opposite of common decency.
There, now shut up.
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>Those digits
>This pasta tier post
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what a waste of trips for a pasta tier post. kys
what did I just read
gen 5
>as good

i hope now, since that was the worst batch of designs
We all need to leave 4chan
How many new pokemon will gen 8 have? And not just forms, completely new mons.
I just find it hard to believe that there are generations of children (and faggots on here) that see gen 1 Pokemon and they feel nothing, they just feel that it's another batch of Pokemon.

it's so bizarre to think about. poor souls.
>common decency

You can have one or the other anon
They weren't around for Pokemania/Pokemon Fever, when you had primetime news telling parents why their kids like this "pokayminn" phenomenon. That was NES/Wii levels of popularity. Closest thing to that in recent years was Pokemon Go.
First two thirds of Kanto dex is boring as hell. Only gets good in last third
>That jarring juxtaposition

The early gens truly are better, with the exception being the Kalos dex which was equal or better than Gen 2.
I mean, they arent mutually exclusive
This, I grew up with gen 1, but in reality Johto is more of my favorite region due to Lugia being my favorite mon. Red and Blue were groundbreaking but I'm not gonna suck its dick over it, I bought SM just like every other version before. I like pokemon in general no matter the generation, and in saying that SM were just bad guys.
you take that back you little shit
The gen 7 dex has INTERESTING mons, not good ones. For example Komala, its a fucking koala and they could of given it a crazy cool evolution that goes with its ability, but no. Its just Komala by itself.
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Can't we all just get along?
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Gen 2 Pokemons are the best/second best. GameFreak just hates Gen 2 and royally screws it over every chance they get. Just look at how good the sprites were in Gen 2 and how horrible they made all their 3d models.
>Gen 2 Pokemons are the best/second best.
Im a huge fan of gen 1 pokemon but please dont kid yourself.
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forgot pic
Why do these threads bring out the worst in people?
What the fuck is the problem? All he said was that he liked the look a few pokemon. What is there to not understand?
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This really needs to stop
sex me daddy
I'm still mad about the ending
We did, it's called gen 5.
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Gimme a break.gif
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oh just go fuck something already.
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>Russian hackers are the jews for normies
>Genwunners are the russian hackers for /vp/
I just hate how many of them felt unfinished. Looking at gen 2 by itself, there's
And all those cross gen evos taking up around 1/5 of thee dex. As a standalone gen, it's pretty bad.

Hell, the single stage Pokemon in Gen 1 felt more complete than those in Gen 2. I guess that's what happens when it's more of an expansion.
5/7 of those Pokemon got evolutions in gen 4.
Well the only way is up from these shitmons
And I also said
>as a standalone gen, it's pretty bad
And bad enough that it had to rely on another generation to make it seem more complete. If Gen 4 didn't do that, Gen 2 would be pretty forgettable.

And the Pokemon that got evolutions from Gen 1 in Gen 2? Their lines still felt finished without them. But thank god for Crobat.
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It was pretty much what they left aside since the gen 1 dex was supposed to have 190 pokemons, the remaining 39 being gen 2 pokemon initially planned for gen 1.
Oh man, look at all that type variety!
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Eh, it's pretty good, but i personally prefer gen3 and 5 over it i think.

red - bad
yellow - ok/mediocre
green - good
What's wrong with gengar?
Gen 2 came the closest

Gen 4 was the last gen to have good Pokemon designs.
He suffers from "ball-face with limbs" syndrome that a lot of gen1 pokes have, and because of those stubby limbs it makes it look goofy for me which basically ruined haunter, adding salt to the injury. And i know haunter isnt an amzing design either but the old sprite made me fall in love with the design so i have an extreme bias for it.
>the remaining 39 being gen 2 pokemon initially planned for gen 1.
not entirely true. some of the the concepts were reworked like the original weedle evolution becoming ledian but there's no evidence that they all become gen 2 mons. some might have been redesigned for later gens or just never used at all
I know, right?!
You just wanna fuck it. I know you do
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>its a fucking koala
>ice cream cone
>smiley face
Raticate is great. It is a perfect aggressive mon that is a common pest but also good for beginner trainers. The design works in many environments, with a unique shape that is also believable.
moar sugimori revamps
Not shitting on Raticate, just pointing something out
Not saying you are, just pointing out that a lot of gen 1 Pokémon are better executed than people give them credit for.
I can agree with that, but by that same token the same can be said for Gen VII
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I dunno, I like the gen 3 dex a lot, and I started with gen 1.
Very few designs there I dislike, apart from Swalot and the Wurmple line.
Yes, obviously.
Oh, and Castform. I really don't like gimmickmons like that.
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>doesn't like Wurmple line
Best common bug line with best cocoons. Covers butterfly and moth in one unique evolutionary line.
Otherwise superb taste
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Imagine being this mad at personal preferences on a hand-held children's video game.

Jesus Christ. I gotta get off this board.
I doubt it. The only gen 1 pokemon I dislike is exeggcute/utor and tangela
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