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>the guy who takes artistic artistic liberties like this

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>the guy who takes artistic artistic liberties like this is presumably helping design realistic pokemon for the Detective Pikachu movie
Guys I'm kinda scared

I highly doubt that the Pokemon company would allow for pillbug voltorbs
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>guy who does the best realistic pokemon takes part in a movie that needs realism for live-action
>this is somehow a bad thing

t. Arvalis

t. shitter who thinks pokemon with realistic textures = realistic

Go fap over the ugly Pokken models if that's what you want.
there's a difference between making a realistic interpretation of a pokemon and completely changing the core design of one
Is Danny Devito the VO for the USA version?? Please tell me this happened.
Wait so the detective pikachu movie is going to have realistic-looking pokemon? huh. I had assumed they would use semi-realistic pokemon (the same design as always but with realistic textures for fur and stuff).

Oh well, let's see how this turns out. I'll actually get a chuckle if arvalis' interpretation of mr. mime, froslass or any of the eeveelutions appear in the movie. Just look them up, you'll see what I'm talking about.
Can't wait to see this trainwreck in theaters. Hopefully I can get a new cinema falcon before then.
No, sadly Daddy DeVito isn't on board. He doesn't even know what a pikachu is.
You think one guy who's getting his first film credit as an artist can get through the Pokemon Company's guidelines about how they're supposed to be presented? Are you dumb?
FUCK. I NEEDED THIS. we couldve just told him its a mutant squirrel he wouldve been fine with it.
>We could have had DeVito voicing detective pikachu completely unaware of what a pikachu or a pokemon even is
What's the point anymore
Good for him. I want to believe /vp/ will get buttmad over the final product but buttmad hype is always good.

this. Arvalis changes the design
Obviously the core design is changed in a lot of Arvalis' work. It's meant to be fit in real life in the most feasible way. Surprise surprise, a floating ice cream cone only works in a cartoon environment. He adapted it in a way that would make at least some sense in the natural world.

I dont know why everyone throws an autism fit over it. It's not like anyone's claiming that Vanilluxe IS an arachnid. It was clearly just some project done for fun.

Satoshi tajiri is directing the movie? Is that true or a joke?
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>they look like SMT demons
floating ice cream WORKS in 3d concept. He just changed the design. Period.
or you know you could make the ice cream cone what it actually is, an ice spike with snow on top that happens to be sentient
>Works in 3D

Okay. You can make it work as a 3 dimensional object, but that doesn't mean it makes sense as a realistic, living being.

A floating, sentient ice cream cone doesn't make sense as a realistic animal. Period.
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I hate these "realistic pokemon" things that go out of their way to make Pokemon look repulsive.

I'm pretty sure they're just trying to get on a buzzfeed list or something.
counterpoint - he's changing shit just to change it.

he turned ArCANINE into a Liger, and Abomasnow into an Owlbear which is also a fictional creature
>concept artist
Wow it's fucking nothing
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Some people just like drawing repulsive shit. Damn, /vp/ doesn't know shit about art, eh?
>he turned ArCANINE into a Liger

Yeah, well, ArCANINE is based off of a Komainu, which is literally based off of Lions, Tigers and Dogs. So a Liger is a pretty god damn good pick.
>A floating, sentient ice cream cone doesn't make sense as a realistic animal.
You're right, that isn't realistic at all. Let's change it to a SPIDER that shoots ice and looks like an ice cream cone. That's MUCH more realistic.
I mean, yeah, that is actually way the fuck closer to something realistic. It's actually a fucking animal, for one. If youre judging your closeness to real life animals, something that is an animal will always be way the fuck closer to an animal than something thats not.

Obviously its not 100%, absolutely, no questions asked feasible. Questions about size and sustainability pop up. None of this shit could actually lose fire or electricity or anything. But its still a hell of a lot more feasible to a real, functioning animal, especially visually, which this DESIGN project is meant to be.

Youre taking a fun design project and autistically raging because its not exactly the same as the source material when it was explicitly meant to NOT be the same in the first place.
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this one's not that bad
disgusting and abhorrent != realistic
his stupid shit is just as retarded and unrealistic as the original design, it just looks uglier to boot
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>this entire thread
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This one annoys me the most because he could have at least made the octopus parts black or like some kind of leech. Trevenant doesn't even have tentacles, it has spidery legs
the worst of all the is sword pokemon turned into a bug
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>Vulpix and Ninetales
>supposed to be foxes
>draw them as wolves, instead
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they are not animals, they are pokemons.
I want to be upset at this but at the same time I gotta appreciate the fact that it's a reference to the Pacific Northwest tree octopus


It clearly tells you in the link he's not directing it and that he's just producing it.
now looking at it, it says just that he is the creator of the pokemon concept, right? Or ssatoshi will produce the movie as well?
Why they are making a movie about a game that doesn't even got localized yet?
They should get focused on the games.
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So, you're telling me, they're planning on making a pokemon version of the 90s Super mario bros live action movie?
See why can't we have more like these?

These look realistic without looking like they were made for a "These realistic Pokemon will shock you!" article.
>and completely changing the core design of one

no shit. Pokemon aren't realistic. You have to change it for it to be realistic.

>counterpoint - he's changing shit just to change it.

No he's not. Everything he does has a reason for it. Vanilluxe is a spider because the spider shape fits and it can have a vertical orientation by being on a web. A floating icicle isn't realistic.

>he turned ArCANINE into a Liger
Because Arcanine has stripes and tigers have stripes. Canine is a pointed tooth. The thing he drew has pointed teeth. It's not a stretch at all.

Would you blame someone for drawing a realistic SandSHREW to look like a pangolin instead?
Arvalis please leave
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A lot of his "realistic pokemon" are just redesigning them to be ugly af. The faggot turned Chansey into a fucking lizard or something
and yet none of your address the goddamn owlbear
arvalis has talent and he is creative. But those are not great depictions of pokemon.
>But those are not great depictions of pokemon.

Yes they are. They're a fuckton better than
Vanilluxe may somewhat match a spider in shape, but not in movement at all.

it's an incredibly shallow choice.
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>this thread
>but not in movement at all.

It's a fucking floating ice cream cone. A spider is as close as you can get.
he's already made flying deep sea creatures - why not one of those?
This guy needs to learn a thing or two from comic books.

There's making something more realistic, but there's a point where you have to say "this is impossible and there is no way to make it even seem feasible without ruining the original idea". Like how there is no way Superman can fly, it's just impossible, so trying to explain how he flies is counter intuitive.

With Pokémon, you can make them look like animals, but when you get to the Psychic and Ghost types and the ones that are living rocks or what have you, that's where you need to play it straight, because when you try to explain to me "Oh it's not a ghost sword, it's just a giant bug that looks like a sword" or "it's not a haunted tree it's just a giant octopus that lives in trees", that's a completely different fucking thing.

Instead you need to focus on making the haunted sword look like a real thing, or figuring out how a living rock would actually move in real life, like how with Superman you stop worrying about HOW he flies or HOW he shoots lasers out of his eyes and instead figure out what it would look like IF a person could fly or IF he could shoot lasers out of his eyes.

Oh fuck that's actually what would happen if they used these designs.
because none of them are shaped like vanilluxe.

>This guy needs to learn a thing or two from comic books.
comic books don't try to be realistic.
Neither is this movie if Pikachu is going to retain his normal design.
No, since the 80's most superheroes strive to have rules and explanations for powers. It's in the movies as well.
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Well how would you draw a realistic Abomasnow?
Having rules doesn't make it realistic.
if he's gonna make an exception for abomasnow why not for any of the other shit for finding a real world creature.

a damn lot of them are - such as those bizzare tentacle-less jellies
He'll end up clashing with the Pokemon Company over how off-model he's allowed to be, and either he'll leave halfway through or his designs will be a disappointing half-step that nobody's happy with.
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these are bretty good
every dinosaur based sceptile I've seen looks retarded
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>Ol' magnet crabs.
>Helping with live action pokemon designs.

Well, grats on one end, dread on the other.
>pillbug voltorbs
This dude does armadillos
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Would have preferred something in this vein, honestly.
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I respect him for not trying to turn Flygon into some mecha insect abomination like most realfags do.
dude loves dinosaurs.
>disgusting and abhorrent != realistic
True, but you must be thinking of someone else. Because this guy actually tries to make them look realistic in the true sense of the word, except for pretending the square-cube law don't exist.
Arvalis please go to bed already
>disgusting and abhorrent

None of his designs are this unless they need to be. Are you one of those faggots who think the only good realistic designs are cute shit?
why honestly care? the movie's going to be garbage either way
I'm just saying that if you think he goes out of his way to make them as disgusting as possible like >>32887881 does then you're an idiot.
that's because sceptile has no feathers ;)
>literally a walking cactus
>a frog
Why does literally everything have to become a fucking animal to this guy? They're called pocket monsters and not pocket animals for a reason. A lot of people complaining about too many inanimate objects don't seem to understand that either.
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>makes the Lati@, which are dragons, into birds
>make Yveltal, which is a bird, into a dragon
What the fuck is this guy's problem?
It's like he does it on fucking purpose.
Fucking hell, why are you so defensive over a deviantart shitter?
Dinosaurs are dragons and birds are dinosaurs, therefore dragons are birds.
That Yveltal looks like some proto-bird to me.
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That's not how clades work dipshit. The only dinosaur with wings remotely like that is Yi qi.
Latias have feathers and looks like birds more than dragons
>Some artfag shits up pokemon designs to make them "realistic"
>deviantart autists desperately defend his crap

Like clockwork.
>Dinosaurs are birds
And humans are monkeys too right?
Well, at least you are since clearly you didn't evolve
Humans are Simians.
Apparently, it's the reverse thing; the birds ARE dinosaur: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Origin_of_birds

PS: If by "monkey", you mean ape, then yes, human are monkey
>Latias used Reflect Type
I got nothing for Latios
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You know what?

Good for him.
I don't like his realistic designs, but being noticed enough to have your skills in demand is how you win. Congratulations, Arvalis.
>some artfag draws what he wants
>/vp/ gets triggered and endlessly cries to how he "ruined" pokemon designs

what thread are you in, m8?
All birds are dinosaurs but not all dinosaurs are birds.
Because he's the artist taking advantage of this being an anonymous board to defend himself, even though his posts make it painfully obvious it's him.
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>it HAS to be an animal otherwise it's not "realistic"
I'm obviously in the minority here, but I actually love this guys drawings. For ages i've wished for an "adult" reboot of Pokemon because the fact that they designed for children is largely what's stopping the games from being good (though i realise this will never happen).
Anyway, if such a thing were to be created, it would be nice to have creatures that were actually "monsters", creatures that that are more horrifying and less cartoony and these are all really cool re-imaginings of Pokemon, even if they aren't sticking to the original inspiration
I've always hated realistic Pokemon designs and this is no exception.
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>all the shit taste ITT
Jesus christ that's sad
>Deviantart artist gets to work on official Pokemon material
This is terrible. I've always dreaded the idea of pokemon fans working for GF, because they have absolutely no idea about what makes pokemon great in the first place. This board alone and the people who use it is proof of it.
>And it's fucking octopustree-swordbug Arvalis
This is the worst timeline, confirmed.
that flygon is a chameleon tho
Making them realistic animals is the point of the project, there's no such thing as a living magnet, so some liberties have to be taken with the design.

In my opinion this makes for a far more interesting realistic pokemon than just making the original artwork slightly more detailed i;e >>32888793
Say what you want about his choices for what animals he turns things into, but holy shit, can people not understand a theme when they see one? The entire theme of his series is to reimagine Pokémon as realistic animals. The guy's obsessed with taxonomy and stuff.
I definitely wouldn't want these designs in a live action movie, but I can at least appreciate them for what they are.

Lati@s mention having feathers in their dex entries. Yveltal's design here is based on Yi Qi which is a prehistoric bird. Maybe people should read the descriptions sometimes. They usually have explanations for designs even if they don't always make sense.
>yfw vp constantly shiting on arvalis inadvertently gave him more traffic which caught the attention of Legendary
>Making them realistic animals is the point of the project, there's no such thing as a living magnet, so some liberties have to be taken with the design.
>machines don't exist
>trevenant becomes an octopus thing
but living trees exist!
trees that can move, on other hand
Machines are not alive, you should know this
Magnemite is clearly a machine. You should know this.
No need to be so autistic about it, like I said the point of the project is to make the pokemon into realistic animals, machines are not animals and also not alive, it's really not that hard to understand Anon.
In the art style of the game Magnemite could be a machine, but it doesn't really look that much different than lets say diglet or something. But arvalis didn't want to just make magnemite a robot. what could magnemite be if it was an animal? That was what Arvilis was trying to design, not "whelp it looks like a machine, so I guess I'll just make it a machine"

Jesus christ dude, do you have any imagination?
this is the best realistic vanillite line until know. The artist redisigned it as well and made stragihtly an ice cream with face, but better than arvalis spider. It's still an ice cream
>Maybe people should read the descriptions sometimes
>literally all he does is making penis jokes and saying how he doesn't like a pokemon
>Making them realistic animals is the point of the project, there's no such thing as a living magnet
If the project is making all of the pokemon adapted into animals the fine.
But in the pokemon world, where there are monkeys that have never ending fire coming out of their butts and heads and cats with eyes in their ears can use psychic powers to make you levitate, you can't tell me i can't have a god damn living magnet, especially when there's already MAN MADE POKEMON that can float and be upgraded with disk.
if the point is redesign a pokemon, that's alright. But Pokemon are creative on it's own, what's the point of changing someting that already are creatures of a fantasy world?
>what's the point of changing someting that already are creatures of a fantasy world?
To make it more realistic
He will be directed for sure. More likely he will put texture and other stuff on pokemons, and that's it. Also as far i know, he is not working for game freak. It's a tv studio.
you said everything.
Guys it probably isn't as bad as you think. He could just be doing "police sketches" of the Pokemon
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birds are dragons
>But in the pokemon world
Of course some liberties are taken from the designs, because they're pokemon, no real creature can live with a fucking parasitic plant growing on its back or with it's tail permanently on fire, but in arvalis's designs they get reduced to their most logical least magical form, aka "if a creature would get mistaken for a ghost or a robot or something, what could it actually be?"
I don't get why you are so butt blasted about this, there is tons of boring hyper detailed "realistic" pokemon designs out there, here this guy is who actually takes it a step further and doesn't take the lazy way of literally designing nothing, just retexturing the original design and actually makes interesting designs and ideas instead and here you are complaining that magnemite is not an actual magnet.

>when there's already MAN MADE POKEMON that can float and be upgraded with disk.
Arvalis doesn't take everything in pokemon lore literally, read some of the descriptions for his designs, he usually explains how he came to his ideas pretty well.
I would actually be really interested to see what he would do with porygon, he might make it actually artificial or something, that would be nice to see
wtf i like abomasnow now
That doesn't look like a realistic Vanillish at all. It's just an ice cream cone with cartoon eyes slapped on.
that's terrible
actually as far i know no one designed a good realistic vanilish at all until now. I like this pokemon, but it's not very popular
By that logic, you may as well make any movie that has aliens or fantasy creatures into regular animals just because it doesn't fit the artist's line of plausibility.
That's not realistic either. Like, not even close. It's just a Vanillish drawn in an alt style.

Now I see the problem. You faggots don't even understand what "realistic" means.
Like a pill bug
it's semi realisitic.
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Vanilite and its line has always been the cone. The "ice cream" is just coating, not the creature itself.
Now this is a realistic Vanilluxe!
>into regular animals

But the things he draws aren't regular animals. They're still clearly fictional. It's just that they're realistic.
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>By that logic, you may as well make any movie that has aliens or fantasy creatures into regular animals
I would love to see that, it would be really interesting to see what people could do with that idea
>just because it doesn't fit the artist's line of plausibility.
Ehm no, just because that is the idea behind the project, to make fantasy monsters into plausible animals, how is that bad?
To be honest I'm taken a bit aback by your response and I'm not quite sure what to think of it
>might as well make a bunch of really good quality artwork of realistic fantasy creatures with plausible anatomy and ecology worked into each design
Oof yeah oh man that would be a real bummer, yeah I would hate to see that
wtf dude
that's rad
You are wrong.
I posted the concept of what a realistic vanilitte would look like. Of course that's not realistic.

I already mentioned that just two artists tried to make a realistic vanilitte and both intentionally redesigned them
It's not even close to semi realistic
define semi-realistic because we have different concepts.
Enlighten us then.
this is semi-realistic>>32888793
Explain the difference because I'm blind.
Thanks for showing that you have no idea what semi realistic mean
One is slightly more anatomically correct and realistic towards how an animal would look the other is just the original design with more shading, you retard
What's the problem some people can't understand that Pokemon ARENT animals?

Making them animals don't make them realistic

As for the pic, both are semi realistic for different reasons

One has shade, texture, is in 3d
The other is in draw style with animal proportions
>arvalis is STILL here defending himself while pretending it's another person
Who in the fuck ever said a dinosaur is a dragon? That's stretching to say the least
honestily like the gengar one
That's not the point, if I shade a cartoon character that doesn't make it realistic, it's just a bit more 3d than usual. A less animalistic pokemon would work as well as long as it doesn't look like a fucking cartoon, this really shouldn't be that difficult to grasp anon
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the best ones are just detail-work on the original like pic related
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dumping a few good ones
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No one ever claimed that pic is realistic. It's not realistic it's semi realistic. The face is cartoonist, but the work it's not just a shady cartoon.
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It's not even semi realistic, shading does not realism make
We just have fundamentally different views of realism, which is weird since we live in the same reality
I love this artist
>which is weird since we live in the same reality
...art is subjective, you twit.
I always felt like the detailed designs in Pokken were bit uncanny, but it is still much better than trying to make Pokémon realistic when they aren't even based on animals.

I seriously pray we just get semi-realistic Pokémon.

You see this is realistic Pokemon. Not taking a Pokemon then turning it into an animal it's not.

But taking feature that it would have, like scales, jaw structure and muscles, then adding to the design to create a Pokemon that still looks less or the original, but also realistic.
I am actually okay with this. Now I know to ignore everything about the movie because now it's confirmed that it's gonna suck balls. It pleases me.
That's a fuckin penis on its forehead
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great idea. I'll dump good realistic pokemon art too
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you're a dragon
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'realistic' pokemon just means "add a texture to it" instead of it being flat/smooth/empty
i don't know what to call what he does
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I actualy love this dudes "realistic" wierd designs and the pseudo-scientific explanations for their ablities, he usualy throws in jokes here and there, because he's just thinking u[p what sort of animal could POSSIBLY resemble a chandelier and get away with it.
But then sometimes he'll just go "magnemites are hover-crabs" and leave it at that.

All the autismshitters are almost comically missing the point of his redesigns, it's a labour of love, and he likes to have fun with it. it's not even canon anyway, calm down.
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And he's wrong on everything because by nature this is just some dude having fun with weird reimagenings of pokemon into animals in his spare time as a hobby, there is no need to sperg out like that just because you think he's trying to make pokemon "too realistic"
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This ^

If they vary too much from the original design they will alienate the entire fanbase - so it's easier to just give realistic textures to pre-existing designs.
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>alienate the entire fanbase
do you listen to yourself before you talk or do you just project your opinions on everyone else and spout nonsense?
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> there's no such thing as a living magnet
so? none of that shit that has been drawn is real either, you're mixing realism with fantasy monsters the point is to give them details that makes them look less like a cartoon and more detailed like they'd look if they came from our dimension instead of spinning the wheel and wonder what random animal you're gonna turn Bronzong into
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>wanting Pokeman to get Bayformered
So if you wanted to make a cartoon depiction of a cat, you would have to completely change the core concept of what it is?
It's not about spinning a wheel, it's about thinking up what kind of real-life animal COULD possibly resemble a bronzong, it's not supposed to be just a more detailed representation of a pokemon. It's like you're wringing your brain into all these wierd shapes to try and come up with objective reasons as to why you don't like what he's doing with his redesigns.
if he drew realistic tom & jerry
he'd draw them as a dog and a crab
and people here would go to the mat to defend it and call it better than the original
No, it's about what you could do with the "feline electro-cat" concept giving a different, interesting spin to it. Of course a realistic cartoon cat is just going to be a regular cat, but pokemon aren't cats. And when you got a floating half-red, half-white sphere with eyes the practice is to try and find an animal in there somewhere. That's what he's doing.
He'd turn them into a cat and a mouse, but realistic tom&jerry fan-art isn't really a thing anyway so the point is moot.
This topic reads like a lot of people butthurt over one pokemon fan getting to work on the franchise in some form over them.
>succ plants have eyes
It reads a lot like autists trying to pretend their opinions are fact. Because they just can't handle people liking things they don't.
Nothing you just said is even coherent.
Now every criticism is jealously
Great agumentation

See stuff like this is cool. It's kinda like DND or Magic where they have fantasy designs done in a 'realistic' way. The other guy's pokemon feel wrong because he's trying way too hard to make them into super grotesque 100% real life organic animal hybrids and a lot of the initial design gets lost in the process. If he went a little more into the fantasy angle with them they'd look cool and he has the chops to pull it off.. but instead you get magnetic crabs and >>32887881 a jigglypuff that looks like a swollen penis.
Protip: If you look at a redesign and can't tell who or what it's supposed to be in an instant without having it explained to you, it's a bad redesign.
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Fucking kill yourself
Arvalis and his fanboys are the reason we can't have realistic Pokémon threads anymore, they always flood the threads with his shitty "dude what if I turned a tree into a jellyfish LMAO IT'S REALISTIC YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG" bullshit
This isn't realistic. They just literally drew Avalugg with more shading.

These aren't realistic either.

alt style != realistic
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Does this count as a Realistic Pokémon?
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>Arvalis and his fanboys are the reason we can't have realistic Pokémon threads anymore, they always flood the threads

More like arvalis haters always just get butthurt about people posting arvalis art and then start sperging out even though he's one of the only ones that actually does realistic designs right.
You are part of the problem
So is >>32893923
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>>32887881 isn't even the same artist you faggot.
That's not even a possible musculature/skeletal structure. Not to mention it's horribly off-balance.
Fuck off.
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You can´t create a good realistic pokemon design from an already bad design
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Remember that time a drawfag made a parody of Arvalis' shit and his fanboys got really buttblasted about it saying "IT'S NOT THE SAME FUCK YOU"
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Maybe you should read again, try using your brain this time.
Maybe a dictionary would help?
>hurrr i'm not even going to try and retort because I got nothing so i'll just say what he said made no sense and be done with him, that'll prove me right.
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I like Arvalis' Blastoise.

Mostly because of how he makes the giant water cannons plausible: Dual siphons.

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Because it's not the same. Arvalis' picks make sense and still resemble the actual pokemon in terms of shape. The artist who did that just took a shrimp and added shaymin details even though there's not even a remote resemblance. Also he only changes Pokemon to different animals if the Pokemon isn't based on an animal. If he did shaymin he'd just make it a hedgehog.
No one is doing that, no one is saying the non-arvalis redesigns are wrong or shit, they're just posting arvalis stuff and people sperg out at it because they can't fucking handle new ideas
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You said that turning a cat into a completely different animal is ok because there's no way to turn a red and white ball into a real animal. Two things that are completely fucking unrelated. It was incoherent. You are a retard. Kill yourself.
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It's not really a good sign when what's clearly supposed to be the face of the pokemon isn't even a real face in the redesign >>32887648
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That's not even close to what i said you tard
Anon I said in that very same post that you would sperg out and you did it anyway
Try breaking stereotypes next time
>Also he only changes Pokemon to different animals if the Pokemon isn't based on an animal

lol look at this fish it isn't realistic at all! fuck nature for making this abhorrent piece of shit!
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It's not a matter of looking cute or not, it's a matter of not changing trees into fucking octopodes.
If you were doing a bug Vanillish, a bagworm-esque creature would have made more sense. It could live in snow regions and cover itself in snow for camouflage, with the icicle naturally forming when the daytime slightly thaws the snow.

The smiley face spider just feels lazy.
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>giving an explanation that explains how he's wrong = sperging out

fuck off.

>Arcanine is based on the Ryukyuan シーサー shisa, or 狛犬 komainu, mythical creatures inspired by lions, tigers, and dogs
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See, you're still doing it.
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>it's a matter of not changing trees into fucking octopodes

walking trees aren't realistic.
Arvalis when are you going to go to bed
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Doing what? Debunking your shitty non-argument?
It's not even about that, It's about people bitching about things they don't like.
How about instead of bitching about arvalis' stuff being posted because you don't like it. You just post and look at the stuff you DO like, which is also in the very same thread, like you are posting realistic non-arvalis mons RIGHT NOW and people keep on bitching. This conversation is pointless

I don't get why anons have a hardon for this guy. He's got amazing technical skills but a shit creative process where most of the mons look NOTHING like the original and the result is so far removed from the initial design you can't even look at it and instantly figure out what it's supposed to be half the time.
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because Scyther still has a bunch of extremely obvious dinosaur elements in its design. Fuck off because I just know some retard is going to reply with this shit.
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Look what I pulled up googling Komainu
Sperging out. You literally just made a post about "ARCANINE ISN'T A DOG FUCK YOU ARVALIS DID NOTHING WRONG" while acting as if making Shaymin a shrimp isn't the same leap of logic. Some species of shrimp can grow moss and other plants on their exoskeleton, which would explain why Shaymin has plants on its back, meanwhile there are no species of hedgehog that I'm aware of that can grow plants over their quills.
Tell me how that's not a similar design philosophy to "trees can't walk so let's make it an octopus because octopodes can walk"
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>you can't even look at it and instantly figure out what it's supposed to be half the time.

Get glasses.

>some angry sperg is going to spend the rest of his afternoon posting all of arvalis' art because some people don't like it
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>Shaymin a shrimp isn't the same leap of logic

No because the shrimp's shape looks nothing like shaymin's. Try reading my posts first before making a shitty argument.

He used an octopus because using an octopus allows it to squeeze into the tree parts, simulate Trevenant's mono eye, and also get the multiple legs.
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Because the fucking Fire dogcat thing is based on a mythological beast that is literally a mix of both dogs and cats and Shaymin is a friggin Hedgehog

It's not like he made Arcanine look like a giraffe

And the moon is clouds.
>the entire thread is derailed by people bitching at each other about liking or disliking things they like or dislike.
it started with an arvalis pic, in a post about arvalis, come on dude.
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>the shrimp's shape looks nothing like shaymin's
Shrimps both have long noses, black eyes, white underbellies sometimes. Shaymin has no quills so it's not very hedgehog-like in that regard, and as mentioned before shrimp can grow plants on their exoskeletons. Yeah, you might say Shaymin looks a bit closer to a hedgehog, but it can't realistically be a hedgehog for the above reasons. Making Shaymin a shrimp allows the artist to create a more realistic depiction of Shaymin while keeping all its iconic traits.
*Shrimps and hedgehogs both have
One of the instances where he actually sticks to the source material. More often than not he does a shit job
No it has to be an animal otherwise it doesn't fit the theme of the project.

Why are you this mad that someone is making designs you don't like?
A shrimp is a long skinny shape. A hedgehog is closer to a circular shape. Stop pretending you have a point with this incredibly shitty example.
This looks terrible, its the most boring design imaginable, literally just an ice cream cone with a cartoon face.
>Unironically drawing a mewtwo dick
>still posting Arvalis
I think the features of the Pokémon are more important than the general shape, otherwise you could turn a mouse into a salamander just because they both have four legs and a tail.
I honestly can't tell what that leopard thing is supposed to be.
>otherwise you could turn a mouse into a salamander just because they both have four legs and a tail.

But he doesn't. He makes mice Pokemon mice and lizard Pokemon lizards. The only Pokemon he drastically changes are Pokemon that AREN'T based on animals because he needs them to be realistic. That shitty shrimp parody was done by a retard who doesn't understand what arvalis is doing.

>and as mentioned before shrimp can grow plants on their exoskeletons
Doesn't matter you retard. >>32893988 still has plant parts despite dinosaurs not growing plants on them.
It has purple fur on its back, so I think it's meant to be Raikou.
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>yellow cat with purple on its back and a blue tail

are you retarded?
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Arvalis Tentacool Tentacruel.png
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>Jellyfish pokemon
>better make them squids


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Yeah and he made the jellyfish Pokemon into jellyfish. What a fucking hack.
Well, Cool has a bit of a squid look, while you could say Cruel has some octopus influence.
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I think you meant to post this. I mean don't you think of gorillas when you think of Golurk?
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Yeah, that one weird wyvern looking protobird.
I don't get why you people get so mad and angry and confused at such a simple project

>make pokemon realistic = making them animals for him
>is the pokemon based on an animal? Make it more like the animal than the pokemon
>is the pokemon based on a non-living object or plant based? Turn into an animal resembling that pokemon.

Sure every now and then he fucks up even that but not all ideas will be good. You may not like it in principle but i dont see why sperg out.
some pokemons are designed to look cute, other not. There's no point into turning a cute pokeon like for example bulbasaur into an ugly frog - Not sure if Arvalis did it, but i saw other artists doing it
Considering the name, that actually works incredibly well
and sooo...?
what in the name of satan is wrong whit its face?!
hater disguised as centrist found
underage fag detected. Go get some Gen II.
(if not underage and no idea what fs and hgss is, just retarded
He wouldn't do that for actual animal based Pokemon but I can believe that for anything else like Skiploom or Bellsprout or Jynx.
Arvalis disguised
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At least his aren't as bad as these
I'm not going to attempt the laborious task of addressing each post, but who's to say Arvalis' designs are going to be in the movie? He could still work on whatever he needs to using whatever rubric he's given to work with. Just because he showcases his own unique style for his own project doesn't mean he's incapable of creating anything else using different styles, etc. As a drawfag, I have developed my own style, but if asked I could draw, say, a Pikachu Butch Hartman style if asked. Assuming Arvalis truly is onboard (I've yet read the source on this), it is still unclear why he was sought out—they may have liked the way he draws reptilian features or numerous other things (for example).
okay ill give him this one

But Flygon has an actual reason to be a bug because it's based on a fucking bug.
Yup I already said that earlier. If he really is working in this movie arvalis won't put his design as he will work under direction.
Don't forget
Scyther is a dragon and Giratina is a bug.
its more like an umbilical chord
I actually like all of these except:

>Tsareena line
I get the idea, long leg pokemon = grasshopper, fine, but you literally cannot get a proper idea on what the actual pokemon looks like without knowing it beforehand just by looking at this representation of it, which is bad; if you show this purple grasshopper to a normie they'll 100% of the time say that it is a grasshopper pokemon, not a fruit pokemon. I'm not entirely sure if bounsweet and steenee are supposed to be 2 different cocoon stages or actual, unrelated species of fruit altogether.

Why turn what is very obviously a mosquito into a mole cricket or a mantis? the artist could have literally just made a species of giant tropical mosquito that has such a bulbous exoskeleton that it looks buff. Misses the point.

It is pretty obvious that the artist's idea is to animalize all the pokemon and I can respect this goal, but for celesteela this just doesn't work unless you turn it into a very weird kind of giant, bagworm-looking mecha-insect. Xurkitree is represented for what it is, a weird tree, but celesteela just couldn't be kept as a sentient rocket, nope. This also applies for magearna, in a way.

>Guzzlord and Necrozma
These two are where you can see how the artist is struggling to animalize designs that are clearly not supposed to mesh well with real life creatures: in guzzlord's case, the only actual animal that doesn't look out of place to represent it is an anglerfish: the tiny details like the wings, second pair of arms and crown-like head can all be easily worked into things that an anglerfish would have. But they chose a crocodile-like reptile, included bat wings and small arms in the head that make no biological sense, and moved on. Makes me wonder why they could do this here and not for tsareena or celesteela.
Necrozma here looks like no animal I have knowledge of. Reminds me more of those humanoid bats from the future in primal than any actual animal that exists.
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Is this a better Tsareena?
It is better than the grasshopper, but the hindlegs should be connected to the thorax, not the abdomen. The way it is now it looks like a kamen raider kind of deal.
>all those things that become fucking bugs for no reason
>Guzzlord gets to stay a dragon
>Necrozma gets to become a dragon
Is this the guy who did that retarded dragon Hoopa?
Flygon is not based on a bug and it has no remotely bug like features, aside from arguably the wings. Vibrava certainly looks like a bug, but Flygon has fully matured into a dragon.
Yi qi isn't a bird retard.
To this guy's credit, he at least makes most plant pokemon actual plants rather than animals that just look like or live in plants
I really like those Tapus
...you know, siphons DO make sense for Blastoise's cannons

it always has been weird how Blastoise just has these big cannons on it and we never know if they're bone or metal or what
>tangela and tangrowth aren't clumps of vines
other than that, I like all the other ones

mainly because plants and fungi are easy to work with
>With Pokémon, you can make them look like animals, but when you get to the Psychic and Ghost types and the ones that are living rocks or what have you, that's where you need to play it straight

Why? The guy's entire shtick is explaining how things like possessed tree Pokémon or floating ice cream cones might actually reasonably exist -- this whole "no, these aren't magical beings, they're just sort-of-biologically-plausible-animals" is literally his entire thing. Saying, "oh, well, you should just leave the supernatural mons supernatural" defeats the purpose of this guy's work.

You're free to dislike it, but saying "it ruins the original idea" or "you can't mess with the supernatural mons" is retarded. The whole idea is that these actually existing animals are misconstrued as, say, haunted trees or floating ice cream cones.
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Fucking this. His designs are hit-or-miss since he tends to rely too much on hodge-podges of extant animals for inspiration (Yveltal, for instance), but are all you guys autistic? He wants to make "pokemon that look like animals" or "animals which could be cartoonified into the cannon designs through pop culture", not "realistic pokemon".
>literally just plants coloured like Pokemon

Arvalis' whole thing is explaining how animate plants might exist, and the explanation (whether you like it or not) is that "these things have been misconstrued as walking plants." It's so stupid to bring purism into the question of "how might this Pokémon exist in the real world?" if we're talking about fucking living Pokéballs or walking rocks -- the very question demands artistic license you absolute goobers.

Ghost type gorilla.

I'm pretty sure this is a literal symptom of autism.
>He wants to make "pokemon that look like animals" or "animals which could be cartoonified into the cannon designs through pop culture", not "realistic pokemon".
Then people should stop posting his shit in realistic Pokémon threads.
>Then people should stop posting his shit in realistic Pokémon threads.

Why? Because you don't like them? Fuck off.
Because anon admitted they aren't "realistic Pokémon."
So, Voltorbs are the Pokemon equivalent of Cybermen?
But they are realistic Pokemon.
No. There Interpretations of Pokemon. A floating crab isn't magnamite, octopus trees arnt trevanent, and vanillite isn't an insect. If you want to see realistic Pokemon see >>32893144
Those are just pokemon with a fancy texture pack. Arvalis literally makes realistic pokemon, as in, he draws what pokemon might look like if they were real.
Jesus how do you get up in the morning?
>just recolor actual plants and animals into pokemon colors lol
Boring, lazy and unimaginative, the art is alright but that's about it
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