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>there are now, at this point in time, over 800 Pokemon Don't

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>there are now, at this point in time, over 800 Pokemon

Don't you think it's time for Nintendo to stop?
Go to sleep, Morgana
Why would they? Honestly pokemon is Nintendo's biggest franchise. It has the games, tcg, anime, and all it's other match world wide. It is a system seller. Any franchises that makes that much money won't disappear so long as there is a market for it. The number of pokemon is irrelevant. Hell there is closer to 1000 if you count forms and megas.

Stop saying this. It doesn't make as much money as it used to anymore.
Just more than anything else.
No games in the Persona series have been good, is it time for Atlus to stop?
at this point the only people who care about this series are hardcore fans and literal kids

it's like a drug that autists can't seem to kick

That's more of a sign that Nintendo in general is dying. Pokemon may be their biggest cash cow, but the series is no way near as popular as it was in the late 90s.
>implying Nintendo makes Pokémon
yeah but

it's still one of, if not the most iconic video games of all time

That has nothing to do with the subject. People say the same shit about Half-Life and that shitty series has been dead for years.
Sure it is not a world wide phenomenon anymore but it is still huge. There are not a lot of games that expand across so many mediums let alone franchises in general. Honestly your argument is like saying that Mikey mouse isn't that great so Diseny should just quit.

Not in America it's not. And don't dare mention GO. That shit banked on gen 1 nostalgia and nothing more.
Pokémon in the '90s was a genuine phenomenon. It's unrealistic to think that could have been sustained, and it's really not at all any real criticism to say that it's not as popular now as it was then.

Of course it is. It's like the Resident Evil series. That series is plagued by oldfags who've been playing since day 1. It's the same shit with Pokemon. Except in Pokemon's case it's a lot more pathetic since the game was always meant for KIDS.
>a fan base that wants the same demons over and over again and freak out over any redesign
Sun/Moon was the second-best selling video game of 2016 in the U.S., just a tiny bit behind Call of Duty.
I want to FUCK Morgana!
I'm sorry, man, you genuinely have no idea what you're talking about. It's just crazy to say "Pokémon doesn't sell as much as in 1999, therefore it's not a major series."
>be a big fan of Snowboard Kids and Power Instinct
>tfw Atlus hardly cares about any of their non-RPG-related franchises
But any series is going to stagnate over time. And yeah it takes constant work to improve it. Now weather we like or agree with how the latest entries in the series we can't say that the series doesn't make a lot of money. And it makes more with not being just restricted to games.

It's only major still because everything else Nintendo has put out lately is shit. Mario hasn't been good since SM64, the last good Zelda game was TP, and before that Majora's Mask, Metroid died after Super, need I go on?

Meanwhile, the dude who draws up all these Pokemon just shits out a few new ideas every few years and autists eat it up, and the games are the same as they've ever been.
Just ignore him. He's probably /v/ermin.
No, you don't need to go on. I realize now that this is bait.

You do realize that before the crackdown this was basically /fur 2.0/ right? You're in no position to take the high ground.
At it's core it is going to be the same. It is a creature capture and battle game. Of course the game isn't going to change to much over 20 years. Because that is the whole concept. It's like saying COD is stupid because it is the same thing over and over again yet it is one of the top selling game franchises out there.
>everything I don't like is bait
NSMB DS was great tho
Zelda TP was just ok, but BotW is great
>BotW is great

I can't take anyone seriously who says this. BotW doesn't even feel like a Zelda game. And that shitty voice acting. Why is there voice acting in a Zelda game anyway. There's so many things wrong with that game.
Nah. I know it's bait because of this:

>Mario hasn't been good since SM64, the last good Zelda game was TP, and before that Majora's Mask, Metroid died after Super, need I go on?

Those are three incredibly out-of-the-mainstream views. Not that nobody has them, or that they're inherently wrong. There are people out there who think one of these things. Maybe two, if they're a dedicated contrarian. But all three? It's not bait just because I disagree with you, it's that I honestly don't think that anybody realistically has this opinion. And if they do, they're so far out of the mainstream that their views on the video game industry are pretty much meaningless.

So you're either bait or crazy. And either way, it's not worth arguing with you any further.
>this person doesn't have a popular opinion therefore his opinion doesn't matter

I think you're the crazy one here. You've been playing too many video games, and drinking too much tap water.
They wanted to innovate. It's a good game, not a good Zelda overall. Better than WW overrated shit anyway.

Ah, a brony. That says a lot.
To be clear, >>32815016 isn't me (>>32814954). As I said, I'm done with the discussion. Just wanted to be clear about that.
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>Meanwhile, the dude who draws up all these Pokemon just shits out a few new ideas every few years and autists eat it up, and the games are the same as they've ever been

Or you know, the next generation of kids get into Pokemon too, just like you, me, and everyone else did back in 1998. You're really overthinking this.
>Nintendo has put out lately is shit
>Lists only Zelda, Mario and Metroid
So what? We're just going to ignore all of Nintendo's other IPs?
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Good taste.
The board was better back then because of it.
>but the series is no way near as popular as it was in the late 90s.
Nothing is as popular as it was in the past anon. Pokemon on the other hand has the staying power to consistently sell 10+mil each gen which very few series can do after 20 years.
This is a joke right? Just because they don't sell 30 mio again don't mean they don't do money. 2015 TPC made fucking 2 Billion without releasing a game
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>ywn fuck Morgana in a maid outfit
why even live
Not until every type combination is represented.
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Life is truly suffering, Anon.
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>second biggest selling franchise in the entire video game market, only behind Mario
>both franchises owned by Nintendo
>Nintendo is dying

Honestly? Yes.

I'm all for new starters, regional birds/rodents/bugs and legendaries, but I think that's enough. Let's improve what we already have, rather than just heaping new shit on top. Look at how many Kalos and Alola Pokemon are just fucking useless. They look cool, but all they do is bloat an already bloated Pokedex.

The Ultra Beasts and Alola Forms are great concepts, and I'd like to see more done along those lines. Give us really weird and un-Pokemon-like Pokemon, and new forms of old favourites that let them occupy different niches.
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>someone actualy wrote this
Dumb keyboard.
>it doesn't make gazillions of dollars anymore
>so its bad

That's like saying Microsoft should just give up because PCs aren't selling as much anymore.
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