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How did they go from this...

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Thread replies: 142
Thread images: 75

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How did they go from this...
...to this? did they forget how to animate?
look at that fucking bat
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To this.
these are just a little kid's doodles
this is a joke episode, right?
Different animation style, when it's in motion it looks better
they can't be fucking serious with this
motion is irrelevant to animation
I want it to look good, not move good
Gee, its almost like different styles appeal to different people!
Woah that's an epic analysis! You must be some sort of animation expert to criticise entire animation styles!
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>all this butthurt because mongoloids thought anipoke would turn to a fucking naruto
It's referencing old-timey sports anime like Kyojin no Hoshi, dumbass.
>motion is irrelevant to animation
This is probably the most retarded thing I've seen here all week.
>why don't these in-between frames look good as stills?
Gee, I wonder.
>motion is irrelevant to animation
The entire point of animation is motion you mongoloid
Fuck off negro
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>motion is irrelevant to animation

This is, quite honestly, the single stupidest thing I have seen anyone actually write on /vp.

I mean holy shit. That is almost PRIZE worthy in how fucking brain dead retarded it is.
I actually want to see how this looks in motion. If you were trying to convince me to watch the anime now, well congratulations you did it.
>irrelevant to ANIMATION
You have autism
this episode looks awesome
Is "motion is irrelevant to animation" the new "implying owls are birds"?
This is just a fun imitation of some anime shounen, it's not because they were lazy, I'm sure it actually took more time than what they usually draw.
the /co/ in me is triggered badly by this thread
but especially by this post >>32556105
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go away.jpg
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>motion is irrelevant to animation
I desire this to be the case.
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>motion is irrelevant to animation
what did he mean by this?
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speed is irrelevant to racing.png
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That's fucking awesome. Fuck.
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they are taking a page from dragonball super at this point
Those are called smear frames

Animated objects in motion always look weird because it ends up looking better when actually animated all together.
You are incredibly optimistic if you expect the members of /vp to understand what you're talking about.
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this bitch of an earth.jpg
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put me in the screencap
True, this is the board where 18 year olds argue over starters like they did in elementary school, and throw around recycled buzzwords they don't know the meaning of
>18 year olds

You wish.
People who are SUPPOSED to be >18, or at least do a good job of pretending, how about?
Hot damn.
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>motion is irrelevant to animation
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quality animation.webm
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>did they forget how to animate?

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good meme, but it doesn't disprove my point in a bit


>new baseball filler episode preview
>ball disappears at 0:06 after being thrown
>reappears behind the point where hand clearly threw the ball about half a second later

good animation
>my point
What point? You don't know a god damn thing about animation and it's fucking hilarious that's the only point that matters here.
>implying this looks bad
it's a homage to older works you underage pleb
SM tends to look like wank but those are horrible examples

also, >>32556105 (You)
you didn't explain why I don't understand a god damn thing about animation, though, nor why any of what I pointed out isn't bad animation, quite the contrary

you're welcome to stop calling me names and show you know more than I do, because otherwise this will just get boring quick
>show you know more than I do
Sweetie you're free to start showing you know anything at all.
>otherwise this will just get boring quick
Quite the opposite. This thread has turned out to be quite amazing.
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>calling me sweetie

nice passive aggressiveness

>you're free to start showing you know anything at all

but wait, if I truly don't know anything as you've claimed then I wouldn't need to start showing I don't know anything because that would have already happened

thanks for the compliment, "sweetie"
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Hello /r/4chan, here's that silly frog you guys like so much.
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>there's a showderp moderator who is currently damage controlling the SM anime
>he's doing it for zero compensation

yeah but frysinger is cute
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Mods, are, essentially niggers.
Stupid apes.
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Who cares about animation when everyone knows the only reason to watch the anime is for the waifu trio
trying a little too hard there sweeite :v
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this is what I got so far

feel free to add as you will
Why can't you /padt/ fags stay in your general.
Remove the swastika in >>32557124
We're done here boys, let's go home
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fuck off jew
This is by far the stupidest thing I've ever read in 4chan.
Worse than tendies, incest stories and greentexts in general.
Those are trolls.
Worse than autism and childhood cringe.
That's naiveness.
But this.
This is the opinion of someone ignorant, uncultured and unwilling to learn.
Someone who rejoices in his own lack of intelligence.
Someone completely useless to the world.
Someone who's death will not affect the life of anyone or anything.
Please, and I mean it from the bottom of my heart, please.
>smear frames
Is this an example?
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and a nice cap off
put it back
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fuck I spoke too soon

eh, I already saved it and I don't feel like pasting it back in.
>he actually removed the "swastika"
he did it the absolute reddit
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Christ almighty
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this motherfucker son of a bitch will become the next memepasta, godammit /vp/
Your edge is a million times more cringe worthy than that post.
>motion is irrelevant to animation
They got fucking Yamcha for the episode. They're not even trying to hide it.
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What the fuck are you on about?
Put me in the screencap
Someone needs to make a costanza edit of this.
>less frames
>looks better
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Don't be shy. Your parents are brothers, right?
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it grows
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>that fucked up pasting
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here it is people - weapons grade autism, get your laughs and screenshots before the suits haul him off for experimental underground testing.
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steak man.png
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>motion is irrelevant to animation
Do... Do I put my penis in there?
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motion is irrelevant to animation
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glaceon face.png
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>motion is irrelevant to animation
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> Motion is irrelevant to animation
Niggerfags should have never gotten the internet confirmed
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>>implying owls are birds
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I'll add it all later unless somone else wants to.
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what are smear frames mulder
Frysinger is retarded what's your point
This actually looks really good, not gonna lie. You convinced me to start watching the anime again.
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It's actually making fun of Dragon Ball. A character in the episode has the same voice actor as Yamcha.
>Animation is the process of making the illusion of motion and the illusion of change
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really now.jpg
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this had to be thought for, theres no way someone misses the point this bad, specially not by someone who wastes its life watching anime, not only anime but POKEMON anime
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Holy shit
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To this.
As an learning animator, I'm offended by what you just said right now
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...to this
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I hope this anon looks back and realizes with full clarity just how much of an impact he's made here today and how united we all were in calling out his bullshit.
And I hope everyone who gave anon a (You) learn to not take the bait so easily. It's a shame neither of us can get what we want.
>Believing it was bait.
>Believing /vp isn't genuinely this autistic.

Oh what I wouldn't give to be that young and naive again.
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well here it is, another one for the vault.
this is what we have become
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>motion is irrelevant to animation

This guy had to be baiting for (You)s. I want to believe this guy wasn't this fucking stupid
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nice thread
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Add me to le ebin screencap bois!
The amount of people you've baited with your post is hilariously high. You deserve all these (you)s.
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>motion is irrelevant to animation
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>motion is irrelevant to animation
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>motion is irrelevant to animation
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>X/Y was the best animated season

>implying it wasn't
I'm not a fan of the new art style either but what you just said was fucking retarded
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It wasn't. The battles were good but outside of that everything else was bland and stiff.
And even then it was better animated than the previous seasons, specially SM which is worse than some of the older series like BW or DP.
I loved XY but even I felt the animation was real stiff outside of most battles.
Listen I know you don't have an eye for animation but rest assured you are very incorrect. S/M has leagues more smooth and expressive animation consistency than X/Y ever did.
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>motion is irrelevant to animation
>less frames
>leagues more smooth
Are you this guy? >>32556105
You heard me anon, I suggest you take it to heart.
Include me in the screencap
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Nobody can by this stupid
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Not even worth the you
Thread posts: 142
Thread images: 75

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