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>Their names are Jessica, Ashley, and Michael I'm confused.

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File: DJ_Leo_Dugtrio[1].png (881KB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
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>Their names are Jessica, Ashley, and Michael

I'm confused. Is it a male Dugtrio or a female one?
One of them is mentally ill. Tey're all female.
All Dugtrios are colonies, and each has its own seperate gender. The Dugtrio as a whole is referred to by the whatever gender has the majority.
Two females/one male? It's female.
Two males/one female? Male.

Since 3 is odd, it's never tied. No issues.

I like this theory
Good enough.
But what happens if some of them aren't neither male or female?
that's impossible
(You) cause things like this >>32371560 to become mainstream when you accept people with mental illness like that as if nothing is wrong with them. Stop it.
When was the last time you heard of a mole with gender dysmorphia?

Don't mix up sex and gender. Sex is absolute. Gender is tricky. Brains are weird.

Hey man, don't get so upset. Maybe stay off of /pol/ for a while. They're monsters on a children's cartoon. It's fine.
unless stated otherwise we are talking about sex absolutes, stop assuming we're discussing mental depravities and errors like those.

Politics have formed the "gender =! sex" concept. Please understand that it harms everyone involved when you allow delusions and mental illness to go untreated. It causes schisms within families, doubt among one's own self and mental image, confusion among the youth, and distrust among many people (Just another divide - not only dealing with sexism or racism, now we have to deal with "misgendering" and "proper pronouns. Just wait til "kin" becomes "normal.")

And before you say it, yes, "slippery slope" is a logical fallacy. But precedence in allowing more and more leniance in the populace is not.
>"slippery slope" is a logical fallacy
>but this which is essentially the same isn't
Yeah but the post at the base of this says:
>All Dugtrios are colonies, and each has its own seperate gender.
So yeah, we were talking about gender. It was stated.
Actually, it's correct. "Slippery slope" is the fallacy that says "if x is allowed, then y is allowed." However, precedence in pulling back restrictions, for example, is evidence that it may likely happen again, and isn't a fallacy.
Oh shit, you're right. Woops.

>Please understand that it harms everyone involved when you allow delusions and mental illness to go untreated.
How would you suggest treating it? As intrinsic as gender identity is to a person's sense of overall identity, it seems impossible to alter it without causing irreperable damage. Almost all cases of someone going through treatment for this kind of thing lead to significant negative effects.

And if it's untreatable, we have to learn to accept it. Do you think people with autism should be shunned from society? Because if you do, wew lad. And this is a similar situation. It's a disorder, certainly. But if it can't be treated, it has to be accepted.

You've just restated the fallacy with extra words. High school plagiarism style. It's still slippery slope.
I hate trannies as much as the next guy but please keep this shit on /pol/
>You've just restated the fallacy with extra words. High school plagiarism style. It's still slippery slope.
I see what he means. It's a bit different. It's not:
>If Y happens, eventually Z will be allowed because humans don't know when to stop
>When we let X1 happen, Y1 happened. It's likely that X2 will result in Y2
But that's not mental illness.
Yes it is. It's a usually benign mental illness that latches onto a host and gives people triggered by that host a malevolent strain of it
But if X2 is a progression of X1 and Y2 is a progression of Y1, then you've literally just restated slipper slope. You just said, "if we do this, we'll do more". That's slippery slope.

You can do all the mental gymnastics in the world. It's still a silly fallacy.
You are acting wayyyy too triggered, snowflake.
Michael can be a female name.
Originally a female Dugtrio named Jessica, then when she evolved the other two heads showed up, and they were nicknamed Ashley and Michael for band reasons, but they're still female, just that Michael is pretended to be male for band reasons.
But the Pokedex calls them triplets that emerge from one body.
Michael is the cute tomboy
what's the difference between a single dugtrio and three diglett?

You know you can give a male animal/monster/whatever a female name and vice versa, right?
it is pronounced "mi-shaal"
One is a Dugtrio, the other is three Diglett
Would you the Dugtrio, /vp/?
Yup they're magical monsters so it makes sense for them to have any names. Most nicknamed in-game Pokémon have nicknames based on their species.
>only talk about my side outside of /pol/ pls
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>It's the /pol/ is ebil Boogeyman meme

Kill your fucking self or learn to correct your idiotic beliefs

We live in a world based in scientific fact, there are two genders. Period. It is a biological fact

Your degeneracy is not going to be catered to by a children's videogame

The fact that you & >>>/Tumblr/ expect this is disturbing and completely retarded
dumb namefag in disguise
ashley is a somewhat common mens name in britain, and i've met several girls named michael
>no one at all even mentions transgender people
i want /pol/ to leave
/pol/ will never leave

Thank Christ, someone has to stand up to the retardation/degeneracy of the left
>I'm confused. Is it a male Dugtrio or a female one?

It's a female, Michael is either a tomboy or a transmale.
You sure that's not a mistranslation of Michelle?
>You will never leave the rest of your life being stuck to two women

Actually while I was writing this, I realized it's a good thing
They're literally your sisters, it's definitely a terrible thing.

Unless you're a redneck.
daily reminder that incest is legal in New York and illegal in Alabama
You mean Muslim
>not enjoying the nonsexual company of your sisters
Man you guys must have had shitty childhoods. My sisters were both great growing up. We all ended up doing seperate things, but I'm always happy to see them when we get together.

I could think of worse people to be attached at the hip to.
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