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>pedophile tiger with fire piss How the fuck did they get

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File: Barafurfaggot.png (579KB, 699x1280px) Image search: [Google]
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>pedophile tiger with fire piss
How the fuck did they get away with this?
I mean it's not only ugly, has shit proportions and the overall concept is fucking retarded... but it's also a child raping pedophile that pisses fire. Kids play these fucking games. Did they hope that only autistic BARAS pick Shitten (which is mostly true, still some people picked it hoping it not be an abomination that rapes them)?
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The whole "loving children" thing is a reference to its inspiration


>In the manga and anime, Tiger Mask (whose real name was Naoto Date) was a feared heel wrestler in America who was extremely vicious in the ring. However, he became a face after returning to Japan when a young boy said that he wanted to be a villain like Tiger Mask when he grew up. The boy resided in an orphanage, the same one that Tiger Mask grew up in during his childhood. Feeling that he did not want the boy to idolize a villain, Tiger was inspired to be a heroic wrestler.
Yeah sure barafag.
DENY that it's a literal GAY BARA PEDOPHILE.
I bet you can associate with it.
That's pretty cool actually
>ooh having an appreciation of children=pedophilia he he
Nice meme.
I love when people hold up the Tiger Mask inspiration to Incineroar's design as a way to try and justify that it makes it not total shit.
Considering how Tiger Mak can basically be considered the big wrestling mascot of the east like Hulk Hogan can be for the west. Its fitting, shit or not.

As bonus both were Heels at some point.
I'm just still mad they ruined one of my favorite starter designs in years with a shit pop-culture reference.
Bump. More people need to shit on this literal PEDOPHILE tiger only liked by GAY BARAS
ITT: Newfags flinging buzzwords they just learned and don't know how to use
Dutygenerate senpai
kill yourself chomo
>expecting gamefreak to not create furrybait
32367538 Your mom does not pay the internet, so you publish your bullshit
>>>32367538 (OP)
Incineroar Is ugly and has deformed hands, but pedophile? Anon I think you've outgrown your autism level
t. Salty gay bara pedophiles
Damage control somewhere else.
Seriously anon, you have no other arguments to defend yourself well and accept that you are dumb.

Also I never said the horrendous to incinerroar I like, I just said your truth anon.
Seriously anon, you have no other arguments to defend yourself well and accept that you are dumb.

Also I said that to incinerate is ugly, idiot
>Meanwhile in Japan
>The fuck is this shit?
The definition of bara is: gay muscular men.
So saying "gay bara" is like saying "orange color orange", just letting you know.
I'm not letting you pedophile BARAS get away with liking a design this shit and offensive.
>pedophile tiger

wtf, I want be little sexually aware boy now...
>t. Salty gay bara pedophiles

actually this makes me horny, wants be little boy now
What the fuck is going on in this thread
We are BTFOing the gay pedophile BARACAT and its gay pedophile BARA fans
That's some high levels of autism you got there you not even making sense anymore
>says the BARAFAGGOT
Sure BARA, keep telling that yourself.
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>implying i like inconeroar
Maybe people just like different things? Ever consider that?

it's just Ă–wlfag

I stopped reading there
Unlimited Autism & Baiting Works

move along
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