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He's finally free from the military. What do you think his

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He's finally free from the military. What do you think his next step will be?

But, in a hopeful world, an alola vacation, possibly a "final arc" in which he challenges the SM protagonist at the battletree with magma grunt.

the a time slot epilogue with the two of them starting a family.
Wait what he lives?
yup he just came back from trip to Chicago last weekend
He's very lucky considering North Korea might be going down for real soon. I pity whoever had to replace him right before this shitstorm started unfolding.
>not Dating an Aether Employee
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>not dating aqua grunt
Please keep this in the draw thread to not start a thread about idolizing people or make it an ERP place.
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Nothing can be expected. His mind has been broken I hear
>not dating me
I guess we're never gonna know who's getting the treasure.
Brendan and Grunt's vacation in alola
Made me reply. Have a (you)
Probably lost interest in the series
Okay you wonderful faggs

Now that gooberman is back after two years let me Axew this, what did you do in those two years? Did anything life-changing thing happen in your life? Have you improved yourself since then?

i realized that i just let life passed me by, i sure hope you faggots did something better
It's been two years?

>What do you think his next step will be?

Crashing this plane with no survivors
Feel old yet?
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Starting to.
2007 was 10 years ago.

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>two fucking years
>remember the sad thread with the news of him going
>feels like that was only a few months ago
It felt like it was just yesterday when people requested translation edit for his comics.
Destroying his enemies with the power of his stand
right? He propably gained a lot of life experience, met all kinds of different people, traveled and so on.
I was in my room browsing memes.
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Well for starters I got married
first kid is on the way
various things with 4chan
attended a couple of political rallies
got accepted into a neat community of artists
met some interesting people
got diagnosed with a form of Angioscarcoma
decided to let it eat me if it wants to
eyesight has dropped to about 20/400 in my good eye, 20/800 in the bad one. Constant double vision and light halo that is not remedied with eyewear.
I've been forgetting some things lately, it feels like a part of me just isn't "there" anymore.
noticable vocal and written errors happening on a typical basis
Ate roasted duck for the first time
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This thread just became too deep for me.
More porn
I realized that I want to be an artist ~80% of the way through my CompSci major. Dunno what to do from here.
Doesn't he do some sort of weird fetish?
>this thread
Literally who?
He does a bit of gore. But that's about it.

Link to his blog: http://m.blog.naver.com/kdk5011?currentPage=1
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His latest comic.
Is gladion for bullying?
Dunno but anyone who draws gland massage with palm during ejaculation is a good guy.
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I hope he realizes Magma Grunt is old and busted

We need dating a Team Skull Grunt asap
I want D/P remakes so he can draw more porn of Candice
It's a surprise that he don't died.
But i'm not sure if all this time don't killed his skills and creativity.

>dating color people
Bless him. Best wishes and hope he goes back to the comic soon.
I did a lot of concept art, completed the soundtrack, and did a little programming of a video game I've been wanting to make.

In these past few months though I enrolled in college for a major in Art and a minor in Software Engineering, got a crappy job to support myself while I'm in college, decided to rent out a room to save money rather than bombard myself with the responsibilities and cost of apartment, am over 100+ miles away from family and am by myself in a new place.

Pursue art on the side anon. Finish out your major to support yourself since you're so close, escape entree level jobs.
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I miserably failed my exams to enter a business school. I feel into depression, but decided to move on and apply in a university in Canada.
I got accepted and now I am very happy in Canada, having started a new life. The three years before that were living hell and led me to 4chan, losing my friends, my gains, and any social skill. I am reconstructing now, and I think leaving my country was the best decision in my life.
Good luck anon !

meant fell into depression
I did nothing
nothing but waste away in my own hedonistic world of leisure while never once attempting to better myself or even to have new experiences. It's a sad existence and I hate myself for it but it's all I know.
i started educating myself at home after dropping out early due to mental health issues. i'm in college now, i'm not doing as well as i'd like.
i also realized that i have some sort of untreated, very early onset psychotic disorder that's been steadily getting worse. nothing feels real, i should probably go to a doctor but i'm used to it
mostly, i've just been waiting for gooberman to come back though
I stopped being an underageb&
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This thread turned into a life lesson story.
>used to share his comic with my best friend, asked her out, she said yes then later texted me saying she changed her mind, we stopped talking
>released a song
>hooked up for the first time in years
>accepted I'm trans and came out to a few friends
>turned 18 :^)
>released another song
>got accepted to uni
>got new headphones for the first time years
Getting into college was really the only major thing that could have happened, so all in all not bad I guess
oh and I had the best meal of my life
Shaya in nola, fucking amazing
Hopefully he still remembers my request
Switched from my major in Politics to study English to Spanish translation. As I looked at some old drawings I had made in high school, I realized that wanted to git good at drawing. Soon after, I decided to come to 4chan for the first time. I bought a tiny tablet and I've been a drawfag on this board for about a year and a half, and I've been trying to improve all the time. Still no GF tho.
Dropped 30 lbs
traveled to Ireland
got more confidence in myself
worked on my drawing/painting
fell in love with tattooing
I finally got myself a job
>wasted two years just shitposting TWO YEARS

Fucking hell.
>two years
I can't fucking believe it's been two years since left already, I've done nothing.
I wrote a thesis, now I'm a more qualified neet than ever.
I thought the author was American.
I had a mental breakdown and sunk into an even deeper depression than I thought possible.
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I started learning Japanese
Other then that nope
No. I'm just deeper in the hole.
I got in a relationship which has already ended by now.
I also started drawing much more often to hone my skill.
I flunked college because my parents were forcing me to take acne meds that put me into a deep depression, the kind of meds that makes teenagers kill themselves. I didn't tell them I was depressed because I knew that they would put me on counter meds that would probably turn me into a serial killer or some shit. Now they're trying to get me a job but I'm not trying very hard because I know affirmative action will bite my white ass anyway.
was that your first relationship
how was the sex
metal gear pokemon. ruby builds his outer haven for his pokemon and waifus.
nothing really. been doing the same jobb as i did since 2012. still live in my parents bastment.
First you need to do when you've realized you're in a hole is to stop digging.
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>tfw can read gook but don't understand any of it
Learned how to drive, made a bunch of new friends, still stuck in this garbage Engineering college, still unemployed, still no gf, and mom wants to kick me out.
Could be worse.
Thread posts: 69
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