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/pgg/ - Pokémon Go General

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Thread replies: 319
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Nothing Personal Bots Edition

>Official Pokémon Go Updates

>Latest APK Update


>Pokéstop & Gym Maps

>Evolution Calculator

>Nest Atlas

>Battle Advisor

>Combat Simulator

>Best Moves & Movesets

>Best Attackers

>Trainer Level Speed Calculator

>IV Checker Websites

>IV Checker Apps

>Map Scanner Websites (rarely work)

>Map Scanner Apps (rarely work)

>Citywide Map Scanners

>Real Time Spoofing Coordinates

>Spoofing Guide

>Master Decoding

Previous Thread: >>31945178
First for fuck I didn't think of something witty in time
Do you think Cassy cucks Nick?
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>gen 3 drops
>finally get my bro Metagross
>finally get mai waifu Gardevoir
>also Slaking and Salamence

Sorry that I dont know, I just want a way to track Pokemon that dont spawn in the city scanners, any way to do this? Sorry for those whoare spoon feeding me. Thanks.
metagross finally!
also will they do something interesting with kekleon?
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All I read in your post was

Region locked to the tropics, because fuck 90% of players
cool, i'm in the tropics
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The are pretty much forced to introduce abilities along with or before Gen 3
watch as all your top mons get shitty ability
Someone post the egg distances chart image pls
The smart thing to do (lol) for pokemon like Slaking would be to give them their godly stats but give them a really shitty quick move that they will ALWAYS have. It's hard for them to do any damage or build up meter but when they do they'll hit like a damn truck.
liek splash?
Give it an exclusive move or a unique version of a move that takes twice as long to execute as the normal move but gains the same energy

Give it Ninjask's stats and ignore its ability entirely

Ignore its ability entirely

Ignore its ability entirely
Anyone got any hints on a MR. Mime? Last region exclusive I need before I can go back to walking like a good little christian
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Does party hat Pikachu even fucking exist?
3 spawn around my work place under an hour just now
i think they buffed the spawnrates today
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>He doesn't have a birthday Pikachu

Found one in Bologna, Italy when I visited family. Try hotspots in Rome, maybe?
Hey, my Go just updated, but Serebii doesn't have anything, anyone know anything about it?
>>31952In fact, neither does the official site. Version 0.57.3
There isn't. There's a method of finding a pokemon that's on your nearby but it's lame and requires you to actually walk. It's on silph road
Hey, I got it too... What is it? It's 40mb. That's not too big, but...
party hat pikachu spawn rate buff
Source: my dad works for Zelda
Damn... That really sucks...
are bots kil or still good for alts?
no :'( so what's the best way to stay on top of gyms n shit? I'm level 22 and dont have shit, I understand you can spoof and snipe but how high is the chance of bans if my gps keeps bouncing back and forth to my real location?
Softbans. That's all. No matter what you do, you can only get a soft ban, and you can unban yourself by spinning pokestops.
ok cool. would you recommend a certain pokemon snipe/hr ratio or just balls to the wall?
As long as you teleport home before throwing anything, and maybe miss with a ball once in a while, you should be fine.
thanks senpai. gonna grind out to 30 then lol
Don't listen to >>31952679

You're gonna get your ass banned.
listen to>>31952777
Also wrong.
Guys, don't pick on anon, they're new at this. I've been doing it for months.
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>they *sort of* fixed Fearow

Was Seaking also fixed?
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current progress. What is annoying me is having enough candies for Steelix, Bellossom, Politoed, and Slowking but no evolution item. I have only found one evolution item and I was able to evolve to Porygon 2.
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>in b4 pokestops are biome dependent as well
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>tfw I report questionable Instinct nicknames but don't bother with my Mystic teammates or even Valor players
Fuck you man. Instinct is the best team.
Gen V. Also you can fuck the team leaders
Anyone been banned for spoofing yet? I've been doing it just for the GPS drift, because I am sick and fucking tired of shitty 5k eggs giving me nothing but Paras.
>for spoofing
Abilities are going to be too hard for Niantic to implement imo, especially with our shitty, bare bones battle system the way it is
>5 tweets in 3 days
SD scanon confirmed ded
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>evolve Typhlosion
>get Solar Beam
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Nothing personal, kid
Solar beam? As in the sun, source of heat? They're trying to be subtle, anon.
Is the event Pikachu bugged? None are showing up while the Christmas ones were everywhere.

A reminder that if you spoof/cheat in this game, you are a massive loser.
Pika event is fine, just hard to locate. Personally I couldn't give a shit about Pikachu with X hat events.
It's like they're trying to drive me to spoof everywhere.
>you know that 90% mon you got, it's fucking shit now cause you evolved it ggnore
it's sad. i dont spoof but this game is really made for it. i understand why people do it when you roll shit moves all the time or hatch stupid mon time and time again.
>hatch stupid mon time and time again.
>get 10k
>hatch Pineco
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>hatch 10 eggs
>nothing but gen I shitmons
At least pineco can evolve to forretrrss and used as a defender, hatch aerodactyl and mantine and all you get are shitmons
Heracross and corsola are region locked
Cassy was on IG live last night and someone literally wrote "big dick nick" in the chat. She went on this little rant about not saying random things that "don't make sense", so, Nick has a small dick confirmed?
wish we get heracross instead, corsola is fucking useless

>“We’re still trying to come up with an answer [to trading] that makes sense so it doesn’t kill the game,” he said. “If we fail this, we can easily kill the game.”

dude from niantic is saying they will make trading proximity based. sounds ... good i guess.
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I have all gen 1 but the legendaries (obviously)
How's your guy's gen 2 coming along?
>no santachu
It's very good except that now regionals will still be hard to get. Fuck the concept of regionals, they should just let us have a small chance of hatching them at the very least. And probably not make good Pokemon like Heracross into regionals.
Why is Nick so certain on gen 3?
We only just got gen 2. Not everyone has access to every lure under the sun, ive made what seems fuck all for progress because of limited spawns
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It's because there's still like 9 more months in the year, and it "only" took them 7 to put out gen 2. Makes sense that they'd have time to put out gen 3 before year's end
So, no scanners at all?
agreed about regionals. another reason for people to spoof.
Try the tin foil thing it really works.
>My pokemons with 2850 co are being cycled out of gyms by 3100+ perfect dragonites and godzillas

Should I just give up and start sniping like them? No matter the dust I hoard I will never catch up to them with 75% IVs snorlax and dragonites.
Yeah I'm on the same page. Let's do it bro. Post some cords and let's pop our snipe cherry with each other no homo
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Guys Im starting to get a little salty. I've hatched so many eggs looking for Pichu and I havent hatched him once. Do eggs have biomes like pokemon? Can I not hatch a pichu if I dont pick up the egg in an electric biome?
How can I figure out where electric biomes are?

Yes they do, there is a park that whenever it gives me a 2k egg it's a nidoran, it happened too when they were in 5km eggs
they should make this a walk-only game.

whenever you go over the limit of say, 12 km/h, you get a soft-ban of 24 hours.

this would kill both spoofers and carfags.
The limit would need to be a bit higher to compensate for bikes.
this, I was looking at the gym I was in 6 above me were all 100% dragonites by summer when everyone's 38 I won't even get to be at the bottom of gym
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As if that would stop the lazy cunts. They will always find a way.

I don't think you understand how spoofing works kiddo, if you do it right its undetectable same with snipping
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I have evolution items for a few but given how rare they are I don't want to use them
bikes get a ban as well. by the way operating a phone while biking is illegal in every non-third world country.
>he's still playing this game legitimately
i have a samsung s3 okay I CANT spoof on andoird 4.4
>ban biking from a series where you spend 60% of the games on a bike

wew lad
It's also illegal to use your cell phone while driving. When has that stopped anyone?
you should also ban people who run because the handicapped cant do it and we dont want anyone with an advantage.
Yes you can, install CM13 on it
Sometimes I doubt they took the extra effort of writing codes so that hatching would be biome dependent when simple randomness would do the job.
i'll be looking forward to seeing you pay for a lifetime while in jail for riding your bike over a three year old while playing pokemon go


your a fatso who spoofs from home and never even walks
i'm not gonna set up a whole new operating system for spoofing

that whould take like 12 hours before my phone is functioning again
>not installing CM so the phone doesn't run like shit period
Why the fuck are you still on stock?
Electrical biomes are usually near the water, like a park on a lake or a beach. That's where I've only ever found electric types, I guess college campuss too or anywhere lots of cell traffic is. That's just what I've noticed personally
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Post the sniper discord I want to try sniping plOx

Low quality bait, try harder next time
don't be a faggot and fight your own battles

I raged becaused a fellow mystic faggot sniped me 2 days in a row and I can't get any other gym because low level fag
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what the fuck
electric bios at least from Where Iv seen clusters of eletric types around are are either in rich beach town areas or Toys r us parking lot
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Are you mentally challenged or something? It takes literally 15 minutes to root, install custom recovery and flash cyanogenmod.

>new operating system

Man, redittors are literally retarded.
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can i even get banned for globe hopping
Not the kind of sniping I meant. And there's no way to snipe in gyms anymore anyway. If you get "sniped" it just means someone was already fighting the gym or beat it faster than you and were able to place their Pokemon there first. It's happened to me, too a few times and it's gay. But you just need to learn how to do it better than the other guy
Not if you teleport home before catching them
I was fighting the gym for 40 minutes and finally managed to place one of my own, but the place was occupied by another faggot. It was clear that he wasn't even fighting the gym at that time.

the other time a carfag parked right when I was healing my vape to place it in the gym and drove off as I figured that the place was taken

what kind of sniping did you mean then?
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>pic related
looks like I'm going to need the help of spoofbros after all

>Nothing Personal Bots Edition
just woke up, did they ban botters?

pretty sure it's just a ruse

>live in the UK
>only get King's Rock
>never get Sun's Stone
>only get Up-Grade after Brexit finalises

bit of a cunt aren't you

god I hope so
Drought Ninetales when

not a fan of the muh patterns meme but it makes sense

>he doesn't run
HGSS is the best game because of the autorun button and following pokemon
prove me wrong, protip: you can't
>ToysRus parking lot
I'm on it anon.
Sniping desireable Pokemon from wherever they show up in the world and teleporting home

>worthless women seeking attention on social media

>partaking in this

You're the cancer
>snorlax event in japan
welp, time to finally begin sniping
I don't get why they think trading would kill the game in its current state. You can't hack Pokemon you can't inject them, you can only just go where Pokemon spawn that the game had already made. The current games GTS trading system is great, maybe they couldn't run something like that with Niantic being the way it is now, but trading person to person would be lame. But still better than nothing and at least somewhere to start
>trading needs to be in your proximity

They should make it require bluetooth to screw those guys over.
>tfw no Sunny Day ability to take advantage of
god dammit I hate spoofers so fucking much.
Autistic I know but it really takes a lot of the magic out of this game for me.
Whats worse is that Niantic doesn't seem to be doing anything about it.
>It's very good except that now regionals will still be hard to get.
I don't know what you were expecting. A GTS?

Everyone's first thoughts were camping airports and asking incoming travellers if they want to trade.
Wouldn't it limit bot traders from moving assets overseas to other accounts safe from bans?
>GPS cuts out for whatever reason, Warp across the road
>Cut out of game for 24 hours

Genius. You poorfag
>hold up signs for pokemon trading hubs irl
>break language barriers
That could be pretty cool
Dratini 100%

so what, in a few months theyre going to nerf snorlax like they did lapras?
>spoofers being hindered by proximity based trading
Not really.
Mareep 47.132792comma7.604537 IV93 CP750 L30 M
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Yeah fuck you fuckface
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That would be super useful against vapos... too bad vapos kill him before solarbeam gets charged

what level is it?
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yeah. They could just coordinate with other spoofers to meet at a specific set of coordinates at a specific time.

>but what they won't know about is that i'll be undercover and report them to Niantic everytime I set up a trade.
All evidence of the text interactions and screenshots included.
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strange... I feel more like a winner ever since I started spoofing
Can't tell if you're being retarded or serious with the "Niantic will reports" thing.
Mine was like lvl 23 but im only lvl 27. it's gone now. I went for a 100% eevee right before and there was a fucking charizard right there as well. Went back for the eevee
NFC look it up

it was 442 CP, not worth it to be honest
I live in San Francisco. I'll show up to Niantic's door with evidence of it. And if they refuse to do anything about it i'll record the whole thing and publish it showing the whole world that Niantic really doesn't care about spoofing.

Is it autistic? Yes, but it'm going to do it because spoofers ruin this game for me ( because I'm autistic) and it will feel good to get back at them. .
except gyms will still be full of slaking and nothing else. boring as fuck
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>lives in SF
>spoofers can still ruin the game for him
wew lad... have you tried not to be such a bitchy looser? that might help
I'm not going to google "Why does GPS proximity based trading not hinder GPS spoofers?" for you
To be fair, SF is bot central.

Gyms go up and down from lv 0 to lv 10 in a matter of seconds non-stop. It's different from typical metros with some spoofers.
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I've been getting fucked recently. Double xp event gotta happen soon so I can reach level 30 and know what to expect
I have not and I'm probably not going to.
I have the opportunity to ruin a few people's games who consistently ruin mine. I'm going to take it.
There isn't anything you can do about it.

seriously? can you share the coordinates to such magical place?
the spoofers already have all the snorlaxes they need. i don't think gyms will get much worse because of that event. i just hope they get permabanned and their mothers get cancer
>hoping their mothers get cancer
Too far anon, but I do hope their phones get cancer.
>their phones
they should just release this on the wii so fat spoofers will get exercise throwing a ball
>spoofers already have all the snorlaxes they need
If there's one thing we've learnined from /pgg/ it's that there's always a steady influx of new spoofers.
Even american companies cater to japan more what the fuck. First they get lapras, now they get snorlax? Yeah, that's fair. How about an event for rural/suburban players that gives them the opportunity to find rare stuff too? Oh, wait that would not get them any money.
>rural/suburban players
literally nobody cares about you guys. thats why you live out there.
You do know the Lapras event was sponsored by Japan, right? I.e they literally paid Niantic to do the event to get people to go there and spend money.
Guys I'd like to pop a lucky egg and want to evolve also many new dex entries but I'm very anxious about Niantic's recent comment:
>"Save your candies ;)"

Should I do it anyway because it was some ruse comment or hold on a bit longer?
You should keep waiting :^)
>the spoofers already have all the snorlaxes they need
There will never be enough Snorlaxes, and bot devs are selling accounts all the time so they will always need more Snorlaxes.
>what are the coordinates of San Francisco
if bot accounts got banned, nobody would buy them. fuck you niantic for being so indifferent
I don't live that rural, but I feel sorry for the people who do and don't find anything. Everyone should have the same opportunity to find rare stuff.

Ah, I did not know that, sorry.
But still, I wish they would do events like this for us too. The valentines event was nice but if chansey or porygon did not spawn in your area naturally it was "just" a double candy event.
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>A migration event
Oh man it would be cool to have doduos and dodrios / other rare bird pokemon "migrate" from one side of the country to the other and have their spawn rates increase in the flyover states for a few weeks as if they were "passing through"
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Worry not, we will have enough snorlax for a while.
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>yet another event which is a boon for spoofing and a middle finger to walkcucks
I think Niantic is doing it on purpose now.
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Hopefully TMs will be thing soon. I'm even willing to (((pay))) for it.

That actually convinces me to do it
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>camping here and sniping elite mons
U mad walkcucks? Oh you caught a Zubat today? Wow!
Really the only thing I would consider holding out for is powering things up past 30 (because the diminishing returns are fucking real), just in case Niantic goes mad and decides to reduce powerup cost for a week or something.
Obviously I can't see into the future but I'd bet on it that you won't miss out on something by continuing to mass evolve shitmon for xp.
>paying for all those lures
lol no, not really. When your account gets banned you'll have wasted all that time and money.

Especially if this faggot >>31954264 has his way.
Share the coordinates you dick
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> paying for lures
> he doesn't know

But I'm not planning to mass evolve only shit mon though. I guess I'll wait with evolving mons that are hard for me to get candy for and evolve everyhing else. And yeah I'm definitely going to wait with dusting now
>ignoring the more important point about getting banned.

enjoy your sense of security while it lasts.
Are you daft lad? They're no my lures

There's no need to be like that

Dayum. Best I've found is a hex-stop, but it's lured 24/7 by some friendly richfags.
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I'm interested to know what exactly all those stops are placed on. We have a fucking big ass cathedral where I live and it apparently didn't deserve to be a pokestop.
cool. Time to share these coords with Niantic to keep an eye out for spoofers.
Thanks lads.
Some places request stops to be removed because of delinquents. There's this local homeless faggots who sits on a quad-stop at my local library because there's a power point there too to charge his shit. I've called the cops on him a couple of times already.

Poorfaggots piss me off so badly.
>it'll be news to Niantic that spoofers like a spot with 10 lures
Oh no, help us, Niantic are ruthless
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Hanke spoofs as well, anon.
>it's a shopping centre
Figures. Feels bad to have significant areas of cultural heritage that don't generate stops when everywhere else there are stops on every trash can, graffiti and bench.
Every pokestop in my neighborhood is a sewer access port. Granted, they have mosaics and other art stuff on them, but they're still just tall manholes.
>meanwhile, in America
>We have a fucking big ass cathedral where I live and it apparently didn't deserve to be a pokestop.
(a) Your town didn't have Ingress nerds who made it a portal location,
(b) The cathedral requested it to be removed

I have had local church gyms disappear because they didn't want fags hanging around the building mashing screens all day.
Been playing since release and it never had a stop on to begin with so I guess the former. Weird though since there are other close by locations that do have stops (national heritage plaques) but you'd think something that prominent would have been tagged also.
Could be the case that the church had itself deleted as a portal location too but that'd require the church officials to be savvy enough to whine about it to Niantic before PoGo.

Ingress did attract a lot of drama so who knows.
>see a gym with only a 2,3k vaporeon
>put a marill i just caught in and collect coins
>come back 6 hours later its suddenly a lv8 gym with 3 Blissey and a Snorlax
>marill still in

Its there for 3 days now
>larvitar is one of the rarest pokémon
>takes 125 candy to evolve
>can still get fucked over by moveset

>eevee is common as shit
>takes 25 candy + name to get vaporeon
>every moveset is atleast decent

I don't understand.
I'm imagining a bunch of ingress autists crashing a wedding or something now.
that's why i farm 90%+ eevees on the nyc scanner. Usually 3 or so at one time

The eevolutions used to get tackle before niantic decided to make them learn only 1 fast move.
>open thread
>see nothing but coordinates being posted
>lose interest in the thread

What's even the point of playing this shit this way, you're not out seeing the streets and other people who plays this legit, you're just looking at green lines and waiting for the day you get banned.
commie fuck
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37.6252828, -107.3722384
Berlin has tons of them it seems.
Is it better to have a variation of Pokemon defending a gym? Or does it really matter?
Enjoy the ban
>+ name

What do you do with the name to ensure a vaporeon?
It doesn't matter shit
Rainer, ain't it?
This >>31954844 but it only works once
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After spending yesterday afternoon at a park yesterday (15km away), where I could finally find enough pokestops to actually have enough pokeballs to fill my 300-slot bag...
>you're not out seeing the streets and other people

You fell for the propaganda goy
nevermind the red Kingdra, it was supposed to be blue (can't find a good IV Horsea anywhere)
>Other people
There used to be up to 1000 people in the places I used to play this game, now I'm the only non-homeless person in the park at any given time.
Even pogeymans don't want to come to the shitty backwater you call home ;)
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>see mareep
>get aroused

i think i've been living in wales for too long
I do still see people playing this every day. And I mostly just play it on my way to work
>Mfw Snorlax will be nerfed next
Eh, if I had to choose between a sheep and British "women" I'd have to give it consideration
Ah! Bravo! Excellent meme by le gentlesir!
I live near a big city and can drive downtown any time I want but I feel sorry for the people who can't catch picklemans anywhere. ;^(
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I still haven't hatched most of the babbies, but I did catch Togetic, with no berries and a single Pokeball. Weird.
(Bog dwelling intensifies)
Just in case you're being serious, Snorlax won't get nerfed, at least not without another complete stat overhaul.
Lapras only appeared to be nerfed without anything else changing because up until gen 2 it was being given special treatment and following ye olde stat formula. If it was following the same rules as everything else it would have been nerfed back when things like Rhydon got a big buff for being specialised physical or special attackers. But Niantic didn't want to do that because otherwise it would immediately cuck the event that the Japs paid for.

First Lapras, now Snorlax. Why does Japan get events where good pokemon pop up as opposed to us where we get Party Pikachu that don't ever spawn?
Is this a joke or do you not know why Lapras was nerfed
Fellow Welsh man! Did you have a good St David's day? Np20 represent.
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tbqh japs still payed for the Lapras event and then got cucked 2 months later
>Niantic employee says trading will be person to person and not over the internet

Fucking lel, these guys are absolute shitters, pokemon has had online trading for 10 years at this point and these retards think people don't want that in PoGo.
Yeah true, but the Lapras event was from Nov 11th to the 23rd, and the stat rebalance was implemented on the 21st. The Japanese tourist board or whatever would have only cared if the rebalance had put people off in the last couple of days, I doubt they care now that Lapras has got the axe because they've got their touristbux already.
>game is literally about catching them all
>Niantic are doing everything possible to prevent that
>retards running around airports harrassing people about a mobile game
>airports request the removal of all pokestop and gyms due to the influx of autists

Seems like a great idea.
I like the idea of personal trading desu. Should improve the chances of getting a pokegf.
Actually on that note, the people who really got the shaft from all this aren't the Japs (who presumably made a decent profit or they wouldn't be doing it again with Snorlax), it's the suckers that actually travelled out to Japan just for the event.

>Anon do you have any pokemon to trade with me :3 ?
>sure I have this one big fat "__________" down there if u want
Charizard -34(dot)499167,139(dot)031571 IV100 get it quick lads
I hope you trip over your computer wire and land in the maggots feeding off your leftover McDonald's, which then proceed to devour you alive while you are paralysed and unable to get up.
>*mumbles* trade?
>W-wanna t-trade p-pokemon?
>Sorry I have to go
>F-fucken bitches and whores

Sounds like a great idea for you.
100 IV Dratini mate 53(dot)5316461422885,9(dot)91657896576504
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Couple more 100 IVs
>hatch my 10th 10km egg since gen 2
>another shitmon (Gligar)

I hate most of gen 2 because they're so shit until 4th gen, at least I'll be able to get a sweet gliscor, provided the pokestops want to give me the hold item.

Still no mareep or Larvitar, but my platoon of mantine,gligar and sudowoodo are ready for action.


Spaghetti dropping contest
Would have been nice if they would have released gen 4 evolutions with gen 2, I really want a magnezone.

But then again rhyperior would probably be a nightmare right now.
>Pokestops are just coated in marinara sauce and spaghetti
>the sound of thousands of pokemon pin adorned fedoras all being tipped at once
Nah we live out here to get away from the nogs and other filthy trash that comes with urban living.
>i have 2 pokeballs left
>1st day spin bonus gave me those 2 balls
>hatch a paras on the way back home
>43 cp rattata ran away

hanke why
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>take my son to the dentist for a checkup
>oh hey, this place is a gym
>it's lvl 10 Mystic
>all 3000+ Dragonites
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Imagine being so autistic that you put a decal on your car signaling your fandom of a mobile video game based on a children's cartoon.
>event that increases chansey spawns only in certain areas
>event that increases snorlax spawns in Japan
It's like Niantic want me to spoof for a disgustingly good gym-sitting team.
desu it's for reasons like this that I want to make a bot account and have at those gyms. Being a walkfag is suffering.
Get your history right anon, the children's game came before the children's cartoon.
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>spend 15 minutes taking down a gym with great defenders
>put my own mon in
>it's lost the gym within minutes of me leaving

Anyone else know this feel?
Any scanners that actually work?
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Son, I'm Instinct, this feel was my main feel before for as long as I started to spoof.
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So why do levels go up in 0.5 increments? Why not 1 - 100 in increments of 1 like normal? Why not have trainer level cap at 50 and your maximum pokemon level just be twice your trainer level?

Why does CP have to be a thing? Why not sort gym defenders by level?
Because they have no idea what they are doing, in the trailer the pokémon had levels.
>Why not sort gym defenders by level?

CP is shit but that would also suck. The idea behind the gym ranking is that the strongest mon comes last, just like you have to battle other trainers before the gym leader in the real games. There are obvious flaws e.g. Gyarados and Dnite being really shitty defenders but Lapras is always on the bottom of every gym but thats still nothing compared to have a gym with Pidgeys and Rattatas on the top because they have a high level
How do I get a good Garados?
Right but people wouldn't put in L40 pidgeys and rattatas if they actually wanted to keep the gym.

Also I would welcome seeing jokemons in high spots, I'm sick of everyone just throwing Rhydon (which eats shit against the vapelord legion everyone and their dog has by now) and Gyarados (same deal, see jolteon) and the like into gyms just because they secure the top spots.
When do nests change? I've been checking the global nest atlas recently, and it seems like there's a migration every Thursday?
>every Thursday
Seems to be every other Thursday.
If haven't caught a near perfect IV Magikarp on your way to one Gyarados, you have some really shitty luck.
I've discovered that Furret is kinda good at blitz attacking better than Raticate if you get a Furret with Hyper Beam. Personally I like to stick my Magnetons up on towers for shitmon placeholders
>live right next to the coast, beach 15 minutes or so walk away
>magikarp hardly ever spawns
Shit's whack yo.
go go marill!
why pokesearch dosen't scan?
Because it's fucking shit
how it is Pokesensor?
At what time does "night" begin in Go? I want to evolve my Eevee in Espeon but it's almost 16:30
Whenever it changes to night colour
It's dependent on your timezone and changes each day to simulate seasons
A great fix for spoofing would be to lock people out of gyms for 24+ hours after receiving a soft ban for spoofing/teleporting. Don't let them place in gyms and give them the error message whenever they try to battle one.
Alright. I think I'm still good now that's 16:33. The days are getting longer again too
the proximity requirement alone won't hinder spoofers at all
they should make it so you have to use NFC or Bluetooth but then you raise some safety concerns
Imagine being so autistic that you put a decal on your car signaling your fandom of a *dead mobile video game based on a children's cartoon *based on a superior game
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finally got my first partychu!
coincidentally it's also my first female pikachu
now I need another one to evolve
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Only the second perfect mon I've ever gotten.
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>Counter / Dynamic Punch Machamp
Counter is a bit slower than I would like but I'm really digging its efficiency vs Snorlax.

Why did he bring a grenade? Inside joke to the crowd or a collectors item?
Most people don't have the stardust to blow on memeing around with maxed out shitmon though.
Does anyone have that South Korea coordinates of the 11 stops overlapping themselves?
I wonder why they changed Machop/Machoke's vaguely reptilian motif to fucking gigantic lips for Machamp.
Don't spoof myself but I have it in my search history from when it was posted earlier.
37(dot)511424, 127(dot)098084
Appreciate it anon, 400 stops since yesterday and still no dragon scale. I don't get why I haven't seen it.
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>be the most popular game on earth overnight

>decide to do absolutely fucking nothing for a solid year

>only create updates that cuck you and the users with speed limits and gay bullshit

>wait until user base falls to 1% of what it was

>desperately scramble to create content and win them back

>dropping the ball this badly

Seriously Niantic, what the fuck were you thinking?
do you guys use pokiimap?
never heard of it

honestly all these speed limits are fucking retarded, it's like Niantic wants their game to fail.

So what if a few idiots die? Selective pressures that weed out the stupid are good for humanity. Do you want a successful game or not?

>you get a successful game with bad press every other day


all press is good press

>a child dies playing Pokemon Go is heard as "People are dying to play Pokemon Go"
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>evo items are impossible to find
>not just introducing them as an occasional drop when you catch or hatch a pokemon that uses it

>release gen2
>don't balance any of it
>impossible to find gen 1 mons except shitmons from eggs
>rebalance all the moves invalidating the majority of people's progress this could be seen as a new "season" bringing balance for new players, but all this progress represents physical effort. Spoofers, who they've done nothing to properly stop, actually benefit from this because they can find all the new strong stuff in a matter of moments
>still didn't fix grimer's spawn rate
while I'm glad normies dropped the game I wish Niantic did something to stop spoofers
>>not just introducing them as an occasional drop when you catch or hatch a pokemon that uses it
Heart Scales when
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Scratch that. I might cry I'm so fucking happy.
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>go for resupply run at local cemetery
>map starts loading, have random wave of dread
>game fully loads, 20-some stops have been wiped off the map
>area's last major pokestop cluster was nuked
>mfw me and fellow carfags btfo

Had a good run, made it to level 30, but I reckon I'm done after this inventory of pokeballs.
Still a shitmon tho
Still one of my top five Johto mons though.
guys i'm getting around 40 dratini candies average a days these days

aiddtiony i catch around 8 96-100% mons each days
go catch a textbook
See >>31956174 for an idea to fix spoofing. Also make it 20 minute softban on catching and spinning, with no way to shorten it.
10km eggs are bullshit, I haven't hatched a single good thing since gen 2.

>pineco x3
>mantine x6
>gligar x2
>sudowoodo x1

I mean come on, I burnt through my level 30 incubators and hanke bucks for fucking nothing but shitmons.
>tfw at funeral bored as fuck
>funeral is for grandmother who ive disliked since high school when she moved into my parents house and my parents forced me to give up my room cuz she had emphysema (dumb bitch ripped the filters off her smokes) it was a free source of smokes in high school
>couldnt shed one tear
>open pokemon go during someone's "emotional" speech
>see a fucking a charizard
>2194 cp
>cant help but say "fuck yes!"
>relatives turn around in disgust
I ended up just leaving and driving back to my city. put my phone on silent. idt it was worth the repercussions of my family being extremely mad at me.

>Fire spin and over heat, simply amazes me
still a good day
You know I was thinking of taking a nice bike ride around town today, catching some pokemon and having fun outside.

But now that i've read the thread I don't see the point, there's no possible way for a pure walkfag to ever compete with spooferfags and coordinatefags, its just impossible.

Even every gym is filled with you fuckers, good luck finding one nowadays that isn't level 8-10 with all over CP 2000 pokemon that I can't even put a dent in with my shitty roster.

What a dead game
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Really? I'm from LA and on the day Gen 2 was released, I had a Heracross run away from me in the Sherman Oaks area. I haven't seen one since but I also haven't really followed the news.
>there's no possible way for a pure walkfag to ever compete with spooferfags and coordinatefags, its just impossible
I play with my gf and collect from 4-7 gyms a day. We walk around our neighborhood. No spoofing needed. Caught a lapras and gyarados in the last two days

I can see how it might suck if you dont live in downtown of a major city
>living that close to mexico
arent you glad about the wall? what kind of car do you drive?
Im in a minor city with few stops that are spread out pretty far

The best thing i've seen spawn so far was a 1300 Crobat that got away, at least I managed to get it's 1200 little brother later on

I've never seen anything over 14k spawn in the wild
>I've never seen anything over 1.4k spawn in the wild
what level are you? 21? i used to catch 2k jynx and tauros semi daily at home
>I had a Heracross run away from me in the Sherman Oaks area

Fake news.
Is the user base really 1% of what it was?
Call it what you want, I did see one, which is why I didn't even know it was a region exclusive. I thought I had not seen another one because they were rare or something.

No. I was just being dramatic because my poke gf left me for a negro.
I was a massive loser before Pogo was even out. I like to remain consistent and have fun :^)

t. walkcuck
Houndoom seems really cool looking. I've been casually hitting up a frequent spawn point and using pinap berries.

Never played sapphire or violet or whatever. Is it a shitmon or can it be good? it would be cool to use it to prestige against palmtrees
>sapphire or violet

t. newfriendo


Get off of this board, normie. Go back to /r/normies or something.

We hate your kind here.
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I had blue yellow then gold, gold had suduwodo. I only ever had gameboy color.

looks like gamepress is waiting for nick to get all the credit
Even Mega Houndoom is a bit of a shitmon
>2 weeks in
>not one sighting in LA
>suddenly a wild faggot appears

Kill yourself. Fucking lying peice of shit.
Only 23 now, how do you grind up to where you people are at?
New Thread


New Thread


New Thread

Just sniped my first pokemon and it was great. 2 more and I'm wondering why this game is even worth playing anymore. Spoofing around my town at least lets me get excited by still bumping into random good shit.

Time to go back to my Pokemon Black playthrough maybe. This was fun while it lasted I guess
>Inventory filled with 5K Eggs
>Decide to spend the week walking these off so I can get some 10K
>Hatch all of them
>3 Psyduck. 2 Rhyhorn. 2 Ponytas. Paras. Sandshrew
>Get nothing but 5k eggs again
I resorted to hatching eggs because nothing rare/useful ever spawns in my area, and a after a week of walking, the most rare thing I found was one Chikorita.

Walkfag/Carfag here, I only play while walking the dog, legit GPS drift at night while sleeping.

I'm lv 27, got 1 2750 Dragonite a 2690 Snorlax a 2k Lapras, several 2.5kish Vape, 2.2k Zam, 2k S/S Gengar, a 95% Machamp in the making, a couple of 2.3k Rhydons, etc., I may not be anywhere close spoofers but I can hold my own and it can be done
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Like how you see assassin's kreed symbol decals on the car's truck/boot? I'd rather the symbol of a dead game than a fucking monster can,atleast putting it somewhere subtle.
The game doesn't catch my gps signal for some reason. It was fine before. I just want some Johtomons
Walkfag here; I just took down a 20k prestige Valor gym by myself. Stop complaining just because your weak scrub ass couldn't git gud.

Btw, I'm level 27 with months of training Eeveelotions and train the old fashioned way.
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>tfw spoofing just so I can destroy level 10 Valor and Mystic gyms

Feels good to keep you fags down
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>finally hatch a Dratini
Fuck this luck
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