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So will Gumshoos forever be associated with you know who or will

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So will Gumshoos forever be associated with you know who or will it eventually fade away? Also Gumshoos thread.
It will always be associated with the D because the timing was too perfect.

Kind of like how half the gen 2 dex is mistaken for gen 3 mons to the day.
Unfortunate that it had to come out in such a period, I enjoy the concept of a detective mongoose with a hat styled hairdo, but it will be associated with such things for a while to come. I don't think the artists even thought that people would link it in such a way, and this comes from someone who doesn't actually mind the guy.

Just ignore all the memes and enjoy the detective pokemon as what it's actually supposed to be.
No one calls Abomasnow Obamasnow anymore so maybe?
gumshoos is actually supposed to be a detective look not a trump look

Abomasnow only had its English name in common, Gumshooes has its appearance and was more perfectly timed.
God I hope it will go away. Such a shame that a genuinely cool and creative design got associated with the orange retard.
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>tfw AA devs forgot him
>tfw pokemon devs try to bring him up
>trump meme takes over instead
Hopefully it will fade away soon, and this coming from someone who welcomes our god emperor
The hat idea is cool, bit it's not really conveyed very well thanks to the yellow colour and really does look more like hair.
Yeah, agreed. I still think the concept is pretty cool though, and it's one of my favorite early game mammals along with Furret, memes not withstanding.
I think OP knows that

>So will Gumshoos forever be associated with you know who

I really thought it would be Looker's partner in this game, since it's name is really close to gumshoe, a name for detective. Also, it has a similar haircut to looker.
I love Gen 3, Skarmory, Crobat, Slugma, Girafarig, and Gastrodon
Maybe he will be impeached and everyone will immediately forget about him and stop associating Gumshoos with him. Maybe.

Go back to your safe place, snowflake.
I'm disappointed Looker didn't adopt one or something
Literal detective Pokemon and the detective doesn't even acknowledge its existence
You mean /pol/?
Oh no, I'm really scared.
>gets triggered this easily
looks like you're the one in need of a safe space
Candle Ja
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Even worse is that this guy got great abilities that are vastly canceled out by the fact that he has shit stats and no [priority] moves, not even quick attack.

That said, what's the best way to use him in PU that isn't trickroom? I was thinking strong jaw choice banded wallbreaker with hyper fang, crunch, eq, & u-turn?
I'm pretty sure Gastrodon was actually supposed to be in gen 3, but they cut it and later reused it in gen 4.
It will as long as someone exists to make this thread again.
Hard to forget about a US president
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No, you're doing it wrong. You have to say Candlejack's whole name before cutting your sen
It'll be easier after he's impeached later this year.
Cry more

It was. I don't remember how much beta data exists for it, it might not even have had anything beyond a sprite.
Oh no, someone criticized the president, trully that must make them an overly-sensitive Tumblr user in denial who is unable to accept reality instead of a just being a normal person with their own political views.
normal people don't bring their political views to where they don't belong
>thread is about a political topic
>"lol political views don't belong"
>politics should be discussed on /vp/
nice meme
Considering this topic is about Gumshoo's association in the fanbase with Trump, i don't see how >>31873332 is out of place.
What's really weird is that Trump-supporters compare him to Gumshoos, but that's kind of an insult when you think about it:

>Yungoos/Gumshoos were brought in to deal with immigrants (Rattata) while being on themselves
>Failed to properly do it
>Became a pest themselves
>Are a route 1 shitty trashmon.
Well Trump supporters aren't exactly known for their intelligence.
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>all of these butthurt tumblrnigger replies
Sadly yes. It was unfortunately timed and even japs are in on the whole association.
Trump is the president of the US and gumshoe will forever be linked to him and there is nothing you can do about it.
>wah wah orange hitler :(
>lol retard back2 your safe space
>no uuuu go back to your safe space like /pol/ because yeah pol is a hugbox because moderation oh there is no moderation but it's still a hugbox wah wah
Man you left wing retards are so easy to trigger.
See you in 8 years when his term limit arrives.
It's merely based on the hair. And it looks cute.
Half the Hillary voter base consists of non-whites with an average iq of 90. By that alone, Trump supporters are, on average, smarter. Also which retard wasted 1.2 billion dollar and couldn't beat the tv clown?
Quality thread. Really entertaining to watch two monkeys flinging shit at each other while both yelling "LOL U TRIGGERED XD".
It's a politically charged thread and someone started posting bait, what did you expect?

That's why both sides love it. Trump supporters can go

>Fuck yeah, Trump's a Pokemon.

While his haters can go

>Fuck yeah, Trump's a shitty Pokemon.
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I expected autism, and I got it
It's the best regional Route 1 mon though, and to be honest, Rattatas should be tossed over the wall of Po Town.
That's why /pol/ should stay in /pol/ applies to all kinds of political discussions. And if that doesn't work just create more political boards for all spectres.
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>caring about quality on /vp/
Diggersby tho?
I'd like that actually. /pol/ is supposed to be about political discussion, but what it is really about is sucking Trump's dick. I'd like a bit more variety. It would also help to improve 4chan's reputation as Neo Nazi Central.
>Best route-1 mon
>Not linoon
Nigga, what?
It won't be associated with anything as it'll be forgotten.
How bad is that, as a spic, I actually kinda agree with the guy and even think he would be a likeable person if you got to know him better?

Yes, I'm still in my own country

No, I've never been to the US for anything other than tourism.
I guess we'd be good with /pol/ for right-wingers and libertarians, lefty/pol/ for left-winger and socialists and religion/pol/ for Christians, muslims and jews.
Btw, no one actually cares about 4chan or its "reputation".
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you niggas need some taste
It's called charisma. Hitler's speeches were apparently so convincing that Jews in the audience would cheer along and only realize later what they had been agreeing with.
If you like nationalism and libertarian laws for natives, he is your guy.
Who the hell is Candlejack?
>trump voters
Yeah because high school diploma > college degrees
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Well I fucked up by making this thread
Remoraid is my favourite gen iii Pokemon
really bad, spic or not
>Too educated to get useful degree

Woe is the life of the intelligent liberal arts majors
That's why Gumshoos is one of the best Alola mons, he's got something for everybody. Plus the memes were pretty funny.
/pol/ could have more variety if more people posted legitimate criticisms of Trump instead of just bait. I like Trump, but echo chambers are never good. It's not all dick-sucking though, they were pretty critical about his support of Israel.
He raises some valid points, don't let identity politics pull the wool over your eyes. You're welcome here as long as you come legally.
At least you know you deserved to get kicked in the teeth
Daily reminder that Trump haters are the biggest retards on Earth. They should not talk about politics
It's a decent thread, there's somewhat less shitposting than I anticipated.
Everyone compares Gumshoos to Trump because it looks like Trump. The fact that its an animal brought into to get rid of a bunch of invasive mustache rats doesn't help. Also, I would say they do their job pretty well, since you can't find Rattatas during the day/night time were the Yungoos/Gumshoos are out depending on which version you're playing
Regardless of your political affiliation, insulting people isn't how you get them to agree with you. But I think we can all agree that with the exception of Stoutland, Gumshoos is the best Normal-type Route 1 mon.

Nah, it's more of a shame that the most powerful guy on the planet is associated with a shitmon

It's like wanting to be like Iggy Koopa in Mario World
You need to be 18+ to post here
If you want to try a Stakeout set, you can use Yawn to pressure the opponent to switch Pokemon.

Then you can hit harder with a move on the switch. Return/Thrash would work well for STAB, and Crunch if you predict a Ghost type switch in. Earthquake, Pursuit, U-Turn, or even a nuke Z-Move could work too.
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>TFW the one Guy Noir pokemon turned out to be garbage

It's not fucking fair it's not even usable garbage like Linoone, just straight up trash
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Nah, it's okay.
Since this thread is up yet, I'll drop a redpill here. I couldn't find the version with Pictures from Hector Morenco's Twitter but still...

Posting a Mewtwo pic to keep on topic.
Yes, despite the fact the meme was overused before the games were released, underage retards will just keep echoing it to themselves to make them feel like they are funny.
Unless Shofu gets really popular
You clearly have not read Trump's energy plan is all I have to say on this. It's mostly correct though
Ah shit I hate that 6 digit salary I get with it
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Yeah, the focus I wanted to make was about the Petrodollar and how dangerous the US external debt would be not only for the US, but for other countries too.

Thanks for highlighting me about the energy plan. I'll inform myself on that.
That usually signifies post offfial artwork

A weird cry and Pre evo sprite exist iirc
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>genuinely cool and creative design
Marowak with thick bone club, saying "is this chansey serious?"?
Trump is a hero faggot
Candlejack used to be a popular m
that shit was only popular on b. and that was like in 2009
I said smarter than Clinton voters because they have uneducated and dumb non-whites on their side.
Keep paying em 60k for your liberal arts.
Six zeros are technically digits
Agreed,Gumshoos is still one of my favorites,I don't mind the comparison and memes though
oldfags gotta stick together
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