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>LandoT is so used that players are running HP Ice to counter

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>LandoT is so used that players are running HP Ice to counter the opponent LandoT

It's changing Genesect IVs to prevent download all over again. How long until Smogon suspect their Lion?
>Touching their balanced genies
Not in this life, m8.
If the lion falls, the meta will soon after. This piece of trash is the glue holding this mess of a meta together. Take this thing away, and a bunch of bans will follow
>It's changing Genesect IVs to prevent download all over again.
I still do this subconsciously if a Pokemon's defenses are equal, just because I don't like Porygon2

But unless you can convince Smogon that Lando is doing more harm than good (good luck with that) or Game Freak to release one with Thousand Arrows and Brave Bird, its staying
>eliminating something so cancerous as Lando
Funny joke m8
People used HP Grass for Swampert in gen 3.
That's what everyone said for Aegislash. And smogon said something like

"we don't keep broken shit that hold the meta against other broken shit" and "if something broken appears, then we just deal with it at the right time"
Well Lando T isn't really broken, it's just a gluemon
Everybody uses it =/= broken
Lando-T is very easy to deal with, it's just grating and annoying to have to do so every time you play against any teams
Lando-T is a momentum machine with a large number of viable sets. Gene got banned for those reasons.
Never, people care more about the stuff that sweeps them 6-0 and not the Pokemon that is in every match.
I suck at team building so I'll never be able to get high on the ladder but is this thing really in need of a ban? What are its checks and counters? I imagine with its speed tier it shouldn't be that hard to revenge kill it.
>Lando-T is very easy to deal with
Once you know what it's running, yes. However, at this point in time, there are so many different Lando sets that you're forced to run multiple counters to it, because something that can handle the defensive set might get killed by the Choice Scarf set, and your Scarf Lando counter might get rekt by a surprise Z-Fly.
>Resist or be immune to Ground
>Have a strong special attack or Ice attack
>Outpace it

Any Pokemon that does at least two of these stands a good chance against it
>players are running HP Ice to counter the opponent LandoT
garchomp and gliscor doesn't count I guess? Electric types run hp ice as coverage anyways
Scarf pheromosa OHKOs with ice beam and can tank an EQ
you're right, I retract my statement
Let's hope the meta doesn't go to shit if it does end up banned
It's probably gonna happen eventually, the introduction of Z-moves only made him better. Now he essentially has the ability to remove a large portion of his previous switch-ins.

I don't want it to happen. For one thing I don't really hate healthy genie lion, but more importantly I'm just scared to find out what kind of mess this meta would become without him.
I worded wrong.

Players are running HP Ice on their own Lando-T to beat opponent Lando-T
252+ Atk Landorus-Therian Earthquake vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Pheromosa: 208-246 (73.4 - 86.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Thank Gamefreak for making bugs resistant to urf
This is the issue I keep telling everyone about. Lando-T is just to adaptable. He can be basically any role in the entire metagame, and outside being a wall he can do most things crazy well.
>Tfw Sun & Moon ruined everything
>implying running specific moves to counter common metagame 'mons is anything new

It's literally no different from running HP Ground on Volcarona to hit Heatran, or Focus Miss on Alakazam to hit T-tar.
haha wow i didn't realize. just checked the stats, it was over 25% in every elo tier last month

i guess i never encountered it in my play since i've never (?) used lando on any of my teams so their hp ice has never been used against me
it was really only Z crystals
Lando is banned
We shouldn't be in a position where the removal of one Pokemon collapses the entire meta. If it really is doing that, what if the scenario I mentioned earlier does happen (Landorus receiving some retarded event attacks) and we're forced to remove it?
I've started running HP Ice on my Garchomp to counter Lando-T. I try to catch Lando on the switch. Its a 2HKO on offensive Lando and a 3HKO on the defensive set. This is without Life Orb btw.
So why does Landorus-Incarnate Forme deserve a ban, but Therian Forme doesn't.
Rocky Helmet 46.912%
Choice Scarf 17.363%
Flyinium Z 12.250%
Rockium Z 9.588%
Leftovers 7.442%
Earth Plate 2.147%
Other 4.297%

What set are you running /vp/?
Assault Vest Stealth Rock set
It's Verlis approved
Incarnate was a supreme wallbreaker. Anything that could conceivably take its attacks could be worn down quickly or boosted on with Calm Mind, and it can take down faster Pokemon after a Rock Polish

Last time I used it was Rocky Helmet
Incarnate could just punch through shit with Sheer Force
Better off running surf
>Smogon bans Dugtrio but not Landorus
The better question is
>which set will earn him a Suspect Test?
They pose two different problems, dugtrio is more problematic when paired with stall
Juts use shed shell on everything :^)
Complex ban that allows landorus without the event moves.
Fucking obviously.
Just use Draco Meteor at this point, it's a clean 2hko on Landorus T with minimal investment, mixchomp is actually good.
smogon really loves their le floating lion, no?
>complex bans
haha remember when they did that for greninja and blaziken and shadow tag that was great
remember when only sand rush excadrill was banned in gen 5? haha
Flynium Z and Rockium Z could do the trick actually.
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>LandoT is so used that players are running HP Ice to counter the opponent LandoT
People have been running HP Ice on lando-t since fucking gen 5. How is this surprising to you?
Many people skipped out on Gen 5 because of hivemind mentality and other shit like "Reeee Ice cream Pokemon!"
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Your opponent leads Lando-T.

Who do you send out? Let's say you even know it's gonna be the opponent's lead. What do you send out to beat it on Turn 1?
Tapu Fini, Mega Metagross, Zapdos, my own Landorus...

Scarf Stone Edge OHKO.


>Tapu Fini
U-Turn out to Ferrothorn or Tapu Bulu

>Mega Metagross
Scarf Adamant Earthquake

Rockium Z Stone Edge OHKO or U-Turn out to something like Lycanroc or Tyranitar.

>My own Landorus
So everyone needs a Lando.

Nice metagame.
Quick claw articuno boi :-)

>he fell for the earth plate meme
I've been doing this since gen 6, friend.

Flyium Z Fly for the OHKO or SE U-Turn out to Pheromosa or Band/Scarf Entei.

If it was a guaranteed proc it would be a proper counter but you can't rely on an item that DOESN'T proc the majority of the time and say that's a counter.
>U-Turn out to Ferrothorn or Tapu Bulu
Then I can Taunt or switch
>Scarf Adamant Earthquake
If they run Scarf Adamant then they are not that good to begin with so I can probably win even without my Mega
>Rockium Z Stone Edge OHKO or U-Turn out to something like Lycanroc or Tyranitar.
Zapdos is faster and OHKO with HP ice. Lycanroc isn't a problem and even if Tyranitar uses Pursuit Zapdos won't die and can recover with Roost later on
>So everyone needs a Lando
Not really since everyone(except you apparently) knows how to deal with it
>changing Genesect IVs to prevent download

Can someone explain?
The ability Download raises your Attack or Special Attack depending on which of your opponents defences is lower.
By putting an extra IV in SP,Def you give Porygon2 and Genesect an attack boost which is useless for Pory and Situational for Gene.
>running HP Ice to counter the opponent LandoT
Retard, the HP Ice is for opposing Garchomps and so that Zygarde isn't able to set up on you
Scarf Pheromosa with Ice Beam.

>U-Turn out to Ferrothorn or Tapu Bulu
Then I can Taunt or switch

And you've failed to get even 1% of damage off on Lando, nice job.

>Scarf Adamant Earthquake
If they run Scarf Adamant then they are not that good to begin with so I can probably win even without my Mega

Groundium Z Earthquake than, the point of this exercise is to figure out a pokemon that can beat all Lando sets. I thought that was obvious. Megagross loses to Lando, plain and simple.

>Rockium Z Stone Edge OHKO or U-Turn out to something like Lycanroc or Tyranitar.
Zapdos is faster and OHKO with HP ice. Lycanroc isn't a problem and even if Tyranitar uses Pursuit Zapdos won't die and can recover with Roost later on

So you're unironically running a max speed Zapdos and have the nerve to call me a bad player? And Lycanroc is a problem for you. Here: hard switch Lando out of your max speed Zapdos to Band Lycanroc-Midnight. It eats up the HP Ice and doesn't have any coverage that beats Lycanroc, next turn gets destroyed by No Guard Stone Edge after I guess ranking a TBolt or something.

>So everyone needs a Lando
Not really since everyone(except you apparently) knows how to deal with it

And yet you haven't given a single pokemon that can beat Lando on Turn 1.

Hard switch out to Toxapex after getting off the Intimidate.

I don't know why you guys keep trying, there literally isn't an answer.
>switch to Avalugg, KO with avalanche
>if the set isn't obvious from team preview then scout the set
>switch in one of the hundreds of switch ins
Wow thanks Smogon, expecting me to run Lati, Buzzwole, Zapdos, Fini, Ferro, Rotom, Scizor, Tangrowth, Bulu, Bro, Dnite, or Zygarde on every team. Extremely over centralizing

Eat the U-Turn then face down a special attacking Fire type.
Switch out to a water type
Schrodinger's Landorus, somehow having every set at the same time while never making the wrong decision or getting predicted.
Are you stupid? Genuine question since for some reason you seem to think that Landorus can run every set at the same time and is the only pokemon in the game who is able to switch or U-turn
You do realize that there are plenty of OU Pokemon like this that don't have counters, right?
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>plenty of OU Pokemon that don't have counters
>Schrodinger's Landorus, having every set until you choose your move
you have a 1/5 or so chance of knowing right the first time, if you analyze the team comp you can up it considerably.
Let's also not forget about Gliscor, Salamence, Flygon and Dragonite.

Or just anything that is just weak to ice for the extra coverage in general. OP is a stupid faggot for thinking Landorus is SOLELY the main reason.
>Yes, because the point is that every "counter/check" to Landorus is answered by another Landorus set, meaning you will be beaten by one or more commonly used sets even when prepared, and even then, it could just fucking WALK AWAY from all of them.
>The only way to fully counter it is to build a team made only of different answers to Landorus, which it a Quality Metagame™ at its finest.
I was making fun of the guy saying Landorus is OP. Also if you're a good player you scout for sets instead of blindly throwing Pokemon you think might beat it. If you play like this, you probably have way more issues than Landorus keeping you from winning SPL.

Did you reply to the right post? The only way to fully counter a Landorus is by not playing like a retard. Literally looking at the opponent's team gives you a good idea of what the Landorus might be, and as long as you're not running the worst Hyper Offense team ever made you have room to scout for the set. Please, try playing on high ladder and see how many lead Landorus gets a random kill. Of course that's assuming you can even break 1300, which is extremely unlikely.
Loses to Scarf U-Turn
Loses to Z-Fly
Loses to Z-Stone Edge unless max speed timid >Fini
Loses to Swords Dance
Loses to Swords Dance
Actually threatens it and is an acceptable counter
Loses to Z-Fly followed by EQ
Loses to Z-Fly
Loses to Z-Fly
Loses to Z-Stone Edge
Loses to Scarf EQ
Schrodinger's Landorus
>ferro Ferro or Scizor losing to SD
>zygarde losing to Scarf EQ
>lati loses to scarf u turn
Play the game before you complain about something
>Also if you're a good player you scout for sets instead of blindly throwing Pokemon you think might beat it.
That's why I said
>if you analyze the team comp you can up it considerably.
It isn't a complete crapshoot if you're not retarded
Pheromosa used ice beam!
>it isn't broken, it just does every role better than other mons!
>Scarf Landorus used Z-Fly!
I run Rockium double dance. Because fuck stone missing.
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memes are not arguments
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>nobody makes memes during arguments
>Insult memes
4/10, made me reply.
The others are just a bonus since Flygon isn't used and Stone Edge works just as well on most threats and is more useful overall. EQ chips Garchomp just fine. HP Ice is really just niche for Lando.
>he doesn't use quick claw with z fly and z stone edge w/double dance and scarf eq
memes suck, specially competitive ones.

except verlisify sets, those are always funny

I don't know why you're asking me that because one of my posts you quoted is just Lando hard switching out of a Scarf Pheromosa, so that has nothing to do with what set Lando is running.

There is nothing you can do against a pokemon so versatile and plain good. Some guy upthread couldn't believe I offered Adamant Scarf Lando as an answer to a Megagross lead. And, yeah, it is a weird nature to run because one of Jolly Scarf Lando's niches is switching in on Adamant DD Zard X. But it just goes to show it can really do anything it wants and choose what it counters.

>Earth Plate
>Jolly Scarf
>Adamant Scarf
>Double Dance
>Defensive Leftovers
>Defensive Rocky Helmet
>Groundium Z, Flyium Z, Rockium Z sets

And of the less than a handful of pokemon that can switch in on every one of these sets safely, it has U-Turn to fuck over your switch in. Which is why I was doing that Turn 1 exercise . It will always have the advantage against any pokemon on Turn 1. Even a Scarf Weavile can't win against defensive Lando (Icicle Crash does 86% max after Intimidate). The only thing you can do is counter lead with one of its hard counters (Rotom-W, Slowbro), and just eat a U-Turn or Knock Off into the appropriate pokemon. And everyone running Lando has a rock solid answer to all those bulky Waters that switch in on it.
REMOVE LANDORUS remove landorus
you are worst genie. you are the genie idiot you are the genie smell. return to ubers. to our OU cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the NU tier….ahahahaha ,genies we will never forgeve you. genie rascal FUck but fuck asshole genie stink landorus sqhipere shqipare..genie genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead genie..ahahahahahLANDORUS WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget BL2 .landorus we kill the king , landorus return to your precious OU….hahahahaha idiot genie and OU smell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE GENIES FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. jwitz+verlis+UU+Keldeo=kill genies…you will BL2/ ballio alive in UU, ballio making party in UU . fast rap primarinas UU. we are rich and have a meta now hahahaha ha because of ballio… you are ppoor stink genie… you live in a shit meta hahahaha, you live in a bad tier

ballio alive numbr one #1 in UU ….fuck the smogon ,..FUCKk ashol genies no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur meta and game. ballio aliv and real strong wizard kill all the genie low tier with baloon magic now we the UU rule .NU of the zoo presidant omori fukc the great smogon and lay egg this egg hatch and genies wa;s born. stupid genie form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of cubone. UU greattst tieer
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it's more likely that they'll ban HP Ice to keep Genie on top
OU isn't competitive, you're mistaken I think
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