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How would the anime be if they just made these three the

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How would the anime be if they just made these three the main characters?
For SM, probably better. They want it to be a full-on comedy anime, so may as well go with the characters who have been comic relief for 20 years.
It would have been cool if James was a main character.
Considering they have a pretty interesting backstory, I'd love to see them as more than just cheap comic relief.

They've had some really good character development episodes before. It's been quite a while, though... maybe as far back as D/P.
Honestly? It'd probably start to get really grating after a while. As someone who thinks they're the most entertaining part of the anime, giving all of the focus to the comedic relief is usually a good way to make your show unbearable to watch. That said, I think they should remain as the comedic characters they are. BW tried doing something different and it ended up coming off as really bland and out of character.

They've still had some good non-villain roles in recent years. The Malamar episode in XY comes to mind.
They've pretty much been the MCs since BW
If Ash gets a new girl every arc, does that mean Jesse gets replaced every arc with a new region girl too?
>BW tried doing something different and it ended up coming off as really bland and out of character.

Yeah. They finally started to get it right towards the end of BW, when they kept them as a threat but gave them some personality back. But for most of it, they were just incredibly bland and boring.
these characters have the most well-developed and relatable backstories too
Considering how awesome they can be when they're the good guys, it would have potential.
fap material for dogasu
Not that it really matters, since their backstories are never mentioned and have very little impact in how they act, beyond "we're tragic and evil and stick together weeeeeh."

The last time their backstories mattered was in Sinnoh. Which is a shame, because Jessie's backstory is pretty interesting.
it would be the best anime series ever created.

I love them so fucking much!
I don't even know who Dogasu is supposed to be.
I read it's just the japanese name for Koffing.
Which girl should be the villain?
>The anime will never end with them together like in Electric Tale of Pikachu
He's a massive TRfag in Japan who blogs about Pokemon stuff.
that's okay. I love reading fan impressions and interpretations sometimes.
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they do that on purpose to keep the rocketshipping fags all hooked, including myself.

but everybody knows they are a fucking thing.
ever wondered why Brock never ever just once hit on Jessie? Despite being the biggest horndog in the whole series? yeah, that nigga knows something we don't and that is J & J are an item with a love bond so tight that it cannot be broken.
I still believe they had legit sex on the Balloon at the end of that arranged marriage episode.

I kind of hate D/P for making a sequel to that episode and turning James' situation into a complete joke
>I kind of hate D/P for making a sequel to that episode and turning James' situation into a complete joke

it was kinda silly.
the Jessie and the Doc/Parting Ways episode also implied they weren't together. it's shitty because both have so much emotional baggage and James never cancelled that engagement with Jezebel because he's just running away.
They basically are alongside Ash at this point. I would actually like it better if they focused on these goofballs more.
13 episodes
I mean, it's possible for your best friend to be of the opposite gender, mine certainly is. You don't have to have a sexual attraction to your friends. That said, the love between the three TR characters is the strongest bond in the series with the sole possible exception of Ash and Pikachu.
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Literally yatterman, they are based on it
>I mean, it's possible for your best friend to be of the opposite gender, mine certainly is. You don't have to have a sexual attraction to your friends.

I don't really believe that unless your friend is unattractive in general or has a relationship with somebody else.

besides, don't you find it at all interesting that James' mother for some reason looks like Jessie and Jezebel looks like Jessie too?

I mean, they're really give it all away with those strong hints.
I just can't imagine Meowth as a third wheel.

Better. Like, astronomically better.

Team Rocket have been the best and most interesting characters in the show since the beginning. The rare Team Rocket centric episodes are pretty much always the best episodes. They at least deserve their own special.
You've never had very many friends in your life have you :(
Anything to see my husbando more often
I recently watched that episode.
it's a great depiction of how life in a big city is actually like.

man, I feel sorry for Meowth. Meowsie is fucking retarded.
nope :)
Only with Eric Stuart as voice actor, with the giggling and the falsetto and all the dumb shit which oddly fits the otherwise suave character.
>No season where the trio goes straight and become Ash's travel companions
>Jessie goes after contests and is seen as a legit competitor
>James becomes Ash's main rival with Meowth as his Pikachu
>Batista and Cassidy return as the new recurring antagonist
>They start off dominant forcing Jessie and James to rely on Ash
>Midway through the series they become dead even
>Before the League/Grand Festival, J&J soundly defeat Bosco and Cassidy earning Giovanni's respect
>Giovanni offers them a promotion
>Trio turn him down after realizing how far they've come without his help
>Ash beats James in the league
>They wish Ash luck in the finals but leave due to Giovanni hunting them down
>They return in a later series seemingly having rejoined Team Rocket
>Ash feels disappointed in them
>It turns out they're actually working with Looker to bring down Team Rocket from the inside
I need this.
this shit sounds stupid
god no.
I hate everything about your ideas.
>jessiexjames ship lol XDDDDDD so cute

james is fucking gay
>engaged to a woman
>Maiden's peak episode
>all over that girl illusion
> "b-but, he's just in denial!"
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closest anyone is going to get to team rocket being gay is meowth's VA of 11 years' headcanon being that meowth is bi

which would be fine with me
anyone but that fuckin schmuck cathcart please, fuck him
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>A little more than 8 years since Maddie passed away
weeeew ;_;
Didn't even realize it's been that long
No no no no no

These assholes always succeed/do their best when they're doing practical work.
They seriously need to buckle down and get into culinary school. After doing an apprenticeship they can work for a few different resturaunts working their way up.
Then, after a few years of hard work, they can open up their own resturaunt and just kick back. Live the easy down to earth life. Like those home-cooking old folk who everybody knows.
Then the anime can be great.
They've been handled well in Sun/Moon so far, but that's partly due to the fact that they haven't inturupted every decent plot so far. I literally couldn't get through X/Y because the comprised literally half of the show with their jobbing.
As someone who likes both trios, I kind of prefer Team Rocket. Who honestly cares about Tonzura?
I'd be happy if they got more episodes to themselves, they're always the best ones anyway. It feels like those get rarer with each series, sadly. When the fuck is the last time James got an episode?
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