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Now that 2016 is coming to a close, it's time for the yearly

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Now that 2016 is coming to a close, it's time for the yearly great debate: What would you say was /vp/'s 2016 official Meme of the Year?

Previous winners as declared by /vp/:
>2013: Daffyposting/>the same images everytime
>2014: Goodrafag/Goodraposting
>2015: Rotom pushing elevator buttons
Diaperbeam lol
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Unevolved Legendary Pokemon refusing to hide inside a bag.
Probably Ballio or Roothoot

Preferably not a meme centering around one of /vp/'s tripfags
Congrats faggot
Blast Burn for sure. The league loss was a salt mine of legendary proportions.

Nebby is a close runner up
Denialfags, generic hawaiian girl, etc
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stuffig ur face as usual i see.
were people unironically thinking that Ash would win the League?

no contest

The thought alone makes me laugh every time.
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No contest.
It was considered blasphemy to say he'd lose

People also thought Serena would stay for Alola
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Quality post
No no it's
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Is that post a reference to something?
>>2015: Rotom pushing elevator buttons
I'm fairly sure Fug won that poll
That isn't a /vp/ mene, it's an age-old 4chan tradition.
Nebby not getting in the bag

It's a reference to the time when Iggy wouldn't get in the bag.
How new are you? That was a thing two years ago
well sheeit, I've never seen it anywhere but here in the past 3 years.

maybe I've been missing out.

Diaperbeam and Nebby jokes feel forced as fuck, BURASTO was completely outside of anyone's control.
>Lupo the Butcher
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Ballio definitely
I never said it was new I was just correcting his mistake on the formatting.

Lilfella is in all of our hearts but he isn't the most popular meme, or even meme mon as that would probably go to Ballio.
people's pattern recognition must be shit here.
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The obviously choise
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what did they mean by this
>Rotom pushing elevator buttons
it was just one anon pushing this forced meme

What happen?
>2015: Rotom pushing elevator buttons
I'm pretty sure 2015 was Fug. Like, absolutely sure that 2015 was Fug. Elevator Rotom was forced by like one faggot near the end of the year and died off quickly, Fug got massive grassroots support and is still with us today.

2016 is probably BURASTO BAAN or something related to the starters because that went on for ages. I'd say Nebby too, but bag jokes waned fast. We got a couple of good memes this year.
opinion trashed
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Blast burn
>Snails from French
XY turned people into deluded retards who ignore all the past seasons and for some reason thinks XY would be an exception. These people kind of ruined it for me. Especially the amour shitposters
I said two years specifically because this exact thread from two years ago ended up as a 100 post long chain of klk's
Fuck off
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It has to be this
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>Jojo's Bizzare Adventure
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Never forget denialfag
Daffyposting kinda fell out of favor, but the other two I still see on occasion. Why is that?
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>The Godfather
Goodrafag left too and has been arguably replaced by Heliolisk. Some memes just don't last.
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I like Nebby in the bag, personally
okay fugfags
Now I want a picture of Charizard X serving Ash Greninja a burrito.
>cucking Scizor out of its Burrito stand
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This desu. Burasto Ban and get in the fucking bag are recentish but they weren't as big or long lasting as roothoot.
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Actually this is the best /vp/ meme
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Roothoot obviously
There's quite a few in contention
> roothoot
>Ballio and friends
>still liking Golem
>get in the bag
>unironically believing Ash would win the league
Strawpoll when?
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>>still liking Golem
That was so fucking forced. Fuck that.
Where is fug?
Oh shut up. We had plenty of reason to believe that Ash would win. You don't just give a trainer an anime-specific super mode and have him lose the final battle (his third battle with that rival, thus breaking the rule of three) unless you're literally the worse writers on the planet. They had NEVER fucked up this bad before, so we had no reason to think they would. I like the BURASTO meme, but it's better when you realize how bullshit that loss really was.
I think it's a toss up between BURASTO BAAN and Get in the Bag. Ballio and Roothoot died out after Sun and Moon were released.
still liking golem confirmed loser
Is this a jojo reference?
tripdubdub is that true?
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>You don't just give a trainer an anime-specific super mode and have him lose the final battle
Says who? Literally the only ones complaing are autistic manchildren (y'know, not the target audience?). Jap kids took their lesson from Ash's loss and keep on watching happily
>SM is good.

The worst,most forced and overused meme of the year.
This meme should win every year :^)
shadow your sneak around your palm and force the next life
>SM is shit
a way more forced meme.
Nebby and bags is my favorite.
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>Rhyhorn and Fletchling shitposting in vp.jpg
Nebby and the bag
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Daffy Fug Nebby.
burasto baan
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Not sure if it counts but I loved this one
Or you realize you aren't the target audience and stop chimping out over a character who will never win because writers dictate it. Go watch something better so you won't be disappointed for once.
Grow up and stop getting triggered over a kids show, anon.
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Sometimes i wish we had post IDs.
>2015: Rotom

that was a shit forced meme, surely there are better options for that year

As for this year, something to do with the chinese leaks and ballio and friends. those things plagued the board constantly for half a year
the moon is clouds
>Charmander used Bullet Punch!
or Heliolisk
>the pic of Kukui when you fight for title defense
How is this possible?
>>2015: Rotom pushing elevator buttons
fuck off you fucking faggot nobody here even knows about that stupid shit and the people that do don't even like it. It's the most cringy unfunny try hard "meme" I've seen on this board and also fug won so stop misleading everyone.
masuda (2).jpg

I personally enjoy the thing where we greentext the wrong cartoons

>Porky Pig
donuts imo desu
To be fair, it seems like even people who worked on the show were pissed they had to do that

Plus side, it shows us to never expect Ash to win. Ever. Even if they out right say that Ash will win, assume somebody higher up would rather blast burn the studio to the ground instead of letting Ash win
Kill you are self.
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That's from the
meme though
>Spongebob Squarepants
Good choices are:
>Get in the bag, Nebby
This one might be too mainstream though. The rest of 4chan was doing it, even twitter and facebook normies were doing it.
It was a wild ride, definitely memorable to anyone bombed by him.
>BURASTO BAAAN/Satoshi winnin' da league/Jobfrog/Serena winnin' da Ashbowl
It was a legendary week.
>Thinkin' bout those beans
It isn't very widespread, but Mohn is a good meme.
>Roothoot/Ballio/Generic Hawaian girl
Wotergate isnt up there, I don't see why these would be.
>Implying owls are birds
Patternfags aren't relevant enough to qualify a year meme
Daiperbeam is too forced, Lilfella isn't popular enough, Jojo Reference is retarded. Ryhorn watching Rhyporn is great, but hasn't been used enough.

I'm leaninng BURASTO BAAN.
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Do you really need to ask?

If yes, just do a strawpoll.
This poke
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Those threads get fucking crazy in a few post.
Goodrafag 2.0: Electric Boogaloo return (the heliolisk porn)
I think the asspain from the starters was amazing, but probably not moty material. I don't watch the anime, so BURASTO BAAN doesn't mean much to me. I think it may be Nebby.
Kukui and Royal Masked are two different person.
>Wotergate isnt up there, I don't see why these would be.
Because OP's list only goes back to 2013 and Wottergate was in 2010.
Shit, it WAS that long ago, wasn't it? It feels like it was a year or two ago.
Goddamn I'm old. Where has the time gone? Hold me for a bit, /vp/.
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I loved all of the chicken-chan OC that went around for like two months
Fug posting easily

Wake up grandpa, fug is like two yeas old now
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as much as I love fug, that isn't 2016
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Roothoot was the most long-lasting because it was throughout most of the leak season, which began early in the year and lasted late in the year. Plus, it was kinda like another Wottergate, which was a lasting /vp/ phenomenon.

I vote Roothoot. The XY series ending is close, but just didn't last as long.
>I vote Roothoot. The XY series ending is close, but just didn't last as long.
This tbqh. Other memes mentioned like bagging Nebby are fresher but we're talking about meme of the year. Needed to have a large impact most of the year.
The Chandelure rocket was good.
Not as good as BURASTO BAAN but it was up there.
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Denialfags, Nebby, or Ash losing the league
It was part of the found trainer animations from the demo, no one knew though that Prof. Kukui would end up as the champion, though.
Let's do this


I did.
Gotta go. Pls do me a favor and link to this thread/poll to attract voters
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>even twitter and facebook normies were doing it.
>>muh sekrit club
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>implying this board isn't just underaged crossposters
I don't think you know what a secret club is.
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Yes. The other guy was considering it to not count as a meme because it had gotten mainstream, as if it not being exclusive to /vp/ was a bad thing
Most definitely Alolan Persian
Owls not being birds is a meme almost as old as /vp/ itself, it's not even close to being a 2016 meme
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