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The fuck?

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Thread replies: 247
Thread images: 53

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The fuck?
yeah its fucking shit tier edge bait garbage
It's a chimera.
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shit its literally a shit.jpg
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Which Digimon game is that from?
All original concepts, sudowudo isnt even gen 1
If you follow the lore of the game then it makes sense.
Thst's from the newest pokemom game, retard. What have you been living under a rock for the past couple of months? Lurk moar faggot.
If I pull that mask off will you die?
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Uses shitty modern redesigns to try to prove that original designs are bad.

Damn dude at least try.

They literally chopped up a bunch of pokemon and sewed them together in an attempt to make Arceus.
This here is some high level bait, everyone.
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I'll bite
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Gen 1 was god tier design
Its an attempt to recreate Arceus to fight UBs.
Is the future of trolling going to be pretending to get trolled? Has technology gone too far? Is this inception?
>>shitty modern redesigns
What? There are a few official renders used since ~gen 3 or so (Clefairy, Voltob line, Diglett), but most are right from gen 1 (Mr. Mime, Chansey, Electabuzz, Muk, a few more) .
its a poison bird fish dog grass god whats so hard to understand ?
>canonically only three were created
>cannot breed
>chances are they'll break continuity and make it available in next games for pokedex entries
>Still no national dex for SuMo

Brahvah Game Freek
What's the problem,it's a chimera
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what is this face trying to convey?
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Gen 3 is when the designs went to shit, they redesigned all original pokemon are removed key features that made them unique. Koffing for example used to have hands, now he is just a gas ball.
Those are vector art, I dont think any of the original pokemon designs used vector art.
>koffing used to have hands

You do realize it's just gas in the shape on a hand right, he never had hands he could actually use
Here's the (you). Retard.
>chances are they'll break continuity and make it available in next games for pokedex entries
>Suggesting from this point onwards the games will even have full pokedex's
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....No. It's very clear Pokemon Bank is your new full Pokedex from now on. Please pay us $5 bucks a year to catch them all :^)
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>Gen 3 is when the designs went to shit

Gen 1 and 2 have plenty of bad designs. You think Magmar looks good? Butthead duck face spike thing?
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$5 a year? Oh no, that's like a million dollars in NEET currency!

Pokemon Bank is perhaps the most convenient thing to be implemented into Pokemon. I fucking hated moving Pokemon from gen 3 to 4 and 4 to 5.
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They tried to recreate Arceus.

Also, manmade Pokemon isn't a new concept.
Except it and Gladion turned out to be the opposite at the end
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Gen 3 sprites are god-tier you faggot and Gen 5 sprites were the GOAT
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>need to evolve it to complete the PokéDex
>can't breed
>unless they you another in the next game you'll screwed out of its dex entry
I love how you can tell what attack each one is using.
What's Squirtle doing? Withdraw? Headbutt? The first turn of Skull Bash while Wartortle does the second.
Scans of all these cards can be found online, they are awesome. Early Pokemon art is fantastic and very fitting for the 1st gen games that are more gritty and weird than the later entries.
But...with the new bank update, you will NEVER be forced to buy the license to complete a Pokedex, unlike what happened until now.

Are you high?
that's withdraw
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Wait...is that a Zaku head with an axe in place of the antenna?
all original designs, what's the point?
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Can't unsee. Looks more like a Zaku I with the bar in the middle.
Every Pokemon design is "original", that's a shitty ass excuse.
I dunno but it's badass.
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Absol-lutely disgusting.jpg
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And of course, you assume OP's a genwunner, even though he said nothing to indicate that. Every single fucking thread:
>If you hate any new designs, you're a genwunner
You people are absolutely disgusting. As a Hoennbaby, I implore you to be a little more open-minded than to make such retarded assumptions every single fucking time someone has a "less than positive" opinion about a current Pokemon.
You would be less retarded than him if you only figured that OP makes these threads while posting the same pictures responding to himself.
>45 replies
>32 posters
How the fuck am I supposed to figure that shit out?
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>built with every Pokémon type
>ability is just another Arceus instead of being every type at once
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>type null
>is normal
huh what did they mean by this?
>those defensive stats but complete dogshit movepool
>evolution only gets a speed boost
>shittier at using parting shot than Alolan Persian
Why is the "UB killer" complete shit at it's own job?
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Any type you choose.png
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Would you?
i know this is ironic but kys anyway
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Low level.
Not him, but projecting artistic integrity in a monster collecting franchise that was a cash cow from day 1 is some bottom of the barrel scraping shit to begin with.

Pokemon hasn't changed much, it's just adding other species, plants and folklore to adapt to Pokemon and most of the fans complaining just wanted nothing but species of animals and insects exclusively.
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*SIGH* They really should've quit after gen2...

Ruined... It's all ruined.
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Too be fair that grass snake IS complete ass.
>Arceus clone is just another Arceus
What a surprise.
But still, I hate how Gen 1 designs get the most shit just because of a few bad eggs (no pun intended). Saying "Muk exists" does not make every other new Pokemon immune to scrutiny.
Its pretty dissappointing that Silvally's memories don't boost attack like the Arceus plates do. Would've helped him a lot.
it's going to be using Darkinium Z anyway
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Gen 3 had some great sprites though.

Diamond and Pearl original sprites were awful though (Especially Gliscor's, holy fuck).

Thankfully they fixed many of their shitty sprites in Platinum and HG/SS
RSE sprites verses Crystals are such a damn shame, especially shit like Gengar
Don't claim "every single fucking thread" then, if you haven't figured it out by now.
Figured what out? What the fuck are you talking about?
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it does mean that people's taste are subjective and you should go kill yourself
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There are people who defend the new Pokemon designs.
That's an Ultra Beast
>literally my mom's poison bird fish dog grass god
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heh... nothin' personnel, kid,

Don't bully Jiggle Billy.
most of those are literally perfect. nice, simple streamlined designs with soft colors and natural looking shapes. mr mime and jynx are the only real bad ones in the bunch.
pleb detected
I'm playing through Pokemon Moon now. Why are there so many gen 1-mons at the start? About 2/3 of the way through the second island, and my team is:

- Evee
- Growlithe
- Gastly
- Magnemite
- Makuhita

(I ditched my starter as always).

I don't mind some of the new mons (toucan looks good, poison/fire lizard is okay) but I still just really like the simple gen 1 designs.

What cool new mons am I missing out on from early-mid Sun/Moon?
>Every type at once
>Still weak to Fairy
>Still is resisted by Steel
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>/vp/ throws autistic shitfits over "genwunners" and cherrypick the same 5 pokemon over and over while having to hand select the best of the best of multiple generations to try and look like they have an argument
>They actually attempt to shit on Dugtrio for years
>Then GameFreaktards go ahead and made an even UGLIER fucking Dugtrio and /vp/ gobbles it up because "it's supposed to look bad!"

jynx is inspired by nganguro, so it's supposed to be ugly
Grubbin, Wishiwashi, if you've beaten the second trial on that island you're nearing a Wimpod, and Mudbray.

All A+ pokemon from the first 2 islands.
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Don't bully Xurkitree, he just wants to wiggle.
only cuckolds and jojoniggers think Alolan Dugtrio looks good

t.gen5 fag
>buying a new game
>still using the same fucking Pokemon from old games
What's the point in playing new games?

NIce falseflagging, /vp/ hates Alola Dugtrio too outside the "hahaha funny" people.
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>talking shit about Hawaiin Digbro
You sound like you went to /vp/ to complain and got btfo, so you came back to /v/ hoping to net some sympathy.
>still using the same fucking Pokemon from old games

Maybe Game Freak shouldn't have hidden most of the new Pokemon behind shitty encounter rates.

Have you seen his fucking running animation?
Thanks. Railgun bug actually looks great.

Time to ditch a few of my gen 1 mons.
I don't get it. You're ready to spend 50+ hours training the same Pokemon, but not 15 minutes at most to find it?

And that's not even an excuse with how many of the others are super common like Pikipek, Yungoos, Cutiefly, Mudbray, etc.

And 20% to spawn a Corsola to call it is hardly rare, only shit like Passimian or BW Cryogonal or Viridian Forest Pikachu is rare.
this is my reaction to all of pokemon

sort of just weird and not very cute creatures
Only if it's female
whats wrong with lickitung
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That's not a pokemon, though
How do I catch Nebby?
with a bag
It took me like 6 minutes to get a Mareanie, use Adrenaline Orbs and Intimidate
Do people actually catch/train/use normal filler shit like Yungoos? Why?

It's literally designed to be a filler trash mob that you constantly plow through hordes of. It's not super effective against anything. Why would you want that on your team?

Even as a kid I never bothered with Rattata.

(Normal/Flying is okay though.)
>There's just a fucking sandcastle pokemon


Gumshoos hits like a fucking truck
A filler trash mob with a 180 BP move with no drawbacks is pretty good for ingame.
I'm kinda peeved that Type Null and Sivally was completely ignored for the most part. Not even a post game mission.

They tried to recreate fucking GOD.
Ultra Beast ARE Pokemon, just from another Dimension.
Oranguru is a great Pokemon
Not THIS dimension so they aren't pokemon
Play the game to know why such different creatures are in there.
I'd pick Bromite and Muk over furbait and tumor head any time.
>banana snake
At least try to pick a good design if you're trying to make that point
My new most hated Pokemon. Holy shit it looks so bad.
I love Magmar. Fuck you.
Only plebs hate Wagglin' Wally.
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>A Pokeball exist to be able to get Pokemon in the most convenient way possible
>including a legendary
>it's bretty comfy inside for the Pokemon
>an Aryan-race loli refused to put a babbymon THAT KEEPS ESCAPING inside a Pokeball
>no palm tree Alolan Sudowoodo
>even an NPC thinks it's strange
Fuck you Game Freak and your only gen I mons get special treatment bullshit.
thats not a pokemon
>he doesn't like willy wagglin
You mad cuz he's going to steal your bitch.
Clearly see the arceus relation
And looks like a shadow of the collossus head thingy keeping the god in check
I like the design what is wrong with it?
Actually play the game then. It straight up tells you why she doesnt capture ANY pokemon or ever becomes a trainer.
He's so groovy though.
Not even a pokemon
Try again.
It was a scientific experiment to recreate Arceus.

Maybe actually play the games after Gen 1.
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>more pokemon gen shitposting
What a surprise that you retards can't get it through your thick skulls that every gen is going to have blunder and shit designs. Though you can't deny that the later gens having a higher quantity of shit designs.
Worst design gens were 2 and 5. 6 only had two bad designs.
>Though you can't deny that the later gens having a higher quantity of shit designs.
I deny that.
>Choice Band Strong Jaw Hyper Fang/Crunch Gumshoos

I dunno why but I love filler normal pokemon. I blame Youngster Joey.
>le le le :D
Incineroar's coming for that booty.
I just got that his name is zurr-ki-tree like circuitry.
>Gen 2 has actually some good design
>they're not even gimmickmons and are now shitmons
Powercreep, why
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xurk happy.gif
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He's so happy!

>V's designs

Quit perpetuating that meme.
How come eggs turn into a tree
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>Xurkitree's body is a set of tendrils around a central mass that could allow for crawling around like a spider/octopus thing
>acts like a wacky wavy tube man instead

I love that stupid thing
Eggs grow on trees.
top-tier design
So what is the deal with these things? I haven't played it.
>nine pokémon out of 150
you can do better son
I'm not very far in, but from the way people are talking about them, they sound like Kaiju. Just sort of rock up and destroy shit.
They're technically legendaries, but not from our world. They came from an alternate dimension.
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They're pokemon from another dimension

They get sucked into our world sometimes and cause some serious shenanigans trying to find a way back home, but they're not inherently evil

They're slightly weaker than legendaries in BST but are minmaxed as fuck to compensate, plus they're not legendary within their home dimension and multiples of most of them can be caught
Sounds like they've opened potential to go to other dimensions for future games.
>they made moving mons from a gen to the other such a pain in the ass that cucks like this anon would be willing to pay for something that should be free
They're not legendaries. Guzzlord probably is but Nihilego is very common
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It's the sort of thing that's going to be either the main plot of a future game or a weird footnote that never gets adequately explained
That's like hating Porygon because you don't understand why he looks that way.

>I understand the reason why but I still think the design sucks

Fair enough.
Wait, if they are just pokemon from another dimension, why do some look like the characters? I mean I probably shouldn't spoil it for myself, but I swear, if it's just a coincidence and is never touched upon.
That's some SMT shit right there. I like it. It's weird, but also abstract, and not just weird because it's a sentient object like keys, or a wreath of flowers.
Jellyfish has a reason but it's not what you think, the others are just coincidences.
Leaving a whole lot of questions that don't need to be answered.
The Nihilego/Lillie resemblance is deliberate. Lusamine is obsessed with it and dressed Lillie that way as part of her fixation.Any other resemblances are coincidental or red herrings by GF
Nah, roach is definitely intentional. Samurai is kinda there but that's because he changed his look after leaving.
i understood this reference
>Any other resemblances are coincidental or red herrings by GF
Lusamine dresses like Pheromosa because she's obsessed with all UB's, not just Nihilego and she probably dressed Gladion like either Xurkitree or Katarna but since he made a point of changing after leaving the foundation we'll probably never know what she dressed him as.
Except not because all the UBs that aren't Nihilego and Guzzlord were only sighted and discovered after the incident at Aether.
But Wicke's data says that all of the UBs besides Nihilego and Guzzlord were sighted for the first time after the incident
Why does no one in Team Skull use a Duskull?
Because it's not part of the regional dex
>that komala walking animation

My side
And why isn't it?
Well damn. Were they just sighted for the first time by the public or do they rule out Aether having some secret research into them?
The public isn't aware of UBs. Only Aether and the Interpol know about them and both of them didn't knew about any other UB but Nihilego and Guzzlord and Cosmog, which status only Aether knew about
Did I miss all the wacky wavy inflatable arm flailing tube man posts?
Fair enough. Considering Lusamine's status it seems weird for her design to just be a coincidence.
What the yoom-tah did you say about the Guildmaster?
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And here we are on /vp/

>whack a mole
>pink rabbit
>poisonous slime
>pink blob
>rock with face
>ball with face
>eggs with face
>original concept
I like how whoever made this had to go out of their way to find the shittiest images possible because they know that they all actually look fine.
When are Unovashitters going to realise that the execution of a design is far more important than whatever it's based on?
Didn't Gladion say Lusamine used to dress him up too? I have a great mental picture of him dressed like Lillie.
>this is what /v/ actually believes
>It's a mods move a thread from another board and no one knows what the fuck is going on episode
The anime artwork is simply the main artwork with different coloring, bub.
I have no idea which of those are anime artwork because I don't watch the anime because it's always been terrible, but I do know that a bunch of them (most notably Chansey, Magmar, Dugtrio, Exeggcute) look far more garish and nasty than, for instance, their Bulbapedia images. The shading is super fucked on most of those pictures, too. They look like shitty fridge magnets or something.
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>All these /v/ posters
How the fuck can anyone hate on the groove?

Do you have no joy in your hearts?
I don't think there's anything ruling out the possibility that Lusamine had at some point during her obsessive research been able to look into Ultra Space, leading her to see some UBs (probably Nihilego and Pheremosa). The whole timeline with Lusamine already has some plotholes as-is, so we may as well just roll with it.
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Why do we keep getting /v/ reject threads?

this is the same board that thinks Dark Souls is hard
>>30980789 (You)
>>30980816 (You)
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>thread from /v/
>has /v/ posters in it
>design is literally a bastardized pokemon experiment
>genwunners think it looks bad because it goes by its own design philosophy
>probably thinks Jynx is a good design because it's supposed to be ugly
Nice edit.
>>genwunners think it looks bad
[citation needed]
/v/ is genwunners: the board and they hate its design
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Because that's their anime artwork. It's just a recolor of their original artwork.
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/v/ is trash anyway, with their console wars being an even worse version of /vp/'s gen wars. /vg/ is honestly better
But it's not just a flat recolor. Like I said, the shading is completely fucked and makes it look much, much worse.
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does it matter?

it's just artwork, it's not what you see in game

which is shit in gen 1 anyways
[citation needed]
The new pokemon are not necessarily bad, but the new art is, and since people have never seen them in ths style of the first/second gen art, people hate them.
Because Duskull don't appear in Alola.
That shitty sprite literally has better shading than the image up top.
yes but it still looks retarded as hell

bravo, anon
How does it? It looks like a fairly typical sprite of that time. It's not like I'm trying to fucking argue we should go back to the old sprites. What the fuck is the point you're even trying to make you cretin?
>of that time
wew here we go

the genwunner calling card

go ahead and say "hardware limitations" so I can strike that off my bingo card too
The new pokes are just pure joy to look at.

Alolan exeguttor looks like a real party animal. Stop hatin'.
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I'm not saying that the old sprites are better than the newer ones so what exactly are you getting at? They look worse but yes, (((for their time))), they look alright. I started with Gen II and my favourites are III and IV so I'm not a Genwunner. I just don't get this autistic summoning of the Genwunner phantom any time anyone criticizes literally any design. I LIKE Type: Null, I like it a great deal more than most Gen I Pokemon in fact. I like Silvally even more. My only argument was that the person who made this image >>30980326 is being totally disingenuous about the Pokemon that they're shitting on and you've somehow spun this into me being a Genwunner. That literally makes NO sense.
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Glad you agree.
It's a ghost you fucking retard. I'm pretty sure you find Rotom stupid too.
I'm out of place, but i would like it if you guys gave me some feed back :)

>why is this failed experiment shit?
silvallys are genderless you dummy
Just so you know, this image isn't making them look better.
Just look at Mankey, even taking perspective into account those proportions are all janky.
>Not liking Xurkitree
>such a pain in the ass
How is bank harder than getting two different systems?
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gen 1 pikachu.jpg
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Picture instantly voided by this being gen 1 Pikachu.
Literally my mom's budget arceus.
pokemon designs through the generations were only limited by what they had already done and the new media the hardware gave the designers
they had to focus on diferent things while designing because
>we gotta work with a limited palette now, take that in account
>we gotta work in 3d now, take that in account
they did not get worse or better, they got through a diferent design process, which itself isnt worse or better either
if a design or execution of said design is appealing then thats up to everyone's taste
and by the way taste is bullshit because everyone will like their own better
>and are now shitmons
i fucking love the toucan, it was always my favourite ever since gen 1
All these shitty Ifunny and memecenter memes about muh genwunners make me want to kill myself. Fucking shitty nigga poketuber brought reddit and /v/ here.
Gen 2 mons were always generic, forgettable and weak.
This art looks really dated and kinda ugly desu
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>shitting on pokemon designs
A reminder to get a load of this and be grateful for what you have

Yeah he is a genwunner, just like you are.
Well, there IS still a frozen one.
Earning $5 from chores is too hard

>Not liking Best Ultra Beast
consider suicide
>Hating Fabtrio
why do you hate fun?

This is the best thing!
>teleports away from you
Maybe next time I'll be more understanding when a genwunner tells me everything after Gen II is shit.
Hey, you leave my Wacky Wavy Electrical Wires alone!
They're creatures from another dimension that may or may not be pokemon. Pokeballs don't work on them correctly because they do not register as Pokemon, so you have to use unique balls instead (or just spam normal pokeballs but the catch rate is shit). They tend to have weird types and movesets that don't make much sense to us.

For example, Xurkitree may in fact be a "grass" type pokemon in its own universe because its pokedex entries describe its tree-like behavior. Celesteela learns grass and fire moves but is neither type.

why does the right side of this picture just have 6 pictures of the exact same pokemon?
>at dollar tree yesterday to pick up some christmas bags because I can't wrap for shit
>There's a fucking mountain of Yokai Watch plushes in a bin for a dollar
>Tons of people walk by, pick them up, and put them back down

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Yo-kai watch has some good designs as well.

>each battle intro animation takes 15 minutes to complete
>1% encounters take 15 minutes x 100 at bare minimum

I think you're underselling how long it takes to find them. Or how much the animation speeds in S&M make me long for the embrace of death

If normal pokeballs work they're pokemon
>Great dynamic running animations
>Don't use them in game
Please tell me I've got it wrong
Thinking of it they're probably used for a split second in moves that require the user to move. Either way it's a shame they aren't used more extensively.
>can't register sivally as a ride Pokemon
This is absolute BULLSHIT
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>this fucking thread
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>Mon is still dressed as pokebean guzzlord
Are there any moves that use them though? I haven't come across any, although I also haven't used every move.

They are used on the Pokéfinder though, but only with a select few of them. I seriously doubt they animated every single Pokémon/formes just for a throwaway gimmick feature. It might be wishful thinking, but they will probably be used in a future game on better hardware for the return of following Pokémon.
>pheromosa naruto running
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koffing fucking dies.jpg
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It was always a gas ball.
>Not liking Electabuzz
Haunter's Emerald Sprite was the fucking best.
Then it went into shit as of FR/LG.
have you even read the lore based on Palossand?

It's a scary mon.
It's actually low level. Everyone is starting to figure out "I'm retarded" style shitposting.

>see: /pol/
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