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/vp/'s MS Paint Generations Day 11: New Grounds, Old Grounds

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 98
Thread images: 66

File: VP's Hoopa.jpg (3MB, 4500x4500px) Image search: [Google]
VP's Hoopa.jpg
3MB, 4500x4500px
>New to these threads? Give this a quick read: http://pastebin.com/BQU3Mcj8 (Updated: November 24th, 2016)
>Want to vote for an older Pokemon? Read this: http://pastebin.com/xr8CpXWK (Updated: December 5th, 2016)

There, that wasn't so bad, was it? Now we get another week of Alola Pokemon.

Sort of. Have a Kanto Pokemon who has an Alolan form. Again, either form is welcome, Alolan form is highly encouraged.

>Pokemon 11: Marowak
>Hard Mode: No References or Fixes

You know the drill. Pokemon is selected at random daily, you get in this topic, you draw a Marowak in MS Paint (or similar program), and post results.

NEW Checklist: http://i.imgur.com/JMj4U39.jpg
Archive can be found here: http://vpdrawings.deviantart.com/

Don't forget to vote!
Holy shit those skeletons
File: yes.png (41KB, 1619x1343px) Image search: [Google]
41KB, 1619x1343px
you didnt put MY image you god damn megalomaniac
My apologies. Had it saved in the wrong folder. Will fix in the archive.
thanks senpai.
Voting for Accelgor.
File: A-Marowak sculpt.png (170KB, 509x535px) Image search: [Google]
A-Marowak sculpt.png
170KB, 509x535px
I apologize to any marowak fans for this

vote for mudkip
File: Amarofella.png (8KB, 366x277px) Image search: [Google]
8KB, 366x277px
File: Marowak Marowak Marowak.png (36KB, 556x522px) Image search: [Google]
Marowak Marowak Marowak.png
36KB, 556x522px
He's got friends on the other side!
I love the colors chosen for the fire, really nice touch.
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28KB, 498x393px
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55KB, 698x742px
I thought marowak was a snail
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66KB, 1241x1102px
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011 - Marowak.jpg
365KB, 1103x1289px
First for Hiker David.

Also votom for Rotom.
File: kill me now.png (30KB, 426x414px) Image search: [Google]
kill me now.png
30KB, 426x414px
Shit, you beat me to it
Not to mention that mine is a complete atrocity
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84KB, 1920x1080px
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12KB, 664x569px
nice reference my friend

good vote
mudkip VOTE go
File: Spore Alolan Marowak vp.png (155KB, 479x526px) Image search: [Google]
Spore Alolan Marowak vp.png
155KB, 479x526px
Nice touch with the feathers
easy mode, vote for whimsicott
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11KB, 450x556px
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410KB, 1000x713px
voting for Fennekin
File: marowak.png (14KB, 845x574px) Image search: [Google]
14KB, 845x574px
fixed. the hand was going to bother me if i didnt.
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1MB, 2439x2937px
voting for scrafty
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31KB, 699x497px
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skinny lil bitch.png
26KB, 1914x1776px
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marowak alolan.png
38KB, 1024x768px
i vote for romtom
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97KB, 1024x768px
an attempt was made
File: TotallyMarowak.png (21KB, 789x753px) Image search: [Google]
21KB, 789x753px
Sorry for the shitty attempt.

>Gee Marowak, ever since you came back from the daycare in that one town, you've grown a lot!
Forgot to mention voting for Marshadow
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New Bitmap Image.jpg
84KB, 859x711px
>mega alolan marowak
i like it

thanks, I had an idea of what I was doing going in, then I forgot what it was, then I remembered, then I finished, then I realized I cant draw

so lets just pretend its what you said
File: wak.png (24KB, 522x676px) Image search: [Google]
24KB, 522x676px
forgot to erase all the background, sorry

Shit, I can hear the voice saying it, but I don't remember from where. I'm not sure if it was actually from Doug, or if some funny internet man made a joke about it.
Of course, thanks. I completely forgot about this guy.
File: amar.png (206KB, 1024x768px) Image search: [Google]
206KB, 1024x768px
Voting for Mothim

File: MSPaint Alolan Marowak.png (343KB, 1505x1396px) Image search: [Google]
MSPaint Alolan Marowak.png
343KB, 1505x1396px
Voting for Noibat.
File: MSPaint Alolan Marowak.png (341KB, 1505x1396px) Image search: [Google]
MSPaint Alolan Marowak.png
341KB, 1505x1396px
>Can't delete
Oh well, fixed the problem on its feet.
double hard mode

I vote for....cloyster
File: Untitled.png (20KB, 790x545px) Image search: [Google]
20KB, 790x545px
Here we go.
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rare bone.png
65KB, 375x227px
File: AMarowak Hm.png (2KB, 128x128px) Image search: [Google]
AMarowak Hm.png
2KB, 128x128px
Voting for Furret
File: a-marowak entry by tijuanabro.png (85KB, 940x1000px) Image search: [Google]
a-marowak entry by tijuanabro.png
85KB, 940x1000px
Late night submission, at least I can start travelling around Poni come next morning.

As for the vote, I cast it on Cincinno.
your pic is bad and you could be ashamed of it
File: AMarowak.png (195KB, 1000x834px) Image search: [Google]
195KB, 1000x834px
Bonemerang is superior to Earthquake.

Also, vote for Scyther.
File: Marowacking.jpg (201KB, 1055x874px) Image search: [Google]
201KB, 1055x874px
File: Dude Marowak Lmao.png (23KB, 1032x818px) Image search: [Google]
Dude Marowak Lmao.png
23KB, 1032x818px
Voting for Cradily
everyone here draws like shit
you do better then
I do
It's not really about drawing masterpieces anyway. Just having a bit of fun.
Prove it
I am a professional furry artist
words mean nothing
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12KB, 286x473px
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342KB, 394x394px
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ghost dad.png
12KB, 498x507px
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124KB, 770x586px
I am the bone of my bone
Calcium is my body and fire is my blood

Voting for lopunny
When are you gonna get a real job?
File: Marrowak.png (8KB, 605x353px) Image search: [Google]
8KB, 605x353px
Hope yous like it
Voting for Whimsicott
File: quagwak.png (12KB, 391x467px) Image search: [Google]
12KB, 391x467px
voting for rotom
you're out of luck, i am the pope and i can see through your lies
If you're not, then you're pathetic for lying on an anonymous image board.

If you are, then you're pathetic for being a professional furry artists.

Either way, I hope you think long and hard about the choices you've made in your life.
File: BONE.png (11KB, 542x633px) Image search: [Google]
11KB, 542x633px
Voting for Magikarp
File: Marowak.png (59KB, 1584x1256px)
59KB, 1584x1256px
I tried
Fortunately Marowak already has his skull on display.
Unfortunately, my tablet and pen are dying on me.
File: The fire rises.png (15KB, 1008x630px)
The fire rises.png
15KB, 1008x630px
File: MarowakBIG.png (4KB, 512x384px) Image search: [Google]
4KB, 512x384px
Anyone remember this guy?
File: bone to pick.png (248KB, 544x800px) Image search: [Google]
bone to pick.png
248KB, 544x800px
I wasn't around during Marowak day, so is a chance to put both of them.
forgot to vote for Meloetta
nice toe cleavage
File: msmarowakalola.png (5KB, 382x248px) Image search: [Google]
5KB, 382x248px
i have absolutely no idea what this looks like
like most alolamons
File: auqwe.png (77KB, 631x490px) Image search: [Google]
77KB, 631x490px
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34KB, 650x650px
File: Hot bone.png (26KB, 803x670px) Image search: [Google]
Hot bone.png
26KB, 803x670px
Voting for Giratina
File: Marowak.png (23KB, 688x672px) Image search: [Google]
23KB, 688x672px
File: marowak.png (621KB, 1557x812px) Image search: [Google]
621KB, 1557x812px
This is rad
File: 27 Marowak.png (103KB, 454x443px) Image search: [Google]
27 Marowak.png
103KB, 454x443px
File: Screenshot_20161213-151849.jpg (286KB, 1143x1288px) Image search: [Google]
286KB, 1143x1288px
The eye was unfixable
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44KB, 1258x793px
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531KB, 988x1523px
Lovely action shot.
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24KB, 896x741px
File: MarOlivia.png (44KB, 490x576px) Image search: [Google]
44KB, 490x576px
voting for Rotom
File: maramara.png (30KB, 720x720px) Image search: [Google]
30KB, 720x720px
hope im not too late
File: not too late.png (126KB, 814x742px) Image search: [Google]
not too late.png
126KB, 814x742px
Kids, don't do drug.
voting for Rotom

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282KB, 1280x960px
Let the bad toms ensue, also hard mode.
File: Hot bone.png (18KB, 803x670px) Image search: [Google]
Hot bone.png
18KB, 803x670px
fixed something
New thread!
Thread posts: 98
Thread images: 66

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