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>this is what legendary pokémon look like in 2016 What

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>this is what legendary pokémon look like in 2016
What went wrong bros?
I don't see anything wrong here. Ultra Beasts are great.
Except it's technically not a Legendary
Except it technically is. Check the game's code.
What went wrong is that Ultra Beasts are supposed to look weird.

Does that bother me? Nah.
Your eyes
Pick none.
UBs, Tapus and Null/Silvally are all listed as minor legendaries in the game's code.
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That's an ultra beast, also
>hating Xurkitree
Sub legendaries are still legendaries.

It's like saying the bird trio are not legendary.
>le code meme
They are Legendary in our dimension
>what's in the game that determines what Pokemon are is now a meme
>implying anything went wrong
These are probably one of the best and lore heavy batch of Legendary (sub and cover) we've gotten, if not the most.
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It's literally a bunch of electric cables and zip ties

How can anyone look at what legendaries used to be and still defend UBs

this is one of THOSE threads...
>literally just a yellow fearow
>he doesn't like Xurkitree
Based Lighningbro of 173 Sp. Attack is one of the best Pokemon in gen 7
Nigga did you even read the second post you quoted. Here, look again:
>What went wrong is that Ultra Beasts are supposed to look weird.

I personally don't fucking care that they look weird. If I wanted to catch animals, I'd be playing some shitty normie wii game.
>Using first generation legendary as example.

At least use a better looking one.
UBs aren't legendaries because they aren't unique.
>when you accidentally reveal that you're genwun
All right, this is a Xurkitree thread, so I have to ask what the best set is for it. What is the best set for it?
no genwunner actually cares about fucking zapdos
>tfw I thought Zapdos was the best bird when RBY were the only games.
It's a Kandinsky portrait of Guzma.
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Nothing went wrong. Everything went right.
A. It's an alien, it's supposed to look freaky and strange

B. If you think Xurkitree is a bad design you need to get better taste, it's fucking hilarious and goofy as shit
same. don't worry anon, Zapdos is still the best bird.
Yes, what a perfect boy. I was going to post everything went right but I wanted a stronger arguement. But yes, everything went deliciously right with this one. Buzzwole too.
tip-toe through the daisies
I hate its design simply because it doesn't make any sense for a Pokémon from a different fucking dimension to look like technology invented by humans in the last century.
Nothing, it's fine. You asked this question under the assumption that everyone is as stupid as you.
Its not a Pokemon anon, the normal Poke Ball in fact don't work on them that well.
>its bones/inner layer is made out of copper or some other element related.
>its skin evolved over time to form like rubber/plastic

I agree with you, but this is just my headcanon.

Hell I think something like this was mentioned in-game.
Does someone have a gif/webm of Xurkitree in its aura state? I'd make one but I'm an amateur at gif makking.
>Talking shit about Jiggle Billy

wtf I hate animals now
it's a sublegendary
there's a difference
I don't find it any less believable than a giant alien thing that looks similar to an Earth plant and comes in three physically separate parts that are somehow kept together and afloat by an unseen, possibly psychokinetic force
or an alien made out of paper
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>pre-SM release during the dex leak
>nearly everyone throws a shitfit about UBs claiming they're not even Pokemon, that Game Freak is trolling, the franchise is dead, etc
>post-SM release
>nearly everyone LOVES UBs, making bros and even waifus out of them
Game Freak's existence.
UB's could have had "normal" albeit alien designs such as Deoxys, but nope, we got total and utter shit designs that are an eyesore and make no sense. UB's are the one major flaw in SM.
>making sense
Yeah no. Also Xurkitree and Celesteela are the only "weird" UB designs.
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If they make sense, they aren't alien enough.
So are Suicune and Cresselia and nobody questions their legendary status.
Guzzlord could pass for a normal pokemon as well.
I would rank Guzzlord as pretty odd.
It's probably the only one that really doesn't look like it belongs in Pokemon.
Kartana, Buzzwole, Nihilego, and Guzzlord look nothing like any Pokemon we've seen so far.

I bet Gamefreak designers were told to go nuts there. To design creatures that don't resemble pokemon on purpose.
At least it's not a burning turkey.

Fuck moltres and fuck your "muh old gens where way better designed" retardation.
Because stillshots dont give stats or 'personality'.

All of the UBs are super cute in Refresh. I expected hungry hombre to be constantly angry based on the leak, but he's just a big softie. And nobody can hate Skeeter for just wanting to show off his gains.

It helps most of them are either usable or downright overpowered in terms of metagame. Poor Celesteela is gonna get a ton of hate that she never asked for just because she can do super cancerous stall sets on top of being a potential setup sweeper.
id say kartana is weird too, but hes my bro so fuck anyone who hates him.
>new pokemon looks nothing like any pokemon we've seen before
Yeah, no shit.
Don't see you complaining about Dhelmise.
I think Guzzlord is the most "Pokemon-like" out of them all, actually. "Scary", but really "soft" features and short limbs.

Kartana i'll agree, Buzzwole is just "make a bug Machamp" and Nihilego while weird is just a Water Toucannon but Rock/Poison.
I'm not complaining, I think it's cool.

They all look too complex or alien to be in a pokemon game. I could picture them in SMT or some Final Fantasy I guess.
>Water Toucannon
I believe they mean "literally my mom's jellyfish"
I see.
But it's a cute jelly.
Because they're hypocrites. They probably complained about Vanillite.
Deoxys still best ayy lmao though.
That doesn't reveal that he's genwun.
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>A. It's an alien, it's supposed to look freaky and strange

What should I add to my extraterrestrial team? So far I've decided on Beeheeyem and Magnezone for sure. Other contenders are Deoxys, Clefable, and some UBs but I'd like to get as much variety in typing as possible. Any thoughts or ideas?
Yes, Deoxys is freaky and strange.
Do regular balls not work well on UB's? (As in a lower catch rate?)
Because I'm going to catch all of them in premier/luxury balls and save the Beast balls for some dumb shit
Deoxys is borderline creepfest if you think about it.

Capable of changing forms for combating purposes, on a suicide mission to nuke Earth as far as we know, and he is strong enough to push Mega Fug into a corner.

UBs on the other hand are strange and freaky looking but don't come off as menacing unless it's Guzzlord. Nihilego is cruel as fuck though.
Based on my own experience, no.
Beast Balls have a 0.1x multiplier against normal Pokemon, but that's it.
Yeah, they can catch them, its just programmed to be a really low catch rate due to the Poke Balls not being able to tell they're Pokemon.
Beast balls have a 5x modifier on UBs, but all other balls work just as well.
Beast balls, however, have a 0.1x modifier to all other pokemon.
>implying Adam West's Punches is a better design than xurkitree
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Deoxys is a fucking Angel.
Nihilego just injects them with ultra crack to have a powerful host then lets them do whatever they want, it doesn't brainwash them or anything.
It's like a Transformer.
Singles or Doubles?
Yeah, I was shocked when I saw this thing was a Pokemon.
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Guzzlord's global link artwork made me realize it looks a lot like a Harmoknight character, especially a boss. Too bad nobody cares about GF games other than Pokemon, I'd love a sequel.
What's an Angel?
Why can't we critique the new pokemon, without having these frivolous fights?
That kind of works, it'd be better if it was cropped around the video and the aura time was extended, but thanks
Xurkitree instantly became one of my favorite Pokemon when I saw its animation. It's the only UB I really like besides maybe Buzzwole
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>Guzzlord look nothing like any Pokemon we've seen so far.
>Nothing at all
That's 'tulips' there, big guy.
harmoknight was great
The Ultra Beasts are cool. They just need to retcon more pokemon to be Ultra Beasts, that would be neat.
Most likely this alternate dimension shit is going to lead to the Mega Evo timeline and the non-mega timeline meeting up and stuff.
Garbage from the most pretentious anime you will ever see in your life.
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The antagonists of Neon Genesis Evangelion.
Deoxys resembles Israfel and Sachiel, especially with the core in the chest and the mask like face.
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But I still love the designs of the Angels and the Evas.
I'd actually would love to play the other gf games but my bitch ass is broke as fuck and sort of clueless
At least the internet solves one of those problems...
What's wrong with the anime?
The 2nd half and the film was 2deep4me I guess. Total clusterfuck.
>new legendaries are extradimensional aliens
>They look alien and extradimensional

Ah yes, such gen one classics as spike yellow bird, pile of rotten eggs, pokeball with a face and lets not forget pile of sewage runoff.
Gen 5 and 6 had 0 (zero) well designed legendaries.

At least we got Tapu Bulu, Tapu Lele and Tapu Fini this gen.
Most alium/spacemons have had odd/creepy designs.

et cetera

Only one I can think of that isn't like that is the Clefable line.
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>shitting on pokemon designs
A reminder to get a load of this and be grateful for what you have
Xerneas is great fuck you
Sorry, but no.
I'm sorry, chief, I forgot your opinion was the objective and indisputable truth.
>hating on Virizion
>hating on genies
You can hat that they are palette swaps, but the design itself is rad.
>hating on Thundurus Therian form.
>hating on Black/White-Kyurem
>hating on Xerneas


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>he says after telling someone to go fuck themselves after stating their opinion
I'll give you Verizon, but everything else you named is garbage.
Delete your post.

But it is.
>implying the intention of these posts >>30604137 >>30604267 were just to "state his personal opinion"
No u
They both have big mouths and stubby legs. That's the end of the commonalities.

Guzzlord has two faces, arms coming out of its mouth, and enormous teeth.
i don't recall every being able to capture 4 of the same legendary in a game before
Xurkitree is my favorite pokemon, design wise.
<3 wiggle friend
>"le code meme"
>"the Tapu, Type:Null, and UBs being coded in the same section as Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Regirock, Regice, Registeel, Latias, Latios, Uxie, Mesprit, Azelf, Heatran, Regigigas, Cresselia, Manaphy, Cobalion, Terrakion, Virizion, Tornadus, Thundurus, and Landorus means nothing lol"
>i don't recall every being able to capture 4 of the same legendary in a game before

>i don't recall box legendaries being a trio before
>i don't recall legendaries having genders before
>i don't recall legendaries changing forms before
>i don't recall legendaries breeding before
>i don't recall legendaries fusing before
>i don't recall legendaries evolving before
Shit changes, nigga.

This also may be stretching things, but people were able to catch multiple Lugia, Ho-oh, and Beast trios. Through Navel Rock, Kanto, and Orre. Hell there could be mulitple Manaphy in the Ranger regions.
if they are legendary why does nobody in the game ever call them legendary?
it doesn't look like an alien though, just a regular objectmon
"They have no legends or lore to them, they factually in a literal sense are not legendary to the people of Alola or to the pokemon world. They don't come from nor relate to any existing legendary pokemon. They aren't one of a kind or even unique, they are only special because they aren't from this dimension but in their home dimension they are numerous. They aren't actually powerful, it's the ultra wormhole energy that makes them so dangerous distorting their stats and abilities from what they naturally should be."

- Isamu Nagisa
>GO normie
Probably because they're sub-legendary.

Why were other sub-legendary pokemon called legendary?
Probably because the classification didn't exist back then.

>Nebby is rumored to be an Ultra Beast
>Necrozma is said to be related to Ultra Beast
>Guzzlord showed up in Alola years and years and years ago
Or am I mistaking that with just the event 10 years ago?
>Doesn't like Xurkitree
necrozma is a legendary pokemon, not an ultra beast

solgaleo/lunala are legendary pokemon AND ultra beasts
Does anyone remember the days people classified legendary pokemon as Cute, Uber, and possibly something else? Or was it just those two.

The closest I could find was this:

>Or am I mistaking that with just the event 10 years ago?

Why the fuck when I want to Google something about Sun and Moon most of the top results are old rumors or lazy-ass guides made for Go-normies. I can limit my results to be a week old, but it's still annoying.
I'm not your bro, scumbag.

>what went wrong
Yeah, you're not even a fan of Pokemon.
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She says NO
>>Necrozma is said to be related to Ultra Beast
related =/= is I personally consider it a UB though

And excuse my autism/bad memory, and as much as I considered Cosmog being an Ultra Beast, was it ever said in game that they were?

There was this in-game, but it's not specific "Cosmog is hypothesized to be a type of Ultra Beast that hails from another dimension"

Is anyone else having issues with the Captcha lately? Sometimes it says to select more options, sometimes it says to restart with another set of images, sometimes I select them all but they say it's wrong.
>.1 multiplier

I'm gonna go get a Fini in one now Kappa
those are some big Xurkitrees
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OK I'll take the bait.
>subhuman genwunner fails to see through pic related yet again

It's literally stated ingame that Xurkitree's body is like cable to let it conduct electricity better.

Quoted directly from Wicke - "This UB's bodily makeup is highly reminiscent of electrical wiring, thus enabling it to conduct electricity with great efficiency."

"When it begins to run out of power, it stabs its legs and tail into the soil, entering a treelike state as it absorbs electricity directly from the ground." The fucker's name even ties into this.

If you honestly think Fearow 2: Electric Boogalo is a better concept than this I have no words for you anon.
>shiting on xurkitree
Fuck off with the shitty bait. Best electric type by far.
>A virus that takes a form measured in feet
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Two faces and kinda i guess enormous teeth.
I would search for a pokemon that has arms coming out of it's mouth, which probably there is, but i'm too lazy.
Guzzlord is not that weird of a pokemon design.
Why wasn't he Electric/Grass?

Literally Circuit-Tree
Some (not all) of these would make great Dragon Quest enemies actually.
Xurkitree is literally a tree made of circuitry. It's tail is a goddamn power plug.

What kind of retard doesn't like it? Only genwunning crybaby faggots like OP, thats who.
Because it only looks like a tree when it's absorbing electricity, it doesn't have any biological characteristics that would make it a grass type. Going by that same logic Sudowoodo would be Rock/Grass because it mimics a tree too.

>Celesteela performs photosynthesis and shoots fire
>Is neither Fire nor Grass
>comparing yokai to pokemon
thats like comparing Monster Rancher to Digimon.
Yugio to Skylanders.
Ni No kuni to World of Final Fantasy.
Monster Hunter to Magination.
Collecting/battling monsters does not mean the series can be compared as simply as you suggest.

Get over yourself, you self righteous cunt.
>Cock Pompadour

These are better than what we got
Where did the sub legendary term come from?

You best not be talking shit about /vp/'s Christmas tree.
>B A I T
>A I T B
>I T B A
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>Shitting on Virizion
Thunderbolt all day nigga
>Dildo, a shape, Football player, two dudes, big fish, ayy, ayy harder, a gundam
Because it is a rocket that does rocket things like be made of metal and fly
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>What went wrong bros?

We didn't get five more ultra beasts which is wrong because all the ultra beasts are fucking spectacular.

There's not a single one I don't like. They all look weird as fuck, but they all act extremely goddamn cute in Refresh, they're all pretty good in battle, up to absolutely spectacular with Battle Roach and Starship Unkillable, they have a great battle theme, and they really should have been more than just a post game cleanup mission, you should have been able to catch Buzzwole and Pheromosa in the story and battle Lusamine and her team of Ultra Beasts with one of your own in the ultimate showdown.
>a pokemon that has arms coming out of it's mouth
Drapion has arms coming out of its face. Out of it's mouth is an arachnid thing.
More of a Dark-type thing.
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Imagine if Lusamine had an unique reaction to you using Swolebug/Sexybug

Also, now that you mentioned the theme
>Not using a team of 6 Nihilego and giving Lillie PTSD
I like all the designs but they look like they don't belong. I understanding the designs being alien but it looks like they got lifted from a different franchise and placed into Pokémon.

Guzzlord looks like it'd fit into Kingdom Hearts with no issues, if you told me Celesteela was from a Shin Megami Tensei game I'd totally believe you and Pheremosa looks like it could have been a character in a Dreamworks animated film
Is Golisopod an Ultra Beast?
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>mfw i got a Celesteela in wondertrade named Sasori
No. what makes you think he is?
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>Shitting on the Legendary Muskiteers
>Shitting on the Tao Trio
>Shitting on Vicini and Genesect
>Shitting on the mortality Duo
>Shitting on Zygarde
>Shitting on Hoopa Unbound
>Deliberately not mentioning the best Tapu

It's almost as if you have shit taste personified into human form.
It looks so alien.
Holy shit, why is this not the shiny?
Neither is Solgaleo or Lunala, since you can catch one and then evolve the Cosmog you get post-game.
>liking genies and ponies
>look mom I posted it again!!

Kill yourself, hoennigger.
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Look at the way Xurkitree runs. Imaging that coming right at you at 83 base speed.

He's creepy as fuck and I love it. I fucking love the UBs.
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I know they're spooky aliens, but can their designs actually make sense? I have no fucking clue what half of them even are.

Pherosma (kinda)
Necrozma if it's an UB


>Wtf you doin nigger

Wtf is Ceelesta?

And Guzzlord is some kinda crab thing? I don't get it.

Xurtitree is kinda dancing over the line.

Kartana is a cool idea, just don't really know if it belongs in pokemon.

The rest have designs which I understand and can enjoy. They're interesting yet they're understandable to an extent.

I don't care if it's "from another dimension," I want a coherent fucking design.
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>Calling out for liking the genies, even though they were never spoken about
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Xurkitree kind of reminds me of Patrick from Spongebob
>there are people who still don't know what Celesteela is supposed to be

And even if you didn't know the whole lore, everyone who's not fucking blind can at least see it's a giant thing made of bamboo.
I remember those days, before Mythical was a thing. Good times
would make sense for the Regis, but their originis pretty well defined. Maybe Jirachi or Celebi
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So... it's supposed to resemble the infant in the bamboo?

That's just fucking retarded desu
It also is a rocket that went to the moon
if Xurkitree is a christmas tree does that mean pokemon jesus is canon
It's a trans dimensional being, not an alien.
it's the rare, calling something bait that clearly isn't bait, bait.
>Pokemon from an alternate dimension separate from our own
>"Wh-why doesn't it look like everything in our dimension?"
I mean he kind of is given he doesn't have the same crippling Rock weakness as the other two.

I still prefer Moltres, though.
manmade material like electrical cords being sentient in another dimension
I wouldn't care about weakness.

Moltres seemed like a rubber chicken on fire while Arcticuno's majesticness wasn't my thing.
Those are from another dimension. They are MEANT to stand out, and look unnatural compared to other pokemon/legendareis. Get over it.
Haha look at this dead franchise
Legendaries have always looked like shit. This generation is the first time I legitimately like them. They actually have character, as opposed to "big bird #27" or "blue mass that slightly resembles a whale"
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>he didn't nickname his Kartana Shiki-Ouji
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>it looks weird so that means it is bad
Shit, I love me some UBs.
I can accept it if somebody doesn't like a particular design because it 'doesn't look like a Pokemon,' but in this case it's kind of the point.

They're all kinda neat, but also goofy as hell. They're (almost) all really good, but (almost) all have a crippling weakness to keep them from being unreasonable. Charmander used ember, for Kartana. Pidgey used gust, for Buzzwole. Anything used anything for Pheromosa.
Harmoknight was good but really flawed as a rhythm game, as well as being too short. I'd rather see a more polished version of Sun and Moon or Drill Dozer 2 but a sequel to Harmoknight would be very nice indeed.
OP is right. Deoxys looks better than all of the Ultra Beasts. He's a better Ultra Beast than any of them.
>Pile of rotten eggs
Those are seeds, Anon.
And Vanillite is ice.
Ayy pokemon are almost all psychic. Necrozma could work it is literally a dead star. Clefable comes from the Moon. Minior is also from space.
Zapdos looks like complete shit, Moltres too.
That's not fair, Deoxys is one of the better looking legendary pokemon period.
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Now explain what's so "completely shit" about them.
Ultra beasts are meant to be very different than legendaries. As in barely even counting as Pokemon, they never call them Pokemon.

They're supposed to be invading monsters from an alternate universe and they are that. There like 15 Nihelgo, basically flying around like zubats would. How is Xurkitree any different. You don't even just catch one there's clearly meant to be multiple.
Hmm, you really think so? I actually think gen. 3 has the most "safe" legendary designs if you know what I mean. Overall not too simple or complex.
Now I'm not a gen 1 autist but the legendary birds look great. Don't call them shit cause
>waaah I hate genwun, do i fit in yet
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Moltres is literally a rubber chicken that someone set on fire.

It was so terrible that Gamefreak added a much better designed phoenix legendary in the next gen.
I can't tell if this is a joke or not.
Zapdos is my favourite bird but it's just a fucking bird with a "zappy" outline, a fucking kid with no fantasy would design something like that.
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You gullible dumb ass's there isnt a sub legendary category in the code some autistic anon made it up
You know most of those are literally how yokai are drawn in Japanese myth, right? It's not like some game designer came up with them. Some of those are even directly lifted from ancient Japanese tapestries.
>Ultra Beasts, assemble!
Do Ultra Beasts all come from the same world or are they all from different dimensions?

More importantly, if we can design a Pokeball to work on something from another dimension, can we design a pokeball to catch preschoolers?
Play the fucking game faggot
Favorites are Xurkitree and Buzzwole.
Personally I really love the designs but I hate the powercreep that they bring with them.
Also they're supposed to be different from normal pokemon (as in pokemon from another dimension) and they said in an interview they told the designers to go wild, but in all of the gameplay aspects and mechanics they function exactly as normal pokemon, which breaks the immersion for me.
Utena is way more pretentious.
>Nihilego is cruel as fuck though.

It's not. It's just a symbiot/parasite. The toxins it releases enhance whatever the host wants/excels at. Lusamine was fucking crazy to begin with, so it made here extra coocoo.

A really good person would probably become a saint.

It enhances its host to protect itself from harm. Not out of malicious intent. Stronger host=safer parasite.
>I understanding the designs being alien but it looks like they got lifted from a different franchise and placed into Pokémon.

They're not just alien, they're from an entirely different dimension. Where apparently creatures with voids for stomachs, and living electric wiring exist. They're not just supposed to be alien, but completely bizarre and not pokemon like. Because for all intents and purposes, they're not.
Why do they look like a group of heroes?

> Nihilego

The weird one.
The one with the strange powers and no voice, but speaks trough the people it posseses.

> Buzzwole

The leader(Red one is always the leader)
He charges into battle headfirst while flexing. Always protects his comrades, and is heroic and inspiring.

> Xurkitree

The goofball.
He's the jokester/joke character. No-one really takes him seriously, and he likes to chill and be a bro. But when push comes to shove he suddenly is able to unleash massive lightningstorms.

> Pheromosa

The snooty lady
Always acts snooty and haughty, and is really arrogant. This is not unfounded, as she is incredible in battle and is quick and deadly. Only listens to, and respects Buzzwole for his power. Becomes friendlier later on

> Celesteela

Big and not that bright
Huge and not so smart, but incredibly powerful and dangerous. Usually blasts things to shit. Sometimes by accident.

> Kartana

Honorable swordsguy.
On a journey to become the strongest, joins Buzzwole at first just so he can seek out strong opponents, but later becomes an ally of justice because he gets inspired.

> Guzzlord
Big friendly guy
He's big, friendly, is always hungry, and everyone they meet is always initially very afraid of him, which upsets him to no end. Is able to eat weaponry and other things he can store in his own pocket dimension and later barf up for use.

I am so bored ;__;
I was about to shit on you for hating on the Ultra Beasts, but then I realized you were shitposting. So, here's your (You).

Ultra Beasts are amazing, when they came up with Hoopa Unbound and Zygarde perfect form, I was hoping they'd do awesome designs like that again in the future, but they ended up 1 upping my wishes so much and gave us these Ultra Beasts. Hope we get more, or things like them in the future
Get this capeshit fanfic outta here
Guzzlord canonically ate a human...
Because they're objectively better? You know, instead of gay pidgeot, ssj fearow and rubber farfetch'd.
Mm yeah like the myth about the clam that grew female legs, the sad furnace, or the terrifying vampire tv remote!
Anon, you don't even need to go into the code, the sublegendary category appears in your Pokedex (green background)

4 OU
Fucking Instinct peasant
No, it's literally fucking ice cream.
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No it's not
Not legendary. No green or yellow background in background.
Looks better than they did during gen 4 or 5, that's for damn sure.
White Pokedex Entry: This Pokémon formed from icicles bathed in energy from the morning sun. It sleeps buried in snow.

Sun Pokedex: Born of an icicle, this Pokémon uses its frosty breath to make ice crystals, causing snow to fall.

>Actually believing this

None of the UBs look better than Palkia and Dialga.

They look like Deviantart Fakemon trash.
Sorry, I didn't buy Sun or Moon.
>None of the UBs look better than Palkia and Dialga.
>They look like Deviantart Fakemon trash.
Better Deviantart Fakemon trash than Deviantart fake Yugioh trash, which gen 4 and 5 legends resemble. Sinnoh was trash.
I don't hate Zapdos in fact I love it but they could have been a little more imaginative with it considering what its based on.
that nigga got snakes for wings and a horse head for a dick

11/10 would train
Perfect symbole for manliness.
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You damn well know it's not based on that.

They took the Ice/Fire/Lighting vidya trio and slapped them onto big birds.

Considering it was the mid 90s the odds of anyone at Gamefreak even knowing what a thunderbird is at the time are close to zero.
damn son, who did dat?
>they are not from this dimension so GF is allowed to design anything
Why not? They don't relate to the familiar in any evolutionary way.
Hoopa and zygarde are good designs, I don't see how you can compate them to UB's
Then would you like any UB design that GF come up with just because being weird makes sense?
I have liked the previous ones, so I see no issue with future ones.
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>The UBs don't look like they belong in pokemon!
That's the point nigga
Nothing went wrong, you just have shit taste.
>The toxins it releases enhance whatever the host wants/excels at.

Reminds me of LISA and joy pills...
these are not legendaries, these are mistakes.
No they don't.

Articuno's great but the other two are shit, especially the flaming chicken
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