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Thread replies: 330
Thread images: 23

Breed - Trade - Breed Again
Keep hacks and clones out.

Explanation of how these threads work: http://pastebin.com/8ZKVZfFf

Old thread >>30441853
Hey guys,
looking for HA 7gen mons i dont have and gen 7 starters with EMs
Here's my list
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Not much I feel like I want left.
High IV scyther, High IV diglet, High IV pichu.
Is it super important for Garchomp to have Iron Head?
Have fun with fairies :^)
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Mimikyu, Cutiefly, and Wimpod for trade.

If you're looking for 6IVs, ask; I get some sometimes.

Looking mostly for other Alolan Pokemon I haven't bred with 4/5/6 IVs, and all that jazz.

I'll take a Drampa.

No, you can use poison jab instead
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I'm proud as heck to see you draw in my wingull's lineage
Yeah that's what I was thinking but Iron Head is also good for Ice types.
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Breeding a gorillion radar mons.

If you want Venipede, Klink, Deino, Cyndaquil, Chikorita, Honedge, Litwick, or Bellsprout feel free to post a shitmon and I'll get you.

All are regular balls.
interested in an HA pyukumuku

what I've got:

pichu's ready.
adding you now, let me know when you're ready to trade
Ice types are glass fragile anyway, you'll either 1 shot them with quake or get outsped by Weavile.
Looking for Nimble.
It's mystery egg related.
eyyy, see >>30443364

theyre frail and uncommon plus chomp gets stone edge and fire fang
Getting online.

Would you be willing to trade a Mudbray for a Ctuiefly? It's the one thing I have that you haven't bred, lol.
Two questions:

Is it possible to find extra Lucky Eggs anywhere?

In which areas are trees with EV-reducing berries?
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>Decide to randomly look on GTS
>Find Heavy Ball Absol with just a Mimikyu for the requested mon
>Actually manage to get it before the Absol was sniped
I guess it goes to show you that it is possible find good mons for reasonable offers on the GTS. Gonna breed the hell out of these fuckers now.
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Also on another note, do you get more boxes at some point?
Having only 8 is suffering.
They removed Lucky Eggs as a possible hold item for Pelipper so no.

Save before using any berry tree and soft reset until you get what you want.
put something in every box, exit out, repeat until you get 32 boxes
oh my poor eyes that list hurts my eyesss,
i guess ill take a love ball eevee
ya i got cut off from the internet fora while if he (or u?) are still around lets do some trades
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Well alrighty then.

Put a mon in each box.
Repeat until you have 32 of them.
Pay only 5$ for infinite* storage space-

*infinite not actually infinite
one ha love ball eevee coming up

thanks for the mimikyu
Yeah I can do that. I'll be on FP.
Yeah I bred a few just in case.
But different berry trees have different kinds of berries. Ones in Melemele always have basic restorative ones, for instance.
that is me
let me know more about the spider and monkey

if not just the luxurious foxu is fine
ill get online, i really want a female if u got one plz
Hey Rena. Remember Dr.Dredikkus from three monotype tournies? Whatever happened to those?

If you're online in a few hours I'd love some cutie fly for anything I have.



If not, don't worry :3
Route 10 berry trees, just outside Malie city, are the EV berries.
Google can do wonders.
i need to breed them first. I'll try to get a female but that gender ratio sucks
all my mons are high quality 5 ivs (maybe 4 if i was sleepy) - so good dewpider
the vulpix ill double check stock but i should have one
i do have moneys in both balls but ill have to do some quick breeding to get EMs in lux

all that being said i do believe i can get everything arranged for the em starters u have
Alright, here I come.

Yeah, I remember. I think the new season is starting up soon. Threads should start popping up soon.
And I'll gladly take a Drampa!
srry linked wrong comment
see >>30448703

if u are gonna take some time im gonna breed some stuff to so we will come together in 15 mins?
Are fast or slow rotations better in the autism box? I want to get the most number of steps in.
3 for 3 sounds good
i know i have an extra litten and maybe rowlet which just leaves pooplio to breed i believe

let me know when your stuff is setup, ill be in battle tree
Thanks son.

For some reason I couldn't find a list.
i'll let you know when I've got your eevee.
hopefully it won't take too long

>been fishing for an hour
>only finding magikarps, and 2 whishiwashi
what the fuck did they do to fishing
lol i am well aware, the pyukumuku took some time so thats why i ask for a female eevee
i hope u dont mind the ivs being kinda crappy on monkey, ill do a few rounds of filter but the only reason i had it was because i got it off a trade
all good
are you fishing where it is bubbling or just at fishing spots?

>What did they do to fishing?
Diluted all your fishing with magikarp but an hour of nothing is pretty inconceivable to me.
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Gen 7 Pokemon trade list 12. 16.png
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This is what I got. I've also got a HA Slowpoke (Dive Ball) that I intend to start breeding right now, if you guys have interest in that. will take a while, since I haven't started yet.
What do you want for the love ball eevee dude? Been looking for one for a b'day present for my mother

Think you know my list by now? but I can repost if you need it.
I'd like one of those HA Eevee's if you could? my stuff is the picture a bit above this.
When I'm breeding the first egg tends to be the best. Is there something to that?
Rng luck, next!
i had a question,
what does super training do?
increase stat point increase when leveling up
repost your list.
also, do you care about gender?

would like a moon vulpix. do you care about gender?
Does anyone have a spare timid vulpix with freeze dry and moon blast? Snow warning, ivs and balltism aren't important. I don't have anything to offer aside from breeding a mimikyu egg real quick as far as rarities go, which is why I'm jsut asking if anyone has a spare.
Ev training yes base stat points increase in any specific stat you train in. Next!
u r added, monkey got 4IVS
our 3 for 3 deal is ready ill go online and u can send the TR
got your shit
I'd prefer Female. Going to make a Vaporeon, so I'm resetting the ball to Dive. I'll add you now, then go online. do you care about Ability?
Ask a kind anon here, next!
>base stat points increase in any specific stat you train
I'm next and my question: Are you retarded?
I don't, like I said, it's a gift. My mother plays and has been eevee crazy for years.

Here's my list:

Chikorita - Friend ball
Pyukumu/Stufful/Bounsweet - Love ball
Cubone/Minior/Mimikyu/Jango-mo - Moon Ball
Pichu- Fast Ball
Totodile - Lure Ball
Cyndaqul - Luxury Ball
Mareanie - Dive Ball
Feebas - Dive Ball
Beast Ball - Vulpix
Beast Ball - Growlithe
Beast Ball - Drampa
Fomantis - Love ball
Eevee - Moon Ball
Snivy- Friend Ball
Sandyghast- Level ball? I think
Oricorio - Love Ball
Rockruff - Moon Ball
Dewpider - Net Ball
Wimpod - Net Ball
Cutiefly - Love Ball
Gible - Beast ball
Bedlum - Beast Ball
Wimpod - Heavy Ball
ha if you got it. female is gonna take me forever
Yes, next!
beast ball drampa.
i've got a half dozen males on hand right now
do you need time to breed?
does cynda have ems?

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Take your time then man, I'll be here. Doing my own breeding too.
Nope, got one left and ready for you. I think i have you added? I'll double check and hop on the plaza, thanks in advance!
ready when u r, send TR
Haiiiiiiiiiiii am just here bcuz uuuuuu all loook liiiiiiiiike coooooooool ppls :DDDD
and nice to caaaaaan i has free pokemons :3
i dont see you
did you add me? im online
Want a Heavy Ball HA adamant Geodude for one of those Sandshrew?
whats ur ign? i added from the preivous thread but just incase post ur fc and ign
So umm.. I'm looking for an Alolan Geodude with Galvanize and an Alolan Vulpix. None of them.have to be battle.ready.. I don't really have much, but it would appreciate it if you can help me out guys. Breedjects are cool if you guys have some left over
wait what
accidentally accepted

pyukumuku isnt for me
thanks for the trade! it means a lot to me
fox monkey spider
oh lol ok so waht do u need
do you have any sun moons?
Luxury or Repeat on Tapu Bulu?
my bad srry a lot of people been asking for pyuky
I'm sorry, what was thT?
Yeah I can do that. I'll add you and be on FP
Mind If I try to trade ya a BB Beldum and Heavy ball wimpod for a Sniper Horsea and a Vulpix?
I just got 64 BP, so time to buy my first mega stone. But im torn on the ones available I should get. Any advice? I'm mostly eyeing Mega Meta, Sharpedo, and Scizor about now
same to you, saves me breeding time getting those off u
just curious did u know the move relearner teaches pokemon moves from higher levels thatn itself that it would learn?
i.e. lvl 1 grimer can get momento for a heart scale (normally lvl 48)
Jesus fuck, you retards can't think for yourselves at all
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Looking for Buzzwole to fill my dex, offering Pheromosa.

Also looking for a foreign Ditto to start breeding, but can't offer anything worth.
Im actually out of thr sniper horsea right now, and am in the middle of breading something else, im sorry. And sure for the vulpix, but do you have a list or some other stuff previously posted? I already have both of those.
Just need Weavile to complete my dex. Could save up for a Razor Claw myself but would appreciate if someone could just trade me one (and I'll give it back) so I don't have to.

Also need a Pomeg berry if anyone has one.

I can offer a lot of Pokemon for dex data. But I also have breedjects of adamnt Wimpod w/ Aqua Jet, modest Popplio, adamant Stufful, adamant Dratini w/ multiscale, and jolly Mimikyu.
Are beast balls a meme?
gross is one of, if not the strongest mega available right now




kys again
Who has an extra ice stone they can spare for me? Don't have much to offer but I do have an extra premiere ball Vulpix that I can give in exchange.
Triggered the autist, did we :^)
i aint joshing u, try it
im neither of the 2, just felt like telling you to kys
finally got your eevee. adding you now, let me know when you're ready to trade
gotacha added already, ill go online and u send the TR
I know, still autistically triggered are we :^)))))))
oh i was looking at ur list anything u want to trade for a HA morellul?
thats a lot of chins anon, gross
People like new things is all.
My crude drawing of you bb ;^)))))))
beast ball turtonator would be nice
done, go back online wooo
again, I need to breed one
I don't have extras of these on hand at the moment
x.X lol ok just post me when u got one, im stocking breeding projects fora plane flight so im grabbing whatever i can now
I have about half an hour until my pomeg harvest, I'll trade ya a pomeg for that adamant aqua jet wimpod. Nickname it JosephJostar.
I have a male Litten I want to tradesies for a Feebas, preferably with Bold/Calm nature, & Swift Swim as the ability
I guess it's quite picky but it's worth a shot, I got tired of catching Lonely fish

Litten is Mild nature and has Blaze

I also have a few Eevees with varying natures to trade since I'm just chain hatching them if those are any help
I just caught Modest Bulu twice in a row, Kadabra you have one fucking job.
feebas catching tip for you: look for the ripples on the water, then save and soft reset until you hook the fish you want. feebas has a higher encounter rate in those ripples
anyone got a not english ditto i will trade, i need one for masuda shit
Ah yeah, I've been doing that for hours, it's still only 5% though and it's impossible to hit on the right nature/ability combo... I guess I'm just not autistic enough to keep sitting there
first egg, female HA morelull. coming back online now
you can catch a ditto by the observatory, put an everstone on the Febas with the nature you want, then just breed till you get the ability.
still working on your eevee
Oh, thank you, that helps a lot!
Thanks, man.
I've got a shiny jpn ditto for trade. Looking for other shiny pokes for it.

Looking for
Salandit female
and other just cool looking shiny sprites.

Not sure of it's IV's. I don't think I'm far enough in the game to check.
keep ur hacked mons outta this thread read the OP
Kay, I'll be here, lemme know when you're ready.
Anyone got any Timid Drowzees up for trade?
What makes you think it's hacked? I traded another shiny for it. If it's hacked I'll be really bummed.
because shiny jpn dittos are the most rampant hacked pokemon out there
No, but I could have one momentarily.
I'm back Ramsey
Extra ice stone anyone?
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Spoonfeed me on Festival Plaza
What shops do I want? I imagine everything but the Lottery and the Restaurant/Bounce House are useless.
eevee's done. adding you now

Didn't you die?
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feel free to have any of these, if you even want them. ill just release them otherwise most likely

is the anon that wanted dewpider still around?
Np man, good luck.
>Sandyghast: 20% encounter rate
>Dhelmise: 10% encounter rate (bubbles)
Hahaha yeah right. Someone please kill me.
Any of those bred at all, or just some wild bois?
what ball are those sableye in?
Now offering Five Star Rare Kitchens to anyone who wants one.
Can I take the sandyghast?
what ivs on dittos?
are sableye, trevenant, or sandy in lux?
What does rare kitchen do?
>complaining about a 20%
>complaining about this when you can reload the Dhelmise spot in less than a second

no one this faggot about feebas
Any Sunfags looking to trade a Buzzwole and/or Kartana for a Celesteela and/or Pheromosa?
Ooh I'm interested
Do you know how much FC they cost?

Is Feebas harder than Dratini?
Because Dratini was pretty easy.
1500 iirc
Rare Buffet: A hearty meal for a Pokémon at Lv. 89 or lower. It raises the Pokémon's level by nine.

Rare Dinner: A fancy dinner for a Pokémon at Lv. 79 or lower. It raises the Pokémon's level by seven.

There are lower level meals too, but these are the most powerful ones. It's the best festival plaza shop to me considering the scarcity of higher level trainers.


Enjoy grinding type matchup, inverse type matchup, and show off your muscles, the meals I just listed cost like 300FC a piece too or something
Is there a good time to wondertrade or is it always shit
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"That... that's not shiny?
Oh shit"

Shame it's not HA though. Still though, Crazy luck.
Fuck me thats rough,
Its always shit
Oh wow I might need that since Blissey bases don't exist

I think you're my friend still, might need to add you to vip
got your eevee. waiting on you in the plaza
The real important question is what trainer type is hosting the booth?
>twitch tv/auslove
Thanks, ill get online.
>trying to wondertrade for injected pokemon
kek and wonder trading any other time isn't?
I literally just got a shiny mudbray walking through the bush going to the breeding place. Quite surprising, as it's my second wild shiny non-sos chain this gen.
what's your IGN so I know who to look for?

Not really important since it's not the actual trainer avatar doing the hosting.
well fuck me. I traded my shiny golbat for it. So can I get banned for just having it?
It kinda sucks but if you can keep getting into multiple person missions and get the max coins each time it goes by slightly faster than you might think. Not the sort of thing you want to try to do all at once though, I've just been getting 300~FC a day for the past little while. Be sure to talk to anyone with red speech bubbles in FP anytime you go on there and collect FC after trading in the plaza, every little bit helps.

Go for it, I'm online on FP right now so you can register me easy

My facilities are only the finest underage younster sweatshops
Yeah. Welcome to the BLACKLIST
Post the IV spread
It's very important. Of the trainers I've seen running booths only a few are aesthetic.

Damn, that's unfortunate. Though even if I liked the trainer type I'd be too poor to buy it.
Alright, berries are ready, gonna put one on a random mon and I'm ready. See you in the cable club.
Thanks for the eevee, and going through the trouble of breeding it for me. I appreciate that
You best write a letter to GF begging them not to. You'll be flagged for the next ban wave now.
You're not getting banned for a hacked Ditto. I can assure ypu there's multiple people here who use one to breed anyway.
Nice, that's impressive luck!
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Still on the early routes, trying to catch a HA Slowpoke. I'd love a shitmon with skill swap or some other move that can read abilities so I can chain more betterer. My autism knows no bounds.
6 month ban
I don't know. Haven't cleared the game yet.
Don't I have you added? I don't see you, unless you have a different name
In the plaza, don't see you on the list.
it's hacked
How about one of my breedject HA ones?
You want dive or heal ball?
Forgot to switch from local to online.

If I can't get another Antique Shop manned by Hooligan RPK, what's the point?
Thank you!

Still LF Weavile, will trade back, just need dex data. Offering: >>30449798
this much is true, u likely wont be banned for having one
reasons for banning is say putting it on pokebank to transfer a game may flag u cause a certain trainer ID (i.e. Pkhex) is known and built in for banning
pokemon bred from hacked dittos will appear legit in game and theres really no way (that pokemon will put the effort in) to tell them apart
U MAY BE BANNED if u were dumb enough to go to a real event where they manually check ur game, they see a suspicious ditto and say too bad nerd ur banned
Well I guess that's something. It says it was found on that mountain on rt 26 so it seemed legit. The OT name wasn't japanese or those weird spaced letters but I just kinda rolled with it.
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all breed on right and eevees on left
all else are wild bois
i might breed pic related sometime later

great and dusk


>in lux
>what ivs
im new to mon games so im still getting a grip on how that works. for now i dont know shit. forgive me senpai
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Careful, Impish or Adamant for Tapu Bulu?
I suppose I could live with the extra EXP hacks. Thank you I really appreciate it. Have any modest ones in heal balls? I don't have much to give in return besides whatever is on my 6th gen carts.
the OT not being japanese pretty much confirms it, and that the hacker was bad at his job for covering up the fact it was banned
Alright, so with a level 3 Isle Evelup, it only takes 63 sessions to max out an EV, right?

Adding, tell me when you're ready.
Ill take a dewpider and a saybleye then, thank you. I got a list posted up in here somewhere, crtl f my name and see if you want anything off it.
I see you online, just tried to send you a TR
Is there a place with all the rules to the festival ticket missions?

I just started one and had no idea what I was doing
Adamant all the way
I don't need anything, HA are a pain in the ass to find unless they cause ice to fall from the sky. They're all bold, sorry
I made you a VIP
I only have 400 fc at the moment
what one
Out of curiosity, what's the OT?
Show off your muscles
My autism won't allow for that nature. I really appreciate the offer though thank you.
Which one were you doing?

The best ones to grind alone are Show Your Muscles and Greet Experienced Trainers, they're both 2 minutes long and give decent rewards. For Show Your Muscles it's kind of vague what you have to do, you just need to go up to people and if they have some kind of positive comment (Like Whoopee! or Terrific! etc) then talk to them, if they don't, move on. Greet Experienced Trainers is the simplest because all you have to do is talk to people who have "I'm an experienced trainer" pop up as their speech bubble when you get close.

If there are groups of people playing Type Matchup or Inverse Type Matchup play those, you will get a lot of FC for them if you do well and there are a lot of people playing it. These tend to be the most popular for groups, the 2 minute long ones don't seem popular at all for that since you will probably join them with only like 1 minute left and no way to get full points if you aren't the host.
Find the happy ones
This helps a lot
im on

do you still have a remaining alolan vulpix?
Youre fucking crazy man, and I respect that. Ill slap an everstone on my modest ditto and get you your boy.
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still too lazy to breed more stuff aaaaaaaaa
>Click on character "good morning"
Oh no......
>click on character "yahoo"
Oh no.....
>click on character "amazing"
Oh no....

Well that was a waste of a festival ticket
Only 3 out of like 15 or the trainers give points after running through the whole thing. Talking to the girl for more people shaves off 15 seconds
Yeh, what ball you want, senpai?
Hey everyone

Looking for breedjects of
Cutie fly

Have to offer:
Geodude in heavy ball
Drampa in moon ball
Vulpix (poke ball...oops)
Menearie (green ball? Friend?idk)

I'll be on for a few hours.
Also have stuffel in love ball with egg moves and rock ruff moon ball egg moves.
Why I can't see my own profile in the fes?(the one which shows my rankings) that's so stupid.
I have some cutiefly breedjects in loveballs i'd be willing to trade for a drampa.
Can't see you on the list, your name is Sloth in game right?
There seems to be some element of randomness. Sometimes the game just screws you. When you get a good run of it though it's great.

Experienced Trainers is by far the simplest and sanest, I would just recommend alternating between that and Inverse Type Matchup.
any is good
I'll give you a Dhelmise Breedject for that Drampa
Anyone willing to trade a galvanize geodude/graveler? Don't have much, only on third island but i can show you what i do have.
Got a popplio i could give up
Is inverse type matchup you pick a a type that it's strong against?
thats funny i dont see you either, but i didnt get your code wrong
what moves, nature and ability for Drampa?
I can but the only HA one I have left is male.
can i synchro a pokemon to view its ability when chaining?
I'll add you now, then go online
Alright I'll add you in a bit then
anyone have a silvally they can touch trade? i have all pokemon except that one and could help you with some.
You're the hero I don't deserve. I owe you my life.
That's fine by me. If i rebreed it it'll be a while anyway
IGN is corinthian
Inverse Type Matchup is type effectiveness is reversed, IE, ghost hits SE against dark

It's nice too because unlike normal type effectiveness you actually use Normal, since anything with ghost, rock and steel will have normal as an answer in it
Nature is random as I don't have destiny knot yet.
Hurricane EM
Cool, I'll add you soon.
Considering using masterball on Fini, yay or nay? None of the other balls match or should I go Luxury ball?
Okay, toss a shitmon on the gts asking for a level male male A-Geodude and I'll try to get you one
They gave me "normal and fighting type"
I clicked on Normal
>that seems ordinary

I hate FP
masterball is only for mewtwo ala nostalgia of gen 1
Done. Put jap cubone up
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Fighting doesn't resist normal you baka

Should have picked Ghost, Bug, or Dark
Anything that manipulates an ability will reveal what it was before changing it.
Worry Seed, Skill Swap, Entrainment, Simple Beam, etc
Sent hopefully. Enjoy your rock
No fighting is strong against normal
Hi guys, I was wondering if one of you could give me a Poke with Pokerus.

I was wondertrading to try and get one but all I have now is an extensive collection of wingulls.

Pls help.
Thanks dude
Wait you used masterball on mewtwo?...
I just need this and necrozma but im done with the dex finally, doing standard natures just in case I end up using them. Thanks anon mwah hugs and kisses.
Okay I have you added now, gonna go online.
You're picking what would be strong against the options if everything had their strengths and resistances reversed
I'm in the plaza but I don't see you yet
No I was doing inverse
The option they give you pick what it's strong against
Fighting has no "Resistance" against normal
im saying it only really matches mewtwo well
Thanks senpai. I don't even know what Dewbug is, guess ill find out.
Upload something that isn't a Mimikyu, Abra, or Marenie to the GTS asking for a level 32 male Munchlax.
Exactly, you are still picking what would be super effective against them, just if it's super effective when everything's inverted.

Normal/Fighting would be immune to ghosts, resist bug and dark, and rock and normal would be neutral against them. So flip it and Ghost, Bug, and Dark now all hit it super effectively, and any of them are the answer
I'm fucking with you boi, kek.
That makes no sense
Because I did the whole thing doing it what the trainers question was and selecting what it was strong against and I got them all right but 2
>that fucking name
almost spit out my drink man

thanks back famalam
shit i didnt know either till i caught one
Inverse tip:if you catch a glimpse of rock/steel/ghost always choose normal
What doesn't make sense?

It's literally just inverse battles, but in question format
Does anyone have a Pokerus infected pokemon they'd be willing to trade?
I have various breedjects to offer like Rowlet, Popplio, Stufful, Cutiefly, Mareanie, A-Vulpix, Grubbin, Turtonator, and a few others.
What doesn't make sense is how I got the answers right by doing the directions wrong
I can't help it, nicknaming is too fun.
I am guessing you just got lucky idk
Does your autism care about Gender on it?
Can you stop whining like a bitch and git gud

Sure, I can give you a Pokerus Sandygast in exchange for a cutiefly.

adding you now, ign is Zoe
I didn't like it. I can't do resistances off the top of my head
awesome i'll have you added in a bit then i'll go online.
can i have your friendcode?

Sorry, I forgot my friend code

1392 6957 4059
It might... I don't wanna burden you man haha
I've heard that if a male and a female of the same species in different balls breed, the offspring has a 50-50 chance of having either ball, but does it work for different species as well?
It's definitely tougher but after a few times you start to learn them pretty well

like some others have said remember that rock, ghost, and steel always have normal SE, and normal always has ghost SE, no matter the combos.
Nope, just same species.
I'm online now, request me whenever ready
Does anyone have a spare HA slowpoke I could have?

I have some heal ball stuffuls (with ice punch), heal ball mudbrays (with close combat), pokeball wimpods (aqua jet) that I can offer.
Doesn't really fit here but there's not a festival general but can anyone steal my Treasure Hunt ** and set it as their slot 1 so I can steal it back?
Anyone willing to trade an Alola Vulpix holding a Moon Ball for an Alola Sandshrew in a Dive Ball? I used my Moon Ball on Clefairy >tfw apricorn balls will always be finite
I have Moon, anybody willing to trade a Beast Ball Buzzwole for Pheromosa? All of them are in Beast Balls, don't know about the IVs. I'll trade a Jolly Pheromosa for Jolly or Adamant Buzzwole, or a neutral nature for a neutral nature. The Buzzwole IVs don't matter.
No, can't breed balls across species.

great just gimme 5, giving the sandygast pokerus now.
Cool, just request me whenever ready
Well at least its possible now, right?
I have a treasure hunt 2* myself if that speeds the whole thing up and save me from spending coins
It does, trying to dupe as many bottlecaps as I can to save myself time later.
this nigger watches verlisify lmao ;)
What was it and what for?
It's no burden, i have one of each gender. Which one you want?
Im going online now too, send me the trade request
friend code's 3523 3028 5499
IGN Basti.
Sorry dog had to go out. I'm online now.
Yeah, I got you man. Ill be online, send me the request. Ill take a mudbry

would you mind exiting and re-entering? you're not showing up on my list for some reason.
Cubone named Orphanchu
Personally I'd say it was just an average nickname, but tastes vary wildly. I prefer the graveler (no a golem presumably) I wonder traded away named Alola Ackbar
Hello everyone, I'm looking for an Adamant Ditto (IVs are not important). I've got a Modest Ditto to offer.
sure no worries.
I watch a lot of VGC videos, it showed up in my recommended list. I'm a sucker for anything that says, "EASY <x>".

I listened to a 12 year old talk about the best way to make money his guide is to get pearls from fishing, shit guide.

thanks mate
Are you a doctor? I have this sludge and this bird in my box I need you to look at
Hi Ethan,

I uploaded a Female Geodude lvl 29. No nickname. IGN: Lui'Oi.

I had to make this post because I keep getting a connection error when I try to reply.
Good to see you
Male. I think I'm in love with you. Are we added?
Heading online to send them over~
aw shit, thanks man. Give me a minute and I will
Thanks for the Drampa!
Forgot Friend Code
NVM added you
Are you still not seeing me?
What are you working on now
Probably getting egg moves onto Pyukumuku and MMing Slugma in ORAS

For some odd reason, no foofs are showing up on my friendlist, even though I see that you're online in my friends list. if you see a "Zoe" in your friends list ingame, could you send me a request?

sorry this is taking so long, I've got the sandygast and a festival ticket for you when you're ready
No worries! it happens. i'll take a look
are you sure you're online in the festival plaza?
bumping for new thread

And I can offer a rare candy as well.
What's your IGN because I can't find you. Mine is Dallas
Not seeing you
Thanks so much!

Thanks so much!

If anyone else wants something with Pokérus, let me know and I'll hook you up.
It's Ehh
Looking for snow warning vulpex / ninetales.
Thanks my man
I'm going to try to reset it real fast, I was having issues with the other dude too.
Thanks to you too!
No worries
Do you have anything else to offer?

I'm mostly interested in new pokemon and i already have a good mimikyu and mareanie.
I"m not seeing you online still, It's Phillip right?
Anybody want a Stufful?
Yeah. I have communications enabled and trade requests but I'm not seeing you either
weird. Guess I'll try a hard reset. you do the same.
new thread

>Do you have anything else to offer?
Hey, can somebody trade me a Pokémon with Pokérus please!
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i remember u bby
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